clang  19.0.0git
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //===- clang/Basic/FileEntry.h - File references ----------------*- C++ -*-===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
8 ///
9 /// \file
10 /// Defines interfaces for clang::FileEntry and clang::FileEntryRef.
11 ///
12 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
19 #include "clang/Basic/LLVM.h"
20 #include "llvm/ADT/DenseMapInfo.h"
21 #include "llvm/ADT/Hashing.h"
22 #include "llvm/ADT/PointerUnion.h"
23 #include "llvm/ADT/StringMap.h"
24 #include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
25 #include "llvm/Support/ErrorOr.h"
26 #include "llvm/Support/FileSystem/UniqueID.h"
28 #include <optional>
29 #include <utility>
31 namespace llvm {
33 class MemoryBuffer;
35 namespace vfs {
37 class File;
39 } // namespace vfs
40 } // namespace llvm
42 namespace clang {
44 class FileEntryRef;
46 namespace optional_detail {
48 /// Forward declare a template specialization for OptionalStorage.
49 template <> class OptionalStorage<clang::FileEntryRef>;
51 } // namespace optional_detail
53 class FileEntry;
55 /// A reference to a \c FileEntry that includes the name of the file as it was
56 /// accessed by the FileManager's client.
57 class FileEntryRef {
58 public:
59  /// The name of this FileEntry. If a VFS uses 'use-external-name', this is
60  /// the redirected name. See getRequestedName().
61  StringRef getName() const { return getBaseMapEntry().first(); }
63  /// The name of this FileEntry, as originally requested without applying any
64  /// remappings for VFS 'use-external-name'.
65  ///
66  /// FIXME: this should be the semantics of getName(). See comment in
67  /// FileManager::getFileRef().
68  StringRef getNameAsRequested() const { return ME->first(); }
70  const FileEntry &getFileEntry() const {
71  return *getBaseMapEntry().second->V.get<FileEntry *>();
72  }
73  DirectoryEntryRef getDir() const { return ME->second->Dir; }
75  inline off_t getSize() const;
76  inline unsigned getUID() const;
77  inline const llvm::sys::fs::UniqueID &getUniqueID() const;
78  inline time_t getModificationTime() const;
79  inline bool isNamedPipe() const;
80  inline void closeFile() const;
82  /// Check if the underlying FileEntry is the same, intentially ignoring
83  /// whether the file was referenced with the same spelling of the filename.
84  friend bool operator==(const FileEntryRef &LHS, const FileEntryRef &RHS) {
85  return &LHS.getFileEntry() == &RHS.getFileEntry();
86  }
87  friend bool operator==(const FileEntry *LHS, const FileEntryRef &RHS) {
88  return LHS == &RHS.getFileEntry();
89  }
90  friend bool operator==(const FileEntryRef &LHS, const FileEntry *RHS) {
91  return &LHS.getFileEntry() == RHS;
92  }
93  friend bool operator!=(const FileEntryRef &LHS, const FileEntryRef &RHS) {
94  return !(LHS == RHS);
95  }
96  friend bool operator!=(const FileEntry *LHS, const FileEntryRef &RHS) {
97  return !(LHS == RHS);
98  }
99  friend bool operator!=(const FileEntryRef &LHS, const FileEntry *RHS) {
100  return !(LHS == RHS);
101  }
103  /// Hash code is based on the FileEntry, not the specific named reference,
104  /// just like operator==.
105  friend llvm::hash_code hash_value(FileEntryRef Ref) {
106  return llvm::hash_value(&Ref.getFileEntry());
107  }
109  struct MapValue;
111  /// Type used in the StringMap.
112  using MapEntry = llvm::StringMapEntry<llvm::ErrorOr<MapValue>>;
114  /// Type stored in the StringMap.
115  struct MapValue {
116  /// The pointer at another MapEntry is used when the FileManager should
117  /// silently forward from one name to another, which occurs in Redirecting
118  /// VFSs that use external names. In that case, the \c FileEntryRef
119  /// returned by the \c FileManager will have the external name, and not the
120  /// name that was used to lookup the file.
121  llvm::PointerUnion<FileEntry *, const MapEntry *> V;
123  /// Directory the file was found in.
126  MapValue() = delete;
127  MapValue(FileEntry &FE, DirectoryEntryRef Dir) : V(&FE), Dir(Dir) {}
128  MapValue(MapEntry &ME, DirectoryEntryRef Dir) : V(&ME), Dir(Dir) {}
129  };
131  /// Check if RHS referenced the file in exactly the same way.
