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clang::HeaderSearchOptions Class Reference

HeaderSearchOptions - Helper class for storing options related to the initialization of the HeaderSearch object. More...

#include "clang/Lex/HeaderSearchOptions.h"


struct  Entry
struct  SystemHeaderPrefix

Public Member Functions

 HeaderSearchOptions (StringRef _Sysroot="/")
void AddPath (StringRef Path, frontend::IncludeDirGroup Group, bool IsFramework, bool IgnoreSysRoot)
 AddPath - Add the Path path to the specified Group list. More...
void AddSystemHeaderPrefix (StringRef Prefix, bool IsSystemHeader)
 AddSystemHeaderPrefix - Override whether #include directives naming a path starting with Prefix should be considered as naming a system header. More...
void AddVFSOverlayFile (StringRef Name)
void AddPrebuiltModulePath (StringRef Name)

Public Attributes

std::string Sysroot
 If non-empty, the directory to use as a "virtual system root" for include paths. More...
std::vector< EntryUserEntries
 User specified include entries. More...
std::vector< SystemHeaderPrefixSystemHeaderPrefixes
 User-specified system header prefixes. More...
std::string ResourceDir
 The directory which holds the compiler resource files (builtin includes, etc.). More...
std::string ModuleCachePath
 The directory used for the module cache. More...
std::string ModuleUserBuildPath
 The directory used for a user build. More...
std::map< std::string, std::string, std::less<> > PrebuiltModuleFiles
 The mapping of module names to prebuilt module files. More...
std::vector< std::string > PrebuiltModulePaths
 The directories used to load prebuilt module files. More...
std::string ModuleFormat
 The module/pch container format. More...
unsigned DisableModuleHash: 1
 Whether we should disable the use of the hash string within the module cache. More...
unsigned ImplicitModuleMaps: 1
 Implicit module maps. More...
unsigned ModuleMapFileHomeIsCwd: 1
 Set the 'home directory' of a module map file to the current working directory (or the home directory of the module map file that contained the 'extern module' directive importing this module map file if any) rather than the directory containing the module map file. More...
unsigned ModuleFileHomeIsCwd: 1
 Set the base path of a built module file to be the current working directory. More...
unsigned EnablePrebuiltImplicitModules: 1
 Also search for prebuilt implicit modules in the prebuilt module cache path. More...
unsigned ModuleCachePruneInterval = 7 * 24 * 60 * 60
 The interval (in seconds) between pruning operations. More...
unsigned ModuleCachePruneAfter = 31 * 24 * 60 * 60
 The time (in seconds) after which an unused module file will be considered unused and will, therefore, be pruned. More...
uint64_t BuildSessionTimestamp = 0
 The time in seconds when the build session started. More...
llvm::SmallSetVector< llvm::CachedHashString, 16 > ModulesIgnoreMacros
 The set of macro names that should be ignored for the purposes of computing the module hash. More...
std::vector< std::string > VFSOverlayFiles
 The set of user-provided virtual filesystem overlay files. More...
unsigned UseBuiltinIncludes: 1
 Include the compiler builtin includes. More...
unsigned UseStandardSystemIncludes: 1
 Include the system standard include search directories. More...
unsigned UseStandardCXXIncludes: 1
 Include the system standard C++ library include search directories. More...
unsigned UseLibcxx: 1
 Use libc++ instead of the default libstdc++. More...
unsigned Verbose: 1
 Whether header search information should be output as for -v. More...
unsigned ModulesValidateOncePerBuildSession: 1
 If true, skip verifying input files used by modules if the module was already verified during this build session (see BuildSessionTimestamp). More...
unsigned ModulesValidateSystemHeaders: 1
 Whether to validate system input files when a module is loaded. More...
unsigned ValidateASTInputFilesContent: 1
unsigned ForceCheckCXX20ModulesInputFiles: 1
unsigned UseDebugInfo: 1
 Whether the module includes debug information (-gmodules). More...
unsigned ModulesValidateDiagnosticOptions: 1
unsigned ModulesSkipDiagnosticOptions: 1
 Whether to entirely skip writing diagnostic options. More...
unsigned ModulesSkipHeaderSearchPaths: 1
 Whether to entirely skip writing header search paths. More...
unsigned ModulesSkipPragmaDiagnosticMappings: 1
 Whether to entirely skip writing pragma diagnostic mappings. More...
unsigned ModulesPruneNonAffectingModuleMaps: 1
 Whether to prune non-affecting module map files from PCM files. More...
unsigned ModulesHashContent: 1
unsigned ModulesStrictContextHash: 1
 Whether we should include all things that could impact the module in the hash. More...
unsigned ModulesIncludeVFSUsage: 1
 Whether to include ivfsoverlay usage information in written AST files. More...

