Here is a list of all modules:
 GL BackendImplementation of a backend using the OpenGL (or OpenGL ES) GPU API
 GL UtilityCollection of utility interfaces used by GL Backend that an application may wish to use as well
 GLSLUtility module to assist in creating GLSL shaders and also provides fastuidraw::glsl::PainterShaderRegistrarGLSL which provides shader assembly and default shaders via GLSL shaders. The GL backend via the class fastuidraw::gl::PainterEngineGL builds off of fastuidraw::glsl::PainterShaderRegistrarGLSL in that its fastuidraw::PainterEngine::painter_shader_registrar() method returns an object derived from fastuidraw::glsl::PainterShaderRegistrarGLSL. Part of the main library libFastUIDraw
 GLSL Built in ShadersThis group documents the symbols and varyings of the built in shaders provided by the GLSL module (which is used by both the GL and GLES backends
 GLSL Fragment CodeThis group documents the GLSL functions fastuidraw makes available to GLSL code fragments for only fragment shader for custom shading as embodied by the classes fastuidraw::glsl::PainterItemShaderGLSL, fastuidraw::glsl::PainterBlendShaderGLSL and fastuidraw::glsl::PainterBrushShaderGLSL
 GLSL Vertex CodeThis group documents the GLSL functions fastuidraw makes available to GLSL code fragments for only vertex shading for custom shading as embodied by the classes fastuidraw::glsl::PainterItemShaderGLSL, fastuidraw::glsl::PainterBlendShaderGLSL and fastuidraw::glsl::PainterBrushShaderGLSL
 GLSL Vertex Fragment CodeThis group documents the GLSL functions fastuidraw makes available to GLSL code fragments for both vertex and fragment shading for custom shading as embodied by the classes fastuidraw::glsl::PainterItemShaderGLSL, fastuidraw::glsl::PainterBlendShaderGLSL and fastuidraw::glsl::PainterBrushShaderGLSL
 GlyphGlyph provides the interfaces to realizing glyph data for rendering glyphs. The big classes being Glyph, GlyphCache, GlyphAtlas and FontBase. Part of the main library libFastUIDraw
 ImagingImaging provides the interface to realize images and color gradients
 PainterPainter provides the interface for Canvas drawing, the most important class being Painter. Part of the main library libFastUIDraw
 Painter AttributePainter Attribute provides the interface to define the attribute data to be used by shaders. This includes how glyphs, stroked paths and filled paths are realized as attribute data
 Painter BackendIf one is making a painter backend, then this group provides the information, see particularly the enumerations in fastuidraw::PainterHeader, fastuidraw::PainterItemMatrix, fastuidraw::PainterClipEquations for how data is packed by fastuidraw::Painter. Part of the main library libFastUIDraw
 Painter Shader DataPainter Shader Data defines the interface for providing to shaders a small amount of data that is constant across all vertices and pixels of a drawn item
 Painter ShadersPainter Shaders defines the interface how to specify shaders used by Painter to render items
 PathsPath provides the interface to realize paths, the main entry point for applications is the object Path
 UtilityUtility provides simple utility classes, the most important and commonly used ones being reference_counted_ptr, vecN, and c_array. Part of the main library libFastUIDraw