Target Software Boilerplate

Creating the external Buildroot tree requires several small files to be in just the right places.


The first thing we need to do is create a Dockerfile. We'll add more lines to this dockerfile as we create the sources.

FROM ubuntu:22.04 AS buildroot

SHELL ["/bin/bash", "-o", "pipefail", "-c"]

ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive

RUN apt-get -y update && \
    apt-get -y install \
        bash bc build-essential cpio file git gcc g++ rsync unzip wget && \
    git clone \

WORKDIR /buildroot

COPY src /src/

All we've done so far is install dependencies and clone the buildroot repository, as well as copy our source code into the container in the /src directory.

This repo is quite large, nearly 7GB, so keep this in mind.

Buildroot Boilerplate

Next to the Dockerfile, create a directory src/tutorial-kernel-modules:

mkdir -p src/tutorial-kernel-module

Create src/tutorial-kernel-modules/ with the contents:

source "$BR2_EXTERNAL_TUTORIAL_KERNEL_MODULES_PATH/package/kernel-modules/"

Create src/tutorial-kernel-modules/external.desc with the contents:


And create src/tutorial-kernel-modules/ with the contents:

include $(sort $(wildcard $(BR2_EXTERNAL_TUTORIAL_KERNEL_MODULES_PATH)/package/*/*.mk))

These three files are required to create an external buildroot tree, and tell buildroot what to include in its configuration.

Kernel Module Package Boilerplate

Now we can create our actual kernel module package (remember, the above just creates an external package tree, we need to add a package to it).

mkdir -p src/tutorial-kernel-modules/package/kernel-modules/tutorial-mod

Create src/tutorial-kernel-modules/package/kernel-modules/ with the contents:

menu "Kernel Modules"
    source "$BR2_EXTERNAL_TUTORIAL_KERNEL_MODULES_PATH/package/kernel-modules/tutorial-mod/"

This adds a menu entry for our tutorial kernel module if one were to use make menuconfig to configure buildroot.

Create src/tutorial-kernel-modules/package/kernel-modules/ with the contents:

include $(sort $(wildcard $(BR2_EXTERNAL_TUTORIAL_KERNEL_MODULES_PATH)/package/*/*/*.mk))

This includes each of the (just one, in our case) kernel module package's makefiles.

Kernel Module Boilerplate

At long last, we can set up and write our actual kernel module's boilerplate.

Create src/tutorial-kernel-modules/package/kernel-modules/tutorial-mod/

    bool "tutorial-mod"
    depends on BR2_LINUX_KERNEL
        Tutorial kernel module for TSFFS fuzzing

This defines the actual menu entry for this kernel module.

Create src/tutorial-kernel-modules/package/kernel-modules/tutorial-mod/ :

TUTORIAL_MOD_SITE = $(BR2_EXTERNAL_TUTORIAL_KERNEL_MODULES_PATH)/package/kernel-modules/tutorial-mod

$(eval $(kernel-module))
$(eval $(generic-package))

This makefile is included by buildroot and tells buildroot this should be built as a kernel module which is a generic package and tells buildroot where the source code is located (AKA the site).