3.2 Using Context Queries 3.4 Debugger Limitations
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3.3 The Debugger API

3.3.1 Introduction

The Simics debugger comes with a series of interfaces to allow scripting against the debugger. This allows adding symbol files, looking up symbols, notifying on debugger events, stepping and more.

The API interfaces can be accessed from Python or C (also allowing C++ or DML).

The debugger API interfaces and their functions are documented in API Reference Manual. All interfaces start with debug_.

The debugger API is implemented by a Simics object, which you access through the SIM_get_debugger API function.

3.3.2 Interfaces

Here is a short introduction to the debugger API interfaces available, more detailed documentation is available in the API Reference Manual.

3.3.3 Examples

This section provides some examples on how the debugger API can be used. All these examples require an object tcf of the tcf-agent class to be present in Simics. The object can be created by running new-tcf-agent if it is not already present.

All examples are in Python, they can be run in Simics python-mode or can be written to a file that then can be run with the run-python-file command. Symbol file information example

Shows how symbol information, such as sections, source files and functions for a symbol file can be obtained using the debugger API.

import conf
import simics
import stest
import pprint

debugger = simics.SIM_get_debugger()

(err, file_id) = debugger.iface.debug_symbol_file.open_symbol_file(
    "%simics%/targets/qsp-x86/images/debug_example", 0, False)
stest.expect_equal(err, simics.Debugger_No_Error, file_id)
(err, info) = debugger.iface.debug_symbol_file.symbol_file_info(file_id)
stest.expect_equal(err, simics.Debugger_No_Error, info)

print("File info:")

(err, sections_data) = debugger.iface.debug_symbol_file.sections_info(file_id)
stest.expect_equal(err, simics.Debugger_No_Error, sections_data)
stest.expect_equal(sections_data[0], "ELF", "Should be an ELF binary")

sections = sections_data[1]

print("\nExecutable sections:")
for section in sections:
    if section.get("executable"):
        print("  0x%08x-0x%08x: %s" % (section["address"],
                                       section["address"] + section["size"],
                                       section.get("name", "")))

(err, src_files) = debugger.iface.debug_symbol.list_source_files(file_id)
stest.expect_equal(err, simics.Debugger_No_Error, src_files)

print("\nSource files:")
for src in src_files:
    print("  '%s'" % src)

(err, functions) = debugger.iface.debug_symbol.list_functions(file_id)
stest.expect_equal(err, simics.Debugger_No_Error, functions)

for function_data in functions:
    if function_data["size"] == 0:
    addr = function_data["address"]
    print("  0x%08x-0x%08x: %s" % (addr, addr + function_data["size"],

(err, err_str) = debugger.iface.debug_symbol_file.close_symbol_file(file_id)
stest.expect_equal(err, simics.Debugger_No_Error, err_str)

This example has showed how to: Debug example

This example uses the debug_example file to demonstrate how debugger API usages. Various interfaces and functions in the debugger API will be used in this example.

import cli
import conf
import simics
import stest

    # Parameters to make simulation more deterministic (NB: VMP is
    # on so we still get some uncertainty.):
    [["connect_real_network", "no"],
     ["rtc_time", "2019-11-12 11:47:01"]])
con = conf.board.serconsole.con
prompt = "$ "
con.iface.break_strings_v2.add_single(prompt, None, None)

(am, _) = cli.quiet_run_command('start-agent-manager')
(matic, _) = cli.quiet_run_command(f'{am}.connect-to-agent')
cli.quiet_run_command(f'{matic}.upload -executable'
                      r' "%simics%/targets/qsp-x86/images/debug_example"'
                      ' "/home/simics"')


def expect_no_error(api_result):
    (err, res) = api_result
    stest.expect_equal(err, simics.Debugger_No_Error, res)
    return res

# Get the debugger object
debugger = simics.SIM_get_debugger()
symbol_iface = debugger.iface.debug_symbol
query_iface = debugger.iface.debug_query
notify_iface = debugger.iface.debug_notification
step_iface = debugger.iface.debug_step

# Add a symbol file
ctx_query = "debug_example"   # Match the target binary
add_id = expect_no_error(debugger.iface.debug_setup.add_symbol_file(
    ctx_query, "%simics%/targets/qsp-x86/images/debug_example", 0, False))

local_src = simics.SIM_lookup_file("%simics%/targets/qsp-x86/debug_example.c")
compiled_src = "/tmp/debug_example.c"  # nosec: /tmp is OK here

# Path map entry only needed for debugger to be able to find source file and
# display its contents. Not really needed for this example.
pm_id = expect_no_error(debugger.iface.debug_setup.add_path_map_entry(
    ctx_query, compiled_src, local_src))

with open(local_src, "r") as f:
    debug_example_contents = f.readlines()

def get_pc(cpu):
    return cpu.iface.processor_info_v2.get_program_counter()

def context_name(ctx_id):
    return expect_no_error(query_iface.context_name(ctx_id))

def print_current_line(ctx_id):
    cpu = expect_no_error(query_iface.get_active_processor(ctx_id))

    def addr_src_cb(src_lines, code_area):

    src_lines = []
    expect_no_error(symbol_iface.address_source(ctx_id, get_pc(cpu), 1,
                                                addr_src_cb, src_lines))
    stest.expect_equal(len(src_lines), 1)
    curr_area = src_lines[0]
    filename = curr_area["filename"].split("/")[-1]
    print(f"Line '{filename}:{curr_area['start-line']}':")
    if filename == "debug_example.c":
        print(debug_example_contents[curr_area["start-line"] - 1])
        print("  <unknown contents>")

