Rate Limiting

Rate Limiting is implemented by monitoring the utilization of the device on a per-VF, per-service basis and comparing that to the SLA allocated to that VF and service.

Resources are shared across guests and the resource utilization of each guest is measured relative to the capacity of the physical function.

The feature is supported for SYM, ASYM, and DC services.

To enable the Rate Limiting feature:

  1. Install the driver package on the host with Single-Root Input/Output Virtualization (SR-IOV) enabled.

  2. Set ServicesEnabled to asym or sym or dc.

  3. Perform qat_service shutdown and qat_service start.

Service Level Agreement (SLA)

Service Level Agreement enforcement allocates a specified amount of capacity for a specified service to a specified VF: max SLA enforced = (number of VFs) X (number of services) where:

  • Number of VFs varies based on device type

  • Number of services = 2 (asymmetric or symmetric or compression)

SLA Units

SLA units are measured as follows:

  • Symmetric Crypto – 1Mbps of throughput.

  • Asymmetric Crypto – 1 operation (ops) of reference operation.

  • Compression - 1Mbps of throughput.

SLA Manager Application

The sla_mgr tool is used to create, update, delete, list and get SLA capabilities. The SLA Manager executable is available in $ICP_ROOT/build/sla_mgr after the package is built and installed using ./configure; make install commands.

SLA Commands

Rate Limiting SLA Commands



Create SLA

./sla_mgr create <vf_addr> <rate_in_sla_units> <service>

Update SLA

./sla_mgr update <pf_addr> <sla_id> <rate_in_sla_units>

Delete SLA

./sla_mgr delete <pf_addr> <sla_id>

Delete all SLAs

./sla_mgr delete_all <pf_addr>

Query SLA capabilities

./sla_mgr caps <pf_addr>

Query list of SLAs

./sla_mgr list <pf_addr>


  • pf_addr - Physical address in domain:bus:device.function(xxxx:xx:xx.x) format.

  • vf_addr - Virtual address in domain:bus:device.function(xxxx:xx:xx.x) format.

  • Service - Asym(=0) or Sym(=1) or DC(=2).

  • rate_in_sla_units - [ 0-MAX]. MAX is found by querying the capabilities.

  • sla_id - Value returned by create command.

One rate_in_sla_units is equal to:

  • 1 operation per second - for asymmetric service.

  • 1 Megabits per second - for symmetric service/compression service.

SLA Manager Application Demo

Here is a demonstration of using the sla_mgr tool to create, update, and delete SLAs. The device utilization script from the previous section is used to visualize the SLAs in action. The demo consists of the following steps:

  1. Run Encryption workload without SLA in place to observe full utilization.

  2. Create SLA enabling 75% of bandwidth and observe reduced utilization.

  3. Update the SLA to enable 25% of bandwidth and observe reduced utilization.

  4. Remove the SLA and verify full utilization.