Logic class

Represents a logical signal of any width which can change values.



Logic({String? name, int width = 1, Naming? naming})
Constructs a new Logic named name with width bits.


arrayIndex int?
If this is a part of a LogicArray, the index within that array. Othwerise, returns null.
no setter
bit LogicValue
The current active value of this signal if it has width 1, as a LogicValue.
no setter
changed Stream<LogicValueChanged>
A Stream of LogicValueChanged events which triggers at most once per Simulator tick, iff the value of the Logic has changed.
no setter
dstConnections Iterable<Logic>
An Iterable of all Logics that are being directly driven by this.
elements List<Logic>
Provides a list of logical elements within this signal.
glitch → SynchronousEmitter<LogicValueChanged>
A stream of LogicValueChanged events for every time the signal transitions at any time during a Simulator tick.
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
isArrayMember bool
True if this is a member of a LogicArray.
no setter
isInOut bool
Returns true iff this signal is an inOut of its parent Module.
isInput bool
Returns true iff this signal is an input of its parent Module.
isNet bool
Indicates whether this signal behaves like a LogicNet, allowing multiple drivers.
no setter
isOutput bool
Returns true iff this signal is an output of its parent Module.
isPort bool
Returns true iff this signal is an input, output, or inOut of its parent Module.
name String
The name of this signal.
naming Naming
Controls the naming (and renaming) preferences of this signal in generated outputs.
negedge Stream<LogicValueChanged>
A Stream of LogicValueChanged events which triggers at most once per Simulator tick, iff the value of the Logic has changed from 1 to 0.
no setter
nextChanged Future<LogicValueChanged>
Triggers at most once, the next time that this Logic changes value at the end of a Simulator tick.
no setter
nextNegedge Future<LogicValueChanged>
Triggers at most once, the next time that this Logic changes value at the end of a Simulator tick from 1 to 0.
no setter
nextPosedge Future<LogicValueChanged>
Triggers at most once, the next time that this Logic changes value at the end of a Simulator tick from 0 to 1.
no setter
parentModule Module?
The Module that this Logic exists within.
getter/setter pair
parentStructure LogicStructure?
If this is a part of a LogicStructure, the structure which this is a part of. Otherwise, null.
no setter
posedge Stream<LogicValueChanged>
A Stream of LogicValueChanged events which triggers at most once per Simulator tick, iff the value of the Logic has changed from 0 to 1.
no setter
previousValue LogicValue?
The value of this signal before the most recent Simulator.tick had completed. It will be null before the first tick after this signal is created.
no setter
reversed Logic
Returns a version of this Logic with the bit order reversed.
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
srcConnection Logic?
The Logic signal that is driving this, if any.
no setter
srcConnections Iterable<Logic>
All Logics driving this, if any.
structureName String
Returns the name relative to the parentStructure-defined hierarchy, if one exists. Otherwise, this is the same as name.
no setter
value LogicValue
The current active value of this signal.
no setter
valueBigInt BigInt
The current valid active value of this signal as a BigInt.
no setter
valueInt int
The current valid active value of this signal as an int.
no setter
width int
The number of bits in this signal.
no setter


abs() Logic
Calculates the absolute value of a signal, assuming that the number is a two's complement.
and() Logic
Unary AND.
assignSubset(List<Logic> updatedSubset, {int start = 0}) → void
Performs an assignment operation on a portion this signal to be driven by updatedSubset. Each index of updatedSubset will be assigned to drive the corresponding index, plus start, of this signal.
clone({String? name}) Logic
Makes a copy of this, optionally with the specified name, but the same width.
decr({Logic s(Logic)?, dynamic val = 1}) Conditional
Shorthand for a Conditional which decrements this by val.
divAssign(dynamic val, {Logic s(Logic)?}) Conditional
Shorthand for a Conditional which increments this by val.
eq(dynamic other) Logic
Logical equality.
getRange(int startIndex, [int? endIndex]) Logic
Returns a subset Logic. It is inclusive of startIndex, exclusive of endIndex.
gets(Logic other) → void
Connects this Logic directly to be driven by other.
gt(dynamic other) Logic
gte(dynamic other) Logic
hasValidValue() bool
Returns true iff the value of this signal is valid (no x or z).
incr({Logic s(Logic)?, dynamic val = 1}) Conditional
Shorthand for a Conditional which increments this by val.
inject(dynamic val, {bool fill = false}) → void
Injects a value onto this signal in the current Simulator tick.
isFloating() bool
Returns true iff all bits of the current value are floating (z).
isIn(List list) Logic
Returns 1 (of width=1) if the Logic calling this function is in list. Else 0 (of width=1) if not present.
lt(dynamic other) Logic
lte(dynamic other) Logic
makeUnassignable({String? reason}) → void
Makes it so that this signal cannot be assigned by any full (<=) or conditional (<) assignment.
mulAssign(dynamic val, {Logic s(Logic)?}) Conditional
Shorthand for a Conditional which increments this by val.
named(String name, {Naming? naming}) Logic
Makes a clone with the provided name and optionally naming, then assigns it to be driven by this.
neq(dynamic other) Logic
Logical inequality.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
or() Logic
Unary OR.
pow(dynamic exponent) Logic
Power operation
put(dynamic val, {bool fill = false}) → void
Puts a value val onto this signal, which may or may not be picked up for changed in this Simulator tick.
replicate(int multiplier) Logic
Returns a replicated signal using ReplicationOp with new width = this.width * multiplier
selectFrom(List<Logic> busList, {Logic? defaultValue}) Logic
Performs a Logic index based selection on an List of Logic named busList.
signExtend(int newWidth) Logic
Returns a new Logic width width newWidth where new bits added are sign bits as the most significant bits. The sign is determined using two's complement, so it takes the most significant bit of the original signal and extends with that.
slice(int endIndex, int startIndex) Logic
Accesses a subset of this signal from startIndex to endIndex, both inclusive.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
withSet(int startIndex, Logic update) Logic
Returns a copy of this Logic with the bits starting from startIndex up until startIndex + update.width set to update instead of their original value.
xor() Logic
Unary XOR.
zeroExtend(int newWidth) Logic
Returns a new Logic with width newWidth where new bits added are zeros as the most significant bits.


operator %(dynamic other) Logic
Modulo operation.
operator &(Logic other) Logic
Logical bitwise AND.
operator *(dynamic other) Logic
operator +(dynamic other) Logic
operator -(dynamic other) Logic
operator /(dynamic other) Logic
operator <(dynamic other) Conditional
Conditional assignment operator.
operator <<(dynamic other) Logic
Logical left-shift.
operator <=(Logic other) → void
Connects this Logic directly to another Logic.
operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.
operator >(dynamic other) Logic
operator >=(dynamic other) Logic
operator >>(dynamic other) Logic
Arithmetic right-shift.
operator >>>(dynamic other) Logic
Logical right-shift.
operator [](dynamic index) Logic
Accesses the indexth bit of this signal.
operator ^(Logic other) Logic
Logical bitwise XOR.
operator |(Logic other) Logic
Logical bitwise OR.
operator ~() Logic
Logical bitwise NOT.