def ints_as_hex(value):
    if isinstance(value, int):
        return hex(value)
    elif isinstance(value, list):
        return f'[{", ".join(map(ints_as_hex, value))}]'
    return value

def print_local_variables(ctx_id):
    local_vars = expect_no_error(symbol_iface.local_variables(ctx_id, 0))
    print("Local variables:")
    for var in local_vars:
        value = expect_no_error(symbol_iface.expression_value(ctx_id, 0, 0,
        print(f"  {var}: {ints_as_hex(value)}")

def get_active_cpu(ctx_id):
    (err, cpu) = query_iface.get_active_processor(ctx_id)
    if err == simics.Debugger_Context_Is_Not_Active:
        return None
    expect_no_error((err, cpu))
    return cpu

def reverse_step_into_known_source_line(ctx_id):
    def src_cb(found_areas, code_area):

    cpu = get_active_cpu(ctx_id)
    if cpu is None:
        # Reversing into will reverse until the context becomes active.
        cpu = get_active_cpu(ctx_id)
        stest.expect_different(cpu, None,
                               f'Context {ctx_id} should have an active cpu')

    while 1:
        found_areas = []
        (err, err_str) = debugger.iface.debug_symbol.address_source(
             ctx_id, get_pc(cpu), 1, src_cb, found_areas)
        if err == simics.Debugger_No_Error:
            stest.expect_equal(len(found_areas), 1,
                               f'Unexpected address sources: {found_areas}')
            code_area = found_areas[0]
            if get_pc(cpu) == code_area.get('start-address'):
            # If address_source fails allow source not found error.
            stest.expect_equal(err, simics.Debugger_Source_Not_Found, err_str)

class CBData:
    ctx_id = None
    stop_reason = None

print("Installing context creation callback")

cbdata = CBData()
installed_callback_ids = []

def create_cb(cb_data, tcf_obj, ctx_id, updated):
    event_type = "updated" if updated else "created"
    print(f"Context '{context_name(ctx_id)}' {event_type}")
    cb_data.ctx_id = ctx_id

cid = expect_no_error(notify_iface.notify_context_creation(ctx_query, create_cb,

print("Installing context destruction callback")

def destroy_cb(cb_data, tcf_obj, ctx_id):
    print(f"Context 'context_name(ctx_id)' destroyed")
    stest.expect_equal(ctx_id, cb_data.ctx_id,
                       "Not the same context that was created")
    simics.SIM_break_simulation("context destroyed")
    cb_data.stop_reason = "destroy"

cid = expect_no_error(notify_iface.notify_context_destruction(
    ctx_query, destroy_cb, cbdata))


# Should run until the context is destroyed. Context ID, ctx_id, should have
# been updated at creation time.
stest.expect_different(cbdata.ctx_id, None)
stest.expect_equal(cbdata.stop_reason, "destroy")


# Reverse to where the program crashed (last known source line that ran).


# A manual investigation of the variables will show that user.type seems bad.
# Find why user.type contains an illegal value but getting the address of that
# variable and planting a write breakpoint for that address. Then reverse back
# to that breakpoint.
investigated_symbol = "user.type"
addr_list = expect_no_error(symbol_iface.symbol_address(cbdata.ctx_id, 0,
stest.expect_equal(len(addr_list), 1, "One address expected")
symbol_addr = addr_list[0]
symbol_size = expect_no_error(symbol_iface.expression_value(
    cbdata.ctx_id, 0, 0, f"sizeof {investigated_symbol}"))
print(f"Address of {investigated_symbol}: 0x{symbol_addr:0{symbol_size * 2}x}")

def addr_cb(cb_data, tcf_obj, ctx_id, cpu, insn_addr, data_addr, size):
    print(f"Addresses 0x{data_addr:x}-0x{data_addr + size - 1:x} written by"
          f" '{cpu.name}'@{cpu.steps}")
    stest.expect_equal(cb_data.ctx_id, ctx_id,
                       "Hit for a different context than created")
    cb_data.stop_reason = "addr"
    simics.SIM_break_simulation("address written")

addr_cid = expect_no_error(notify_iface.notify_address(
    ctx_query, symbol_addr, symbol_size, simics.Sim_Access_Write, False,
    addr_cb, cbdata))

# Should stop on the symbol address when reversing.
stest.expect_equal(cbdata.stop_reason, "addr")

# Cancel the address notification so that it does not hit again.

# Print the stack where the simulation stopped.
stack = expect_no_error(symbol_iface.stack_frames(cbdata.ctx_id, 0, 10))
for (i, frame) in enumerate(stack):
    func_name = frame.get("function-name") or "<unknown>"
    print(f"{i}. 0x{frame['address']:016x}: {func_name}")

# Reverse back to known source if needed.
if len(stack) > 0 and stack[0].get("source-line") is None:
    # First frame is not a known source line, reverse step to last known
    # source line.

# Manual investigation shows that this is the strcpy line.
line_addrs = expect_no_error(symbol_iface.symbol_address(cbdata.ctx_id, 0,
stest.expect_equal(len(line_addrs), 1, "One address should match 'line'")
line_addr = line_addrs[0]

# Read the data (plus one extra byte) that is copied to p->info and check if
# the string is terminated or not.
read_str = expect_no_error(symbol_iface.address_read(cbdata.ctx_id,
                                                     line_addr, 21))
terminated = False
for byte in read_str:
    if byte == 0:
        terminated = True
print(f"The copied string is {'' if terminated else 'not '}terminated")

# Uninstall all installed notifications.
while installed_callback_ids:
    cid = installed_callback_ids.pop()

In this example the debugger API was used to:

3.2 Using Context Queries 3.4 Debugger Limitations