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Setup Prerequisites on OEM and Gateway Systems

Setup WSL2 for Windows OEM system

  1. Install WSL using the Windows store
  2. In Powershell, set WSL to version 2
    wsl --set-default-version 2
  3. Install the following tools in WSL2 following the steps under Install Prereqs
    • git
    • make
    • curl
    • Docker Engine
  4. Edit /etc/wsl.conf

    • Enable systemd
      [boot] systemd = true
    • Disable generate hosts
      [network] generateHosts = false
  5. To get the software on the OEM device, clone the AiCSD code repository using one of the options below using WSL terminal:

    git clone
    git clone


    To update to a specific version of the software after cloning, use:

    git checkout <version-tag>
  6. Setup WSL2 Port Forwarding within OEM device

    • Using Admin PowerShell on OEM Device, navigate to the AiCSD code directory
      cd \\wsl.localhost\Ubuntu\...\AiCSD
    • Run the WSL_Port_Setup_Script.ps1 PowerShell script.


    To remove the port forwarding rules, using Admin PowerShell, run the WSL_Port_Removal_Script.ps1 PowerShell script.


Setup Ubuntu for Linux OEM or Gateway System

The only required setup for these systems is to install Ubuntu 20.04.

Install Prerequisites

Install make, git, curl, Docker, and Docker Compose.

  1. Update repositories:
    sudo apt-get update
  2. Install make, git, and curl:
    sudo apt-get install -y make git curl
  3. Install Docker Engine.


    Only follow the steps for Install Using the Repository in the docker setup guide linked above. This will set up the repository and install the Docker Engine and Docker Compose, which are necessary for setting up the microservices.

  4. Follow these post-installation steps to Manage Docker as a non-root user.

  5. Ensure access and configurations to be able to clone the AiCSD code repository using either SSH or HTTPS. For SSH, refer to Generating a new SSH key and add the public key to GitHub profile account settings. For HTTPS, refer to Creating a Personal Access Token for authentication purposes. Treat the key as a password.

Download Repository

  1. To get the software, clone the AiCSD code repository using one of the options below:

    git clone
    git clone


    To update to a specific version of the software after cloning, use:

    git checkout <version-tag>
  2. Navigate to the working directory:

    cd AiCSD

Next up

Gateway Installation > Configure

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