Optimizing the Fuzzer

Without any optimization, the fuzzer will run quite slowly for this test, due to a variety of factors. Some of these are out of our control. For example we must restore the snapshot, and there is not much that can be done to speed up the process of restoring the full system state.

Some, however, are under our control. Let's optimize!

Eliminate Breakpoint Waiting

In the initial iteration of the fuzzing script, we set a breakpoint on the DebugAssert function using bp.source_location.wait-for in a loop, and triggered a solution manaully:

script-branch {
    while 1 {
        bp.source_location.wait-for DebugAssert -x -error-not-planted
        echo "Got breakpoint"
        @tsffs.iface.fuzz.solution(1, "DebugAssert")

While this works, it's far from optimial. Not only is it slower, but we can make the code much simpler by using TSFFS's built-in breakpoint handling. Instead, we can use the Debugger API to get the address of the symbol and use a traditional breakpoint, which TSFFS can consume. We'll get the address of the DebugAssert function directly, place a breakpoint on it using a new context, which we assign to our CPU core (this has a side effect of using the virtual address to set the breakpoint, although in this case it is an identity mapped address so physical addressing would work), and add that breakpoint to the fuzzer.

load-module tsffs
tsffs.log-level 4
@tsffs.start_on_harness = True
@tsffs.stop_on_harness =True
@tsffs.timeout = 3.0
@tsffs.exceptions = [13, 14]

load-module uefi-fw-tracker

load-target "qsp-x86/qsp-uefi-custom" namespace = qsp machine:hardware:firmware:bios = "%simics%/workspace/Build/SimicsOpenBoardPkg/BoardX58Ich10/DEBUG_GCC/FV/BOARDX58ICH10.fd"

new-os-awareness name = qsp.software
qsp.software.insert-tracker tracker = uefi_fw_tracker_comp
qsp.software.tracker.detect-parameters -overwrite param-file = "%simics%/uefi.params" map-file = "%simics%/workspace/Build/SimicsOpenBoardPkg/BoardX58Ich10/DEBUG_GCC/SimicsX58.map"
qsp.software.tracker.load-parameters "%simics%/uefi.params"

@tcf = SIM_get_debugger()
@debug_context = tcf.iface.debug_query.matching_contexts('"UEFI Firmware"/*')[1][0]
@simenv.debug_assert_address = next(filter(lambda s: s.get("symbol") == "DebugAssert", tcf.iface.debug_symbol.list_functions(debug_context)[1])).get("address")

$ctx = (new-context)
qsp.mb.cpu0.core[0][0].set-context $ctx
$debug_assert_bp = ($ctx.break -x $debug_assert_address)
@tsffs.breakpoints = [simenv.debug_assert_bp]


This results in approximately a 2x speedup over the script branch loop.