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Integration Test

Integration tests are automated to ensure that the containers work together properly. All these tests use a simulated pipeline to demonstrate that data can be transferred throughout the system. Tests may be found in the integration-tests directory. This directory also contains a Postman collection that may be imported to run additional manual integration tests.

Run Integration Tests


Ensure that there is a clean environment.

  1. Stop all services:
make down
  1. To clean up the files from the directories on the Linux system, run:

    make clean-files


    This is a destructive action and will delete any existing files.

  2. To clean up the docker images, run:

    make clean-images

  3. To remove any volumes from the system, run:

    make clean-volumes


    This is a destructive action and will clean up any unused docker volumes. This will delete the database and all its contents when run.

  4. Use one of the command line options below to build:

       make docker
      make -j<num of threads> docker
    Build Option When To Use
    General Build The system resources are unknown.
    Fast Build The flag -j represents the number of jobs in a build. The optimal integer for the number of jobs varies, depending on the system resources (e.g., cores) and configuration.

Run Makefile Targets

There are several commands that may be used to run different configurations of the integration tests:

Run Option Description
make integration-test Runs integration tests using the AiCSD simulators.
make integration-test-pipeline-sim Runs the integration tests using the Pipeline Simulator.
make integration-test-retry Runs the retry integration tests.


The retry integration test target runs additional tests that include starting and stopping the containers to orchestrate more complex integration tests.

Run Natively

  1. Change to the integration test directory:

      cd integration-tests
  2. Run the integration tests:

      go test ./...

Run within a Docker Container

  1. Make the necessary directories:

       make files
    2. Start the integration test container:

    docker run -it -v $(pwd):/app  -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v ${HOME}:${HOME} --net=host aicsd/integration-tests:0.0.0-dev /bin/ash
  2. Navigate to the app directory:

       cd app
  3. Run the desired integration test target:

Run Option Description
make integration-test Runs integration tests using the AiCSD simulators.
make integration-test-pipeline-sim Runs the integration tests using the Pipeline Simulator.
make integration-test-retry Runs the retry integration tests.


The file AiCSD.postman_collection.json contains requests for manually testing using PostMan. The contents of this file will grow over time.


  1. From your Workspace in the PostMan application select Import and navigate to select the above collection file.
  2. Use the requests in the imported collection to create new Tasks, Get all Tasks, Get all Jobs, etc.

Chaos Testing

Pumba is a command-line, chaos-testing tool for Docker. It can be used to stress test containers, emulate network failures and modify the containers running. Collecting metrics from different workloads within these test types assesses the robustness of the containers.

Getting Started with Pumba

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone


    This is a specific fork of the repository alexei-led/pumba.git with compiler changes for go-1.18.

  2. Change directories:

    cd pumba

  3. Build the Pumba binary:
  4. The binary may be found at .bin/ To test the binary, print out the help resources:
    ./pumba --help

Test with Pumba

Use Pumba to control containers:

  • stop: stops specified containers
  • kill: kills specified containers
  • rm: removes specified containers
  • netem: emulates network variances using tc traffic control tool

Use Pumba to control system resources:

  • stress: stresses the specified containers using stress-ng
  • pause: pauses all processes

Sample Commands

Network Emulation: The following workload uses a docker image to host the traffic control commands. The workload simulates a network delay of 30 ms with a 5 ms delay variation (jitter) that is normally distributed. To find the containers to target, the following regex expression will select all containers that start with edgex.

./pumba netem --duration 1m --tc-image gaiadocker/iproute2 --interface eth1 delay --time 30 --jitter 5 --distribution normal "re2:^edgex"

Stress Test: The following will run a one minute stress test on the containers whose names start with edgex.

./pumba stress --stress-image alexeiled/stress-ng:latest-ubuntu -d 1m "re2:^edgex"

Pumba Resources

Pumba Repository

BSD 3-Clause License: See License.