Setup (Docker)

Setting up TSFFS using Docker is the recommended way to use TSFFS externally to Intel, and is the best way for all new users of TSFFS to get familiar with the build process, tools and configurations available.

For In-Docker Use

If you intend to use TSFFS inside a container, use the Dockerfile in the repository.

Setting up and using tsffs using the provided Dockerfile is only a few simple steps:

  1. Install Docker following the directions for your OS from
  2. Clone this repository: git clone && cd tsffs
  3. Build the container (this will take some time): docker build -t tsffs .
  4. Run the container: docker run -it tsffs

The provided base container will prompt you to run the included sample. Feel free to customize the provided script and target -- any non-platform-specific UEFI application can be fuzzed with this container!

For Out-Of-Docker Use

Install ISPM

First, you'll need to install ISPM. External users can install it from the public release:

curl --noproxy '*' -L -o $HOME/Downloads/ispm.tar.gz \
mkdir -p $HOME/simics/ispm/
tar -C $HOME/simics/ispm --strip-components=1 -xf $HOME/Downloads/ispm.tar.gz

Next, we add $HOME/simics/ispm to our PATH by adding a line to our .bashrc or .zshrc. You need not configure both shells, only configure the shell you plan to use ispm in.


echo 'PATH="${PATH}:${HOME}/simics/ispm/"' >> $HOME/.bashrc
source $HOME/.bashrc


echo 'PATH="${PATH}:${HOME}/simics/ispm/"' >> $HOME/.zshrc
source $HOME/.zshrc

ISPM is installed. You can check that it is installed and working with:

ispm --version

Build and Install TSFFS

If you want to use a container to build TSFFS, but you want to run it on your own machine, you can run the build script to build TSFFS in a container, then install it with ISPM.


This script will produce a directory packages with an ISPM file simics-pkg-31337*.ispm. You can install this package with:

ispm packages -i packages/*.ispm --trust-insecure-packages