clang  20.0.0git
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //===- ASTMatchers.h - Structural query framework ---------------*- C++ -*-===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
8 //
9 // This file implements matchers to be used together with the MatchFinder to
10 // match AST nodes.
11 //
12 // Matchers are created by generator functions, which can be combined in
13 // a functional in-language DSL to express queries over the C++ AST.
14 //
15 // For example, to match a class with a certain name, one would call:
16 // cxxRecordDecl(hasName("MyClass"))
17 // which returns a matcher that can be used to find all AST nodes that declare
18 // a class named 'MyClass'.
19 //
20 // For more complicated match expressions we're often interested in accessing
21 // multiple parts of the matched AST nodes once a match is found. In that case,
22 // call `.bind("name")` on match expressions that match the nodes you want to
23 // access.
24 //
25 // For example, when we're interested in child classes of a certain class, we
26 // would write:
27 // cxxRecordDecl(hasName("MyClass"), has(recordDecl().bind("child")))
28 // When the match is found via the MatchFinder, a user provided callback will
29 // be called with a BoundNodes instance that contains a mapping from the
30 // strings that we provided for the `.bind()` calls to the nodes that were
31 // matched.
32 // In the given example, each time our matcher finds a match we get a callback
33 // where "child" is bound to the RecordDecl node of the matching child
34 // class declaration.
35 //
36 // See ASTMatchersInternal.h for a more in-depth explanation of the
37 // implementation details of the matcher framework.
38 //
39 // See ASTMatchFinder.h for how to use the generated matchers to run over
40 // an AST.
41 //
42 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
47 #include "clang/AST/ASTContext.h"
49 #include "clang/AST/Attr.h"
51 #include "clang/AST/Decl.h"
52 #include "clang/AST/DeclCXX.h"
53 #include "clang/AST/DeclFriend.h"
54 #include "clang/AST/DeclObjC.h"
55 #include "clang/AST/DeclTemplate.h"
56 #include "clang/AST/Expr.h"
57 #include "clang/AST/ExprCXX.h"
58 #include "clang/AST/ExprObjC.h"
61 #include "clang/AST/OpenMPClause.h"
64 #include "clang/AST/Stmt.h"
65 #include "clang/AST/StmtCXX.h"
66 #include "clang/AST/StmtObjC.h"
67 #include "clang/AST/StmtOpenMP.h"
68 #include "clang/AST/TemplateBase.h"
69 #include "clang/AST/TemplateName.h"
70 #include "clang/AST/Type.h"
71 #include "clang/AST/TypeLoc.h"
74 #include "clang/Basic/AttrKinds.h"
78 #include "clang/Basic/LLVM.h"
80 #include "clang/Basic/Specifiers.h"
81 #include "clang/Basic/TypeTraits.h"
82 #include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
83 #include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
84 #include "llvm/ADT/StringExtras.h"
85 #include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
86 #include "llvm/Support/Casting.h"
87 #include "llvm/Support/Compiler.h"
88 #include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
89 #include "llvm/Support/Regex.h"
90 #include <cassert>
91 #include <cstddef>
92 #include <iterator>
93 #include <limits>
94 #include <optional>
95 #include <string>
96 #include <utility>
97 #include <vector>
99 namespace clang {
100 namespace ast_matchers {
102 /// Maps string IDs to AST nodes matched by parts of a matcher.
103 ///
104 /// The bound nodes are generated by calling \c bind("id") on the node matchers
105 /// of the nodes we want to access later.
106 ///
107 /// The instances of BoundNodes are created by \c MatchFinder when the user's
108 /// callbacks are executed every time a match is found.
109 class BoundNodes {
110 public:
111  /// Returns the AST node bound to \c ID.
112  ///
113  /// Returns NULL if there was no node bound to \c ID or if there is a node but
114  /// it cannot be converted to the specified type.
115  template <typename T>
116  const T *getNodeAs(StringRef ID) const {
117  return MyBoundNodes.getNodeAs<T>(ID);
118  }
120  /// Type of mapping from binding identifiers to bound nodes. This type
121  /// is an associative container with a key type of \c std::string and a value
122  /// type of \c clang::DynTypedNode
123  using IDToNodeMap = internal::BoundNodesMap::IDToNodeMap;
125  /// Retrieve mapping from binding identifiers to bound nodes.
126  const IDToNodeMap &getMap() const {
127  return MyBoundNodes.getMap();
128  }
130 private:
133  /// Create BoundNodes from a pre-filled map of bindings.
134  BoundNodes(internal::BoundNodesMap &MyBoundNodes)
135  : MyBoundNodes(MyBoundNodes) {}
137  internal::BoundNodesMap MyBoundNodes;
138 };
140 /// Types of matchers for the top-level classes in the AST class
141 /// hierarchy.
142 /// @{
143 using DeclarationMatcher = internal::Matcher<Decl>;
144 using StatementMatcher = internal::Matcher<Stmt>;
145 using TypeMatcher = internal::Matcher<QualType>;
146 using TypeLocMatcher = internal::Matcher<TypeLoc>;
147 using NestedNameSpecifierMatcher = internal::Matcher<NestedNameSpecifier>;
148 using NestedNameSpecifierLocMatcher = internal::Matcher<NestedNameSpecifierLoc>;
149 using CXXBaseSpecifierMatcher = internal::Matcher<CXXBaseSpecifier>;
150 using CXXCtorInitializerMatcher = internal::Matcher<CXXCtorInitializer>;
151 using TemplateArgumentMatcher = internal::Matcher<TemplateArgument>;
152 using TemplateArgumentLocMatcher = internal::Matcher<TemplateArgumentLoc>;
153 using LambdaCaptureMatcher = internal::Matcher<LambdaCapture>;
154 using AttrMatcher = internal::Matcher<Attr>;
155 /// @}
157 /// Matches any node.
158 ///
159 /// Useful when another matcher requires a child matcher, but there's no
160 /// additional constraint. This will often be used with an explicit conversion
161 /// to an \c internal::Matcher<> type such as \c TypeMatcher.
162 ///
163 /// Example: \c DeclarationMatcher(anything()) matches all declarations, e.g.,
164 /// \code
165 /// "int* p" and "void f()" in
166 /// int* p;
167 /// void f();
168 /// \endcode
169 ///
170 /// Usable as: Any Matcher
171 inline internal::TrueMatcher anything() { return internal::TrueMatcher(); }
173 /// Matches the top declaration context.
174 ///
175 /// Given
176 /// \code
177 /// int X;
178 /// namespace NS {
179 /// int Y;
180 /// } // namespace NS
181 /// \endcode
182 /// decl(hasDeclContext(translationUnitDecl()))
183 /// matches "int X", but not "int Y".
184 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Decl, TranslationUnitDecl>
187 /// Matches typedef declarations.
188 ///
189 /// Given
190 /// \code
191 /// typedef int X;
192 /// using Y = int;
193 /// \endcode
194 /// typedefDecl()
195 /// matches "typedef int X", but not "using Y = int"
196 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Decl, TypedefDecl>
197  typedefDecl;
199 /// Matches typedef name declarations.
200 ///
201 /// Given
202 /// \code
203 /// typedef int X;
204 /// using Y = int;
205 /// \endcode
206 /// typedefNameDecl()
207 /// matches "typedef int X" and "using Y = int"
208 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Decl, TypedefNameDecl>
211 /// Matches type alias declarations.
212 ///
213 /// Given
214 /// \code
215 /// typedef int X;
216 /// using Y = int;
217 /// \endcode
218 /// typeAliasDecl()
219 /// matches "using Y = int", but not "typedef int X"
220 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Decl, TypeAliasDecl>
223 /// Matches type alias template declarations.
224 ///
225 /// typeAliasTemplateDecl() matches
226 /// \code
227 /// template <typename T>
228 /// using Y = X<T>;
229 /// \endcode
230 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Decl, TypeAliasTemplateDecl>
233 /// Matches AST nodes that were expanded within the main-file.
234 ///
235 /// Example matches X but not Y
236 /// (matcher = cxxRecordDecl(isExpansionInMainFile())
237 /// \code
238 /// #include <Y.h>
239 /// class X {};
240 /// \endcode
241 /// Y.h:
242 /// \code
243 /// class Y {};
244 /// \endcode
245 ///
246 /// Usable as: Matcher<Decl>, Matcher<Stmt>, Matcher<TypeLoc>
247 AST_POLYMORPHIC_MATCHER(isExpansionInMainFile,
249  auto &SourceManager = Finder->getASTContext().getSourceManager();
251  SourceManager.getExpansionLoc(Node.getBeginLoc()));
252 }
254 /// Matches AST nodes that were expanded within system-header-files.
255 ///
256 /// Example matches Y but not X
257 /// (matcher = cxxRecordDecl(isExpansionInSystemHeader())
258 /// \code
259 /// #include <SystemHeader.h>
260 /// class X {};
261 /// \endcode
262 /// SystemHeader.h:
263 /// \code
264 /// class Y {};
265 /// \endcode
266 ///
267 /// Usable as: Matcher<Decl>, Matcher<Stmt>, Matcher<TypeLoc>
268 AST_POLYMORPHIC_MATCHER(isExpansionInSystemHeader,
270  auto &SourceManager = Finder->getASTContext().getSourceManager();
271  auto ExpansionLoc = SourceManager.getExpansionLoc(Node.getBeginLoc());
272  if (ExpansionLoc.isInvalid()) {
273  return false;
274  }
275  return SourceManager.isInSystemHeader(ExpansionLoc);
276 }
278 /// Matches AST nodes that were expanded within files whose name is
279 /// partially matching a given regex.
280 ///
281 /// Example matches Y but not X
282 /// (matcher = cxxRecordDecl(isExpansionInFileMatching("AST.*"))
283 /// \code
284 /// #include "ASTMatcher.h"
285 /// class X {};
286 /// \endcode
287 /// ASTMatcher.h:
288 /// \code
289 /// class Y {};
290 /// \endcode
291 ///
292 /// Usable as: Matcher<Decl>, Matcher<Stmt>, Matcher<TypeLoc>
293 AST_POLYMORPHIC_MATCHER_REGEX(isExpansionInFileMatching,
295  TypeLoc),
296  RegExp) {
297  auto &SourceManager = Finder->getASTContext().getSourceManager();
298  auto ExpansionLoc = SourceManager.getExpansionLoc(Node.getBeginLoc());
299  if (ExpansionLoc.isInvalid()) {
300  return false;
301  }
302  auto FileEntry =
304  if (!FileEntry) {
305  return false;
306  }
308  auto Filename = FileEntry->getName();
309  return RegExp->match(Filename);
310 }
312 /// Matches statements that are (transitively) expanded from the named macro.
313 /// Does not match if only part of the statement is expanded from that macro or
314 /// if different parts of the statement are expanded from different
315 /// appearances of the macro.
316 AST_POLYMORPHIC_MATCHER_P(isExpandedFromMacro,
318  std::string, MacroName) {
319  // Verifies that the statement' beginning and ending are both expanded from
320  // the same instance of the given macro.
321  auto& Context = Finder->getASTContext();
322  std::optional<SourceLocation> B =
323  internal::getExpansionLocOfMacro(MacroName, Node.getBeginLoc(), Context);
324  if (!B) return false;
325  std::optional<SourceLocation> E =
326  internal::getExpansionLocOfMacro(MacroName, Node.getEndLoc(), Context);
327  if (!E) return false;
328  return *B == *E;
329 }
331 /// Matches declarations.
332 ///
333 /// Examples matches \c X, \c C, and the friend declaration inside \c C;
334 /// \code
335 /// void X();
336 /// class C {
337 /// friend X;
338 /// };
339 /// \endcode
340 extern const internal::VariadicAllOfMatcher<Decl> decl;
342 /// Matches decomposition-declarations.
343 ///
344 /// Examples matches the declaration node with \c foo and \c bar, but not
345 /// \c number.
346 /// (matcher = declStmt(has(decompositionDecl())))
347 ///
348 /// \code
349 /// int number = 42;
350 /// auto [foo, bar] = std::make_pair{42, 42};
351 /// \endcode
352 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Decl, DecompositionDecl>
355 /// Matches binding declarations
356 /// Example matches \c foo and \c bar
357 /// (matcher = bindingDecl()
358 ///
359 /// \code
360 /// auto [foo, bar] = std::make_pair{42, 42};
361 /// \endcode
362 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Decl, BindingDecl>
363  bindingDecl;
365 /// Matches a declaration of a linkage specification.
366 ///
367 /// Given
368 /// \code
369 /// extern "C" {}
370 /// \endcode
371 /// linkageSpecDecl()
372 /// matches "extern "C" {}"
373 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Decl, LinkageSpecDecl>
376 /// Matches a declaration of anything that could have a name.
377 ///
378 /// Example matches \c X, \c S, the anonymous union type, \c i, and \c U;
379 /// \code
380 /// typedef int X;
381 /// struct S {
382 /// union {
383 /// int i;
384 /// } U;
385 /// };
386 /// \endcode
387 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Decl, NamedDecl> namedDecl;
389 /// Matches a declaration of label.
390 ///
391 /// Given
392 /// \code
393 /// goto FOO;
394 /// FOO: bar();
395 /// \endcode
396 /// labelDecl()
397 /// matches 'FOO:'
398 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Decl, LabelDecl> labelDecl;
400 /// Matches a declaration of a namespace.
401 ///
402 /// Given
403 /// \code
404 /// namespace {}
405 /// namespace test {}
406 /// \endcode
407 /// namespaceDecl()
408 /// matches "namespace {}" and "namespace test {}"
409 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Decl, NamespaceDecl>
412 /// Matches a declaration of a namespace alias.
413 ///
414 /// Given
415 /// \code
416 /// namespace test {}
417 /// namespace alias = ::test;
418 /// \endcode
419 /// namespaceAliasDecl()
420 /// matches "namespace alias" but not "namespace test"
421 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Decl, NamespaceAliasDecl>
424 /// Matches class, struct, and union declarations.
425 ///
426 /// Example matches \c X, \c Z, \c U, and \c S
427 /// \code
428 /// class X;
429 /// template<class T> class Z {};
430 /// struct S {};
431 /// union U {};
432 /// \endcode
433 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Decl, RecordDecl> recordDecl;
435 /// Matches C++ class declarations.
436 ///
437 /// Example matches \c X, \c Z
438 /// \code
439 /// class X;
440 /// template<class T> class Z {};
441 /// \endcode
442 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Decl, CXXRecordDecl>
445 /// Matches C++ class template declarations.
446 ///
447 /// Example matches \c Z
448 /// \code
449 /// template<class T> class Z {};
450 /// \endcode
451 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Decl, ClassTemplateDecl>
454 /// Matches C++ class template specializations.
455 ///
456 /// Given
457 /// \code
458 /// template<typename T> class A {};
459 /// template<> class A<double> {};
460 /// A<int> a;
461 /// \endcode
462 /// classTemplateSpecializationDecl()
463 /// matches the specializations \c A<int> and \c A<double>
464 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<
468 /// Matches C++ class template partial specializations.
469 ///
470 /// Given
471 /// \code
472 /// template<class T1, class T2, int I>
473 /// class A {};
474 ///
475 /// template<class T, int I>
476 /// class A<T, T*, I> {};
477 ///
478 /// template<>
479 /// class A<int, int, 1> {};
480 /// \endcode
481 /// classTemplatePartialSpecializationDecl()
482 /// matches the specialization \c A<T,T*,I> but not \c A<int,int,1>
483 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<
487 /// Matches declarator declarations (field, variable, function
488 /// and non-type template parameter declarations).
489 ///
490 /// Given
491 /// \code
492 /// class X { int y; };
493 /// \endcode
494 /// declaratorDecl()
495 /// matches \c int y.
496 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Decl, DeclaratorDecl>
499 /// Matches parameter variable declarations.
500 ///
501 /// Given
502 /// \code
503 /// void f(int x);
504 /// \endcode
505 /// parmVarDecl()
506 /// matches \c int x.
507 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Decl, ParmVarDecl>
508  parmVarDecl;
510 /// Matches C++ access specifier declarations.
511 ///
512 /// Given
513 /// \code
514 /// class C {
515 /// public:
516 /// int a;
517 /// };
518 /// \endcode
519 /// accessSpecDecl()
520 /// matches 'public:'
521 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Decl, AccessSpecDecl>
524 /// Matches class bases.
525 ///
526 /// Examples matches \c public virtual B.
527 /// \code
528 /// class B {};
529 /// class C : public virtual B {};
530 /// \endcode
531 extern const internal::VariadicAllOfMatcher<CXXBaseSpecifier> cxxBaseSpecifier;
533 /// Matches constructor initializers.
534 ///
535 /// Examples matches \c i(42).
536 /// \code
537 /// class C {
538 /// C() : i(42) {}
539 /// int i;
540 /// };
541 /// \endcode
542 extern const internal::VariadicAllOfMatcher<CXXCtorInitializer>
545 /// Matches template arguments.
546 ///
547 /// Given
548 /// \code
549 /// template <typename T> struct C {};
550 /// C<int> c;
551 /// \endcode
552 /// templateArgument()
553 /// matches 'int' in C<int>.
554 extern const internal::VariadicAllOfMatcher<TemplateArgument> templateArgument;
556 /// Matches template arguments (with location info).
557 ///
558 /// Given
559 /// \code
560 /// template <typename T> struct C {};
561 /// C<int> c;
562 /// \endcode
563 /// templateArgumentLoc()
564 /// matches 'int' in C<int>.
565 extern const internal::VariadicAllOfMatcher<TemplateArgumentLoc>
568 /// Matches template name.
569 ///
570 /// Given
571 /// \code
572 /// template <typename T> class X { };
573 /// X<int> xi;
574 /// \endcode
575 /// templateName()
576 /// matches 'X' in X<int>.
577 extern const internal::VariadicAllOfMatcher<TemplateName> templateName;
579 /// Matches non-type template parameter declarations.
580 ///
581 /// Given
582 /// \code
583 /// template <typename T, int N> struct C {};
584 /// \endcode
585 /// nonTypeTemplateParmDecl()
586 /// matches 'N', but not 'T'.
587 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Decl,
591 /// Matches template type parameter declarations.
592 ///
593 /// Given
594 /// \code
595 /// template <typename T, int N> struct C {};
596 /// \endcode
597 /// templateTypeParmDecl()
598 /// matches 'T', but not 'N'.
599 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Decl, TemplateTypeParmDecl>
602 /// Matches template template parameter declarations.
603 ///
604 /// Given
605 /// \code
606 /// template <template <typename> class Z, int N> struct C {};
607 /// \endcode
608 /// templateTypeParmDecl()
609 /// matches 'Z', but not 'N'.
610 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Decl,
614 /// Matches public C++ declarations and C++ base specifers that specify public
615 /// inheritance.
616 ///
617 /// Examples:
618 /// \code
619 /// class C {
620 /// public: int a; // fieldDecl(isPublic()) matches 'a'
621 /// protected: int b;
622 /// private: int c;
623 /// };
624 /// \endcode
625 ///
626 /// \code
627 /// class Base {};
628 /// class Derived1 : public Base {}; // matches 'Base'
629 /// struct Derived2 : Base {}; // matches 'Base'
630 /// \endcode
633  CXXBaseSpecifier)) {
634  return getAccessSpecifier(Node) == AS_public;
635 }
637 /// Matches protected C++ declarations and C++ base specifers that specify
638 /// protected inheritance.
639 ///
640 /// Examples:
641 /// \code
642 /// class C {
643 /// public: int a;
644 /// protected: int b; // fieldDecl(isProtected()) matches 'b'
645 /// private: int c;
646 /// };
647 /// \endcode
648 ///
649 /// \code
650 /// class Base {};
651 /// class Derived : protected Base {}; // matches 'Base'
652 /// \endcode
655  CXXBaseSpecifier)) {
656  return getAccessSpecifier(Node) == AS_protected;
657 }
659 /// Matches private C++ declarations and C++ base specifers that specify private
660 /// inheritance.
661 ///
662 /// Examples:
663 /// \code
664 /// class C {
665 /// public: int a;
666 /// protected: int b;
667 /// private: int c; // fieldDecl(isPrivate()) matches 'c'
668 /// };
669 /// \endcode
670 ///
671 /// \code
672 /// struct Base {};
673 /// struct Derived1 : private Base {}; // matches 'Base'
674 /// class Derived2 : Base {}; // matches 'Base'
675 /// \endcode
678  CXXBaseSpecifier)) {
679  return getAccessSpecifier(Node) == AS_private;
680 }
682 /// Matches non-static data members that are bit-fields.
683 ///
684 /// Given
685 /// \code
686 /// class C {
687 /// int a : 2;
688 /// int b;
689 /// };
690 /// \endcode
691 /// fieldDecl(isBitField())
692 /// matches 'int a;' but not 'int b;'.
693 AST_MATCHER(FieldDecl, isBitField) {
694  return Node.isBitField();
695 }
697 /// Matches non-static data members that are bit-fields of the specified
698 /// bit width.
699 ///
700 /// Given
701 /// \code
702 /// class C {
703 /// int a : 2;
704 /// int b : 4;
705 /// int c : 2;
706 /// };
707 /// \endcode
708 /// fieldDecl(hasBitWidth(2))
709 /// matches 'int a;' and 'int c;' but not 'int b;'.
710 AST_MATCHER_P(FieldDecl, hasBitWidth, unsigned, Width) {
711  return Node.isBitField() &&
712  Node.getBitWidthValue(Finder->getASTContext()) == Width;
713 }
715 /// Matches non-static data members that have an in-class initializer.
716 ///
717 /// Given
718 /// \code
719 /// class C {
720 /// int a = 2;
721 /// int b = 3;
722 /// int c;
723 /// };
724 /// \endcode
725 /// fieldDecl(hasInClassInitializer(integerLiteral(equals(2))))
726 /// matches 'int a;' but not 'int b;'.
727 /// fieldDecl(hasInClassInitializer(anything()))
728 /// matches 'int a;' and 'int b;' but not 'int c;'.
729 AST_MATCHER_P(FieldDecl, hasInClassInitializer, internal::Matcher<Expr>,
730  InnerMatcher) {
731  const Expr *Initializer = Node.getInClassInitializer();
732  return (Initializer != nullptr &&
733  InnerMatcher.matches(*Initializer, Finder, Builder));
734 }
736 /// Determines whether the function is "main", which is the entry point
737 /// into an executable program.
739  return Node.isMain();
740 }
742 /// Matches the specialized template of a specialization declaration.
743 ///
744 /// Given
745 /// \code
746 /// template<typename T> class A {}; #1
747 /// template<> class A<int> {}; #2
748 /// \endcode
749 /// classTemplateSpecializationDecl(hasSpecializedTemplate(classTemplateDecl()))
750 /// matches '#2' with classTemplateDecl() matching the class template
751 /// declaration of 'A' at #1.
753  internal::Matcher<ClassTemplateDecl>, InnerMatcher) {
754  const ClassTemplateDecl* Decl = Node.getSpecializedTemplate();
755  return (Decl != nullptr &&
756  InnerMatcher.matches(*Decl, Finder, Builder));
757 }
759 /// Matches an entity that has been implicitly added by the compiler (e.g.
760 /// implicit default/copy constructors).
763  LambdaCapture)) {
764  return Node.isImplicit();
765 }
767 /// Matches templateSpecializationTypes, class template specializations,
768 /// variable template specializations, and function template specializations
769 /// that have at least one TemplateArgument matching the given InnerMatcher.
770 ///
771 /// Given
772 /// \code
773 /// template<typename T> class A {};
774 /// template<> class A<double> {};
775 /// A<int> a;
776 ///
777 /// template<typename T> f() {};
778 /// void func() { f<int>(); };
779 /// \endcode
780 ///
781 /// \endcode
782 /// classTemplateSpecializationDecl(hasAnyTemplateArgument(
783 /// refersToType(asString("int"))))
784 /// matches the specialization \c A<int>
785 ///
786 /// functionDecl(hasAnyTemplateArgument(refersToType(asString("int"))))
787 /// matches the specialization \c f<int>
789  hasAnyTemplateArgument,
793  internal::Matcher<TemplateArgument>, InnerMatcher) {
795  internal::getTemplateSpecializationArgs(Node);
796  return matchesFirstInRange(InnerMatcher, List.begin(), List.end(), Finder,
797  Builder) != List.end();
798 }
800 /// Causes all nested matchers to be matched with the specified traversal kind.
801 ///
802 /// Given
803 /// \code
804 /// void foo()
805 /// {
806 /// int i = 3.0;
807 /// }
808 /// \endcode
809 /// The matcher
810 /// \code
811 /// traverse(TK_IgnoreUnlessSpelledInSource,
812 /// varDecl(hasInitializer(floatLiteral().bind("init")))
813 /// )
814 /// \endcode
815 /// matches the variable declaration with "init" bound to the "3.0".
816 template <typename T>
817 internal::Matcher<T> traverse(TraversalKind TK,
818  const internal::Matcher<T> &InnerMatcher) {
819  return internal::DynTypedMatcher::constructRestrictedWrapper(
820  new internal::TraversalMatcher<T>(TK, InnerMatcher),
821  InnerMatcher.getID().first)
822  .template unconditionalConvertTo<T>();
823 }
825 template <typename T>
826 internal::BindableMatcher<T>
827 traverse(TraversalKind TK, const internal::BindableMatcher<T> &InnerMatcher) {
828  return internal::BindableMatcher<T>(
829  internal::DynTypedMatcher::constructRestrictedWrapper(
830  new internal::TraversalMatcher<T>(TK, InnerMatcher),
831  InnerMatcher.getID().first)
832  .template unconditionalConvertTo<T>());
833 }
835 template <typename... T>
836 internal::TraversalWrapper<internal::VariadicOperatorMatcher<T...>>
838  const internal::VariadicOperatorMatcher<T...> &InnerMatcher) {
839  return internal::TraversalWrapper<internal::VariadicOperatorMatcher<T...>>(
840  TK, InnerMatcher);
841 }
843 template <template <typename ToArg, typename FromArg> class ArgumentAdapterT,
844  typename T, typename ToTypes>
845 internal::TraversalWrapper<
846  internal::ArgumentAdaptingMatcherFuncAdaptor<ArgumentAdapterT, T, ToTypes>>
847 traverse(TraversalKind TK, const internal::ArgumentAdaptingMatcherFuncAdaptor<
848  ArgumentAdapterT, T, ToTypes> &InnerMatcher) {
849  return internal::TraversalWrapper<
850  internal::ArgumentAdaptingMatcherFuncAdaptor<ArgumentAdapterT, T,
851  ToTypes>>(TK, InnerMatcher);
852 }
854 template <template <typename T, typename... P> class MatcherT, typename... P,
855  typename ReturnTypesF>
856 internal::TraversalWrapper<
857  internal::PolymorphicMatcher<MatcherT, ReturnTypesF, P...>>
858 traverse(TraversalKind TK,
859  const internal::PolymorphicMatcher<MatcherT, ReturnTypesF, P...>
860  &InnerMatcher) {
861  return internal::TraversalWrapper<
862  internal::PolymorphicMatcher<MatcherT, ReturnTypesF, P...>>(TK,
863  InnerMatcher);
864 }
866 template <typename... T>
867 internal::Matcher<typename internal::GetClade<T...>::Type>
868 traverse(TraversalKind TK, const internal::MapAnyOfHelper<T...> &InnerMatcher) {
869  return traverse(TK, InnerMatcher.with());
870 }
872 /// Matches expressions that match InnerMatcher after any implicit AST
873 /// nodes are stripped off.
874 ///
875 /// Parentheses and explicit casts are not discarded.
876 /// Given
877 /// \code
878 /// class C {};
879 /// C a = C();
880 /// C b;
881 /// C c = b;
882 /// \endcode
883 /// The matchers
884 /// \code
885 /// varDecl(hasInitializer(ignoringImplicit(cxxConstructExpr())))
886 /// \endcode
887 /// would match the declarations for a, b, and c.
888 /// While
889 /// \code
890 /// varDecl(hasInitializer(cxxConstructExpr()))
891 /// \endcode
892 /// only match the declarations for b and c.
893 AST_MATCHER_P(Expr, ignoringImplicit, internal::Matcher<Expr>,
894  InnerMatcher) {
895  return InnerMatcher.matches(*Node.IgnoreImplicit(), Finder, Builder);
896 }
898 /// Matches expressions that match InnerMatcher after any implicit casts
899 /// are stripped off.
900 ///
901 /// Parentheses and explicit casts are not discarded.
902 /// Given
903 /// \code
904 /// int arr[5];
905 /// int a = 0;
906 /// char b = 0;
907 /// const int c = a;
908 /// int *d = arr;
909 /// long e = (long) 0l;
910 /// \endcode
911 /// The matchers
912 /// \code
913 /// varDecl(hasInitializer(ignoringImpCasts(integerLiteral())))
914 /// varDecl(hasInitializer(ignoringImpCasts(declRefExpr())))
915 /// \endcode
916 /// would match the declarations for a, b, c, and d, but not e.
917 /// While
918 /// \code
919 /// varDecl(hasInitializer(integerLiteral()))
920 /// varDecl(hasInitializer(declRefExpr()))
921 /// \endcode
922 /// only match the declarations for a.
923 AST_MATCHER_P(Expr, ignoringImpCasts,
924  internal::Matcher<Expr>, InnerMatcher) {
925  return InnerMatcher.matches(*Node.IgnoreImpCasts(), Finder, Builder);
926 }
928 /// Matches expressions that match InnerMatcher after parentheses and
929 /// casts are stripped off.
930 ///
931 /// Implicit and non-C Style casts are also discarded.
932 /// Given
933 /// \code
934 /// int a = 0;
935 /// char b = (0);
936 /// void* c = reinterpret_cast<char*>(0);
937 /// char d = char(0);
938 /// \endcode
939 /// The matcher
940 /// varDecl(hasInitializer(ignoringParenCasts(integerLiteral())))
941 /// would match the declarations for a, b, c, and d.
942 /// while
943 /// varDecl(hasInitializer(integerLiteral()))
944 /// only match the declaration for a.
945 AST_MATCHER_P(Expr, ignoringParenCasts, internal::Matcher<Expr>, InnerMatcher) {
946  return InnerMatcher.matches(*Node.IgnoreParenCasts(), Finder, Builder);
947 }
949 /// Matches expressions that match InnerMatcher after implicit casts and
950 /// parentheses are stripped off.
951 ///
952 /// Explicit casts are not discarded.
953 /// Given
954 /// \code
955 /// int arr[5];
956 /// int a = 0;
957 /// char b = (0);
958 /// const int c = a;
959 /// int *d = (arr);
960 /// long e = ((long) 0l);
961 /// \endcode
962 /// The matchers
963 /// varDecl(hasInitializer(ignoringParenImpCasts(integerLiteral())))
964 /// varDecl(hasInitializer(ignoringParenImpCasts(declRefExpr())))
965 /// would match the declarations for a, b, c, and d, but not e.
966 /// while
967 /// varDecl(hasInitializer(integerLiteral()))
968 /// varDecl(hasInitializer(declRefExpr()))
969 /// would only match the declaration for a.
970 AST_MATCHER_P(Expr, ignoringParenImpCasts,
971  internal::Matcher<Expr>, InnerMatcher) {
972  return InnerMatcher.matches(*Node.IgnoreParenImpCasts(), Finder, Builder);
973 }
975 /// Matches types that match InnerMatcher after any parens are stripped.
976 ///
977 /// Given
978 /// \code
979 /// void (*fp)(void);
980 /// \endcode
981 /// The matcher
982 /// \code
983 /// varDecl(hasType(pointerType(pointee(ignoringParens(functionType())))))
984 /// \endcode
985 /// would match the declaration for fp.
986 AST_MATCHER_P_OVERLOAD(QualType, ignoringParens, internal::Matcher<QualType>,
987  InnerMatcher, 0) {
988  return InnerMatcher.matches(Node.IgnoreParens(), Finder, Builder);
989 }
991 /// Overload \c ignoringParens for \c Expr.
992 ///
993 /// Given
994 /// \code
995 /// const char* str = ("my-string");
996 /// \endcode
997 /// The matcher
998 /// \code
999 /// implicitCastExpr(hasSourceExpression(ignoringParens(stringLiteral())))
1000 /// \endcode
1001 /// would match the implicit cast resulting from the assignment.
1002 AST_MATCHER_P_OVERLOAD(Expr, ignoringParens, internal::Matcher<Expr>,
1003  InnerMatcher, 1) {
1004  const Expr *E = Node.IgnoreParens();
1005  return InnerMatcher.matches(*E, Finder, Builder);
1006 }
1008 /// Matches expressions that are instantiation-dependent even if it is
1009 /// neither type- nor value-dependent.
1010 ///
1011 /// In the following example, the expression sizeof(sizeof(T() + T()))
1012 /// is instantiation-dependent (since it involves a template parameter T),
1013 /// but is neither type- nor value-dependent, since the type of the inner
1014 /// sizeof is known (std::size_t) and therefore the size of the outer
1015 /// sizeof is known.
1016 /// \code
1017 /// template<typename T>
1018 /// void f(T x, T y) { sizeof(sizeof(T() + T()); }
1019 /// \endcode
1020 /// expr(isInstantiationDependent()) matches sizeof(sizeof(T() + T())
1021 AST_MATCHER(Expr, isInstantiationDependent) {
1022  return Node.isInstantiationDependent();
1023 }
1025 /// Matches expressions that are type-dependent because the template type
1026 /// is not yet instantiated.
1027 ///
1028 /// For example, the expressions "x" and "x + y" are type-dependent in
1029 /// the following code, but "y" is not type-dependent:
1030 /// \code
1031 /// template<typename T>
1032 /// void add(T x, int y) {
1033 /// x + y;
1034 /// }
1035 /// \endcode
1036 /// expr(isTypeDependent()) matches x + y
1037 AST_MATCHER(Expr, isTypeDependent) { return Node.isTypeDependent(); }
1039 /// Matches expression that are value-dependent because they contain a
1040 /// non-type template parameter.
