Update Build Configuration

Add Buildroot Defconfig

Similar to the Linux configuration system, we need to create a Buildroot config file. This file was created with make menuconfig, and most of the customization is far out of scope of this tutorial. In general, the options are either required by SIMICS (OpenSBI, RISC-V configuration, and so forth) or are the defaults.

The file is too large to include here, so copy examples/tutorials/risc-v-kernel/src/simics_simple_riscv_defconfig from the TSFFS repository into your src directory.

Update Build Process

Now that all our source code is in place, we'll add a few commands to our Dockerfile.

RUN mkdir -p /output/ && \
    cp /src/simics_simple_riscv_defconfig configs/simics_simple_riscv_defconfig && \
    make BR2_EXTERNAL=/src/tutorial-kernel-modules/ simics_simple_riscv_defconfig && \
    make BR2_EXTERNAL=/src/tutorial-kernel-modules/

RUN cp output/build/tutorial-mod-1.0/tutorial-mod.ko \
        output/images/Image \
        output/images/fw_jump.elf \
        output/images/rootfs.ext2 \
        /output && \
    output/host/bin/riscv64-buildroot-linux-gnu-gcc \
        -o /output/tutorial-mod-driver /src/tutorial-mod-driver.c

First, we create a directory to store our build artifacts (/output). Then, we make buildroot with our configuration. This takes quite a while. Once it is built we copy the build results outlined above into the /output directory and compile our user space driver program.

To build the container and extract the results, we'll create a shell script build.sh alongside our Dockerfile notice that we use mcopy from the package dosfstools to create a fat filesystem and add our files to it. In the next step, we'll convert it to a format mountable in SIMICS.


# Copyright (C) 2024 Intel Corporation
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

SCRIPT_DIR=$(cd -- "$(dirname -- "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" &>/dev/null && pwd)
CONTAINER_UID=$(echo "${RANDOM}" | sha256sum | head -c 8)

mkdir -p "${SCRIPT_DIR}/project/targets/risc-v-simple/images/linux/"
docker build -t "${IMAGE_NAME}" -f "${SCRIPT_DIR}/Dockerfile" "${SCRIPT_DIR}"
docker create --name "${CONTAINER_NAME}" "${IMAGE_NAME}"
docker cp \
docker cp \
docker cp \
docker cp \
docker cp \
docker rm -f "${CONTAINER_NAME}"

dd if=/dev/zero "of=${SCRIPT_DIR}/project/test.fs" bs=1024 count=131072
mkfs.fat "${SCRIPT_DIR}/project/test.fs"
mcopy -i "${SCRIPT_DIR}/project/test.fs" "${SCRIPT_DIR}/project/tutorial-mod-driver" ::tutorial-mod-driver
mcopy -i "${SCRIPT_DIR}/project/test.fs" "${SCRIPT_DIR}/project/tutorial-mod.ko" ::tutorial-mod.ko

Notice that we copy Image, fw_jump.elf, and rootfs.ext2 into targets/risc-v-simple/images/linux/. This is by convention, and is where the risc-v-simple target provided by SIMICS expects to find these three files. You can read the specifics in the RISC-V model package documentation.

Build The Software

With all the configuration and build processes done, it's time to build the target software:

chmod +x build.sh

If all goes well, you'll be greeted with a project directory with all our necessary files.

Convert the Filesystem

To easily mount our FAT formatted filesystem test.fs in our simulated system, we need to convert it to the CRAFF format. SIMICS base provides the craff utility to do this.

Find your SIMICS base path with:

$ ispm packages --list-installed
Installed Base Packages
 Package Number  Name         Version  Installed Paths                   
 1000            Simics-Base  6.0.169  /home/YOUR_USERNAME/simics/simics-6.0.169

The craff utility is in /home/YOUR_USERNAME/simics/simics-6.0.169/linux64/bin/craff.

Convert the filesystem with:

/home/YOUR_USERNAME/simics/simics-6.0.169/linux64/bin/craff \
  -o project/test.fs.craff \

This will allow us to mount test.fs.craff into the simulator.