132  bool isSameRef(const FileEntryRef &RHS) const { return ME == RHS.ME; }
134  /// Allow FileEntryRef to degrade into 'const FileEntry*' to facilitate
135  /// incremental adoption.
136  ///
137  /// The goal is to avoid code churn due to dances like the following:
138  /// \code
139  /// // Old code.
140  /// lvalue = rvalue;
141  ///
142  /// // Temporary code from an incremental patch.
143  /// lvalue = &rvalue.getFileEntry();
144  ///
145  /// // Final code.
146  /// lvalue = rvalue;
147  /// \endcode
148  ///
149  /// FIXME: Once FileEntryRef is "everywhere" and FileEntry::LastRef and
150  /// FileEntry::getName have been deleted, delete this implicit conversion.
151  operator const FileEntry *() const { return &getFileEntry(); }
153  FileEntryRef() = delete;
154  explicit FileEntryRef(const MapEntry &ME) : ME(&ME) {
155  assert(ME.second && "Expected payload");
156  assert(ME.second->V && "Expected non-null");
157  }
159  /// Expose the underlying MapEntry to simplify packing in a PointerIntPair or
160  /// PointerUnion and allow construction in Optional.
161  const clang::FileEntryRef::MapEntry &getMapEntry() const { return *ME; }
163  /// Retrieve the base MapEntry after redirects.
164  const MapEntry &getBaseMapEntry() const {
165  const MapEntry *Base = ME;
166  while (const auto *Next = Base->second->V.dyn_cast<const MapEntry *>())
167  Base = Next;
168  return *Base;
169  }
171 private:
173  struct optional_none_tag {};
175  // Private constructor for use by OptionalStorage.
176  FileEntryRef(optional_none_tag) : ME(nullptr) {}
177  bool hasOptionalValue() const { return ME; }
179  friend struct llvm::DenseMapInfo<FileEntryRef>;
180  struct dense_map_empty_tag {};
181  struct dense_map_tombstone_tag {};
183  // Private constructors for use by DenseMapInfo.
184  FileEntryRef(dense_map_empty_tag)
185  : ME(llvm::DenseMapInfo<const MapEntry *>::getEmptyKey()) {}
186  FileEntryRef(dense_map_tombstone_tag)
187  : ME(llvm::DenseMapInfo<const MapEntry *>::getTombstoneKey()) {}
188  bool isSpecialDenseMapKey() const {
189  return isSameRef(FileEntryRef(dense_map_empty_tag())) ||
190  isSameRef(FileEntryRef(dense_map_tombstone_tag()));
191  }
193  const MapEntry *ME;
194 };
196 static_assert(sizeof(FileEntryRef) == sizeof(const FileEntry *),
197  "FileEntryRef must avoid size overhead");
199 static_assert(std::is_trivially_copyable<FileEntryRef>::value,
200  "FileEntryRef must be trivially copyable");
204 namespace optional_detail {
206 /// Customize OptionalStorage<FileEntryRef> to use FileEntryRef and its
207 /// optional_none_tag to keep it the size of a single pointer.
208 template <>
210  : public clang::FileMgr::MapEntryOptionalStorage<clang::FileEntryRef> {
211  using StorageImpl =
214 public:
215  OptionalStorage() = default;
217  template <class... ArgTypes>
218  explicit OptionalStorage(std::in_place_t, ArgTypes &&...Args)
219  : StorageImpl(std::in_place_t{}, std::forward<ArgTypes>(Args)...) {}
222  StorageImpl::operator=(Ref);
223  return *this;
224  }
225 };
227 static_assert(sizeof(OptionalFileEntryRef) == sizeof(FileEntryRef),
228  "OptionalFileEntryRef must avoid size overhead");
230 static_assert(std::is_trivially_copyable<OptionalFileEntryRef>::value,
231  "OptionalFileEntryRef should be trivially copyable");
233 } // end namespace optional_detail
234 } // namespace clang
236 namespace llvm {
238 /// Specialisation of DenseMapInfo for FileEntryRef.
239 template <> struct DenseMapInfo<clang::FileEntryRef> {
241  return clang::FileEntryRef(clang::FileEntryRef::dense_map_empty_tag());
242  }
245  return clang::FileEntryRef(clang::FileEntryRef::dense_map_tombstone_tag());
246  }
248  static unsigned getHashValue(clang::FileEntryRef Val) {
249  return hash_value(Val);
250  }
253  // Catch the easy cases: both empty, both tombstone, or the same ref.
254  if (LHS.isSameRef(RHS))
255  return true;
257  // Confirm LHS and RHS are valid.
258  if (LHS.isSpecialDenseMapKey() || RHS.isSpecialDenseMapKey())
259  return false;
261  // It's safe to use operator==.
