Example code that shows how to create a Painter and to use the GL backend.
The Example Initialization builds from Example FrameWork to demonstrate how to initialize FastUIDraw's GL (or GLES) backend and to create a fastuidraw::Painter object.
The interface is defined by:
The implementation is given by:
An example make file using pkg-config to build this example is given by:
CXX ?= g++ ########################################### # The demo_framework used SDL2 to handle # window and GL context creation. CXX_COMMON_FLAGS = $(shell pkg-config sdl2 --cflags) CXX_COMMON_LIBS = $(shell pkg-config sdl2 --libs) ############################################### # The debug and release libraries of FastUIDraw # are NOT ABI compatible. Below we use using # the GL backend of FastUIDraw. The GLES pkg-config # modules are fastuidrawGLES-release and # fastuidrawGLES-debug CXX_RELEASE_FLAGS = -O3 $(CXX_COMMON_FLAGS) $(shell pkg-config fastuidrawGL-release --cflags) CXX_RELEASE_LIBS = $(CXX_COMMON_LIBS) $(shell pkg-config fastuidrawGL-release --libs) CXX_DEBUG_FLAGS = -g $(CXX_COMMON_FLAGS) $(shell pkg-config fastuidrawGL-debug --cflags) CXX_DEBUG_LIBS = $(CXX_COMMON_LIBS) $(shell pkg-config fastuidrawGL-debug --libs) all: initialization-release initialization-debug initialization-release: release/demo_framework.o release/initialization.o release/initialization_main.o $(CXX) -o $@ release/demo_framework.o release/initialization.o release/initialization_main.o $(CXX_RELEASE_LIBS) initialization-debug: debug/demo_framework.o debug/initialization.o debug/initialization_main.o $(CXX) -o $@ debug/demo_framework.o debug/initialization.o debug/initialization_main.o $(CXX_DEBUG_LIBS) release/%.o: %.cpp mkdir -p $(dir $@) $(CXX) $(CXX_RELEASE_FLAGS) -c $< -o $@ debug/%.o: %.cpp mkdir -p $(dir $@) $(CXX) $(CXX_DEBUG_FLAGS) -c $< -o $@ clean: -rm initialization-release initialization-debug -rm -r debug release