Installing In Projects

After building and installing TSFFS into the local SIMICS installation (the last step in the Linux and Windows documents), TSFFS will be available to add when creating projects.

In New Projects Using ISPM

Projects are created using ispm (Intel Simics Package Manager). The command below would create a project with packages numbered 1000 (SIMICS Base), 2096 (Quick Start Platform, or QSP, x86), 8112 (QSP CPU), and 31337 (TSFFS), each with the latest version except SIMICS base, which here is specified as 6.0.169. All that is required to create a new project with the TSFFS package included is to add it after the --create flag to ispm. Using the -latest version is recommended for simplicity, but if you are a TSFFS developer and need to test specific versions the version of any package may be specified in the same way as the SIMICS base package here.

ispm projects /path/to/new-project --create 1000-6.0.169 2096-latest 8112-latest 31337-latest

In Existing Projects

All SIMICS projects have a file .package-list, which contains a list of absolute or relative (from the project's SIMICS base package root) paths to packages that should be included in the project.

If all SIMICS packages are installed into an install-dir together, the TSFFS package can be added by adding a line like (if your installed package version is 6.0.1):


to your .package-list file, then running bin/project-setup.

If your SIMICS packages are not all installed together, the path can be absolute, like:


You can obtain your latest installed version with:

ispm packages --list-installed --json | jq -r '[ .installedPackages[] | select(.pkgNumber == 31337) ] | ([ .[].version ] | max_by(split(".") | map(tonumber))) as $m | first(first(.[]|select(.version == $m)).paths[0])'

In Projects Which Do Not Use ISPM

Some projects, including those which use custom builds of Simics, do not use the ispm package manager. In these scenarios, the TSFFS package can be installed in a project by extracting the package manually:

tar -xf simics-pkg-31337-7.0.0-linux64.ispm
tar -xf package.tar.gz

This will extract to a directory simics-tsffs-7.0.0. In your existing Simics project, you can run:

./bin/addon-manager -s /path/to/simics-tsffs-7.0.0/

You should see a prompt like:

Simics 6 Add-on Package Manager

This script will configure this Simics installation to use optional
Simics add-on packages.

Default alternatives are enclosed in square brackets ([ ]).

=== Using the package list in project (/home/rhart/hub/tsffs/target/tmp/test_riscv_64_kernel_from_userspace_magic/project) ===

Configured add-on packages:
   RISC-V-CPU     7.2.0  ../simics-risc-v-cpu-7.2.0     
   RISC-V-Simple  7.1.0  ../simics-risc-v-simple-7.1.0  
   tsffs          7.0.0  ../simics-tsffs-7.0.0          

The following operations will be performed:
   -> Upgrade  tsffs  7.0.0  ../simics-tsffs-7.0.0                       
           to         7.0.0  ../../../../../packages/simics-tsffs-7.0.0  

New package list:
   RISC-V-CPU     7.2.0  ../simics-risc-v-cpu-7.2.0                  
   RISC-V-Simple  7.1.0  ../simics-risc-v-simple-7.1.0               
   tsffs          7.0.0  ../../../../../packages/simics-tsffs-7.0.0  

Do you want to update the package list? (y/n) [y]

Type y to accept each prompt.