
Just before the time of writing, a vulnerability received significant publicity this week concerning the boot logo parser in many vendors BIOS images called LogoFAIL. In a press release the vulnerability finders noted that "Our fuzz testing and subsequent vulnerability triage results clearly indicate that these image parsers were never tested by IBV or OEM". Unlike the findings, some, have been fuzzed, but even so let's get our platform harnessed -- all we need to do is add the vulnerability ourselves!

Writing a Harness

We'll target the Logo.c file of DxeLogoLib. To harness this function, we want to inject our fuzzer testcase just before the call to ConvertBmpToGopBlt. This function is called like:

Status = ConvertBmpToGopBlt (
            (VOID **) &Blt,

The ImageData and ImageSize are returned by either the OEMBadging protocol:

Status = Badging->GetImage (

Or, if the badging protocol is not registered, it's obtained from the RAW section of any Firmware Volume (FV) (the LogoFile here is a pointer to the PCD-defined GUID to look up the logo file, which is a BMP file Logo.bmp):

Status = GetSectionFromAnyFv (LogoFile, EFI_SECTION_RAW, 0, (VOID **) &ImageData, &ImageSize);

Either way, we end up populating ImageData with our data and setting ImageSize equal to the size of the image data. It's important to note that here, ImageData is only technically untrusted input. It could be overwritten using an SPI programming chip (if this were a real board), or a malicious user with the ability to write flash could overwrite it on disk. This isn't a "visit a website and get owned" type of attack, but it is a good example of how unexpected vectors could present a danger to very high value computing systems.

We want to insert our fuzzer's testcases into the ImageData buffer, and we can support testcases up to ImageSize. We could use a massive original image to ensure that we have enough space, but we'll just use the default one.

We'll set our harness (which, recall, also triggers the initial snapshot, so we want it as close to the code under test as possible) immediately before the call:

HARNESS_START(ImageData, &ImageSize);
Status = ConvertBmpToGopBlt (
            (VOID **) &Blt,

When the macro is called for the first time, a snapshot will be taken of the full system, and the ImageSize value will be saved. Then, each fuzzing iteration, the new test case will be truncated to ImageSize bytes and written to ImageData.

We also want to tell the fuzzer to stop executing before we return from the EnableBootLogo function, so we place a call to HARNESS_STOP() before every return statement for the rest of the function after this point.

Making the Code Vulnerable

Because this is a tutorial, it'll be more fun if we make this code actually vulnerable to LogoFAIL. If we take a walk through ConvertBmpToGopBlt, you'll notice two things:

  • There is a check on the result of AllocatePool, so the first vulnerability where failure to allocate memory occurs isn't applicable. If we just removed the check here, we'd be vulnerable to a failure to allocate memory and subsequent dereferencing of an uninitialized pointer.

    *GopBlt     = AllocatePool (*GopBltSize);
    IsAllocated = TRUE;
    if (*GopBlt == NULL) {
         return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES;
  • We're really, really close to having the vulnerability where PixelHeight can be zero and PixelWidth can be large. If we just had Height <= BmpHeader->PixelHeight here, we'd be vulnerable, but because BmpHeader->PixelHeight is strictly greater than Height and unsigned, we'll never be able to have a case (as is) where BmpHeader->PixelHeight - Height - 1 < 0.

    for (Height = 0; Height < BmpHeader->PixelHeight; Height++) {
      Blt = &BltBuffer[(BmpHeader->PixelHeight - Height - 1) * BmpHeader->PixelWidth];

This explains why this platform code wasn't in the Binarly blog post, but just for fun we'll change both of these things when we add our harnessing code, for demonstration purposes only. For the second case, we'll just add an ASSERT statement when PixelHeight == 0, because changing the for loop condition to Height <= BmpHeader->PixelHeight would cause a crash on every input, and will make the fuzzer complain that we have no interesting testcases.

Adding the Harness

We'll add our harness in the form of a patch to edk2-platforms.

Our Dockerfile from previously just needs a couple modifications.

First, we need to copy tsffs.h from the harness directory of the repository and put it next to our Dockerfile. Then, just before the last RUN step (where we run build_bios.py), we'll add the following to create and apply our patch and copy the harness header file to the correct location.

