clang  19.0.0git
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clang::LangOptions Class Reference

Keeps track of the various options that can be enabled, which controls the dialect of C or C++ that is accepted. More...

#include "clang/Basic/LangOptions.h"

Inheritance diagram for clang::LangOptions:
Inheritance graph

Public Types

using FPAccuracyFuncMapTy = std::map< std::string, std::string >
- Public Types inherited from clang::LangOptionsBase
enum  GCMode { NonGC , GCOnly , HybridGC }
enum  StackProtectorMode { SSPOff , SSPOn , SSPStrong , SSPReq }
enum class  TrivialAutoVarInitKind { Uninitialized , Zero , Pattern }
enum  SignedOverflowBehaviorTy { SOB_Undefined , SOB_Defined , SOB_Trapping }
enum  CompilingModuleKind { CMK_None , CMK_ModuleMap , CMK_HeaderUnit , CMK_ModuleInterface }
enum  PragmaMSPointersToMembersKind { PPTMK_BestCase , PPTMK_FullGeneralitySingleInheritance , PPTMK_FullGeneralityMultipleInheritance , PPTMK_FullGeneralityVirtualInheritance }
enum  DefaultCallingConvention {
  DCC_None , DCC_CDecl , DCC_FastCall , DCC_StdCall ,
  DCC_VectorCall , DCC_RegCall , DCC_RtdCall
enum  AddrSpaceMapMangling { ASMM_Target , ASMM_On , ASMM_Off }
enum  MSVCMajorVersion {
  MSVC2010 = 1600 , MSVC2012 = 1700 , MSVC2013 = 1800 , MSVC2015 = 1900 ,
  MSVC2017 = 1910 , MSVC2017_5 = 1912 , MSVC2017_7 = 1914 , MSVC2019 = 1920 ,
  MSVC2019_5 = 1925 , MSVC2019_8 = 1928 , MSVC2022_3 = 1933
enum  SYCLMajorVersion { SYCL_None , SYCL_2017 , SYCL_2020 , SYCL_Default = SYCL_2020 }
enum class  SYCLVersionList { sycl_1_2_1 , undefined }
enum class  SYCLRangeRoundingPreference { On , Disable , Force }
enum  HLSLLangStd {
  HLSL_Unset = 0 , HLSL_2015 = 2015 , HLSL_2016 = 2016 , HLSL_2017 = 2017 ,
  HLSL_2018 = 2018 , HLSL_2021 = 2021 , HLSL_202x = 2029
enum class  ClangABI {
  Ver3_8 , Ver4 , Ver6 , Ver7 ,
  Ver9 , Ver11 , Ver12 , Ver14 ,
  Ver15 , Ver17 , Ver18 , Latest
 Clang versions with different platform ABI conformance. More...
enum class  CoreFoundationABI {
  Unspecified , Standalone , ObjectiveC , Swift ,
  Swift5_0 , Swift4_2 , Swift4_1
enum  FPModeKind { FPM_Off , FPM_On , FPM_Fast , FPM_FastHonorPragmas }
enum  FPExceptionModeKind { FPE_Ignore , FPE_MayTrap , FPE_Strict , FPE_Default }
 Possible floating point exception behavior. More...
enum  FPEvalMethodKind {
  FEM_Indeterminable = -1 , FEM_Source = 0 , FEM_Double = 1 , FEM_Extended = 2 ,
  FEM_UnsetOnCommandLine = 3
 Possible float expression evaluation method choices. More...
enum  ExcessPrecisionKind { FPP_Standard , FPP_Fast , FPP_None }
enum  FPAccuracyKind {
  FPA_Default , FPA_High , FPA_Medium , FPA_Low ,
  FPA_Sycl , FPA_Cuda
enum class  ExceptionHandlingKind {
  None , SjLj , WinEH , DwarfCFI ,
 Possible exception handling behavior. More...
enum class  LaxVectorConversionKind { None , Integer , All }
enum class  AltivecSrcCompatKind { Mixed , GCC , XL , Default = Mixed }
enum class  SignReturnAddressScopeKind { None , NonLeaf , All }
enum class  SignReturnAddressKeyKind { AKey , BKey }
enum class  ThreadModelKind { POSIX , Single }
enum class  SubGroupSizeType { None , Auto , Primary , Integer }
enum class  ExtendArgsKind { ExtendTo32 , ExtendTo64 }
enum class  GPUDefaultStreamKind { Legacy , PerThread }
enum class  DefaultVisiblityExportMapping { None , Explicit , All }
enum class  VisibilityForcedKinds { ForceHidden , ForceProtected , ForceDefault , Source }
enum class  VisibilityFromDLLStorageClassKinds { Keep , Default , Hidden , Protected }
enum class  StrictFlexArraysLevelKind { Default = 0 , OneZeroOrIncomplete = 1 , ZeroOrIncomplete = 2 , IncompleteOnly = 3 }
enum  ComplexRangeKind {
  CX_Full , CX_Improved , CX_Promoted , CX_Basic ,
 Controls the various implementations for complex multiplication and. More...
using Visibility = clang::Visibility
using RoundingMode = llvm::RoundingMode
using MSVtorDispMode = clang::MSVtorDispMode

