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Pipeline Validator


This Application Service is a simulator to use as an alternative to the microservice infrastructure for initial integration. The StartPipeline API will send an event to the pipeline to begin processing. This simulator will serve the endpoints necessary for the Job Repository Update and the Pipeline Status calls. The necessary integration points are outlined in the Creating Custom Pipelines section.


This application service depends on the following services:


  1. Build the Pipeline Validator and the Pipeline Simulator (if using).
    make docker-pipeline-val docker-pipeline-sim
  2. [Optional] If using a custom pipeline service, modify the APPLICATIONSETTINGS_PIPELINEHOST and APPLICATIONSETTINGS_PIPELINEPORT variables in the file docker-compose-pipeline-val.yml.


    Refer to the table below to determine the values for APPLICATIONSETTINGS_PIPELINEHOST and APPLICATIONSETTINGS_PIPELINEPORT based on the desired Run Configuration. The default value is for the Pipeline Simulator.

  3. To use the pipeline validator, use one of the following run options:

    Run with the pipeline simulator make run-simulators pipeline-sim 59789
    Run with a custom pipeline service make run-pipeline-val <container_name> <Docker_network_port>
  4. Open Postman and import the Postman collection from here.

  5. Verify that the Pipeline API works, by sending the Get Pipelines request. This shows all pipelines and their topics.
  6. Create or copy a file for the pipeline to process in $HOME/data/gateway-files/input.


    The location $HOME/data/gateway-files is volume mounted to /tmp/files/ in the Docker container.

  7. Modify the Launch Pipeline request so that the body contains the correct file name and the appropriate mqtt topic for the selected pipeline.

  8. Click Send in Postman to send the request.


    To monitor the status, check the pipeline container log files.

  9. To check the status of the job, send the Get Jobs request.

Tear Down

  1. Stop the services running.
    make down
  2. Clean up the volumes. This is a destructive action, but will clear any configuration information that is in Consul.
    make clean-volumes
  3. Clean up the files. This is also destructive as it will clear the input directory and the output directory.
    make clean-files

Swagger Documentation

Future Considerations

In the future, the Pipeline Validator may have a UI to display the job information and start the pipeline(s).

BSD 3-Clause License: See License.