Example Custom Brush

Example on how to create a custom-brush that builds from teh standard brush.

The Example Custom Brush builds from Example Initialization to demonstrate how to create a custom-brush that builds from the standard brush. The example custom is implemented by modifying in the fragment shader the brush position fed to the standard brush.

A custom brush is defined essentially by two elements: a shader and data to feed the shader. The shader is represented by fastuidraw::PainterBrushShader and the data to feed it is represented by fastuidraw::PainterBrushShaderData. The data represents the small amount of data that the shader unpacks from the data store.

Using the symbols documented in GLSL Built in Shaders, the implementation of the data used by the custom brush and the shader for it is given by

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
/* The data of a custom brush is represented by an object of type
* derived from fastuidraw::PainterBrushShaderData.
class ExampleCustomBrushData:public fastuidraw::PainterBrushShaderData
* Data size is how many uvec4 values that the object
* will add to the data store.
unsigned int
data_size(void) const override
/* Our object is just a few floats (m_phase, m_amplitude and m_period)
* togeher with the data from a fastuidraw::PainterBrush. That is just
* three values, so only one uint32_t is needed more in addition
* to the data needed to pack the PainterBrush stored in m_brush_values.
return 1 + m_brush_values.data_size();
/* Packing the data represents placing the data into the data store
* which will be extacted on GPU by the shader.
/* We place the data of (m_phase, m_amplitude and m_period) first. */
dst[0].x() = fastuidraw::pack_float(m_phase);
dst[0].y() = fastuidraw::pack_float(m_period);
dst[0].z() = fastuidraw::pack_float(m_amplitude);
/* then place the data of the PainterBrush after our data starting
* at the next vecN<uint32_t, 4> element
/* PainterBrushShaderData need to indicate how many resources they use.
* A resource is any object that must stay alive for the custom brush
* to correctly execute. Typically resources are just fastuidraw::Image
* and fastuidraw::ColorStopSequence objects. In this example
* the resources are coming from only the PainterBrush m_brush_values,
* so we use its return values.
unsigned int
number_resources(void) const override
return m_brush_values.number_resources();
/* The function fill an array of size number_resources() to save the resource
* references to gaurnatee that the resources stay in scope.
/* A PainterBrushShaderData also needs to inform FastUIDraw what Image objects
* it uses that need to be bound by a 3D API call. Images that need to be bound
* are just those images whose Image::type() is Image::context_texture2d. In this
* example, the only image data that the brush has comes exactly from PainterBrush.
bind_images(void) const override
return m_brush_values.bind_images();
/* The waviness of the brush is defined by these 3 values
* - m_phase gives the phase of wave (so we can animate it)
* - m_period gives the period of the brush
* - m_amplitude gives the amplitude of the wave
float m_phase, m_period, m_amplitude;
/* Our example builds off of the standard brush */
fastuidraw::PainterBrush m_brush_values;
create_wavy_custom_brush(fastuidraw::gl::PainterEngineGL *painter_engine_gl)
using namespace fastuidraw;
using namespace fastuidraw::gl;
using namespace fastuidraw::glsl;
/* Get the brush shader for the default shader brush */
const PainterShaderSet &default_shaders(painter_engine_gl->default_shaders());
const PainterBrushShaderSet &default_brushes(default_shaders.brush_shaders());
reference_counted_ptr<PainterBrushShader> strandard_brush(default_brushes.standard_brush());
/* Our custom brush is going to use the default standard brush. We need to
* declare in the PainterBrushShaderGLSL ctor what other brush shaders it
* will use and how it will refer to them. Below we create (on the stack)
* a DependencyList object and add to it that our custom shader will use
* the default brush shader and refer via standard_brush. In the shader
* code, we can call its shader by calling the function standrad_brush().
* In addition, we can also read and write any of its varyings as well.
* For each varying FOO of the default shader brush, we can access that
* varying as standard_brush_FOO.
deps.add_shader("standard_brush", strandard_brush.static_cast_ptr<PainterBrushShaderGLSL>());
/* The vertex shader of our custom brush, the main point of interest
* is that it calls the vertex shader of the default brush by calling
* standard_brush(). Note that we pass 0 as the sub_shader to the
* standard brush. The parameter shader_data_block on exit needs to
* be updated to just past the shader data for the shader. The first
* increment is to increment the shader data for the portion of our shader
* and the calls to standard_brush() will increment past how much data