Public Member Functions

 LangOptions ()
bool isCompilingModule () const
 Are we compiling a module? More...
bool isCompilingModuleImplementation () const
 Are we compiling a module implementation? More...
bool trackLocalOwningModule () const
 Do we need to track the owning module for a local declaration? More...
bool isSignedOverflowDefined () const
bool isSubscriptPointerArithmetic () const
bool isCompatibleWithMSVC (MSVCMajorVersion MajorVersion) const
void resetNonModularOptions ()
 Reset all of the options that are not considered when building a module. More...
bool isNoBuiltinFunc (StringRef Name) const
 Is this a libc/libm function that is no longer recognized as a builtin because a -fno-builtin-* option has been specified? More...
bool allowsNonTrivialObjCLifetimeQualifiers () const
 True if any ObjC types may have non-trivial lifetime qualifiers. More...
bool assumeFunctionsAreConvergent () const
VersionTuple getOpenCLVersionTuple () const
 Return the OpenCL C or C++ version as a VersionTuple. More...
unsigned getOpenCLCompatibleVersion () const
 Return the OpenCL version that kernel language is compatible with. More...
std::string getOpenCLVersionString () const
 Return the OpenCL C or C++ for OpenCL language name and version as a string. More...
bool requiresStrictPrototypes () const
 Returns true if functions without prototypes or functions with an identifier list (aka K&R C functions) are not allowed. More...
bool implicitFunctionsAllowed () const
 Returns true if implicit function declarations are allowed in the current language mode. More...
bool hasAtExit () const
 Returns true if the language supports calling the 'atexit' function. More...
bool isImplicitIntRequired () const
 Returns true if implicit int is part of the language requirements. More...
bool isImplicitIntAllowed () const
 Returns true if implicit int is supported at all. More...
bool hasSignReturnAddress () const
 Check if return address signing is enabled. More...
bool isSignReturnAddressWithAKey () const
 Check if return address signing uses AKey. More...
bool isSignReturnAddressScopeAll () const
 Check if leaf functions are also signed. More...
bool hasSjLjExceptions () const
bool hasSEHExceptions () const
bool hasDWARFExceptions () const
bool hasWasmExceptions () const
bool isSYCL () const
bool hasDefaultVisibilityExportMapping () const
bool isExplicitDefaultVisibilityExportMapping () const
bool isAllDefaultVisibilityExportMapping () const
bool hasGlobalAllocationFunctionVisibility () const
bool hasDefaultGlobalAllocationFunctionVisibility () const
bool hasProtectedGlobalAllocationFunctionVisibility () const
bool hasHiddenGlobalAllocationFunctionVisibility () const
void remapPathPrefix (SmallVectorImpl< char > &Path) const
 Remap path prefix according to -fmacro-prefix-path option. More...
RoundingMode getDefaultRoundingMode () const
FPExceptionModeKind getDefaultExceptionMode () const

