TSFFS Documentation

TSFFS is a snapshotting, coverage-guided fuzzer built on the SIMICS full system simulator. TSFFS makes it easy to fuzz and triage crashes on traditionally challenging targets including UEFI applications, bootloaders, BIOS, kernel modules, and device firmware. TSSFS can even fuzz user-space applications on Linux and Windows.


This fuzzer is built using LibAFL and SIMICS and takes advantage of several of the state of the art capabilities of both.

  • Edge coverage guided
  • Snapshotting (fully deterministic)
  • Parallel fuzzing (across cores, machines soon)
  • Easy to add to existing SIMICS projects
  • Triage mode to reproduce and debug crashes
  • Modern fuzzing methodologies:
    • Redqueen/I2S taint-based mutation
    • MOpt & Auto-token mutations
    • More coming soon!

Use Cases

TSFFS is focused on several primary use cases:

  • UEFI and BIOS code, particulary based on EDKII
  • Pre- and early-silicon firmware and device drivers
  • Hardware-dependent kernel and firmware code
  • Fuzzing for complex error conditions

However, TSFFS is also capable of fuzzing:

  • Kernel & kernel drivers
  • User-space applications
  • Network applications


There are several tools capable of fuzzing firmware and UEFI code. Notably, the HBFA project and the kAFL project enable system software fuzzing with various tradeoffs.

HBFA is very fast, and enables fuzzing with sanitizers in Linux userspace. However, it requires stubs for any hardware interactions as well as the ability to compile code with instrumentation. For teams with resources to create a working HBFA configuration, it should be used alongside TSFFS to enable additional error condition detection.

kAFL is also extremely fast, and is hypervisor based which allows deterministic snapshotting of systems under test. This also makes it ideal for very complex systems and system-of-systems fuzzing, where interactions between components or the use of real hardware is necessary. kAFL suffers from a similar limitation as HBFA in that it requires working device stubs or simulation to be implemented in QEMU, and additionally requires a patched kernel to run the required KVM modifications.

Both of these tools should be used where possible to take advantage of their unique capabilities, but TSFFS aims to reduce the barrier to fuzzing low-level systems software. It is slower (though not unacceptably so) than HBFA or kAFL, and is not (yet) capable of leveraging sanitizers. In exchange, using it is as simple as adding a few lines of code to a SIMICS script and ten or less lines of code to your firmware source code. In addition, because it is based on SIMICS, the tool of choice of firmware developers, the models and configurations for the code under test can be used as they are, and developers can continue to use familiar tools to reduce the lift of enabling fuzzing.


Some terminology in this document might be unfamiliar, or used in an unfamiliar way.

  • Solution: Any condition that is a goal of a fuzzing campaign. Most fuzzing campaigns look for crashes or hangs in the target software, both of which are types of solutions. However, at the firmware level, other conditions may also be considered exceptional, and are considered solutions as well. For example, some firmware is only permitted to write to specific memory regions, and a write outside of them is problematic but will not cause a crash in the traditional sense.
  • Target Software: Because TSFFS is capable of fuzzing the full stack of software from initial firmware through user-space applications, any software under test by the fuzzer is referred to as target software.