1041 ///
1042 /// For example, the array bound of "Chars" in the following example is
1043 /// value-dependent.
1044 /// \code
1045 /// template<int Size> int f() { return Size; }
1046 /// \endcode
1047 /// expr(isValueDependent()) matches return Size
1048 AST_MATCHER(Expr, isValueDependent) { return Node.isValueDependent(); }
1050 /// Matches templateSpecializationType, class template specializations,
1051 /// variable template specializations, and function template specializations
1052 /// where the n'th TemplateArgument matches the given InnerMatcher.
1053 ///
1054 /// Given
1055 /// \code
1056 /// template<typename T, typename U> class A {};
1057 /// A<bool, int> b;
1058 /// A<int, bool> c;
1059 ///
1060 /// template<typename T> void f() {}
1061 /// void func() { f<int>(); };
1062 /// \endcode
1063 /// classTemplateSpecializationDecl(hasTemplateArgument(
1064 /// 1, refersToType(asString("int"))))
1065 /// matches the specialization \c A<bool, int>
1066 ///
1067 /// functionDecl(hasTemplateArgument(0, refersToType(asString("int"))))
1068 /// matches the specialization \c f<int>
1070  hasTemplateArgument,
1074  unsigned, N, internal::Matcher<TemplateArgument>, InnerMatcher) {
1076  internal::getTemplateSpecializationArgs(Node);
1077  if (List.size() <= N)
1078  return false;
1079  return InnerMatcher.matches(List[N], Finder, Builder);
1080 }
1082 /// Matches if the number of template arguments equals \p N.
1083 ///
1084 /// Given
1085 /// \code
1086 /// template<typename T> struct C {};
1087 /// C<int> c;
1088 /// \endcode
1089 /// classTemplateSpecializationDecl(templateArgumentCountIs(1))
1090 /// matches C<int>.
1092  templateArgumentCountIs,
1095  unsigned, N) {
1096  return internal::getTemplateSpecializationArgs(Node).size() == N;
1097 }
1099 /// Matches a TemplateArgument that refers to a certain type.
1100 ///
1101 /// Given
1102 /// \code
1103 /// struct X {};
1104 /// template<typename T> struct A {};
1105 /// A<X> a;
1106 /// \endcode
1107 /// classTemplateSpecializationDecl(hasAnyTemplateArgument(refersToType(
1108 /// recordType(hasDeclaration(recordDecl(hasName("X")))))))
1109 /// matches the specialization of \c struct A generated by \c A<X>.
1111  internal::Matcher<QualType>, InnerMatcher) {
1112  if (Node.getKind() != TemplateArgument::Type)
1113  return false;
1114  return InnerMatcher.matches(Node.getAsType(), Finder, Builder);
1115 }
1117 /// Matches a TemplateArgument that refers to a certain template.
1118 ///
1119 /// Given
1120 /// \code
1121 /// template<template <typename> class S> class X {};
1122 /// template<typename T> class Y {};
1123 /// X<Y> xi;
1124 /// \endcode
1125 /// classTemplateSpecializationDecl(hasAnyTemplateArgument(
1126 /// refersToTemplate(templateName())))
1127 /// matches the specialization \c X<Y>
1129  internal::Matcher<TemplateName>, InnerMatcher) {
1130  if (Node.getKind() != TemplateArgument::Template)
1131  return false;
1132  return InnerMatcher.matches(Node.getAsTemplate(), Finder, Builder);
1133 }
1135 /// Matches a canonical TemplateArgument that refers to a certain
1136 /// declaration.
1137 ///
1138 /// Given
1139 /// \code
1140 /// struct B { int next; };
1141 /// template<int(B::*next_ptr)> struct A {};
1142 /// A<&B::next> a;
1143 /// \endcode
1144 /// classTemplateSpecializationDecl(hasAnyTemplateArgument(
1145 /// refersToDeclaration(fieldDecl(hasName("next")))))
1146 /// matches the specialization \c A<&B::next> with \c fieldDecl(...) matching
1147 /// \c B::next
1148 AST_MATCHER_P(TemplateArgument, refersToDeclaration,
1149  internal::Matcher<Decl>, InnerMatcher) {
1150  if (Node.getKind() == TemplateArgument::Declaration)
1151  return InnerMatcher.matches(*Node.getAsDecl(), Finder, Builder);
1152  return false;
1153 }
1155 /// Matches a sugar TemplateArgument that refers to a certain expression.
1156 ///
1157 /// Given
1158 /// \code
1159 /// struct B { int next; };
1160 /// template<int(B::*next_ptr)> struct A {};
1161 /// A<&B::next> a;
1162 /// \endcode
1163 /// templateSpecializationType(hasAnyTemplateArgument(
1164 /// isExpr(hasDescendant(declRefExpr(to(fieldDecl(hasName("next"))))))))
1165 /// matches the specialization \c A<&B::next> with \c fieldDecl(...) matching
1166 /// \c B::next
1167 AST_MATCHER_P(TemplateArgument, isExpr, internal::Matcher<Expr>, InnerMatcher) {
1168  if (Node.getKind() == TemplateArgument::Expression)
1169  return InnerMatcher.matches(*Node.getAsExpr(), Finder, Builder);
1170  return false;
1171 }
1173 /// Matches a TemplateArgument that is an integral value.
1174 ///
1175 /// Given
1176 /// \code
1177 /// template<int T> struct C {};
1178 /// C<42> c;
1179 /// \endcode
1180 /// classTemplateSpecializationDecl(
1181 /// hasAnyTemplateArgument(isIntegral()))
1182 /// matches the implicit instantiation of C in C<42>
1183 /// with isIntegral() matching 42.
1185  return Node.getKind() == TemplateArgument::Integral;
1186 }
1188 /// Matches a TemplateArgument that refers to an integral type.
1189 ///
1190 /// Given
1191 /// \code
1192 /// template<int T> struct C {};
1193 /// C<42> c;
1194 /// \endcode
1195 /// classTemplateSpecializationDecl(
1196 /// hasAnyTemplateArgument(refersToIntegralType(asString("int"))))
1197 /// matches the implicit instantiation of C in C<42>.
1198 AST_MATCHER_P(TemplateArgument, refersToIntegralType,
1199  internal::Matcher<QualType>, InnerMatcher) {
1200  if (Node.getKind() != TemplateArgument::Integral)
1201  return false;
1202  return InnerMatcher.matches(Node.getIntegralType(), Finder, Builder);
1203 }
1205 /// Matches a TemplateArgument of integral type with a given value.
1206 ///
1207 /// Note that 'Value' is a string as the template argument's value is
1208 /// an arbitrary precision integer. 'Value' must be euqal to the canonical
1209 /// representation of that integral value in base 10.
1210 ///
1211 /// Given
1212 /// \code
1213 /// template<int T> struct C {};
1214 /// C<42> c;
1215 /// \endcode
1216 /// classTemplateSpecializationDecl(
1217 /// hasAnyTemplateArgument(equalsIntegralValue("42")))
1218 /// matches the implicit instantiation of C in C<42>.
1219 AST_MATCHER_P(TemplateArgument, equalsIntegralValue,
1220  std::string, Value) {
1221  if (Node.getKind() != TemplateArgument::Integral)
1222  return false;
1223  return toString(Node.getAsIntegral(), 10) == Value;
1224 }
1226 /// Matches an Objective-C autorelease pool statement.
1227 ///
1228 /// Given
1229 /// \code
1230 /// @autoreleasepool {
1231 /// int x = 0;
1232 /// }
1233 /// \endcode
1234 /// autoreleasePoolStmt(stmt()) matches the declaration of "x"
1235 /// inside the autorelease pool.
1236 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt,
1239 /// Matches any value declaration.
1240 ///
1241 /// Example matches A, B, C and F
1242 /// \code
1243 /// enum X { A, B, C };
1244 /// void F();
1245 /// \endcode
1246 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Decl, ValueDecl> valueDecl;
1248 /// Matches C++ constructor declarations.
1249 ///
1250 /// Example matches Foo::Foo() and Foo::Foo(int)
1251 /// \code
1252 /// class Foo {
1253 /// public:
1254 /// Foo();
1255 /// Foo(int);
1256 /// int DoSomething();
1257 /// };
1258 /// \endcode
1259 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Decl, CXXConstructorDecl>
1262 /// Matches explicit C++ destructor declarations.
1263 ///
1264 /// Example matches Foo::~Foo()
1265 /// \code
1266 /// class Foo {
1267 /// public:
1268 /// virtual ~Foo();
1269 /// };
1270 /// \endcode
1271 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Decl, CXXDestructorDecl>
1274 /// Matches enum declarations.
1275 ///
1276 /// Example matches X
1277 /// \code
1278 /// enum X {
1279 /// A, B, C
1280 /// };
1281 /// \endcode
1282 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Decl, EnumDecl> enumDecl;
1284 /// Matches enum constants.
1285 ///
1286 /// Example matches A, B, C
1287 /// \code
1288 /// enum X {
1289 /// A, B, C
1290 /// };
1291 /// \endcode
1292 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Decl, EnumConstantDecl>
1295 /// Matches tag declarations.
1296 ///
1297 /// Example matches X, Z, U, S, E
1298 /// \code
1299 /// class X;
1300 /// template<class T> class Z {};
1301 /// struct S {};
1302 /// union U {};
1303 /// enum E {
1304 /// A, B, C
1305 /// };
1306 /// \endcode
1307 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Decl, TagDecl> tagDecl;
1309 /// Matches method declarations.
1310 ///
1311 /// Example matches y
1312 /// \code
1313 /// class X { void y(); };
1314 /// \endcode
1315 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Decl, CXXMethodDecl>
1316  cxxMethodDecl;
1318 /// Matches conversion operator declarations.
1319 ///
1320 /// Example matches the operator.
1321 /// \code
1322 /// class X { operator int() const; };
1323 /// \endcode
1324 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Decl, CXXConversionDecl>
1327 /// Matches user-defined and implicitly generated deduction guide.
1328 ///
1329 /// Example matches the deduction guide.
1330 /// \code
1331 /// template<typename T>
1332 /// class X { X(int) };
1333 /// X(int) -> X<int>;
1334 /// \endcode
1335 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Decl, CXXDeductionGuideDecl>
1338 /// Matches concept declarations.
1339 ///
1340 /// Example matches integral
1341 /// \code
1342 /// template<typename T>
1343 /// concept integral = std::is_integral_v<T>;
1344 /// \endcode
1345 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Decl, ConceptDecl>
1346  conceptDecl;
1348 /// Matches variable declarations.
1349 ///
1350 /// Note: this does not match declarations of member variables, which are
1351 /// "field" declarations in Clang parlance.
1352 ///
1353 /// Example matches a
1354 /// \code
1355 /// int a;
1356 /// \endcode
1357 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Decl, VarDecl> varDecl;
1359 /// Matches field declarations.
1360 ///
1361 /// Given
1362 /// \code
1363 /// class X { int m; };
1364 /// \endcode
1365 /// fieldDecl()
1366 /// matches 'm'.
1367 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Decl, FieldDecl> fieldDecl;
1369 /// Matches indirect field declarations.
1370 ///
1371 /// Given
1372 /// \code
1373 /// struct X { struct { int a; }; };
1374 /// \endcode
1375 /// indirectFieldDecl()
1376 /// matches 'a'.
1377 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Decl, IndirectFieldDecl>
1380 /// Matches function declarations.
1381 ///
1382 /// Example matches f
1383 /// \code
1384 /// void f();
1385 /// \endcode
1386 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Decl, FunctionDecl>
1387  functionDecl;
1389 /// Matches C++ function template declarations.
1390 ///
1391 /// Example matches f
1392 /// \code
1393 /// template<class T> void f(T t) {}
1394 /// \endcode
1395 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Decl, FunctionTemplateDecl>
1398 /// Matches friend declarations.
1399 ///
1400 /// Given
1401 /// \code
1402 /// class X { friend void foo(); };
1403 /// \endcode
1404 /// friendDecl()
1405 /// matches 'friend void foo()'.
1406 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Decl, FriendDecl> friendDecl;
1408 /// Matches statements.
1409 ///
1410 /// Given
1411 /// \code
1412 /// { ++a; }
1413 /// \endcode
1414 /// stmt()
1415 /// matches both the compound statement '{ ++a; }' and '++a'.
1416 extern const internal::VariadicAllOfMatcher<Stmt> stmt;
1418 /// Matches declaration statements.
1419 ///
1420 /// Given
1421 /// \code
1422 /// int a;
1423 /// \endcode
1424 /// declStmt()
1425 /// matches 'int a'.
1426 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, DeclStmt> declStmt;
1428 /// Matches member expressions.
1429 ///
1430 /// Given
1431 /// \code
1432 /// class Y {
1433 /// void x() { this->x(); x(); Y y; y.x(); a; this->b; Y::b; }
1434 /// int a; static int b;
1435 /// };
1436 /// \endcode
1437 /// memberExpr()
1438 /// matches this->x, x, y.x, a, this->b
1439 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, MemberExpr> memberExpr;
1441 /// Matches unresolved member expressions.
1442 ///
1443 /// Given
1444 /// \code
1445 /// struct X {
1446 /// template <class T> void f();
1447 /// void g();
1448 /// };
1449 /// template <class T> void h() { X x; x.f<T>(); x.g(); }
1450 /// \endcode
1451 /// unresolvedMemberExpr()
1452 /// matches x.f<T>
1453 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, UnresolvedMemberExpr>
1456 /// Matches member expressions where the actual member referenced could not be
1457 /// resolved because the base expression or the member name was dependent.
1458 ///
1459 /// Given
1460 /// \code
1461 /// template <class T> void f() { T t; t.g(); }
1462 /// \endcode
1463 /// cxxDependentScopeMemberExpr()
1464 /// matches t.g
1465 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt,
1469 /// Matches call expressions.
1470 ///
1471 /// Example matches x.y() and y()
1472 /// \code
1473 /// X x;
1474 /// x.y();
1475 /// y();
1476 /// \endcode
1477 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, CallExpr> callExpr;
1479 /// Matches call expressions which were resolved using ADL.
1480 ///
1481 /// Example matches y(x) but not y(42) or NS::y(x).
1482 /// \code
1483 /// namespace NS {
1484 /// struct X {};
1485 /// void y(X);
1486 /// }
1487 ///
1488 /// void y(...);
1489 ///
1490 /// void test() {
1491 /// NS::X x;
1492 /// y(x); // Matches
1493 /// NS::y(x); // Doesn't match
1494 /// y(42); // Doesn't match
1495 /// using NS::y;
1496 /// y(x); // Found by both unqualified lookup and ADL, doesn't match
1497 // }
1498 /// \endcode
1499 AST_MATCHER(CallExpr, usesADL) { return Node.usesADL(); }
1501 /// Matches lambda expressions.
1502 ///
1503 /// Example matches [&](){return 5;}
1504 /// \code
1505 /// [&](){return 5;}
1506 /// \endcode
1507 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, LambdaExpr> lambdaExpr;
1509 /// Matches member call expressions.
1510 ///
1511 /// Example matches x.y()
1512 /// \code
1513 /// X x;
1514 /// x.y();
1515 /// \endcode
1516 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, CXXMemberCallExpr>
1519 /// Matches ObjectiveC Message invocation expressions.
1520 ///
1521 /// The innermost message send invokes the "alloc" class method on the
1522 /// NSString class, while the outermost message send invokes the
1523 /// "initWithString" instance method on the object returned from
1524 /// NSString's "alloc". This matcher should match both message sends.
1525 /// \code
1526 /// [[NSString alloc] initWithString:@"Hello"]
1527 /// \endcode
1528 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, ObjCMessageExpr>
1531 /// Matches ObjectiveC String literal expressions.
1532 ///
1533 /// Example matches @"abcd"
1534 /// \code
1535 /// NSString *s = @"abcd";
1536 /// \endcode
1537 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, ObjCStringLiteral>
1540 /// Matches Objective-C interface declarations.
1541 ///
1542 /// Example matches Foo
1543 /// \code
1544 /// @interface Foo
1545 /// @end
1546 /// \endcode
1547 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Decl, ObjCInterfaceDecl>
1550 /// Matches Objective-C implementation declarations.
1551 ///
1552 /// Example matches Foo
1553 /// \code
1554 /// @implementation Foo
1555 /// @end
1556 /// \endcode
1557 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Decl, ObjCImplementationDecl>
1560 /// Matches Objective-C protocol declarations.
1561 ///
1562 /// Example matches FooDelegate
1563 /// \code
1564 /// @protocol FooDelegate
1565 /// @end
1566 /// \endcode
1567 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Decl, ObjCProtocolDecl>
1570 /// Matches Objective-C category declarations.
1571 ///
1572 /// Example matches Foo (Additions)
1573 /// \code
1574 /// @interface Foo (Additions)
1575 /// @end
1576 /// \endcode
1577 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Decl, ObjCCategoryDecl>
1580 /// Matches Objective-C category definitions.
1581 ///
1582 /// Example matches Foo (Additions)
1583 /// \code
1584 /// @implementation Foo (Additions)
1585 /// @end
1586 /// \endcode
1587 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Decl, ObjCCategoryImplDecl>
1590 /// Matches Objective-C method declarations.
1591 ///
1592 /// Example matches both declaration and definition of -[Foo method]
1593 /// \code
1594 /// @interface Foo
1595 /// - (void)method;
1596 /// @end
1597 ///
1598 /// @implementation Foo
1599 /// - (void)method {}
1600 /// @end
1601 /// \endcode
1602 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Decl, ObjCMethodDecl>
1605 /// Matches block declarations.
1606 ///
1607 /// Example matches the declaration of the nameless block printing an input
1608 /// integer.
1609 ///
1610 /// \code
1611 /// myFunc(^(int p) {
1612 /// printf("%d", p);
1613 /// })
1614 /// \endcode
1615 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Decl, BlockDecl>
1616  blockDecl;
1618 /// Matches Objective-C instance variable declarations.
1619 ///
1620 /// Example matches _enabled
1621 /// \code
1622 /// @implementation Foo {
1623 /// BOOL _enabled;
1624 /// }
1625 /// @end
1626 /// \endcode
1627 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Decl, ObjCIvarDecl>
1628  objcIvarDecl;
1630 /// Matches Objective-C property declarations.
1631 ///
1632 /// Example matches enabled
1633 /// \code
1634 /// @interface Foo
1635 /// @property BOOL enabled;
1636 /// @end
1637 /// \endcode
1638 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Decl, ObjCPropertyDecl>
1641 /// Matches Objective-C \@throw statements.
1642 ///
1643 /// Example matches \@throw
1644 /// \code
1645 /// @throw obj;
1646 /// \endcode
1647 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, ObjCAtThrowStmt>
1648  objcThrowStmt;
1650 /// Matches Objective-C @try statements.
1651 ///
1652 /// Example matches @try
1653 /// \code
1654 /// @try {}
1655 /// @catch (...) {}
1656 /// \endcode
1657 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, ObjCAtTryStmt>
1658  objcTryStmt;
1660 /// Matches Objective-C @catch statements.
1661 ///
1662 /// Example matches @catch
1663 /// \code
1664 /// @try {}
1665 /// @catch (...) {}
1666 /// \endcode
1667 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, ObjCAtCatchStmt>
1668  objcCatchStmt;
1670 /// Matches Objective-C @finally statements.
1671 ///
1672 /// Example matches @finally
1673 /// \code
1674 /// @try {}
1675 /// @finally {}
1676 /// \endcode
1677 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, ObjCAtFinallyStmt>
1680 /// Matches expressions that introduce cleanups to be run at the end
1681 /// of the sub-expression's evaluation.
1682 ///
1683 /// Example matches std::string()
1684 /// \code
1685 /// const std::string str = std::string();
1686 /// \endcode
1687 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, ExprWithCleanups>
1690 /// Matches init list expressions.
1691 ///
1692 /// Given
1693 /// \code
1694 /// int a[] = { 1, 2 };
1695 /// struct B { int x, y; };
1696 /// B b = { 5, 6 };
1697 /// \endcode
1698 /// initListExpr()
1699 /// matches "{ 1, 2 }" and "{ 5, 6 }"
1700 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, InitListExpr>
1701  initListExpr;
1703 /// Matches the syntactic form of init list expressions
1704 /// (if expression have it).
1705 AST_MATCHER_P(InitListExpr, hasSyntacticForm,
1706  internal::Matcher<Expr>, InnerMatcher) {
1707  const Expr *SyntForm = Node.getSyntacticForm();
1708  return (SyntForm != nullptr &&
1709  InnerMatcher.matches(*SyntForm, Finder, Builder));
1710 }
1712 /// Matches C++ initializer list expressions.
1713 ///
1714 /// Given
1715 /// \code
1716 /// std::vector<int> a({ 1, 2, 3 });
1717 /// std::vector<int> b = { 4, 5 };
1718 /// int c[] = { 6, 7 };
1719 /// std::pair<int, int> d = { 8, 9 };
1720 /// \endcode
1721 /// cxxStdInitializerListExpr()
1722 /// matches "{ 1, 2, 3 }" and "{ 4, 5 }"
1723 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt,
1727 /// Matches implicit initializers of init list expressions.
1728 ///
1729 /// Given
1730 /// \code
1731 /// point ptarray[10] = { [2].y = 1.0, [2].x = 2.0, [0].x = 1.0 };
1732 /// \endcode
1733 /// implicitValueInitExpr()
1734 /// matches "[0].y" (implicitly)
1735 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, ImplicitValueInitExpr>
1738 /// Matches paren list expressions.
1739 /// ParenListExprs don't have a predefined type and are used for late parsing.
1740 /// In the final AST, they can be met in template declarations.
1741 ///
1742 /// Given
1743 /// \code
1744 /// template<typename T> class X {
1745 /// void f() {
1746 /// X x(*this);
1747 /// int a = 0, b = 1; int i = (a, b);
1748 /// }
1749 /// };
1750 /// \endcode
1751 /// parenListExpr() matches "*this" but NOT matches (a, b) because (a, b)
1752 /// has a predefined type and is a ParenExpr, not a ParenListExpr.
1753 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, ParenListExpr>
1754  parenListExpr;
1756 /// Matches substitutions of non-type template parameters.
1757 ///
1758 /// Given
1759 /// \code
1760 /// template <int N>
1761 /// struct A { static const int n = N; };
1762 /// struct B : public A<42> {};
1763 /// \endcode
1764 /// substNonTypeTemplateParmExpr()
1765 /// matches "N" in the right-hand side of "static const int n = N;"
1766 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt,
1770 /// Matches using declarations.
1771 ///
1772 /// Given
1773 /// \code
1774 /// namespace X { int x; }
1775 /// using X::x;
1776 /// \endcode
1777 /// usingDecl()
1778 /// matches \code using X::x \endcode
1779 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Decl, UsingDecl> usingDecl;
1781 /// Matches using-enum declarations.
1782 ///
1783 /// Given
1784 /// \code
1785 /// namespace X { enum x {...}; }
1786 /// using enum X::x;
1787 /// \endcode
1788 /// usingEnumDecl()
1789 /// matches \code using enum X::x \endcode
1790 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Decl, UsingEnumDecl>
1791  usingEnumDecl;
1793 /// Matches using namespace declarations.
1794 ///
1795 /// Given
1796 /// \code
1797 /// namespace X { int x; }
1798 /// using namespace X;
1799 /// \endcode
1800 /// usingDirectiveDecl()
1801 /// matches \code using namespace X \endcode
1802 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Decl, UsingDirectiveDecl>
1805 /// Matches reference to a name that can be looked up during parsing
1806 /// but could not be resolved to a specific declaration.
1807 ///
1808 /// Given
1809 /// \code
1810 /// template<typename T>
1811 /// T foo() { T a; return a; }
1812 /// template<typename T>
1813 /// void bar() {
1814 /// foo<T>();
1815 /// }
1816 /// \endcode
1817 /// unresolvedLookupExpr()
1818 /// matches \code foo<T>() \endcode
1819 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, UnresolvedLookupExpr>
1822 /// Matches unresolved using value declarations.
1823 ///
1824 /// Given
1825 /// \code
1826 /// template<typename X>
1827 /// class C : private X {
1828 /// using X::x;
1829 /// };
1830 /// \endcode
1831 /// unresolvedUsingValueDecl()
1832 /// matches \code using X::x \endcode
1833 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Decl,
1837 /// Matches unresolved using value declarations that involve the
1838 /// typename.
1839 ///
1840 /// Given
1841 /// \code
1842 /// template <typename T>
1843 /// struct Base { typedef T Foo; };
1844 ///
1845 /// template<typename T>
1846 /// struct S : private Base<T> {
1847 /// using typename Base<T>::Foo;
1848 /// };
1849 /// \endcode
1850 /// unresolvedUsingTypenameDecl()
1851 /// matches \code using Base<T>::Foo \endcode
1852 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Decl,
1856 /// Matches a constant expression wrapper.
1857 ///
1858 /// Example matches the constant in the case statement:
1859 /// (matcher = constantExpr())
1860 /// \code
1861 /// switch (a) {
1862 /// case 37: break;
1863 /// }
1864 /// \endcode
1865 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, ConstantExpr>
1866  constantExpr;
1868 /// Matches parentheses used in expressions.
1869 ///
1870 /// Example matches (foo() + 1)
1871 /// \code
1872 /// int foo() { return 1; }
1873 /// int a = (foo() + 1);
1874 /// \endcode
1875 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, ParenExpr> parenExpr;
1877 /// Matches constructor call expressions (including implicit ones).
1878 ///
1879 /// Example matches string(ptr, n) and ptr within arguments of f
1880 /// (matcher = cxxConstructExpr())
1881 /// \code
1882 /// void f(const string &a, const string &b);
1883 /// char *ptr;
1884 /// int n;
1885 /// f(string(ptr, n), ptr);
1886 /// \endcode
1887 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, CXXConstructExpr>
1890 /// Matches unresolved constructor call expressions.
1891 ///
1892 /// Example matches T(t) in return statement of f
1893 /// (matcher = cxxUnresolvedConstructExpr())
1894 /// \code
1895 /// template <typename T>
1896 /// void f(const T& t) { return T(t); }
1897 /// \endcode
1898 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt,
1902 /// Matches implicit and explicit this expressions.
1903 ///
1904 /// Example matches the implicit this expression in "return i".
1905 /// (matcher = cxxThisExpr())
1906 /// \code
1907 /// struct foo {
1908 /// int i;
1909 /// int f() { return i; }
1910 /// };
1911 /// \endcode
1912 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, CXXThisExpr>
1913  cxxThisExpr;
1915 /// Matches nodes where temporaries are created.
1916 ///
1917 /// Example matches FunctionTakesString(GetStringByValue())
1918 /// (matcher = cxxBindTemporaryExpr())
1919 /// \code
1920 /// FunctionTakesString(GetStringByValue());
1921 /// FunctionTakesStringByPointer(GetStringPointer());
1922 /// \endcode
1923 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, CXXBindTemporaryExpr>
1926 /// Matches nodes where temporaries are materialized.
1927 ///
1928 /// Example: Given
1929 /// \code
1930 /// struct T {void func();};
1931 /// T f();
1932 /// void g(T);
1933 /// \endcode
1934 /// materializeTemporaryExpr() matches 'f()' in these statements
1935 /// \code
1936 /// T u(f());
1937 /// g(f());
1938 /// f().func();
1939 /// \endcode
1940 /// but does not match
1941 /// \code
1942 /// f();
1943 /// \endcode
1944 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt,
1948 /// Matches new expressions.
1949 ///
1950 /// Given
1951 /// \code
1952 /// new X;
1953 /// \endcode
1954 /// cxxNewExpr()
1955 /// matches 'new X'.
1956 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, CXXNewExpr> cxxNewExpr;
1958 /// Matches delete expressions.
1959 ///
1960 /// Given
1961 /// \code
1962 /// delete X;
1963 /// \endcode
1964 /// cxxDeleteExpr()
1965 /// matches 'delete X'.
1966 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, CXXDeleteExpr>
1967  cxxDeleteExpr;
1969 /// Matches noexcept expressions.
1970 ///
1971 /// Given
1972 /// \code
1973 /// bool a() noexcept;
1974 /// bool b() noexcept(true);
1975 /// bool c() noexcept(false);
1976 /// bool d() noexcept(noexcept(a()));
1977 /// bool e = noexcept(b()) || noexcept(c());
1978 /// \endcode
1979 /// cxxNoexceptExpr()
1980 /// matches `noexcept(a())`, `noexcept(b())` and `noexcept(c())`.
1981 /// doesn't match the noexcept specifier in the declarations a, b, c or d.
1982 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, CXXNoexceptExpr>
1985 /// Matches a loop initializing the elements of an array in a number of contexts:
1986 /// * in the implicit copy/move constructor for a class with an array member
1987 /// * when a lambda-expression captures an array by value
1988 /// * when a decomposition declaration decomposes an array
1989 ///
1990 /// Given
1991 /// \code
1992 /// void testLambdaCapture() {
1993 /// int a[10];
1994 /// auto Lam1 = [a]() {
1995 /// return;
1996 /// };
1997 /// }
1998 /// \endcode
1999 /// arrayInitLoopExpr() matches the implicit loop that initializes each element of
2000 /// the implicit array field inside the lambda object, that represents the array `a`
2001 /// captured by value.
2002 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, ArrayInitLoopExpr>
2005 /// The arrayInitIndexExpr consists of two subexpressions: a common expression
2006 /// (the source array) that is evaluated once up-front, and a per-element initializer
2007 /// that runs once for each array element. Within the per-element initializer,
2008 /// the current index may be obtained via an ArrayInitIndexExpr.
2009 ///
2010 /// Given
2011 /// \code
2012 /// void testStructBinding() {
2013 /// int a[2] = {1, 2};
2014 /// auto [x, y] = a;
2015 /// }
2016 /// \endcode
2017 /// arrayInitIndexExpr() matches the array index that implicitly iterates
2018 /// over the array `a` to copy each element to the anonymous array
2019 /// that backs the structured binding `[x, y]` elements of which are
2020 /// referred to by their aliases `x` and `y`.
2021 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, ArrayInitIndexExpr>
2024 /// Matches array subscript expressions.
2025 ///
2026 /// Given
2027 /// \code
2028 /// int i = a[1];
2029 /// \endcode
2030 /// arraySubscriptExpr()
2031 /// matches "a[1]"
2032 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, ArraySubscriptExpr>
2035 /// Matches the value of a default argument at the call site.
2036 ///
2037 /// Example matches the CXXDefaultArgExpr placeholder inserted for the
2038 /// default value of the second parameter in the call expression f(42)
2039 /// (matcher = cxxDefaultArgExpr())
2040 /// \code
2041 /// void f(int x, int y = 0);
2042 /// f(42);
2043 /// \endcode
2044 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, CXXDefaultArgExpr>
2047 /// Matches overloaded operator calls.
2048 ///
2049 /// Note that if an operator isn't overloaded, it won't match. Instead, use
2050 /// binaryOperator matcher.
2051 /// Currently it does not match operators such as new delete.
2052 /// FIXME: figure out why these do not match?
2053 ///
2054 /// Example matches both operator<<((o << b), c) and operator<<(o, b)
2055 /// (matcher = cxxOperatorCallExpr())
2056 /// \code
2057 /// ostream &operator<< (ostream &out, int i) { };
2058 /// ostream &o; int b = 1, c = 1;
2059 /// o << b << c;
2060 /// \endcode
2061 /// See also the binaryOperation() matcher for more-general matching of binary
2062 /// uses of this AST node.
2063 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, CXXOperatorCallExpr>
2066 /// Matches C++17 fold expressions.
2067 ///
2068 /// Example matches `(0 + ... + args)`:
2069 /// \code
2070 /// template <typename... Args>
2071 /// auto sum(Args... args) {
2072 /// return (0 + ... + args);
2073 /// }
2074 /// \endcode
2075 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, CXXFoldExpr>
2076  cxxFoldExpr;
2078 /// Matches rewritten binary operators
2079 ///
2080 /// Example matches use of "<":
2081 /// \code
2082 /// #include <compare>
2083 /// struct HasSpaceshipMem {
2084 /// int a;
2085 /// constexpr auto operator<=>(const HasSpaceshipMem&) const = default;
2086 /// };
2087 /// void compare() {
2088 /// HasSpaceshipMem hs1, hs2;
2089 /// if (hs1 < hs2)
2090 /// return;
2091 /// }
2092 /// \endcode
2093 /// See also the binaryOperation() matcher for more-general matching
2094 /// of this AST node.
2095 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt,
2099 /// Matches expressions.
2100 ///
2101 /// Example matches x()
2102 /// \code
2103 /// void f() { x(); }
2104 /// \endcode
2105 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, Expr> expr;
2107 /// Matches expressions that refer to declarations.
2108 ///
2109 /// Example matches x in if (x)
2110 /// \code
2111 /// bool x;
2112 /// if (x) {}
2113 /// \endcode
2114 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, DeclRefExpr>
2115  declRefExpr;
2117 /// Matches a reference to an ObjCIvar.
2118 ///
2119 /// Example: matches "a" in "init" method:
2120 /// \code
2121 /// @implementation A {
2122 /// NSString *a;
2123 /// }
2124 /// - (void) init {
2125 /// a = @"hello";
2126 /// }
2127 /// \endcode
2128 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, ObjCIvarRefExpr>
2131 /// Matches a reference to a block.
2132 ///
2133 /// Example: matches "^{}":
2134 /// \code
2135 /// void f() { ^{}(); }
2136 /// \endcode
2137 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, BlockExpr> blockExpr;
2139 /// Matches if statements.
2140 ///
2141 /// Example matches 'if (x) {}'
2142 /// \code
2143 /// if (x) {}
2144 /// \endcode
2145 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, IfStmt> ifStmt;
2147 /// Matches for statements.