Detailed Description

HeaderSearchOptions - Helper class for storing options related to the initialization of the HeaderSearch object.

Definition at line 68 of file HeaderSearchOptions.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ HeaderSearchOptions()

clang::HeaderSearchOptions::HeaderSearchOptions ( StringRef  _Sysroot = "/")

Definition at line 274 of file HeaderSearchOptions.h.

Member Function Documentation

◆ AddPath()

void clang::HeaderSearchOptions::AddPath ( StringRef  Path,
frontend::IncludeDirGroup  Group,
bool  IsFramework,
bool  IgnoreSysRoot 

AddPath - Add the Path path to the specified Group list.

Definition at line 292 of file HeaderSearchOptions.h.

References UserEntries.

Referenced by ParseHeaderSearchArgs().

◆ AddPrebuiltModulePath()

void clang::HeaderSearchOptions::AddPrebuiltModulePath ( StringRef  Name)

Definition at line 308 of file HeaderSearchOptions.h.

Referenced by ParseHeaderSearchArgs().

◆ AddSystemHeaderPrefix()

void clang::HeaderSearchOptions::AddSystemHeaderPrefix ( StringRef  Prefix,
bool  IsSystemHeader 

AddSystemHeaderPrefix - Override whether #include directives naming a path starting with Prefix should be considered as naming a system header.

Definition at line 300 of file HeaderSearchOptions.h.

References SystemHeaderPrefixes.

Referenced by ParseHeaderSearchArgs().

◆ AddVFSOverlayFile()

void clang::HeaderSearchOptions::AddVFSOverlayFile ( StringRef  Name)

Definition at line 304 of file HeaderSearchOptions.h.

Referenced by ParseHeaderSearchArgs().

Member Data Documentation

◆ BuildSessionTimestamp

uint64_t clang::HeaderSearchOptions::BuildSessionTimestamp = 0

The time in seconds when the build session started.

This time is used by other optimizations in header search and module loading.

Definition at line 185 of file HeaderSearchOptions.h.

Referenced by clang::CompilerInvocation::clearImplicitModuleBuildOptions(), and clang::ASTReader::ReadAST().

◆ DisableModuleHash

unsigned clang::HeaderSearchOptions::DisableModuleHash

Whether we should disable the use of the hash string within the module cache.

Note: Only used for testing!

Definition at line 134 of file HeaderSearchOptions.h.

◆ EnablePrebuiltImplicitModules

unsigned clang::HeaderSearchOptions::EnablePrebuiltImplicitModules

Also search for prebuilt implicit modules in the prebuilt module cache path.

Definition at line 161 of file HeaderSearchOptions.h.

Referenced by selectModuleSource().

◆ ForceCheckCXX20ModulesInputFiles

unsigned clang::HeaderSearchOptions::ForceCheckCXX20ModulesInputFiles

Definition at line 231 of file HeaderSearchOptions.h.

◆ ImplicitModuleMaps

unsigned clang::HeaderSearchOptions::ImplicitModuleMaps

Implicit module maps.

This option is enabld by default when modules is enabled.

Definition at line 139 of file HeaderSearchOptions.h.

Referenced by clang::CompilerInvocation::clearImplicitModuleBuildOptions().

◆ ModuleCachePath

std::string clang::HeaderSearchOptions::ModuleCachePath

◆ ModuleCachePruneAfter

unsigned clang::HeaderSearchOptions::ModuleCachePruneAfter = 31 * 24 * 60 * 60

The time (in seconds) after which an unused module file will be considered unused and will, therefore, be pruned.

When the module cache is pruned, any module file that has not been accessed in this many seconds will be removed. The default value is large, e.g., a month, to avoid forcing infrequently-used modules to be regenerated often.

Definition at line 179 of file HeaderSearchOptions.h.

Referenced by clang::CompilerInvocation::clearImplicitModuleBuildOptions(), and pruneModuleCache().

◆ ModuleCachePruneInterval

unsigned clang::HeaderSearchOptions::ModuleCachePruneInterval = 7 * 24 * 60 * 60

The interval (in seconds) between pruning operations.

This operation is expensive, because it requires Clang to walk through the directory structure of the module cache, stat()'ing and removing files.