COPY <<'EOF' /tmp/edk2-platforms.patch
diff --git a/Platform/Intel/SimicsOpenBoardPkg/Library/DxeLogoLib/Logo.c b/Platform/Intel/SimicsOpenBoardPkg/Library/DxeLogoLib/Logo.c
index 9cea5f4665..00815adba2 100644
--- a/Platform/Intel/SimicsOpenBoardPkg/Library/DxeLogoLib/Logo.c
+++ b/Platform/Intel/SimicsOpenBoardPkg/Library/DxeLogoLib/Logo.c
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
 #include <OemBadging.h>
 #include <Protocol/GraphicsOutput.h>
 #include <Library/BaseLib.h>
+#include <Library/DebugLib.h>
 #include <Library/UefiLib.h>
 #include <Library/BaseMemoryLib.h>
 #include <Library/UefiBootServicesTableLib.h>
@@ -22,6 +23,7 @@
 #include <IndustryStandard/Bmp.h>
 #include <Protocol/BootLogo.h>
+#include "tsffs.h"
   Convert a *.BMP graphics image to a GOP blt buffer. If a NULL Blt buffer
   is passed in a GopBlt buffer will be allocated by this routine. If a GopBlt
@@ -164,9 +166,6 @@ ConvertBmpToGopBlt (
     *GopBltSize = (UINTN) BltBufferSize;
     *GopBlt     = AllocatePool (*GopBltSize);
     IsAllocated = TRUE;
-    if (*GopBlt == NULL) {
-      return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES;
-    }
   } else {
     // GopBlt has been allocated by caller.
@@ -184,6 +183,7 @@ ConvertBmpToGopBlt (
   // Convert image from BMP to Blt buffer format
   BltBuffer = *GopBlt;
+  ASSERT (BmpHeader->PixelHeight != 0);
   for (Height = 0; Height < BmpHeader->PixelHeight; Height++) {
     Blt = &BltBuffer[(BmpHeader->PixelHeight - Height - 1) * BmpHeader->PixelWidth];
     for (Width = 0; Width < BmpHeader->PixelWidth; Width++, Image++, Blt++) {
@@ -398,6 +398,7 @@ EnableBootLogo (
     // Try BMP decoder
     Blt = NULL;
+    HARNESS_START(ImageData, &ImageSize);
     Status = ConvertBmpToGopBlt (
@@ -411,6 +412,7 @@ EnableBootLogo (
       FreePool (ImageData);
       if (Badging == NULL) {
+        HARNESS_STOP();
         return Status;
       } else {
@@ -537,6 +539,7 @@ Done:
       FreePool (Blt);
     return Status;
@@ -561,6 +564,7 @@ Done:
     // Ensure the LogoHeight * LogoWidth doesn't overflow
     if (LogoHeight > DivU64x64Remainder ((UINTN) ~0, LogoWidth, NULL)) {
+      HARNESS_STOP();
       return EFI_UNSUPPORTED;
     BufferSize = MultU64x64 (LogoWidth, LogoHeight);
@@ -569,11 +573,13 @@ Done:
     // Ensure the BufferSize * sizeof (EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_BLT_PIXEL) doesn't overflow
     if (BufferSize > DivU64x32 ((UINTN) ~0, sizeof (EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_BLT_PIXEL))) {
+      HARNESS_STOP();
       return EFI_UNSUPPORTED;
     LogoBlt = AllocateZeroPool ((UINTN)BufferSize * sizeof (EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_BLT_PIXEL));
     if (LogoBlt == NULL) {
+      HARNESS_STOP();
       return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES;
@@ -600,5 +606,6 @@ Done:
   FreePool (LogoBlt);
   return Status;


COPY tsffs.h /workspace/edk2-platforms/Platform/Intel/SimicsOpenBoardPkg/Library/DxeLogoLib/tsffs.h

RUN git -C /workspace/edk2-platforms apply /tmp/edk2-platforms.patch

With this modification applied to the Dockerfile, we'll go ahead and build again with our build script ./build.sh.