2148 ///
2149 /// Example matches 'for (;;) {}'
2150 /// \code
2151 /// for (;;) {}
2152 /// int i[] = {1, 2, 3}; for (auto a : i);
2153 /// \endcode
2154 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, ForStmt> forStmt;
2156 /// Matches the increment statement of a for loop.
2157 ///
2158 /// Example:
2159 /// forStmt(hasIncrement(unaryOperator(hasOperatorName("++"))))
2160 /// matches '++x' in
2161 /// \code
2162 /// for (x; x < N; ++x) { }
2163 /// \endcode
2164 AST_MATCHER_P(ForStmt, hasIncrement, internal::Matcher<Stmt>,
2165  InnerMatcher) {
2166  const Stmt *const Increment = Node.getInc();
2167  return (Increment != nullptr &&
2168  InnerMatcher.matches(*Increment, Finder, Builder));
2169 }
2171 /// Matches the initialization statement of a for loop.
2172 ///
2173 /// Example:
2174 /// forStmt(hasLoopInit(declStmt()))
2175 /// matches 'int x = 0' in
2176 /// \code
2177 /// for (int x = 0; x < N; ++x) { }
2178 /// \endcode
2179 AST_MATCHER_P(ForStmt, hasLoopInit, internal::Matcher<Stmt>,
2180  InnerMatcher) {
2181  const Stmt *const Init = Node.getInit();
2182  return (Init != nullptr && InnerMatcher.matches(*Init, Finder, Builder));
2183 }
2185 /// Matches range-based for statements.
2186 ///
2187 /// cxxForRangeStmt() matches 'for (auto a : i)'
2188 /// \code
2189 /// int i[] = {1, 2, 3}; for (auto a : i);
2190 /// for(int j = 0; j < 5; ++j);
2191 /// \endcode
2192 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, CXXForRangeStmt>
2195 /// Matches the initialization statement of a for loop.
2196 ///
2197 /// Example:
2198 /// forStmt(hasLoopVariable(anything()))
2199 /// matches 'int x' in
2200 /// \code
2201 /// for (int x : a) { }
2202 /// \endcode
2203 AST_MATCHER_P(CXXForRangeStmt, hasLoopVariable, internal::Matcher<VarDecl>,
2204  InnerMatcher) {
2205  const VarDecl *const Var = Node.getLoopVariable();
2206  return (Var != nullptr && InnerMatcher.matches(*Var, Finder, Builder));
2207 }
2209 /// Matches the range initialization statement of a for loop.
2210 ///
2211 /// Example:
2212 /// forStmt(hasRangeInit(anything()))
2213 /// matches 'a' in
2214 /// \code
2215 /// for (int x : a) { }
2216 /// \endcode
2217 AST_MATCHER_P(CXXForRangeStmt, hasRangeInit, internal::Matcher<Expr>,
2218  InnerMatcher) {
2219  const Expr *const Init = Node.getRangeInit();
2220  return (Init != nullptr && InnerMatcher.matches(*Init, Finder, Builder));
2221 }
2223 /// Matches while statements.
2224 ///
2225 /// Given
2226 /// \code
2227 /// while (true) {}
2228 /// \endcode
2229 /// whileStmt()
2230 /// matches 'while (true) {}'.
2231 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, WhileStmt> whileStmt;
2233 /// Matches do statements.
2234 ///
2235 /// Given
2236 /// \code
2237 /// do {} while (true);
2238 /// \endcode
2239 /// doStmt()
2240 /// matches 'do {} while(true)'
2241 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, DoStmt> doStmt;
2243 /// Matches break statements.
2244 ///
2245 /// Given
2246 /// \code
2247 /// while (true) { break; }
2248 /// \endcode
2249 /// breakStmt()
2250 /// matches 'break'
2251 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, BreakStmt> breakStmt;
2253 /// Matches continue statements.
2254 ///
2255 /// Given
2256 /// \code
2257 /// while (true) { continue; }
2258 /// \endcode
2259 /// continueStmt()
2260 /// matches 'continue'
2261 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, ContinueStmt>
2262  continueStmt;
2264 /// Matches co_return statements.
2265 ///
2266 /// Given
2267 /// \code
2268 /// while (true) { co_return; }
2269 /// \endcode
2270 /// coreturnStmt()
2271 /// matches 'co_return'
2272 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, CoreturnStmt>
2273  coreturnStmt;
2275 /// Matches return statements.
2276 ///
2277 /// Given
2278 /// \code
2279 /// return 1;
2280 /// \endcode
2281 /// returnStmt()
2282 /// matches 'return 1'
2283 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, ReturnStmt> returnStmt;
2285 /// Matches goto statements.
2286 ///
2287 /// Given
2288 /// \code
2289 /// goto FOO;
2290 /// FOO: bar();
2291 /// \endcode
2292 /// gotoStmt()
2293 /// matches 'goto FOO'
2294 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, GotoStmt> gotoStmt;
2296 /// Matches label statements.
2297 ///
2298 /// Given
2299 /// \code
2300 /// goto FOO;
2301 /// FOO: bar();
2302 /// \endcode
2303 /// labelStmt()
2304 /// matches 'FOO:'
2305 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, LabelStmt> labelStmt;
2307 /// Matches address of label statements (GNU extension).
2308 ///
2309 /// Given
2310 /// \code
2311 /// FOO: bar();
2312 /// void *ptr = &&FOO;
2313 /// goto *bar;
2314 /// \endcode
2315 /// addrLabelExpr()
2316 /// matches '&&FOO'
2317 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, AddrLabelExpr>
2318  addrLabelExpr;
2320 /// Matches switch statements.
2321 ///
2322 /// Given
2323 /// \code
2324 /// switch(a) { case 42: break; default: break; }
2325 /// \endcode
2326 /// switchStmt()
2327 /// matches 'switch(a)'.
2328 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, SwitchStmt> switchStmt;
2330 /// Matches case and default statements inside switch statements.
2331 ///
2332 /// Given
2333 /// \code
2334 /// switch(a) { case 42: break; default: break; }
2335 /// \endcode
2336 /// switchCase()
2337 /// matches 'case 42:' and 'default:'.
2338 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, SwitchCase> switchCase;
2340 /// Matches case statements inside switch statements.
2341 ///
2342 /// Given
2343 /// \code
2344 /// switch(a) { case 42: break; default: break; }
2345 /// \endcode
2346 /// caseStmt()
2347 /// matches 'case 42:'.
2348 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, CaseStmt> caseStmt;
2350 /// Matches default statements inside switch statements.
2351 ///
2352 /// Given
2353 /// \code
2354 /// switch(a) { case 42: break; default: break; }
2355 /// \endcode
2356 /// defaultStmt()
2357 /// matches 'default:'.
2358 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, DefaultStmt>
2359  defaultStmt;
2361 /// Matches compound statements.
2362 ///
2363 /// Example matches '{}' and '{{}}' in 'for (;;) {{}}'
2364 /// \code
2365 /// for (;;) {{}}
2366 /// \endcode
2367 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, CompoundStmt>
2368  compoundStmt;
2370 /// Matches catch statements.
2371 ///
2372 /// \code
2373 /// try {} catch(int i) {}
2374 /// \endcode
2375 /// cxxCatchStmt()
2376 /// matches 'catch(int i)'
2377 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, CXXCatchStmt>
2378  cxxCatchStmt;
2380 /// Matches try statements.
2381 ///
2382 /// \code
2383 /// try {} catch(int i) {}
2384 /// \endcode
2385 /// cxxTryStmt()
2386 /// matches 'try {}'
2387 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, CXXTryStmt> cxxTryStmt;
2389 /// Matches throw expressions.
2390 ///
2391 /// \code
2392 /// try { throw 5; } catch(int i) {}
2393 /// \endcode
2394 /// cxxThrowExpr()
2395 /// matches 'throw 5'
2396 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, CXXThrowExpr>
2397  cxxThrowExpr;
2399 /// Matches null statements.
2400 ///
2401 /// \code
2402 /// foo();;
2403 /// \endcode
2404 /// nullStmt()
2405 /// matches the second ';'
2406 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, NullStmt> nullStmt;
2408 /// Matches asm statements.
2409 ///
2410 /// \code
2411 /// int i = 100;
2412 /// __asm("mov al, 2");
2413 /// \endcode
2414 /// asmStmt()
2415 /// matches '__asm("mov al, 2")'
2416 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, AsmStmt> asmStmt;
2418 /// Matches bool literals.
2419 ///
2420 /// Example matches true
2421 /// \code
2422 /// true
2423 /// \endcode
2424 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, CXXBoolLiteralExpr>
2427 /// Matches string literals (also matches wide string literals).
2428 ///
2429 /// Example matches "abcd", L"abcd"
2430 /// \code
2431 /// char *s = "abcd";
2432 /// wchar_t *ws = L"abcd";
2433 /// \endcode
2434 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, StringLiteral>
2435  stringLiteral;
2437 /// Matches character literals (also matches wchar_t).
2438 ///
2439 /// Not matching Hex-encoded chars (e.g. 0x1234, which is a IntegerLiteral),
2440 /// though.
2441 ///
2442 /// Example matches 'a', L'a'
2443 /// \code
2444 /// char ch = 'a';
2445 /// wchar_t chw = L'a';
2446 /// \endcode
2447 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, CharacterLiteral>
2450 /// Matches integer literals of all sizes / encodings, e.g.
2451 /// 1, 1L, 0x1 and 1U.
2452 ///
2453 /// Does not match character-encoded integers such as L'a'.
2454 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, IntegerLiteral>
2457 /// Matches float literals of all sizes / encodings, e.g.
2458 /// 1.0, 1.0f, 1.0L and 1e10.
2459 ///
2460 /// Does not match implicit conversions such as
2461 /// \code
2462 /// float a = 10;
2463 /// \endcode
2464 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, FloatingLiteral>
2465  floatLiteral;
2467 /// Matches imaginary literals, which are based on integer and floating
2468 /// point literals e.g.: 1i, 1.0i
2469 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, ImaginaryLiteral>
2472 /// Matches fixed point literals
2473 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, FixedPointLiteral>
2476 /// Matches user defined literal operator call.
2477 ///
2478 /// Example match: "foo"_suffix
2479 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, UserDefinedLiteral>
2482 /// Matches compound (i.e. non-scalar) literals
2483 ///
2484 /// Example match: {1}, (1, 2)
2485 /// \code
2486 /// int array[4] = {1};
2487 /// vector int myvec = (vector int)(1, 2);
2488 /// \endcode
2489 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, CompoundLiteralExpr>
2492 /// Matches co_await expressions.
2493 ///
2494 /// Given
2495 /// \code
2496 /// co_await 1;
2497 /// \endcode
2498 /// coawaitExpr()
2499 /// matches 'co_await 1'
2500 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, CoawaitExpr>
2501  coawaitExpr;
2502 /// Matches co_await expressions where the type of the promise is dependent
2503 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, DependentCoawaitExpr>
2505 /// Matches co_yield expressions.
2506 ///
2507 /// Given
2508 /// \code
2509 /// co_yield 1;
2510 /// \endcode
2511 /// coyieldExpr()
2512 /// matches 'co_yield 1'
2513 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, CoyieldExpr>
2514  coyieldExpr;
2516 /// Matches coroutine body statements.
2517 ///
2518 /// coroutineBodyStmt() matches the coroutine below
2519 /// \code
2520 /// generator<int> gen() {
2521 /// co_return;
2522 /// }
2523 /// \endcode
2524 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, CoroutineBodyStmt>
2527 /// Matches nullptr literal.
2528 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, CXXNullPtrLiteralExpr>
2531 /// Matches GNU __builtin_choose_expr.
2532 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, ChooseExpr>
2533  chooseExpr;
2535 /// Matches builtin function __builtin_convertvector.
2536 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, ConvertVectorExpr>
2539 /// Matches GNU __null expression.
2540 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, GNUNullExpr>
2541  gnuNullExpr;
2543 /// Matches C11 _Generic expression.
2544 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, GenericSelectionExpr>
2547 /// Matches atomic builtins.
2548 /// Example matches __atomic_load_n(ptr, 1)
2549 /// \code
2550 /// void foo() { int *ptr; __atomic_load_n(ptr, 1); }
2551 /// \endcode
2552 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, AtomicExpr> atomicExpr;
2554 /// Matches statement expression (GNU extension).
2555 ///
2556 /// Example match: ({ int X = 4; X; })
2557 /// \code
2558 /// int C = ({ int X = 4; X; });
2559 /// \endcode
2560 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, StmtExpr> stmtExpr;
2562 /// Matches binary operator expressions.
2563 ///
2564 /// Example matches a || b
2565 /// \code
2566 /// !(a || b)
2567 /// \endcode
2568 /// See also the binaryOperation() matcher for more-general matching.
2569 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, BinaryOperator>
2572 /// Matches unary operator expressions.
2573 ///
2574 /// Example matches !a
2575 /// \code
2576 /// !a || b
2577 /// \endcode
2578 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, UnaryOperator>
2579  unaryOperator;
2581 /// Matches conditional operator expressions.
2582 ///
2583 /// Example matches a ? b : c
2584 /// \code
2585 /// (a ? b : c) + 42
2586 /// \endcode
2587 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, ConditionalOperator>
2590 /// Matches binary conditional operator expressions (GNU extension).
2591 ///
2592 /// Example matches a ?: b
2593 /// \code
2594 /// (a ?: b) + 42;
2595 /// \endcode
2596 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt,
2600 /// Matches opaque value expressions. They are used as helpers
2601 /// to reference another expressions and can be met
2602 /// in BinaryConditionalOperators, for example.
2603 ///
2604 /// Example matches 'a'
2605 /// \code
2606 /// (a ?: c) + 42;
2607 /// \endcode
2608 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, OpaqueValueExpr>
2611 /// Matches a C++ static_assert declaration.
2612 ///
2613 /// Example:
2614 /// staticAssertDecl()
2615 /// matches
2616 /// static_assert(sizeof(S) == sizeof(int))
2617 /// in
2618 /// \code
2619 /// struct S {
2620 /// int x;
2621 /// };
2622 /// static_assert(sizeof(S) == sizeof(int));
2623 /// \endcode
2624 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Decl, StaticAssertDecl>
2627 /// Matches a reinterpret_cast expression.
2628 ///
2629 /// Either the source expression or the destination type can be matched
2630 /// using has(), but hasDestinationType() is more specific and can be
2631 /// more readable.
2632 ///
2633 /// Example matches reinterpret_cast<char*>(&p) in
2634 /// \code
2635 /// void* p = reinterpret_cast<char*>(&p);
2636 /// \endcode
2637 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, CXXReinterpretCastExpr>
2640 /// Matches a C++ static_cast expression.
2641 ///
2642 /// \see hasDestinationType
2643 /// \see reinterpretCast
2644 ///
2645 /// Example:
2646 /// cxxStaticCastExpr()
2647 /// matches
2648 /// static_cast<long>(8)
2649 /// in
2650 /// \code
2651 /// long eight(static_cast<long>(8));
2652 /// \endcode
2653 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, CXXStaticCastExpr>
2656 /// Matches a dynamic_cast expression.
2657 ///
2658 /// Example:
2659 /// cxxDynamicCastExpr()
2660 /// matches
2661 /// dynamic_cast<D*>(&b);
2662 /// in
2663 /// \code
2664 /// struct B { virtual ~B() {} }; struct D : B {};
2665 /// B b;
2666 /// D* p = dynamic_cast<D*>(&b);
2667 /// \endcode
2668 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, CXXDynamicCastExpr>
2671 /// Matches a const_cast expression.
2672 ///
2673 /// Example: Matches const_cast<int*>(&r) in
2674 /// \code
2675 /// int n = 42;
2676 /// const int &r(n);
2677 /// int* p = const_cast<int*>(&r);
2678 /// \endcode
2679 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, CXXConstCastExpr>
2682 /// Matches a C-style cast expression.
2683 ///
2684 /// Example: Matches (int) 2.2f in
2685 /// \code
2686 /// int i = (int) 2.2f;
2687 /// \endcode
2688 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, CStyleCastExpr>
2691 /// Matches explicit cast expressions.
2692 ///
2693 /// Matches any cast expression written in user code, whether it be a
2694 /// C-style cast, a functional-style cast, or a keyword cast.
2695 ///
2696 /// Does not match implicit conversions.
2697 ///
2698 /// Note: the name "explicitCast" is chosen to match Clang's terminology, as
2699 /// Clang uses the term "cast" to apply to implicit conversions as well as to
2700 /// actual cast expressions.
2701 ///
2702 /// \see hasDestinationType.
2703 ///
2704 /// Example: matches all five of the casts in
2705 /// \code
2706 /// int((int)(reinterpret_cast<int>(static_cast<int>(const_cast<int>(42)))))
2707 /// \endcode
2708 /// but does not match the implicit conversion in
2709 /// \code
2710 /// long ell = 42;
2711 /// \endcode
2712 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, ExplicitCastExpr>
2715 /// Matches the implicit cast nodes of Clang's AST.
2716 ///
2717 /// This matches many different places, including function call return value
2718 /// eliding, as well as any type conversions.
2719 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, ImplicitCastExpr>
2722 /// Matches any cast nodes of Clang's AST.
2723 ///
2724 /// Example: castExpr() matches each of the following:
2725 /// \code
2726 /// (int) 3;
2727 /// const_cast<Expr *>(SubExpr);
2728 /// char c = 0;
2729 /// \endcode
2730 /// but does not match
2731 /// \code
2732 /// int i = (0);
2733 /// int k = 0;
2734 /// \endcode
2735 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, CastExpr> castExpr;
2737 /// Matches functional cast expressions
2738 ///
2739 /// Example: Matches Foo(bar);
2740 /// \code
2741 /// Foo f = bar;
2742 /// Foo g = (Foo) bar;
2743 /// Foo h = Foo(bar);
2744 /// \endcode
2745 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, CXXFunctionalCastExpr>
2748 /// Matches functional cast expressions having N != 1 arguments
2749 ///
2750 /// Example: Matches Foo(bar, bar)
2751 /// \code
2752 /// Foo h = Foo(bar, bar);
2753 /// \endcode
2754 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, CXXTemporaryObjectExpr>
2757 /// Matches predefined identifier expressions [C99].
2758 ///
2759 /// Example: Matches __func__
2760 /// \code
2761 /// printf("%s", __func__);
2762 /// \endcode
2763 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, PredefinedExpr>
2766 /// Matches C99 designated initializer expressions [C99 6.7.8].
2767 ///
2768 /// Example: Matches { [2].y = 1.0, [0].x = 1.0 }
2769 /// \code
2770 /// point ptarray[10] = { [2].y = 1.0, [0].x = 1.0 };
2771 /// \endcode
2772 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, DesignatedInitExpr>
2775 /// Matches designated initializer expressions that contain
2776 /// a specific number of designators.
2777 ///
2778 /// Example: Given
2779 /// \code
2780 /// point ptarray[10] = { [2].y = 1.0, [0].x = 1.0 };
2781 /// point ptarray2[10] = { [2].y = 1.0, [2].x = 0.0, [0].x = 1.0 };
2782 /// \endcode
2783 /// designatorCountIs(2)
2784 /// matches '{ [2].y = 1.0, [0].x = 1.0 }',
2785 /// but not '{ [2].y = 1.0, [2].x = 0.0, [0].x = 1.0 }'.
2786 AST_MATCHER_P(DesignatedInitExpr, designatorCountIs, unsigned, N) {
2787  return Node.size() == N;
2788 }
2790 /// Matches \c QualTypes in the clang AST.
2791 extern const internal::VariadicAllOfMatcher<QualType> qualType;
2793 /// Matches \c Types in the clang AST.
2794 extern const internal::VariadicAllOfMatcher<Type> type;
2796 /// Matches \c TypeLocs in the clang AST.
2797 extern const internal::VariadicAllOfMatcher<TypeLoc> typeLoc;
2799 /// Matches if any of the given matchers matches.
2800 ///
2801 /// Unlike \c anyOf, \c eachOf will generate a match result for each
2802 /// matching submatcher.
2803 ///
2804 /// For example, in:
2805 /// \code
2806 /// class A { int a; int b; };
2807 /// \endcode
2808 /// The matcher:
2809 /// \code
2810 /// cxxRecordDecl(eachOf(has(fieldDecl(hasName("a")).bind("v")),
2811 /// has(fieldDecl(hasName("b")).bind("v"))))
2812 /// \endcode
2813 /// will generate two results binding "v", the first of which binds
2814 /// the field declaration of \c a, the second the field declaration of
2815 /// \c b.
2816 ///
2817 /// Usable as: Any Matcher
2818 extern const internal::VariadicOperatorMatcherFunc<
2820  eachOf;
2822 /// Matches if any of the given matchers matches.
2823 ///
2824 /// Usable as: Any Matcher
2825 extern const internal::VariadicOperatorMatcherFunc<
2827  anyOf;
2829 /// Matches if all given matchers match.
2830 ///
2831 /// Usable as: Any Matcher
2832 extern const internal::VariadicOperatorMatcherFunc<
2834  allOf;
2836 /// Matches any node regardless of the submatcher.
2837 ///
2838 /// However, \c optionally will retain any bindings generated by the submatcher.
2839 /// Useful when additional information which may or may not present about a main
2840 /// matching node is desired.
2841 ///
2842 /// For example, in:
2843 /// \code
2844 /// class Foo {
2845 /// int bar;
2846 /// }
2847 /// \endcode
2848 /// The matcher:
2849 /// \code
2850 /// cxxRecordDecl(
2851 /// optionally(has(
2852 /// fieldDecl(hasName("bar")).bind("var")
2853 /// ))).bind("record")
2854 /// \endcode
2855 /// will produce a result binding for both "record" and "var".
2856 /// The matcher will produce a "record" binding for even if there is no data
2857 /// member named "bar" in that class.
2858 ///
2859 /// Usable as: Any Matcher
2860 extern const internal::VariadicOperatorMatcherFunc<1, 1> optionally;
2862 /// Matches sizeof (C99), alignof (C++11) and vec_step (OpenCL)
2863 ///
2864 /// Given
2865 /// \code
2866 /// Foo x = bar;
2867 /// int y = sizeof(x) + alignof(x);
2868 /// \endcode
2869 /// unaryExprOrTypeTraitExpr()
2870 /// matches \c sizeof(x) and \c alignof(x)
2871 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt,
2875 /// Matches any of the \p NodeMatchers with InnerMatchers nested within
2876 ///
2877 /// Given
2878 /// \code
2879 /// if (true);
2880 /// for (; true; );
2881 /// \endcode
2882 /// with the matcher
2883 /// \code
2884 /// mapAnyOf(ifStmt, forStmt).with(
2885 /// hasCondition(cxxBoolLiteralExpr(equals(true)))
2886 /// ).bind("trueCond")
2887 /// \endcode
2888 /// matches the \c if and the \c for. It is equivalent to:
2889 /// \code
2890 /// auto trueCond = hasCondition(cxxBoolLiteralExpr(equals(true)));
2891 /// anyOf(
2892 /// ifStmt(trueCond).bind("trueCond"),
2893 /// forStmt(trueCond).bind("trueCond")
2894 /// );
2895 /// \endcode
2896 ///
2897 /// The with() chain-call accepts zero or more matchers which are combined
2898 /// as-if with allOf() in each of the node matchers.
2899 /// Usable as: Any Matcher
2900 template <typename T, typename... U>
2901 auto mapAnyOf(internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<T, U> const &...) {
2902  return internal::MapAnyOfHelper<U...>();
2903 }
2905 /// Matches nodes which can be used with binary operators.
2906 ///
2907 /// The code
2908 /// \code
2909 /// var1 != var2;
2910 /// \endcode
2911 /// might be represented in the clang AST as a binaryOperator, a
2912 /// cxxOperatorCallExpr or a cxxRewrittenBinaryOperator, depending on
2913 ///
2914 /// * whether the types of var1 and var2 are fundamental (binaryOperator) or at
2915 /// least one is a class type (cxxOperatorCallExpr)
2916 /// * whether the code appears in a template declaration, if at least one of the
2917 /// vars is a dependent-type (binaryOperator)
2918 /// * whether the code relies on a rewritten binary operator, such as a
2919 /// spaceship operator or an inverted equality operator
2920 /// (cxxRewrittenBinaryOperator)
2921 ///
2922 /// This matcher elides details in places where the matchers for the nodes are
2923 /// compatible.
2924 ///
2925 /// Given
2926 /// \code
2927 /// binaryOperation(
2928 /// hasOperatorName("!="),
2929 /// hasLHS(expr().bind("lhs")),
2930 /// hasRHS(expr().bind("rhs"))
2931 /// )
2932 /// \endcode
2933 /// matches each use of "!=" in:
2934 /// \code
2935 /// struct S{
2936 /// bool operator!=(const S&) const;
2937 /// };
2938 ///
2939 /// void foo()
2940 /// {
2941 /// 1 != 2;
2942 /// S() != S();
2943 /// }
2944 ///
2945 /// template<typename T>
2946 /// void templ()
2947 /// {
2948 /// 1 != 2;
2949 /// T() != S();
2950 /// }
2951 /// struct HasOpEq
2952 /// {
2953 /// bool operator==(const HasOpEq &) const;
2954 /// };
2955 ///
2956 /// void inverse()
2957 /// {
2958 /// HasOpEq s1;
2959 /// HasOpEq s2;
2960 /// if (s1 != s2)
2961 /// return;
2962 /// }
2963 ///
2964 /// struct HasSpaceship
2965 /// {
2966 /// bool operator<=>(const HasOpEq &) const;
2967 /// };
2968 ///
2969 /// void use_spaceship()
2970 /// {
2971 /// HasSpaceship s1;
2972 /// HasSpaceship s2;
2973 /// if (s1 != s2)
2974 /// return;
2975 /// }
2976 /// \endcode
2977 extern const internal::MapAnyOfMatcher<BinaryOperator, CXXOperatorCallExpr,
2981 /// Matches function calls and constructor calls
2982 ///
2983 /// Because CallExpr and CXXConstructExpr do not share a common
2984 /// base class with API accessing arguments etc, AST Matchers for code
2985 /// which should match both are typically duplicated. This matcher
2986 /// removes the need for duplication.
2987 ///
2988 /// Given code
2989 /// \code
2990 /// struct ConstructorTakesInt
2991 /// {
2992 /// ConstructorTakesInt(int i) {}
2993 /// };
2994 ///
2995 /// void callTakesInt(int i)
2996 /// {
2997 /// }
2998 ///
2999 /// void doCall()
3000 /// {
3001 /// callTakesInt(42);
3002 /// }
3003 ///
3004 /// void doConstruct()
3005 /// {
3006 /// ConstructorTakesInt cti(42);
3007 /// }
3008 /// \endcode
3009 ///
3010 /// The matcher
3011 /// \code
3012 /// invocation(hasArgument(0, integerLiteral(equals(42))))
3013 /// \endcode
3014 /// matches the expression in both doCall and doConstruct
3015 extern const internal::MapAnyOfMatcher<CallExpr, CXXConstructExpr> invocation;
3017 /// Matches unary expressions that have a specific type of argument.
3018 ///
3019 /// Given
3020 /// \code
3021 /// int a, c; float b; int s = sizeof(a) + sizeof(b) + alignof(c);
3022 /// \endcode
3023 /// unaryExprOrTypeTraitExpr(hasArgumentOfType(asString("int"))
3024 /// matches \c sizeof(a) and \c alignof(c)
3026  internal::Matcher<QualType>, InnerMatcher) {
3027  const QualType ArgumentType = Node.getTypeOfArgument();
3028  return InnerMatcher.matches(ArgumentType, Finder, Builder);
3029 }
3031 /// Matches unary expressions of a certain kind.
3032 ///
3033 /// Given
3034 /// \code
3035 /// int x;
3036 /// int s = sizeof(x) + alignof(x)
3037 /// \endcode
3038 /// unaryExprOrTypeTraitExpr(ofKind(UETT_SizeOf))
3039 /// matches \c sizeof(x)
3040 ///
3041 /// If the matcher is use from clang-query, UnaryExprOrTypeTrait parameter
3042 /// should be passed as a quoted string. e.g., ofKind("UETT_SizeOf").
3044  return Node.getKind() == Kind;
3045 }
3047 /// Same as unaryExprOrTypeTraitExpr, but only matching
3048 /// alignof.
3049 inline internal::BindableMatcher<Stmt> alignOfExpr(
3050  const internal::Matcher<UnaryExprOrTypeTraitExpr> &InnerMatcher) {
3052  allOf(anyOf(ofKind(UETT_AlignOf), ofKind(UETT_PreferredAlignOf)),
3053  InnerMatcher)));
3054 }
3056 /// Same as unaryExprOrTypeTraitExpr, but only matching
3057 /// sizeof.
3058 inline internal::BindableMatcher<Stmt> sizeOfExpr(
3059  const internal::Matcher<UnaryExprOrTypeTraitExpr> &InnerMatcher) {
3061  allOf(ofKind(UETT_SizeOf), InnerMatcher)));
3062 }
3064 /// Matches NamedDecl nodes that have the specified name.
3065 ///
3066 /// Supports specifying enclosing namespaces or classes by prefixing the name
3067 /// with '<enclosing>::'.
3068 /// Does not match typedefs of an underlying type with the given name.
3069 ///
3070 /// Example matches X (Name == "X")
3071 /// \code
3072 /// class X;
3073 /// \endcode
3074 ///
3075 /// Example matches X (Name is one of "::a::b::X", "a::b::X", "b::X", "X")
3076 /// \code
3077 /// namespace a { namespace b { class X; } }
3078 /// \endcode
3079 inline internal::Matcher<NamedDecl> hasName(StringRef Name) {
3080  return internal::Matcher<NamedDecl>(
3081  new internal::HasNameMatcher({std::string(Name)}));
3082 }
3084 /// Matches NamedDecl nodes that have any of the specified names.
3085 ///
3086 /// This matcher is only provided as a performance optimization of hasName.
3087 /// \code
3088 /// hasAnyName(a, b, c)
3089 /// \endcode
3090 /// is equivalent to, but faster than
3091 /// \code
3092 /// anyOf(hasName(a), hasName(b), hasName(c))
3093 /// \endcode
3094 extern const internal::VariadicFunction<internal::Matcher<NamedDecl>, StringRef,
3096  hasAnyName;
3098 /// Matches NamedDecl nodes whose fully qualified names contain
3099 /// a substring matched by the given RegExp.
3100 ///
3101 /// Supports specifying enclosing namespaces or classes by
3102 /// prefixing the name with '<enclosing>::'. Does not match typedefs
3103 /// of an underlying type with the given name.
3104 ///
3105 /// Example matches X (regexp == "::X")
3106 /// \code
3107 /// class X;
3108 /// \endcode
3109 ///
3110 /// Example matches X (regexp is one of "::X", "^foo::.*X", among others)
3111 /// \code
3112 /// namespace foo { namespace bar { class X; } }
3113 /// \endcode
3114 AST_MATCHER_REGEX(NamedDecl, matchesName, RegExp) {
3115  std::string FullNameString = "::" + Node.getQualifiedNameAsString();
3116  return RegExp->match(FullNameString);
3117 }
3119 /// Matches overloaded operator names.
3120 ///
3121 /// Matches overloaded operator names specified in strings without the
3122 /// "operator" prefix: e.g. "<<".
3123 ///
3124 /// Given:
3125 /// \code
3126 /// class A { int operator*(); };
3127 /// const A &operator<<(const A &a, const A &b);
3128 /// A a;
3129 /// a << a; // <-- This matches
3130 /// \endcode
3131 ///
3132 /// \c cxxOperatorCallExpr(hasOverloadedOperatorName("<<"))) matches the
3133 /// specified line and
3134 /// \c cxxRecordDecl(hasMethod(hasOverloadedOperatorName("*")))
3135 /// matches the declaration of \c A.
3136 ///
3137 /// Usable as: Matcher<CXXOperatorCallExpr>, Matcher<FunctionDecl>
3138 inline internal::PolymorphicMatcher<
3139  internal::HasOverloadedOperatorNameMatcher,
3141  std::vector<std::string>>
3142 hasOverloadedOperatorName(StringRef Name) {
3143  return internal::PolymorphicMatcher<
3144  internal::HasOverloadedOperatorNameMatcher,
3146  std::vector<std::string>>({std::string(Name)});
3147 }
3149 /// Matches overloaded operator names.
3150 ///
3151 /// Matches overloaded operator names specified in strings without the
3152 /// "operator" prefix: e.g. "<<".
3153 ///
3154 /// hasAnyOverloadedOperatorName("+", "-")
3155 /// Is equivalent to
3156 /// anyOf(hasOverloadedOperatorName("+"), hasOverloadedOperatorName("-"))
3157 extern const internal::VariadicFunction<
3158  internal::PolymorphicMatcher<internal::HasOverloadedOperatorNameMatcher,
3161  std::vector<std::string>>,
3165 /// Matches template-dependent, but known, member names.
3166 ///
3167 /// In template declarations, dependent members are not resolved and so can
3168 /// not be matched to particular named declarations.
3169 ///
3170 /// This matcher allows to match on the known name of members.
3171 ///
3172 /// Given
3173 /// \code
3174 /// template <typename T>
3175 /// struct S {
3176 /// void mem();
3177 /// };
3178 /// template <typename T>
3179 /// void x() {
3180 /// S<T> s;
3181 /// s.mem();
3182 /// }
3183 /// \endcode
3184 /// \c cxxDependentScopeMemberExpr(hasMemberName("mem")) matches `s.mem()`
3185 AST_MATCHER_P(CXXDependentScopeMemberExpr, hasMemberName, std::string, N) {
3186  return Node.getMember().getAsString() == N;
3187 }
3189 /// Matches template-dependent, but known, member names against an already-bound
3190 /// node
3191 ///
3192 /// In template declarations, dependent members are not resolved and so can
3193 /// not be matched to particular named declarations.
3194 ///
3195 /// This matcher allows to match on the name of already-bound VarDecl, FieldDecl
3196 /// and CXXMethodDecl nodes.
3197 ///
3198 /// Given
3199 /// \code
3200 /// template <typename T>
3201 /// struct S {
3202 /// void mem();
3203 /// };
3204 /// template <typename T>
3205 /// void x() {
3206 /// S<T> s;
3207 /// s.mem();
3208 /// }
3209 /// \endcode
3210 /// The matcher
3211 /// @code
3212 /// \c cxxDependentScopeMemberExpr(
3213 /// hasObjectExpression(declRefExpr(hasType(templateSpecializationType(
3214 /// hasDeclaration(classTemplateDecl(has(cxxRecordDecl(has(
3215 /// cxxMethodDecl(hasName("mem")).bind("templMem")
3216 /// )))))
3217 /// )))),
3218 /// memberHasSameNameAsBoundNode("templMem")
3219 /// )
3220 /// @endcode
3221 /// first matches and binds the @c mem member of the @c S template, then
3222 /// compares its name to the usage in @c s.mem() in the @c x function template
3223 AST_MATCHER_P(CXXDependentScopeMemberExpr, memberHasSameNameAsBoundNode,
3224  std::string, BindingID) {
3225  auto MemberName = Node.getMember().getAsString();
3227  return Builder->removeBindings(
3228  [this, MemberName](const BoundNodesMap &Nodes) {
3229  const auto &BN = Nodes.getNode(this->BindingID);
3230  if (const auto *ND = BN.get<NamedDecl>()) {
3231  if (!isa<FieldDecl, CXXMethodDecl, VarDecl>(ND))
3232  return true;
3233  return ND->getName() != MemberName;
3234  }
3235  return true;
3236  });
3237 }
3239 /// Matches C++ classes that are directly or indirectly derived from a class
3240 /// matching \c Base, or Objective-C classes that directly or indirectly
3241 /// subclass a class matching \c Base.
3242 ///
3243 /// Note that a class is not considered to be derived from itself.
3244 ///
3245 /// Example matches Y, Z, C (Base == hasName("X"))
3246 /// \code
3247 /// class X;
3248 /// class Y : public X {}; // directly derived
3249 /// class Z : public Y {}; // indirectly derived
3250 /// typedef X A;
3251 /// typedef A B;
3252 /// class C : public B {}; // derived from a typedef of X
3253 /// \endcode
3254 ///
3255 /// In the following example, Bar matches isDerivedFrom(hasName("X")):
3256 /// \code
3257 /// class Foo;
3258 /// typedef Foo X;
3259 /// class Bar : public Foo {}; // derived from a type that X is a typedef of
3260 /// \endcode
3261 ///
3262 /// In the following example, Bar matches isDerivedFrom(hasName("NSObject"))
3263 /// \code
3264 /// @interface NSObject @end
3265 /// @interface Bar : NSObject @end
3266 /// \endcode
3267 ///
3268 /// Usable as: Matcher<CXXRecordDecl>, Matcher<ObjCInterfaceDecl>
3270  isDerivedFrom,
3272  internal::Matcher<NamedDecl>, Base) {
3273  // Check if the node is a C++ struct/union/class.
3274  if (const auto *RD = dyn_cast<CXXRecordDecl>(&Node))
3275  return Finder->classIsDerivedFrom(RD, Base, Builder, /*Directly=*/false);
3277  // The node must be an Objective-C class.
3278  const auto *InterfaceDecl = cast<ObjCInterfaceDecl>(&Node);
3279  return Finder->objcClassIsDerivedFrom(InterfaceDecl, Base, Builder,
3280  /*Directly=*/false);
3281 }
3283 /// Overloaded method as shortcut for \c isDerivedFrom(hasName(...)).
3285  isDerivedFrom,
3287  std::string, BaseName, 1) {
3288  if (BaseName.empty())
3289  return false;
3291  const auto M = isDerivedFrom(hasName(BaseName));
3293  if (const auto *RD = dyn_cast<CXXRecordDecl>(&Node))
3294  return Matcher<CXXRecordDecl>(M).matches(*RD, Finder, Builder);
3296  const auto *InterfaceDecl = cast<ObjCInterfaceDecl>(&Node);
3297  return Matcher<ObjCInterfaceDecl>(M).matches(*InterfaceDecl, Finder, Builder);
3298 }
3300 /// Matches C++ classes that have a direct or indirect base matching \p
3301 /// BaseSpecMatcher.
3302 ///
3303 /// Example:
3304 /// matcher hasAnyBase(hasType(cxxRecordDecl(hasName("SpecialBase"))))
3305 /// \code
3306 /// class Foo;
3307 /// class Bar : Foo {};
3308 /// class Baz : Bar {};
3309 /// class SpecialBase;
3310 /// class Proxy : SpecialBase {}; // matches Proxy
3311 /// class IndirectlyDerived : Proxy {}; //matches IndirectlyDerived
3312 /// \endcode
3313 ///
3314 // FIXME: Refactor this and isDerivedFrom to reuse implementation.
3315 AST_MATCHER_P(CXXRecordDecl, hasAnyBase, internal::Matcher<CXXBaseSpecifier>,
3316  BaseSpecMatcher) {
3317  return internal::matchesAnyBase(Node, BaseSpecMatcher, Finder, Builder);
3318 }
3320 /// Matches C++ classes that have a direct base matching \p BaseSpecMatcher.
3321 ///
3322 /// Example:
3323 /// matcher hasDirectBase(hasType(cxxRecordDecl(hasName("SpecialBase"))))
3324 /// \code
3325 /// class Foo;
3326 /// class Bar : Foo {};
3327 /// class Baz : Bar {};
3328 /// class SpecialBase;
3329 /// class Proxy : SpecialBase {}; // matches Proxy
3330 /// class IndirectlyDerived : Proxy {}; // doesn't match
3331 /// \endcode
3332 AST_MATCHER_P(CXXRecordDecl, hasDirectBase, internal::Matcher<CXXBaseSpecifier>,
3333  BaseSpecMatcher) {
3334  return Node.hasDefinition() &&
3335  llvm::any_of(Node.bases(), [&](const CXXBaseSpecifier &Base) {
3336  return BaseSpecMatcher.matches(Base, Finder, Builder);
3337  });
3338 }
3340 /// Similar to \c isDerivedFrom(), but also matches classes that directly
3341 /// match \c Base.
3343  isSameOrDerivedFrom,
3345  internal::Matcher<NamedDecl>, Base, 0) {
3346  const auto M = anyOf(Base, isDerivedFrom(Base));
3348  if (const auto *RD = dyn_cast<CXXRecordDecl>(&Node))
3349  return Matcher<CXXRecordDecl>(M).matches(*RD, Finder, Builder);
3351  const auto *InterfaceDecl = cast<ObjCInterfaceDecl>(&Node);
3352  return Matcher<ObjCInterfaceDecl>(M).matches(*InterfaceDecl, Finder, Builder);
3353 }
3355 /// Overloaded method as shortcut for
3356 /// \c isSameOrDerivedFrom(hasName(...)).
3358  isSameOrDerivedFrom,
3360  std::string, BaseName, 1) {
3361  if (BaseName.empty())
3362  return false;
3364  const auto M = isSameOrDerivedFrom(hasName(BaseName));
3366  if (const auto *RD = dyn_cast<CXXRecordDecl>(&Node))
3367  return Matcher<CXXRecordDecl>(M).matches(*RD, Finder, Builder);
3369  const auto *InterfaceDecl = cast<ObjCInterfaceDecl>(&Node);
3370  return Matcher<ObjCInterfaceDecl>(M).matches(*InterfaceDecl, Finder, Builder);
3371 }
3373 /// Matches C++ or Objective-C classes that are directly derived from a class
3374 /// matching \c Base.
3375 ///
3376 /// Note that a class is not considered to be derived from itself.
3377 ///
3378 /// Example matches Y, C (Base == hasName("X"))
3379 /// \code
3380 /// class X;
3381 /// class Y : public X {}; // directly derived
3382 /// class Z : public Y {}; // indirectly derived
3383 /// typedef X A;
3384 /// typedef A B;
3385 /// class C : public B {}; // derived from a typedef of X
3386 /// \endcode
3387 ///
3388 /// In the following example, Bar matches isDerivedFrom(hasName("X")):
3389 /// \code
3390 /// class Foo;
3391 /// typedef Foo X;
3392 /// class Bar : public Foo {}; // derived from a type that X is a typedef of
3393 /// \endcode
3395  isDirectlyDerivedFrom,
3397  internal::Matcher<NamedDecl>, Base, 0) {
3398  // Check if the node is a C++ struct/union/class.
3399  if (const auto *RD = dyn_cast<CXXRecordDecl>(&Node))
3400  return Finder->classIsDerivedFrom(RD, Base, Builder, /*Directly=*/true);
3402  // The node must be an Objective-C class.
3403  const auto *InterfaceDecl = cast<ObjCInterfaceDecl>(&Node);
3404  return Finder->objcClassIsDerivedFrom(InterfaceDecl, Base, Builder,
3405  /*Directly=*/true);
3406 }
3408 /// Overloaded method as shortcut for \c isDirectlyDerivedFrom(hasName(...)).
3410  isDirectlyDerivedFrom,
3412  std::string, BaseName, 1) {
3413  if (BaseName.empty())
3414  return false;
3415  const auto M = isDirectlyDerivedFrom(hasName(BaseName));
3417  if (const auto *RD = dyn_cast<CXXRecordDecl>(&Node))
3418  return Matcher<CXXRecordDecl>(M).matches(*RD, Finder, Builder);
3420  const auto *InterfaceDecl = cast<ObjCInterfaceDecl>(&Node);
3421  return Matcher<ObjCInterfaceDecl>(M).matches(*InterfaceDecl, Finder, Builder);
3422 }
3423 /// Matches the first method of a class or struct that satisfies \c
3424 /// InnerMatcher.
3425 ///
3426 /// Given:
3427 /// \code
3428 /// class A { void func(); };
3429 /// class B { void member(); };
3430 /// \endcode
3431 ///
3432 /// \c cxxRecordDecl(hasMethod(hasName("func"))) matches the declaration of
3433 /// \c A but not \c B.
3434 AST_MATCHER_P(CXXRecordDecl, hasMethod, internal::Matcher<CXXMethodDecl>,
3435  InnerMatcher) {
3436  BoundNodesTreeBuilder Result(*Builder);
3437  auto MatchIt = matchesFirstInPointerRange(InnerMatcher, Node.method_begin(),
3438  Node.method_end(), Finder, &Result);
3439  if (MatchIt == Node.method_end())
3440  return false;
3442  if (Finder->isTraversalIgnoringImplicitNodes() && (*MatchIt)->isImplicit())
3443  return false;
3444  *Builder = std::move(Result);
3445  return true;
3446 }
3448 /// Matches the generated class of lambda expressions.
3449 ///
3450 /// Given:
3451 /// \code
3452 /// auto x = []{};
3453 /// \endcode
3454 ///
3455 /// \c cxxRecordDecl(isLambda()) matches the implicit class declaration of
3456 /// \c decltype(x)
3458  return Node.isLambda();
3459 }
3461 /// Matches AST nodes that have child AST nodes that match the
3462 /// provided matcher.
3463 ///
3464 /// Example matches X, Y
3465 /// (matcher = cxxRecordDecl(has(cxxRecordDecl(hasName("X")))
3466 /// \code
3467 /// class X {}; // Matches X, because X::X is a class of name X inside X.
3468 /// class Y { class X {}; };
3469 /// class Z { class Y { class X {}; }; }; // Does not match Z.
3470 /// \endcode
3471 ///
3472 /// ChildT must be an AST base type.
3473 ///
3474 /// Usable as: Any Matcher
3475 /// Note that has is direct matcher, so it also matches things like implicit
3476 /// casts and paren casts. If you are matching with expr then you should
3477 /// probably consider using ignoringParenImpCasts like:
3478 /// has(ignoringParenImpCasts(expr())).
3479 extern const internal::ArgumentAdaptingMatcherFunc<internal::HasMatcher> has;
3481 /// Matches AST nodes that have descendant AST nodes that match the
3482 /// provided matcher.
3483 ///
3484 /// Example matches X, Y, Z
3485 /// (matcher = cxxRecordDecl(hasDescendant(cxxRecordDecl(hasName("X")))))
3486 /// \code
3487 /// class X {}; // Matches X, because X::X is a class of name X inside X.
3488 /// class Y { class X {}; };
3489 /// class Z { class Y { class X {}; }; };
3490 /// \endcode
3491 ///
3492 /// DescendantT must be an AST base type.
3493 ///
3494 /// Usable as: Any Matcher
3495 extern const internal::ArgumentAdaptingMatcherFunc<
3496  internal::HasDescendantMatcher>
3497  hasDescendant;
3499 /// Matches AST nodes that have child AST nodes that match the
3500 /// provided matcher.
3501 ///
3502 /// Example matches X, Y, Y::X, Z::Y, Z::Y::X
3503 /// (matcher = cxxRecordDecl(forEach(cxxRecordDecl(hasName("X")))
3504 /// \code
3505 /// class X {};
3506 /// class Y { class X {}; }; // Matches Y, because Y::X is a class of name X
3507 /// // inside Y.
3508 /// class Z { class Y { class X {}; }; }; // Does not match Z.
3509 /// \endcode
3510 ///
3511 /// ChildT must be an AST base type.
3512 ///
3513 /// As opposed to 'has', 'forEach' will cause a match for each result that
3514 /// matches instead of only on the first one.
3515 ///
3516 /// Usable as: Any Matcher
3517 extern const internal::ArgumentAdaptingMatcherFunc<internal::ForEachMatcher>
3518  forEach;
3520 /// Matches AST nodes that have descendant AST nodes that match the
3521 /// provided matcher.
3522 ///
3523 /// Example matches X, A, A::X, B, B::C, B::C::X
3524 /// (matcher = cxxRecordDecl(forEachDescendant(cxxRecordDecl(hasName("X")))))
3525 /// \code
3526 /// class X {};
3527 /// class A { class X {}; }; // Matches A, because A::X is a class of name
3528 /// // X inside A.
3529 /// class B { class C { class X {}; }; };
3530 /// \endcode
3531 ///
3532 /// DescendantT must be an AST base type.
3533 ///
3534 /// As opposed to 'hasDescendant', 'forEachDescendant' will cause a match for
3535 /// each result that matches instead of only on the first one.
3536 ///
3537 /// Note: Recursively combined ForEachDescendant can cause many matches:
3538 /// cxxRecordDecl(forEachDescendant(cxxRecordDecl(
3539 /// forEachDescendant(cxxRecordDecl())
3540 /// )))
3541 /// will match 10 times (plus injected class name matches) on:
3542 /// \code
3543 /// class A { class B { class C { class D { class E {}; }; }; }; };
3544 /// \endcode
3545 ///
3546 /// Usable as: Any Matcher
3547 extern const internal::ArgumentAdaptingMatcherFunc<
3548  internal::ForEachDescendantMatcher>
3551 /// Matches if the node or any descendant matches.
3552 ///
3553 /// Generates results for each match.
3554 ///
3555 /// For example, in:
3556 /// \code
3557 /// class A { class B {}; class C {}; };
3558 /// \endcode
3559 /// The matcher:
3560 /// \code
3561 /// cxxRecordDecl(hasName("::A"),
3562 /// findAll(cxxRecordDecl(isDefinition()).bind("m")))
3563 /// \endcode
3564 /// will generate results for \c A, \c B and \c C.
3565 ///
3566 /// Usable as: Any Matcher
3567 template <typename T>
3568 internal::Matcher<T> findAll(const internal::Matcher<T> &Matcher) {
3569  return eachOf(Matcher, forEachDescendant(Matcher));
3570 }
3572 /// Matches AST nodes that have a parent that matches the provided
3573 /// matcher.
3574 ///
3575 /// Given
3576 /// \code
3577 /// void f() { for (;;) { int x = 42; if (true) { int x = 43; } } }
3578 /// \endcode
3579 /// \c compoundStmt(hasParent(ifStmt())) matches "{ int x = 43; }".
3580 ///
3581 /// Usable as: Any Matcher
3582 extern const internal::ArgumentAdaptingMatcherFunc<
3583  internal::HasParentMatcher,
3584  internal::TypeList<Decl, NestedNameSpecifierLoc, Stmt, TypeLoc, Attr>,
3585  internal::TypeList<Decl, NestedNameSpecifierLoc, Stmt, TypeLoc, Attr>>
3586  hasParent;
3588 /// Matches AST nodes that have an ancestor that matches the provided
3589 /// matcher.
3590 ///
3591 /// Given
3592 /// \code
3593 /// void f() { if (true) { int x = 42; } }
3594 /// void g() { for (;;) { int x = 43; } }
3595 /// \endcode
3596 /// \c expr(integerLiteral(hasAncestor(ifStmt()))) matches \c 42, but not 43.
3597 ///
3598 /// Usable as: Any Matcher
3599 extern const internal::ArgumentAdaptingMatcherFunc<
3600  internal::HasAncestorMatcher,
3601  internal::TypeList<Decl, NestedNameSpecifierLoc, Stmt, TypeLoc, Attr>,
3602  internal::TypeList<Decl, NestedNameSpecifierLoc, Stmt, TypeLoc, Attr>>
3603  hasAncestor;
3605 /// Matches if the provided matcher does not match.
3606 ///
3607 /// Example matches Y (matcher = cxxRecordDecl(unless(hasName("X"))))
3608 /// \code
3609 /// class X {};
3610 /// class Y {};
3611 /// \endcode
3612 ///
3613 /// Usable as: Any Matcher
3614 extern const internal::VariadicOperatorMatcherFunc<1, 1> unless;
3616 /// Matches a node if the declaration associated with that node
3617 /// matches the given matcher.
3618 ///
3619 /// The associated declaration is:
3620 /// - for type nodes, the declaration of the underlying type
3621 /// - for CallExpr, the declaration of the callee
3622 /// - for MemberExpr, the declaration of the referenced member
3623 /// - for CXXConstructExpr, the declaration of the constructor
3624 /// - for CXXNewExpr, the declaration of the operator new
3625 /// - for ObjCIvarExpr, the declaration of the ivar
3626 ///
3627 /// For type nodes, hasDeclaration will generally match the declaration of the
3628 /// sugared type. Given
3629 /// \code
3630 /// class X {};
3631 /// typedef X Y;
3632 /// Y y;
3633 /// \endcode
3634 /// in varDecl(hasType(hasDeclaration(decl()))) the decl will match the
3635 /// typedefDecl. A common use case is to match the underlying, desugared type.
3636 /// This can be achieved by using the hasUnqualifiedDesugaredType matcher:
3637 /// \code
3638 /// varDecl(hasType(hasUnqualifiedDesugaredType(
3639 /// recordType(hasDeclaration(decl())))))
3640 /// \endcode
3641 /// In this matcher, the decl will match the CXXRecordDecl of class X.
3642 ///
3643 /// Usable as: Matcher<AddrLabelExpr>, Matcher<CallExpr>,
3644 /// Matcher<CXXConstructExpr>, Matcher<CXXNewExpr>, Matcher<DeclRefExpr>,
3645 /// Matcher<EnumType>, Matcher<InjectedClassNameType>, Matcher<LabelStmt>,
3646 /// Matcher<MemberExpr>, Matcher<QualType>, Matcher<RecordType>,
3647 /// Matcher<TagType>, Matcher<TemplateSpecializationType>,
3648 /// Matcher<TemplateTypeParmType>, Matcher<TypedefType>,
3649 /// Matcher<UnresolvedUsingType>
3650 inline internal::PolymorphicMatcher<
3651  internal::HasDeclarationMatcher,
3652  void(internal::HasDeclarationSupportedTypes), internal::Matcher<Decl>>
3653 hasDeclaration(const internal::Matcher<Decl> &InnerMatcher) {
3654  return internal::PolymorphicMatcher<
3655  internal::HasDeclarationMatcher,
3656  void(internal::HasDeclarationSupportedTypes), internal::Matcher<Decl>>(
3657  InnerMatcher);
3658 }
3660 /// Matches a \c NamedDecl whose underlying declaration matches the given
3661 /// matcher.
3662 ///
3663 /// Given
3664 /// \code
3665 /// namespace N { template<class T> void f(T t); }
3666 /// template <class T> void g() { using N::f; f(T()); }
3667 /// \endcode
3668 /// \c unresolvedLookupExpr(hasAnyDeclaration(
3669 /// namedDecl(hasUnderlyingDecl(hasName("::N::f")))))
3670 /// matches the use of \c f in \c g() .
3671 AST_MATCHER_P(NamedDecl, hasUnderlyingDecl, internal::Matcher<NamedDecl>,
3672  InnerMatcher) {
3673  const NamedDecl *UnderlyingDecl = Node.getUnderlyingDecl();
3675  return UnderlyingDecl != nullptr &&
3676  InnerMatcher.matches(*UnderlyingDecl, Finder, Builder);
3677 }
3679 /// Matches on the implicit object argument of a member call expression, after
3680 /// stripping off any parentheses or implicit casts.
3681 ///
3682 /// Given
3683 /// \code
3684 /// class Y { public: void m(); };
3685 /// Y g();
3686 /// class X : public Y {};
3687 /// void z(Y y, X x) { y.m(); (g()).m(); x.m(); }
3688 /// \endcode
3689 /// cxxMemberCallExpr(on(hasType(cxxRecordDecl(hasName("Y")))))
3690 /// matches `y.m()` and `(g()).m()`.
3691 /// cxxMemberCallExpr(on(hasType(cxxRecordDecl(hasName("X")))))
3692 /// matches `x.m()`.
3693 /// cxxMemberCallExpr(on(callExpr()))
3694 /// matches `(g()).m()`.
3695 ///
3696 /// FIXME: Overload to allow directly matching types?
3697 AST_MATCHER_P(CXXMemberCallExpr, on, internal::Matcher<Expr>,
3698  InnerMatcher) {
3699  const Expr *ExprNode = Node.getImplicitObjectArgument()
3700  ->IgnoreParenImpCasts();
3701  return (ExprNode != nullptr &&
3702  InnerMatcher.matches(*ExprNode, Finder, Builder));
3703 }
3706 /// Matches on the receiver of an ObjectiveC Message expression.
3707 ///
3708 /// Example
3709 /// matcher = objCMessageExpr(hasReceiverType(asString("UIWebView *")));
3710 /// matches the [webView ...] message invocation.
3711 /// \code
3712 /// NSString *webViewJavaScript = ...
3713 /// UIWebView *webView = ...
3714 /// [webView stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:webViewJavascript];
3715 /// \endcode
3716 AST_MATCHER_P(ObjCMessageExpr, hasReceiverType, internal::Matcher<QualType>,
3717  InnerMatcher) {
3718  const QualType TypeDecl = Node.getReceiverType();
3719  return InnerMatcher.matches(TypeDecl, Finder, Builder);
3720 }
3722 /// Returns true when the Objective-C method declaration is a class method.
3723 ///
3724 /// Example
3725 /// matcher = objcMethodDecl(isClassMethod())
3726 /// matches
3727 /// \code
3728 /// @interface I + (void)foo; @end
3729 /// \endcode
3730 /// but not
3731 /// \code
3732 /// @interface I - (void)bar; @end
3733 /// \endcode
3734 AST_MATCHER(ObjCMethodDecl, isClassMethod) {
3735  return Node.isClassMethod();
3736 }
3738 /// Returns true when the Objective-C method declaration is an instance method.
3739 ///
3740 /// Example
3741 /// matcher = objcMethodDecl(isInstanceMethod())
3742 /// matches
3743 /// \code
3744 /// @interface I - (void)bar; @end
3745 /// \endcode
3746 /// but not
3747 /// \code
3748 /// @interface I + (void)foo; @end
3749 /// \endcode
3751  return Node.isInstanceMethod();
3752 }
3754 /// Returns true when the Objective-C message is sent to a class.
3755 ///
3756 /// Example
3757 /// matcher = objcMessageExpr(isClassMessage())
3758 /// matches
3759 /// \code
3760 /// [NSString stringWithFormat:@"format"];
3761 /// \endcode
3762 /// but not
3763 /// \code
3764 /// NSString *x = @"hello";
3765 /// [x containsString:@"h"];
3766 /// \endcode
3767 AST_MATCHER(ObjCMessageExpr, isClassMessage) {
3768  return Node.isClassMessage();
3769 }
3771 /// Returns true when the Objective-C message is sent to an instance.
3772 ///
3773 /// Example
3774 /// matcher = objcMessageExpr(isInstanceMessage())
3775 /// matches
3776 /// \code
3777 /// NSString *x = @"hello";
3778 /// [x containsString:@"h"];
3779 /// \endcode
3780 /// but not
3781 /// \code
3782 /// [NSString stringWithFormat:@"format"];
3783 /// \endcode
3784 AST_MATCHER(ObjCMessageExpr, isInstanceMessage) {
3785  return Node.isInstanceMessage();
3786 }
3788 /// Matches if the Objective-C message is sent to an instance,
3789 /// and the inner matcher matches on that instance.
3790 ///
3791 /// For example the method call in
3792 /// \code
3793 /// NSString *x = @"hello";
3794 /// [x containsString:@"h"];
3795 /// \endcode
3796 /// is matched by
3797 /// objcMessageExpr(hasReceiver(declRefExpr(to(varDecl(hasName("x"))))))
3798 AST_MATCHER_P(ObjCMessageExpr, hasReceiver, internal::Matcher<Expr>,
3799  InnerMatcher) {
3800  const Expr *ReceiverNode = Node.getInstanceReceiver();
3801  return (ReceiverNode != nullptr &&
3802  InnerMatcher.matches(*ReceiverNode->IgnoreParenImpCasts(), Finder,
3803  Builder));
3804 }
3806 /// Matches when BaseName == Selector.getAsString()
3807 ///
3808 /// matcher = objCMessageExpr(hasSelector("loadHTMLString:baseURL:"));
3809 /// matches the outer message expr in the code below, but NOT the message
3810 /// invocation for self.bodyView.
3811 /// \code
3812 /// [self.bodyView loadHTMLString:html baseURL:NULL];
3813 /// \endcode
3814 AST_MATCHER_P(ObjCMessageExpr, hasSelector, std::string, BaseName) {
3815  Selector Sel = Node.getSelector();
3816  return BaseName == Sel.getAsString();
3817 }
3819 /// Matches when at least one of the supplied string equals to the
3820 /// Selector.getAsString()
3821 ///
3822 /// matcher = objCMessageExpr(hasSelector("methodA:", "methodB:"));
3823 /// matches both of the expressions below:
3824 /// \code
3825 /// [myObj methodA:argA];
3826 /// [myObj methodB:argB];
3827 /// \endcode
3828 extern const internal::VariadicFunction<internal::Matcher<ObjCMessageExpr>,
3829  StringRef,
3833 /// Matches ObjC selectors whose name contains
3834 /// a substring matched by the given RegExp.
3835 /// matcher = objCMessageExpr(matchesSelector("loadHTMLString\:baseURL?"));
3836 /// matches the outer message expr in the code below, but NOT the message
3837 /// invocation for self.bodyView.
3838 /// \code
3839 /// [self.bodyView loadHTMLString:html baseURL:NULL];
3840 /// \endcode
3841 AST_MATCHER_REGEX(ObjCMessageExpr, matchesSelector, RegExp) {
3842  std::string SelectorString = Node.getSelector().getAsString();
3843  return RegExp->match(SelectorString);
3844 }
3846 /// Matches when the selector is the empty selector
3847 ///
3848 /// Matches only when the selector of the objCMessageExpr is NULL. This may
3849 /// represent an error condition in the tree!
3850 AST_MATCHER(ObjCMessageExpr, hasNullSelector) {
3851  return Node.getSelector().isNull();
3852 }
3854 /// Matches when the selector is a Unary Selector
3855 ///
3856 /// matcher = objCMessageExpr(matchesSelector(hasUnarySelector());
3857 /// matches self.bodyView in the code below, but NOT the outer message
3858 /// invocation of "loadHTMLString:baseURL:".
3859 /// \code
3860 /// [self.bodyView loadHTMLString:html baseURL:NULL];
3861 /// \endcode
3862 AST_MATCHER(ObjCMessageExpr, hasUnarySelector) {
3863  return Node.getSelector().isUnarySelector();
3864 }
3866 /// Matches when the selector is a keyword selector
3867 ///
3868 /// objCMessageExpr(hasKeywordSelector()) matches the generated setFrame
3869 /// message expression in
3870 ///
3871 /// \code
3872 /// UIWebView *webView = ...;
3873 /// CGRect bodyFrame = webView.frame;
3874 /// bodyFrame.size.height = self.bodyContentHeight;
3875 /// webView.frame = bodyFrame;
3876 /// // ^---- matches here
3877 /// \endcode
3878 AST_MATCHER(ObjCMessageExpr, hasKeywordSelector) {
3879  return Node.getSelector().isKeywordSelector();
3880 }
3882 /// Matches when the selector has the specified number of arguments
3883 ///
3884 /// matcher = objCMessageExpr(numSelectorArgs(0));
3885 /// matches self.bodyView in the code below
3886 ///
3887 /// matcher = objCMessageExpr(numSelectorArgs(2));
3888 /// matches the invocation of "loadHTMLString:baseURL:" but not that
3889 /// of self.bodyView
3890 /// \code
3891 /// [self.bodyView loadHTMLString:html baseURL:NULL];
3892 /// \endcode
3893 AST_MATCHER_P(ObjCMessageExpr, numSelectorArgs, unsigned, N) {
3894  return Node.getSelector().getNumArgs() == N;
3895 }
3897 /// Matches if the call or fold expression's callee expression matches.
3898 ///
3899 /// Given
3900 /// \code
3901 /// class Y { void x() { this->x(); x(); Y y; y.x(); } };
3902 /// void f() { f(); }
3903 /// \endcode
3904 /// callExpr(callee(expr()))
3905 /// matches this->x(), x(), y.x(), f()
3906 /// with callee(...)
3907 /// matching this->x, x, y.x, f respectively
3908 ///
3909 /// Given
3910 /// \code
3911 /// template <typename... Args>
3912 /// auto sum(Args... args) {
3913 /// return (0 + ... + args);
3914 /// }
3915 ///
3916 /// template <typename... Args>
3917 /// auto multiply(Args... args) {
3918 /// return (args * ... * 1);
3919 /// }
3920 /// \endcode
3921 /// cxxFoldExpr(callee(expr()))
3922 /// matches (args * ... * 1)
3923 /// with callee(...)
3924 /// matching *
3925 ///
3926 /// Note: Callee cannot take the more general internal::Matcher<Expr>
3927 /// because this introduces ambiguous overloads with calls to Callee taking a
3928 /// internal::Matcher<Decl>, as the matcher hierarchy is purely
3929 /// implemented in terms of implicit casts.
3932  CXXFoldExpr),
3933  internal::Matcher<Stmt>, InnerMatcher, 0) {
3934  const auto *ExprNode = Node.getCallee();
3935  return (ExprNode != nullptr &&
3936  InnerMatcher.matches(*ExprNode, Finder, Builder));
3937 }
3939 /// Matches 1) if the call expression's callee's declaration matches the
3940 /// given matcher; or 2) if the Obj-C message expression's callee's method
3941 /// declaration matches the given matcher.
3942 ///
3943 /// Example matches y.x() (matcher = callExpr(callee(
3944 /// cxxMethodDecl(hasName("x")))))
3945 /// \code
3946 /// class Y { public: void x(); };
3947 /// void z() { Y y; y.x(); }
3948 /// \endcode
3949 ///
3950 /// Example 2. Matches [I foo] with
3951 /// objcMessageExpr(callee(objcMethodDecl(hasName("foo"))))
3952 ///
3953 /// \code
3954 /// @interface I: NSObject
3955 /// +(void)foo;
3956 /// @end
3957 /// ...
3958 /// [I foo]
3959 /// \endcode
3962  internal::Matcher<Decl>, InnerMatcher, 1) {
3963  if (isa<CallExpr>(&Node))
3964  return callExpr(hasDeclaration(InnerMatcher))
3965  .matches(Node, Finder, Builder);
3966  else {
3967  // The dynamic cast below is guaranteed to succeed as there are only 2
3968  // supported return types.
3969  const auto *MsgNode = cast<ObjCMessageExpr>(&Node);
3970  const Decl *DeclNode = MsgNode->getMethodDecl();
3971  return (DeclNode != nullptr &&
3972  InnerMatcher.matches(*DeclNode, Finder, Builder));
3973  }
3974 }
3976 /// Matches if the expression's or declaration's type matches a type
3977 /// matcher.
3978 ///
3979 /// Example matches x (matcher = expr(hasType(cxxRecordDecl(hasName("X")))))
3980 /// and z (matcher = varDecl(hasType(cxxRecordDecl(hasName("X")))))
3981 /// and U (matcher = typedefDecl(hasType(asString("int")))
3982 /// and friend class X (matcher = friendDecl(hasType("X"))
3983 /// and public virtual X (matcher = cxxBaseSpecifier(hasType(
3984 /// asString("class X")))
3985 /// \code
3986 /// class X {};
3987 /// void y(X &x) { x; X z; }
3988 /// typedef int U;
3989 /// class Y { friend class X; };
3990 /// class Z : public virtual X {};
3991 /// \endcode
3993  hasType,
3996  internal::Matcher<QualType>, InnerMatcher, 0) {
3998  if (!QT.isNull())
3999  return InnerMatcher.matches(QT, Finder, Builder);
4000  return false;
4001 }
4003 /// Overloaded to match the declaration of the expression's or value
4004 /// declaration's type.
4005 ///
4006 /// In case of a value declaration (for example a variable declaration),
4007 /// this resolves one layer of indirection. For example, in the value
4008 /// declaration "X x;", cxxRecordDecl(hasName("X")) matches the declaration of
4009 /// X, while varDecl(hasType(cxxRecordDecl(hasName("X")))) matches the
4010 /// declaration of x.
