Example Initialization

Example code that shows how to create a Painter and to use the GL backend.

The Example Initialization builds from Example FrameWork to demonstrate how to initialize FastUIDraw's GL (or GLES) backend and to create a fastuidraw::Painter object.

The interface is defined by:

#include "demo_framework.hpp"
class Initialization:public Demo
Initialization(DemoRunner *runner, int argc, char **argv);
draw_frame(void) override;
handle_event(const SDL_Event &ev) override;
/* A PainterEngine represents how a Painter will issue commands to
* a 3D API
/* A Painter is the interface with which to render 2D content with FastUIDraw
/* A PainterSurface is to where to render content via a Painter.

The implementation is given by:

#include "initialization.hpp"
return SDL_GL_GetProcAddress(proc_name);
Initialization(DemoRunner *runner, int argc, char **argv):
Demo(runner, argc, argv)
/* The GL (or GLES) backend need a way to fetch the GL (or GLES)
* function pointers. It is the application's responsibility to
* provide to FastUIDraw a function to fetch the GL (or GLES)
* function pointers. We wrap the SDL function SDL_GL_GetProcAddress()
* in get_proc() static function to make sure that the function
* signatures match precisely. DANGER: on MS-Windows, the function
* to fetch GL function pointers requires that the GL context
* with which they are used is current (this is not the case on
* Unix). An additional danger with MS-Windows is that the function
* pointers fetched may or may not be compatible with a different
* GL context.
/* Now that FastUIDraw can fetch the GL (or GLES) function pointers
* we can now create our FastUIDraw objects.
* The first object to create is the fastuidraw::gl::PaintEngineGL
* which embodies how FastUIDraw uses the GL (or GLES) to draw. A
* fastuidraw::gl::PaintEngineGL's configuration is controlled by
* a fastuidraw::gl::PaintEngineGL::ConfigurationGL value. For this
* example, we let FastUIDraw query the GL context properties and
* from that decide all the values within the configuration.
* The class fastuidraw::gl::PaintEngineGL is thread safe and an
* application should create only a single such object.
m_painter_engine_gl = fastuidraw::gl::PainterEngineGL::create(engine_params);
/* Now that we have the fastuidraw::PainterEngine derived class,
* we can create our fastuidraw::Painter object. A fastuidraw::Painter
* object is a HEAVY object (because it implements various pools)
* and such objects should not be created within ones render/event
* loops. However, it is perfectly fine to create multiple
* fastuidraw::Painter objects using the same fastuidraw::PainterEngine
* object. In addition, the class fastuidraw::Painter is NOT thread
* safe and a fixed fastuidraw::Painter should only be accessed
* by one thread at time.
* FastUIDraw makes heavy use of reference counting to make memory
* managment easier. In addition, FastUIDraw provides the macros
* FASTUIDRAWnew and FASTUIDRAWdelete which under debug builds
* record object creation and deletion so that if an object is
* created and not deleted an error message is printed and to
* also print an error message if an object is deleted with
* FASTUIDRAWdelete that was not created with FASTUIDRAWnew. The
* main consequence of the system is that the creation of any
* FastUIDraw objects must be done with FASTUIDRAWnew.
m_painter = FASTUIDRAWnew fastuidraw::Painter(m_painter_engine_gl);
/* Create the surface to which the Painter will render content. */
m_surface_gl = FASTUIDRAWnew fastuidraw::gl::PainterSurfaceGL(window_dimensions(), *m_painter_engine_gl);
handle_event(const SDL_Event &ev)
switch (ev.type)
if (ev.window.event == SDL_WINDOWEVENT_RESIZED)
/* The window is resized so we need to adjust our surface
* to the new size of the window. The reference_counted_ptr
* interface will automacially delete the underlying
* PainterSurfaceGL that we had made earlier
fastuidraw::ivec2 new_dims(ev.window.data1,ev.window.data2);
m_surface_gl = FASTUIDRAWnew fastuidraw::gl::PainterSurfaceGL(new_dims, *m_painter_engine_gl);
/* We first need to set the viewport for surface when we start to draw */
fastuidraw::vec2 window_dims(window_dimensions());
fastuidraw::PainterSurface::Viewport vwp(0, 0, window_dims.x(), window_dims.y());
/* fastuidraw::Painter builds commands to send to the underlying 3D API.
* Drawing commands to Painter may only be executed within a begin()/end()
* pair. In addition, the effects on the surface to which the Painter
* is drawing does not take effect until end() is called.
m_painter->begin(m_surface_gl, fastuidraw::Painter::y_increases_downwards);
/* Later examples we will get into the various drawing commands of
* fastuidraw::Painter, for now we just draw a white rect.
brush.color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
.min_point(window_dims * 0.25f)
.max_point(window_dims * 0.75f));
/* Issue fastuidraw::Painter::end() to send the accumulate draw commands
* to the underlying 3D API to draw the content.
/* FastUIDraw's GL (and GLES) backend provide automatic GL (GLES)
* function pointer fetching. In addition, with the FastUIDraw debug
* build, call the GL (or GLES) functions through FastUIDraw adds
* GL error checking that will print to stderr any GL errors encounted
* together with the file and line number of the GL function that
* triggered the error. To call the GL function glFoo through this
* interface, one uses the macro-function fastuidraw_glFoo. The release
* builds do NOT do the error checking making the cost of going through
* the fastuidraw_glFoo macros to have no overhead.
/* Make sure we are rendering to the default fraembuffer of GL */
fastuidraw_glBindFramebuffer(GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER, 0);
/* Clear the framebuffer */
/* blit the contents of m_surface to the default framebuffer
* with nearest filtering
/* Recall that demo_framework does not destroy the window
* or GL context untils its dtor. Hence, the GL context is
* current at our dtor. When the reference counted pointers
* have their dtors' called, they will decrement the reference
* count which when it reaches zero will delete the object.
* Of critical importance is that the last reference to the
* fastuidraw::gl::PainterEngineGL goes away with a GL context
* current so that the dtor of fastuidraw::gl::PainterEngineGL
* will be able to call GL (or GLES) functions to free GL
* resources. Since the dtor's of the reference counters
* are called by C++ once this function exists, we have nothing
* to do actually for FastUIDraw cleanup.

An example make file using pkg-config to build this example is given by:

CXX ?= g++

# The demo_framework used SDL2 to handle
# window and GL context creation.
CXX_COMMON_FLAGS = $(shell pkg-config sdl2 --cflags)
CXX_COMMON_LIBS = $(shell pkg-config sdl2 --libs)

# The debug and release libraries of FastUIDraw
# are NOT ABI compatible. Below we use using
# the GL backend of FastUIDraw. The GLES pkg-config
# modules are fastuidrawGLES-release and
# fastuidrawGLES-debug
CXX_RELEASE_FLAGS = -O3 $(CXX_COMMON_FLAGS) $(shell pkg-config fastuidrawGL-release --cflags)
CXX_RELEASE_LIBS = $(CXX_COMMON_LIBS) $(shell pkg-config fastuidrawGL-release --libs)

CXX_DEBUG_FLAGS = -g $(CXX_COMMON_FLAGS) $(shell pkg-config fastuidrawGL-debug --cflags)
CXX_DEBUG_LIBS = $(CXX_COMMON_LIBS) $(shell pkg-config fastuidrawGL-debug --libs)

all: initialization-release initialization-debug

initialization-release: release/demo_framework.o release/initialization.o release/initialization_main.o
	$(CXX) -o $@ release/demo_framework.o release/initialization.o release/initialization_main.o $(CXX_RELEASE_LIBS)

initialization-debug: debug/demo_framework.o debug/initialization.o debug/initialization_main.o
	$(CXX) -o $@ debug/demo_framework.o debug/initialization.o debug/initialization_main.o $(CXX_DEBUG_LIBS)

release/%.o: %.cpp
	mkdir -p $(dir $@)
	$(CXX) $(CXX_RELEASE_FLAGS) -c $< -o $@

debug/%.o: %.cpp
	mkdir -p $(dir $@)
	$(CXX) $(CXX_DEBUG_FLAGS) -c $< -o $@

	-rm initialization-release initialization-debug
	-rm -r debug release