Clone and Build HEVD

We will use HackSys Extreme Vulnerable Driver (HEVD) as our windows driver target.

We'll clone HEVD into our home directory and enter the EWDK build environment.

cd ~
git clone -b windows-training
cd HackSysExtremeVulnerableDriver/Driver

Now, we can go ahead and build the driver:

cmake -S . -B build -DKITS_ROOT="W:\Program Files\Windows Kits\10"
cmake --build build --config Release

And exit our build environment:


Back in PowerShell, check to make sure there is a release directory:

ls build/HEVD/Windows/

You should see:

    Directory: C:\Users\user\HackSysExtremeVulnerableDriver\Driver\build\HEVD\Windows

Mode                 LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                 -------------         ------ ----
d-----        12/20/2023   7:16 PM                CMakeFiles
d-----        12/20/2023   7:16 PM                HEVD.dir
d-----        12/20/2023   7:17 PM                Release
-a----        12/20/2023   7:16 PM           1073 cmake_install.cmake
-a----        12/20/2023   7:17 PM           2275
-a----        12/20/2023   7:17 PM           1456 HEVD.inf
-a----        12/20/2023   7:17 PM          32216 HEVD.sys
-a----        12/20/2023   7:16 PM          45308 HEVD.vcxproj
-a----        12/20/2023   7:16 PM           4117 HEVD.vcxproj.filters

If so, we're in business!