Static Public Member Functions

static void setLangDefaults (LangOptions &Opts, Language Lang, const llvm::Triple &T, std::vector< std::string > &Includes, LangStandard::Kind LangStd=LangStandard::lang_unspecified)
 Set language defaults for the given input language and language standard in the given LangOptions object. More...

Public Attributes

LangStandard::Kind LangStd
 The used language standard. More...
SanitizerSet Sanitize
 Set of enabled sanitizers. More...
bool SanitizeCoverage = false
 Is at least one coverage instrumentation type enabled. More...
std::vector< std::string > NoSanitizeFiles
 Paths to files specifying which objects (files, functions, variables) should not be instrumented. More...
std::vector< std::string > XRayAlwaysInstrumentFiles
 Paths to the XRay "always instrument" files specifying which objects (files, functions, variables) should be imbued with the XRay "always instrument" attribute. More...
std::vector< std::string > XRayNeverInstrumentFiles
 Paths to the XRay "never instrument" files specifying which objects (files, functions, variables) should be imbued with the XRay "never instrument" attribute. More...
std::vector< std::string > XRayAttrListFiles
 Paths to the XRay attribute list files, specifying which objects (files, functions, variables) should be imbued with the appropriate XRay attribute(s). More...
std::vector< std::string > ProfileListFiles
 Paths to special case list files specifying which entities (files, functions) should or should not be instrumented. More...
clang::ObjCRuntime ObjCRuntime
CoreFoundationABI CFRuntime = CoreFoundationABI::Unspecified
std::string ObjCConstantStringClass
std::string OverflowHandler
 The name of the handler function to be called when -ftrapv is specified. More...
std::string ModuleName
 The module currently being compiled as specified by -fmodule-name. More...
std::string CurrentModule
 The name of the current module, of which the main source file is a part. More...
std::vector< std::string > ModuleFeatures
 The names of any features to enable in module 'requires' decls in addition to the hard-coded list in Module.cpp and the target features. More...
CommentOptions CommentOpts
 Options for parsing comments. More...
std::vector< std::string > NoBuiltinFuncs
 A list of all -fno-builtin-* function names (e.g., memset). More...
std::map< std::string, std::string, std::greater< std::string > > MacroPrefixMap
 A prefix map for FILE, BASE_FILE and __builtin_FILE(). More...
std::vector< llvm::Triple > OMPTargetTriples
 Triples of the OpenMP targets that the host code codegen should take into account in order to generate accurate offloading descriptors. More...
std::string OMPHostIRFile
 Name of the IR file that contains the result of the OpenMP target host code generation. More...
std::string CUID
 The user provided compilation unit ID, if non-empty. More...
std::optional< TargetCXXABI::KindCXXABI
 C++ ABI to compile with, if specified by the frontend through -fc++-abi=. More...
bool IsHeaderFile = false
 Indicates whether the front-end is explicitly told that the input is a header file (i.e. More...
std::string SYCLIntHeader
 SYCL integration header to be generated by the device compiler. More...
std::string SYCLIntFooter
 SYCL integration footer to be generated by the device compiler. More...
std::string SYCLUniquePrefix
 A driver-provided unique string for this translation unit that is used to generate unique names for SYCL names. More...
GPUDefaultStreamKind GPUDefaultStream
 The default stream kind used for HIP kernel launching. More...
std::string RandstructSeed
 The seed used by the randomize structure layout feature. More...
bool UseTargetPathSeparator = false
 Indicates whether to use target's platform-specific file separator when FILE macro is used and when concatenating filename with directory or to use build environment environment's platform-specific file separator. More...
std::string OptRecordFile
 The name of the file to which the backend should save YAML optimization records. More...
std::string FPAccuracyVal
FPAccuracyFuncMapTy FPAccuracyFuncMap
bool CheckNew = false
std::string OpenACCMacroOverride

Detailed Description

Keeps track of the various options that can be enabled, which controls the dialect of C or C++ that is accepted.

Definition at line 482 of file LangOptions.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ FPAccuracyFuncMapTy

using clang::LangOptions::FPAccuracyFuncMapTy = std::map<std::string, std::string>

Definition at line 607 of file LangOptions.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ LangOptions()

LangOptions::LangOptions ( )

Definition at line 19 of file LangOptions.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ allowsNonTrivialObjCLifetimeQualifiers()

bool clang::LangOptions::allowsNonTrivialObjCLifetimeQualifiers ( ) const

True if any ObjC types may have non-trivial lifetime qualifiers.

Definition at line 679 of file LangOptions.h.

Referenced by clang::Sema::PerformImplicitConversion().

◆ assumeFunctionsAreConvergent()

bool clang::LangOptions::assumeFunctionsAreConvergent ( ) const

Definition at line 683 of file LangOptions.h.

◆ getDefaultExceptionMode()

FPExceptionModeKind clang::LangOptions::getDefaultExceptionMode ( ) const

Definition at line 794 of file LangOptions.h.

◆ getDefaultRoundingMode()

RoundingMode clang::LangOptions::getDefaultRoundingMode ( ) const

Definition at line 789 of file LangOptions.h.

Referenced by clang::CodeGen::CodeGenFunction::StartFunction().

◆ getOpenCLCompatibleVersion()

unsigned LangOptions::getOpenCLCompatibleVersion ( ) const

◆ getOpenCLVersionString()

std::string LangOptions::getOpenCLVersionString ( ) const

Return the OpenCL C or C++ for OpenCL language name and version as a string.

Definition at line 79 of file LangOptions.cpp.

References getOpenCLVersionTuple().

◆ getOpenCLVersionTuple()

VersionTuple LangOptions::getOpenCLVersionTuple ( ) const

Return the OpenCL C or C++ version as a VersionTuple.

Definition at line 56 of file LangOptions.cpp.

Referenced by getOpenCLVersionString().

◆ hasAtExit()

bool clang::LangOptions::hasAtExit ( ) const

Returns true if the language supports calling the 'atexit' function.

Definition at line 710 of file LangOptions.h.

◆ hasDefaultGlobalAllocationFunctionVisibility()

bool clang::LangOptions::hasDefaultGlobalAllocationFunctionVisibility ( ) const

Definition at line 771 of file LangOptions.h.

References clang::LangOptionsBase::ForceDefault.

◆ hasDefaultVisibilityExportMapping()

bool clang::LangOptions::hasDefaultVisibilityExportMapping ( ) const

◆ hasDWARFExceptions()

bool clang::LangOptions::hasDWARFExceptions ( ) const

Definition at line 741 of file LangOptions.h.

References clang::LangOptionsBase::DwarfCFI.

Referenced by getCPersonality(), and getCXXPersonality().

◆ hasGlobalAllocationFunctionVisibility()

bool clang::LangOptions::hasGlobalAllocationFunctionVisibility ( ) const

Definition at line 766 of file LangOptions.h.

References clang::LangOptionsBase::Source.

◆ hasHiddenGlobalAllocationFunctionVisibility()

bool clang::LangOptions::hasHiddenGlobalAllocationFunctionVisibility ( ) const

Definition at line 781 of file LangOptions.h.

References clang::LangOptionsBase::ForceHidden.

◆ hasProtectedGlobalAllocationFunctionVisibility()

bool clang::LangOptions::hasProtectedGlobalAllocationFunctionVisibility ( ) const

Definition at line 776 of file LangOptions.h.