* the standard brush has.
const char *custom_brush_vert_shader =
"fastuidraw_gl_vert_brush_main(in uint sub_shader,\n"
" inout uint shader_data_block,\n"
" in vec2 brush_p)\n"
" shader_data_block += 1u;\n"
" standard_brush(0u, shader_data_block, brush_p);\n"
/* The fragment shader of our custom brush. It first unpacks
* m_phase, m_period and m_amplitude from the shader data.
* From there is modifies the varying of the default brush,
* fastuidraw_brush_p_x, by manipulating the value of
* standard_brush_fastuidraw_brush_p_x. Internally, these
* name aliases are implemented by macros. Finally, after
* changing the brush position, it calls the default brush
* by calling standard_brush().
const char *custom_brush_frag_shader =
"fastuidraw_gl_frag_brush_main(in uint sub_shader,\n"
" inout uint shader_data_block)\n"
" const float PI = 3.14159265358979323846;\n"
" uvec3 packed_value;\n"
" float phase, period, amplitude;\n"
"" // unpack our distrotion data
" packed_value = fastuidraw_fetch_data(shader_data_block).xyz;\n"
" phase = uintBitsToFloat(packed_value.x);\n"
" period = uintBitsToFloat(packed_value.y);\n"
" amplitude = uintBitsToFloat(packed_value.z);\n"
"" // change the position from the standard brush by our distortion
" standard_brush::fastuidraw_brush_p_x += amplitude * cos((2.0 * PI / period) * (phase + standard_brush::fastuidraw_brush_p_y));\n"
"" //now execute the standard brush after modifying its brush position
" shader_data_block += 1u;\n"
" return standard_brush(sub_shader, shader_data_block);\n"
/* When creating the ShaderSource objects to pass to the ctor of
* PainterBrushShader, we can elect to take the sources from
* a string, a file or a resource. When we take a string from
* a file or resource, the uber-shader assembly can list what the
* name of the file or resource if one dumps the shader source.
* To aid in debugging it is usually BEST to take shader source
* from a file or resource for just that reason.
generate_static_resource("custom_brush_vert_shader", custom_brush_vert_shader);
generate_static_resource("custom_brush_frag_shader", custom_brush_frag_shader);
ShaderSource vert, frag;
vert.add_source("custom_brush_vert_shader", ShaderSource::from_resource);
frag.add_source("custom_brush_frag_shader", ShaderSource::from_resource);
/* The ctor of PainterBrushShaderGLSL needs to know how many
* context textures the custom brushes shaders used DIRECTLY,
* i.e. NOT counting the number coming from the dependencies.
* In this example, our new shader code does not use any context
* textures, so the value is 0.
unsigned int number_context_textures(0);
/* The ctor of PainterBrushShaderGLSL needs to know the varyings
* that our custom brush creates. This varying list does NOT
* include the varyings from shaders listed in the DependencyList
* object passed. In our simple example we have no varyings so
* we do not add any elements to the varying_list object.
varying_list varyings;
return_value = FASTUIDRAWnew PainterBrushShaderGLSL(number_context_textures,
vert, frag,
varyings, deps);
/* Before the shader can be used, it must be registered. */
/* One big danger of having custom shaders is that if the GLSL code we gave
* has a syntax error, then the entire uber-shader cannot be compiled by
* the GL implementation. For debugging, we check if the uber-shader could
* be compiled/linked and if not bail out and save the logs and built shader
* source so that we can fix any errors in our shader code.
/* There are several GLSL programs that the painter engine
* actually has, For simplicity we grab the GLSL program
* that is used to draw any item that is blended with a
* blend shader that uses single-src blending.
pr = painter_engine_gl->program(PainterEngineGL::program_all, PainterBlendShader::single_src);
if (!pr->link_success())
std::cout << "Uber GLSL-program failed to be linked, dumping logs and sources of it\n";
std::ofstream program_log("program_log.txt");
program_log << "Log:\n" << pr->log()
<< "\nLinkLog:\n" << pr->link_log()
<< "\n";
/* For each shader of the program, dump its compile log
* and original shader source.
for (GLenum tp : tps)
for (unsigned int i = 0, endi = pr->num_shaders(tp); i < endi; ++i)
if (!pr->shader_compile_success(tp, i))
std::ostringstream name_common, name_log, name_src;
name_common << "compliled_failed.shader_" << i
<< "." << Shader::gl_shader_type_label(tp)
<< ".";
name_log << name_common.str() << "log";
name_src << name_common.str() << "glsl";
std::ofstream shader_log(name_log.str().c_str());
std::ofstream shader_src(name_src.str().c_str());
shader_log << pr->shader_compile_log(tp, i);
/* The shader_src_code() returns of the uber shader, that
* source code will also have a comment at the end of each
* line giving the line number of from where the source comes
* when the source comes from a file or a resource.
shader_src << pr->shader_src_code(tp, i);
return_value = nullptr;
return return_value;