4011 ///
4012 /// Example matches x (matcher = expr(hasType(cxxRecordDecl(hasName("X")))))
4013 /// and z (matcher = varDecl(hasType(cxxRecordDecl(hasName("X")))))
4014 /// and friend class X (matcher = friendDecl(hasType("X"))
4015 /// and public virtual X (matcher = cxxBaseSpecifier(hasType(
4016 /// cxxRecordDecl(hasName("X"))))
4017 /// \code
4018 /// class X {};
4019 /// void y(X &x) { x; X z; }
4020 /// class Y { friend class X; };
4021 /// class Z : public virtual X {};
4022 /// \endcode
4023 ///
4024 /// Example matches class Derived
4025 /// (matcher = cxxRecordDecl(hasAnyBase(hasType(cxxRecordDecl(hasName("Base"))))))
4026 /// \code
4027 /// class Base {};
4028 /// class Derived : Base {};
4029 /// \endcode
4030 ///
4031 /// Usable as: Matcher<Expr>, Matcher<FriendDecl>, Matcher<ValueDecl>,
4032 /// Matcher<CXXBaseSpecifier>
4034  hasType,
4037  internal::Matcher<Decl>, InnerMatcher, 1) {
4039  if (!QT.isNull())
4040  return qualType(hasDeclaration(InnerMatcher)).matches(QT, Finder, Builder);
4041  return false;
4042 }
4044 /// Matches if the type location of a node matches the inner matcher.
4045 ///
4046 /// Examples:
4047 /// \code
4048 /// int x;
4049 /// \endcode
4050 /// declaratorDecl(hasTypeLoc(loc(asString("int"))))
4051 /// matches int x
4052 ///
4053 /// \code
4054 /// auto x = int(3);
4055 /// \endcode
4056 /// cxxTemporaryObjectExpr(hasTypeLoc(loc(asString("int"))))
4057 /// matches int(3)
4058 ///
4059 /// \code
4060 /// struct Foo { Foo(int, int); };
4061 /// auto x = Foo(1, 2);
4062 /// \endcode
4063 /// cxxFunctionalCastExpr(hasTypeLoc(loc(asString("struct Foo"))))
4064 /// matches Foo(1, 2)
4065 ///
4066 /// Usable as: Matcher<BlockDecl>, Matcher<CXXBaseSpecifier>,
4067 /// Matcher<CXXCtorInitializer>, Matcher<CXXFunctionalCastExpr>,
4068 /// Matcher<CXXNewExpr>, Matcher<CXXTemporaryObjectExpr>,
4069 /// Matcher<CXXUnresolvedConstructExpr>,
4070 /// Matcher<CompoundLiteralExpr>,
4071 /// Matcher<DeclaratorDecl>, Matcher<ExplicitCastExpr>,
4072 /// Matcher<ObjCPropertyDecl>, Matcher<TemplateArgumentLoc>,
4073 /// Matcher<TypedefNameDecl>
4075  hasTypeLoc,
4081  internal::Matcher<TypeLoc>, Inner) {
4082  TypeSourceInfo *source = internal::GetTypeSourceInfo(Node);
4083  if (source == nullptr) {
4084  // This happens for example for implicit destructors.
4085  return false;
4086  }
4087  return Inner.matches(source->getTypeLoc(), Finder, Builder);
4088 }
4090 /// Matches if the matched type is represented by the given string.
4091 ///
4092 /// Given
4093 /// \code
4094 /// class Y { public: void x(); };
4095 /// void z() { Y* y; y->x(); }
4096 /// \endcode
4097 /// cxxMemberCallExpr(on(hasType(asString("class Y *"))))
4098 /// matches y->x()
4099 AST_MATCHER_P(QualType, asString, std::string, Name) {
4100  return Name == Node.getAsString();
4101 }
4103 /// Matches if the matched type is a pointer type and the pointee type
4104 /// matches the specified matcher.
4105 ///
4106 /// Example matches y->x()
4107 /// (matcher = cxxMemberCallExpr(on(hasType(pointsTo
4108 /// cxxRecordDecl(hasName("Y")))))))
4109 /// \code
4110 /// class Y { public: void x(); };
4111 /// void z() { Y *y; y->x(); }
4112 /// \endcode
4114  QualType, pointsTo, internal::Matcher<QualType>,
4115  InnerMatcher) {
4116  return (!Node.isNull() && Node->isAnyPointerType() &&
4117  InnerMatcher.matches(Node->getPointeeType(), Finder, Builder));
4118 }
4120 /// Overloaded to match the pointee type's declaration.
4121 AST_MATCHER_P_OVERLOAD(QualType, pointsTo, internal::Matcher<Decl>,
4122  InnerMatcher, 1) {
4123  return pointsTo(qualType(hasDeclaration(InnerMatcher)))
4124  .matches(Node, Finder, Builder);
4125 }
4127 /// Matches if the matched type matches the unqualified desugared
4128 /// type of the matched node.
4129 ///
4130 /// For example, in:
4131 /// \code
4132 /// class A {};
4133 /// using B = A;
4134 /// \endcode
4135 /// The matcher type(hasUnqualifiedDesugaredType(recordType())) matches
4136 /// both B and A.
4137 AST_MATCHER_P(Type, hasUnqualifiedDesugaredType, internal::Matcher<Type>,
4138  InnerMatcher) {
4139  return InnerMatcher.matches(*Node.getUnqualifiedDesugaredType(), Finder,
4140  Builder);
4141 }
4143 /// Matches if the matched type is a reference type and the referenced
4144 /// type matches the specified matcher.
4145 ///
4146 /// Example matches X &x and const X &y
4147 /// (matcher = varDecl(hasType(references(cxxRecordDecl(hasName("X"))))))
4148 /// \code
4149 /// class X {
4150 /// void a(X b) {
4151 /// X &x = b;
4152 /// const X &y = b;
4153 /// }
4154 /// };
4155 /// \endcode
4156 AST_MATCHER_P(QualType, references, internal::Matcher<QualType>,
4157  InnerMatcher) {
4158  return (!Node.isNull() && Node->isReferenceType() &&
4159  InnerMatcher.matches(Node->getPointeeType(), Finder, Builder));
4160 }
4162 /// Matches QualTypes whose canonical type matches InnerMatcher.
4163 ///
4164 /// Given:
4165 /// \code
4166 /// typedef int &int_ref;
4167 /// int a;
4168 /// int_ref b = a;
4169 /// \endcode
4170 ///
4171 /// \c varDecl(hasType(qualType(referenceType()))))) will not match the
4172 /// declaration of b but \c
4173 /// varDecl(hasType(qualType(hasCanonicalType(referenceType())))))) does.
4174 AST_MATCHER_P(QualType, hasCanonicalType, internal::Matcher<QualType>,
4175  InnerMatcher) {
4176  if (Node.isNull())
4177  return false;
4178  return InnerMatcher.matches(Node.getCanonicalType(), Finder, Builder);
4179 }
4181 /// Overloaded to match the referenced type's declaration.
4182 AST_MATCHER_P_OVERLOAD(QualType, references, internal::Matcher<Decl>,
4183  InnerMatcher, 1) {
4184  return references(qualType(hasDeclaration(InnerMatcher)))
4185  .matches(Node, Finder, Builder);
4186 }
4188 /// Matches on the implicit object argument of a member call expression. Unlike
4189 /// `on`, matches the argument directly without stripping away anything.
4190 ///
4191 /// Given
4192 /// \code
4193 /// class Y { public: void m(); };
4194 /// Y g();
4195 /// class X : public Y { void g(); };
4196 /// void z(Y y, X x) { y.m(); x.m(); x.g(); (g()).m(); }
4197 /// \endcode
4198 /// cxxMemberCallExpr(onImplicitObjectArgument(hasType(
4199 /// cxxRecordDecl(hasName("Y")))))
4200 /// matches `y.m()`, `x.m()` and (g()).m(), but not `x.g()`.
4201 /// cxxMemberCallExpr(on(callExpr()))
4202 /// does not match `(g()).m()`, because the parens are not ignored.
4203 ///
4204 /// FIXME: Overload to allow directly matching types?
4205 AST_MATCHER_P(CXXMemberCallExpr, onImplicitObjectArgument,
4206  internal::Matcher<Expr>, InnerMatcher) {
4207  const Expr *ExprNode = Node.getImplicitObjectArgument();
4208  return (ExprNode != nullptr &&
4209  InnerMatcher.matches(*ExprNode, Finder, Builder));
4210 }
4212 /// Matches if the type of the expression's implicit object argument either
4213 /// matches the InnerMatcher, or is a pointer to a type that matches the
4214 /// InnerMatcher.
4215 ///
4216 /// Given
4217 /// \code
4218 /// class Y { public: void m(); };
4219 /// class X : public Y { void g(); };
4220 /// void z() { Y y; y.m(); Y *p; p->m(); X x; x.m(); x.g(); }
4221 /// \endcode
4222 /// cxxMemberCallExpr(thisPointerType(hasDeclaration(
4223 /// cxxRecordDecl(hasName("Y")))))
4224 /// matches `y.m()`, `p->m()` and `x.m()`.
4225 /// cxxMemberCallExpr(thisPointerType(hasDeclaration(
4226 /// cxxRecordDecl(hasName("X")))))
4227 /// matches `x.g()`.
4229  internal::Matcher<QualType>, InnerMatcher, 0) {
4230  return onImplicitObjectArgument(
4231  anyOf(hasType(InnerMatcher), hasType(pointsTo(InnerMatcher))))
4232  .matches(Node, Finder, Builder);
4233 }
4235 /// Overloaded to match the type's declaration.
4237  internal::Matcher<Decl>, InnerMatcher, 1) {
4238  return onImplicitObjectArgument(
4239  anyOf(hasType(InnerMatcher), hasType(pointsTo(InnerMatcher))))
4240  .matches(Node, Finder, Builder);
4241 }
4243 /// Matches a DeclRefExpr that refers to a declaration that matches the
4244 /// specified matcher.
4245 ///
4246 /// Example matches x in if(x)
4247 /// (matcher = declRefExpr(to(varDecl(hasName("x")))))
4248 /// \code
4249 /// bool x;
4250 /// if (x) {}
4251 /// \endcode
4252 AST_MATCHER_P(DeclRefExpr, to, internal::Matcher<Decl>,
4253  InnerMatcher) {
4254  const Decl *DeclNode = Node.getDecl();
4255  return (DeclNode != nullptr &&
4256  InnerMatcher.matches(*DeclNode, Finder, Builder));
4257 }
4259 /// Matches if a node refers to a declaration through a specific
4260 /// using shadow declaration.
4261 ///
4262 /// Examples:
4263 /// \code
4264 /// namespace a { int f(); }
4265 /// using a::f;
4266 /// int x = f();
4267 /// \endcode
4268 /// declRefExpr(throughUsingDecl(anything()))
4269 /// matches \c f
4270 ///
4271 /// \code
4272 /// namespace a { class X{}; }
4273 /// using a::X;
4274 /// X x;
4275 /// \endcode
4276 /// typeLoc(loc(usingType(throughUsingDecl(anything()))))
4277 /// matches \c X
4278 ///
4279 /// Usable as: Matcher<DeclRefExpr>, Matcher<UsingType>
4280 AST_POLYMORPHIC_MATCHER_P(throughUsingDecl,
4282  UsingType),
4283  internal::Matcher<UsingShadowDecl>, Inner) {
4284  const NamedDecl *FoundDecl = Node.getFoundDecl();
4285  if (const UsingShadowDecl *UsingDecl = dyn_cast<UsingShadowDecl>(FoundDecl))
4286  return Inner.matches(*UsingDecl, Finder, Builder);
4287  return false;
4288 }
4290 /// Matches an \c OverloadExpr if any of the declarations in the set of
4291 /// overloads matches the given matcher.
4292 ///
4293 /// Given
4294 /// \code
4295 /// template <typename T> void foo(T);
4296 /// template <typename T> void bar(T);
4297 /// template <typename T> void baz(T t) {
4298 /// foo(t);
4299 /// bar(t);
4300 /// }
4301 /// \endcode
4302 /// unresolvedLookupExpr(hasAnyDeclaration(
4303 /// functionTemplateDecl(hasName("foo"))))
4304 /// matches \c foo in \c foo(t); but not \c bar in \c bar(t);
4305 AST_MATCHER_P(OverloadExpr, hasAnyDeclaration, internal::Matcher<Decl>,
4306  InnerMatcher) {
4307  return matchesFirstInPointerRange(InnerMatcher, Node.decls_begin(),
4308  Node.decls_end(), Finder,
4309  Builder) != Node.decls_end();
4310 }
4312 /// Matches the Decl of a DeclStmt which has a single declaration.
4313 ///
4314 /// Given
4315 /// \code
4316 /// int a, b;
4317 /// int c;
4318 /// \endcode
4319 /// declStmt(hasSingleDecl(anything()))
4320 /// matches 'int c;' but not 'int a, b;'.
4321 AST_MATCHER_P(DeclStmt, hasSingleDecl, internal::Matcher<Decl>, InnerMatcher) {
4322  if (Node.isSingleDecl()) {
4323  const Decl *FoundDecl = Node.getSingleDecl();
4324  return InnerMatcher.matches(*FoundDecl, Finder, Builder);
4325  }
4326  return false;
4327 }
4329 /// Matches a variable declaration that has an initializer expression
4330 /// that matches the given matcher.
4331 ///
4332 /// Example matches x (matcher = varDecl(hasInitializer(callExpr())))
4333 /// \code
4334 /// bool y() { return true; }
4335 /// bool x = y();
4336 /// \endcode
4338  VarDecl, hasInitializer, internal::Matcher<Expr>,
4339  InnerMatcher) {
4340  const Expr *Initializer = Node.getAnyInitializer();
4341  return (Initializer != nullptr &&
4342  InnerMatcher.matches(*Initializer, Finder, Builder));
4343 }
4345 /// Matches a variable serving as the implicit variable for a lambda init-
4346 /// capture.
4347 ///
4348 /// Example matches x (matcher = varDecl(isInitCapture()))
4349 /// \code
4350 /// auto f = [x=3]() { return x; };
4351 /// \endcode
4352 AST_MATCHER(VarDecl, isInitCapture) { return Node.isInitCapture(); }
4354 /// Matches each lambda capture in a lambda expression.
4355 ///
4356 /// Given
4357 /// \code
4358 /// int main() {
4359 /// int x, y;
4360 /// float z;
4361 /// auto f = [=]() { return x + y + z; };
4362 /// }
4363 /// \endcode
4364 /// lambdaExpr(forEachLambdaCapture(
4365 /// lambdaCapture(capturesVar(varDecl(hasType(isInteger()))))))
4366 /// will trigger two matches, binding for 'x' and 'y' respectively.
4367 AST_MATCHER_P(LambdaExpr, forEachLambdaCapture,
4368  internal::Matcher<LambdaCapture>, InnerMatcher) {
4369  BoundNodesTreeBuilder Result;
4370  bool Matched = false;
4371  for (const auto &Capture : Node.captures()) {
4372  if (Finder->isTraversalIgnoringImplicitNodes() && Capture.isImplicit())
4373  continue;
4374  BoundNodesTreeBuilder CaptureBuilder(*Builder);
4375  if (InnerMatcher.matches(Capture, Finder, &CaptureBuilder)) {
4376  Matched = true;
4377  Result.addMatch(CaptureBuilder);
4378  }
4379  }
4380  *Builder = std::move(Result);
4381  return Matched;
4382 }
4384 /// \brief Matches a static variable with local scope.
4385 ///
4386 /// Example matches y (matcher = varDecl(isStaticLocal()))
4387 /// \code
4388 /// void f() {
4389 /// int x;
4390 /// static int y;
4391 /// }
4392 /// static int z;
4393 /// \endcode
4394 AST_MATCHER(VarDecl, isStaticLocal) {
4395  return Node.isStaticLocal();
4396 }
4398 /// Matches a variable declaration that has function scope and is a
4399 /// non-static local variable.
4400 ///
4401 /// Example matches x (matcher = varDecl(hasLocalStorage())
4402 /// \code
4403 /// void f() {
4404 /// int x;
4405 /// static int y;
4406 /// }
4407 /// int z;
4408 /// \endcode
4409 AST_MATCHER(VarDecl, hasLocalStorage) {
4410  return Node.hasLocalStorage();
4411 }
4413 /// Matches a variable declaration that does not have local storage.
4414 ///
4415 /// Example matches y and z (matcher = varDecl(hasGlobalStorage())
4416 /// \code
4417 /// void f() {
4418 /// int x;
4419 /// static int y;
4420 /// }
4421 /// int z;
4422 /// \endcode
4423 AST_MATCHER(VarDecl, hasGlobalStorage) {
4424  return Node.hasGlobalStorage();
4425 }
4427 /// Matches a variable declaration that has automatic storage duration.
4428 ///
4429 /// Example matches x, but not y, z, or a.
4430 /// (matcher = varDecl(hasAutomaticStorageDuration())
4431 /// \code
4432 /// void f() {
4433 /// int x;
4434 /// static int y;
4435 /// thread_local int z;
4436 /// }
4437 /// int a;
4438 /// \endcode
4439 AST_MATCHER(VarDecl, hasAutomaticStorageDuration) {
4440  return Node.getStorageDuration() == SD_Automatic;
4441 }
4443 /// Matches a variable declaration that has static storage duration.
4444 /// It includes the variable declared at namespace scope and those declared
4445 /// with "static" and "extern" storage class specifiers.
4446 ///
4447 /// \code
4448 /// void f() {
4449 /// int x;
4450 /// static int y;
4451 /// thread_local int z;
4452 /// }
4453 /// int a;
4454 /// static int b;
4455 /// extern int c;
4456 /// varDecl(hasStaticStorageDuration())
4457 /// matches the function declaration y, a, b and c.
4458 /// \endcode
4459 AST_MATCHER(VarDecl, hasStaticStorageDuration) {
4460  return Node.getStorageDuration() == SD_Static;
4461 }
4463 /// Matches a variable declaration that has thread storage duration.
4464 ///
4465 /// Example matches z, but not x, z, or a.
4466 /// (matcher = varDecl(hasThreadStorageDuration())
4467 /// \code
4468 /// void f() {
4469 /// int x;
4470 /// static int y;
4471 /// thread_local int z;
4472 /// }
4473 /// int a;
4474 /// \endcode
4475 AST_MATCHER(VarDecl, hasThreadStorageDuration) {
4476  return Node.getStorageDuration() == SD_Thread;
4477 }
4479 /// Matches a variable declaration that is an exception variable from
4480 /// a C++ catch block, or an Objective-C \@catch statement.
4481 ///
4482 /// Example matches x (matcher = varDecl(isExceptionVariable())
4483 /// \code
4484 /// void f(int y) {
4485 /// try {
4486 /// } catch (int x) {
4487 /// }
4488 /// }
4489 /// \endcode
4490 AST_MATCHER(VarDecl, isExceptionVariable) {
4491  return Node.isExceptionVariable();
4492 }
4494 /// Checks that a call expression or a constructor call expression has
4495 /// a specific number of arguments (including absent default arguments).
4496 ///
4497 /// Example matches f(0, 0) (matcher = callExpr(argumentCountIs(2)))
4498 /// \code
4499 /// void f(int x, int y);
4500 /// f(0, 0);
4501 /// \endcode
4506  unsigned, N) {
4507  unsigned NumArgs = Node.getNumArgs();
4508  if (!Finder->isTraversalIgnoringImplicitNodes())
4509  return NumArgs == N;
4510  while (NumArgs) {
4511  if (!isa<CXXDefaultArgExpr>(Node.getArg(NumArgs - 1)))
4512  break;
4513  --NumArgs;
4514  }
4515  return NumArgs == N;
4516 }
4518 /// Checks that a call expression or a constructor call expression has at least
4519 /// the specified number of arguments (including absent default arguments).
4520 ///
4521 /// Example matches f(0, 0) and g(0, 0, 0)
4522 /// (matcher = callExpr(argumentCountAtLeast(2)))
4523 /// \code
4524 /// void f(int x, int y);
4525 /// void g(int x, int y, int z);
4526 /// f(0, 0);
4527 /// g(0, 0, 0);
4528 /// \endcode
4529 AST_POLYMORPHIC_MATCHER_P(argumentCountAtLeast,
4533  unsigned, N) {
4534  unsigned NumArgs = Node.getNumArgs();
4535  if (!Finder->isTraversalIgnoringImplicitNodes())
4536  return NumArgs >= N;
4537  while (NumArgs) {
4538  if (!isa<CXXDefaultArgExpr>(Node.getArg(NumArgs - 1)))
4539  break;
4540  --NumArgs;
4541  }
4542  return NumArgs >= N;
4543 }
4545 /// Matches the n'th argument of a call expression or a constructor
4546 /// call expression.
4547 ///
4548 /// Example matches y in x(y)
4549 /// (matcher = callExpr(hasArgument(0, declRefExpr())))
4550 /// \code
4551 /// void x(int) { int y; x(y); }
4552 /// \endcode
4557  unsigned, N, internal::Matcher<Expr>, InnerMatcher) {
4558  if (N >= Node.getNumArgs())
4559  return false;
4560  const Expr *Arg = Node.getArg(N);
4561  if (Finder->isTraversalIgnoringImplicitNodes() && isa<CXXDefaultArgExpr>(Arg))
4562  return false;
4563  return InnerMatcher.matches(*Arg->IgnoreParenImpCasts(), Finder, Builder);
4564 }
4566 /// Matches the operand that does not contain the parameter pack.
4567 ///
4568 /// Example matches `(0 + ... + args)` and `(args * ... * 1)`
4569 /// (matcher = cxxFoldExpr(hasFoldInit(expr())))
4570 /// with hasFoldInit(...)
4571 /// matching `0` and `1` respectively
4572 /// \code
4573 /// template <typename... Args>
4574 /// auto sum(Args... args) {
4575 /// return (0 + ... + args);
4576 /// }
4577 ///
4578 /// template <typename... Args>
4579 /// auto multiply(Args... args) {
4580 /// return (args * ... * 1);
4581 /// }
4582 /// \endcode
4583 AST_MATCHER_P(CXXFoldExpr, hasFoldInit, internal::Matcher<Expr>, InnerMacher) {
4584  const auto *const Init = Node.getInit();
4585  return Init && InnerMacher.matches(*Init, Finder, Builder);
4586 }
4588 /// Matches the operand that contains the parameter pack.
4589 ///
4590 /// Example matches `(0 + ... + args)`
4591 /// (matcher = cxxFoldExpr(hasPattern(expr())))
4592 /// with hasPattern(...)
4593 /// matching `args`
4594 /// \code
4595 /// template <typename... Args>
4596 /// auto sum(Args... args) {
4597 /// return (0 + ... + args);
4598 /// }
4599 ///
4600 /// template <typename... Args>
4601 /// auto multiply(Args... args) {
4602 /// return (args * ... * 1);
4603 /// }
4604 /// \endcode
4605 AST_MATCHER_P(CXXFoldExpr, hasPattern, internal::Matcher<Expr>, InnerMacher) {
4606  const Expr *const Pattern = Node.getPattern();
4607  return Pattern && InnerMacher.matches(*Pattern, Finder, Builder);
4608 }
4610 /// Matches right-folding fold expressions.
4611 ///
4612 /// Example matches `(args * ... * 1)`
4613 /// (matcher = cxxFoldExpr(isRightFold()))
4614 /// \code
4615 /// template <typename... Args>
4616 /// auto sum(Args... args) {
4617 /// return (0 + ... + args);
4618 /// }
4619 ///
4620 /// template <typename... Args>
4621 /// auto multiply(Args... args) {
4622 /// return (args * ... * 1);
4623 /// }
4624 /// \endcode
4625 AST_MATCHER(CXXFoldExpr, isRightFold) { return Node.isRightFold(); }
4627 /// Matches left-folding fold expressions.
4628 ///
4629 /// Example matches `(0 + ... + args)`
4630 /// (matcher = cxxFoldExpr(isLeftFold()))
4631 /// \code
4632 /// template <typename... Args>
4633 /// auto sum(Args... args) {
4634 /// return (0 + ... + args);
4635 /// }
4636 ///
4637 /// template <typename... Args>
4638 /// auto multiply(Args... args) {
4639 /// return (args * ... * 1);
4640 /// }
4641 /// \endcode
4642 AST_MATCHER(CXXFoldExpr, isLeftFold) { return Node.isLeftFold(); }
4644 /// Matches unary fold expressions, i.e. fold expressions without an
4645 /// initializer.
4646 ///
4647 /// Example matches `(args * ...)`
4648 /// (matcher = cxxFoldExpr(isUnaryFold()))
4649 /// \code
4650 /// template <typename... Args>
4651 /// auto sum(Args... args) {
4652 /// return (0 + ... + args);
4653 /// }
4654 ///
4655 /// template <typename... Args>
4656 /// auto multiply(Args... args) {
4657 /// return (args * ...);
4658 /// }
4659 /// \endcode
4660 AST_MATCHER(CXXFoldExpr, isUnaryFold) { return Node.getInit() == nullptr; }
4662 /// Matches binary fold expressions, i.e. fold expressions with an initializer.
4663 ///
4664 /// Example matches `(0 + ... + args)`
4665 /// (matcher = cxxFoldExpr(isBinaryFold()))
4666 /// \code
4667 /// template <typename... Args>
4668 /// auto sum(Args... args) {
4669 /// return (0 + ... + args);
4670 /// }
4671 ///
4672 /// template <typename... Args>
4673 /// auto multiply(Args... args) {
4674 /// return (args * ...);
4675 /// }
4676 /// \endcode
4677 AST_MATCHER(CXXFoldExpr, isBinaryFold) { return Node.getInit() != nullptr; }
4679 /// Matches the n'th item of an initializer list expression.
4680 ///
4681 /// Example matches y.
4682 /// (matcher = initListExpr(hasInit(0, expr())))
4683 /// \code
4684 /// int x{y}.
4685 /// \endcode
4686 AST_MATCHER_P2(InitListExpr, hasInit, unsigned, N, internal::Matcher<Expr>,
4687  InnerMatcher) {
4688  return N < Node.getNumInits() &&
4689  InnerMatcher.matches(*Node.getInit(N), Finder, Builder);
4690 }
4692 /// Matches declaration statements that contain a specific number of
4693 /// declarations.
4694 ///
4695 /// Example: Given
4696 /// \code
4697 /// int a, b;
4698 /// int c;
4699 /// int d = 2, e;
4700 /// \endcode
4701 /// declCountIs(2)
4702 /// matches 'int a, b;' and 'int d = 2, e;', but not 'int c;'.
4703 AST_MATCHER_P(DeclStmt, declCountIs, unsigned, N) {
4704  return std::distance(Node.decl_begin(), Node.decl_end()) == (ptrdiff_t)N;
4705 }
4707 /// Matches the n'th declaration of a declaration statement.
4708 ///
4709 /// Note that this does not work for global declarations because the AST
4710 /// breaks up multiple-declaration DeclStmt's into multiple single-declaration
4711 /// DeclStmt's.
4712 /// Example: Given non-global declarations
4713 /// \code
4714 /// int a, b = 0;
4715 /// int c;
4716 /// int d = 2, e;
4717 /// \endcode
4718 /// declStmt(containsDeclaration(
4719 /// 0, varDecl(hasInitializer(anything()))))
4720 /// matches only 'int d = 2, e;', and
4721 /// declStmt(containsDeclaration(1, varDecl()))
4722 /// \code
4723 /// matches 'int a, b = 0' as well as 'int d = 2, e;'
4724 /// but 'int c;' is not matched.
4725 /// \endcode
4726 AST_MATCHER_P2(DeclStmt, containsDeclaration, unsigned, N,
4727  internal::Matcher<Decl>, InnerMatcher) {
4728  const unsigned NumDecls = std::distance(Node.decl_begin(), Node.decl_end());
4729  if (N >= NumDecls)
4730  return false;
4731  DeclStmt::const_decl_iterator Iterator = Node.decl_begin();
4732  std::advance(Iterator, N);
4733  return InnerMatcher.matches(**Iterator, Finder, Builder);
4734 }
4736 /// Matches a C++ catch statement that has a catch-all handler.
4737 ///
4738 /// Given
4739 /// \code
4740 /// try {
4741 /// // ...
4742 /// } catch (int) {
4743 /// // ...
4744 /// } catch (...) {
4745 /// // ...
4746 /// }
4747 /// \endcode
4748 /// cxxCatchStmt(isCatchAll()) matches catch(...) but not catch(int).
4750  return Node.getExceptionDecl() == nullptr;
4751 }
4753 /// Matches a constructor initializer.
4754 ///
4755 /// Given
4756 /// \code
4757 /// struct Foo {
4758 /// Foo() : foo_(1) { }
4759 /// int foo_;
4760 /// };
4761 /// \endcode
4762 /// cxxRecordDecl(has(cxxConstructorDecl(
4763 /// hasAnyConstructorInitializer(anything())
4764 /// )))
4765 /// record matches Foo, hasAnyConstructorInitializer matches foo_(1)
4766 AST_MATCHER_P(CXXConstructorDecl, hasAnyConstructorInitializer,
4767  internal::Matcher<CXXCtorInitializer>, InnerMatcher) {
4768  auto MatchIt = matchesFirstInPointerRange(InnerMatcher, Node.init_begin(),
4769  Node.init_end(), Finder, Builder);
4770  if (MatchIt == Node.init_end())
4771  return false;
4772  return (*MatchIt)->isWritten() || !Finder->isTraversalIgnoringImplicitNodes();
4773 }
4775 /// Matches the field declaration of a constructor initializer.
4776 ///
4777 /// Given
4778 /// \code
4779 /// struct Foo {
4780 /// Foo() : foo_(1) { }
4781 /// int foo_;
4782 /// };
4783 /// \endcode
4784 /// cxxRecordDecl(has(cxxConstructorDecl(hasAnyConstructorInitializer(
4785 /// forField(hasName("foo_"))))))
4786 /// matches Foo
4787 /// with forField matching foo_
4789  internal::Matcher<FieldDecl>, InnerMatcher) {
4790  const FieldDecl *NodeAsDecl = Node.getAnyMember();
4791  return (NodeAsDecl != nullptr &&
4792  InnerMatcher.matches(*NodeAsDecl, Finder, Builder));
4793 }
4795 /// Matches the initializer expression of a constructor initializer.
4796 ///
4797 /// Given
4798 /// \code
4799 /// struct Foo {
4800 /// Foo() : foo_(1) { }
4801 /// int foo_;
4802 /// };
4803 /// \endcode
4804 /// cxxRecordDecl(has(cxxConstructorDecl(hasAnyConstructorInitializer(
4805 /// withInitializer(integerLiteral(equals(1)))))))
4806 /// matches Foo
4807 /// with withInitializer matching (1)
4809  internal::Matcher<Expr>, InnerMatcher) {
4810  const Expr* NodeAsExpr = Node.getInit();
4811  return (NodeAsExpr != nullptr &&
4812  InnerMatcher.matches(*NodeAsExpr, Finder, Builder));
4813 }
4815 /// Matches a constructor initializer if it is explicitly written in
4816 /// code (as opposed to implicitly added by the compiler).
4817 ///
4818 /// Given
4819 /// \code
4820 /// struct Foo {
4821 /// Foo() { }
4822 /// Foo(int) : foo_("A") { }
4823 /// string foo_;
4824 /// };
4825 /// \endcode
4826 /// cxxConstructorDecl(hasAnyConstructorInitializer(isWritten()))
4827 /// will match Foo(int), but not Foo()
4829  return Node.isWritten();
4830 }
4832 /// Matches a constructor initializer if it is initializing a base, as
4833 /// opposed to a member.
4834 ///
4835 /// Given
4836 /// \code
4837 /// struct B {};
4838 /// struct D : B {
4839 /// int I;
4840 /// D(int i) : I(i) {}
4841 /// };
4842 /// struct E : B {
4843 /// E() : B() {}
4844 /// };
4845 /// \endcode
4846 /// cxxConstructorDecl(hasAnyConstructorInitializer(isBaseInitializer()))
4847 /// will match E(), but not match D(int).
4848 AST_MATCHER(CXXCtorInitializer, isBaseInitializer) {
4849  return Node.isBaseInitializer();
4850 }
4852 /// Matches a constructor initializer if it is initializing a member, as
4853 /// opposed to a base.
4854 ///
4855 /// Given
4856 /// \code
4857 /// struct B {};
4858 /// struct D : B {
4859 /// int I;
4860 /// D(int i) : I(i) {}
4861 /// };
4862 /// struct E : B {
4863 /// E() : B() {}
4864 /// };
4865 /// \endcode
4866 /// cxxConstructorDecl(hasAnyConstructorInitializer(isMemberInitializer()))
4867 /// will match D(int), but not match E().
4868 AST_MATCHER(CXXCtorInitializer, isMemberInitializer) {
4869  return Node.isMemberInitializer();
4870 }
4872 /// Matches any argument of a call expression or a constructor call
4873 /// expression, or an ObjC-message-send expression.
4874 ///
4875 /// Given
4876 /// \code
4877 /// void x(int, int, int) { int y; x(1, y, 42); }
4878 /// \endcode
4879 /// callExpr(hasAnyArgument(declRefExpr()))
4880 /// matches x(1, y, 42)
4881 /// with hasAnyArgument(...)
4882 /// matching y
4883 ///
4884 /// For ObjectiveC, given
4885 /// \code
4886 /// @interface I - (void) f:(int) y; @end
4887 /// void foo(I *i) { [i f:12]; }
4888 /// \endcode
4889 /// objcMessageExpr(hasAnyArgument(integerLiteral(equals(12))))
4890 /// matches [i f:12]
4895  internal::Matcher<Expr>, InnerMatcher) {
4896  for (const Expr *Arg : Node.arguments()) {
4897  if (Finder->isTraversalIgnoringImplicitNodes() &&
4898  isa<CXXDefaultArgExpr>(Arg))
4899  break;
4900  BoundNodesTreeBuilder Result(*Builder);
4901  if (InnerMatcher.matches(*Arg, Finder, &Result)) {
4902  *Builder = std::move(Result);
4903  return true;
4904  }
4905  }
4906  return false;
4907 }
4909 /// Matches lambda captures.
4910 ///
4911 /// Given
4912 /// \code
4913 /// int main() {
4914 /// int x;
4915 /// auto f = [x](){};
4916 /// auto g = [x = 1](){};
4917 /// }
4918 /// \endcode
4919 /// In the matcher `lambdaExpr(hasAnyCapture(lambdaCapture()))`,
4920 /// `lambdaCapture()` matches `x` and `x=1`.
4921 extern const internal::VariadicAllOfMatcher<LambdaCapture> lambdaCapture;
4923 /// Matches any capture in a lambda expression.
4924 ///
4925 /// Given
4926 /// \code
4927 /// void foo() {
4928 /// int t = 5;
4929 /// auto f = [=](){ return t; };
4930 /// }
4931 /// \endcode
4932 /// lambdaExpr(hasAnyCapture(lambdaCapture())) and
4933 /// lambdaExpr(hasAnyCapture(lambdaCapture(refersToVarDecl(hasName("t")))))
4934 /// both match `[=](){ return t; }`.
4935 AST_MATCHER_P(LambdaExpr, hasAnyCapture, internal::Matcher<LambdaCapture>,
4936  InnerMatcher) {
4937  for (const LambdaCapture &Capture : Node.captures()) {
4938  clang::ast_matchers::internal::BoundNodesTreeBuilder Result(*Builder);
4939  if (InnerMatcher.matches(Capture, Finder, &Result)) {
4940  *Builder = std::move(Result);
4941  return true;
4942  }
4943  }
4944  return false;
4945 }
4947 /// Matches a `LambdaCapture` that refers to the specified `VarDecl`. The
4948 /// `VarDecl` can be a separate variable that is captured by value or
4949 /// reference, or a synthesized variable if the capture has an initializer.
4950 ///
4951 /// Given
4952 /// \code
4953 /// void foo() {
4954 /// int x;
4955 /// auto f = [x](){};
4956 /// auto g = [x = 1](){};
4957 /// }
4958 /// \endcode
4959 /// In the matcher
4960 /// lambdaExpr(hasAnyCapture(lambdaCapture(capturesVar(hasName("x")))),
4961 /// capturesVar(hasName("x")) matches `x` and `x = 1`.
4962 AST_MATCHER_P(LambdaCapture, capturesVar, internal::Matcher<ValueDecl>,
4963  InnerMatcher) {
4964  if (!Node.capturesVariable())
4965  return false;
4966  auto *capturedVar = Node.getCapturedVar();
4967  return capturedVar && InnerMatcher.matches(*capturedVar, Finder, Builder);
4968 }
4970 /// Matches a `LambdaCapture` that refers to 'this'.
4971 ///
4972 /// Given
4973 /// \code
4974 /// class C {
4975 /// int cc;
4976 /// int f() {
4977 /// auto l = [this]() { return cc; };
4978 /// return l();
4979 /// }
4980 /// };
4981 /// \endcode
4982 /// lambdaExpr(hasAnyCapture(lambdaCapture(capturesThis())))
4983 /// matches `[this]() { return cc; }`.
4984 AST_MATCHER(LambdaCapture, capturesThis) { return Node.capturesThis(); }
4986 /// Matches a constructor call expression which uses list initialization.
4987 AST_MATCHER(CXXConstructExpr, isListInitialization) {
4988  return Node.isListInitialization();
4989 }
4991 /// Matches a constructor call expression which requires
4992 /// zero initialization.
4993 ///
4994 /// Given
4995 /// \code
4996 /// void foo() {
4997 /// struct point { double x; double y; };
4998 /// point pt[2] = { { 1.0, 2.0 } };
4999 /// }
5000 /// \endcode
5001 /// initListExpr(has(cxxConstructExpr(requiresZeroInitialization()))
5002 /// will match the implicit array filler for pt[1].
5003 AST_MATCHER(CXXConstructExpr, requiresZeroInitialization) {
5004  return Node.requiresZeroInitialization();
5005 }
5007 /// Matches the n'th parameter of a function or an ObjC method
5008 /// declaration or a block.
5009 ///
5010 /// Given
5011 /// \code
5012 /// class X { void f(int x) {} };
5013 /// \endcode
5014 /// cxxMethodDecl(hasParameter(0, hasType(varDecl())))
5015 /// matches f(int x) {}
5016 /// with hasParameter(...)
5017 /// matching int x
5018 ///
5019 /// For ObjectiveC, given
5020 /// \code
5021 /// @interface I - (void) f:(int) y; @end
5022 /// \endcode
5023 //
5024 /// the matcher objcMethodDecl(hasParameter(0, hasName("y")))
5025 /// matches the declaration of method f with hasParameter
5026 /// matching y.
5030  BlockDecl),
5031  unsigned, N, internal::Matcher<ParmVarDecl>,
5032  InnerMatcher) {
5033  return (N < Node.parameters().size()
5034  && InnerMatcher.matches(*Node.parameters()[N], Finder, Builder));
5035 }
5037 /// Matches if the given method declaration declares a member function with an
5038 /// explicit object parameter.
5039 ///
5040 /// Given
5041 /// \code
5042 /// struct A {
5043 /// int operator-(this A, int);
5044 /// void fun(this A &&self);
5045 /// static int operator()(int);
5046 /// int operator+(int);
5047 /// };
5048 /// \endcode
5049 ///
5050 /// cxxMethodDecl(isExplicitObjectMemberFunction()) matches the first two
5051 /// methods but not the last two.
5052 AST_MATCHER(CXXMethodDecl, isExplicitObjectMemberFunction) {
5053  return Node.isExplicitObjectMemberFunction();
5054 }
5056 /// Matches all arguments and their respective ParmVarDecl.
5057 ///
5058 /// Given
5059 /// \code
5060 /// void f(int i);
5061 /// int y;
5062 /// f(y);
5063 /// \endcode
5064 /// callExpr(
5065 /// forEachArgumentWithParam(
5066 /// declRefExpr(to(varDecl(hasName("y")))),
5067 /// parmVarDecl(hasType(isInteger()))
5068 /// ))
5069 /// matches f(y);
5070 /// with declRefExpr(...)
5071 /// matching int y
5072 /// and parmVarDecl(...)
5073 /// matching int i
5074 AST_POLYMORPHIC_MATCHER_P2(forEachArgumentWithParam,
5077  internal::Matcher<Expr>, ArgMatcher,
5078  internal::Matcher<ParmVarDecl>, ParamMatcher) {
5079  BoundNodesTreeBuilder Result;
5080  // The first argument of an overloaded member operator is the implicit object
5081  // argument of the method which should not be matched against a parameter, so
5082  // we skip over it here.
5083  BoundNodesTreeBuilder Matches;
5084  unsigned ArgIndex =
5086  callee(cxxMethodDecl(unless(isExplicitObjectMemberFunction()))))
5087  .matches(Node, Finder, &Matches)
5088  ? 1
5089  : 0;
5090  int ParamIndex = 0;
5091  bool Matched = false;
5092  for (; ArgIndex < Node.getNumArgs(); ++ArgIndex) {
5093  BoundNodesTreeBuilder ArgMatches(*Builder);
5094  if (ArgMatcher.matches(*(Node.getArg(ArgIndex)->IgnoreParenCasts()),
5095  Finder, &ArgMatches)) {
5096  BoundNodesTreeBuilder ParamMatches(ArgMatches);
5098  hasParameter(ParamIndex, ParamMatcher)))),
5099  callExpr(callee(functionDecl(
5100  hasParameter(ParamIndex, ParamMatcher))))))
5101  .matches(Node, Finder, &ParamMatches)) {
5102  Result.addMatch(ParamMatches);
5103  Matched = true;
5104  }
5105  }
5106  ++ParamIndex;
5107  }
5108  *Builder = std::move(Result);
5109  return Matched;
5110 }
5112 /// Matches all arguments and their respective types for a \c CallExpr or
5113 /// \c CXXConstructExpr. It is very similar to \c forEachArgumentWithParam but
5114 /// it works on calls through function pointers as well.
5115 ///
5116 /// The difference is, that function pointers do not provide access to a
5117 /// \c ParmVarDecl, but only the \c QualType for each argument.
5118 ///
5119 /// Given
5120 /// \code
5121 /// void f(int i);
5122 /// int y;
5123 /// f(y);
5124 /// void (*f_ptr)(int) = f;
5125 /// f_ptr(y);
5126 /// \endcode
5127 /// callExpr(
5128 /// forEachArgumentWithParamType(
5129 /// declRefExpr(to(varDecl(hasName("y")))),
5130 /// qualType(isInteger()).bind("type)
5131 /// ))
5132 /// matches f(y) and f_ptr(y)
5133 /// with declRefExpr(...)
5134 /// matching int y
5135 /// and qualType(...)
5136 /// matching int
5137 AST_POLYMORPHIC_MATCHER_P2(forEachArgumentWithParamType,
5140  internal::Matcher<Expr>, ArgMatcher,
5141  internal::Matcher<QualType>, ParamMatcher) {
5142  BoundNodesTreeBuilder Result;
5143  // The first argument of an overloaded member operator is the implicit object
5144  // argument of the method which should not be matched against a parameter, so
5145  // we skip over it here.
5146  BoundNodesTreeBuilder Matches;
5147  unsigned ArgIndex =
5149  callee(cxxMethodDecl(unless(isExplicitObjectMemberFunction()))))
5150  .matches(Node, Finder, &Matches)
5151  ? 1
5152  : 0;
5153  const FunctionProtoType *FProto = nullptr;
5155  if (const auto *Call = dyn_cast<CallExpr>(&Node)) {
5156  if (const auto *Value =
5157  dyn_cast_or_null<ValueDecl>(Call->getCalleeDecl())) {
5160  // This does not necessarily lead to a `FunctionProtoType`,
5161  // e.g. K&R functions do not have a function prototype.
5162  if (QT->isFunctionPointerType())
5163  FProto = QT->getPointeeType()->getAs<FunctionProtoType>();
5165  if (QT->isMemberFunctionPointerType()) {
5166  const auto *MP = QT->getAs<MemberPointerType>();
5167  assert(MP && "Must be member-pointer if its a memberfunctionpointer");
5168  FProto = MP->getPointeeType()->getAs<FunctionProtoType>();
5169  assert(FProto &&
5170  "The call must have happened through a member function "
5171  "pointer");
5172  }
5173  }
5174  }
5176  unsigned ParamIndex = 0;
5177  bool Matched = false;
5178  unsigned NumArgs = Node.getNumArgs();
5179  if (FProto && FProto->isVariadic())
5180  NumArgs = std::min(NumArgs, FProto->getNumParams());
5182  for (; ArgIndex < NumArgs; ++ArgIndex, ++ParamIndex) {
5183  BoundNodesTreeBuilder ArgMatches(*Builder);
5184  if (ArgMatcher.matches(*(Node.getArg(ArgIndex)->IgnoreParenCasts()), Finder,
5185  &ArgMatches)) {
5186  BoundNodesTreeBuilder ParamMatches(ArgMatches);
5188  // This test is cheaper compared to the big matcher in the next if.
5189  // Therefore, please keep this order.
5190  if (FProto && FProto->getNumParams() > ParamIndex) {
5191  QualType ParamType = FProto->getParamType(ParamIndex);
5192  if (ParamMatcher.matches(ParamType, Finder, &ParamMatches)) {
5193  Result.addMatch(ParamMatches);
5194  Matched = true;
5195  continue;
5196  }
5197  }
5199  hasParameter(ParamIndex, hasType(ParamMatcher))))),
5200  callExpr(callee(functionDecl(
5201  hasParameter(ParamIndex, hasType(ParamMatcher)))))))
5202  .matches(Node, Finder, &ParamMatches)) {
5203  Result.addMatch(ParamMatches);
5204  Matched = true;
5205  continue;
5206  }
5207  }
5208  }
5209  *Builder = std::move(Result);
5210  return Matched;
5211 }
5213 /// Matches the ParmVarDecl nodes that are at the N'th position in the parameter
5214 /// list. The parameter list could be that of either a block, function, or
5215 /// objc-method.
5216 ///
5217 ///
5218 /// Given
5219 ///
5220 /// \code
5221 /// void f(int a, int b, int c) {
5222 /// }
5223 /// \endcode
5224 ///
5225 /// ``parmVarDecl(isAtPosition(0))`` matches ``int a``.
5226 ///
5227 /// ``parmVarDecl(isAtPosition(1))`` matches ``int b``.
5228 AST_MATCHER_P(ParmVarDecl, isAtPosition, unsigned, N) {
5229  const clang::DeclContext *Context = Node.getParentFunctionOrMethod();
5231  if (const auto *Decl = dyn_cast_or_null<FunctionDecl>(Context))
5232  return N < Decl->param_size() && Decl->getParamDecl(N) == &Node;
5233  if (const auto *Decl = dyn_cast_or_null<BlockDecl>(Context))
5234  return N < Decl->param_size() && Decl->getParamDecl(N) == &Node;
5235  if (const auto *Decl = dyn_cast_or_null<ObjCMethodDecl>(Context))
5236  return N < Decl->param_size() && Decl->getParamDecl(N) == &Node;
5238  return false;
5239 }
5241 /// Matches any parameter of a function or an ObjC method declaration or a
5242 /// block.
5243 ///
5244 /// Does not match the 'this' parameter of a method.
5245 ///
5246 /// Given
5247 /// \code
5248 /// class X { void f(int x, int y, int z) {} };
5249 /// \endcode
5250 /// cxxMethodDecl(hasAnyParameter(hasName("y")))
5251 /// matches f(int x, int y, int z) {}
5252 /// with hasAnyParameter(...)
5253 /// matching int y
5254 ///
5255 /// For ObjectiveC, given
5256 /// \code
5257 /// @interface I - (void) f:(int) y; @end
5258 /// \endcode
5259 //
5260 /// the matcher objcMethodDecl(hasAnyParameter(hasName("y")))
5261 /// matches the declaration of method f with hasParameter
5262 /// matching y.
5263 ///
5264 /// For blocks, given
5265 /// \code
5266 /// b = ^(int y) { printf("%d", y) };
5267 /// \endcode
5268 ///
5269 /// the matcher blockDecl(hasAnyParameter(hasName("y")))
5270 /// matches the declaration of the block b with hasParameter
5271 /// matching y.
5275  BlockDecl),
5276  internal::Matcher<ParmVarDecl>,
5277  InnerMatcher) {
5278  return matchesFirstInPointerRange(InnerMatcher, Node.param_begin(),
5279  Node.param_end(), Finder,
5280  Builder) != Node.param_end();
5281 }
5283 /// Matches \c FunctionDecls and \c FunctionProtoTypes that have a
5284 /// specific parameter count.
5285 ///
5286 /// Given
5287 /// \code
5288 /// void f(int i) {}
5289 /// void g(int i, int j) {}
5290 /// void h(int i, int j);
5291 /// void j(int i);
5292 /// void k(int x, int y, int z, ...);
5293 /// \endcode
5294 /// functionDecl(parameterCountIs(2))
5295 /// matches \c g and \c h
5296 /// functionProtoType(parameterCountIs(2))
5297 /// matches \c g and \c h
5298 /// functionProtoType(parameterCountIs(3))
5299 /// matches \c k
5300 AST_POLYMORPHIC_MATCHER_P(parameterCountIs,
5303  unsigned, N) {
5304  return Node.getNumParams() == N;
5305 }
5307 /// Matches templateSpecializationType, class template specialization,
5308 /// variable template specialization, and function template specialization
5309 /// nodes where the template argument matches the inner matcher. This matcher
5310 /// may produce multiple matches.
5311 ///
5312 /// Given
5313 /// \code
5314 /// template <typename T, unsigned N, unsigned M>
5315 /// struct Matrix {};
5316 ///
5317 /// constexpr unsigned R = 2;
5318 /// Matrix<int, R * 2, R * 4> M;
5319 ///
5320 /// template <typename T, typename U>
5321 /// void f(T&& t, U&& u) {}
5322 ///
5323 /// bool B = false;
5324 /// f(R, B);
5325 /// \endcode
5326 /// templateSpecializationType(forEachTemplateArgument(isExpr(expr())))
5327 /// matches twice, with expr() matching 'R * 2' and 'R * 4'
5328 /// functionDecl(forEachTemplateArgument(refersToType(builtinType())))
5329 /// matches the specialization f<unsigned, bool> twice, for 'unsigned'
5330 /// and 'bool'
5332  forEachTemplateArgument,
5336  internal::Matcher<TemplateArgument>, InnerMatcher) {
5337  ArrayRef<TemplateArgument> TemplateArgs =
5338  clang::ast_matchers::internal::getTemplateSpecializationArgs(Node);
5339  clang::ast_matchers::internal::BoundNodesTreeBuilder Result;
5340  bool Matched = false;
5341  for (const auto &Arg : TemplateArgs) {
5342  clang::ast_matchers::internal::BoundNodesTreeBuilder ArgBuilder(*Builder);
5343  if (InnerMatcher.matches(Arg, Finder, &ArgBuilder)) {
5344  Matched = true;
5345  Result.addMatch(ArgBuilder);
5346  }
5347  }
5348  *Builder = std::move(Result);
5349  return Matched;
5350 }
5352 /// Matches \c FunctionDecls that have a noreturn attribute.
5353 ///
5354 /// Given
5355 /// \code
5356 /// void nope();
5357 /// [[noreturn]] void a();
5358 /// __attribute__((noreturn)) void b();
5359 /// struct c { [[noreturn]] c(); };
5360 /// \endcode
5361 /// functionDecl(isNoReturn())
5362 /// matches all of those except
5363 /// \code
5364 /// void nope();
5365 /// \endcode
5366 AST_MATCHER(FunctionDecl, isNoReturn) { return Node.isNoReturn(); }
5368 /// Matches the return type of a function declaration.
5369 ///
5370 /// Given:
5371 /// \code
5372 /// class X { int f() { return 1; } };
5373 /// \endcode
5374 /// cxxMethodDecl(returns(asString("int")))
5375 /// matches int f() { return 1; }
5377  internal::Matcher<QualType>, InnerMatcher) {
5378  return InnerMatcher.matches(Node.getReturnType(), Finder, Builder);
5379 }
5381 /// Matches extern "C" function or variable declarations.
5382 ///
5383 /// Given:
5384 /// \code
5385 /// extern "C" void f() {}
5386 /// extern "C" { void g() {} }
5387 /// void h() {}
5388 /// extern "C" int x = 1;
5389 /// extern "C" int y = 2;
5390 /// int z = 3;
5391 /// \endcode
5392 /// functionDecl(isExternC())
5393 /// matches the declaration of f and g, but not the declaration of h.
5394 /// varDecl(isExternC())
5395 /// matches the declaration of x and y, but not the declaration of z.
5397  VarDecl)) {
5398  return Node.isExternC();
5399 }
5401 /// Matches variable/function declarations that have "static" storage
5402 /// class specifier ("static" keyword) written in the source.
5403 ///
5404 /// Given:
5405 /// \code
5406 /// static void f() {}
5407 /// static int i = 0;
5408 /// extern int j;
5409 /// int k;
5410 /// \endcode
5411 /// functionDecl(isStaticStorageClass())
5412 /// matches the function declaration f.
5413 /// varDecl(isStaticStorageClass())
5414 /// matches the variable declaration i.
5415 AST_POLYMORPHIC_MATCHER(isStaticStorageClass,
5417  VarDecl)) {
5418  return Node.getStorageClass() == SC_Static;
5419 }
5421 /// Matches deleted function declarations.
5422 ///
5423 /// Given:
5424 /// \code
5425 /// void Func();
5426 /// void DeletedFunc() = delete;
5427 /// \endcode
5428 /// functionDecl(isDeleted())
5429 /// matches the declaration of DeletedFunc, but not Func.
5431  return Node.isDeleted();
5432 }
5434 /// Matches defaulted function declarations.
5435 ///
5436 /// Given:
5437 /// \code
5438 /// class A { ~A(); };
5439 /// class B { ~B() = default; };
5440 /// \endcode
5441 /// functionDecl(isDefaulted())
5442 /// matches the declaration of ~B, but not ~A.
5443 AST_MATCHER(FunctionDecl, isDefaulted) {
5444  return Node.isDefaulted();
5445 }
5447 /// Matches weak function declarations.
5448 ///
5449 /// Given:
5450 /// \code
5451 /// void foo() __attribute__((__weakref__("__foo")));
5452 /// void bar();
5453 /// \endcode
5454 /// functionDecl(isWeak())
5455 /// matches the weak declaration "foo", but not "bar".
5456 AST_MATCHER(FunctionDecl, isWeak) { return Node.isWeak(); }
5458 /// Matches functions that have a dynamic exception specification.
5459 ///
5460 /// Given:
5461 /// \code
5462 /// void f();
5463 /// void g() noexcept;
5464 /// void h() noexcept(true);
5465 /// void i() noexcept(false);
5466 /// void j() throw();
5467 /// void k() throw(int);
5468 /// void l() throw(...);
5469 /// \endcode
5470 /// functionDecl(hasDynamicExceptionSpec()) and
5471 /// functionProtoType(hasDynamicExceptionSpec())
5472 /// match the declarations of j, k, and l, but not f, g, h, or i.
5473 AST_POLYMORPHIC_MATCHER(hasDynamicExceptionSpec,
5475  FunctionProtoType)) {
5476  if (const FunctionProtoType *FnTy = internal::getFunctionProtoType(Node))
5477  return FnTy->hasDynamicExceptionSpec();
5478  return false;
5479 }
5481 /// Matches functions that have a non-throwing exception specification.
5482 ///
5483 /// Given:
5484 /// \code
5485 /// void f();
5486 /// void g() noexcept;
5487 /// void h() throw();
5488 /// void i() throw(int);
5489 /// void j() noexcept(false);
5490 /// \endcode
5491 /// functionDecl(isNoThrow()) and functionProtoType(isNoThrow())
5492 /// match the declarations of g, and h, but not f, i or j.
5495  FunctionProtoType)) {
5496  const FunctionProtoType *FnTy = internal::getFunctionProtoType(Node);
5498  // If the function does not have a prototype, then it is assumed to be a
5499  // throwing function (as it would if the function did not have any exception
5500  // specification).
5501  if (!FnTy)
5502  return false;
5504  // Assume the best for any unresolved exception specification.
5506  return true;
5508  return FnTy->isNothrow();
5509 }
5511 /// Matches consteval function declarations and if consteval/if ! consteval
5512 /// statements.
5513 ///
5514 /// Given:
5515 /// \code
5516 /// consteval int a();
5517 /// void b() { if consteval {} }
5518 /// void c() { if ! consteval {} }
5519 /// void d() { if ! consteval {} else {} }
5520 /// \endcode
5521 /// functionDecl(isConsteval())
5522 /// matches the declaration of "int a()".
5523 /// ifStmt(isConsteval())
5524 /// matches the if statement in "void b()", "void c()", "void d()".
5527  return Node.isConsteval();
5528 }
5530 /// Matches constexpr variable and function declarations,
5531 /// and if constexpr.
5532 ///
5533 /// Given:
5534 /// \code
5535 /// constexpr int foo = 42;
5536 /// constexpr int bar();
5537 /// void baz() { if constexpr(1 > 0) {} }
5538 /// \endcode
5539 /// varDecl(isConstexpr())
5540 /// matches the declaration of foo.
5541 /// functionDecl(isConstexpr())
5542 /// matches the declaration of bar.
5543 /// ifStmt(isConstexpr())
5544 /// matches the if statement in baz.
5547  FunctionDecl,
5548  IfStmt)) {
5549  return Node.isConstexpr();
5550 }
5552 /// Matches constinit variable declarations.
5553 ///
5554 /// Given:
5555 /// \code
5556 /// constinit int foo = 42;
5557 /// constinit const char* bar = "bar";
5558 /// int baz = 42;
5559 /// [[clang::require_constant_initialization]] int xyz = 42;
5560 /// \endcode
5561 /// varDecl(isConstinit())
5562 /// matches the declaration of `foo` and `bar`, but not `baz` and `xyz`.
5563 AST_MATCHER(VarDecl, isConstinit) {
5564  if (const auto *CIA = Node.getAttr<ConstInitAttr>())
5565  return CIA->isConstinit();
5566  return false;
5567 }
5569 /// Matches selection statements with initializer.
5570 ///
5571 /// Given:
5572 /// \code
5573 /// void foo() {
5574 /// if (int i = foobar(); i > 0) {}
5575 /// switch (int i = foobar(); i) {}
5576 /// for (auto& a = get_range(); auto& x : a) {}
5577 /// }
5578 /// void bar() {
5579 /// if (foobar() > 0) {}
5580 /// switch (foobar()) {}
5581 /// for (auto& x : get_range()) {}
5582 /// }
5583 /// \endcode
5584 /// ifStmt(hasInitStatement(anything()))
5585 /// matches the if statement in foo but not in bar.
5586 /// switchStmt(hasInitStatement(anything()))
5587 /// matches the switch statement in foo but not in bar.
5588 /// cxxForRangeStmt(hasInitStatement(anything()))
5589 /// matches the range for statement in foo but not in bar.
5590 AST_POLYMORPHIC_MATCHER_P(hasInitStatement,
5592  CXXForRangeStmt),
5593  internal::Matcher<Stmt>, InnerMatcher) {
5594  const Stmt *Init = Node.getInit();
5595  return Init != nullptr && InnerMatcher.matches(*Init, Finder, Builder);
5596 }
5598 /// Matches the condition expression of an if statement, for loop,
5599 /// switch statement or conditional operator.
5600 ///
5601 /// Example matches true (matcher = hasCondition(cxxBoolLiteral(equals(true))))
5602 /// \code
5603 /// if (true) {}
5604 /// \endcode
5606  hasCondition,
5609  internal::Matcher<Expr>, InnerMatcher) {
5610  const Expr *const Condition = Node.getCond();
5611  return (Condition != nullptr &&
5612  InnerMatcher.matches(*Condition, Finder, Builder));
5613 }
5615 /// Matches the then-statement of an if statement.
5616 ///
5617 /// Examples matches the if statement
5618 /// (matcher = ifStmt(hasThen(cxxBoolLiteral(equals(true)))))
5619 /// \code
5620 /// if (false) true; else false;
5621 /// \endcode
5622 AST_MATCHER_P(IfStmt, hasThen, internal::Matcher<Stmt>, InnerMatcher) {
5623  const Stmt *const Then = Node.getThen();
5624  return (Then != nullptr && InnerMatcher.matches(*Then, Finder, Builder));
5625 }
5627 /// Matches the else-statement of an if statement.
5628 ///
5629 /// Examples matches the if statement
5630 /// (matcher = ifStmt(hasElse(cxxBoolLiteral(equals(true)))))
5631 /// \code
5632 /// if (false) false; else true;
5633 /// \endcode
5634 AST_MATCHER_P(IfStmt, hasElse, internal::Matcher<Stmt>, InnerMatcher) {
5635  const Stmt *const Else = Node.getElse();
5636  return (Else != nullptr && InnerMatcher.matches(*Else, Finder, Builder));
5637 }
5639 /// Matches if a node equals a previously bound node.
5640 ///
5641 /// Matches a node if it equals the node previously bound to \p ID.
5642 ///
5643 /// Given
5644 /// \code
5645 /// class X { int a; int b; };
5646 /// \endcode
5647 /// cxxRecordDecl(
5648 /// has(fieldDecl(hasName("a"), hasType(type().bind("t")))),
5649 /// has(fieldDecl(hasName("b"), hasType(type(equalsBoundNode("t"))))))
5650 /// matches the class \c X, as \c a and \c b have the same type.
5651 ///
5652 /// Note that when multiple matches are involved via \c forEach* matchers,
5653 /// \c equalsBoundNodes acts as a filter.
5654 /// For example:
5655 /// compoundStmt(
5656 /// forEachDescendant(varDecl().bind("d")),
5657 /// forEachDescendant(declRefExpr(to(decl(equalsBoundNode("d"))))))
5658 /// will trigger a match for each combination of variable declaration
5659 /// and reference to that variable declaration within a compound statement.
5662  QualType),
5663  std::string, ID) {
5664  // FIXME: Figure out whether it makes sense to allow this
5665  // on any other node types.
5666  // For *Loc it probably does not make sense, as those seem
5667  // unique. For NestedNameSepcifier it might make sense, as
5668  // those also have pointer identity, but I'm not sure whether
5669  // they're ever reused.
5670  internal::NotEqualsBoundNodePredicate Predicate;
5671  Predicate.ID = ID;
5672  Predicate.Node = DynTypedNode::create(Node);
5673  return Builder->removeBindings(Predicate);
5674 }
5676 /// Matches the condition variable statement in an if statement.
5677 ///
5678 /// Given
5679 /// \code
5680 /// if (A* a = GetAPointer()) {}
5681 /// \endcode
5682 /// hasConditionVariableStatement(...)
5683 /// matches 'A* a = GetAPointer()'.
5684 AST_MATCHER_P(IfStmt, hasConditionVariableStatement,
5685  internal::Matcher<DeclStmt>, InnerMatcher) {
5686  const DeclStmt* const DeclarationStatement =
5687  Node.getConditionVariableDeclStmt();
5688  return DeclarationStatement != nullptr &&
5689  InnerMatcher.matches(*DeclarationStatement, Finder, Builder);
5690 }
5692 /// Matches the index expression of an array subscript expression.
5693 ///
5694 /// Given
5695 /// \code
5696 /// int i[5];
5697 /// void f() { i[1] = 42; }
5698 /// \endcode
5699 /// arraySubscriptExpression(hasIndex(integerLiteral()))
5700 /// matches \c i[1] with the \c integerLiteral() matching \c 1
5702  internal::Matcher<Expr>, InnerMatcher) {
5703  if (const Expr* Expression = Node.getIdx())
5704  return InnerMatcher.matches(*Expression, Finder, Builder);
5705  return false;
5706 }
5708 /// Matches the base expression of an array subscript expression.
5709 ///
5710 /// Given
5711 /// \code
5712 /// int i[5];
5713 /// void f() { i[1] = 42; }
5714 /// \endcode
5715 /// arraySubscriptExpression(hasBase(implicitCastExpr(
5716 /// hasSourceExpression(declRefExpr()))))
5717 /// matches \c i[1] with the \c declRefExpr() matching \c i
5719  internal::Matcher<Expr>, InnerMatcher) {
5720  if (const Expr* Expression = Node.getBase())
5721  return InnerMatcher.matches(*Expression, Finder, Builder);
5722  return false;
5723 }
5725 /// Matches a 'for', 'while', 'while' statement or a function or coroutine
5726 /// definition that has a given body. Note that in case of functions or
5727 /// coroutines this matcher only matches the definition itself and not the
5728 /// other declarations of the same function or coroutine.
5729 ///
5730 /// Given
5731 /// \code
5732 /// for (;;) {}
5733 /// \endcode
5734 /// forStmt(hasBody(compoundStmt()))
5735 /// matches 'for (;;) {}'
5736 /// with compoundStmt()
5737 /// matching '{}'
5738 ///
5739 /// Given
5740 /// \code
5741 /// void f();
5742 /// void f() {}
5743 /// \endcode
5744 /// functionDecl(hasBody(compoundStmt()))
5745 /// matches 'void f() {}'
5746 /// with compoundStmt()
5747 /// matching '{}'
5748 /// but does not match 'void f();'
5750  hasBody,
5753  internal::Matcher<Stmt>, InnerMatcher) {
5754  if (Finder->isTraversalIgnoringImplicitNodes() && isDefaultedHelper(&Node))
5755  return false;
5756  const Stmt *const Statement = internal::GetBodyMatcher<NodeType>::get(Node);
5757  return (Statement != nullptr &&
5758  InnerMatcher.matches(*Statement, Finder, Builder));
5759 }
5761 /// Matches a function declaration that has a given body present in the AST.
5762 /// Note that this matcher matches all the declarations of a function whose
5763 /// body is present in the AST.
5764 ///
5765 /// Given
5766 /// \code
5767 /// void f();
5768 /// void f() {}
5769 /// void g();
5770 /// \endcode
5771 /// functionDecl(hasAnyBody(compoundStmt()))
5772 /// matches both 'void f();'
5773 /// and 'void f() {}'
5774 /// with compoundStmt()
5775 /// matching '{}'
5776 /// but does not match 'void g();'
5778  internal::Matcher<Stmt>, InnerMatcher) {
5779  const Stmt *const Statement = Node.getBody();
5780  return (Statement != nullptr &&
5781  InnerMatcher.matches(*Statement, Finder, Builder));
5782 }
5785 /// Matches compound statements where at least one substatement matches
5786 /// a given matcher. Also matches StmtExprs that have CompoundStmt as children.
5787 ///
5788 /// Given
5789 /// \code
5790 /// { {}; 1+2; }
5791 /// \endcode
5792 /// hasAnySubstatement(compoundStmt())
5793 /// matches '{ {}; 1+2; }'
5794 /// with compoundStmt()
5795 /// matching '{}'
5796 AST_POLYMORPHIC_MATCHER_P(hasAnySubstatement,
5798  StmtExpr),
5799  internal::Matcher<Stmt>, InnerMatcher) {
5800  const CompoundStmt *CS = CompoundStmtMatcher<NodeType>::get(Node);
5801  return CS && matchesFirstInPointerRange(InnerMatcher, CS->body_begin(),
5802  CS->body_end(), Finder,
5803  Builder) != CS->body_end();
5804 }
5806 /// Checks that a compound statement contains a specific number of
5807 /// child statements.
