Acceleration Driver

Intel® QAT can accelerate the following services:

  • Symmetric cryptography

  • Public key cryptography

  • Data compression/decompression

The Intel® QAT Endpoints are exposed as PCI devices. Applications running in user space typically access these services via the Intel® QAT APIs. Applications that run in the Linux* kernel can also access some services via the Linux* Kernel Cryptographic Framework (LKCF) API.

Controlling the Driver

Two methods are provided to manage the acceleration driver. They include:

  • qat_service: script to manage the Intel® QAT Endpoints.

  • adf-ctl: Utility for loading configuration files and sending events to the driver.


The qat_service script is installed with the software package in the /etc/init.d/ directory. The script allows a user to start, stop, or query the status (up or down) of a single Intel® QAT Endpoint or all Intel® QAT Endpoints in the system.

qat_service Usage

To view all Intel® QAT Endpoints in the system, use:

service qat_service status

If for example, there are two Intel® QAT Endpoints in the system, the output will be similar to the following:

qat_dev0 - type: c6xx, inst_id: 0, bsf: 06:00:0, #accel: 5 #engines: 10 state: up
qat_dev1 - type: c6xx, inst_id: 1, bsf: 83:00:0, #accel: 5 #engines: 10 state: up

Other options are also available:

service qat_service start||stop||status||restart||shutdown

For a system with multiple Intel® QAT Endpoints, you can start, stop or restart each individual device by passing the Intel® QAT Endpoint to be restarted or stopped as a parameter qat_dev<N>, for example:

service qat_service stop qat_dev0
service qat_service stop qat_dev1

The shutdown qualifier enables the user to bring down all Intel® QAT Endpoints and unload driver modules from the kernel. This contrasts with the stop qualifier, which brings down one or more Intel® QAT Endpoints, but does not unload kernel modules, so other Intel® QAT Endpoints can still run.


The adf_ctl user space utility is separate to the driver and provides a mechanism for:

  • Loading configuration file data to the kernel driver. The kernel space driver uses the data and also provides the data to the user space driver.

  • Sending events to the driver to bring devices up and down.

The adf_ctl provided with the Intel® QAT 2.0 driver can also be used to interface with Intel® QAT 1.6 and 1.7 devices.

adf_ctl Usage

To bring up, down, restart or reset device(s):

adf_ctl [-c|--config] [qat_dev] [up|down|restart|reset]

To print device(s) status:

adf_ctl [qat_dev] status

To use the specified configuration file:

-c (--config) [config/file/path]


If no device (physical or virtual) is selected, this file is used against all existing devices.


To bring device 0 down:

adf_ctl qat_dev0 down

To load device configuration from default path (e.g. /etc/4xxx_dev1.conf), then bring device 1 up:

adf_ctl qat_dev1 up

To load device configuration from specified path /etc/4xxx_dev1.conf and bring device 1 up:

adf_ctl -c /etc/user_4xxx_dev1.conf qat_dev1 up

To restart all devices with default configuration files:

adf_ctl restart

To restart all devices with specified configuration file /etc/user_c4xxx_dev1.conf:

adf_ctl -c /etc/user_4xxx_dev1.conf restart

To restart device 0 with specified configuration file ~/user_4xxx_dev1.conf:

adf_ctl -c ~/user_c4xxx_dev1.conf qat_dev0 restart

To restart device 0:

adf_ctl qat_dev0 reset

Application Payload Memory Allocation

When performing offload operations through the Intel® QAT API, it is required that the payload data be placed in a buffer that is resident, physically contiguous, and DMA accessible from the acceleration hardware. It is the application’s responsibility to provide buffers with these constraints.

Buffers are passed to the API with virtual addresses. The API translates these addresses to the address information required by the hardware.


Acceleration Driver Services




Cryptographic service


See the Intel® QuickAssist Technology Cryptographic API Reference Manual (refer to Table 2) for details.

Data Compression service


See the Intel® QuickAssist Technology Data Compression API Reference Manual (refer to Table 2) for details.

When the software requires the physical address, it calls the registered function.


This address translation function is called at least once per request. Consequently, for optimal performance, the implementation of this function should be optimized.

If using the Intel® QAT Data Plane API, buffers are passed to the Intel® QAT API as physical addresses. The library passes this directly to the hardware, without the need for translation.

Thread Specific USDM

By default, memory allocation uses the USDM slab allocator, which gives 2MB contiguous memory. The allocation has locks in the library to prevent a race condition in getting the memory from the slab.

This lock has an impact on some multi-threaded applications and use cases, like HAProxy, causing a drop in performance.

To mitigate this issue, thread specific USDM is implemented which allocates and handles memory specific to threads. (For multi-thread apps, allocated memory information will be maintained separately for each thread).

This feature can be enabled by configuring with the configure flag:


In some use cases with thread specific USDM, using a 128K slab allocator instead of the default 2MB allocator could improve performance and reduce memory consumption for a large number of threads. This can be enabled by configuring with the configure flag



There is a limitation with thread specific USDM: memory allocated in one thread should be freed only by the thread which allocates it.

Incorrect cleanup can lead to a segmentation fault (segfault).

Also, memory allocated in a thread is freed automatically when the thread exits/terminates, even if the user does not explicitly free the memory.

See the ./configure flags` section of the Getting Started Guide for more information on these flags.


We have observed poor multithreaded performance with QAT_Engine using OpenSSL* at higher thread counts.

Unfortunately, these issues appear to stem from the way OpenSSL* implements its engine_table_select and locks. For relevant issues on the OpenSSL* github pages, see the two issues below:

Return Codes

This table shows the return codes used by various components of the acceleration driver, defined in $ICP_ROOT/quickassist/include/cpa.h.

Return Codes

Return Type

Return Code




Requested operation was successful.



General or unspecified error occurred. Refer to the console log user space application or to /var/log/messages in kernel space for more details of the failure.



Recoverable error occurred. Refer to relevant sections of the API for specifics on what the suggested course of action.



Required resource is unavailable. The resource that has been requested is unavailable. Refer to relevant sections of the API for specifics on what the suggested course of action.



Invalid parameter has been passed in.



Fatal error has occurred. A serious error has occurred. Recommended course of action is to shut down and restart the component.



The function is not supported, at least not with the specific parameters supplied. This may be because a particular capability is not supported by the current implementation.



The API implementation is restarting. This may be reported if, for example, a hardware implementation is undergoing a reset.

Linux* Device Driver Operations Return Codes

This table shows the return codes used by the driver to handle Linux* device driver operations.

Linux* Device Driver Operations Return Codes

Return Type

Return Code




Operation was successful.



General error occurred. Refer to the console log user space application or to /var/log/messages in kernel space for more details of the failure.



Operation is not permitted. Used during ioctl operations.



No such file or directory.



Interrupted system call.



Input/Output error occurred. Used when copying configuration data to and from user space.



Bad File Number. Used when an invalid file descriptor is detected.



Try Again. Used when a recoverable operation occurred.



Out of Memory. Memory resource that has been requested is not available.



Permission Denied. Used when the operation failed to connect to a process or open a device.



Bad Address. Used when an operation detects invalid parameter data.



Device or resource is busy.



File exists.



No Such Device. Used when an operation detects invalid device id.



Invalid argument.



Invalid Command Type. Used when an ioctl operation detects an invalid command type.



No space left on device.



Math result not representable.



Function not implemented.



Level 3 Halted.



Timer expired.



Not a data message.



Value too large for defined data type.



Operation not supported on transport endpoint.



Operation now in progress.