The default value is large, e.g., the operation runs once a week.

Definition at line 170 of file HeaderSearchOptions.h.

Referenced by clang::CompilerInvocation::clearImplicitModuleBuildOptions(), and pruneModuleCache().

◆ ModuleFileHomeIsCwd

unsigned clang::HeaderSearchOptions::ModuleFileHomeIsCwd

Set the base path of a built module file to be the current working directory.

This is useful for sharing module files across machines that build with different paths without having to rewrite all modulemap files to have working directory relative paths.

Definition at line 156 of file HeaderSearchOptions.h.

◆ ModuleFormat

std::string clang::HeaderSearchOptions::ModuleFormat

◆ ModuleMapFileHomeIsCwd

unsigned clang::HeaderSearchOptions::ModuleMapFileHomeIsCwd

Set the 'home directory' of a module map file to the current working directory (or the home directory of the module map file that contained the 'extern module' directive importing this module map file if any) rather than the directory containing the module map file.

The home directory is where we look for files named in the module map file.

Definition at line 149 of file HeaderSearchOptions.h.

◆ ModulesHashContent

unsigned clang::HeaderSearchOptions::ModulesHashContent

Definition at line 260 of file HeaderSearchOptions.h.

◆ ModulesIgnoreMacros

llvm::SmallSetVector<llvm::CachedHashString, 16> clang::HeaderSearchOptions::ModulesIgnoreMacros

The set of macro names that should be ignored for the purposes of computing the module hash.

Definition at line 189 of file HeaderSearchOptions.h.

Referenced by GenerateHeaderSearchArgs(), clang::CompilerInvocation::getModuleHash(), makeCommonInvocationForModuleBuild(), and ParseHeaderSearchArgs().

◆ ModulesIncludeVFSUsage

unsigned clang::HeaderSearchOptions::ModulesIncludeVFSUsage

Whether to include ivfsoverlay usage information in written AST files.

Definition at line 272 of file HeaderSearchOptions.h.

◆ ModulesPruneNonAffectingModuleMaps

unsigned clang::HeaderSearchOptions::ModulesPruneNonAffectingModuleMaps

Whether to prune non-affecting module map files from PCM files.

Definition at line 257 of file HeaderSearchOptions.h.

Referenced by makeCommonInvocationForModuleBuild().

◆ ModulesSkipDiagnosticOptions

unsigned clang::HeaderSearchOptions::ModulesSkipDiagnosticOptions

Whether to entirely skip writing diagnostic options.

Primarily used to speed up deserialization during dependency scanning.

Definition at line 243 of file HeaderSearchOptions.h.

Referenced by clang::CXX20ModulesGenerator::HandleTranslationUnit().

◆ ModulesSkipHeaderSearchPaths

unsigned clang::HeaderSearchOptions::ModulesSkipHeaderSearchPaths

Whether to entirely skip writing header search paths.

Primarily used to speed up deserialization during dependency scanning.

Definition at line 248 of file HeaderSearchOptions.h.

Referenced by clang::CXX20ModulesGenerator::HandleTranslationUnit().

◆ ModulesSkipPragmaDiagnosticMappings

unsigned clang::HeaderSearchOptions::ModulesSkipPragmaDiagnosticMappings

Whether to entirely skip writing pragma diagnostic mappings.

Primarily used to speed up deserialization during dependency scanning.

Definition at line 253 of file HeaderSearchOptions.h.

◆ ModulesStrictContextHash

unsigned clang::HeaderSearchOptions::ModulesStrictContextHash

Whether we should include all things that could impact the module in the hash.

This includes things like the full header search path, and enabled diagnostics.

Definition at line 268 of file HeaderSearchOptions.h.

Referenced by clang::CompilerInvocation::getModuleHash().

◆ ModulesValidateDiagnosticOptions

unsigned clang::HeaderSearchOptions::ModulesValidateDiagnosticOptions

Definition at line 238 of file HeaderSearchOptions.h.

Referenced by clang::CompilerInvocation::getModuleHash().

◆ ModulesValidateOncePerBuildSession

unsigned clang::HeaderSearchOptions::ModulesValidateOncePerBuildSession

If true, skip verifying input files used by modules if the module was already verified during this build session (see BuildSessionTimestamp).

Definition at line 218 of file HeaderSearchOptions.h.

Referenced by clang::CompilerInvocation::clearImplicitModuleBuildOptions(), and clang::ASTReader::ReadAST().