262  return LHS == RHS;
263  }
265  /// Support for finding `const FileEntry *` in a `DenseMap<FileEntryRef, T>`.
266  /// @{
267  static unsigned getHashValue(const clang::FileEntry *Val) {
268  return llvm::hash_value(Val);
269  }
270  static bool isEqual(const clang::FileEntry *LHS, clang::FileEntryRef RHS) {
271  if (RHS.isSpecialDenseMapKey())
272  return false;
273  return LHS == RHS;
274  }
275  /// @}
276 };
278 } // end namespace llvm
280 namespace clang {
282 inline bool operator==(const FileEntry *LHS, const OptionalFileEntryRef &RHS) {
283  return LHS == (RHS ? &RHS->getFileEntry() : nullptr);
284 }
285 inline bool operator==(const OptionalFileEntryRef &LHS, const FileEntry *RHS) {
286  return (LHS ? &LHS->getFileEntry() : nullptr) == RHS;
287 }
288 inline bool operator!=(const FileEntry *LHS, const OptionalFileEntryRef &RHS) {
289  return !(LHS == RHS);
290 }
291 inline bool operator!=(const OptionalFileEntryRef &LHS, const FileEntry *RHS) {
292  return !(LHS == RHS);
293 }
295 /// Cached information about one file (either on disk
296 /// or in the virtual file system).
297 ///
298 /// If the 'File' member is valid, then this FileEntry has an open file
299 /// descriptor for the file.
300 class FileEntry {
301  friend class FileManager;
302  friend class FileEntryTestHelper;
303  FileEntry();
304  FileEntry(const FileEntry &) = delete;
305  FileEntry &operator=(const FileEntry &) = delete;
307  std::string RealPathName; // Real path to the file; could be empty.
308  off_t Size = 0; // File size in bytes.
309  time_t ModTime = 0; // Modification time of file.
310  const DirectoryEntry *Dir = nullptr; // Directory file lives in.
311  llvm::sys::fs::UniqueID UniqueID;
312  unsigned UID = 0; // A unique (small) ID for the file.
313  bool IsNamedPipe = false;
315  /// The open file, if it is owned by the \p FileEntry.
316  mutable std::unique_ptr<llvm::vfs::File> File;
318  /// The file content, if it is owned by the \p FileEntry.
319  std::unique_ptr<llvm::MemoryBuffer> Content;
321 public:
324  StringRef tryGetRealPathName() const { return RealPathName; }
325  off_t getSize() const { return Size; }
326  unsigned getUID() const { return UID; }
327  const llvm::sys::fs::UniqueID &getUniqueID() const { return UniqueID; }
328  time_t getModificationTime() const { return ModTime; }
330  /// Return the directory the file lives in.
331  const DirectoryEntry *getDir() const { return Dir; }
333  /// Check whether the file is a named pipe (and thus can't be opened by
334  /// the native FileManager methods).
335  bool isNamedPipe() const { return IsNamedPipe; }
337  void closeFile() const;
338 };
340 off_t FileEntryRef::getSize() const { return getFileEntry().getSize(); }
342 unsigned FileEntryRef::getUID() const { return getFileEntry().getUID(); }
344 const llvm::sys::fs::UniqueID &FileEntryRef::getUniqueID() const {
345  return getFileEntry().getUniqueID();
346 }
350 }
356 } // end namespace clang
#define V(N, I)
Definition: ASTContext.h:3299
Defines interfaces for clang::DirectoryEntry and clang::DirectoryEntryRef.
Forward-declares and imports various common LLVM datatypes that clang wants to use unqualified.
A reference to a DirectoryEntry that includes the name of the directory as it was accessed by the Fil...
Cached information about one directory (either on disk or in the virtual file system).
A reference to a FileEntry that includes the name of the file as it was accessed by the FileManager's...
Definition: FileEntry.h:57
friend bool operator==(const FileEntry *LHS, const FileEntryRef &RHS)
Definition: FileEntry.h:87
friend llvm::hash_code hash_value(FileEntryRef Ref)
Hash code is based on the FileEntry, not the specific named reference, just like operator==.
Definition: FileEntry.h:105
bool isSameRef(const FileEntryRef &RHS) const
Check if RHS referenced the file in exactly the same way.
Definition: FileEntry.h:132
void closeFile() const
Definition: FileEntry.h:354
const clang::FileEntryRef::MapEntry & getMapEntry() const
Expose the underlying MapEntry to simplify packing in a PointerIntPair or PointerUnion and allow cons...
