ROHD supports a variety of Conditional type statements that always must fall within a type of _Always block, similar to SystemVerilog. There are two types of _Always blocks: Sequential and Combinational, which map to SystemVerilog’s always_ff and always_comb, respectively. Combinational takes a list of Conditional statements. Different kinds of Conditional statement, such as If, may be composed of more Conditional statements. You can create Conditional composition chains as deep as you like.

Conditional statements are executed imperatively and in order, just like the contents of always blocks in SystemVerilog. _Always blocks in ROHD map 1-to-1 with SystemVerilog always statements when converted.

Assignments within an _Always should be executed conditionally, so use the < operator which creates a ConditionalAssign object instead of <=. The right hand side a ConditionalAssign can be anything that can be put onto a Logic, which includes ints. If you’re looking to fill the width of something, use Const with the fill = true.


Below is an example of an If statement in ROHD:

  If(a, then: [
      y < a,
      z < b,
      x < a & b,
      q < d,
  ], orElse: [ If(b, then: [
      y < b,
      z < a,
      q < 13,
  ], orElse: [
      y < 0,
      z < Const(1, width: 4, fill: true),


The If.block constructor makes syntax for long chains of if / else if / else chains nicer. For example:

Sequential(clk, [
    // the first one must be Iff (yes, with 2 f's, to differentiate from If above)
    Iff(a & ~b, [
      c < 1,
      d < 0
    ElseIf(b & ~a, [
      c < 1,
      d < 0
    // have as many ElseIf's here as you want
      c < 0,
      d < 1

Case and CaseZ

ROHD supports Case and CaseZ statements, including priority and unique flavors, which are implemented in the same way as SystemVerilog. For example:

  Case([b,a].swizzle(), [
      CaseItem(Const(LogicValue.ofString('01')), [
        c < 1,
        d < 0
      CaseItem(Const(LogicValue.ofString('10')), [
        c < 1,
        d < 0,
    ], defaultItem: [
      c < 0,
      d < 1,
    conditionalType: ConditionalType.unique
      CaseItem(Const(LogicValue.ofString('z1')), [
        e < 1,
    ], defaultItem: [
      e < 0,
    conditionalType: ConditionalType.priority

Note that ROHD supports the ‘z’ syntax, not the ‘?’ syntax (these are equivalent in SystemVerilog).

There is no support for an equivalent of casex from SystemVerilog, since it can easily cause unsynthesizeable code to be generated (see:
