clang  20.0.0git
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //===- ASTUnit.cpp - ASTUnit utility --------------------------------------===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
8 //
9 // ASTUnit Implementation.
10 //
11 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
13 #include "clang/Frontend/ASTUnit.h"
14 #include "clang/AST/ASTConsumer.h"
15 #include "clang/AST/ASTContext.h"
17 #include "clang/AST/Decl.h"
18 #include "clang/AST/DeclBase.h"
19 #include "clang/AST/DeclCXX.h"
20 #include "clang/AST/DeclGroup.h"
21 #include "clang/AST/DeclObjC.h"
22 #include "clang/AST/DeclTemplate.h"
26 #include "clang/AST/Type.h"
27 #include "clang/AST/TypeOrdering.h"
28 #include "clang/Basic/Diagnostic.h"
31 #include "clang/Basic/LLVM.h"
34 #include "clang/Basic/Module.h"
37 #include "clang/Basic/TargetInfo.h"
47 #include "clang/Frontend/Utils.h"
48 #include "clang/Lex/HeaderSearch.h"
50 #include "clang/Lex/Lexer.h"
51 #include "clang/Lex/PPCallbacks.h"
53 #include "clang/Lex/Preprocessor.h"
55 #include "clang/Lex/Token.h"
58 #include "clang/Sema/Sema.h"
67 #include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
68 #include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
69 #include "llvm/ADT/IntrusiveRefCntPtr.h"
70 #include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
71 #include "llvm/ADT/ScopeExit.h"
72 #include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
73 #include "llvm/ADT/StringMap.h"
74 #include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
75 #include "llvm/ADT/StringSet.h"
76 #include "llvm/ADT/Twine.h"
77 #include "llvm/ADT/iterator_range.h"
78 #include "llvm/Bitstream/BitstreamWriter.h"
79 #include "llvm/Support/Allocator.h"
80 #include "llvm/Support/Casting.h"
81 #include "llvm/Support/CrashRecoveryContext.h"
82 #include "llvm/Support/DJB.h"
83 #include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
84 #include "llvm/Support/ErrorOr.h"
85 #include "llvm/Support/FileSystem.h"
86 #include "llvm/Support/MemoryBuffer.h"
87 #include "llvm/Support/SaveAndRestore.h"
88 #include "llvm/Support/Timer.h"
89 #include "llvm/Support/VirtualFileSystem.h"
90 #include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
91 #include <algorithm>
92 #include <atomic>
93 #include <cassert>
94 #include <cstdint>
95 #include <cstdio>
96 #include <cstdlib>
97 #include <memory>
98 #include <mutex>
99 #include <optional>
100 #include <string>
101 #include <tuple>
102 #include <utility>
103 #include <vector>
105 using namespace clang;
107 using llvm::TimeRecord;
109 namespace {
111  class SimpleTimer {
112  bool WantTiming;
113  TimeRecord Start;
114  std::string Output;
116  public:
117  explicit SimpleTimer(bool WantTiming) : WantTiming(WantTiming) {
118  if (WantTiming)
119  Start = TimeRecord::getCurrentTime();
120  }
122  ~SimpleTimer() {
123  if (WantTiming) {
124  TimeRecord Elapsed = TimeRecord::getCurrentTime();
125  Elapsed -= Start;
126  llvm::errs() << Output << ':';
127  Elapsed.print(Elapsed, llvm::errs());
128  llvm::errs() << '\n';
129  }
130  }
132  void setOutput(const Twine &Output) {
133  if (WantTiming)
134  this->Output = Output.str();
135  }
136  };
138 } // namespace
140 template <class T>
141 static std::unique_ptr<T> valueOrNull(llvm::ErrorOr<std::unique_ptr<T>> Val) {
142  if (!Val)
143  return nullptr;
144  return std::move(*Val);
145 }
147 template <class T>
148 static bool moveOnNoError(llvm::ErrorOr<T> Val, T &Output) {
149  if (!Val)
150  return false;
151  Output = std::move(*Val);
152  return true;
153 }
155 /// Get a source buffer for \p MainFilePath, handling all file-to-file
156 /// and file-to-buffer remappings inside \p Invocation.
157 static std::unique_ptr<llvm::MemoryBuffer>
159  llvm::vfs::FileSystem *VFS,
160  StringRef FilePath, bool isVolatile) {
161  const auto &PreprocessorOpts = Invocation.getPreprocessorOpts();
163  // Try to determine if the main file has been remapped, either from the
164  // command line (to another file) or directly through the compiler
165  // invocation (to a memory buffer).
166  llvm::MemoryBuffer *Buffer = nullptr;
167  std::unique_ptr<llvm::MemoryBuffer> BufferOwner;
168  auto FileStatus = VFS->status(FilePath);
169  if (FileStatus) {
170  llvm::sys::fs::UniqueID MainFileID = FileStatus->getUniqueID();
172  // Check whether there is a file-file remapping of the main file
173  for (const auto &RF : PreprocessorOpts.RemappedFiles) {
174  std::string MPath(RF.first);
175  auto MPathStatus = VFS->status(MPath);
176  if (MPathStatus) {
177  llvm::sys::fs::UniqueID MID = MPathStatus->getUniqueID();
178  if (MainFileID == MID) {
179  // We found a remapping. Try to load the resulting, remapped source.
180  BufferOwner = valueOrNull(VFS->getBufferForFile(RF.second, -1, true, isVolatile));
181  if (!BufferOwner)
182  return nullptr;
183  }
184  }
185  }
187  // Check whether there is a file-buffer remapping. It supercedes the
188  // file-file remapping.
189  for (const auto &RB : PreprocessorOpts.RemappedFileBuffers) {
190  std::string MPath(RB.first);
191  auto MPathStatus = VFS->status(MPath);
192  if (MPathStatus) {
193  llvm::sys::fs::UniqueID MID = MPathStatus->getUniqueID();
194  if (MainFileID == MID) {
195  // We found a remapping.
196  BufferOwner.reset();
197  Buffer = const_cast<llvm::MemoryBuffer *>(RB.second);
198  }
199  }
200  }
201  }
203  // If the main source file was not remapped, load it now.
204  if (!Buffer && !BufferOwner) {
205  BufferOwner = valueOrNull(VFS->getBufferForFile(FilePath, -1, true, isVolatile));
206  if (!BufferOwner)
207  return nullptr;
208  }
210  if (BufferOwner)
211  return BufferOwner;
212  if (!Buffer)
213  return nullptr;
214  return llvm::MemoryBuffer::getMemBufferCopy(Buffer->getBuffer(), FilePath);
215 }
219  llvm::BitstreamWriter Stream;
223  : Stream(Buffer), Writer(Stream, Buffer, ModuleCache, {}) {}
224 };
226 void ASTUnit::clearFileLevelDecls() {
227  FileDecls.clear();
228 }
230 /// After failing to build a precompiled preamble (due to
231 /// errors in the source that occurs in the preamble), the number of
232 /// reparses during which we'll skip even trying to precompile the
233 /// preamble.
236 /// Tracks the number of ASTUnit objects that are currently active.
237 ///
238 /// Used for debugging purposes only.
239 static std::atomic<unsigned> ActiveASTUnitObjects;
241 ASTUnit::ASTUnit(bool _MainFileIsAST)
242  : MainFileIsAST(_MainFileIsAST), WantTiming(getenv("LIBCLANG_TIMING")),
243  ShouldCacheCodeCompletionResults(false),
244  IncludeBriefCommentsInCodeCompletion(false), UserFilesAreVolatile(false),
245  UnsafeToFree(false) {
246  if (getenv("LIBCLANG_OBJTRACKING"))
247  fprintf(stderr, "+++ %u translation units\n", ++ActiveASTUnitObjects);
248 }
250 ASTUnit::~ASTUnit() {
251  // If we loaded from an AST file, balance out the BeginSourceFile call.
252  if (MainFileIsAST && getDiagnostics().getClient()) {
254  }
256  clearFileLevelDecls();
258  // Free the buffers associated with remapped files. We are required to
259  // perform this operation here because we explicitly request that the
260  // compiler instance *not* free these buffers for each invocation of the
261  // parser.
262  if (Invocation && OwnsRemappedFileBuffers) {
263  PreprocessorOptions &PPOpts = Invocation->getPreprocessorOpts();
264  for (const auto &RB : PPOpts.RemappedFileBuffers)
265  delete RB.second;
266  }
268  ClearCachedCompletionResults();
270  if (getenv("LIBCLANG_OBJTRACKING"))
271  fprintf(stderr, "--- %u translation units\n", --ActiveASTUnitObjects);
272 }
274 void ASTUnit::setPreprocessor(std::shared_ptr<Preprocessor> PP) {
275  this->PP = std::move(PP);
276 }
279  assert(getDiagnostics().getClient() && Ctx &&
280  "Bad context for source file");
281  getDiagnostics().getClient()->BeginSourceFile(Ctx->getLangOpts(), PP.get());
282 }
284 /// Determine the set of code-completion contexts in which this
285 /// declaration should be shown.
287  const LangOptions &LangOpts,
288  bool &IsNestedNameSpecifier) {
289  IsNestedNameSpecifier = false;
291  if (isa<UsingShadowDecl>(ND))
292  ND = ND->getUnderlyingDecl();
293  if (!ND)
294  return 0;
296  uint64_t Contexts = 0;
297  if (isa<TypeDecl>(ND) || isa<ObjCInterfaceDecl>(ND) ||
298  isa<ClassTemplateDecl>(ND) || isa<TemplateTemplateParmDecl>(ND) ||
299  isa<TypeAliasTemplateDecl>(ND)) {
300  // Types can appear in these contexts.
301  if (LangOpts.CPlusPlus || !isa<TagDecl>(ND))
302  Contexts |= (1LL << CodeCompletionContext::CCC_TopLevel)
309  // In C++, types can appear in expressions contexts (for functional casts).
310  if (LangOpts.CPlusPlus)
311  Contexts |= (1LL << CodeCompletionContext::CCC_Expression);
313  // In Objective-C, message sends can send interfaces. In Objective-C++,
314  // all types are available due to functional casts.
315  if (LangOpts.CPlusPlus || isa<ObjCInterfaceDecl>(ND))
318  // In Objective-C, you can only be a subclass of another Objective-C class
319  if (const auto *ID = dyn_cast<ObjCInterfaceDecl>(ND)) {
320  // Objective-C interfaces can be used in a class property expression.
321  if (ID->getDefinition())
322  Contexts |= (1LL << CodeCompletionContext::CCC_Expression);
325  }
327  // Deal with tag names.
328  if (isa<EnumDecl>(ND)) {
329  Contexts |= (1LL << CodeCompletionContext::CCC_EnumTag);
331  // Part of the nested-name-specifier in C++0x.
332  if (LangOpts.CPlusPlus11)
333  IsNestedNameSpecifier = true;
334  } else if (const auto *Record = dyn_cast<RecordDecl>(ND)) {
335  if (Record->isUnion())
336  Contexts |= (1LL << CodeCompletionContext::CCC_UnionTag);
337  else
338  Contexts |= (1LL << CodeCompletionContext::CCC_ClassOrStructTag);
340  if (LangOpts.CPlusPlus)
341  IsNestedNameSpecifier = true;
342  } else if (isa<ClassTemplateDecl>(ND))
343  IsNestedNameSpecifier = true;
344  } else if (isa<ValueDecl>(ND) || isa<FunctionTemplateDecl>(ND)) {
345  // Values can appear in these contexts.
346  Contexts = (1LL << CodeCompletionContext::CCC_Statement)
350  } else if (isa<ObjCProtocolDecl>(ND)) {
352  } else if (isa<ObjCCategoryDecl>(ND)) {
354  } else if (isa<NamespaceDecl>(ND) || isa<NamespaceAliasDecl>(ND)) {
355  Contexts = (1LL << CodeCompletionContext::CCC_Namespace);
357  // Part of the nested-name-specifier.
358  IsNestedNameSpecifier = true;
359  }
361  return Contexts;
362 }
364 void ASTUnit::CacheCodeCompletionResults() {
365  if (!TheSema)
366  return;
368  SimpleTimer Timer(WantTiming);
369  Timer.setOutput("Cache global code completions for " + getMainFileName());
371  // Clear out the previous results.
372  ClearCachedCompletionResults();
374  // Gather the set of global code completions.
375  using Result = CodeCompletionResult;
376  SmallVector<Result, 8> Results;
377  CachedCompletionAllocator = std::make_shared<GlobalCodeCompletionAllocator>();
378  CodeCompletionTUInfo CCTUInfo(CachedCompletionAllocator);
379  TheSema->CodeCompletion().GatherGlobalCodeCompletions(
380  *CachedCompletionAllocator, CCTUInfo, Results);
382  // Translate global code completions into cached completions.
383  llvm::DenseMap<CanQualType, unsigned> CompletionTypes;
386  for (auto &R : Results) {
387  switch (R.Kind) {
388  case Result::RK_Declaration: {
389  bool IsNestedNameSpecifier = false;
390  CachedCodeCompletionResult CachedResult;
391  CachedResult.Completion = R.CreateCodeCompletionString(
392  *TheSema, CCContext, *CachedCompletionAllocator, CCTUInfo,
393  IncludeBriefCommentsInCodeCompletion);
394  CachedResult.ShowInContexts = getDeclShowContexts(
395  R.Declaration, Ctx->getLangOpts(), IsNestedNameSpecifier);
396  CachedResult.Priority = R.Priority;
397  CachedResult.Kind = R.CursorKind;
398  CachedResult.Availability = R.Availability;
400  // Keep track of the type of this completion in an ASTContext-agnostic
401  // way.
402  QualType UsageType = getDeclUsageType(*Ctx, R.Declaration);
403  if (UsageType.isNull()) {
404  CachedResult.TypeClass = STC_Void;
405  CachedResult.Type = 0;
406  } else {
407  CanQualType CanUsageType
408  = Ctx->getCanonicalType(UsageType.getUnqualifiedType());
409  CachedResult.TypeClass = getSimplifiedTypeClass(CanUsageType);
411  // Determine whether we have already seen this type. If so, we save
412  // ourselves the work of formatting the type string by using the
413  // temporary, CanQualType-based hash table to find the associated value.
414  unsigned &TypeValue = CompletionTypes[CanUsageType];
415  if (TypeValue == 0) {
416  TypeValue = CompletionTypes.size();
417  CachedCompletionTypes[QualType(CanUsageType).getAsString()]
418  = TypeValue;
419  }
421  CachedResult.Type = TypeValue;
422  }
424  CachedCompletionResults.push_back(CachedResult);
426  /// Handle nested-name-specifiers in C++.
427  if (TheSema->Context.getLangOpts().CPlusPlus && IsNestedNameSpecifier &&
428  !R.StartsNestedNameSpecifier) {
429  // The contexts in which a nested-name-specifier can appear in C++.
430  uint64_t NNSContexts
444  if (isa<NamespaceDecl>(R.Declaration) ||
445  isa<NamespaceAliasDecl>(R.Declaration))
446  NNSContexts |= (1LL << CodeCompletionContext::CCC_Namespace);
448  if (uint64_t RemainingContexts
449  = NNSContexts & ~CachedResult.ShowInContexts) {
450  // If there any contexts where this completion can be a
451  // nested-name-specifier but isn't already an option, create a
452  // nested-name-specifier completion.
453  R.StartsNestedNameSpecifier = true;
454  CachedResult.Completion = R.CreateCodeCompletionString(
455  *TheSema, CCContext, *CachedCompletionAllocator, CCTUInfo,
456  IncludeBriefCommentsInCodeCompletion);
457  CachedResult.ShowInContexts = RemainingContexts;
458  CachedResult.Priority = CCP_NestedNameSpecifier;
459  CachedResult.TypeClass = STC_Void;
460  CachedResult.Type = 0;
461  CachedCompletionResults.push_back(CachedResult);
462  }
463  }
464  break;
465  }
467  case Result::RK_Keyword:
468  case Result::RK_Pattern:
469  // Ignore keywords and patterns; we don't care, since they are so
470  // easily regenerated.
471  break;
473  case Result::RK_Macro: {
474  CachedCodeCompletionResult CachedResult;
475  CachedResult.Completion = R.CreateCodeCompletionString(
476  *TheSema, CCContext, *CachedCompletionAllocator, CCTUInfo,
477  IncludeBriefCommentsInCodeCompletion);
478  CachedResult.ShowInContexts
492  CachedResult.Priority = R.Priority;
493  CachedResult.Kind = R.CursorKind;
494  CachedResult.Availability = R.Availability;
495  CachedResult.TypeClass = STC_Void;
496  CachedResult.Type = 0;
497  CachedCompletionResults.push_back(CachedResult);
498  break;
499  }
500  }
501  }
503  // Save the current top-level hash value.
504  CompletionCacheTopLevelHashValue = CurrentTopLevelHashValue;
505 }
507 void ASTUnit::ClearCachedCompletionResults() {
508  CachedCompletionResults.clear();
509  CachedCompletionTypes.clear();
510  CachedCompletionAllocator = nullptr;
511 }
513 namespace {
515 /// Gathers information from ASTReader that will be used to initialize
516 /// a Preprocessor.
517 class ASTInfoCollector : public ASTReaderListener {
518  Preprocessor &PP;
519  ASTContext *Context;
520  HeaderSearchOptions &HSOpts;
521  PreprocessorOptions &PPOpts;
522  LangOptions &LangOpt;
523  std::shared_ptr<TargetOptions> &TargetOpts;
525  unsigned &Counter;
526  bool InitializedLanguage = false;
527  bool InitializedHeaderSearchPaths = false;
529 public:
530  ASTInfoCollector(Preprocessor &PP, ASTContext *Context,
531  HeaderSearchOptions &HSOpts, PreprocessorOptions &PPOpts,
532  LangOptions &LangOpt,
533  std::shared_ptr<TargetOptions> &TargetOpts,
534  IntrusiveRefCntPtr<TargetInfo> &Target, unsigned &Counter)
535  : PP(PP), Context(Context), HSOpts(HSOpts), PPOpts(PPOpts),
536  LangOpt(LangOpt), TargetOpts(TargetOpts), Target(Target),
537  Counter(Counter) {}
539  bool ReadLanguageOptions(const LangOptions &LangOpts,
540  StringRef ModuleFilename, bool Complain,
541  bool AllowCompatibleDifferences) override {
542  if (InitializedLanguage)
543  return false;
545  // FIXME: We did similar things in ReadHeaderSearchOptions too. But such
546  // style is not scaling. Probably we need to invite some mechanism to
547  // handle such patterns generally.
548  auto PICLevel = LangOpt.PICLevel;
549  auto PIE = LangOpt.PIE;
551  LangOpt = LangOpts;
553  LangOpt.PICLevel = PICLevel;
554  LangOpt.PIE = PIE;
556  InitializedLanguage = true;
558  updated();
559  return false;
560  }
562  bool ReadHeaderSearchOptions(const HeaderSearchOptions &HSOpts,
563  StringRef ModuleFilename,
564  StringRef SpecificModuleCachePath,
565  bool Complain) override {
566  // llvm::SaveAndRestore doesn't support bit field.
567  auto ForceCheckCXX20ModulesInputFiles =
569  llvm::SaveAndRestore X(this->HSOpts.UserEntries);
571  llvm::SaveAndRestore Z(this->HSOpts.VFSOverlayFiles);
573  this->HSOpts = HSOpts;
574  this->HSOpts.ForceCheckCXX20ModulesInputFiles =
575  ForceCheckCXX20ModulesInputFiles;
577  return false;
578  }
580  bool ReadHeaderSearchPaths(const HeaderSearchOptions &HSOpts,
581  bool Complain) override {
582  if (InitializedHeaderSearchPaths)
583  return false;
585  this->HSOpts.UserEntries = HSOpts.UserEntries;
586  this->HSOpts.SystemHeaderPrefixes = HSOpts.SystemHeaderPrefixes;
587  this->HSOpts.VFSOverlayFiles = HSOpts.VFSOverlayFiles;
589  // Initialize the FileManager. We can't do this in update(), since that
590  // performs the initialization too late (once both target and language
591  // options are read).
593  HSOpts.VFSOverlayFiles, PP.getDiagnostics(),
596  InitializedHeaderSearchPaths = true;
598  return false;
599  }
601  bool ReadPreprocessorOptions(const PreprocessorOptions &PPOpts,
602  StringRef ModuleFilename, bool ReadMacros,
603  bool Complain,
604  std::string &SuggestedPredefines) override {
605  this->PPOpts = PPOpts;
606  return false;
607  }
609  bool ReadTargetOptions(const TargetOptions &TargetOpts,
610  StringRef ModuleFilename, bool Complain,
611  bool AllowCompatibleDifferences) override {
612  // If we've already initialized the target, don't do it again.
613  if (Target)
614  return false;
616  this->TargetOpts = std::make_shared<TargetOptions>(TargetOpts);
617  Target =
618  TargetInfo::CreateTargetInfo(PP.getDiagnostics(), this->TargetOpts);
620  updated();
621  return false;
622  }
624  void ReadCounter(const serialization::ModuleFile &M,
625  unsigned Value) override {
626  Counter = Value;
627  }
629 private:
630  void updated() {
631  if (!Target || !InitializedLanguage)
632  return;
634  // Inform the target of the language options.
635  //
636  // FIXME: We shouldn't need to do this, the target should be immutable once
637  // created. This complexity should be lifted elsewhere.
638  Target->adjust(PP.getDiagnostics(), LangOpt);
640  // Initialize the preprocessor.
641  PP.Initialize(*Target);
643  if (!Context)
644  return;
646  // Initialize the ASTContext
647  Context->InitBuiltinTypes(*Target);
649  // Adjust printing policy based on language options.
650  Context->setPrintingPolicy(PrintingPolicy(LangOpt));
652  // We didn't have access to the comment options when the ASTContext was
653  // constructed, so register them now.
655  LangOpt.CommentOpts);
656  }
657 };
659 /// Diagnostic consumer that saves each diagnostic it is given.
660 class FilterAndStoreDiagnosticConsumer : public DiagnosticConsumer {
663  bool CaptureNonErrorsFromIncludes = true;
664  const LangOptions *LangOpts = nullptr;
665  SourceManager *SourceMgr = nullptr;
667 public:
668  FilterAndStoreDiagnosticConsumer(
671  bool CaptureNonErrorsFromIncludes)
672  : StoredDiags(StoredDiags), StandaloneDiags(StandaloneDiags),
673  CaptureNonErrorsFromIncludes(CaptureNonErrorsFromIncludes) {
674  assert((StoredDiags || StandaloneDiags) &&
675  "No output collections were passed to StoredDiagnosticConsumer.");
676  }
678  void BeginSourceFile(const LangOptions &LangOpts,
679  const Preprocessor *PP = nullptr) override {
680  this->LangOpts = &LangOpts;
681  if (PP)
682  SourceMgr = &PP->getSourceManager();
683  }
685  void HandleDiagnostic(DiagnosticsEngine::Level Level,
686  const Diagnostic &Info) override;
687 };
689 /// RAII object that optionally captures and filters diagnostics, if
690 /// there is no diagnostic client to capture them already.
691 class CaptureDroppedDiagnostics {
692  DiagnosticsEngine &Diags;
693  FilterAndStoreDiagnosticConsumer Client;
694  DiagnosticConsumer *PreviousClient = nullptr;
695  std::unique_ptr<DiagnosticConsumer> OwningPreviousClient;
697 public:
698  CaptureDroppedDiagnostics(
699  CaptureDiagsKind CaptureDiagnostics, DiagnosticsEngine &Diags,
702  : Diags(Diags),
703  Client(StoredDiags, StandaloneDiags,
704  CaptureDiagnostics !=
706  if (CaptureDiagnostics != CaptureDiagsKind::None ||
707  Diags.getClient() == nullptr) {
708  OwningPreviousClient = Diags.takeClient();
709  PreviousClient = Diags.getClient();
710  Diags.setClient(&Client, false);
711  }
712  }
714  ~CaptureDroppedDiagnostics() {
715  if (Diags.getClient() == &Client)
716  Diags.setClient(PreviousClient, !!OwningPreviousClient.release());
717  }
718 };
720 } // namespace
723 makeStandaloneDiagnostic(const LangOptions &LangOpts,
724  const StoredDiagnostic &InDiag);
726 static bool isInMainFile(const clang::Diagnostic &D) {
727  if (!D.hasSourceManager() || !D.getLocation().isValid())
728  return false;
730  auto &M = D.getSourceManager();
731  return M.isWrittenInMainFile(M.getExpansionLoc(D.getLocation()));
732 }
734 void FilterAndStoreDiagnosticConsumer::HandleDiagnostic(
736  // Default implementation (Warnings/errors count).
739  // Only record the diagnostic if it's part of the source manager we know
740  // about. This effectively drops diagnostics from modules we're building.
741  // FIXME: In the long run, ee don't want to drop source managers from modules.
742  if (!Info.hasSourceManager() || &Info.getSourceManager() == SourceMgr) {
743  if (!CaptureNonErrorsFromIncludes && Level <= DiagnosticsEngine::Warning &&
744  !isInMainFile(Info)) {
745  return;
746  }
748  StoredDiagnostic *ResultDiag = nullptr;
749  if (StoredDiags) {
750  StoredDiags->emplace_back(Level, Info);
751  ResultDiag = &StoredDiags->back();
752  }
754  if (StandaloneDiags) {
755  std::optional<StoredDiagnostic> StoredDiag;
756  if (!ResultDiag) {
757  StoredDiag.emplace(Level, Info);
758  ResultDiag = &*StoredDiag;
759  }
760  StandaloneDiags->push_back(
761  makeStandaloneDiagnostic(*LangOpts, *ResultDiag));
762  }
763  }
764 }
767  return Reader;
768 }
771  if (WriterData)
772  return &WriterData->Writer;
773  return nullptr;
774 }
777  if (WriterData)
778  return &WriterData->Writer;
779  return nullptr;
780 }
782 std::unique_ptr<llvm::MemoryBuffer>
783 ASTUnit::getBufferForFile(StringRef Filename, std::string *ErrorStr) {
784  assert(FileMgr);
785  auto Buffer = FileMgr->getBufferForFile(Filename, UserFilesAreVolatile);
786  if (Buffer)
787  return std::move(*Buffer);
788  if (ErrorStr)
789  *ErrorStr = Buffer.getError().message();
790  return nullptr;
791 }
793 /// Configure the diagnostics object for use with ASTUnit.
794 void ASTUnit::ConfigureDiags(IntrusiveRefCntPtr<DiagnosticsEngine> Diags,
795  ASTUnit &AST,
796  CaptureDiagsKind CaptureDiagnostics) {
797  assert(Diags.get() && "no DiagnosticsEngine was provided");
798  if (CaptureDiagnostics != CaptureDiagsKind::None)
799  Diags->setClient(new FilterAndStoreDiagnosticConsumer(
800  &AST.StoredDiagnostics, nullptr,
802 }
804 std::unique_ptr<ASTUnit> ASTUnit::LoadFromASTFile(
805  const std::string &Filename, const PCHContainerReader &PCHContainerRdr,
807  const FileSystemOptions &FileSystemOpts,
808  std::shared_ptr<HeaderSearchOptions> HSOpts,
809  std::shared_ptr<LangOptions> LangOpts, bool OnlyLocalDecls,
810  CaptureDiagsKind CaptureDiagnostics, bool AllowASTWithCompilerErrors,
811  bool UserFilesAreVolatile, IntrusiveRefCntPtr<llvm::vfs::FileSystem> VFS) {
812  std::unique_ptr<ASTUnit> AST(new ASTUnit(true));
814  // Recover resources if we crash before exiting this method.
815  llvm::CrashRecoveryContextCleanupRegistrar<ASTUnit>
816  ASTUnitCleanup(AST.get());
817  llvm::CrashRecoveryContextCleanupRegistrar<DiagnosticsEngine,
818  llvm::CrashRecoveryContextReleaseRefCleanup<DiagnosticsEngine>>
819  DiagCleanup(Diags.get());
821  ConfigureDiags(Diags, *AST, CaptureDiagnostics);
823  AST->LangOpts = LangOpts ? LangOpts : std::make_shared<LangOptions>();
824  AST->OnlyLocalDecls = OnlyLocalDecls;
825  AST->CaptureDiagnostics = CaptureDiagnostics;
826  AST->Diagnostics = Diags;
827  AST->FileMgr = new FileManager(FileSystemOpts, VFS);
828  AST->UserFilesAreVolatile = UserFilesAreVolatile;
829  AST->SourceMgr = new SourceManager(AST->getDiagnostics(),
830  AST->getFileManager(),
831  UserFilesAreVolatile);
832  AST->ModuleCache = new InMemoryModuleCache;
833  AST->HSOpts = HSOpts ? HSOpts : std::make_shared<HeaderSearchOptions>();
834  AST->HSOpts->ModuleFormat = std::string(PCHContainerRdr.getFormats().front());
835  AST->HeaderInfo.reset(new HeaderSearch(AST->HSOpts,
836  AST->getSourceManager(),
837  AST->getDiagnostics(),
838  AST->getLangOpts(),
839  /*Target=*/nullptr));
840  AST->PPOpts = std::make_shared<PreprocessorOptions>();
842  // Gather Info for preprocessor construction later on.
844  HeaderSearch &HeaderInfo = *AST->HeaderInfo;
846  AST->PP = std::make_shared<Preprocessor>(
847  AST->PPOpts, AST->getDiagnostics(), *AST->LangOpts,
848  AST->getSourceManager(), HeaderInfo, AST->ModuleLoader,
849  /*IILookup=*/nullptr,
850  /*OwnsHeaderSearch=*/false);
851  Preprocessor &PP = *AST->PP;
853  if (ToLoad >= LoadASTOnly)
854  AST->Ctx = new ASTContext(*AST->LangOpts, AST->getSourceManager(),
856  PP.getBuiltinInfo(),
857  AST->getTranslationUnitKind());
859  DisableValidationForModuleKind disableValid =
863  AST->Reader = new ASTReader(
864  PP, *AST->ModuleCache, AST->Ctx.get(), PCHContainerRdr, {},
865  /*isysroot=*/"",
866  /*DisableValidationKind=*/disableValid, AllowASTWithCompilerErrors);
868  unsigned Counter = 0;
869  AST->Reader->setListener(std::make_unique<ASTInfoCollector>(
870  *AST->PP, AST->Ctx.get(), *AST->HSOpts, *AST->PPOpts, *AST->LangOpts,
871  AST->TargetOpts, AST->Target, Counter));
873  // Attach the AST reader to the AST context as an external AST
874  // source, so that declarations will be deserialized from the
875  // AST file as needed.
876  // We need the external source to be set up before we read the AST, because
877  // eagerly-deserialized declarations may use it.
878  if (AST->Ctx)
879  AST->Ctx->setExternalSource(AST->Reader);
881  switch (AST->Reader->ReadAST(Filename, serialization::MK_MainFile,
883  case ASTReader::Success:
884  break;
886  case ASTReader::Failure:
887  case ASTReader::Missing:
892  AST->getDiagnostics().Report(diag::err_fe_unable_to_load_pch);
893  return nullptr;
894  }
896  AST->OriginalSourceFile = std::string(AST->Reader->getOriginalSourceFile());
898  PP.setCounterValue(Counter);
900  Module *M = HeaderInfo.lookupModule(AST->getLangOpts().CurrentModule);
901  if (M && AST->getLangOpts().isCompilingModule() && M->isNamedModule())
902  AST->Ctx->setCurrentNamedModule(M);
904  // Create an AST consumer, even though it isn't used.
905  if (ToLoad >= LoadASTOnly)
906  AST->Consumer.reset(new ASTConsumer);
908  // Create a semantic analysis object and tell the AST reader about it.
909  if (ToLoad >= LoadEverything) {
910  AST->TheSema.reset(new Sema(PP, *AST->Ctx, *AST->Consumer));
911  AST->TheSema->Initialize();
912  AST->Reader->InitializeSema(*AST->TheSema);
913  }
915  // Tell the diagnostic client that we have started a source file.
916  AST->getDiagnostics().getClient()->BeginSourceFile(PP.getLangOpts(), &PP);
918  return AST;
919 }
921 /// Add the given macro to the hash of all top-level entities.
922 static void AddDefinedMacroToHash(const Token &MacroNameTok, unsigned &Hash) {
923  Hash = llvm::djbHash(MacroNameTok.getIdentifierInfo()->getName(), Hash);
924 }
926 namespace {
928 /// Preprocessor callback class that updates a hash value with the names
929 /// of all macros that have been defined by the translation unit.
930 class MacroDefinitionTrackerPPCallbacks : public PPCallbacks {
931  unsigned &Hash;
933 public:
934  explicit MacroDefinitionTrackerPPCallbacks(unsigned &Hash) : Hash(Hash) {}
936  void MacroDefined(const Token &MacroNameTok,
937  const MacroDirective *MD) override {
938  AddDefinedMacroToHash(MacroNameTok, Hash);
939  }
940 };
942 } // namespace
944 /// Add the given declaration to the hash of all top-level entities.
945 static void AddTopLevelDeclarationToHash(Decl *D, unsigned &Hash) {
946  if (!D)
947  return;
949  DeclContext *DC = D->getDeclContext();
950  if (!DC)
951  return;
953  if (!(DC->isTranslationUnit() || DC->getLookupParent()->isTranslationUnit()))
954  return;
956  if (const auto *ND = dyn_cast<NamedDecl>(D)) {
957  if (const auto *EnumD = dyn_cast<EnumDecl>(D)) {
958  // For an unscoped enum include the enumerators in the hash since they
959  // enter the top-level namespace.
960  if (!EnumD->isScoped()) {
961  for (const auto *EI : EnumD->enumerators()) {
962  if (EI->getIdentifier())
963  Hash = llvm::djbHash(EI->getIdentifier()->getName(), Hash);
964  }
965  }
966  }
968  if (ND->getIdentifier())
969  Hash = llvm::djbHash(ND->getIdentifier()->getName(), Hash);
970  else if (DeclarationName Name = ND->getDeclName()) {
971  std::string NameStr = Name.getAsString();
972  Hash = llvm::djbHash(NameStr, Hash);
973  }
974  return;
975  }
977  if (const auto *ImportD = dyn_cast<ImportDecl>(D)) {
978  if (const Module *Mod = ImportD->getImportedModule()) {
979  std::string ModName = Mod->getFullModuleName();
980  Hash = llvm::djbHash(ModName, Hash);
981  }
982  return;
983  }
984 }
986 namespace {
988 class TopLevelDeclTrackerConsumer : public ASTConsumer {
989  ASTUnit &Unit;
990  unsigned &Hash;
992 public:
993  TopLevelDeclTrackerConsumer(ASTUnit &_Unit, unsigned &Hash)
994  : Unit(_Unit), Hash(Hash) {
995  Hash = 0;
996  }
998  void handleTopLevelDecl(Decl *D) {
999  if (!D)
1000  return;
1002  // FIXME: Currently ObjC method declarations are incorrectly being
1003  // reported as top-level declarations, even though their DeclContext
1004  // is the containing ObjC @interface/@implementation. This is a
1005  // fundamental problem in the parser right now.
1006  if (isa<ObjCMethodDecl>(D))
1007  return;
1010  Unit.addTopLevelDecl(D);
1012  handleFileLevelDecl(D);
1013  }
1015  void handleFileLevelDecl(Decl *D) {
1016  Unit.addFileLevelDecl(D);
1017  if (auto *NSD = dyn_cast<NamespaceDecl>(D)) {
1018  for (auto *I : NSD->decls())
1019  handleFileLevelDecl(I);
1020  }
1021  }
1023  bool HandleTopLevelDecl(DeclGroupRef D) override {
1024  for (auto *TopLevelDecl : D)
1025  handleTopLevelDecl(TopLevelDecl);
1026  return true;
1027  }
1029  // We're not interested in "interesting" decls.
1030  void HandleInterestingDecl(DeclGroupRef) override {}
1032  void HandleTopLevelDeclInObjCContainer(DeclGroupRef D) override {
1033  for (auto *TopLevelDecl : D)
1034  handleTopLevelDecl(TopLevelDecl);
1035  }
1037  ASTMutationListener *GetASTMutationListener() override {
1038  return Unit.getASTMutationListener();
1039  }
1041  ASTDeserializationListener *GetASTDeserializationListener() override {
1042  return Unit.getDeserializationListener();
1043  }
1044 };
1046 class TopLevelDeclTrackerAction : public ASTFrontendAction {
1047 public:
1048  ASTUnit &Unit;
1050  std::unique_ptr<ASTConsumer> CreateASTConsumer(CompilerInstance &CI,
1051  StringRef InFile) override {
1053  std::make_unique<MacroDefinitionTrackerPPCallbacks>(
1054  Unit.getCurrentTopLevelHashValue()));
1055  return std::make_unique<TopLevelDeclTrackerConsumer>(
1056  Unit, Unit.getCurrentTopLevelHashValue());
1057  }
1059 public:
1060  TopLevelDeclTrackerAction(ASTUnit &_Unit) : Unit(_Unit) {}
1062  bool hasCodeCompletionSupport() const override { return false; }
1064  TranslationUnitKind getTranslationUnitKind() override {
1065  return Unit.getTranslationUnitKind();
1066  }
1067 };
1069 class ASTUnitPreambleCallbacks : public PreambleCallbacks {
1070 public:
1071  unsigned getHash() const { return Hash; }
1073  std::vector<Decl *> takeTopLevelDecls() { return std::move(TopLevelDecls); }
1075  std::vector<LocalDeclID> takeTopLevelDeclIDs() {
1076  return std::move(TopLevelDeclIDs);
1077  }
1079  void AfterPCHEmitted(ASTWriter &Writer) override {
1080  TopLevelDeclIDs.reserve(TopLevelDecls.size());
1081  for (const auto *D : TopLevelDecls) {
1082  // Invalid top-level decls may not have been serialized.
1083  if (D->isInvalidDecl())
1084  continue;
1085  TopLevelDeclIDs.push_back(Writer.getDeclID(D));
1086  }
1087  }
1089  void HandleTopLevelDecl(DeclGroupRef DG) override {
1090  for (auto *D : DG) {
1091  // FIXME: Currently ObjC method declarations are incorrectly being
1092  // reported as top-level declarations, even though their DeclContext
1093  // is the containing ObjC @interface/@implementation. This is a
1094  // fundamental problem in the parser right now.
1095  if (isa<ObjCMethodDecl>(D))
1096  continue;
1098  TopLevelDecls.push_back(D);
1099  }
1100  }
1102  std::unique_ptr<PPCallbacks> createPPCallbacks() override {
1103  return std::make_unique<MacroDefinitionTrackerPPCallbacks>(Hash);
1104  }
1106 private:
1107  unsigned Hash = 0;
1108  std::vector<Decl *> TopLevelDecls;
1109  std::vector<LocalDeclID> TopLevelDeclIDs;
1111 };
1113 } // namespace
1115 static bool isNonDriverDiag(const StoredDiagnostic &StoredDiag) {
1116  return StoredDiag.getLocation().isValid();
1117 }
1119 static void
1121  // Get rid of stored diagnostics except the ones from the driver which do not
1122  // have a source location.
1123  llvm::erase_if(StoredDiags, isNonDriverDiag);
1124 }
1127  StoredDiagnostics,
1128  SourceManager &SM) {
1129  // The stored diagnostic has the old source manager in it; update
1130  // the locations to refer into the new source manager. Since we've
1131  // been careful to make sure that the source manager's state
1132  // before and after are identical, so that we can reuse the source
1133  // location itself.
1134  for (auto &SD : StoredDiagnostics) {
1135  if (SD.getLocation().isValid()) {
1136  FullSourceLoc Loc(SD.getLocation(), SM);
1137  SD.setLocation(Loc);
1138  }
1139  }
1140 }
1142 /// Parse the source file into a translation unit using the given compiler
1143 /// invocation, replacing the current translation unit.
1144 ///
1145 /// \returns True if a failure occurred that causes the ASTUnit not to
1146 /// contain any translation-unit information, false otherwise.
1147 bool ASTUnit::Parse(std::shared_ptr<PCHContainerOperations> PCHContainerOps,
1148  std::unique_ptr<llvm::MemoryBuffer> OverrideMainBuffer,
1150  if (!Invocation)
1151  return true;
1153  if (VFS && FileMgr)
1154  assert(VFS == &FileMgr->getVirtualFileSystem() &&
1155  "VFS passed to Parse and VFS in FileMgr are different");
1157  auto CCInvocation = std::make_shared<CompilerInvocation>(*Invocation);
1158  if (OverrideMainBuffer) {
1159  assert(Preamble &&
1160  "No preamble was built, but OverrideMainBuffer is not null");
1161  Preamble->AddImplicitPreamble(*CCInvocation, VFS, OverrideMainBuffer.get());
1162  // VFS may have changed...
1163  }
1165  // Create the compiler instance to use for building the AST.
1166  std::unique_ptr<CompilerInstance> Clang(
1167  new CompilerInstance(std::move(PCHContainerOps)));
1168  Clang->setInvocation(CCInvocation);
1170  // Clean up on error, disengage it if the function returns successfully.
1171  auto CleanOnError = llvm::make_scope_exit([&]() {
1172  // Remove the overridden buffer we used for the preamble.
1173  SavedMainFileBuffer = nullptr;
1175  // Keep the ownership of the data in the ASTUnit because the client may
1176  // want to see the diagnostics.
1177  transferASTDataFromCompilerInstance(*Clang);
1178  FailedParseDiagnostics.swap(StoredDiagnostics);
1179  StoredDiagnostics.clear();
1180  NumStoredDiagnosticsFromDriver = 0;
1181  });
1183  // Ensure that Clang has a FileManager with the right VFS, which may have
1184  // changed above in AddImplicitPreamble. If VFS is nullptr, rely on
1185  // createFileManager to create one.
1186  if (VFS && FileMgr && &FileMgr->getVirtualFileSystem() == VFS)
1187  Clang->setFileManager(&*FileMgr);
1188  else
1189  FileMgr = Clang->createFileManager(std::move(VFS));
1191  // Recover resources if we crash before exiting this method.
1192  llvm::CrashRecoveryContextCleanupRegistrar<CompilerInstance>
1193  CICleanup(Clang.get());
1195  OriginalSourceFile =
1196  std::string(Clang->getFrontendOpts().Inputs[0].getFile());
1198  // Set up diagnostics, capturing any diagnostics that would
1199  // otherwise be dropped.
1200  Clang->setDiagnostics(&getDiagnostics());
1202  // Create the target instance.
1203  if (!Clang->createTarget())
1204  return true;
1206  assert(Clang->getFrontendOpts().Inputs.size() == 1 &&
1207  "Invocation must have exactly one source file!");
1208  assert(Clang->getFrontendOpts().Inputs[0].getKind().getFormat() ==
1210  "FIXME: AST inputs not yet supported here!");
1211  assert(Clang->getFrontendOpts().Inputs[0].getKind().getLanguage() !=
1213  "IR inputs not support here!");
1215  // Configure the various subsystems.
1216  LangOpts = Clang->getInvocation().LangOpts;
1217  FileSystemOpts = Clang->getFileSystemOpts();
1219  ResetForParse();
1221  SourceMgr = new SourceManager(getDiagnostics(), *FileMgr,
1222  UserFilesAreVolatile);
1223  if (!OverrideMainBuffer) {
1224  checkAndRemoveNonDriverDiags(StoredDiagnostics);
1225  TopLevelDeclsInPreamble.clear();
1226  }
1228  // Create the source manager.
1229  Clang->setSourceManager(&getSourceManager());
1231  // If the main file has been overridden due to the use of a preamble,
1232  // make that override happen and introduce the preamble.
1233  if (OverrideMainBuffer) {
1234  // The stored diagnostic has the old source manager in it; update
1235  // the locations to refer into the new source manager. Since we've
1236  // been careful to make sure that the source manager's state
1237  // before and after are identical, so that we can reuse the source
1238  // location itself.
1239  checkAndSanitizeDiags(StoredDiagnostics, getSourceManager());
1241  // Keep track of the override buffer;
1242  SavedMainFileBuffer = std::move(OverrideMainBuffer);
1243  }
1245  std::unique_ptr<TopLevelDeclTrackerAction> Act(
1246  new TopLevelDeclTrackerAction(*this));
1248  // Recover resources if we crash before exiting this method.
1249  llvm::CrashRecoveryContextCleanupRegistrar<TopLevelDeclTrackerAction>
1250  ActCleanup(Act.get());
1252  if (!Act->BeginSourceFile(*Clang.get(), Clang->getFrontendOpts().Inputs[0]))
1253  return true;
1255  if (SavedMainFileBuffer)
1256  TranslateStoredDiagnostics(getFileManager(), getSourceManager(),
1257  PreambleDiagnostics, StoredDiagnostics);
1258  else
1259  PreambleSrcLocCache.clear();
1261  if (llvm::Error Err = Act->Execute()) {
1262  consumeError(std::move(Err)); // FIXME this drops errors on the floor.
1263  return true;
1264  }
1266  transferASTDataFromCompilerInstance(*Clang);
1268  Act->EndSourceFile();
1270  FailedParseDiagnostics.clear();
1272  CleanOnError.release();
1274  return false;
1275 }
1277 static std::pair<unsigned, unsigned>
1279  const LangOptions &LangOpts) {
1280  CharSourceRange FileRange = Lexer::makeFileCharRange(Range, SM, LangOpts);
1281  unsigned Offset = SM.getFileOffset(FileRange.getBegin());
1282  unsigned EndOffset = SM.getFileOffset(FileRange.getEnd());
1283  return std::make_pair(Offset, EndOffset);
1284 }
1287  const LangOptions &LangOpts,
1288  const FixItHint &InFix) {
1289  ASTUnit::StandaloneFixIt OutFix;
1290  OutFix.RemoveRange = makeStandaloneRange(InFix.RemoveRange, SM, LangOpts);
1292  LangOpts);
1293  OutFix.CodeToInsert = InFix.CodeToInsert;
1295  return OutFix;
1296 }
1300  const StoredDiagnostic &InDiag) {
1302  OutDiag.ID = InDiag.getID();
1303  OutDiag.Level = InDiag.getLevel();
1304  OutDiag.Message = std::string(InDiag.getMessage());
1305  OutDiag.LocOffset = 0;
1306  if (InDiag.getLocation().isInvalid())
1307  return OutDiag;
1308  const SourceManager &SM = InDiag.getLocation().getManager();
1309  SourceLocation FileLoc = SM.getFileLoc(InDiag.getLocation());
1310  OutDiag.Filename = std::string(SM.getFilename(FileLoc));
1311  if (OutDiag.Filename.empty())
1312  return OutDiag;
1313  OutDiag.LocOffset = SM.getFileOffset(FileLoc);
1314  for (const auto &Range : InDiag.getRanges())
1315  OutDiag.Ranges.push_back(makeStandaloneRange(Range, SM, LangOpts));
1316  for (const auto &FixIt : InDiag.getFixIts())
1317  OutDiag.FixIts.push_back(makeStandaloneFixIt(SM, LangOpts, FixIt));
1319  return OutDiag;
1320 }
1322 /// Attempt to build or re-use a precompiled preamble when (re-)parsing
1323 /// the source file.
1324 ///
1325 /// This routine will compute the preamble of the main source file. If a
1326 /// non-trivial preamble is found, it will precompile that preamble into a
1327 /// precompiled header so that the precompiled preamble can be used to reduce
1328 /// reparsing time. If a precompiled preamble has already been constructed,
1329 /// this routine will determine if it is still valid and, if so, avoid
1330 /// rebuilding the precompiled preamble.
1331 ///
1332 /// \param AllowRebuild When true (the default), this routine is
1333 /// allowed to rebuild the precompiled preamble if it is found to be
1334 /// out-of-date.
1335 ///
1336 /// \param MaxLines When non-zero, the maximum number of lines that
1337 /// can occur within the preamble.
1338 ///
1339 /// \returns If the precompiled preamble can be used, returns a newly-allocated
1340 /// buffer that should be used in place of the main file when doing so.
1341 /// Otherwise, returns a NULL pointer.
1342 std::unique_ptr<llvm::MemoryBuffer>
1343 ASTUnit::getMainBufferWithPrecompiledPreamble(
1344  std::shared_ptr<PCHContainerOperations> PCHContainerOps,
1345  CompilerInvocation &PreambleInvocationIn,
1346  IntrusiveRefCntPtr<llvm::vfs::FileSystem> VFS, bool AllowRebuild,
1347  unsigned MaxLines) {
1348  auto MainFilePath =
1349  PreambleInvocationIn.getFrontendOpts().Inputs[0].getFile();
1350  std::unique_ptr<llvm::MemoryBuffer> MainFileBuffer =
1351  getBufferForFileHandlingRemapping(PreambleInvocationIn, VFS.get(),
1352  MainFilePath, UserFilesAreVolatile);
1353  if (!MainFileBuffer)
1354  return nullptr;
1357  PreambleInvocationIn.getLangOpts(), *MainFileBuffer, MaxLines);
1358  if (!Bounds.Size)
1359  return nullptr;
1361  if (Preamble) {
1362  if (Preamble->CanReuse(PreambleInvocationIn, *MainFileBuffer, Bounds,
1363  *VFS)) {
1364  // Okay! We can re-use the precompiled preamble.
1366  // Set the state of the diagnostic object to mimic its state
1367  // after parsing the preamble.
1368  getDiagnostics().Reset();
1370  PreambleInvocationIn.getDiagnosticOpts());
1371  getDiagnostics().setNumWarnings(NumWarningsInPreamble);
1373  PreambleRebuildCountdown = 1;
1374  return MainFileBuffer;
1375  } else {
1376  Preamble.reset();
1377  PreambleDiagnostics.clear();
1378  TopLevelDeclsInPreamble.clear();
1379  PreambleSrcLocCache.clear();
1380  PreambleRebuildCountdown = 1;
1381  }
1382  }
1384  // If the preamble rebuild counter > 1, it's because we previously
1385  // failed to build a preamble and we're not yet ready to try
1386  // again. Decrement the counter and return a failure.
1387  if (PreambleRebuildCountdown > 1) {
1388  --PreambleRebuildCountdown;
1389  return nullptr;
1390  }
1392  assert(!Preamble && "No Preamble should be stored at that point");
1393  // If we aren't allowed to rebuild the precompiled preamble, just
1394  // return now.
1395  if (!AllowRebuild)
1396  return nullptr;
1398  ++PreambleCounter;
1400  SmallVector<StandaloneDiagnostic, 4> NewPreambleDiagsStandalone;
1401  SmallVector<StoredDiagnostic, 4> NewPreambleDiags;
1402  ASTUnitPreambleCallbacks Callbacks;
1403  {
1404  std::optional<CaptureDroppedDiagnostics> Capture;
1405  if (CaptureDiagnostics != CaptureDiagsKind::None)
1406  Capture.emplace(CaptureDiagnostics, *Diagnostics, &NewPreambleDiags,
1407  &NewPreambleDiagsStandalone);
1409  // We did not previously compute a preamble, or it can't be reused anyway.
1410  SimpleTimer PreambleTimer(WantTiming);
1411  PreambleTimer.setOutput("Precompiling preamble");
1413  const bool PreviousSkipFunctionBodies =
1414  PreambleInvocationIn.getFrontendOpts().SkipFunctionBodies;
1415  if (SkipFunctionBodies == SkipFunctionBodiesScope::Preamble)
1416  PreambleInvocationIn.getFrontendOpts().SkipFunctionBodies = true;
1418  llvm::ErrorOr<PrecompiledPreamble> NewPreamble = PrecompiledPreamble::Build(
1419  PreambleInvocationIn, MainFileBuffer.get(), Bounds, *Diagnostics, VFS,
1420  PCHContainerOps, StorePreamblesInMemory, PreambleStoragePath,
1421  Callbacks);
1423  PreambleInvocationIn.getFrontendOpts().SkipFunctionBodies =
1424  PreviousSkipFunctionBodies;
1426  if (NewPreamble) {
1427  Preamble = std::move(*NewPreamble);
1428  PreambleRebuildCountdown = 1;
1429  } else {
1430  switch (static_cast<BuildPreambleError>(NewPreamble.getError().value())) {
1432  // Try again next time.
1433  PreambleRebuildCountdown = 1;
1434  return nullptr;
1439  // These erros are more likely to repeat, retry after some period.
1440  PreambleRebuildCountdown = DefaultPreambleRebuildInterval;
1441  return nullptr;
1442  }
1443  llvm_unreachable("unexpected BuildPreambleError");
1444  }
1445  }
1447  assert(Preamble && "Preamble wasn't built");
1449  TopLevelDecls.clear();
1450  TopLevelDeclsInPreamble = Callbacks.takeTopLevelDeclIDs();
1451  PreambleTopLevelHashValue = Callbacks.getHash();
1453  NumWarningsInPreamble = getDiagnostics().getNumWarnings();
1455  checkAndRemoveNonDriverDiags(NewPreambleDiags);
1456  StoredDiagnostics = std::move(NewPreambleDiags);
1457  PreambleDiagnostics = std::move(NewPreambleDiagsStandalone);
1459  // If the hash of top-level entities differs from the hash of the top-level
1460  // entities the last time we rebuilt the preamble, clear out the completion
1461  // cache.
1462  if (CurrentTopLevelHashValue != PreambleTopLevelHashValue) {
1463  CompletionCacheTopLevelHashValue = 0;
1464  PreambleTopLevelHashValue = CurrentTopLevelHashValue;
1465  }
1467  return MainFileBuffer;
1468 }
1470 void ASTUnit::RealizeTopLevelDeclsFromPreamble() {
1471  assert(Preamble && "Should only be called when preamble was built");
1473  std::vector<Decl *> Resolved;
1474  Resolved.reserve(TopLevelDeclsInPreamble.size());
1475  // The module file of the preamble.
1476  serialization::ModuleFile &MF = Reader->getModuleManager().getPrimaryModule();
1477  for (const auto TopLevelDecl : TopLevelDeclsInPreamble) {
1478  // Resolve the declaration ID to an actual declaration, possibly
1479  // deserializing the declaration in the process.
1480  if (Decl *D = Reader->GetLocalDecl(MF, TopLevelDecl))
1481  Resolved.push_back(D);
1482  }
1483  TopLevelDeclsInPreamble.clear();
1484  TopLevelDecls.insert(TopLevelDecls.begin(), Resolved.begin(), Resolved.end());
1485 }
1487 void ASTUnit::transferASTDataFromCompilerInstance(CompilerInstance &CI) {
1488  // Steal the created target, context, and preprocessor if they have been
1489  // created.
1490  assert(CI.hasInvocation() && "missing invocation");
1491  LangOpts = CI.getInvocation().LangOpts;
1492  TheSema = CI.takeSema();
1493  Consumer = CI.takeASTConsumer();
1494  if (CI.hasASTContext())
1495  Ctx = &CI.getASTContext();
1496  if (CI.hasPreprocessor())
1497  PP = CI.getPreprocessorPtr();
1498  CI.setSourceManager(nullptr);
1499  CI.setFileManager(nullptr);
1500  if (CI.hasTarget())
1501  Target = &CI.getTarget();
1502  Reader = CI.getASTReader();
1503  HadModuleLoaderFatalFailure = CI.hadModuleLoaderFatalFailure();
1504 }
1506 StringRef ASTUnit::getMainFileName() const {
1507  if (Invocation && !Invocation->getFrontendOpts().Inputs.empty()) {
1508  const FrontendInputFile &Input = Invocation->getFrontendOpts().Inputs[0];
1509  if (Input.isFile())
1510  return Input.getFile();
1511  else
1512  return Input.getBuffer().getBufferIdentifier();
1513  }
1515  if (SourceMgr) {
1516  if (OptionalFileEntryRef FE =
1517  SourceMgr->getFileEntryRefForID(SourceMgr->getMainFileID()))
1518  return FE->getName();
1519  }
1521  return {};
1522 }
1524 StringRef ASTUnit::getASTFileName() const {
1525  if (!isMainFileAST())
1526  return {};
1529  Mod = Reader->getModuleManager().getPrimaryModule();
1530  return Mod.FileName;
1531 }
1533 std::unique_ptr<ASTUnit>
1534 ASTUnit::create(std::shared_ptr<CompilerInvocation> CI,
1536  CaptureDiagsKind CaptureDiagnostics,
1537  bool UserFilesAreVolatile) {
1538  std::unique_ptr<ASTUnit> AST(new ASTUnit(false));
1539  ConfigureDiags(Diags, *AST, CaptureDiagnostics);
1541  createVFSFromCompilerInvocation(*CI, *Diags);
1542  AST->Diagnostics = Diags;
1543  AST->FileSystemOpts = CI->getFileSystemOpts();
1544  AST->Invocation = std::move(CI);
1545  AST->FileMgr = new FileManager(AST->FileSystemOpts, VFS);
1546  AST->UserFilesAreVolatile = UserFilesAreVolatile;
1547  AST->SourceMgr = new SourceManager(AST->getDiagnostics(), *AST->FileMgr,
1548  UserFilesAreVolatile);
1549  AST->ModuleCache = new InMemoryModuleCache;
1551  return AST;
1552 }
1555  std::shared_ptr<CompilerInvocation> CI,
1556  std::shared_ptr<PCHContainerOperations> PCHContainerOps,
1558  ASTUnit *Unit, bool Persistent, StringRef ResourceFilesPath,
1559  bool OnlyLocalDecls, CaptureDiagsKind CaptureDiagnostics,
1560  unsigned PrecompilePreambleAfterNParses, bool CacheCodeCompletionResults,
1561  bool UserFilesAreVolatile, std::unique_ptr<ASTUnit> *ErrAST) {
1562  assert(CI && "A CompilerInvocation is required");
1564  std::unique_ptr<ASTUnit> OwnAST;
1565  ASTUnit *AST = Unit;
1566  if (!AST) {
1567  // Create the AST unit.
1568  OwnAST = create(CI, Diags, CaptureDiagnostics, UserFilesAreVolatile);
1569  AST = OwnAST.get();
1570  if (!AST)
1571  return nullptr;
1572  }
1574  if (!ResourceFilesPath.empty()) {
1575  // Override the resources path.
1576  CI->getHeaderSearchOpts().ResourceDir = std::string(ResourceFilesPath);
1577  }
1578  AST->OnlyLocalDecls = OnlyLocalDecls;
1579  AST->CaptureDiagnostics = CaptureDiagnostics;
1580  if (PrecompilePreambleAfterNParses > 0)
1581  AST->PreambleRebuildCountdown = PrecompilePreambleAfterNParses;
1582  AST->TUKind = Action ? Action->getTranslationUnitKind() : TU_Complete;
1583  AST->ShouldCacheCodeCompletionResults = CacheCodeCompletionResults;
1584  AST->IncludeBriefCommentsInCodeCompletion = false;
1586  // Recover resources if we crash before exiting this method.
1587  llvm::CrashRecoveryContextCleanupRegistrar<ASTUnit>
1588  ASTUnitCleanup(OwnAST.get());
1589  llvm::CrashRecoveryContextCleanupRegistrar<DiagnosticsEngine,
1590  llvm::CrashRecoveryContextReleaseRefCleanup<DiagnosticsEngine>>
1591  DiagCleanup(Diags.get());
1593  // We'll manage file buffers ourselves.
1594  CI->getPreprocessorOpts().RetainRemappedFileBuffers = true;
1595  CI->getFrontendOpts().DisableFree = false;
1596  ProcessWarningOptions(AST->getDiagnostics(), CI->getDiagnosticOpts());
1598  // Create the compiler instance to use for building the AST.
1599  std::unique_ptr<CompilerInstance> Clang(
1600  new CompilerInstance(std::move(PCHContainerOps)));
1602  // Recover resources if we crash before exiting this method.
1603  llvm::CrashRecoveryContextCleanupRegistrar<CompilerInstance>
1604  CICleanup(Clang.get());
1606  Clang->setInvocation(std::move(CI));
1607  AST->OriginalSourceFile =
1608  std::string(Clang->getFrontendOpts().Inputs[0].getFile());
1610  // Set up diagnostics, capturing any diagnostics that would
1611  // otherwise be dropped.
1612  Clang->setDiagnostics(&AST->getDiagnostics());
1614  // Create the target instance.
1615  if (!Clang->createTarget())
1616  return nullptr;
1618  assert(Clang->getFrontendOpts().Inputs.size() == 1 &&
1619  "Invocation must have exactly one source file!");
1620  assert(Clang->getFrontendOpts().Inputs[0].getKind().getFormat() ==
1622  "FIXME: AST inputs not yet supported here!");
1623  assert(Clang->getFrontendOpts().Inputs[0].getKind().getLanguage() !=
1625  "IR inputs not support here!");
1627  // Configure the various subsystems.
1628  AST->TheSema.reset();
1629  AST->Ctx = nullptr;
1630  AST->PP = nullptr;
1631  AST->Reader = nullptr;
1633  // Create a file manager object to provide access to and cache the filesystem.
1634  Clang->setFileManager(&AST->getFileManager());
1636  // Create the source manager.
1637  Clang->setSourceManager(&AST->getSourceManager());
1639  FrontendAction *Act = Action;
1641  std::unique_ptr<TopLevelDeclTrackerAction> TrackerAct;
1642  if (!Act) {
1643  TrackerAct.reset(new TopLevelDeclTrackerAction(*AST));
1644  Act = TrackerAct.get();
1645  }
1647  // Recover resources if we crash before exiting this method.
1648  llvm::CrashRecoveryContextCleanupRegistrar<TopLevelDeclTrackerAction>
1649  ActCleanup(TrackerAct.get());
1651  if (!Act->BeginSourceFile(*Clang.get(), Clang->getFrontendOpts().Inputs[0])) {
1652  AST->transferASTDataFromCompilerInstance(*Clang);
1653  if (OwnAST && ErrAST)
1654  ErrAST->swap(OwnAST);
1656  return nullptr;
1657  }
1659  if (Persistent && !TrackerAct) {
1660  Clang->getPreprocessor().addPPCallbacks(
1661  std::make_unique<MacroDefinitionTrackerPPCallbacks>(
1662  AST->getCurrentTopLevelHashValue()));
1663  std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ASTConsumer>> Consumers;
1664  if (Clang->hasASTConsumer())
1665  Consumers.push_back(Clang->takeASTConsumer());
1666  Consumers.push_back(std::make_unique<TopLevelDeclTrackerConsumer>(
1667  *AST, AST->getCurrentTopLevelHashValue()));
1668  Clang->setASTConsumer(
1669  std::make_unique<MultiplexConsumer>(std::move(Consumers)));
1670  }
1671  if (llvm::Error Err = Act->Execute()) {
1672  consumeError(std::move(Err)); // FIXME this drops errors on the floor.
1673  AST->transferASTDataFromCompilerInstance(*Clang);
1674  if (OwnAST && ErrAST)
1675  ErrAST->swap(OwnAST);
1677  return nullptr;
1678  }
1680  // Steal the created target, context, and preprocessor.
1681  AST->transferASTDataFromCompilerInstance(*Clang);
1683  Act->EndSourceFile();
1685  if (OwnAST)
1686  return OwnAST.release();
1687  else
1688  return AST;
1689 }
1691 bool ASTUnit::LoadFromCompilerInvocation(
1692  std::shared_ptr<PCHContainerOperations> PCHContainerOps,
1693  unsigned PrecompilePreambleAfterNParses,
1695  if (!Invocation)
1696  return true;
1698  assert(VFS && "VFS is null");
1700  // We'll manage file buffers ourselves.
1701  Invocation->getPreprocessorOpts().RetainRemappedFileBuffers = true;
1702  Invocation->getFrontendOpts().DisableFree = false;
1703  getDiagnostics().Reset();
1704  ProcessWarningOptions(getDiagnostics(), Invocation->getDiagnosticOpts());
1706  std::unique_ptr<llvm::MemoryBuffer> OverrideMainBuffer;
1707  if (PrecompilePreambleAfterNParses > 0) {
1708  PreambleRebuildCountdown = PrecompilePreambleAfterNParses;
1709  OverrideMainBuffer =
1710  getMainBufferWithPrecompiledPreamble(PCHContainerOps, *Invocation, VFS);
1711  getDiagnostics().Reset();
1712  ProcessWarningOptions(getDiagnostics(), Invocation->getDiagnosticOpts());
1713  }
1715  SimpleTimer ParsingTimer(WantTiming);
1716  ParsingTimer.setOutput("Parsing " + getMainFileName());
1718  // Recover resources if we crash before exiting this method.
1719  llvm::CrashRecoveryContextCleanupRegistrar<llvm::MemoryBuffer>
1720  MemBufferCleanup(OverrideMainBuffer.get());
1722  return Parse(std::move(PCHContainerOps), std::move(OverrideMainBuffer), VFS);
1723 }
1725 std::unique_ptr<ASTUnit> ASTUnit::LoadFromCompilerInvocation(
1726  std::shared_ptr<CompilerInvocation> CI,
1727  std::shared_ptr<PCHContainerOperations> PCHContainerOps,
1729  bool OnlyLocalDecls, CaptureDiagsKind CaptureDiagnostics,
1730  unsigned PrecompilePreambleAfterNParses, TranslationUnitKind TUKind,
1731  bool CacheCodeCompletionResults, bool IncludeBriefCommentsInCodeCompletion,
1732  bool UserFilesAreVolatile) {
1733  // Create the AST unit.
1734  std::unique_ptr<ASTUnit> AST(new ASTUnit(false));
1735  ConfigureDiags(Diags, *AST, CaptureDiagnostics);
1736  AST->Diagnostics = Diags;
1737  AST->OnlyLocalDecls = OnlyLocalDecls;
1738  AST->CaptureDiagnostics = CaptureDiagnostics;
1739  AST->TUKind = TUKind;
1740  AST->ShouldCacheCodeCompletionResults = CacheCodeCompletionResults;
1741  AST->IncludeBriefCommentsInCodeCompletion
1742  = IncludeBriefCommentsInCodeCompletion;
1743  AST->Invocation = std::move(CI);
1744  AST->FileSystemOpts = FileMgr->getFileSystemOpts();
1745  AST->FileMgr = FileMgr;
1746  AST->UserFilesAreVolatile = UserFilesAreVolatile;
1748  // Recover resources if we crash before exiting this method.
1749  llvm::CrashRecoveryContextCleanupRegistrar<ASTUnit>
1750  ASTUnitCleanup(AST.get());
1751  llvm::CrashRecoveryContextCleanupRegistrar<DiagnosticsEngine,
1752  llvm::CrashRecoveryContextReleaseRefCleanup<DiagnosticsEngine>>
1753  DiagCleanup(Diags.get());
1755  if (AST->LoadFromCompilerInvocation(std::move(PCHContainerOps),
1756  PrecompilePreambleAfterNParses,
1757  &AST->FileMgr->getVirtualFileSystem()))
1758  return nullptr;
1759  return AST;
1760 }
1762 std::unique_ptr<ASTUnit> ASTUnit::LoadFromCommandLine(
1763  const char **ArgBegin, const char **ArgEnd,
1764  std::shared_ptr<PCHContainerOperations> PCHContainerOps,
1765  IntrusiveRefCntPtr<DiagnosticsEngine> Diags, StringRef ResourceFilesPath,
1766  bool StorePreamblesInMemory, StringRef PreambleStoragePath,
1767  bool OnlyLocalDecls, CaptureDiagsKind CaptureDiagnostics,
1768  ArrayRef<RemappedFile> RemappedFiles, bool RemappedFilesKeepOriginalName,
1769  unsigned PrecompilePreambleAfterNParses, TranslationUnitKind TUKind,
1770  bool CacheCodeCompletionResults, bool IncludeBriefCommentsInCodeCompletion,
1771  bool AllowPCHWithCompilerErrors, SkipFunctionBodiesScope SkipFunctionBodies,
1772  bool SingleFileParse, bool UserFilesAreVolatile, bool ForSerialization,
1773  bool RetainExcludedConditionalBlocks, std::optional<StringRef> ModuleFormat,
1774  std::unique_ptr<ASTUnit> *ErrAST,
1776  assert(Diags.get() && "no DiagnosticsEngine was provided");
1778  // If no VFS was provided, create one that tracks the physical file system.
1779  // If '-working-directory' was passed as an argument, 'createInvocation' will
1780  // set this as the current working directory of the VFS.
1781  if (!VFS)
1782  VFS = llvm::vfs::createPhysicalFileSystem();
1784  SmallVector<StoredDiagnostic, 4> StoredDiagnostics;
1786  std::shared_ptr<CompilerInvocation> CI;
1788  {
1789  CaptureDroppedDiagnostics Capture(CaptureDiagnostics, *Diags,
1790  &StoredDiagnostics, nullptr);
1792  CreateInvocationOptions CIOpts;
1793  CIOpts.VFS = VFS;
1794  CIOpts.Diags = Diags;
1795  CIOpts.ProbePrecompiled = true; // FIXME: historical default. Needed?
1796  CI = createInvocation(llvm::ArrayRef(ArgBegin, ArgEnd), std::move(CIOpts));
1797  if (!CI)
1798  return nullptr;
1799  }
1801  // Override any files that need remapping
1802  for (const auto &RemappedFile : RemappedFiles) {
1803  CI->getPreprocessorOpts().addRemappedFile(RemappedFile.first,
1804  RemappedFile.second);
1805  }
1806  PreprocessorOptions &PPOpts = CI->getPreprocessorOpts();
1807  PPOpts.RemappedFilesKeepOriginalName = RemappedFilesKeepOriginalName;
1808  PPOpts.AllowPCHWithCompilerErrors = AllowPCHWithCompilerErrors;
1809  PPOpts.SingleFileParseMode = SingleFileParse;
1810  PPOpts.RetainExcludedConditionalBlocks = RetainExcludedConditionalBlocks;
1812  // Override the resources path.
1813  CI->getHeaderSearchOpts().ResourceDir = std::string(ResourceFilesPath);
1815  CI->getFrontendOpts().SkipFunctionBodies =
1816  SkipFunctionBodies == SkipFunctionBodiesScope::PreambleAndMainFile;
1818  if (ModuleFormat)
1819  CI->getHeaderSearchOpts().ModuleFormat = std::string(*ModuleFormat);
1821  // Create the AST unit.
1822  std::unique_ptr<ASTUnit> AST;
1823  AST.reset(new ASTUnit(false));
1824  AST->NumStoredDiagnosticsFromDriver = StoredDiagnostics.size();
1825  AST->StoredDiagnostics.swap(StoredDiagnostics);
1826  ConfigureDiags(Diags, *AST, CaptureDiagnostics);
1827  AST->Diagnostics = Diags;
1828  AST->FileSystemOpts = CI->getFileSystemOpts();
1829  VFS = createVFSFromCompilerInvocation(*CI, *Diags, VFS);
1830  AST->FileMgr = new FileManager(AST->FileSystemOpts, VFS);
1831  AST->StorePreamblesInMemory = StorePreamblesInMemory;
1832  AST->PreambleStoragePath = PreambleStoragePath;
1833  AST->ModuleCache = new InMemoryModuleCache;
1834  AST->OnlyLocalDecls = OnlyLocalDecls;
1835  AST->CaptureDiagnostics = CaptureDiagnostics;
1836  AST->TUKind = TUKind;
1837  AST->ShouldCacheCodeCompletionResults = CacheCodeCompletionResults;
1838  AST->IncludeBriefCommentsInCodeCompletion
1839  = IncludeBriefCommentsInCodeCompletion;
1840  AST->UserFilesAreVolatile = UserFilesAreVolatile;
1841  AST->Invocation = CI;
1842  AST->SkipFunctionBodies = SkipFunctionBodies;
1843  if (ForSerialization)
1844  AST->WriterData.reset(new ASTWriterData(*AST->ModuleCache));
1845  // Zero out now to ease cleanup during crash recovery.
1846  CI = nullptr;
1847  Diags = nullptr;
1849  // Recover resources if we crash before exiting this method.
1850  llvm::CrashRecoveryContextCleanupRegistrar<ASTUnit>
1851  ASTUnitCleanup(AST.get());
1853  if (AST->LoadFromCompilerInvocation(std::move(PCHContainerOps),
1854  PrecompilePreambleAfterNParses,
1855  VFS)) {
1856  // Some error occurred, if caller wants to examine diagnostics, pass it the
1857  // ASTUnit.
1858  if (ErrAST) {
1859  AST->StoredDiagnostics.swap(AST->FailedParseDiagnostics);
1860  ErrAST->swap(AST);
1861  }
1862  return nullptr;
1863  }
1865  return AST;
1866 }
1868 bool ASTUnit::Reparse(std::shared_ptr<PCHContainerOperations> PCHContainerOps,
1869  ArrayRef<RemappedFile> RemappedFiles,
1871  if (!Invocation)
1872  return true;
1874  if (!VFS) {
1875  assert(FileMgr && "FileMgr is null on Reparse call");
1876  VFS = &FileMgr->getVirtualFileSystem();
1877  }
1879  clearFileLevelDecls();
1881  SimpleTimer ParsingTimer(WantTiming);
1882  ParsingTimer.setOutput("Reparsing " + getMainFileName());
1884  // Remap files.
1885  PreprocessorOptions &PPOpts = Invocation->getPreprocessorOpts();
1886  for (const auto &RB : PPOpts.RemappedFileBuffers)
1887  delete RB.second;
1889  Invocation->getPreprocessorOpts().clearRemappedFiles();
1890  for (const auto &RemappedFile : RemappedFiles) {
1891  Invocation->getPreprocessorOpts().addRemappedFile(RemappedFile.first,
1892  RemappedFile.second);
1893  }
1895  // If we have a preamble file lying around, or if we might try to
1896  // build a precompiled preamble, do so now.
1897  std::unique_ptr<llvm::MemoryBuffer> OverrideMainBuffer;
1898  if (Preamble || PreambleRebuildCountdown > 0)
1899  OverrideMainBuffer =
1900  getMainBufferWithPrecompiledPreamble(PCHContainerOps, *Invocation, VFS);
1902  // Clear out the diagnostics state.
1903  FileMgr.reset();
1904  getDiagnostics().Reset();
1905  ProcessWarningOptions(getDiagnostics(), Invocation->getDiagnosticOpts());
1906  if (OverrideMainBuffer)
1907  getDiagnostics().setNumWarnings(NumWarningsInPreamble);
1909  // Parse the sources
1910  bool Result =
1911  Parse(std::move(PCHContainerOps), std::move(OverrideMainBuffer), VFS);
1913  // If we're caching global code-completion results, and the top-level
1914  // declarations have changed, clear out the code-completion cache.
1915  if (!Result && ShouldCacheCodeCompletionResults &&
1916  CurrentTopLevelHashValue != CompletionCacheTopLevelHashValue)
1917  CacheCodeCompletionResults();
1919  // We now need to clear out the completion info related to this translation
1920  // unit; it'll be recreated if necessary.
1921  CCTUInfo.reset();
1923  return Result;
1924 }
1927  SavedMainFileBuffer.reset();
1929  SourceMgr.reset();
1930  TheSema.reset();
1931  Ctx.reset();
1932  PP.reset();
1933  Reader.reset();
1935  TopLevelDecls.clear();
1936  clearFileLevelDecls();
1937 }
1939 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------//
1940 // Code completion
1941 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------//
1943 namespace {
1945  /// Code completion consumer that combines the cached code-completion
1946  /// results from an ASTUnit with the code-completion results provided to it,
1947  /// then passes the result on to
1948  class AugmentedCodeCompleteConsumer : public CodeCompleteConsumer {
1949  uint64_t NormalContexts;
1950  ASTUnit &AST;
1951  CodeCompleteConsumer &Next;
1953  public:
1954  AugmentedCodeCompleteConsumer(ASTUnit &AST, CodeCompleteConsumer &Next,
1955  const CodeCompleteOptions &CodeCompleteOpts)
1956  : CodeCompleteConsumer(CodeCompleteOpts), AST(AST), Next(Next) {
1957  // Compute the set of contexts in which we will look when we don't have
1958  // any information about the specific context.
1959  NormalContexts
1974  if (AST.getASTContext().getLangOpts().CPlusPlus)
1975  NormalContexts |= (1LL << CodeCompletionContext::CCC_EnumTag)
1978  }
1980  void ProcessCodeCompleteResults(Sema &S, CodeCompletionContext Context,
1981  CodeCompletionResult *Results,
1982  unsigned NumResults) override;
1984  void ProcessOverloadCandidates(Sema &S, unsigned CurrentArg,
1985  OverloadCandidate *Candidates,
1986  unsigned NumCandidates,
1987  SourceLocation OpenParLoc,
1988  bool Braced) override {
1989  Next.ProcessOverloadCandidates(S, CurrentArg, Candidates, NumCandidates,
1990  OpenParLoc, Braced);
1991  }
1993  CodeCompletionAllocator &getAllocator() override {
1994  return Next.getAllocator();
1995  }
1997  CodeCompletionTUInfo &getCodeCompletionTUInfo() override {
1998  return Next.getCodeCompletionTUInfo();
1999  }
2000  };
2002 } // namespace
2004 /// Helper function that computes which global names are hidden by the
2005 /// local code-completion results.
2006 static void CalculateHiddenNames(const CodeCompletionContext &Context,
2007  CodeCompletionResult *Results,
2008  unsigned NumResults,
2009  ASTContext &Ctx,
2010  llvm::StringSet<llvm::BumpPtrAllocator> &HiddenNames){
2011  bool OnlyTagNames = false;
2012  switch (Context.getKind()) {
2032  break;
2037  OnlyTagNames = true;
2038  break;
2057  // We're looking for nothing, or we're looking for names that cannot
2058  // be hidden.
2059  return;
2060  }
2062  using Result = CodeCompletionResult;
2063  for (unsigned I = 0; I != NumResults; ++I) {
2064  if (Results[I].Kind != Result::RK_Declaration)
2065  continue;
2067  unsigned IDNS
2068  = Results[I].Declaration->getUnderlyingDecl()->getIdentifierNamespace();
2070  bool Hiding = false;
2071  if (OnlyTagNames)
2072  Hiding = (IDNS & Decl::IDNS_Tag);
2073  else {
2074  unsigned HiddenIDNS = (Decl::IDNS_Type | Decl::IDNS_Member |
2077  if (Ctx.getLangOpts().CPlusPlus)
2078  HiddenIDNS |= Decl::IDNS_Tag;
2079  Hiding = (IDNS & HiddenIDNS);
2080  }
2082  if (!Hiding)
2083  continue;
2085  DeclarationName Name = Results[I].Declaration->getDeclName();
2086  if (IdentifierInfo *Identifier = Name.getAsIdentifierInfo())
2087  HiddenNames.insert(Identifier->getName());
2088  else
2089  HiddenNames.insert(Name.getAsString());
2090  }
2091 }
2093 void AugmentedCodeCompleteConsumer::ProcessCodeCompleteResults(Sema &S,
2094  CodeCompletionContext Context,
2095  CodeCompletionResult *Results,
2096  unsigned NumResults) {
2097  // Merge the results we were given with the results we cached.
2098  bool AddedResult = false;
2099  uint64_t InContexts =
2100  Context.getKind() == CodeCompletionContext::CCC_Recovery
2101  ? NormalContexts : (1LL << Context.getKind());
2102  // Contains the set of names that are hidden by "local" completion results.
2103  llvm::StringSet<llvm::BumpPtrAllocator> HiddenNames;
2104  using Result = CodeCompletionResult;
2105  SmallVector<Result, 8> AllResults;
2107  C = AST.cached_completion_begin(),
2108  CEnd = AST.cached_completion_end();
2109  C != CEnd; ++C) {
2110  // If the context we are in matches any of the contexts we are
2111  // interested in, we'll add this result.
2112  if ((C->ShowInContexts & InContexts) == 0)
2113  continue;
2115  // If we haven't added any results previously, do so now.
2116  if (!AddedResult) {
2117  CalculateHiddenNames(Context, Results, NumResults, S.Context,
2118  HiddenNames);
2119  AllResults.insert(AllResults.end(), Results, Results + NumResults);
2120  AddedResult = true;
2121  }
2123  // Determine whether this global completion result is hidden by a local
2124  // completion result. If so, skip it.
2125  if (C->Kind != CXCursor_MacroDefinition &&
2126  HiddenNames.count(C->Completion->getTypedText()))
2127  continue;
2129  // Adjust priority based on similar type classes.
2130  unsigned Priority = C->Priority;
2131  CodeCompletionString *Completion = C->Completion;
2132  if (!Context.getPreferredType().isNull()) {
2133  if (C->Kind == CXCursor_MacroDefinition) {
2134  Priority = getMacroUsagePriority(C->Completion->getTypedText(),
2135  S.getLangOpts(),
2136  Context.getPreferredType()->isAnyPointerType());
2137  } else if (C->Type) {
2140  Context.getPreferredType().getUnqualifiedType());
2142  if (ExpectedSTC == C->TypeClass) {
2143  // We know this type is similar; check for an exact match.
2144  llvm::StringMap<unsigned> &CachedCompletionTypes
2145  = AST.getCachedCompletionTypes();
2146  llvm::StringMap<unsigned>::iterator Pos
2147  = CachedCompletionTypes.find(QualType(Expected).getAsString());
2148  if (Pos != CachedCompletionTypes.end() && Pos->second == C->Type)
2150  else
2152  }
2153  }
2154  }
2156  // Adjust the completion string, if required.
2157  if (C->Kind == CXCursor_MacroDefinition &&
2158  Context.getKind() == CodeCompletionContext::CCC_MacroNameUse) {
2159  // Create a new code-completion string that just contains the
2160  // macro name, without its arguments.
2161  CodeCompletionBuilder Builder(getAllocator(), getCodeCompletionTUInfo(),
2162  CCP_CodePattern, C->Availability);
2163  Builder.AddTypedTextChunk(C->Completion->getTypedText());
2165  Completion = Builder.TakeString();
2166  }
2168  AllResults.push_back(Result(Completion, Priority, C->Kind,
2169  C->Availability));
2170  }
2172  // If we did not add any cached completion results, just forward the
2173  // results we were given to the next consumer.
2174  if (!AddedResult) {
2175  Next.ProcessCodeCompleteResults(S, Context, Results, NumResults);
2176  return;
2177  }
2179  Next.ProcessCodeCompleteResults(S, Context,,
2180  AllResults.size());
2181 }
2184  StringRef File, unsigned Line, unsigned Column,
2185  ArrayRef<RemappedFile> RemappedFiles, bool IncludeMacros,
2186  bool IncludeCodePatterns, bool IncludeBriefComments,
2187  CodeCompleteConsumer &Consumer,
2188  std::shared_ptr<PCHContainerOperations> PCHContainerOps,
2189  DiagnosticsEngine &Diag, LangOptions &LangOpts, SourceManager &SourceMgr,
2190  FileManager &FileMgr, SmallVectorImpl<StoredDiagnostic> &StoredDiagnostics,
2192  std::unique_ptr<SyntaxOnlyAction> Act) {
2193  if (!Invocation)
2194  return;
2196  SimpleTimer CompletionTimer(WantTiming);
2197  CompletionTimer.setOutput("Code completion @ " + File + ":" +
2198  Twine(Line) + ":" + Twine(Column));
2200  auto CCInvocation = std::make_shared<CompilerInvocation>(*Invocation);
2202  FrontendOptions &FrontendOpts = CCInvocation->getFrontendOpts();
2203  CodeCompleteOptions &CodeCompleteOpts = FrontendOpts.CodeCompleteOpts;
2204  PreprocessorOptions &PreprocessorOpts = CCInvocation->getPreprocessorOpts();
2206  CodeCompleteOpts.IncludeMacros = IncludeMacros &&
2207  CachedCompletionResults.empty();
2208  CodeCompleteOpts.IncludeCodePatterns = IncludeCodePatterns;
2209  CodeCompleteOpts.IncludeGlobals = CachedCompletionResults.empty();
2210  CodeCompleteOpts.IncludeBriefComments = IncludeBriefComments;
2211  CodeCompleteOpts.LoadExternal = Consumer.loadExternal();
2212  CodeCompleteOpts.IncludeFixIts = Consumer.includeFixIts();
2214  assert(IncludeBriefComments == this->IncludeBriefCommentsInCodeCompletion);
2216  FrontendOpts.CodeCompletionAt.FileName = std::string(File);
2217  FrontendOpts.CodeCompletionAt.Line = Line;
2218  FrontendOpts.CodeCompletionAt.Column = Column;
2220  // Set the language options appropriately.
2221  LangOpts = CCInvocation->getLangOpts();
2223  // Spell-checking and warnings are wasteful during code-completion.
2224  LangOpts.SpellChecking = false;
2225  CCInvocation->getDiagnosticOpts().IgnoreWarnings = true;
2227  std::unique_ptr<CompilerInstance> Clang(
2228  new CompilerInstance(PCHContainerOps));
2230  // Recover resources if we crash before exiting this method.
2231  llvm::CrashRecoveryContextCleanupRegistrar<CompilerInstance>
2232  CICleanup(Clang.get());
2234  auto &Inv = *CCInvocation;
2235  Clang->setInvocation(std::move(CCInvocation));
2236  OriginalSourceFile =
2237  std::string(Clang->getFrontendOpts().Inputs[0].getFile());
2239  // Set up diagnostics, capturing any diagnostics produced.
2240  Clang->setDiagnostics(&Diag);
2241  CaptureDroppedDiagnostics Capture(CaptureDiagsKind::All,
2242  Clang->getDiagnostics(),
2243  &StoredDiagnostics, nullptr);
2244  ProcessWarningOptions(Diag, Inv.getDiagnosticOpts());
2246  // Create the target instance.
2247  if (!Clang->createTarget()) {
2248  Clang->setInvocation(nullptr);
2249  return;
2250  }
2252  assert(Clang->getFrontendOpts().Inputs.size() == 1 &&
2253  "Invocation must have exactly one source file!");
2254  assert(Clang->getFrontendOpts().Inputs[0].getKind().getFormat() ==
2256  "FIXME: AST inputs not yet supported here!");
2257  assert(Clang->getFrontendOpts().Inputs[0].getKind().getLanguage() !=
2259  "IR inputs not support here!");
2261  // Use the source and file managers that we were given.
2262  Clang->setFileManager(&FileMgr);
2263  Clang->setSourceManager(&SourceMgr);
2265  // Remap files.
2266  PreprocessorOpts.clearRemappedFiles();
2267  PreprocessorOpts.RetainRemappedFileBuffers = true;
2268  for (const auto &RemappedFile : RemappedFiles) {
2269  PreprocessorOpts.addRemappedFile(RemappedFile.first, RemappedFile.second);
2270  OwnedBuffers.push_back(RemappedFile.second);
2271  }
2273  // Use the code completion consumer we were given, but adding any cached
2274  // code-completion results.
2275  AugmentedCodeCompleteConsumer *AugmentedConsumer
2276  = new AugmentedCodeCompleteConsumer(*this, Consumer, CodeCompleteOpts);
2277  Clang->setCodeCompletionConsumer(AugmentedConsumer);
2279  auto getUniqueID =
2280  [&FileMgr](StringRef Filename) -> std::optional<llvm::sys::fs::UniqueID> {
2281  if (auto Status = FileMgr.getVirtualFileSystem().status(Filename))
2282  return Status->getUniqueID();
2283  return std::nullopt;
2284  };
2286  auto hasSameUniqueID = [getUniqueID](StringRef LHS, StringRef RHS) {
2287  if (LHS == RHS)
2288  return true;
2289  if (auto LHSID = getUniqueID(LHS))
2290  if (auto RHSID = getUniqueID(RHS))
2291  return *LHSID == *RHSID;
2292  return false;
2293  };
2295  // If we have a precompiled preamble, try to use it. We only allow
2296  // the use of the precompiled preamble if we're if the completion
2297  // point is within the main file, after the end of the precompiled
2298  // preamble.
2299  std::unique_ptr<llvm::MemoryBuffer> OverrideMainBuffer;
2300  if (Preamble && Line > 1 && hasSameUniqueID(File, OriginalSourceFile)) {
2301  OverrideMainBuffer = getMainBufferWithPrecompiledPreamble(
2302  PCHContainerOps, Inv, &FileMgr.getVirtualFileSystem(), false, Line - 1);
2303  }
2305  // If the main file has been overridden due to the use of a preamble,
2306  // make that override happen and introduce the preamble.
2307  if (OverrideMainBuffer) {
2308  assert(Preamble &&
2309  "No preamble was built, but OverrideMainBuffer is not null");
2312  &FileMgr.getVirtualFileSystem();
2313  Preamble->AddImplicitPreamble(Clang->getInvocation(), VFS,
2314  OverrideMainBuffer.get());
2315  // FIXME: there is no way to update VFS if it was changed by
2316  // AddImplicitPreamble as FileMgr is accepted as a parameter by this method.
2317  // We use on-disk preambles instead and rely on FileMgr's VFS to ensure the
2318  // PCH files are always readable.
2319  OwnedBuffers.push_back(OverrideMainBuffer.release());
2320  } else {
2321  PreprocessorOpts.PrecompiledPreambleBytes.first = 0;
2322  PreprocessorOpts.PrecompiledPreambleBytes.second = false;
2323  }
2325  // Disable the preprocessing record if modules are not enabled.
2326  if (!Clang->getLangOpts().Modules)
2327  PreprocessorOpts.DetailedRecord = false;
2329  if (!Act)
2330  Act.reset(new SyntaxOnlyAction);
2332  if (Act->BeginSourceFile(*Clang.get(), Clang->getFrontendOpts().Inputs[0])) {
2333  if (llvm::Error Err = Act->Execute()) {
2334  consumeError(std::move(Err)); // FIXME this drops errors on the floor.
2335  }
2336  Act->EndSourceFile();
2337  }
2338 }
2340 bool ASTUnit::Save(StringRef File) {
2341  if (HadModuleLoaderFatalFailure)
2342  return true;
2344  // FIXME: Can we somehow regenerate the stat cache here, or do we need to
2345  // unconditionally create a stat cache when we parse the file?
2347  if (llvm::Error Err = llvm::writeToOutput(
2348  File, [this](llvm::raw_ostream &Out) {
2349  return serialize(Out) ? llvm::make_error<llvm::StringError>(
2350  "ASTUnit serialization failed",
2351  llvm::inconvertibleErrorCode())
2352  : llvm::Error::success();
2353  })) {
2354  consumeError(std::move(Err));
2355  return true;
2356  }
2357  return false;
2358 }
2360 static bool serializeUnit(ASTWriter &Writer, SmallVectorImpl<char> &Buffer,
2361  Sema &S, raw_ostream &OS) {
2362  Writer.WriteAST(S, std::string(), nullptr, "");
2364  // Write the generated bitstream to "Out".
2365  if (!Buffer.empty())
2366  OS.write(, Buffer.size());
2368  return false;
2369 }
2371 bool ASTUnit::serialize(raw_ostream &OS) {
2372  if (WriterData)
2373  return serializeUnit(WriterData->Writer, WriterData->Buffer, getSema(), OS);
2375  SmallString<128> Buffer;
2376  llvm::BitstreamWriter Stream(Buffer);
2377  InMemoryModuleCache ModuleCache;
2378  ASTWriter Writer(Stream, Buffer, ModuleCache, {});
2379  return serializeUnit(Writer, Buffer, getSema(), OS);
2380 }
2382 void ASTUnit::TranslateStoredDiagnostics(
2383  FileManager &FileMgr,
2384  SourceManager &SrcMgr,
2387  // Map the standalone diagnostic into the new source manager. We also need to
2388  // remap all the locations to the new view. This includes the diag location,
2389  // any associated source ranges, and the source ranges of associated fix-its.
2390  // FIXME: There should be a cleaner way to do this.
2392  Result.reserve(Diags.size());
2394  for (const auto &SD : Diags) {
2395  // Rebuild the StoredDiagnostic.
2396  if (SD.Filename.empty())
2397  continue;
2398  auto FE = FileMgr.getFile(SD.Filename);
2399  if (!FE)
2400  continue;
2401  SourceLocation FileLoc;
2402  auto ItFileID = PreambleSrcLocCache.find(SD.Filename);
2403  if (ItFileID == PreambleSrcLocCache.end()) {
2404  FileID FID = SrcMgr.translateFile(*FE);
2405  FileLoc = SrcMgr.getLocForStartOfFile(FID);
2406  PreambleSrcLocCache[SD.Filename] = FileLoc;
2407  } else {
2408  FileLoc = ItFileID->getValue();
2409  }
2411  if (FileLoc.isInvalid())
2412  continue;
2413  SourceLocation L = FileLoc.getLocWithOffset(SD.LocOffset);
2414  FullSourceLoc Loc(L, SrcMgr);
2417  Ranges.reserve(SD.Ranges.size());
2418  for (const auto &Range : SD.Ranges) {
2419  SourceLocation BL = FileLoc.getLocWithOffset(Range.first);
2420  SourceLocation EL = FileLoc.getLocWithOffset(Range.second);
2421  Ranges.push_back(CharSourceRange::getCharRange(BL, EL));
2422  }
2425  FixIts.reserve(SD.FixIts.size());
2426  for (const auto &FixIt : SD.FixIts) {
2427  FixIts.push_back(FixItHint());
2428  FixItHint &FH = FixIts.back();
2429  FH.CodeToInsert = FixIt.CodeToInsert;
2430  SourceLocation BL = FileLoc.getLocWithOffset(FixIt.RemoveRange.first);
2431  SourceLocation EL = FileLoc.getLocWithOffset(FixIt.RemoveRange.second);
2433  }
2435  Result.push_back(StoredDiagnostic(SD.Level, SD.ID,
2436  SD.Message, Loc, Ranges, FixIts));
2437  }
2438  Result.swap(Out);
2439 }
2442  assert(D);
2444  // We only care about local declarations.
2445  if (D->isFromASTFile())
2446  return;
2448  SourceManager &SM = *SourceMgr;
2450  if (Loc.isInvalid() || !SM.isLocalSourceLocation(Loc))
2451  return;
2453  // We only keep track of the file-level declarations of each file.
2455  return;
2457  SourceLocation FileLoc = SM.getFileLoc(Loc);
2458  assert(SM.isLocalSourceLocation(FileLoc));
2459  FileID FID;
2460  unsigned Offset;
2461  std::tie(FID, Offset) = SM.getDecomposedLoc(FileLoc);
2462  if (FID.isInvalid())
2463  return;
2465  std::unique_ptr<LocDeclsTy> &Decls = FileDecls[FID];
2466  if (!Decls)
2467  Decls = std::make_unique<LocDeclsTy>();
2469  std::pair<unsigned, Decl *> LocDecl(Offset, D);
2471  if (Decls->empty() || Decls->back().first <= Offset) {
2472  Decls->push_back(LocDecl);
2473  return;
2474  }
2476  LocDeclsTy::iterator I =
2477  llvm::upper_bound(*Decls, LocDecl, llvm::less_first());
2479  Decls->insert(I, LocDecl);
2480 }
2482 void ASTUnit::findFileRegionDecls(FileID File, unsigned Offset, unsigned Length,
2483  SmallVectorImpl<Decl *> &Decls) {
2484  if (File.isInvalid())
2485  return;
2487  if (SourceMgr->isLoadedFileID(File)) {
2488  assert(Ctx->getExternalSource() && "No external source!");
2489  return Ctx->getExternalSource()->FindFileRegionDecls(File, Offset, Length,
2490  Decls);
2491  }
2493  FileDeclsTy::iterator I = FileDecls.find(File);
2494  if (I == FileDecls.end())
2495  return;
2497  LocDeclsTy &LocDecls = *I->second;
2498  if (LocDecls.empty())
2499  return;
2501  LocDeclsTy::iterator BeginIt =
2502  llvm::partition_point(LocDecls, [=](std::pair<unsigned, Decl *> LD) {
2503  return LD.first < Offset;
2504  });
2505  if (BeginIt != LocDecls.begin())
2506  --BeginIt;
2508  // If we are pointing at a top-level decl inside an objc container, we need
2509  // to backtrack until we find it otherwise we will fail to report that the
2510  // region overlaps with an objc container.
2511  while (BeginIt != LocDecls.begin() &&
2512  BeginIt->second->isTopLevelDeclInObjCContainer())
2513  --BeginIt;
2515  LocDeclsTy::iterator EndIt = llvm::upper_bound(
2516  LocDecls, std::make_pair(Offset + Length, (Decl *)nullptr),
2517  llvm::less_first());
2518  if (EndIt != LocDecls.end())
2519  ++EndIt;
2521  for (LocDeclsTy::iterator DIt = BeginIt; DIt != EndIt; ++DIt)
2522  Decls.push_back(DIt->second);
2523 }
2526  unsigned Line, unsigned Col) const {
2527  const SourceManager &SM = getSourceManager();
2528  SourceLocation Loc = SM.translateFileLineCol(File, Line, Col);
2529  return SM.getMacroArgExpandedLocation(Loc);
2530 }
2533  unsigned Offset) const {
2534  const SourceManager &SM = getSourceManager();
2535  SourceLocation FileLoc = SM.translateFileLineCol(File, 1, 1);
2536  return SM.getMacroArgExpandedLocation(FileLoc.getLocWithOffset(Offset));
2537 }
2539 /// If \arg Loc is a loaded location from the preamble, returns
2540 /// the corresponding local location of the main file, otherwise it returns
2541 /// \arg Loc.
2543  FileID PreambleID;
2544  if (SourceMgr)
2545  PreambleID = SourceMgr->getPreambleFileID();
2547  if (Loc.isInvalid() || !Preamble || PreambleID.isInvalid())
2548  return Loc;
2550  unsigned Offs;
2551  if (SourceMgr->isInFileID(Loc, PreambleID, &Offs) && Offs < Preamble->getBounds().Size) {
2552  SourceLocation FileLoc
2553  = SourceMgr->getLocForStartOfFile(SourceMgr->getMainFileID());
2554  return FileLoc.getLocWithOffset(Offs);
2555  }
2557  return Loc;
2558 }
2560 /// If \arg Loc is a local location of the main file but inside the
2561 /// preamble chunk, returns the corresponding loaded location from the
2562 /// preamble, otherwise it returns \arg Loc.
2564  FileID PreambleID;
2565  if (SourceMgr)
2566  PreambleID = SourceMgr->getPreambleFileID();
2568  if (Loc.isInvalid() || !Preamble || PreambleID.isInvalid())
2569  return Loc;
2571  unsigned Offs;
2572  if (SourceMgr->isInFileID(Loc, SourceMgr->getMainFileID(), &Offs) &&
2573  Offs < Preamble->getBounds().Size) {
2574  SourceLocation FileLoc = SourceMgr->getLocForStartOfFile(PreambleID);
2575  return FileLoc.getLocWithOffset(Offs);
2576  }
2578  return Loc;
2579 }
2582  FileID FID;
2583  if (SourceMgr)
2584  FID = SourceMgr->getPreambleFileID();
2586  if (Loc.isInvalid() || FID.isInvalid())
2587  return false;
2589  return SourceMgr->isInFileID(Loc, FID);
2590 }
2593  FileID FID;
2594  if (SourceMgr)
2595  FID = SourceMgr->getMainFileID();
2597  if (Loc.isInvalid() || FID.isInvalid())
2598  return false;
2600  return SourceMgr->isInFileID(Loc, FID);
2601 }
2604  FileID FID;
2605  if (SourceMgr)
2606  FID = SourceMgr->getPreambleFileID();
2608  if (FID.isInvalid())
2609  return {};
2611  return SourceMgr->getLocForEndOfFile(FID);
2612 }
2615  FileID FID;
2616  if (SourceMgr)
2617  FID = SourceMgr->getMainFileID();
2619  if (FID.isInvalid())
2620  return {};
2622  return SourceMgr->getLocForStartOfFile(FID);
2623 }
2625 llvm::iterator_range<PreprocessingRecord::iterator>
2627  if (isMainFileAST()) {
2629  Mod = Reader->getModuleManager().getPrimaryModule();
2630  return Reader->getModulePreprocessedEntities(Mod);
2631  }
2633  if (PreprocessingRecord *PPRec = PP->getPreprocessingRecord())
2634  return llvm::make_range(PPRec->local_begin(), PPRec->local_end());
2636  return llvm::make_range(PreprocessingRecord::iterator(),
2638 }
2641  if (isMainFileAST()) {
2643  Mod = Reader->getModuleManager().getPrimaryModule();
2644  for (const auto *D : Reader->getModuleFileLevelDecls(Mod)) {
2645  if (!Fn(context, D))
2646  return false;
2647  }
2649  return true;
2650  }
2653  TLEnd = top_level_end();
2654  TL != TLEnd; ++TL) {
2655  if (!Fn(context, *TL))
2656  return false;
2657  }
2659  return true;
2660 }
2663  if (!Reader)
2664  return std::nullopt;
2666  serialization::ModuleFile *Mod = nullptr;
2667  Reader->getModuleManager().visit([&Mod](serialization::ModuleFile &M) {
2668  switch (M.Kind) {
2669  case serialization::MK_ImplicitModule:
2670  case serialization::MK_ExplicitModule:
2671  case serialization::MK_PrebuiltModule:
2672  return true; // skip dependencies.
2673  case serialization::MK_PCH:
2674  Mod = &M;
2675  return true; // found it.
2676  case serialization::MK_Preamble:
2677  return false; // look in dependencies.
2678  case serialization::MK_MainFile:
2679  return false; // look in dependencies.
2680  }
2682  return true;
2683  });
2684  if (Mod)
2685  return Mod->File;
2687  return std::nullopt;
2688 }
2692 }
2695  auto &LangOpts = getLangOpts();
2697  Language Lang;
2698  if (LangOpts.OpenCL)
2700  else if (LangOpts.CUDA)
2701  Lang = Language::CUDA;
2702  else if (LangOpts.RenderScript)
2704  else if (LangOpts.CPlusPlus)
2705  Lang = LangOpts.ObjC ? Language::ObjCXX : Language::CXX;
2706  else
2707  Lang = LangOpts.ObjC ? Language::ObjC : Language::C;
2710  if (LangOpts.getCompilingModule() == LangOptions::CMK_ModuleMap)
2711  Fmt = InputKind::ModuleMap;
2713  // We don't know if input was preprocessed. Assume not.
2714  bool PP = false;
2716  return InputKind(Lang, Fmt, PP);
2717 }
2719 #ifndef NDEBUG
2720 ASTUnit::ConcurrencyState::ConcurrencyState() {
2721  Mutex = new std::recursive_mutex;
2722 }
2724 ASTUnit::ConcurrencyState::~ConcurrencyState() {
2725  delete static_cast<std::recursive_mutex *>(Mutex);
2726 }
2728 void ASTUnit::ConcurrencyState::start() {
2729  bool acquired = static_cast<std::recursive_mutex *>(Mutex)->try_lock();
2730  assert(acquired && "Concurrent access to ASTUnit!");
2731 }
2733 void ASTUnit::ConcurrencyState::finish() {
2734  static_cast<std::recursive_mutex *>(Mutex)->unlock();
2735 }
2737 #else // NDEBUG
2739 ASTUnit::ConcurrencyState::ConcurrencyState() { Mutex = nullptr; }
2740 ASTUnit::ConcurrencyState::~ConcurrencyState() {}
2741 void ASTUnit::ConcurrencyState::start() {}
2742 void ASTUnit::ConcurrencyState::finish() {}
2744 #endif // NDEBUG
Defines the clang::ASTContext interface.
static void checkAndSanitizeDiags(SmallVectorImpl< StoredDiagnostic > &StoredDiagnostics, SourceManager &SM)
Definition: ASTUnit.cpp:1126
static void CalculateHiddenNames(const CodeCompletionContext &Context, CodeCompletionResult *Results, unsigned NumResults, ASTContext &Ctx, llvm::StringSet< llvm::BumpPtrAllocator > &HiddenNames)
Helper function that computes which global names are hidden by the local code-completion results.
Definition: ASTUnit.cpp:2006
static uint64_t getDeclShowContexts(const NamedDecl *ND, const LangOptions &LangOpts, bool &IsNestedNameSpecifier)
Determine the set of code-completion contexts in which this declaration should be shown.
Definition: ASTUnit.cpp:286
static void AddTopLevelDeclarationToHash(Decl *D, unsigned &Hash)
Add the given declaration to the hash of all top-level entities.
Definition: ASTUnit.cpp:945
static std::unique_ptr< llvm::MemoryBuffer > getBufferForFileHandlingRemapping(const CompilerInvocation &Invocation, llvm::vfs::FileSystem *VFS, StringRef FilePath, bool isVolatile)
Get a source buffer for MainFilePath, handling all file-to-file and file-to-buffer remappings inside ...
Definition: ASTUnit.cpp:158
static bool moveOnNoError(llvm::ErrorOr< T > Val, T &Output)
Definition: ASTUnit.cpp:148
static std::pair< unsigned, unsigned > makeStandaloneRange(CharSourceRange Range, const SourceManager &SM, const LangOptions &LangOpts)
Definition: ASTUnit.cpp:1278
static std::unique_ptr< T > valueOrNull(llvm::ErrorOr< std::unique_ptr< T >> Val)
Definition: ASTUnit.cpp:141
static bool serializeUnit(ASTWriter &Writer, SmallVectorImpl< char > &Buffer, Sema &S, raw_ostream &OS)
Definition: ASTUnit.cpp:2360
const unsigned DefaultPreambleRebuildInterval
After failing to build a precompiled preamble (due to errors in the source that occurs in the preambl...
Definition: ASTUnit.cpp:234
static void checkAndRemoveNonDriverDiags(SmallVectorImpl< StoredDiagnostic > &StoredDiags)
Definition: ASTUnit.cpp:1120
static bool isInMainFile(const clang::Diagnostic &D)
Definition: ASTUnit.cpp:726
static ASTUnit::StandaloneDiagnostic makeStandaloneDiagnostic(const LangOptions &LangOpts, const StoredDiagnostic &InDiag)
Definition: ASTUnit.cpp:1299
static bool isNonDriverDiag(const StoredDiagnostic &StoredDiag)
Definition: ASTUnit.cpp:1115
static std::atomic< unsigned > ActiveASTUnitObjects
Tracks the number of ASTUnit objects that are currently active.
Definition: ASTUnit.cpp:239
static ASTUnit::StandaloneFixIt makeStandaloneFixIt(const SourceManager &SM, const LangOptions &LangOpts, const FixItHint &InFix)
Definition: ASTUnit.cpp:1286
static void AddDefinedMacroToHash(const Token &MacroNameTok, unsigned &Hash)
Add the given macro to the hash of all top-level entities.
Definition: ASTUnit.cpp:922
static char ID
Definition: Arena.cpp:183
#define SM(sm)
Definition: Cuda.cpp:83
Defines the Diagnostic-related interfaces.
const Decl * D
enum clang::sema::@1659::IndirectLocalPathEntry::EntryKind Kind
Defines the C++ Decl subclasses, other than those for templates (found in DeclTemplate....
Defines the C++ template declaration subclasses.
Defines the clang::FileManager interface and associated types.
int Priority
Definition: Format.cpp:3005
unsigned Offset
Definition: Format.cpp:3003
StringRef Filename
Definition: Format.cpp:3001
StringRef Identifier
Definition: Format.cpp:3009
Defines the clang::FrontendAction interface and various convenience abstract classes (clang::ASTFront...
Defines the clang::IdentifierInfo, clang::IdentifierTable, and clang::Selector interfaces.
#define X(type, name)
Definition: Value.h:143
Forward-declares and imports various common LLVM datatypes that clang wants to use unqualified.
Defines the clang::LangOptions interface.
static DiagnosticBuilder Diag(DiagnosticsEngine *Diags, const LangOptions &Features, FullSourceLoc TokLoc, const char *TokBegin, const char *TokRangeBegin, const char *TokRangeEnd, unsigned DiagID)
Produce a diagnostic highlighting some portion of a literal.
llvm::MachO::Target Target
Definition: MachO.h:51
llvm::MachO::Record Record
Definition: MachO.h:31
Defines the clang::Module class, which describes a module in the source code.
Defines the PPCallbacks interface.
Defines the clang::Preprocessor interface.
This file declares facilities that support code completion.
SourceRange Range
Definition: SemaObjC.cpp:758
SourceLocation Loc
Definition: SemaObjC.cpp:759
Defines the clang::SourceLocation class and associated facilities.
Defines the SourceManager interface.
Defines the clang::TargetOptions class.
Allows QualTypes to be sorted and hence used in maps and sets.
C Language Family Type Representation.
ASTConsumer - This is an abstract interface that should be implemented by clients that read ASTs.
Definition: ASTConsumer.h:34
Holds long-lived AST nodes (such as types and decls) that can be referred to throughout the semantic ...