References clang::LangOptionsBase::ForceProtected.

◆ hasSEHExceptions()

bool clang::LangOptions::hasSEHExceptions ( ) const

Definition at line 737 of file LangOptions.h.

References clang::LangOptionsBase::WinEH.

Referenced by getCPersonality(), getCXXPersonality(), and getObjCPersonality().

◆ hasSignReturnAddress()

bool clang::LangOptions::hasSignReturnAddress ( ) const

Check if return address signing is enabled.

Definition at line 719 of file LangOptions.h.

References clang::LangOptionsBase::None.

Referenced by clang::CodeGen::CodeGenModule::Release().

◆ hasSjLjExceptions()

bool clang::LangOptions::hasSjLjExceptions ( ) const

Definition at line 733 of file LangOptions.h.

References clang::LangOptionsBase::SjLj.

Referenced by getCPersonality(), getCXXPersonality(), and getObjCPersonality().

◆ hasWasmExceptions()

bool clang::LangOptions::hasWasmExceptions ( ) const

◆ implicitFunctionsAllowed()

bool clang::LangOptions::implicitFunctionsAllowed ( ) const

Returns true if implicit function declarations are allowed in the current language mode.

Definition at line 705 of file LangOptions.h.

References clang::OpenCL, and requiresStrictPrototypes().

◆ isAllDefaultVisibilityExportMapping()

bool clang::LangOptions::isAllDefaultVisibilityExportMapping ( ) const

◆ isCompatibleWithMSVC()

bool clang::LangOptions::isCompatibleWithMSVC ( MSVCMajorVersion  MajorVersion) const

◆ isCompilingModule()

bool clang::LangOptions::isCompilingModule ( ) const

◆ isCompilingModuleImplementation()

bool clang::LangOptions::isCompilingModuleImplementation ( ) const

Are we compiling a module implementation?

Definition at line 648 of file LangOptions.h.

References isCompilingModule(), and ModuleName.

◆ isExplicitDefaultVisibilityExportMapping()

bool clang::LangOptions::isExplicitDefaultVisibilityExportMapping ( ) const

◆ isImplicitIntAllowed()

bool clang::LangOptions::isImplicitIntAllowed ( ) const

Returns true if implicit int is supported at all.

Definition at line 716 of file LangOptions.h.

References clang::C23, and clang::CPlusPlus.

◆ isImplicitIntRequired()

bool clang::LangOptions::isImplicitIntRequired ( ) const

Returns true if implicit int is part of the language requirements.

Definition at line 713 of file LangOptions.h.

References clang::C99, and clang::CPlusPlus.

◆ isNoBuiltinFunc()

bool LangOptions::isNoBuiltinFunc ( StringRef  Name) const

Is this a libc/libm function that is no longer recognized as a builtin because a -fno-builtin-* option has been specified?

Definition at line 49 of file LangOptions.cpp.

References NoBuiltinFuncs.

◆ isSignedOverflowDefined()

bool clang::LangOptions::isSignedOverflowDefined ( ) const

Definition at line 657 of file LangOptions.h.

References clang::LangOptionsBase::SOB_Defined.

Referenced by emitPointerArithmetic().

◆ isSignReturnAddressScopeAll()

bool clang::LangOptions::isSignReturnAddressScopeAll ( ) const

Check if leaf functions are also signed.

Definition at line 729 of file LangOptions.h.

References clang::LangOptionsBase::All.

Referenced by clang::CodeGen::CodeGenModule::Release().

◆ isSignReturnAddressWithAKey()

bool clang::LangOptions::isSignReturnAddressWithAKey ( ) const

Check if return address signing uses AKey.

Definition at line 724 of file LangOptions.h.

References clang::LangOptionsBase::AKey.

Referenced by clang::CodeGen::CodeGenModule::Release().

◆ isSubscriptPointerArithmetic()

bool clang::LangOptions::isSubscriptPointerArithmetic ( ) const

Definition at line 661 of file LangOptions.h.

References clang::ObjCRuntime::isSubscriptPointerArithmetic().

◆ isSYCL()

bool clang::LangOptions::isSYCL ( ) const

Definition at line 749 of file LangOptions.h.

Referenced by clang::CodeGen::CodeGenModule::EmitGlobal().

◆ remapPathPrefix()

void LangOptions::remapPathPrefix ( SmallVectorImpl< char > &  Path) const

Remap path prefix according to -fmacro-prefix-path option.

Definition at line 73 of file LangOptions.cpp.

References MacroPrefixMap.

◆ requiresStrictPrototypes()

bool clang::LangOptions::requiresStrictPrototypes ( ) const

Returns true if functions without prototypes or functions with an identifier list (aka K&R C functions) are not allowed.

Definition at line 699 of file LangOptions.h.

References clang::C23, and clang::CPlusPlus.

Referenced by implicitFunctionsAllowed().

◆ resetNonModularOptions()

void LangOptions::resetNonModularOptions ( )

Reset all of the options that are not considered when building a module.

Definition at line 25 of file LangOptions.cpp.

References CurrentModule, IsHeaderFile, NoSanitizeFiles, XRayAlwaysInstrumentFiles, and XRayNeverInstrumentFiles.

Referenced by clang::CompilerInvocation::resetNonModularOptions().

◆ setLangDefaults()

void LangOptions::setLangDefaults ( LangOptions Opts,
Language  Lang,
const llvm::Triple &  T,
std::vector< std::string > &  Includes,
LangStandard::Kind  LangStd = LangStandard::lang_unspecified 

Set language defaults for the given input language and language standard in the given LangOptions object.

Opts- The LangOptions object to set up.
Lang- The input language.
T- The target triple.
Includes- If the language requires extra headers to be implicitly included, they will be appended to this list.
LangStd- The input language standard.

Definition at line 89 of file LangOptions.cpp.

References clang::Asm, clang::CUDA, clang::LangOptionsBase::FPM_Fast, clang::LangOptionsBase::FPM_FastHonorPragmas, clang::LangOptionsBase::FPM_On, clang::getDefaultLanguageStandard(), clang::LangStandard::getLangStandardForKind(), getOpenCLCompatibleVersion(), clang::HIP, clang::HLSL, clang::LangOptionsBase::HLSL_2015, clang::LangOptionsBase::HLSL_2016, clang::LangOptionsBase::HLSL_2017, clang::LangOptionsBase::HLSL_2018, clang::LangOptionsBase::HLSL_2021, clang::LangOptionsBase::HLSL_202x, clang::LangStandard::lang_unspecified, LangStd, clang::ObjC, clang::ObjCXX, clang::RenderScript, Std, and clang::T.

◆ trackLocalOwningModule()

bool clang::LangOptions::trackLocalOwningModule ( ) const

Do we need to track the owning module for a local declaration?

Definition at line 653 of file LangOptions.h.

References isCompilingModule().

Referenced by clang::Decl::hasLocalOwningModuleStorage().

Member Data Documentation

◆ CFRuntime

CoreFoundationABI clang::LangOptions::CFRuntime = CoreFoundationABI::Unspecified

◆ CheckNew

bool clang::LangOptions::CheckNew = false

Definition at line 612 of file LangOptions.h.

◆ CommentOpts

CommentOptions clang::LangOptions::CommentOpts


std::string clang::LangOptions::CUID

The user provided compilation unit ID, if non-empty.

This is used to externalize static variables which is needed to support accessing static device variables in host code for single source offloading languages like CUDA/HIP.

Definition at line 566 of file LangOptions.h.

Referenced by clang::ASTContext::getCUIDHash(), and clang::CodeGen::CodeGenModule::printPostfixForExternalizedDecl().

◆ CurrentModule

std::string clang::LangOptions::CurrentModule

The name of the current module, of which the main source file is a part.

If CompilingModule is set, we are compiling the interface of this module, otherwise we are compiling an implementation file of it. This starts as ModuleName in case -fmodule-name is provided and changes during compilation to reflect the current module.

Definition at line 537 of file LangOptions.h.

Referenced by clang::DumpModuleInfoAction::ExecuteAction(), clang::FrontendAction::getCurrentModule(), clang::PCHGenerator::getEmittingModule(), clang::Preprocessor::getModuleForLocation(), prepareToBuildModule(), and resetNonModularOptions().


std::optional<TargetCXXABI::Kind> clang::LangOptions::CXXABI

C++ ABI to compile with, if specified by the frontend through -fc++-abi=.

This overrides the default ABI used by the target.

Definition at line 570 of file LangOptions.h.

Referenced by clang::ASTContext::getCXXABIKind().

◆ FPAccuracyFuncMap

FPAccuracyFuncMapTy clang::LangOptions::FPAccuracyFuncMap

Definition at line 608 of file LangOptions.h.

◆ FPAccuracyVal

std::string clang::LangOptions::FPAccuracyVal

Definition at line 606 of file LangOptions.h.

◆ GPUDefaultStream

GPUDefaultStreamKind clang::LangOptions::GPUDefaultStream

The default stream kind used for HIP kernel launching.

Definition at line 589 of file LangOptions.h.

◆ IsHeaderFile

bool clang::LangOptions::IsHeaderFile = false

Indicates whether the front-end is explicitly told that the input is a header file (i.e.

-x c-header).

Definition at line 574 of file LangOptions.h.

Referenced by resetNonModularOptions().

◆ LangStd

LangStandard::Kind clang::LangOptions::LangStd

The used language standard.

Definition at line 485 of file LangOptions.h.

Referenced by clang::CodeGen::CodeGenModule::Release(), and setLangDefaults().

◆ MacroPrefixMap

std::map<std::string, std::string, std::greater<std::string> > clang::LangOptions::MacroPrefixMap

A prefix map for FILE, BASE_FILE and __builtin_FILE().

Definition at line 552 of file LangOptions.h.

Referenced by remapPathPrefix().

◆ ModuleFeatures

std::vector<std::string> clang::LangOptions::ModuleFeatures

The names of any features to enable in module 'requires' decls in addition to the hard-coded list in Module.cpp and the target features.

This list is sorted.

Definition at line 543 of file LangOptions.h.

◆ ModuleName

std::string clang::LangOptions::ModuleName

The module currently being compiled as specified by -fmodule-name.

Definition at line 530 of file LangOptions.h.

Referenced by isCompilingModuleImplementation(), loadModuleMapForModuleBuild(), and makeCommonInvocationForModuleBuild().

◆ NoBuiltinFuncs

std::vector<std::string> clang::LangOptions::NoBuiltinFuncs

A list of all -fno-builtin-* function names (e.g., memset).

Definition at line 549 of file LangOptions.h.

Referenced by isNoBuiltinFunc().

◆ NoSanitizeFiles

std::vector<std::string> clang::LangOptions::NoSanitizeFiles

Paths to files specifying which objects (files, functions, variables) should not be instrumented.

Definition at line 494 of file LangOptions.h.

Referenced by resetNonModularOptions().

◆ ObjCConstantStringClass

std::string clang::LangOptions::ObjCConstantStringClass

Definition at line 521 of file LangOptions.h.

◆ ObjCRuntime

clang::ObjCRuntime clang::LangOptions::ObjCRuntime

◆ OMPHostIRFile

std::string clang::LangOptions::OMPHostIRFile

Name of the IR file that contains the result of the OpenMP target host code generation.

Definition at line 560 of file LangOptions.h.