Definition: FileEntry.h:161
time_t getModificationTime() const
Definition: FileEntry.h:348
friend bool operator!=(const FileEntryRef &LHS, const FileEntryRef &RHS)
Definition: FileEntry.h:93
bool isNamedPipe() const
Definition: FileEntry.h:352
FileEntryRef(const MapEntry &ME)
Definition: FileEntry.h:154
friend bool operator!=(const FileEntry *LHS, const FileEntryRef &RHS)
Definition: FileEntry.h:96
off_t getSize() const
Definition: FileEntry.h:340
llvm::StringMapEntry< llvm::ErrorOr< MapValue > > MapEntry
Type used in the StringMap.
Definition: FileEntry.h:112
StringRef getName() const
The name of this FileEntry.
Definition: FileEntry.h:61
friend bool operator!=(const FileEntryRef &LHS, const FileEntry *RHS)
Definition: FileEntry.h:99
const llvm::sys::fs::UniqueID & getUniqueID() const
Definition: FileEntry.h:344
StringRef getNameAsRequested() const
The name of this FileEntry, as originally requested without applying any remappings for VFS 'use-exte...
Definition: FileEntry.h:68
DirectoryEntryRef getDir() const
Definition: FileEntry.h:73
friend bool operator==(const FileEntryRef &LHS, const FileEntryRef &RHS)
Check if the underlying FileEntry is the same, intentially ignoring whether the file was referenced w...
Definition: FileEntry.h:84
unsigned getUID() const
Definition: FileEntry.h:342
const FileEntry & getFileEntry() const
Definition: FileEntry.h:70
friend bool operator==(const FileEntryRef &LHS, const FileEntry *RHS)
Definition: FileEntry.h:90
Cached information about one file (either on disk or in the virtual file system).
Definition: FileEntry.h:300
StringRef tryGetRealPathName() const
Definition: FileEntry.h:324
friend class FileEntryTestHelper
Definition: FileEntry.h:302
time_t getModificationTime() const
Definition: FileEntry.h:328
const DirectoryEntry * getDir() const
Return the directory the file lives in.
Definition: FileEntry.h:331
unsigned getUID() const
Definition: FileEntry.h:326
bool isNamedPipe() const
Check whether the file is a named pipe (and thus can't be opened by the native FileManager methods).
Definition: FileEntry.h:335
void closeFile() const
Definition: FileEntry.cpp:24
off_t getSize() const
Definition: FileEntry.h:325
const llvm::sys::fs::UniqueID & getUniqueID() const
Definition: FileEntry.h:327
Implements support for file system lookup, file system caching, and directory search management.
Definition: FileManager.h:53
Customized storage for refs derived from map entires in FileManager, using the private optional_none_...
OptionalStorage & operator=(clang::FileEntryRef Ref)
Definition: FileEntry.h:221
OptionalStorage(std::in_place_t, ArgTypes &&...Args)
Definition: FileEntry.h:218
Code completion in a.
The JSON file list parser is used to communicate input to InstallAPI.
bool operator==(const CallGraphNode::CallRecord &LHS, const CallGraphNode::CallRecord &RHS)
Definition: CallGraph.h:223
bool operator!=(CanQual< T > x, CanQual< U > y)
llvm::hash_code hash_value(const CustomizableOptional< T > &O)
Diagnostic wrappers for TextAPI types for error reporting.
Definition: Dominators.h:30
hash_code hash_value(const clang::tooling::dependencies::ModuleID &ID)
Definition: Format.h:5433
Type stored in the StringMap.
Definition: FileEntry.h:115
DirectoryEntryRef Dir
Directory the file was found in.
Definition: FileEntry.h:124
MapValue(FileEntry &FE, DirectoryEntryRef Dir)
Definition: FileEntry.h:127
MapValue(MapEntry &ME, DirectoryEntryRef Dir)
Definition: FileEntry.h:128
llvm::PointerUnion< FileEntry *, const MapEntry * > V
The pointer at another MapEntry is used when the FileManager should silently forward from one name to...
Definition: FileEntry.h:121
static unsigned getHashValue(const clang::FileEntry *Val)
Support for finding const FileEntry * in a DenseMap<FileEntryRef, T>.
Definition: FileEntry.h:267
static unsigned getHashValue(clang::FileEntryRef Val)
Definition: FileEntry.h:248
static bool isEqual(const clang::FileEntry *LHS, clang::FileEntryRef RHS)
Definition: FileEntry.h:270
static clang::FileEntryRef getTombstoneKey()
Definition: FileEntry.h:244
static clang::FileEntryRef getEmptyKey()
Definition: FileEntry.h:240
static bool isEqual(clang::FileEntryRef LHS, clang::FileEntryRef RHS)
Definition: FileEntry.h:252