◆ ModulesValidateSystemHeaders

unsigned clang::HeaderSearchOptions::ModulesValidateSystemHeaders

Whether to validate system input files when a module is loaded.

Definition at line 222 of file HeaderSearchOptions.h.

Referenced by clang::CompilerInstance::createASTReader().

◆ ModuleUserBuildPath

std::string clang::HeaderSearchOptions::ModuleUserBuildPath

The directory used for a user build.

Definition at line 118 of file HeaderSearchOptions.h.

Referenced by clang::CompilerInvocation::getModuleHash().

◆ PrebuiltModuleFiles

std::map<std::string, std::string, std::less<> > clang::HeaderSearchOptions::PrebuiltModuleFiles

The mapping of module names to prebuilt module files.

Definition at line 121 of file HeaderSearchOptions.h.

Referenced by GenerateHeaderSearchArgs(), ParseHeaderSearchArgs(), and selectModuleSource().

◆ PrebuiltModulePaths

std::vector<std::string> clang::HeaderSearchOptions::PrebuiltModulePaths

The directories used to load prebuilt module files.

Definition at line 124 of file HeaderSearchOptions.h.

Referenced by GenerateHeaderSearchArgs(), and selectModuleSource().

◆ ResourceDir

std::string clang::HeaderSearchOptions::ResourceDir

The directory which holds the compiler resource files (builtin includes, etc.).

Definition at line 112 of file HeaderSearchOptions.h.

Referenced by clang::ApplyHeaderSearchOptions(), clang::CompilerInvocation::getModuleHash(), and clang::ASTUnit::LoadFromCompilerInvocationAction().

◆ Sysroot

std::string clang::HeaderSearchOptions::Sysroot

◆ SystemHeaderPrefixes

std::vector<SystemHeaderPrefix> clang::HeaderSearchOptions::SystemHeaderPrefixes

User-specified system header prefixes.

Definition at line 108 of file HeaderSearchOptions.h.

Referenced by AddSystemHeaderPrefix(), clang::ApplyHeaderSearchOptions(), and clang::CompilerInvocation::getModuleHash().

◆ UseBuiltinIncludes

unsigned clang::HeaderSearchOptions::UseBuiltinIncludes

Include the compiler builtin includes.

Definition at line 196 of file HeaderSearchOptions.h.

Referenced by clang::ApplyHeaderSearchOptions(), and clang::CompilerInvocation::getModuleHash().

◆ UseDebugInfo

unsigned clang::HeaderSearchOptions::UseDebugInfo

Whether the module includes debug information (-gmodules).

Definition at line 235 of file HeaderSearchOptions.h.

Referenced by clang::CompilerInvocation::getModuleHash().

◆ UseLibcxx

unsigned clang::HeaderSearchOptions::UseLibcxx

Use libc++ instead of the default libstdc++.

Definition at line 208 of file HeaderSearchOptions.h.

Referenced by GenerateHeaderSearchArgs(), clang::CompilerInvocation::getModuleHash(), and ParseHeaderSearchArgs().

◆ UserEntries

std::vector<Entry> clang::HeaderSearchOptions::UserEntries

◆ UseStandardCXXIncludes

unsigned clang::HeaderSearchOptions::UseStandardCXXIncludes

Include the system standard C++ library include search directories.

Definition at line 204 of file HeaderSearchOptions.h.

Referenced by clang::CompilerInvocation::getModuleHash().

◆ UseStandardSystemIncludes

unsigned clang::HeaderSearchOptions::UseStandardSystemIncludes

Include the system standard include search directories.

Definition at line 200 of file HeaderSearchOptions.h.

Referenced by clang::CompilerInvocation::getModuleHash().

◆ ValidateASTInputFilesContent

unsigned clang::HeaderSearchOptions::ValidateASTInputFilesContent

Definition at line 227 of file HeaderSearchOptions.h.

Referenced by clang::CompilerInstance::createASTReader().

◆ Verbose

unsigned clang::HeaderSearchOptions::Verbose

Whether header search information should be output as for -v.

Definition at line 212 of file HeaderSearchOptions.h.

Referenced by clang::ApplyHeaderSearchOptions().

◆ VFSOverlayFiles

std::vector<std::string> clang::HeaderSearchOptions::VFSOverlayFiles

The set of user-provided virtual filesystem overlay files.

Definition at line 192 of file HeaderSearchOptions.h.

Referenced by collectVFSEntries(), clang::createVFSFromCompilerInvocation(), clang::CompilerInvocation::getModuleHash(), and optimizeHeaderSearchOpts().

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