Definition: ASTContext.h:187
void InitBuiltinTypes(const TargetInfo &Target, const TargetInfo *AuxTarget=nullptr)
Initialize built-in types.
CanQualType getCanonicalType(QualType T) const
Return the canonical (structural) type corresponding to the specified potentially non-canonical type ...
Definition: ASTContext.h:2633
const LangOptions & getLangOpts() const
Definition: ASTContext.h:797
comments::CommandTraits & getCommentCommandTraits() const
Definition: ASTContext.h:958
void setPrintingPolicy(const clang::PrintingPolicy &Policy)
Definition: ASTContext.h:717
Abstract base class to use for AST consumer-based frontend actions.
An abstract interface that should be implemented by listeners that want to be notified when an AST en...
Abstract interface for callback invocations by the ASTReader.
Definition: ASTReader.h:114
Reads an AST files chain containing the contents of a translation unit.
Definition: ASTReader.h:378
@ ARR_None
The client can't handle any AST loading failures.
Definition: ASTReader.h:1633
@ Success
The control block was read successfully.
Definition: ASTReader.h:401
@ ConfigurationMismatch
The AST file was written with a different language/target configuration.
Definition: ASTReader.h:418
@ OutOfDate
The AST file is out-of-date relative to its input files, and needs to be regenerated.
Definition: ASTReader.h:411
@ Failure
The AST file itself appears corrupted.
Definition: ASTReader.h:404
@ VersionMismatch
The AST file was written by a different version of Clang.
Definition: ASTReader.h:414
@ HadErrors
The AST file has errors.
Definition: ASTReader.h:421
@ Missing
The AST file was missing.
Definition: ASTReader.h:407
Utility class for loading a ASTContext from an AST file.
Definition: ASTUnit.h:89
void enableSourceFileDiagnostics()
Enable source-range based diagnostic messages.
Definition: ASTUnit.cpp:278
void addFileLevelDecl(Decl *D)
Add a new local file-level declaration.
Definition: ASTUnit.cpp:2441
static std::unique_ptr< ASTUnit > LoadFromCommandLine(const char **ArgBegin, const char **ArgEnd, std::shared_ptr< PCHContainerOperations > PCHContainerOps, IntrusiveRefCntPtr< DiagnosticsEngine > Diags, StringRef ResourceFilesPath, bool StorePreamblesInMemory=false, StringRef PreambleStoragePath=StringRef(), bool OnlyLocalDecls=false, CaptureDiagsKind CaptureDiagnostics=CaptureDiagsKind::None, ArrayRef< RemappedFile > RemappedFiles=std::nullopt, bool RemappedFilesKeepOriginalName=true, unsigned PrecompilePreambleAfterNParses=0, TranslationUnitKind TUKind=TU_Complete, bool CacheCodeCompletionResults=false, bool IncludeBriefCommentsInCodeCompletion=false, bool AllowPCHWithCompilerErrors=false, SkipFunctionBodiesScope SkipFunctionBodies=SkipFunctionBodiesScope::None, bool SingleFileParse=false, bool UserFilesAreVolatile=false, bool ForSerialization=false, bool RetainExcludedConditionalBlocks=false, std::optional< StringRef > ModuleFormat=std::nullopt, std::unique_ptr< ASTUnit > *ErrAST=nullptr, IntrusiveRefCntPtr< llvm::vfs::FileSystem > VFS=nullptr)
LoadFromCommandLine - Create an ASTUnit from a vector of command line arguments, which must specify e...
Definition: ASTUnit.cpp:1762
llvm::StringMap< unsigned > & getCachedCompletionTypes()
Retrieve the mapping from formatted type names to unique type identifiers.
Definition: ASTUnit.h:308
void CodeComplete(StringRef File, unsigned Line, unsigned Column, ArrayRef< RemappedFile > RemappedFiles, bool IncludeMacros, bool IncludeCodePatterns, bool IncludeBriefComments, CodeCompleteConsumer &Consumer, std::shared_ptr< PCHContainerOperations > PCHContainerOps, DiagnosticsEngine &Diag, LangOptions &LangOpts, SourceManager &SourceMgr, FileManager &FileMgr, SmallVectorImpl< StoredDiagnostic > &StoredDiagnostics, SmallVectorImpl< const llvm::MemoryBuffer * > &OwnedBuffers, std::unique_ptr< SyntaxOnlyAction > Act)
Perform code completion at the given file, line, and column within this translation unit.
Definition: ASTUnit.cpp:2183
cached_completion_iterator cached_completion_end()
Definition: ASTUnit.h:623
bool serialize(raw_ostream &OS)
Serialize this translation unit with the given output stream.
Definition: ASTUnit.cpp:2371
ASTDeserializationListener * getDeserializationListener()
Definition: ASTUnit.cpp:776
bool Reparse(std::shared_ptr< PCHContainerOperations > PCHContainerOps, ArrayRef< RemappedFile > RemappedFiles=std::nullopt, IntrusiveRefCntPtr< llvm::vfs::FileSystem > VFS=nullptr)
Reparse the source files using the same command-line options that were originally used to produce thi...
Definition: ASTUnit.cpp:1868
const LangOptions & getLangOpts() const
Definition: ASTUnit.h:464
std::unique_ptr< llvm::MemoryBuffer > getBufferForFile(StringRef Filename, std::string *ErrorStr=nullptr)
Definition: ASTUnit.cpp:783
SourceLocation getLocation(const FileEntry *File, unsigned Line, unsigned Col) const
Get the source location for the given file:line:col triplet.
Definition: ASTUnit.cpp:2525
void ResetForParse()
Free data that will be re-generated on the next parse.
Definition: ASTUnit.cpp:1926
const ASTContext & getASTContext() const
Definition: ASTUnit.h:442
const FileManager & getFileManager() const
Definition: ASTUnit.h:479
InputKind getInputKind() const
Determine the input kind this AST unit represents.
Definition: ASTUnit.cpp:2694
OptionalFileEntryRef getPCHFile()
Get the PCH file if one was included.
Definition: ASTUnit.cpp:2662
const DiagnosticsEngine & getDiagnostics() const
Definition: ASTUnit.h:432
const HeaderSearchOptions & getHeaderSearchOpts() const
Definition: ASTUnit.h:469
StringRef getMainFileName() const
Definition: ASTUnit.cpp:1506
SourceLocation mapLocationToPreamble(SourceLocation Loc) const
If Loc is a local location of the main file but inside the preamble chunk, returns the corresponding ...
Definition: ASTUnit.cpp:2563
cached_completion_iterator cached_completion_begin()
Definition: ASTUnit.h:619
bool isMainFileAST() const
Definition: ASTUnit.h:427
std::vector< Decl * >::iterator top_level_iterator
Definition: ASTUnit.h:503
unsigned & getCurrentTopLevelHashValue()
Retrieve a reference to the current top-level name hash value.
Definition: ASTUnit.h:546
SourceLocation getEndOfPreambleFileID() const
Definition: ASTUnit.cpp:2603
@ LoadASTOnly
Load the AST, but do not restore Sema state.
Definition: ASTUnit.h:678
@ LoadEverything
Load everything, including Sema.
Definition: ASTUnit.h:681
top_level_iterator top_level_end()
Definition: ASTUnit.h:512
SourceLocation getStartOfMainFileID() const
Definition: ASTUnit.cpp:2614
IntrusiveRefCntPtr< ASTReader > getASTReader() const
Definition: ASTUnit.cpp:766
bool(*)(void *context, const Decl *D) DeclVisitorFn
Type for a function iterating over a number of declarations.
Definition: ASTUnit.h:639
bool visitLocalTopLevelDecls(void *context, DeclVisitorFn Fn)
Iterate over local declarations (locally parsed if this is a parsed source file or the loaded declara...
Definition: ASTUnit.cpp:2640
llvm::iterator_range< PreprocessingRecord::iterator > getLocalPreprocessingEntities() const
Returns an iterator range for the local preprocessing entities of the local Preprocessor,...
Definition: ASTUnit.cpp:2626
top_level_iterator top_level_begin()
Definition: ASTUnit.h:505
std::vector< CachedCodeCompletionResult >::iterator cached_completion_iterator
Definition: ASTUnit.h:617
ASTMutationListener * getASTMutationListener()
Definition: ASTUnit.cpp:770
TranslationUnitKind getTranslationUnitKind() const
Determine what kind of translation unit this AST represents.
Definition: ASTUnit.h:658
void setPreprocessor(std::shared_ptr< Preprocessor > pp)
Definition: ASTUnit.cpp:274
StringRef getASTFileName() const
If this ASTUnit came from an AST file, returns the filename for it.
Definition: ASTUnit.cpp:1524
bool Save(StringRef File)
Save this translation unit to a file with the given name.
Definition: ASTUnit.cpp:2340
static std::unique_ptr< ASTUnit > create(std::shared_ptr< CompilerInvocation > CI, IntrusiveRefCntPtr< DiagnosticsEngine > Diags, CaptureDiagsKind CaptureDiagnostics, bool UserFilesAreVolatile)
Create a ASTUnit. Gets ownership of the passed CompilerInvocation.
Definition: ASTUnit.cpp:1534
const SourceManager & getSourceManager() const
Definition: ASTUnit.h:435
void addTopLevelDecl(Decl *D)
Add a new top-level declaration.
Definition: ASTUnit.h:530
static ASTUnit * LoadFromCompilerInvocationAction(std::shared_ptr< CompilerInvocation > CI, std::shared_ptr< PCHContainerOperations > PCHContainerOps, IntrusiveRefCntPtr< DiagnosticsEngine > Diags, FrontendAction *Action=nullptr, ASTUnit *Unit=nullptr, bool Persistent=true, StringRef ResourceFilesPath=StringRef(), bool OnlyLocalDecls=false, CaptureDiagsKind CaptureDiagnostics=CaptureDiagsKind::None, unsigned PrecompilePreambleAfterNParses=0, bool CacheCodeCompletionResults=false, bool UserFilesAreVolatile=false, std::unique_ptr< ASTUnit > *ErrAST=nullptr)
Create an ASTUnit from a source file, via a CompilerInvocation object, by invoking the optionally pro...
Definition: ASTUnit.cpp:1554
bool isInMainFileID(SourceLocation Loc) const
Definition: ASTUnit.cpp:2592
bool isModuleFile() const
Returns true if the ASTUnit was constructed from a serialized module file.
Definition: ASTUnit.cpp:2690
void findFileRegionDecls(FileID File, unsigned Offset, unsigned Length, SmallVectorImpl< Decl * > &Decls)
Get the decls that are contained in a file in the Offset/Length range.
Definition: ASTUnit.cpp:2482
bool isInPreambleFileID(SourceLocation Loc) const
Definition: ASTUnit.cpp:2581
SourceLocation mapLocationFromPreamble(SourceLocation Loc) const
If Loc is a loaded location from the preamble, returns the corresponding local location of the main f...
Definition: ASTUnit.cpp:2542
std::pair< std::string, llvm::MemoryBuffer * > RemappedFile
A mapping from a file name to the memory buffer that stores the remapped contents of that file.
Definition: ASTUnit.h:665
Sema & getSema() const
Definition: ASTUnit.h:459
static std::unique_ptr< ASTUnit > LoadFromASTFile(const std::string &Filename, const PCHContainerReader &PCHContainerRdr, WhatToLoad ToLoad, IntrusiveRefCntPtr< DiagnosticsEngine > Diags, const FileSystemOptions &FileSystemOpts, std::shared_ptr< HeaderSearchOptions > HSOpts, std::shared_ptr< LangOptions > LangOpts=nullptr, bool OnlyLocalDecls=false, CaptureDiagsKind CaptureDiagnostics=CaptureDiagsKind::None, bool AllowASTWithCompilerErrors=false, bool UserFilesAreVolatile=false, IntrusiveRefCntPtr< llvm::vfs::FileSystem > VFS=llvm::vfs::getRealFileSystem())
Create a ASTUnit from an AST file.
Definition: ASTUnit.cpp:804
Writes an AST file containing the contents of a translation unit.
Definition: ASTWriter.h:89
ASTFileSignature WriteAST(Sema &SemaRef, StringRef OutputFile, Module *WritingModule, StringRef isysroot, bool ShouldCacheASTInMemory=false)
Write a precompiled header for the given semantic analysis.
Definition: ASTWriter.cpp:4860
LocalDeclID getDeclID(const Decl *D)
Determine the local declaration ID of an already-emitted declaration.
Definition: ASTWriter.cpp:6263
Represents a character-granular source range.
static CharSourceRange getCharRange(SourceRange R)
SourceLocation getEnd() const
SourceLocation getBegin() const
Abstract interface for a consumer of code-completion information.
bool includeFixIts() const
Whether to include completion items with small fix-its, e.g.
bool loadExternal() const
Hint whether to load data from the external AST in order to provide full results.
Options controlling the behavior of code completion.
unsigned IncludeCodePatterns
Show code patterns in code completion results.
unsigned IncludeFixIts
Include results after corrections (small fix-its), e.g.
unsigned LoadExternal
Hint whether to load data from the external AST to provide full results.
unsigned IncludeMacros
Show macros in code completion results.
unsigned IncludeBriefComments
Show brief documentation comments in code completion results.
unsigned IncludeGlobals
Show top-level decls in code completion results.
An allocator used specifically for the purpose of code completion.
A builder class used to construct new code-completion strings.
The context in which code completion occurred, so that the code-completion consumer can process the r...
@ CCC_TypeQualifiers
Code completion within a type-qualifier list.
@ CCC_ObjCMessageReceiver
Code completion occurred where an Objective-C message receiver is expected.
@ CCC_PreprocessorExpression
Code completion occurred within a preprocessor expression.
@ CCC_ObjCCategoryName
Code completion where an Objective-C category name is expected.
@ CCC_ObjCIvarList
Code completion occurred within the instance variable list of an Objective-C interface,...
@ CCC_Statement
Code completion occurred where a statement (or declaration) is expected in a function,...
@ CCC_Type
Code completion occurred where a type name is expected.
@ CCC_ArrowMemberAccess
Code completion occurred on the right-hand side of a member access expression using the arrow operato...
@ CCC_ClassStructUnion
Code completion occurred within a class, struct, or union.
@ CCC_ObjCInterface
Code completion occurred within an Objective-C interface, protocol, or category interface.
@ CCC_ObjCPropertyAccess
Code completion occurred on the right-hand side of an Objective-C property access expression.
@ CCC_Expression
Code completion occurred where an expression is expected.
@ CCC_SelectorName
Code completion for a selector, as in an @selector expression.
@ CCC_TopLevelOrExpression
Code completion at a top level, i.e.
@ CCC_EnumTag
Code completion occurred after the "enum" keyword, to indicate an enumeration name.
@ CCC_UnionTag
Code completion occurred after the "union" keyword, to indicate a union name.
@ CCC_ParenthesizedExpression
Code completion in a parenthesized expression, which means that we may also have types here in C and ...
@ CCC_TopLevel
Code completion occurred within a "top-level" completion context, e.g., at namespace or global scope.
@ CCC_ClassOrStructTag
Code completion occurred after the "struct" or "class" keyword, to indicate a struct or class name.
@ CCC_ObjCClassMessage
Code completion where an Objective-C class message is expected.
@ CCC_ObjCImplementation
Code completion occurred within an Objective-C implementation or category implementation.
@ CCC_IncludedFile
Code completion inside the filename part of a #include directive.
@ CCC_ObjCInstanceMessage
Code completion where an Objective-C instance message is expected.
@ CCC_SymbolOrNewName
Code completion occurred where both a new name and an existing symbol is permissible.
@ CCC_Recovery
An unknown context, in which we are recovering from a parsing error and don't know which completions ...
@ CCC_ObjCProtocolName
Code completion occurred where a protocol name is expected.
@ CCC_OtherWithMacros
An unspecified code-completion context where we should also add macro completions.
@ CCC_NewName
Code completion occurred where a new name is expected.
@ CCC_MacroNameUse
Code completion occurred where a macro name is expected (without any arguments, in the case of a func...
@ CCC_Symbol
Code completion occurred where an existing name(such as type, function or variable) is expected.
@ CCC_Attribute
Code completion of an attribute name.
@ CCC_Other
An unspecified code-completion context.
@ CCC_DotMemberAccess
Code completion occurred on the right-hand side of a member access expression using the dot operator.
@ CCC_MacroName
Code completion occurred where an macro is being defined.
@ CCC_Namespace
Code completion occurred where a namespace or namespace alias is expected.
@ CCC_PreprocessorDirective
Code completion occurred where a preprocessor directive is expected.
@ CCC_NaturalLanguage
Code completion occurred in a context where natural language is expected, e.g., a comment or string l...
@ CCC_ObjCInterfaceName
Code completion where the name of an Objective-C class is expected.
Captures a result of code completion.
A "string" used to describe how code completion can be performed for an entity.
CompilerInstance - Helper class for managing a single instance of the Clang compiler.
void setFileManager(FileManager *Value)
Replace the current file manager and virtual file system.
void setSourceManager(SourceManager *Value)
setSourceManager - Replace the current source manager.
CompilerInvocation & getInvocation()
Preprocessor & getPreprocessor() const
Return the current preprocessor.
TargetInfo & getTarget() const
std::shared_ptr< Preprocessor > getPreprocessorPtr()
std::unique_ptr< Sema > takeSema()
IntrusiveRefCntPtr< ASTReader > getASTReader() const
ASTContext & getASTContext() const
bool hadModuleLoaderFatalFailure() const
std::unique_ptr< ASTConsumer > takeASTConsumer()
takeASTConsumer - Remove the current AST consumer and give ownership to the caller.
Helper class for holding the data necessary to invoke the compiler.
PreprocessorOptions & getPreprocessorOpts()
DiagnosticOptions & getDiagnosticOpts()
LangOptions & getLangOpts()
Mutable getters.
std::shared_ptr< LangOptions > LangOpts
Base class internals.
FrontendOptions & getFrontendOpts()
DeclContext - This is used only as base class of specific decl types that can act as declaration cont...
Definition: DeclBase.h:1436
bool isFileContext() const
Definition: DeclBase.h:2161
bool isTranslationUnit() const
Definition: DeclBase.h:2166
DeclContext * getLookupParent()
Find the parent context of this context that will be used for unqualified name lookup.
Definition: DeclBase.cpp:1284
Decl - This represents one declaration (or definition), e.g.
