Here is a list of all documented namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
▼Nfastuidraw | All classes and functions of FastUIDraw are in the namespace fastuidraw |
NArcStrokedPointPacking | Namespce to encompass packing values and functions of path data for stroking using ArcStrokedPoint |
NCharacterEncoding | A CharacterEncoding is used to decide how to interpret characters. The value itself is just a 32-bit value that mirrors the FT_Encoding of FreeType |
Ngl | Namespace to encapsulate GL backend end implementation, utility functions and utility classes. Part of the GL backend libraries, libFastUIDrawGL and libFastUIDrawGLES |
Ngl_binding | Provides interface for application to use GL where function pointers are auto-resolved transparently and under debug provides error checking. Built as a part of a seperate library; for GL it is libNGL; for GLES it is NGLES. The header defines for each GL/GLES function, glFoo, the macro fastuidraw_glFoo |
Nglsl | Namespace to encapsulate shader building to GLSL shaders, part of the main library libFastUIDraw |
NGlyphGenerateParams | GlyphGenerateParams encapsulates values to determine how glyphs are to be produced. These values cannot be changed if there are any FontBase derived objects alive |
NStrokedPointPacking | Namespace to encompass packing values and functions of path data for stroking using StrokedPoint |