5808 ///
5809 /// Example: Given
5810 /// \code
5811 /// { for (;;) {} }
5812 /// \endcode
5813 /// compoundStmt(statementCountIs(0)))
5814 /// matches '{}'
5815 /// but does not match the outer compound statement.
5816 AST_MATCHER_P(CompoundStmt, statementCountIs, unsigned, N) {
5817  return Node.size() == N;
5818 }
5820 /// Matches literals that are equal to the given value of type ValueT.
5821 ///
5822 /// Given
5823 /// \code
5824 /// f('\0', false, 3.14, 42);
5825 /// \endcode
5826 /// characterLiteral(equals(0))
5827 /// matches '\0'
5828 /// cxxBoolLiteral(equals(false)) and cxxBoolLiteral(equals(0))
5829 /// match false
5830 /// floatLiteral(equals(3.14)) and floatLiteral(equals(314e-2))
5831 /// match 3.14
5832 /// integerLiteral(equals(42))
5833 /// matches 42
5834 ///
5835 /// Note that you cannot directly match a negative numeric literal because the
5836 /// minus sign is not part of the literal: It is a unary operator whose operand
5837 /// is the positive numeric literal. Instead, you must use a unaryOperator()
5838 /// matcher to match the minus sign:
5839 ///
5840 /// unaryOperator(hasOperatorName("-"),
5841 /// hasUnaryOperand(integerLiteral(equals(13))))
5842 ///
5843 /// Usable as: Matcher<CharacterLiteral>, Matcher<CXXBoolLiteralExpr>,
5844 /// Matcher<FloatingLiteral>, Matcher<IntegerLiteral>
5845 template <typename ValueT>
5846 internal::PolymorphicMatcher<internal::ValueEqualsMatcher,
5847  void(internal::AllNodeBaseTypes), ValueT>
5848 equals(const ValueT &Value) {
5849  return internal::PolymorphicMatcher<internal::ValueEqualsMatcher,
5850  void(internal::AllNodeBaseTypes), ValueT>(
5851  Value);
5852 }
5857  IntegerLiteral),
5858  bool, Value, 0) {
5859  return internal::ValueEqualsMatcher<NodeType, ParamT>(Value)
5860  .matchesNode(Node);
5861 }
5866  IntegerLiteral),
5867  unsigned, Value, 1) {
5868  return internal::ValueEqualsMatcher<NodeType, ParamT>(Value)
5869  .matchesNode(Node);
5870 }
5876  IntegerLiteral),
5877  double, Value, 2) {
5878  return internal::ValueEqualsMatcher<NodeType, ParamT>(Value)
5879  .matchesNode(Node);
5880 }
5882 /// Matches the operator Name of operator expressions and fold expressions
5883 /// (binary or unary).
5884 ///
5885 /// Example matches a || b (matcher = binaryOperator(hasOperatorName("||")))
5886 /// \code
5887 /// !(a || b)
5888 /// \endcode
5889 ///
5890 /// Example matches `(0 + ... + args)`
5891 /// (matcher = cxxFoldExpr(hasOperatorName("+")))
5892 /// \code
5893 /// template <typename... Args>
5894 /// auto sum(Args... args) {
5895 /// return (0 + ... + args);
5896 /// }
5897 /// \endcode
5899  hasOperatorName,
5902  UnaryOperator),
5903  std::string, Name) {
5904  if (std::optional<StringRef> OpName = internal::getOpName(Node))
5905  return *OpName == Name;
5906  return false;
5907 }
5909 /// Matches operator expressions (binary or unary) that have any of the
5910 /// specified names.
5911 ///
5912 /// hasAnyOperatorName("+", "-")
5913 /// Is equivalent to
5914 /// anyOf(hasOperatorName("+"), hasOperatorName("-"))
5915 extern const internal::VariadicFunction<
5916  internal::PolymorphicMatcher<internal::HasAnyOperatorNameMatcher,
5920  std::vector<std::string>>,
5924 /// Matches all kinds of assignment operators.
5925 ///
5926 /// Example 1: matches a += b (matcher = binaryOperator(isAssignmentOperator()))
5927 /// \code
5928 /// if (a == b)
5929 /// a += b;
5930 /// \endcode
5931 ///
5932 /// Example 2: matches s1 = s2
5933 /// (matcher = cxxOperatorCallExpr(isAssignmentOperator()))
5934 /// \code
5935 /// struct S { S& operator=(const S&); };
5936 /// void x() { S s1, s2; s1 = s2; }
5937 /// \endcode
5939  isAssignmentOperator,
5942  return Node.isAssignmentOp();
5943 }
5945 /// Matches comparison operators.
5946 ///
5947 /// Example 1: matches a == b (matcher = binaryOperator(isComparisonOperator()))
5948 /// \code
5949 /// if (a == b)
5950 /// a += b;
5951 /// \endcode
5952 ///
5953 /// Example 2: matches s1 < s2
5954 /// (matcher = cxxOperatorCallExpr(isComparisonOperator()))
5955 /// \code
5956 /// struct S { bool operator<(const S& other); };
5957 /// void x(S s1, S s2) { bool b1 = s1 < s2; }
5958 /// \endcode
5963  return Node.isComparisonOp();
5964 }
5966 /// Matches the left hand side of binary operator expressions.
5967 ///
5968 /// Example matches a (matcher = binaryOperator(hasLHS()))
5969 /// \code
5970 /// a || b
5971 /// \endcode
5973  hasLHS,
5977  internal::Matcher<Expr>, InnerMatcher) {
5978  const Expr *LeftHandSide = internal::getLHS(Node);
5979  return (LeftHandSide != nullptr &&
5980  InnerMatcher.matches(*LeftHandSide, Finder, Builder));
5981 }
5983 /// Matches the right hand side of binary operator expressions.
5984 ///
5985 /// Example matches b (matcher = binaryOperator(hasRHS()))
5986 /// \code
5987 /// a || b
5988 /// \endcode
5990  hasRHS,
5994  internal::Matcher<Expr>, InnerMatcher) {
5995  const Expr *RightHandSide = internal::getRHS(Node);
5996  return (RightHandSide != nullptr &&
5997  InnerMatcher.matches(*RightHandSide, Finder, Builder));
5998 }
6000 /// Matches if either the left hand side or the right hand side of a
6001 /// binary operator or fold expression matches.
6003  hasEitherOperand,
6006  internal::Matcher<Expr>, InnerMatcher) {
6007  return internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, NodeType>()(
6008  anyOf(hasLHS(InnerMatcher), hasRHS(InnerMatcher)))
6009  .matches(Node, Finder, Builder);
6010 }
6012 /// Matches if both matchers match with opposite sides of the binary operator
6013 /// or fold expression.
6014 ///
6015 /// Example matcher = binaryOperator(hasOperands(integerLiteral(equals(1),
6016 /// integerLiteral(equals(2)))
6017 /// \code
6018 /// 1 + 2 // Match
6019 /// 2 + 1 // Match
6020 /// 1 + 1 // No match
6021 /// 2 + 2 // No match
6022 /// \endcode
6024  hasOperands,
6027  internal::Matcher<Expr>, Matcher1, internal::Matcher<Expr>, Matcher2) {
6028  return internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, NodeType>()(
6029  anyOf(allOf(hasLHS(Matcher1), hasRHS(Matcher2)),
6030  allOf(hasLHS(Matcher2), hasRHS(Matcher1))))
6031  .matches(Node, Finder, Builder);
6032 }
6034 /// Matches if the operand of a unary operator matches.
6035 ///
6036 /// Example matches true (matcher = hasUnaryOperand(
6037 /// cxxBoolLiteral(equals(true))))
6038 /// \code
6039 /// !true
6040 /// \endcode
6044  internal::Matcher<Expr>, InnerMatcher) {
6045  const Expr *const Operand = internal::getSubExpr(Node);
6046  return (Operand != nullptr &&
6047  InnerMatcher.matches(*Operand, Finder, Builder));
6048 }
6050 /// Matches if the cast's source expression
6051 /// or opaque value's source expression matches the given matcher.
6052 ///
6053 /// Example 1: matches "a string"
6054 /// (matcher = castExpr(hasSourceExpression(cxxConstructExpr())))
6055 /// \code
6056 /// class URL { URL(string); };
6057 /// URL url = "a string";
6058 /// \endcode
6059 ///
6060 /// Example 2: matches 'b' (matcher =
6061 /// opaqueValueExpr(hasSourceExpression(implicitCastExpr(declRefExpr())))
6062 /// \code
6063 /// int a = b ?: 1;
6064 /// \endcode
6065 AST_POLYMORPHIC_MATCHER_P(hasSourceExpression,
6067  OpaqueValueExpr),
6068  internal::Matcher<Expr>, InnerMatcher) {
6069  const Expr *const SubExpression =
6070  internal::GetSourceExpressionMatcher<NodeType>::get(Node);
6071  return (SubExpression != nullptr &&
6072  InnerMatcher.matches(*SubExpression, Finder, Builder));
6073 }
6075 /// Matches casts that has a given cast kind.
6076 ///
6077 /// Example: matches the implicit cast around \c 0
6078 /// (matcher = castExpr(hasCastKind(CK_NullToPointer)))
6079 /// \code
6080 /// int *p = 0;
6081 /// \endcode
6082 ///
6083 /// If the matcher is use from clang-query, CastKind parameter
6084 /// should be passed as a quoted string. e.g., hasCastKind("CK_NullToPointer").
6086  return Node.getCastKind() == Kind;
6087 }
6089 /// Matches casts whose destination type matches a given matcher.
6090 ///
6091 /// (Note: Clang's AST refers to other conversions as "casts" too, and calls
6092 /// actual casts "explicit" casts.)
6093 AST_MATCHER_P(ExplicitCastExpr, hasDestinationType,
6094  internal::Matcher<QualType>, InnerMatcher) {
6095  const QualType NodeType = Node.getTypeAsWritten();
6096  return InnerMatcher.matches(NodeType, Finder, Builder);
6097 }
6099 /// Matches implicit casts whose destination type matches a given
6100 /// matcher.
6101 AST_MATCHER_P(ImplicitCastExpr, hasImplicitDestinationType,
6102  internal::Matcher<QualType>, InnerMatcher) {
6103  return InnerMatcher.matches(Node.getType(), Finder, Builder);
6104 }
6106 /// Matches TagDecl object that are spelled with "struct."
6107 ///
6108 /// Example matches S, but not C, U or E.
6109 /// \code
6110 /// struct S {};
6111 /// class C {};
6112 /// union U {};
6113 /// enum E {};
6114 /// \endcode
6115 AST_MATCHER(TagDecl, isStruct) {
6116  return Node.isStruct();
6117 }
6119 /// Matches TagDecl object that are spelled with "union."
6120 ///
6121 /// Example matches U, but not C, S or E.
6122 /// \code
6123 /// struct S {};
6124 /// class C {};
6125 /// union U {};
6126 /// enum E {};
6127 /// \endcode
6129  return Node.isUnion();
6130 }
6132 /// Matches TagDecl object that are spelled with "class."
6133 ///
6134 /// Example matches C, but not S, U or E.
6135 /// \code
6136 /// struct S {};
6137 /// class C {};
6138 /// union U {};
6139 /// enum E {};
6140 /// \endcode
6142  return Node.isClass();
6143 }
6145 /// Matches TagDecl object that are spelled with "enum."
6146 ///
6147 /// Example matches E, but not C, S or U.
6148 /// \code
6149 /// struct S {};
6150 /// class C {};
6151 /// union U {};
6152 /// enum E {};
6153 /// \endcode
6155  return Node.isEnum();
6156 }
6158 /// Matches the true branch expression of a conditional operator.
6159 ///
6160 /// Example 1 (conditional ternary operator): matches a
6161 /// \code
6162 /// condition ? a : b
6163 /// \endcode
6164 ///
6165 /// Example 2 (conditional binary operator): matches opaqueValueExpr(condition)
6166 /// \code
6167 /// condition ?: b
6168 /// \endcode
6170  internal::Matcher<Expr>, InnerMatcher) {
6171  const Expr *Expression = Node.getTrueExpr();
6172  return (Expression != nullptr &&
6173  InnerMatcher.matches(*Expression, Finder, Builder));
6174 }
6176 /// Matches the false branch expression of a conditional operator
6177 /// (binary or ternary).
6178 ///
6179 /// Example matches b
6180 /// \code
6181 /// condition ? a : b
6182 /// condition ?: b
6183 /// \endcode
6185  internal::Matcher<Expr>, InnerMatcher) {
6186  const Expr *Expression = Node.getFalseExpr();
6187  return (Expression != nullptr &&
6188  InnerMatcher.matches(*Expression, Finder, Builder));
6189 }
6191 /// Matches if a declaration has a body attached.
6192 ///
6193 /// Example matches A, va, fa
6194 /// \code
6195 /// class A {};
6196 /// class B; // Doesn't match, as it has no body.
6197 /// int va;
6198 /// extern int vb; // Doesn't match, as it doesn't define the variable.
6199 /// void fa() {}
6200 /// void fb(); // Doesn't match, as it has no body.
6201 /// @interface X
6202 /// - (void)ma; // Doesn't match, interface is declaration.
6203 /// @end
6204 /// @implementation X
6205 /// - (void)ma {}
6206 /// @end
6207 /// \endcode
6208 ///
6209 /// Usable as: Matcher<TagDecl>, Matcher<VarDecl>, Matcher<FunctionDecl>,
6210 /// Matcher<ObjCMethodDecl>
6214  FunctionDecl)) {
6215  return Node.isThisDeclarationADefinition();
6216 }
6218 /// Matches if a function declaration is variadic.
6219 ///
6220 /// Example matches f, but not g or h. The function i will not match, even when
6221 /// compiled in C mode.
6222 /// \code
6223 /// void f(...);
6224 /// void g(int);
6225 /// template <typename... Ts> void h(Ts...);
6226 /// void i();
6227 /// \endcode
6229  return Node.isVariadic();
6230 }
6232 /// Matches the class declaration that the given method declaration
6233 /// belongs to.
6234 ///
6235 /// FIXME: Generalize this for other kinds of declarations.
6236 /// FIXME: What other kind of declarations would we need to generalize
6237 /// this to?
6238 ///
6239 /// Example matches A() in the last line
6240 /// (matcher = cxxConstructExpr(hasDeclaration(cxxMethodDecl(
6241 /// ofClass(hasName("A"))))))
6242 /// \code
6243 /// class A {
6244 /// public:
6245 /// A();
6246 /// };
6247 /// A a = A();
6248 /// \endcode
6250  internal::Matcher<CXXRecordDecl>, InnerMatcher) {
6252  ASTChildrenNotSpelledInSourceScope RAII(Finder, false);
6254  const CXXRecordDecl *Parent = Node.getParent();
6255  return (Parent != nullptr &&
6256  InnerMatcher.matches(*Parent, Finder, Builder));
6257 }
6259 /// Matches each method overridden by the given method. This matcher may
6260 /// produce multiple matches.
6261 ///
6262 /// Given
6263 /// \code
6264 /// class A { virtual void f(); };
6265 /// class B : public A { void f(); };
6266 /// class C : public B { void f(); };
6267 /// \endcode
6268 /// cxxMethodDecl(ofClass(hasName("C")),
6269 /// forEachOverridden(cxxMethodDecl().bind("b"))).bind("d")
6270 /// matches once, with "b" binding "A::f" and "d" binding "C::f" (Note
6271 /// that B::f is not overridden by C::f).
6272 ///
6273 /// The check can produce multiple matches in case of multiple inheritance, e.g.
6274 /// \code
6275 /// class A1 { virtual void f(); };
6276 /// class A2 { virtual void f(); };
6277 /// class C : public A1, public A2 { void f(); };
6278 /// \endcode
6279 /// cxxMethodDecl(ofClass(hasName("C")),
6280 /// forEachOverridden(cxxMethodDecl().bind("b"))).bind("d")
6281 /// matches twice, once with "b" binding "A1::f" and "d" binding "C::f", and
6282 /// once with "b" binding "A2::f" and "d" binding "C::f".
6283 AST_MATCHER_P(CXXMethodDecl, forEachOverridden,
6284  internal::Matcher<CXXMethodDecl>, InnerMatcher) {
6285  BoundNodesTreeBuilder Result;
6286  bool Matched = false;
6287  for (const auto *Overridden : Node.overridden_methods()) {
6288  BoundNodesTreeBuilder OverriddenBuilder(*Builder);
6289  const bool OverriddenMatched =
6290  InnerMatcher.matches(*Overridden, Finder, &OverriddenBuilder);
6291  if (OverriddenMatched) {
6292  Matched = true;
6293  Result.addMatch(OverriddenBuilder);
6294  }
6295  }
6296  *Builder = std::move(Result);
6297  return Matched;
6298 }
6300 /// Matches declarations of virtual methods and C++ base specifers that specify
6301 /// virtual inheritance.
6302 ///
6303 /// Example:
6304 /// \code
6305 /// class A {
6306 /// public:
6307 /// virtual void x(); // matches x
6308 /// };
6309 /// \endcode
6310 ///
6311 /// Example:
6312 /// \code
6313 /// class Base {};
6314 /// class DirectlyDerived : virtual Base {}; // matches Base
6315 /// class IndirectlyDerived : DirectlyDerived, Base {}; // matches Base
6316 /// \endcode
6317 ///
6318 /// Usable as: Matcher<CXXMethodDecl>, Matcher<CXXBaseSpecifier>
6321  CXXBaseSpecifier)) {
6322  return Node.isVirtual();
6323 }
6325 /// Matches if the given method declaration has an explicit "virtual".
6326 ///
6327 /// Given
6328 /// \code
6329 /// class A {
6330 /// public:
6331 /// virtual void x();
6332 /// };
6333 /// class B : public A {
6334 /// public:
6335 /// void x();
6336 /// };
6337 /// \endcode
6338 /// matches A::x but not B::x
6339 AST_MATCHER(CXXMethodDecl, isVirtualAsWritten) {
6340  return Node.isVirtualAsWritten();
6341 }
6343 AST_MATCHER(CXXConstructorDecl, isInheritingConstructor) {
6344  return Node.isInheritingConstructor();
6345 }
6347 /// Matches if the given method or class declaration is final.
6348 ///
6349 /// Given:
6350 /// \code
6351 /// class A final {};
6352 ///
6353 /// struct B {
6354 /// virtual void f();
6355 /// };
6356 ///
6357 /// struct C : B {
6358 /// void f() final;
6359 /// };
6360 /// \endcode
6361 /// matches A and C::f, but not B, C, or B::f
6364  CXXMethodDecl)) {
6365  return Node.template hasAttr<FinalAttr>();
6366 }
6368 /// Matches if the given method declaration is pure.
6369 ///
6370 /// Given
6371 /// \code
6372 /// class A {
6373 /// public:
6374 /// virtual void x() = 0;
6375 /// };
6376 /// \endcode
6377 /// matches A::x
6378 AST_MATCHER(CXXMethodDecl, isPure) { return Node.isPureVirtual(); }
6380 /// Matches if the given method declaration is const.
6381 ///
6382 /// Given
6383 /// \code
6384 /// struct A {
6385 /// void foo() const;
6386 /// void bar();
6387 /// };
6388 /// \endcode
6389 ///
6390 /// cxxMethodDecl(isConst()) matches A::foo() but not A::bar()
6392  return Node.isConst();
6393 }
6395 /// Matches if the given method declaration declares a copy assignment
6396 /// operator.
6397 ///
6398 /// Given
6399 /// \code
6400 /// struct A {
6401 /// A &operator=(const A &);
6402 /// A &operator=(A &&);
6403 /// };
6404 /// \endcode
6405 ///
6406 /// cxxMethodDecl(isCopyAssignmentOperator()) matches the first method but not
6407 /// the second one.
6408 AST_MATCHER(CXXMethodDecl, isCopyAssignmentOperator) {
6409  return Node.isCopyAssignmentOperator();
6410 }
6412 /// Matches if the given method declaration declares a move assignment
6413 /// operator.
6414 ///
6415 /// Given
6416 /// \code
6417 /// struct A {
6418 /// A &operator=(const A &);
6419 /// A &operator=(A &&);
6420 /// };
6421 /// \endcode
6422 ///
6423 /// cxxMethodDecl(isMoveAssignmentOperator()) matches the second method but not
6424 /// the first one.
6425 AST_MATCHER(CXXMethodDecl, isMoveAssignmentOperator) {
6426  return Node.isMoveAssignmentOperator();
6427 }
6429 /// Matches if the given method declaration overrides another method.
6430 ///
6431 /// Given
6432 /// \code
6433 /// class A {
6434 /// public:
6435 /// virtual void x();
6436 /// };
6437 /// class B : public A {
6438 /// public:
6439 /// virtual void x();
6440 /// };
6441 /// \endcode
6442 /// matches B::x
6444  return Node.size_overridden_methods() > 0 || Node.hasAttr<OverrideAttr>();
6445 }
6447 /// Matches method declarations that are user-provided.
6448 ///
6449 /// Given
6450 /// \code
6451 /// struct S {
6452 /// S(); // #1
6453 /// S(const S &) = default; // #2
6454 /// S(S &&) = delete; // #3
6455 /// };
6456 /// \endcode
6457 /// cxxConstructorDecl(isUserProvided()) will match #1, but not #2 or #3.
6458 AST_MATCHER(CXXMethodDecl, isUserProvided) {
6459  return Node.isUserProvided();
6460 }
6462 /// Matches member expressions that are called with '->' as opposed
6463 /// to '.'.
6464 ///
6465 /// Member calls on the implicit this pointer match as called with '->'.
6466 ///
6467 /// Given
6468 /// \code
6469 /// class Y {
6470 /// void x() { this->x(); x(); Y y; y.x(); a; this->b; Y::b; }
6471 /// template <class T> void f() { this->f<T>(); f<T>(); }
6472 /// int a;
6473 /// static int b;
6474 /// };
6475 /// template <class T>
6476 /// class Z {
6477 /// void x() { this->m; }
6478 /// };
6479 /// \endcode
6480 /// memberExpr(isArrow())
6481 /// matches this->x, x, y.x, a, this->b
6482 /// cxxDependentScopeMemberExpr(isArrow())
6483 /// matches this->m
6484 /// unresolvedMemberExpr(isArrow())
6485 /// matches this->f<T>, f<T>
6489  return Node.isArrow();
6490 }
6492 /// Matches QualType nodes that are of integer type.
6493 ///
6494 /// Given
6495 /// \code
6496 /// void a(int);
6497 /// void b(long);
6498 /// void c(double);
6499 /// \endcode
6500 /// functionDecl(hasAnyParameter(hasType(isInteger())))
6501 /// matches "a(int)", "b(long)", but not "c(double)".
6502 AST_MATCHER(QualType, isInteger) {
6503  return Node->isIntegerType();
6504 }
6506 /// Matches QualType nodes that are of unsigned integer type.
6507 ///
6508 /// Given
6509 /// \code
6510 /// void a(int);
6511 /// void b(unsigned long);
6512 /// void c(double);
6513 /// \endcode
6514 /// functionDecl(hasAnyParameter(hasType(isUnsignedInteger())))
6515 /// matches "b(unsigned long)", but not "a(int)" and "c(double)".
6516 AST_MATCHER(QualType, isUnsignedInteger) {
6517  return Node->isUnsignedIntegerType();
6518 }
6520 /// Matches QualType nodes that are of signed integer type.
6521 ///
6522 /// Given
6523 /// \code
6524 /// void a(int);
6525 /// void b(unsigned long);
6526 /// void c(double);
6527 /// \endcode
6528 /// functionDecl(hasAnyParameter(hasType(isSignedInteger())))
6529 /// matches "a(int)", but not "b(unsigned long)" and "c(double)".
6530 AST_MATCHER(QualType, isSignedInteger) {
6531  return Node->isSignedIntegerType();
6532 }
6534 /// Matches QualType nodes that are of character type.
6535 ///
6536 /// Given
6537 /// \code
6538 /// void a(char);
6539 /// void b(wchar_t);
6540 /// void c(double);
6541 /// \endcode
6542 /// functionDecl(hasAnyParameter(hasType(isAnyCharacter())))
6543 /// matches "a(char)", "b(wchar_t)", but not "c(double)".
6544 AST_MATCHER(QualType, isAnyCharacter) {
6545  return Node->isAnyCharacterType();
6546 }
6548 /// Matches QualType nodes that are of any pointer type; this includes
6549 /// the Objective-C object pointer type, which is different despite being
6550 /// syntactically similar.
6551 ///
6552 /// Given
6553 /// \code
6554 /// int *i = nullptr;
6555 ///
6556 /// @interface Foo
6557 /// @end
6558 /// Foo *f;
6559 ///
6560 /// int j;
6561 /// \endcode
6562 /// varDecl(hasType(isAnyPointer()))
6563 /// matches "int *i" and "Foo *f", but not "int j".
6564 AST_MATCHER(QualType, isAnyPointer) {
6565  return Node->isAnyPointerType();
6566 }
6568 /// Matches QualType nodes that are const-qualified, i.e., that
6569 /// include "top-level" const.
6570 ///
6571 /// Given
6572 /// \code
6573 /// void a(int);
6574 /// void b(int const);
6575 /// void c(const int);
6576 /// void d(const int*);
6577 /// void e(int const) {};
6578 /// \endcode
6579 /// functionDecl(hasAnyParameter(hasType(isConstQualified())))
6580 /// matches "void b(int const)", "void c(const int)" and
6581 /// "void e(int const) {}". It does not match d as there
6582 /// is no top-level const on the parameter type "const int *".
6583 AST_MATCHER(QualType, isConstQualified) {
6584  return Node.isConstQualified();
6585 }
6587 /// Matches QualType nodes that are volatile-qualified, i.e., that
6588 /// include "top-level" volatile.
6589 ///
6590 /// Given
6591 /// \code
6592 /// void a(int);
6593 /// void b(int volatile);
6594 /// void c(volatile int);
6595 /// void d(volatile int*);
6596 /// void e(int volatile) {};
6597 /// \endcode
6598 /// functionDecl(hasAnyParameter(hasType(isVolatileQualified())))
6599 /// matches "void b(int volatile)", "void c(volatile int)" and
6600 /// "void e(int volatile) {}". It does not match d as there
6601 /// is no top-level volatile on the parameter type "volatile int *".
6602 AST_MATCHER(QualType, isVolatileQualified) {
6603  return Node.isVolatileQualified();
6604 }
6606 /// Matches QualType nodes that have local CV-qualifiers attached to
6607 /// the node, not hidden within a typedef.
6608 ///
6609 /// Given
6610 /// \code
6611 /// typedef const int const_int;
6612 /// const_int i;
6613 /// int *const j;
6614 /// int *volatile k;
6615 /// int m;
6616 /// \endcode
6617 /// \c varDecl(hasType(hasLocalQualifiers())) matches only \c j and \c k.
6618 /// \c i is const-qualified but the qualifier is not local.
6619 AST_MATCHER(QualType, hasLocalQualifiers) {
6620  return Node.hasLocalQualifiers();
6621 }
6623 /// Matches a member expression where the member is matched by a
6624 /// given matcher.
6625 ///
6626 /// Given
6627 /// \code
6628 /// struct { int first, second; } first, second;
6629 /// int i(second.first);
6630 /// int j(first.second);
6631 /// \endcode
6632 /// memberExpr(member(hasName("first")))
6633 /// matches second.first
6634 /// but not first.second (because the member name there is "second").
6636  internal::Matcher<ValueDecl>, InnerMatcher) {
6637  return InnerMatcher.matches(*Node.getMemberDecl(), Finder, Builder);
6638 }
6640 /// Matches a member expression where the object expression is matched by a
6641 /// given matcher. Implicit object expressions are included; that is, it matches
6642 /// use of implicit `this`.
6643 ///
6644 /// Given
6645 /// \code
6646 /// struct X {
6647 /// int m;
6648 /// int f(X x) { x.m; return m; }
6649 /// };
6650 /// \endcode
6651 /// memberExpr(hasObjectExpression(hasType(cxxRecordDecl(hasName("X")))))
6652 /// matches `x.m`, but not `m`; however,
6653 /// memberExpr(hasObjectExpression(hasType(pointsTo(
6654 // cxxRecordDecl(hasName("X"))))))
6655 /// matches `m` (aka. `this->m`), but not `x.m`.
6657  hasObjectExpression,
6660  internal::Matcher<Expr>, InnerMatcher) {
6661  if (const auto *E = dyn_cast<UnresolvedMemberExpr>(&Node))
6662  if (E->isImplicitAccess())
6663  return false;
6664  if (const auto *E = dyn_cast<CXXDependentScopeMemberExpr>(&Node))
6665  if (E->isImplicitAccess())
6666  return false;
6667  return InnerMatcher.matches(*Node.getBase(), Finder, Builder);
6668 }
6670 /// Matches any using shadow declaration.
6671 ///
6672 /// Given
6673 /// \code
6674 /// namespace X { void b(); }
6675 /// using X::b;
6676 /// \endcode
6677 /// usingDecl(hasAnyUsingShadowDecl(hasName("b"))))
6678 /// matches \code using X::b \endcode
6679 AST_MATCHER_P(BaseUsingDecl, hasAnyUsingShadowDecl,
6680  internal::Matcher<UsingShadowDecl>, InnerMatcher) {
6681  return matchesFirstInPointerRange(InnerMatcher, Node.shadow_begin(),
6682  Node.shadow_end(), Finder,
6683  Builder) != Node.shadow_end();
6684 }
6686 /// Matches a using shadow declaration where the target declaration is
6687 /// matched by the given matcher.
6688 ///
6689 /// Given
6690 /// \code
6691 /// namespace X { int a; void b(); }
6692 /// using X::a;
6693 /// using X::b;
6694 /// \endcode
6695 /// usingDecl(hasAnyUsingShadowDecl(hasTargetDecl(functionDecl())))
6696 /// matches \code using X::b \endcode
6697 /// but not \code using X::a \endcode
6699  internal::Matcher<NamedDecl>, InnerMatcher) {
6700  return InnerMatcher.matches(*Node.getTargetDecl(), Finder, Builder);
6701 }
6703 /// Matches template instantiations of function, class, or static
6704 /// member variable template instantiations.
6705 ///
6706 /// Given
6707 /// \code
6708 /// template <typename T> class X {}; class A {}; X<A> x;
6709 /// \endcode
6710 /// or
6711 /// \code
6712 /// template <typename T> class X {}; class A {}; template class X<A>;
6713 /// \endcode
6714 /// or
6715 /// \code
6716 /// template <typename T> class X {}; class A {}; extern template class X<A>;
6717 /// \endcode
6718 /// cxxRecordDecl(hasName("::X"), isTemplateInstantiation())
6719 /// matches the template instantiation of X<A>.
6720 ///
6721 /// But given
6722 /// \code
6723 /// template <typename T> class X {}; class A {};
6724 /// template <> class X<A> {}; X<A> x;
6725 /// \endcode
6726 /// cxxRecordDecl(hasName("::X"), isTemplateInstantiation())
6727 /// does not match, as X<A> is an explicit template specialization.
6728 ///
6729 /// Usable as: Matcher<FunctionDecl>, Matcher<VarDecl>, Matcher<CXXRecordDecl>
6732  CXXRecordDecl)) {
6733  return (Node.getTemplateSpecializationKind() == TSK_ImplicitInstantiation ||
6734  Node.getTemplateSpecializationKind() ==
6736  Node.getTemplateSpecializationKind() ==
6738 }
6740 /// Matches declarations that are template instantiations or are inside
6741 /// template instantiations.
6742 ///
6743 /// Given
6744 /// \code
6745 /// template<typename T> void A(T t) { T i; }
6746 /// A(0);
6747 /// A(0U);
6748 /// \endcode
6749 /// functionDecl(isInstantiated())
6750 /// matches 'A(int) {...};' and 'A(unsigned) {...}'.
6751 AST_MATCHER_FUNCTION(internal::Matcher<Decl>, isInstantiated) {
6752  auto IsInstantiation = decl(anyOf(cxxRecordDecl(isTemplateInstantiation()),
6754  return decl(anyOf(IsInstantiation, hasAncestor(IsInstantiation)));
6755 }
6757 /// Matches statements inside of a template instantiation.
6758 ///
6759 /// Given
6760 /// \code
6761 /// int j;
6762 /// template<typename T> void A(T t) { T i; j += 42;}
6763 /// A(0);
6764 /// A(0U);
6765 /// \endcode
6766 /// declStmt(isInTemplateInstantiation())
6767 /// matches 'int i;' and 'unsigned i'.
6768 /// unless(stmt(isInTemplateInstantiation()))
6769 /// will NOT match j += 42; as it's shared between the template definition and
6770 /// instantiation.
6771 AST_MATCHER_FUNCTION(internal::Matcher<Stmt>, isInTemplateInstantiation) {
6772  return stmt(
6775 }
6777 /// Matches explicit template specializations of function, class, or
6778 /// static member variable template instantiations.
6779 ///
6780 /// Given
6781 /// \code
6782 /// template<typename T> void A(T t) { }
6783 /// template<> void A(int N) { }
6784 /// \endcode
6785 /// functionDecl(isExplicitTemplateSpecialization())
6786 /// matches the specialization A<int>().
6787 ///
6788 /// Usable as: Matcher<FunctionDecl>, Matcher<VarDecl>, Matcher<CXXRecordDecl>
6789 AST_POLYMORPHIC_MATCHER(isExplicitTemplateSpecialization,
6791  CXXRecordDecl)) {
6792  return (Node.getTemplateSpecializationKind() == TSK_ExplicitSpecialization);
6793 }
6795 /// Matches \c TypeLocs for which the given inner
6796 /// QualType-matcher matches.
6797 AST_MATCHER_FUNCTION_P_OVERLOAD(internal::BindableMatcher<TypeLoc>, loc,
6798  internal::Matcher<QualType>, InnerMatcher, 0) {
6799  return internal::BindableMatcher<TypeLoc>(
6800  new internal::TypeLocTypeMatcher(InnerMatcher));
6801 }
6803 /// Matches `QualifiedTypeLoc`s in the clang AST.
