
This documentation provides information on Singularity and Charliecloud, and instructions on converting Docker images (downloaded from Docker Hub) to Singularity images or Charliecloud directories.

Version compatibility verified

Singularity v3.0 Charliecloud v0.19-v0.20


Open source container platform to package entire scientific workflows, software and libraries, and even data. More about Singularity: https://sylabs.io/


Charliecloud provides user-defined software stacks (UDSS) for high-performance computing (HPC) centers. More about Charliecloud: https://hpc.github.io/charliecloud/index.html

d2s - A tool to convert Docker images to Singularity images or Charliecloud directories

Getting d2s

To get the tool:

git clone https://github.com/intel/stacks/hpcrs
cd hpcrs/d2s

You can use the script as is or install it using python setup.py install

Converting to a Singularity Image

  1. Enter the directory you intend to keep the Singularity image(s) converted from Docker image(s).

  2. List local Docker images (with ID and NAME)

python d2s.py --list_docker_images

Docker images present locally
ID         NAME
0: sysstacks/dlrs-tensorflow2-ubuntu
1: sysstacks/dlrs-pytorch-centos
  1. To convert Docker image to Singularity image

python d2s.py --convert_docker_images_singularity <ID_1> <ID_2>


python d2s.py --convert_docker_images_singularity 0 1

checking if singularity is installed
2020-02-28 11:43:14,550 d2s.py       INFO     singularity cmd available
2020-02-28 11:43:14,596 d2s.py       INFO     Converting docker image sysstacks/dlrs-tensorflow2-ubuntu to singularity image sysstacks/dlrs-tensorflow2-ubuntu
INFO:    Starting build...

Alternatively, the ‘singularity build’ command can be directly used for building Singularity container. https://sylabs.io/guides/3.0/user-guide/build_a_container.html#downloading-an-existing-container-from-docker-hub

  1. Enter Singularity container shell to run workloads.

singularity shell <singularity image>

e.g singularity shell clearlinux_stacks-dlrs-mkl

Converting to a Charliecloud directory

  1. Enter the directory you intend to keep the Charliecloud director(ies) converted from Docker image(s).

  2. List local Docker images (with ID and NAME)

python d2s.py --list_docker_images

Docker images present locally
ID         NAME
0: sysstacks/dlrs-tensorflow2-ubuntu
1: sysstacks/dlrs-pytorch-centos
  1. To convert Docker image to Charliecloud directory

python d2s.py --convert_docker_images_charliecloud <ID_1> <ID_2>


python d2s.py --convert_docker_images_charliecloud 0 1

checking if singularity is installed
2020-02-28 11:43:14,550 d2s.py       INFO     charliecloud cmd available
2020-02-28 11:43:14,596 d2s.py       INFO     Converting docker image sysstacks/dlrs-tensorflow2-ubuntu to charliecloud directory in local directory

Your docker image has been converted to a Charliecloud directory. For more information on how to run containers with Charliecloud, visit their website