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The open-source tools, Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana (ELK), comprise the ELK stack, a tech stack commonly used for log analytics. AiCSD implements a variation of the ELK tech stack for its container and service logs, replacing Logstash with the use of Filebeat.

Figure 1 illustrates the data flow and component relationships in the stack.


Figure 1: Log Analytics
Figure 1: Log Analytics


It isn't necessary to download the tools of the ELK stack separately as they are included in the log analytics feature of AiCSD. However, to find out more about each tool, see the Resources section for each of the tools.

Enable Log Analytics

To enable log analytics services, update authentication information in the .env file found within the root directory, as described in Run the Services.


While some out-of-the-box security measures were taken for the single-user environment, this repository contains the base implementation for log analytics. It is not configured for complex projects or deployment-specific security concerns.

Run the Services

To update the authentication information in the .env file:

  1. Open up .env found at the root level of this project.
  2. Scroll down to the bottom of the file to the Log analytics section.
  3. Find the ELASTIC_PASSWORD variable and update the value with a password at least 8 characters in length. Be sure to remove the <> characters.
  4. Find the KIBANA_SYSTEM_PASSWORD variable and update the value with a password at least 8 characters in length. Be sure to remove the <> characters.
  5. Start Elasticsearch, Filebeat, and Kibana:

    make run-log-analytics

    This command creates a log-analytics docker network and bring up the services necessary for these purposes.

View Log Analytics

To view the log analytics within the Kibana UI, visit: http://localhost:5601.

To best navigate the Kibana UI, follow these next steps:

  1. Log in using the elastic username and the ELASTIC_PASSWORD that was set in the .env file. Elasticsearch Login

  2. Go to the nav bar in the upper left-hand corner and click on the Logs section under Observability. Elasticsearch Navigation

  3. Click in the Search for log entries... section and search the logs using the field of most interest. A first suggestion would be to type, then click on the field that pops up titled Elasticsearch Search

  4. Type in the name of one of the services of interest and click Live Stream. Elasticsearch Stream

  5. Verify logs are streaming in the entries section below.

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