Definition: DeclBase.h:86
bool isFromASTFile() const
Determine whether this declaration came from an AST file (such as a precompiled header or module) rat...
Definition: DeclBase.h:787
bool isInvalidDecl() const
Definition: DeclBase.h:595
SourceLocation getLocation() const
Definition: DeclBase.h:446
@ IDNS_NonMemberOperator
This declaration is a C++ operator declared in a non-class context.
Definition: DeclBase.h:168
@ IDNS_Ordinary
Ordinary names.
Definition: DeclBase.h:144
@ IDNS_Type
Types, declared with 'struct foo', typedefs, etc.
Definition: DeclBase.h:130
@ IDNS_Member
Members, declared with object declarations within tag definitions.
Definition: DeclBase.h:136
@ IDNS_Namespace
Namespaces, declared with 'namespace foo {}'.
Definition: DeclBase.h:140
@ IDNS_Tag
Tags, declared with 'struct foo;' and referenced with 'struct foo'.
Definition: DeclBase.h:125
DeclContext * getLexicalDeclContext()
getLexicalDeclContext - The declaration context where this Decl was lexically declared (LexicalDC).
Definition: DeclBase.h:908
DeclContext * getDeclContext()
Definition: DeclBase.h:455
The name of a declaration.
Abstract interface, implemented by clients of the front-end, which formats and prints fully processed...
Definition: Diagnostic.h:1751
virtual void EndSourceFile()
Callback to inform the diagnostic client that processing of a source file has ended.
Definition: Diagnostic.h:1783
virtual void HandleDiagnostic(DiagnosticsEngine::Level DiagLevel, const Diagnostic &Info)
Handle this diagnostic, reporting it to the user or capturing it to a log as needed.
Definition: Diagnostic.cpp:561
virtual void BeginSourceFile(const LangOptions &LangOpts, const Preprocessor *PP=nullptr)
Callback to inform the diagnostic client that processing of a source file is beginning.
Definition: Diagnostic.h:1775
A little helper class (which is basically a smart pointer that forwards info from DiagnosticsEngine) ...
Definition: Diagnostic.h:1577
SourceManager & getSourceManager() const
Definition: Diagnostic.h:1590
bool hasSourceManager() const
Definition: Diagnostic.h:1589
Concrete class used by the front-end to report problems and issues.
Definition: Diagnostic.h:193
void setNumWarnings(unsigned NumWarnings)
Definition: Diagnostic.h:866
void setClient(DiagnosticConsumer *client, bool ShouldOwnClient=true)
Set the diagnostic client associated with this diagnostic object.
Definition: Diagnostic.cpp:96
The level of the diagnostic, after it has been through mapping.
Definition: Diagnostic.h:196
std::unique_ptr< DiagnosticConsumer > takeClient()
Return the current diagnostic client along with ownership of that client.
Definition: Diagnostic.h:586
DiagnosticConsumer * getClient()
Definition: Diagnostic.h:578
unsigned getNumWarnings() const
Definition: Diagnostic.h:864
void Reset(bool soft=false)
Reset the state of the diagnostic object to its initial configuration.
Definition: Diagnostic.cpp:118
Cached information about one file (either on disk or in the virtual file system).
Definition: FileEntry.h:300
An opaque identifier used by SourceManager which refers to a source file (MemoryBuffer) along with it...
bool isInvalid() const
Implements support for file system lookup, file system caching, and directory search management.
Definition: FileManager.h:53
llvm::vfs::FileSystem & getVirtualFileSystem() const
Definition: FileManager.h:251
FileSystemOptions & getFileSystemOpts()
Returns the current file system options.
Definition: FileManager.h:248
llvm::ErrorOr< const FileEntry * > getFile(StringRef Filename, bool OpenFile=false, bool CacheFailure=true)
Lookup, cache, and verify the specified file (real or virtual).
void setVirtualFileSystem(IntrusiveRefCntPtr< llvm::vfs::FileSystem > FS)
Definition: FileManager.h:261
llvm::IntrusiveRefCntPtr< llvm::vfs::FileSystem > getVirtualFileSystemPtr() const
Definition: FileManager.h:253
Keeps track of options that affect how file operations are performed.
Annotates a diagnostic with some code that should be inserted, removed, or replaced to fix the proble...
Definition: Diagnostic.h:72
bool BeforePreviousInsertions
Definition: Diagnostic.h:86
CharSourceRange RemoveRange
Code that should be replaced to correct the error.
Definition: Diagnostic.h:76
CharSourceRange InsertFromRange
Code in the specific range that should be inserted in the insertion location.
Definition: Diagnostic.h:80
std::string CodeToInsert
The actual code to insert at the insertion location, as a string.
Definition: Diagnostic.h:84
Abstract base class for actions which can be performed by the frontend.
virtual void EndSourceFile()
Perform any per-file post processing, deallocate per-file objects, and run statistics and output file...
llvm::Error Execute()
Set the source manager's main input file, and run the action.
virtual TranslationUnitKind getTranslationUnitKind()
For AST-based actions, the kind of translation unit we're handling.
bool BeginSourceFile(CompilerInstance &CI, const FrontendInputFile &Input)
Prepare the action for processing the input file Input.
An input file for the front end.
llvm::MemoryBufferRef getBuffer() const
StringRef getFile() const
FrontendOptions - Options for controlling the behavior of the frontend.
unsigned SkipFunctionBodies
Skip over function bodies to speed up parsing in cases you do not need them (e.g.
CodeCompleteOptions CodeCompleteOpts
ParsedSourceLocation CodeCompletionAt
If given, enable code completion at the provided location.
SmallVector< FrontendInputFile, 0 > Inputs
The input files and their types.
A SourceLocation and its associated SourceManager.
const SourceManager & getManager() const
HeaderSearchOptions - Helper class for storing options related to the initialization of the HeaderSea...
std::vector< SystemHeaderPrefix > SystemHeaderPrefixes
User-specified system header prefixes.
std::vector< std::string > VFSOverlayFiles
The set of user-provided virtual filesystem overlay files.
std::vector< Entry > UserEntries
User specified include entries.
std::string ResourceDir
The directory which holds the compiler resource files (builtin includes, etc.).
Encapsulates the information needed to find the file referenced by a #include or #include_next,...
Definition: HeaderSearch.h:249
Module * lookupModule(StringRef ModuleName, SourceLocation ImportLoc=SourceLocation(), bool AllowSearch=true, bool AllowExtraModuleMapSearch=false)
Lookup a module Search for a module with the given name.
One of these records is kept for each identifier that is lexed.
StringRef getName() const
Return the actual identifier string.
In-memory cache for modules.
The kind of a file that we've been handed as an input.
The input file format.
@ CMK_ModuleMap
Compiling a module from a module map.
Definition: LangOptions.h:102
Keeps track of the various options that can be enabled, which controls the dialect of C or C++ that i...
Definition: LangOptions.h:480
CommentOptions CommentOpts
Options for parsing comments.
Definition: LangOptions.h:544
bool isCompilingModule() const
Are we compiling a module?
Definition: LangOptions.h:645
static CharSourceRange makeFileCharRange(CharSourceRange Range, const SourceManager &SM, const LangOptions &LangOpts)
Accepts a range and returns a character range with file locations.
Definition: Lexer.cpp:955
Encapsulates changes to the "macros namespace" (the location where the macro name became active,...
Definition: MacroInfo.h:313
Describes a module or submodule.
Definition: Module.h:105
bool isNamedModule() const
Does this Module is a named module of a standard named module?
Definition: Module.h:185
This represents a decl that may have a name.
Definition: Decl.h:249
NamedDecl * getUnderlyingDecl()
Looks through UsingDecls and ObjCCompatibleAliasDecls for the underlying named decl.
Definition: Decl.h:463
This abstract interface provides operations for unwrapping containers for serialized ASTs (precompile...
virtual llvm::ArrayRef< llvm::StringRef > getFormats() const =0
Equivalent to the format passed to -fmodule-format=.
This interface provides a way to observe the actions of the preprocessor as it does its thing.
Definition: PPCallbacks.h:36
A set of callbacks to gather useful information while building a preamble.
static llvm::ErrorOr< PrecompiledPreamble > Build(const CompilerInvocation &Invocation, const llvm::MemoryBuffer *MainFileBuffer, PreambleBounds Bounds, DiagnosticsEngine &Diagnostics, IntrusiveRefCntPtr< llvm::vfs::FileSystem > VFS, std::shared_ptr< PCHContainerOperations > PCHContainerOps, bool StoreInMemory, StringRef StoragePath, PreambleCallbacks &Callbacks)
Try to build PrecompiledPreamble for Invocation.
Iteration over the preprocessed entities.
A record of the steps taken while preprocessing a source file, including the various preprocessing di...
PreprocessorOptions - This class is used for passing the various options used in preprocessor initial...
std::pair< unsigned, bool > PrecompiledPreambleBytes
If non-zero, the implicit PCH include is actually a precompiled preamble that covers this number of b...
bool RemappedFilesKeepOriginalName
True if the SourceManager should report the original file name for contents of files that were remapp...
bool RetainRemappedFileBuffers
Whether the compiler instance should retain (i.e., not free) the buffers associated with remapped fil...
bool SingleFileParseMode
When enabled, preprocessor is in a mode for parsing a single file only.
bool DetailedRecord
Whether we should maintain a detailed record of all macro definitions and expansions.
bool RetainExcludedConditionalBlocks
When enabled, excluded conditional blocks retain in the main file.
void addRemappedFile(StringRef From, StringRef To)
bool AllowPCHWithCompilerErrors
When true, a PCH with compiler errors will not be rejected.
std::vector< std::pair< std::string, llvm::MemoryBuffer * > > RemappedFileBuffers
The set of file-to-buffer remappings, which take existing files on the system (the first part of each...
Engages in a tight little dance with the lexer to efficiently preprocess tokens.
Definition: Preprocessor.h:137
SourceManager & getSourceManager() const
void addPPCallbacks(std::unique_ptr< PPCallbacks > C)
DiagnosticsEngine & getDiagnostics() const
IdentifierTable & getIdentifierTable()
FileManager & getFileManager() const
SelectorTable & getSelectorTable()
void Initialize(const TargetInfo &Target, const TargetInfo *AuxTarget=nullptr)
Initialize the preprocessor using information about the target.
void setCounterValue(unsigned V)
const LangOptions & getLangOpts() const
Builtin::Context & getBuiltinInfo()
PreprocessingRecord * getPreprocessingRecord() const
Retrieve the preprocessing record, or NULL if there is no preprocessing record.
A (possibly-)qualified type.
Definition: Type.h:941
bool isNull() const
Return true if this QualType doesn't point to a type yet.
Definition: Type.h:1008
QualType getUnqualifiedType() const
Retrieve the unqualified variant of the given type, removing as little sugar as possible.
Definition: Type.h:7854
static std::string getAsString(SplitQualType split, const PrintingPolicy &Policy)
Definition: Type.h:1339
Sema - This implements semantic analysis and AST building for C.
Definition: Sema.h:493
ASTContext & Context
Definition: Sema.h:962
const LangOptions & getLangOpts() const
Definition: Sema.h:553
Encodes a location in the source.
bool isValid() const
Return true if this is a valid SourceLocation object.
SourceLocation getLocWithOffset(IntTy Offset) const
Return a source location with the specified offset from this SourceLocation.
This class handles loading and caching of source files into memory.
OptionalFileEntryRef getFileEntryRefForID(FileID FID) const
Returns the FileEntryRef for the provided FileID.
FileID translateFile(const FileEntry *SourceFile) const
Get the FileID for the given file.
SourceLocation getLocForEndOfFile(FileID FID) const
Return the source location corresponding to the last byte of the specified file.
FileID getMainFileID() const
Returns the FileID of the main source file.
bool isInFileID(SourceLocation Loc, FileID FID, unsigned *RelativeOffset=nullptr) const
Given a specific FileID, returns true if Loc is inside that FileID chunk and sets relative offset (of...
FileID getPreambleFileID() const
Get the file ID for the precompiled preamble if there is one.
bool isLoadedFileID(FileID FID) const
Returns true if FID came from a PCH/Module.
SourceLocation getLocForStartOfFile(FileID FID) const
Return the source location corresponding to the first byte of the specified file.
Represents a diagnostic in a form that can be retained until its corresponding source manager is dest...
Definition: Diagnostic.h:1701
unsigned getID() const
Definition: Diagnostic.h:1722
DiagnosticsEngine::Level getLevel() const
Definition: Diagnostic.h:1723
ArrayRef< CharSourceRange > getRanges() const
Definition: Diagnostic.h:1735
ArrayRef< FixItHint > getFixIts() const
Definition: Diagnostic.h:1743
const FullSourceLoc & getLocation() const
Definition: Diagnostic.h:1724
StringRef getMessage() const
Definition: Diagnostic.h:1725
static TargetInfo * CreateTargetInfo(DiagnosticsEngine &Diags, const std::shared_ptr< TargetOptions > &Opts)
Construct a target for the given options.
Definition: Targets.cpp:806
Options for controlling the target.
Definition: TargetOptions.h:26
Token - This structure provides full information about a lexed token.
Definition: Token.h:36
IdentifierInfo * getIdentifierInfo() const
Definition: Token.h:187
void registerCommentOptions(const CommentOptions &CommentOptions)
Information about a module that has been loaded by the ASTReader.
Definition: ModuleFile.h:124
FileEntryRef File
The file entry for the module file.
Definition: ModuleFile.h:179
std::string FileName
The file name of the module file.
Definition: ModuleFile.h:139
ModuleKind Kind
The type of this module.
Definition: ModuleFile.h:136
@ CXCursor_MacroDefinition
Definition: Index.h:2232
Defines the clang::TargetInfo interface.
@ FixIt
Parse and apply any fixits to the source.
bool Inv(InterpState &S, CodePtr OpPC)
Definition: Interp.h:659
@ MK_MainFile
File is a PCH file treated as the actual main file.
Definition: ModuleFile.h:56
Remove unused -ivfsoverlay arguments.
The JSON file list parser is used to communicate input to InstallAPI.
IntrusiveRefCntPtr< llvm::vfs::FileSystem > createVFSFromOverlayFiles(ArrayRef< std::string > VFSOverlayFiles, DiagnosticsEngine &Diags, IntrusiveRefCntPtr< llvm::vfs::FileSystem > BaseFS)
QualType getDeclUsageType(ASTContext &C, const NamedDecl *ND)
Determine the type that this declaration will have if it is used as a type or in an expression.
void ProcessWarningOptions(DiagnosticsEngine &Diags, const DiagnosticOptions &Opts, bool ReportDiags=true)
ProcessWarningOptions - Initialize the diagnostic client and process the warning options specified on...
Definition: Warnings.cpp:44
Enumerates the available scopes for skipping function bodies.
Definition: ASTUnit.h:83
std::unique_ptr< CompilerInvocation > createInvocation(ArrayRef< const char * > Args, CreateInvocationOptions Opts={})
Interpret clang arguments in preparation to parse a file.
The language for the input, used to select and validate the language standard and possible actions.
Definition: LangStandard.h:23
@ C
Languages that the frontend can parse and compile.
A simplified classification of types used when determining "similar" types for code completion.
Enumerates the available kinds for capturing diagnostics.
Definition: ASTUnit.h:86
IntrusiveRefCntPtr< llvm::vfs::FileSystem > createVFSFromCompilerInvocation(const CompilerInvocation &CI, DiagnosticsEngine &Diags)
@ CCF_ExactTypeMatch
Divide by this factor when a code-completion result's type exactly matches the type we expect.
@ CCF_SimilarTypeMatch
Divide by this factor when a code-completion result's type is similar to the type we expect (e....
Describes the kind of translation unit being processed.
Definition: LangOptions.h:1076
@ TU_Complete
The translation unit is a complete translation unit.
Definition: LangOptions.h:1078
SimplifiedTypeClass getSimplifiedTypeClass(CanQualType T)
Determine the simplified type class of the given canonical type.
@ CCP_NestedNameSpecifier
Priority for a nested-name-specifier.
@ CCP_CodePattern
Priority for a code pattern.
const FunctionProtoType * T
unsigned getMacroUsagePriority(StringRef MacroName, const LangOptions &LangOpts, bool PreferredTypeIsPointer=false)
Determine the priority to be given to a macro code completion result with the given name.
Whether to disable the normal validation performed on precompiled headers and module files when they ...
@ None
Perform validation, don't disable it.
@ All
Disable validation for all kinds.
PreambleBounds ComputePreambleBounds(const LangOptions &LangOpts, const llvm::MemoryBufferRef &Buffer, unsigned MaxLines)
Runs lexer to compute suggested preamble bounds.
llvm::StringRef getAsString(SyncScope S)
Definition: SyncScope.h:60
unsigned long uint64_t
#define false
Definition: stdbool.h:26
llvm::BitstreamWriter Stream
Definition: ASTUnit.cpp:219
SmallString< 128 > Buffer
Definition: ASTUnit.cpp:218
ASTWriterData(InMemoryModuleCache &ModuleCache)
Definition: ASTUnit.cpp:222
DiagnosticsEngine::Level Level
Definition: ASTUnit.h:100
std::vector< std::pair< unsigned, unsigned > > Ranges
Definition: ASTUnit.h:104
std::vector< StandaloneFixIt > FixIts
Definition: ASTUnit.h:105
std::pair< unsigned, unsigned > InsertFromRange
Definition: ASTUnit.h:93
std::pair< unsigned, unsigned > RemoveRange
Definition: ASTUnit.h:92
Optional inputs to createInvocation.
Definition: Utils.h:196
IntrusiveRefCntPtr< DiagnosticsEngine > Diags
Receives diagnostics encountered while parsing command-line flags.
Definition: Utils.h:199
bool ProbePrecompiled
Allow the driver to probe the filesystem for PCH files.
Definition: Utils.h:212
IntrusiveRefCntPtr< llvm::vfs::FileSystem > VFS
Used e.g.
Definition: Utils.h:203
OverloadCandidate - A single candidate in an overload set (C++ 13.3).
Definition: Overload.h:872
Describes the bounds (start, size) of the preamble and a flag required by PreprocessorOptions::Precom...
Definition: Lexer.h:60
unsigned Size
Size of the preamble in bytes.
Definition: Lexer.h:62
Describes how types, statements, expressions, and declarations should be printed.
Definition: PrettyPrinter.h:57