Task Launcher Application Service¶
The Task Launcher microservice manages and launches tasks for jobs to be executed on the Pipeline Simulator, Geti pipelines, or BentoML pipelines.
This application service is dependent on the following services:
The same Redis implementation is used both for the database and the Publish/Subscribe Message Broker needed for the EdgeX Message Bus.
Change task launcher configurations in the configuration.toml file. Configuration options can also be changed when the service is running by using Consul.
For changes to take effect, the service must be restarted. If changes are made to the configuration.toml file, the service must be stopped, rebuilt, and started again.
- RetryWindow: Determines how often a job should be resent to the pipeline for processing
- DeviceProfileName: Indicates the device profile information for the pipeline to consume
- DeviceName: Indicates the device name for the pipeline to consume
Swagger Documentation¶
Next up¶
Deep Dive into the Services - Pipeline Simulator
BSD 3-Clause License: See License.