Create a Project

Now that we have a disk image, we'll create a project for fuzzing our Windows machine.

From the root of this repository:

cd examples/tutorials/windows-kernel
ispm projects . --create 1000-latest 2096-latest 8112-latest 1030-latest 31337-latest --ignore-existing-files

Make sure windows-11.craff is in the project directory. Then, create a script run.simics. Before we start fuzzing, we'll need to let Windows set itself up on the new simulated hardware.

run.simics should look like this to initialize TSFFS and start the simulation.

$cpu_comp_class = "x86QSP2"
$disk0_image = "%simics%/windows-11.craff"
$use_vmp = FALSE
$create_usb_tablet = TRUE
$num_cores = 1
$num_threads = 2

run-command-file "%simics%/targets/qsp-x86/qsp-hdd-boot.simics"