LogicValue class abstract

An immutable 4-value representation of an arbitrary number of bits.

Each bit of LogicValue can be represented as a LogicValue of 0, 1, x (contention), or z (floating).

LogicValue is unsigned.

Implemented types


bit LogicValue
The current active value of this, if it has width 1, as a LogicValue.
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setteroverride
isFloating bool
True iff all bits are z.
no setter
isValid bool
True iff all bits are 0 or 1, not a single x or z.
no setter
isZero bool
Returns true if this value is 0.
no setter
length int
The number of bits in this LogicValue.
no setter
reversed LogicValue
Returns a new LogicValue with the order of all bits in the reverse order of this LogicValue
no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
width int
The number of bits in this LogicValue.


abs() LogicValue
Calculates the absolute value, assuming that the number is a two's complement.
and() LogicValue
Unary AND operation.
clog2() LogicValue
Ceil of log base 2 operation.
compareTo(Object other) int
Compares this to other.
eq(dynamic other) LogicValue
Equal-to operation.
equalsWithDontCare(LogicValue other) bool
Checks if this is equal to other, except ignoring bits of which are not valid.
extend(int newWidth, LogicValue fill) LogicValue
Returns a new LogicValue with width newWidth where the most significant bits for indices beyond the original width are set to fill.
getRange(int startIndex, [int? endIndex]) LogicValue
Returns a subset LogicValue. It is inclusive of startIndex, exclusive of endIndex.
neq(dynamic other) LogicValue
Not equal-to operation.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
or() LogicValue
Unary OR operation.
pow(dynamic exponent) LogicValue
Power operation.
replicate(int multiplier) LogicValue
Returns new LogicValue replicated multiplier times.
signExtend(int newWidth) LogicValue
Returns a new LogicValue with width newWidth where new bits added are sign bits as the most significant bits. The sign is determined using two's complement, so it takes the most significant bit of the original value and extends with that.
slice(int endIndex, int startIndex) LogicValue
Accesses a subset of this LogicValue from startIndex to endIndex, both inclusive.
toBigInt() BigInt
Converts valid a LogicValue to an int.
toBool() bool
Converts a valid logical value to a boolean.
toInt() int
Converts valid a LogicValue to an int.
toList() List<LogicValue>
Returns a this LogicValue as a List<LogicValue> where every element is 1 bit.
toRadixString({int radix = 2, int chunkSize = 4, String sepChar = '_'}) String
Return the radix encoding of the current LogicValue as a sequence of radix characters prefixed by the length and encoding format. Output format is: <len>'<format><encoded-value>.
toString({bool includeWidth = true}) String
Converts this LogicValue to a binary String, including a decorator at the front in SystemVerilog style.
triState(LogicValue other) LogicValue
Bitwise tristate merge of this value with other.
withSet(int startIndex, LogicValue update) LogicValue
Returns a copy of this LogicValue with the bits starting from startIndex up until startIndex + update.width set to update instead of their original value.
xor() LogicValue
Unary XOR operation.
zeroExtend(int newWidth) LogicValue
Returns a new LogicValue with width newWidth where new bits added are zeros as the most significant bits.


operator %(dynamic other) LogicValue
Modulo operation.
operator &(LogicValue other) LogicValue
Bitwise AND operation.
operator *(dynamic other) LogicValue
Multiplication operation.
operator +(dynamic other) LogicValue
Addition operation.
operator -(dynamic other) LogicValue
Subtraction operation.
operator /(dynamic other) LogicValue
Division operation.
operator <(dynamic other) LogicValue
Less-than operation.
operator <<(dynamic shamt) LogicValue
Logical left-shift operation.
operator <=(dynamic other) LogicValue
Less-than-or-equal operation.
operator ==(Object other) bool
Returns true iff the width and all bits of this are equal to other.
operator >(dynamic other) LogicValue
Greater-than operation.
operator >=(dynamic other) LogicValue
Greater-than-or-equal operation.
operator >>(dynamic shamt) LogicValue
Arithmetic right-shift operation.
operator >>>(dynamic shamt) LogicValue
Logical right-shift operation.
operator [](int index) LogicValue
Returns the ith bit of this LogicValue
operator ^(LogicValue other) LogicValue
Bitwise XOR operation.
operator |(LogicValue other) LogicValue
Bitwise OR operation.
operator ~() LogicValue
Returns a new LogicValue with every bit inverted.

Static Methods

filled(int width, LogicValue fill) LogicValue
Constructs a LogicValue with the width number of bits, where every bit has the same value of fill.
from(Iterable<LogicValue> it) LogicValue
Constructs a LogicValue from it.
fromBigInt(BigInt value, int width) LogicValue
Converts BigInt value to a valid LogicValue with width number of bits.
fromBool(bool value) LogicValue
Converts bool value to a valid LogicValue with 1 bits either one or zero.
fromInt(int value, int width) LogicValue
Converts int value to a valid LogicValue with width number of bits.
fromString(String stringRepresentation) LogicValue
Converts a binary String representation of a LogicValue into a LogicValue.
isNegedge(LogicValue previousValue, LogicValue newValue, {bool ignoreInvalid = false}) bool
Returns true iff the transition represents a negative edge.
isPosedge(LogicValue previousValue, LogicValue newValue, {bool ignoreInvalid = false}) bool
Returns true iff the transition represents a positive edge.
of(dynamic val, {bool fill = false, int? width}) LogicValue
Constructs a LogicValue from val which could be of a variety of types.
ofBigInt(BigInt value, int width) LogicValue
Converts BigInt value to a valid LogicValue with width number of bits.
ofBool(bool value) LogicValue
Converts bool value to a valid LogicValue with 1 bits either one or zero.
ofInferWidth(dynamic val) LogicValue
Creates a LogicValue of val using of, but attempts to infer the width that would fit val automatically.
ofInt(int value, int width) LogicValue
Converts int value to a valid LogicValue with width number of bits.
ofIterable(Iterable<LogicValue> it) LogicValue
Constructs a LogicValue from it.
ofRadixString(String valueString, {String sepChar = '_'}) LogicValue
Create a LogicValue from a length/radix-encoded string of the following format:
ofString(String stringRepresentation) LogicValue
Converts a binary String representation of a LogicValue into a LogicValue.


empty → const LogicValue
A zero-width value.
one → const LogicValue
Logical value of 1.
radixStringChars → const String
Legal characters in a radixString representation.
x → const LogicValue
Logical value of x.
z → const LogicValue
Logical value of z.
zero → const LogicValue
Logical value of 0.