Referenced by clang::CodeGen::CGOpenMPRuntime::CGOpenMPRuntime(), and clang::CodeGen::CGOpenMPRuntimeGPU::CGOpenMPRuntimeGPU().

◆ OMPTargetTriples

std::vector<llvm::Triple> clang::LangOptions::OMPTargetTriples

Triples of the OpenMP targets that the host code codegen should take into account in order to generate accurate offloading descriptors.

Definition at line 556 of file LangOptions.h.

Referenced by clang::CodeGen::CGOpenMPRuntime::getAddrOfDeclareTargetVar().

◆ OpenACCMacroOverride

std::string clang::LangOptions::OpenACCMacroOverride

Definition at line 617 of file LangOptions.h.

◆ OptRecordFile

std::string clang::LangOptions::OptRecordFile

The name of the file to which the backend should save YAML optimization records.

Definition at line 604 of file LangOptions.h.

◆ OverflowHandler

std::string clang::LangOptions::OverflowHandler

The name of the handler function to be called when -ftrapv is specified.

If none is specified, abort (GCC-compatible behaviour).

Definition at line 527 of file LangOptions.h.

◆ ProfileListFiles

std::vector<std::string> clang::LangOptions::ProfileListFiles

Paths to special case list files specifying which entities (files, functions) should or should not be instrumented.

Definition at line 515 of file LangOptions.h.

◆ RandstructSeed

std::string clang::LangOptions::RandstructSeed

The seed used by the randomize structure layout feature.

Definition at line 592 of file LangOptions.h.

◆ Sanitize

SanitizerSet clang::LangOptions::Sanitize

◆ SanitizeCoverage

bool clang::LangOptions::SanitizeCoverage = false

Is at least one coverage instrumentation type enabled.

Definition at line 490 of file LangOptions.h.

◆ SYCLIntFooter

std::string clang::LangOptions::SYCLIntFooter

SYCL integration footer to be generated by the device compiler.

Definition at line 580 of file LangOptions.h.

◆ SYCLIntHeader

std::string clang::LangOptions::SYCLIntHeader

SYCL integration header to be generated by the device compiler.

Definition at line 577 of file LangOptions.h.

◆ SYCLUniquePrefix

std::string clang::LangOptions::SYCLUniquePrefix

A driver-provided unique string for this translation unit that is used to generate unique names for SYCL names.

This is provided by the driver so that the case of multiple-offload can have each device compilation share a name.

Definition at line 586 of file LangOptions.h.

◆ UseTargetPathSeparator

bool clang::LangOptions::UseTargetPathSeparator = false

Indicates whether to use target's platform-specific file separator when FILE macro is used and when concatenating filename with directory or to use build environment environment's platform-specific file separator.

The plaform-specific path separator is the backslash() for Windows and forward slash (/) elsewhere.

Definition at line 600 of file LangOptions.h.

◆ XRayAlwaysInstrumentFiles

std::vector<std::string> clang::LangOptions::XRayAlwaysInstrumentFiles

Paths to the XRay "always instrument" files specifying which objects (files, functions, variables) should be imbued with the XRay "always instrument" attribute.

WARNING: This is a deprecated field and will go away in the future.

Definition at line 500 of file LangOptions.h.

Referenced by resetNonModularOptions().

◆ XRayAttrListFiles

std::vector<std::string> clang::LangOptions::XRayAttrListFiles

Paths to the XRay attribute list files, specifying which objects (files, functions, variables) should be imbued with the appropriate XRay attribute(s).

Definition at line 511 of file LangOptions.h.

◆ XRayNeverInstrumentFiles

std::vector<std::string> clang::LangOptions::XRayNeverInstrumentFiles

Paths to the XRay "never instrument" files specifying which objects (files, functions, variables) should be imbued with the XRay "never instrument" attribute.

WARNING: This is a deprecated field and will go away in the future.

Definition at line 506 of file LangOptions.h.

Referenced by resetNonModularOptions().

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