The implementation of using the custom brush is given by

class ExampleCustomBrush:public Initialization
ExampleCustomBrush(DemoRunner *runner, int argc, char **argv);
draw_frame(void) override;
ExampleCustomBrush(DemoRunner *runner, int argc, char **argv):
Initialization(runner, argc, argv)
using namespace fastuidraw;
using namespace fastuidraw::glsl;
/* Make a simple color-stop-sequence with 4 color-stops. */
seq.add(ColorStop(u8vec4(27, 27, 255, 255), 0.0f));
seq.add(ColorStop(u8vec4(255, 27, 27, 255), 0.5f));
seq.add(ColorStop(u8vec4(127, 255, 27, 255), 0.75f));
seq.add(ColorStop(u8vec4(255, 255, 255, 27), 1.0f));
m_color_stops = m_painter_engine_gl->colorstop_atlas().create(seq, 8);
m_custom_brush_shader = create_wavy_custom_brush(m_painter_engine_gl.get());
if (!m_custom_brush_shader)
if (argc >= 2)
ImageSourceSDL image_loader(argv[1]);
m_image = m_painter_engine_gl->image_atlas().create(image_loader.width(),
fastuidraw::vec2 window_dims(window_dimensions());
fastuidraw::PainterSurface::Viewport vwp(0, 0, window_dims.x(), window_dims.y());
m_painter->begin(m_surface_gl, fastuidraw::Painter::y_increases_downwards);
/* For this simple example, we will use SDL_GetTicks() to
* get the number of milliseconds since the application started.
uint32_t t;
t = SDL_GetTicks() % 4000u;
/* Create an instance of our custom brush on the stack. */
ExampleCustomBrushData brush;
/* first set PainterBrush from which our custom brush builds
* to have a linear gradient with no color modulation applied.
.color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f)
window_dims * 0.45f,
window_dims * 0.55f,
if (m_image)
/* Have the brush modulate against an image as well. */
/* apply a repeat window to the brush the size of the image */
brush.m_brush_values.repeat_window(fastuidraw::vec2(0.0f, 0.0f),
/* Now set the values of the m_phase, m_amplitide to animate the wave.
* The value of m_period is used to determine the period of the wave.
float tf;
tf = 2.0f * FASTUIDRAW_PI / 4000.0f * static_cast<float>(t);
brush.m_phase = window_dims.y() * static_cast<float>(t) / 4000.0f;
brush.m_period = window_dims.y();
brush.m_amplitude = 0.1f * window_dims.x() * fastuidraw::t_cos(tf);
/* Create a fastuidraw::PainterCustomBrush that sources data from
* our ExampleCustomBrushData instance, brush, and uses our custom
* shader brush. Note that the -address- of ExampleCustomBrushData
* is passed.
fastuidraw::PainterCustomBrush custom_brush(m_custom_brush_shader.get(),
/* Fill a rect with out custom brush. */
.min_point(0.0f, 0.0f)
fastuidraw_glBindFramebuffer(GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER, 0);
main(int argc, char **argv)
DemoRunner demo_runner;
return demo_runner.main<ExampleCustomBrush>(argc, argv);