6804 ///
6805 /// Given
6806 /// \code
6807 /// const int x = 0;
6808 /// \endcode
6809 /// qualifiedTypeLoc()
6810 /// matches `const int`.
6811 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<TypeLoc, QualifiedTypeLoc>
6814 /// Matches `QualifiedTypeLoc`s that have an unqualified `TypeLoc` matching
6815 /// `InnerMatcher`.
6816 ///
6817 /// Given
6818 /// \code
6819 /// int* const x;
6820 /// const int y;
6821 /// \endcode
6822 /// qualifiedTypeLoc(hasUnqualifiedLoc(pointerTypeLoc()))
6823 /// matches the `TypeLoc` of the variable declaration of `x`, but not `y`.
6824 AST_MATCHER_P(QualifiedTypeLoc, hasUnqualifiedLoc, internal::Matcher<TypeLoc>,
6825  InnerMatcher) {
6826  return InnerMatcher.matches(Node.getUnqualifiedLoc(), Finder, Builder);
6827 }
6829 /// Matches a function declared with the specified return `TypeLoc`.
6830 ///
6831 /// Given
6832 /// \code
6833 /// int f() { return 5; }
6834 /// void g() {}
6835 /// \endcode
6836 /// functionDecl(hasReturnTypeLoc(loc(asString("int"))))
6837 /// matches the declaration of `f`, but not `g`.
6838 AST_MATCHER_P(FunctionDecl, hasReturnTypeLoc, internal::Matcher<TypeLoc>,
6839  ReturnMatcher) {
6840  auto Loc = Node.getFunctionTypeLoc();
6841  return Loc && ReturnMatcher.matches(Loc.getReturnLoc(), Finder, Builder);
6842 }
6844 /// Matches pointer `TypeLoc`s.
6845 ///
6846 /// Given
6847 /// \code
6848 /// int* x;
6849 /// \endcode
6850 /// pointerTypeLoc()
6851 /// matches `int*`.
6852 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<TypeLoc, PointerTypeLoc>
6855 /// Matches pointer `TypeLoc`s that have a pointee `TypeLoc` matching
6856 /// `PointeeMatcher`.
6857 ///
6858 /// Given
6859 /// \code
6860 /// int* x;
6861 /// \endcode
6862 /// pointerTypeLoc(hasPointeeLoc(loc(asString("int"))))
6863 /// matches `int*`.
6864 AST_MATCHER_P(PointerTypeLoc, hasPointeeLoc, internal::Matcher<TypeLoc>,
6865  PointeeMatcher) {
6866  return PointeeMatcher.matches(Node.getPointeeLoc(), Finder, Builder);
6867 }
6869 /// Matches reference `TypeLoc`s.
6870 ///
6871 /// Given
6872 /// \code
6873 /// int x = 3;
6874 /// int& l = x;
6875 /// int&& r = 3;
6876 /// \endcode
6877 /// referenceTypeLoc()
6878 /// matches `int&` and `int&&`.
6879 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<TypeLoc, ReferenceTypeLoc>
6882 /// Matches reference `TypeLoc`s that have a referent `TypeLoc` matching
6883 /// `ReferentMatcher`.
6884 ///
6885 /// Given
6886 /// \code
6887 /// int x = 3;
6888 /// int& xx = x;
6889 /// \endcode
6890 /// referenceTypeLoc(hasReferentLoc(loc(asString("int"))))
6891 /// matches `int&`.
6892 AST_MATCHER_P(ReferenceTypeLoc, hasReferentLoc, internal::Matcher<TypeLoc>,
6893  ReferentMatcher) {
6894  return ReferentMatcher.matches(Node.getPointeeLoc(), Finder, Builder);
6895 }
6897 /// Matches template specialization `TypeLoc`s.
6898 ///
6899 /// Given
6900 /// \code
6901 /// template <typename T> class C {};
6902 /// C<char> var;
6903 /// \endcode
6904 /// varDecl(hasTypeLoc(templateSpecializationTypeLoc(typeLoc())))
6905 /// matches `C<char> var`.
6906 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<
6910 /// Matches template specialization `TypeLoc`s, class template specializations,
6911 /// variable template specializations, and function template specializations
6912 /// that have at least one `TemplateArgumentLoc` matching the given
6913 /// `InnerMatcher`.
6914 ///
6915 /// Given
6916 /// \code
6917 /// template<typename T> class A {};
6918 /// A<int> a;
6919 /// \endcode
6920 /// varDecl(hasTypeLoc(templateSpecializationTypeLoc(hasAnyTemplateArgumentLoc(
6921 /// hasTypeLoc(loc(asString("int")))))))
6922 /// matches `A<int> a`.
6924  hasAnyTemplateArgumentLoc,
6928  internal::Matcher<TemplateArgumentLoc>, InnerMatcher) {
6929  auto Args = internal::getTemplateArgsWritten(Node);
6930  return matchesFirstInRange(InnerMatcher, Args.begin(), Args.end(), Finder,
6931  Builder) != Args.end();
6932  return false;
6933 }
6935 /// Matches template specialization `TypeLoc`s, class template specializations,
6936 /// variable template specializations, and function template specializations
6937 /// where the n'th `TemplateArgumentLoc` matches the given `InnerMatcher`.
6938 ///
6939 /// Given
6940 /// \code
6941 /// template<typename T, typename U> class A {};
6942 /// A<double, int> b;
6943 /// A<int, double> c;
6944 /// \endcode
6945 /// varDecl(hasTypeLoc(templateSpecializationTypeLoc(hasTemplateArgumentLoc(0,
6946 /// hasTypeLoc(loc(asString("double")))))))
6947 /// matches `A<double, int> b`, but not `A<int, double> c`.
6949  hasTemplateArgumentLoc,
6953  unsigned, Index, internal::Matcher<TemplateArgumentLoc>, InnerMatcher) {
6954  auto Args = internal::getTemplateArgsWritten(Node);
6955  return Index < Args.size() &&
6956  InnerMatcher.matches(Args[Index], Finder, Builder);
6957 }
6959 /// Matches C or C++ elaborated `TypeLoc`s.
6960 ///
6961 /// Given
6962 /// \code
6963 /// struct s {};
6964 /// struct s ss;
6965 /// \endcode
6966 /// elaboratedTypeLoc()
6967 /// matches the `TypeLoc` of the variable declaration of `ss`.
6968 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<TypeLoc, ElaboratedTypeLoc>
6971 /// Matches elaborated `TypeLoc`s that have a named `TypeLoc` matching
6972 /// `InnerMatcher`.
6973 ///
6974 /// Given
6975 /// \code
6976 /// template <typename T>
6977 /// class C {};
6978 /// class C<int> c;
6979 ///
6980 /// class D {};
6981 /// class D d;
6982 /// \endcode
6983 /// elaboratedTypeLoc(hasNamedTypeLoc(templateSpecializationTypeLoc()));
6984 /// matches the `TypeLoc` of the variable declaration of `c`, but not `d`.
6985 AST_MATCHER_P(ElaboratedTypeLoc, hasNamedTypeLoc, internal::Matcher<TypeLoc>,
6986  InnerMatcher) {
6987  return InnerMatcher.matches(Node.getNamedTypeLoc(), Finder, Builder);
6988 }
6990 /// Matches type \c bool.
6991 ///
6992 /// Given
6993 /// \code
6994 /// struct S { bool func(); };
6995 /// \endcode
6996 /// functionDecl(returns(booleanType()))
6997 /// matches "bool func();"
6998 AST_MATCHER(Type, booleanType) {
6999  return Node.isBooleanType();
7000 }
7002 /// Matches type \c void.
7003 ///
7004 /// Given
7005 /// \code
7006 /// struct S { void func(); };
7007 /// \endcode
7008 /// functionDecl(returns(voidType()))
7009 /// matches "void func();"
7010 AST_MATCHER(Type, voidType) {
7011  return Node.isVoidType();
7012 }
7014 template <typename NodeType>
7015 using AstTypeMatcher = internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Type, NodeType>;
7017 /// Matches builtin Types.
7018 ///
7019 /// Given
7020 /// \code
7021 /// struct A {};
7022 /// A a;
7023 /// int b;
7024 /// float c;
7025 /// bool d;
7026 /// \endcode
7027 /// builtinType()
7028 /// matches "int b", "float c" and "bool d"
7031 /// Matches all kinds of arrays.
7032 ///
7033 /// Given
7034 /// \code
7035 /// int a[] = { 2, 3 };
7036 /// int b[4];
7037 /// void f() { int c[a[0]]; }
7038 /// \endcode
7039 /// arrayType()
7040 /// matches "int a[]", "int b[4]" and "int c[a[0]]";
7043 /// Matches C99 complex types.
7044 ///
7045 /// Given
7046 /// \code
7047 /// _Complex float f;
7048 /// \endcode
7049 /// complexType()
7050 /// matches "_Complex float f"
7053 /// Matches any real floating-point type (float, double, long double).
7054 ///
7055 /// Given
7056 /// \code
7057 /// int i;
7058 /// float f;
7059 /// \endcode
7060 /// realFloatingPointType()
7061 /// matches "float f" but not "int i"
7062 AST_MATCHER(Type, realFloatingPointType) {
7063  return Node.isRealFloatingType();
7064 }
7066 /// Matches arrays and C99 complex types that have a specific element
7067 /// type.
7068 ///
7069 /// Given
7070 /// \code
7071 /// struct A {};
7072 /// A a[7];
7073 /// int b[7];
7074 /// \endcode
7075 /// arrayType(hasElementType(builtinType()))
7076 /// matches "int b[7]"
7077 ///
7078 /// Usable as: Matcher<ArrayType>, Matcher<ComplexType>
7079 AST_TYPELOC_TRAVERSE_MATCHER_DECL(hasElementType, getElement,
7081  ComplexType));
7083 /// Matches C arrays with a specified constant size.
7084 ///
7085 /// Given
7086 /// \code
7087 /// void() {
7088 /// int a[2];
7089 /// int b[] = { 2, 3 };
7090 /// int c[b[0]];
7091 /// }
7092 /// \endcode
7093 /// constantArrayType()
7094 /// matches "int a[2]"
7097 /// Matches nodes that have the specified size.
7098 ///
7099 /// Given
7100 /// \code
7101 /// int a[42];
7102 /// int b[2 * 21];
7103 /// int c[41], d[43];
7104 /// char *s = "abcd";
7105 /// wchar_t *ws = L"abcd";
7106 /// char *w = "a";
7107 /// \endcode
7108 /// constantArrayType(hasSize(42))
7109 /// matches "int a[42]" and "int b[2 * 21]"
7110 /// stringLiteral(hasSize(4))
7111 /// matches "abcd", L"abcd"
7114  StringLiteral),
7115  unsigned, N) {
7116  return internal::HasSizeMatcher<NodeType>::hasSize(Node, N);
7117 }
7119 /// Matches C++ arrays whose size is a value-dependent expression.
7120 ///
7121 /// Given
7122 /// \code
7123 /// template<typename T, int Size>
7124 /// class array {
7125 /// T data[Size];
7126 /// };
7127 /// \endcode
7128 /// dependentSizedArrayType()
7129 /// matches "T data[Size]"
7132 /// Matches C++ extended vector type where either the type or size is
7133 /// dependent.
7134 ///
7135 /// Given
7136 /// \code
7137 /// template<typename T, int Size>
7138 /// class vector {
7139 /// typedef T __attribute__((ext_vector_type(Size))) type;
7140 /// };
7141 /// \endcode
7142 /// dependentSizedExtVectorType()
7143 /// matches "T __attribute__((ext_vector_type(Size)))"
7147 /// Matches C arrays with unspecified size.
7148 ///
7149 /// Given
7150 /// \code
7151 /// int a[] = { 2, 3 };
7152 /// int b[42];
7153 /// void f(int c[]) { int d[a[0]]; };
7154 /// \endcode
7155 /// incompleteArrayType()
7156 /// matches "int a[]" and "int c[]"
7159 /// Matches C arrays with a specified size that is not an
7160 /// integer-constant-expression.
7161 ///
7162 /// Given
7163 /// \code
7164 /// void f() {
7165 /// int a[] = { 2, 3 }
7166 /// int b[42];
7167 /// int c[a[0]];
7168 /// }
7169 /// \endcode
7170 /// variableArrayType()
7171 /// matches "int c[a[0]]"
7174 /// Matches \c VariableArrayType nodes that have a specific size
7175 /// expression.
7176 ///
7177 /// Given
7178 /// \code
7179 /// void f(int b) {
7180 /// int a[b];
7181 /// }
7182 /// \endcode
7183 /// variableArrayType(hasSizeExpr(ignoringImpCasts(declRefExpr(to(
7184 /// varDecl(hasName("b")))))))
7185 /// matches "int a[b]"
7187  internal::Matcher<Expr>, InnerMatcher) {
7188  return InnerMatcher.matches(*Node.getSizeExpr(), Finder, Builder);
7189 }
7191 /// Matches atomic types.
7192 ///
7193 /// Given
7194 /// \code
7195 /// _Atomic(int) i;
7196 /// \endcode
7197 /// atomicType()
7198 /// matches "_Atomic(int) i"
7201 /// Matches atomic types with a specific value type.
7202 ///
7203 /// Given
7204 /// \code
7205 /// _Atomic(int) i;
7206 /// _Atomic(float) f;
7207 /// \endcode
7208 /// atomicType(hasValueType(isInteger()))
7209 /// matches "_Atomic(int) i"
7210 ///
7211 /// Usable as: Matcher<AtomicType>
7215 /// Matches types nodes representing C++11 auto types.
7216 ///
7217 /// Given:
7218 /// \code
7219 /// auto n = 4;
7220 /// int v[] = { 2, 3 }
7221 /// for (auto i : v) { }
7222 /// \endcode
7223 /// autoType()
7224 /// matches "auto n" and "auto i"
7225 extern const AstTypeMatcher<AutoType> autoType;
7227 /// Matches types nodes representing C++11 decltype(<expr>) types.
7228 ///
7229 /// Given:
7230 /// \code
7231 /// short i = 1;
7232 /// int j = 42;
7233 /// decltype(i + j) result = i + j;
7234 /// \endcode
7235 /// decltypeType()
7236 /// matches "decltype(i + j)"
7239 /// Matches \c AutoType nodes where the deduced type is a specific type.
7240 ///
7241 /// Note: There is no \c TypeLoc for the deduced type and thus no
7242 /// \c getDeducedLoc() matcher.
7243 ///
7244 /// Given
7245 /// \code
7246 /// auto a = 1;
7247 /// auto b = 2.0;
7248 /// \endcode
7249 /// autoType(hasDeducedType(isInteger()))
7250 /// matches "auto a"
7251 ///
7252 /// Usable as: Matcher<AutoType>
7253 AST_TYPE_TRAVERSE_MATCHER(hasDeducedType, getDeducedType,
7256 /// Matches \c DecltypeType or \c UsingType nodes to find the underlying type.
7257 ///
7258 /// Given
7259 /// \code
7260 /// decltype(1) a = 1;
7261 /// decltype(2.0) b = 2.0;
7262 /// \endcode
7263 /// decltypeType(hasUnderlyingType(isInteger()))
7264 /// matches the type of "a"
7265 ///
7266 /// Usable as: Matcher<DecltypeType>, Matcher<UsingType>
7269  UsingType));
7271 /// Matches \c FunctionType nodes.
7272 ///
7273 /// Given
7274 /// \code
7275 /// int (*f)(int);
7276 /// void g();
7277 /// \endcode
7278 /// functionType()
7279 /// matches "int (*f)(int)" and the type of "g".
7282 /// Matches \c FunctionProtoType nodes.
7283 ///
7284 /// Given
7285 /// \code
7286 /// int (*f)(int);
7287 /// void g();
7288 /// \endcode
7289 /// functionProtoType()
7290 /// matches "int (*f)(int)" and the type of "g" in C++ mode.
7291 /// In C mode, "g" is not matched because it does not contain a prototype.
7294 /// Matches \c ParenType nodes.
7295 ///
7296 /// Given
7297 /// \code
7298 /// int (*ptr_to_array)[4];
7299 /// int *array_of_ptrs[4];
7300 /// \endcode
7301 ///
7302 /// \c varDecl(hasType(pointsTo(parenType()))) matches \c ptr_to_array but not
7303 /// \c array_of_ptrs.
7306 /// Matches \c ParenType nodes where the inner type is a specific type.
7307 ///
7308 /// Given
7309 /// \code
7310 /// int (*ptr_to_array)[4];
7311 /// int (*ptr_to_func)(int);
7312 /// \endcode
7313 ///
7314 /// \c varDecl(hasType(pointsTo(parenType(innerType(functionType()))))) matches
7315 /// \c ptr_to_func but not \c ptr_to_array.
7316 ///
7317 /// Usable as: Matcher<ParenType>
7318 AST_TYPE_TRAVERSE_MATCHER(innerType, getInnerType,
7321 /// Matches block pointer types, i.e. types syntactically represented as
7322 /// "void (^)(int)".
7323 ///
7324 /// The \c pointee is always required to be a \c FunctionType.
7327 /// Matches member pointer types.
7328 /// Given
7329 /// \code
7330 /// struct A { int i; }
7331 /// A::* ptr = A::i;
7332 /// \endcode
7333 /// memberPointerType()
7334 /// matches "A::* ptr"
7337 /// Matches pointer types, but does not match Objective-C object pointer
7338 /// types.
7339 ///
7340 /// Given
7341 /// \code
7342 /// int *a;
7343 /// int &b = *a;
7344 /// int c = 5;
7345 ///
7346 /// @interface Foo
7347 /// @end
7348 /// Foo *f;
7349 /// \endcode
7350 /// pointerType()
7351 /// matches "int *a", but does not match "Foo *f".
7354 /// Matches an Objective-C object pointer type, which is different from
7355 /// a pointer type, despite being syntactically similar.
7356 ///
7357 /// Given
7358 /// \code
7359 /// int *a;
7360 ///
7361 /// @interface Foo
7362 /// @end
7363 /// Foo *f;
7364 /// \endcode
7365 /// pointerType()
7366 /// matches "Foo *f", but does not match "int *a".
7369 /// Matches both lvalue and rvalue reference types.
7370 ///
7371 /// Given
7372 /// \code
7373 /// int *a;
7374 /// int &b = *a;
7375 /// int &&c = 1;
7376 /// auto &d = b;
7377 /// auto &&e = c;
7378 /// auto &&f = 2;
7379 /// int g = 5;
7380 /// \endcode
7381 ///
7382 /// \c referenceType() matches the types of \c b, \c c, \c d, \c e, and \c f.
7385 /// Matches lvalue reference types.
7386 ///
7387 /// Given:
7388 /// \code
7389 /// int *a;
7390 /// int &b = *a;
7391 /// int &&c = 1;
7392 /// auto &d = b;
7393 /// auto &&e = c;
7394 /// auto &&f = 2;
7395 /// int g = 5;
7396 /// \endcode
7397 ///
7398 /// \c lValueReferenceType() matches the types of \c b, \c d, and \c e. \c e is
7399 /// matched since the type is deduced as int& by reference collapsing rules.
7402 /// Matches rvalue reference types.
7403 ///
7404 /// Given:
7405 /// \code
7406 /// int *a;
7407 /// int &b = *a;
7408 /// int &&c = 1;
7409 /// auto &d = b;
7410 /// auto &&e = c;
7411 /// auto &&f = 2;
7412 /// int g = 5;
7413 /// \endcode
7414 ///
7415 /// \c rValueReferenceType() matches the types of \c c and \c f. \c e is not
7416 /// matched as it is deduced to int& by reference collapsing rules.
7419 /// Narrows PointerType (and similar) matchers to those where the
7420 /// \c pointee matches a given matcher.
7421 ///
7422 /// Given
7423 /// \code
7424 /// int *a;
7425 /// int const *b;
7426 /// float const *f;
7427 /// \endcode
7428 /// pointerType(pointee(isConstQualified(), isInteger()))
7429 /// matches "int const *b"
7430 ///
7431 /// Usable as: Matcher<BlockPointerType>, Matcher<MemberPointerType>,
7432 /// Matcher<PointerType>, Matcher<ReferenceType>
7434  pointee, getPointee,
7438 /// Matches typedef types.
7439 ///
7440 /// Given
7441 /// \code
7442 /// typedef int X;
7443 /// \endcode
7444 /// typedefType()
7445 /// matches "typedef int X"
7448 /// Matches qualified types when the qualifier is applied via a macro.
7449 ///
7450 /// Given
7451 /// \code
7452 /// #define CDECL __attribute__((cdecl))
7453 /// typedef void (CDECL *X)();
7454 /// typedef void (__attribute__((cdecl)) *Y)();
7455 /// \endcode
7456 /// macroQualifiedType()
7457 /// matches the type of the typedef declaration of \c X but not \c Y.
7460 /// Matches enum types.
7461 ///
7462 /// Given
7463 /// \code
7464 /// enum C { Green };
7465 /// enum class S { Red };
7466 ///
7467 /// C c;
7468 /// S s;
7469 /// \endcode
7470 //
7471 /// \c enumType() matches the type of the variable declarations of both \c c and
7472 /// \c s.
7473 extern const AstTypeMatcher<EnumType> enumType;
7475 /// Matches template specialization types.
7476 ///
7477 /// Given
7478 /// \code
7479 /// template <typename T>
7480 /// class C { };
7481 ///
7482 /// template class C<int>; // A
7483 /// C<char> var; // B
7484 /// \endcode
7485 ///
7486 /// \c templateSpecializationType() matches the type of the explicit
7487 /// instantiation in \c A and the type of the variable declaration in \c B.
7491 /// Matches C++17 deduced template specialization types, e.g. deduced class
7492 /// template types.
7493 ///
7494 /// Given
7495 /// \code
7496 /// template <typename T>
7497 /// class C { public: C(T); };
7498 ///
7499 /// C c(123);
7500 /// \endcode
7501 /// \c deducedTemplateSpecializationType() matches the type in the declaration
7502 /// of the variable \c c.
7506 /// Matches types nodes representing unary type transformations.
7507 ///
7508 /// Given:
7509 /// \code
7510 /// typedef __underlying_type(T) type;
7511 /// \endcode
7512 /// unaryTransformType()
7513 /// matches "__underlying_type(T)"
7516 /// Matches record types (e.g. structs, classes).
7517 ///
7518 /// Given
7519 /// \code
7520 /// class C {};
7521 /// struct S {};
7522 ///
7523 /// C c;
7524 /// S s;
7525 /// \endcode
7526 ///
7527 /// \c recordType() matches the type of the variable declarations of both \c c
7528 /// and \c s.
7531 /// Matches tag types (record and enum types).
7532 ///
7533 /// Given
7534 /// \code
7535 /// enum E {};
7536 /// class C {};
7537 ///
7538 /// E e;
7539 /// C c;
7540 /// \endcode
7541 ///
7542 /// \c tagType() matches the type of the variable declarations of both \c e
7543 /// and \c c.
7544 extern const AstTypeMatcher<TagType> tagType;
7546 /// Matches types specified with an elaborated type keyword or with a
7547 /// qualified name.
7548 ///
7549 /// Given
7550 /// \code
7551 /// namespace N {
7552 /// namespace M {
7553 /// class D {};
7554 /// }
7555 /// }
7556 /// class C {};
7557 ///
7558 /// class C c;
7559 /// N::M::D d;
7560 /// \endcode
7561 ///
7562 /// \c elaboratedType() matches the type of the variable declarations of both
7563 /// \c c and \c d.
7566 /// Matches ElaboratedTypes whose qualifier, a NestedNameSpecifier,
7567 /// matches \c InnerMatcher if the qualifier exists.
7568 ///
7569 /// Given
7570 /// \code
7571 /// namespace N {
7572 /// namespace M {
7573 /// class D {};
7574 /// }
7575 /// }
7576 /// N::M::D d;
7577 /// \endcode
7578 ///
7579 /// \c elaboratedType(hasQualifier(hasPrefix(specifiesNamespace(hasName("N"))))
7580 /// matches the type of the variable declaration of \c d.
7582  internal::Matcher<NestedNameSpecifier>, InnerMatcher) {
7583  if (const NestedNameSpecifier *Qualifier = Node.getQualifier())
7584  return InnerMatcher.matches(*Qualifier, Finder, Builder);
7586  return false;
7587 }
7589 /// Matches ElaboratedTypes whose named type matches \c InnerMatcher.
7590 ///
7591 /// Given
7592 /// \code
7593 /// namespace N {
7594 /// namespace M {
7595 /// class D {};
7596 /// }
7597 /// }
7598 /// N::M::D d;
7599 /// \endcode
7600 ///
7601 /// \c elaboratedType(namesType(recordType(
7602 /// hasDeclaration(namedDecl(hasName("D")))))) matches the type of the variable
7603 /// declaration of \c d.
7604 AST_MATCHER_P(ElaboratedType, namesType, internal::Matcher<QualType>,
7605  InnerMatcher) {
7606  return InnerMatcher.matches(Node.getNamedType(), Finder, Builder);
7607 }
7609 /// Matches types specified through a using declaration.
7610 ///
7611 /// Given
7612 /// \code
7613 /// namespace a { struct S {}; }
7614 /// using a::S;
7615 /// S s;
7616 /// \endcode
7617 ///
7618 /// \c usingType() matches the type of the variable declaration of \c s.
7621 /// Matches types that represent the result of substituting a type for a
7622 /// template type parameter.
7623 ///
7624 /// Given
7625 /// \code
7626 /// template <typename T>
7627 /// void F(T t) {
7628 /// int i = 1 + t;
7629 /// }
7630 /// \endcode
7631 ///
7632 /// \c substTemplateTypeParmType() matches the type of 't' but not '1'
7636 /// Matches template type parameter substitutions that have a replacement
7637 /// type that matches the provided matcher.
7638 ///
7639 /// Given
7640 /// \code
7641 /// template <typename T>
7642 /// double F(T t);
7643 /// int i;
7644 /// double j = F(i);
7645 /// \endcode
7646 ///
7647 /// \c substTemplateTypeParmType(hasReplacementType(type())) matches int
7649  hasReplacementType, getReplacementType,
7652 /// Matches template type parameter types.
7653 ///
7654 /// Example matches T, but not int.
7655 /// (matcher = templateTypeParmType())
7656 /// \code
7657 /// template <typename T> void f(int i);
7658 /// \endcode
7661 /// Matches injected class name types.
7662 ///
7663 /// Example matches S s, but not S<T> s.
7664 /// (matcher = parmVarDecl(hasType(injectedClassNameType())))
7665 /// \code
7666 /// template <typename T> struct S {
7667 /// void f(S s);
7668 /// void g(S<T> s);
7669 /// };
7670 /// \endcode
7673 /// Matches decayed type
7674 /// Example matches i[] in declaration of f.
7675 /// (matcher = valueDecl(hasType(decayedType(hasDecayedType(pointerType())))))
7676 /// Example matches i[1].
7677 /// (matcher = expr(hasType(decayedType(hasDecayedType(pointerType())))))
7678 /// \code
7679 /// void f(int i[]) {
7680 /// i[1] = 0;
7681 /// }
7682 /// \endcode
7685 /// Matches the decayed type, whoes decayed type matches \c InnerMatcher
7686 AST_MATCHER_P(DecayedType, hasDecayedType, internal::Matcher<QualType>,
7687  InnerType) {
7688  return InnerType.matches(Node.getDecayedType(), Finder, Builder);
7689 }
7691 /// Matches declarations whose declaration context, interpreted as a
7692 /// Decl, matches \c InnerMatcher.
7693 ///
7694 /// Given
7695 /// \code
7696 /// namespace N {
7697 /// namespace M {
7698 /// class D {};
7699 /// }
7700 /// }
7701 /// \endcode
7702 ///
7703 /// \c cxxRcordDecl(hasDeclContext(namedDecl(hasName("M")))) matches the
7704 /// declaration of \c class \c D.
7705 AST_MATCHER_P(Decl, hasDeclContext, internal::Matcher<Decl>, InnerMatcher) {
7706  const DeclContext *DC = Node.getDeclContext();
7707  if (!DC) return false;
7708  return InnerMatcher.matches(*Decl::castFromDeclContext(DC), Finder, Builder);
7709 }
7711 /// Matches nested name specifiers.
7712 ///
7713 /// Given
7714 /// \code
7715 /// namespace ns {
7716 /// struct A { static void f(); };
7717 /// void A::f() {}
7718 /// void g() { A::f(); }
7719 /// }
7720 /// ns::A a;
7721 /// \endcode
7722 /// nestedNameSpecifier()
7723 /// matches "ns::" and both "A::"
7724 extern const internal::VariadicAllOfMatcher<NestedNameSpecifier>
7727 /// Same as \c nestedNameSpecifier but matches \c NestedNameSpecifierLoc.
7728 extern const internal::VariadicAllOfMatcher<NestedNameSpecifierLoc>
7731 /// Matches \c NestedNameSpecifierLocs for which the given inner
7732 /// NestedNameSpecifier-matcher matches.
7734  internal::BindableMatcher<NestedNameSpecifierLoc>, loc,
7735  internal::Matcher<NestedNameSpecifier>, InnerMatcher, 1) {
7736  return internal::BindableMatcher<NestedNameSpecifierLoc>(
7737  new internal::LocMatcher<NestedNameSpecifierLoc, NestedNameSpecifier>(
7738  InnerMatcher));
7739 }
7741 /// Matches nested name specifiers that specify a type matching the
7742 /// given \c QualType matcher without qualifiers.
7743 ///
7744 /// Given
7745 /// \code
7746 /// struct A { struct B { struct C {}; }; };
7747 /// A::B::C c;
7748 /// \endcode
7749 /// nestedNameSpecifier(specifiesType(
7750 /// hasDeclaration(cxxRecordDecl(hasName("A")))
7751 /// ))
7752 /// matches "A::"
7754  internal::Matcher<QualType>, InnerMatcher) {
7755  if (!Node.getAsType())
7756  return false;
7757  return InnerMatcher.matches(QualType(Node.getAsType(), 0), Finder, Builder);
7758 }
7760 /// Matches nested name specifier locs that specify a type matching the
7761 /// given \c TypeLoc.
7762 ///
7763 /// Given
7764 /// \code
7765 /// struct A { struct B { struct C {}; }; };
7766 /// A::B::C c;
7767 /// \endcode
7768 /// nestedNameSpecifierLoc(specifiesTypeLoc(loc(type(
7769 /// hasDeclaration(cxxRecordDecl(hasName("A")))))))
7770 /// matches "A::"
7772  internal::Matcher<TypeLoc>, InnerMatcher) {
7773  return Node && Node.getNestedNameSpecifier()->getAsType() &&
7774  InnerMatcher.matches(Node.getTypeLoc(), Finder, Builder);
7775 }
7777 /// Matches on the prefix of a \c NestedNameSpecifier.
7778 ///
7779 /// Given
7780 /// \code
7781 /// struct A { struct B { struct C {}; }; };
7782 /// A::B::C c;
7783 /// \endcode
7784 /// nestedNameSpecifier(hasPrefix(specifiesType(asString("struct A")))) and
7785 /// matches "A::"
7787  internal::Matcher<NestedNameSpecifier>, InnerMatcher,
7788  0) {
7789  const NestedNameSpecifier *NextNode = Node.getPrefix();
7790  if (!NextNode)
7791  return false;
7792  return InnerMatcher.matches(*NextNode, Finder, Builder);
7793 }
7795 /// Matches on the prefix of a \c NestedNameSpecifierLoc.
7796 ///
7797 /// Given
7798 /// \code
7799 /// struct A { struct B { struct C {}; }; };
7800 /// A::B::C c;
7801 /// \endcode
7802 /// nestedNameSpecifierLoc(hasPrefix(loc(specifiesType(asString("struct A")))))
7803 /// matches "A::"
7805  internal::Matcher<NestedNameSpecifierLoc>, InnerMatcher,
7806  1) {
7807  NestedNameSpecifierLoc NextNode = Node.getPrefix();
7808  if (!NextNode)
7809  return false;
7810  return InnerMatcher.matches(NextNode, Finder, Builder);
7811 }
7813 /// Matches nested name specifiers that specify a namespace matching the
7814 /// given namespace matcher.
7815 ///
7816 /// Given
7817 /// \code
7818 /// namespace ns { struct A {}; }
7819 /// ns::A a;
7820 /// \endcode
7821 /// nestedNameSpecifier(specifiesNamespace(hasName("ns")))
7822 /// matches "ns::"
7824  internal::Matcher<NamespaceDecl>, InnerMatcher) {
7825  if (!Node.getAsNamespace())
7826  return false;
7827  return InnerMatcher.matches(*Node.getAsNamespace(), Finder, Builder);
7828 }
7830 /// Matches attributes.
7831 /// Attributes may be attached with a variety of different syntaxes (including
7832 /// keywords, C++11 attributes, GNU ``__attribute``` and MSVC `__declspec``,
7833 /// and ``#pragma``s). They may also be implicit.
7834 ///
7835 /// Given
7836 /// \code
7837 /// struct [[nodiscard]] Foo{};
7838 /// void bar(int * __attribute__((nonnull)) );
7839 /// __declspec(noinline) void baz();
7840 ///
7841 /// #pragma omp declare simd
7842 /// int min();
7843 /// \endcode
7844 /// attr()
7845 /// matches "nodiscard", "nonnull", "noinline", and the whole "#pragma" line.
7846 extern const internal::VariadicAllOfMatcher<Attr> attr;
7848 /// Overloads for the \c equalsNode matcher.
7849 /// FIXME: Implement for other node types.
7850 /// @{
7852 /// Matches if a node equals another node.
7853 ///
7854 /// \c Decl has pointer identity in the AST.
7855 AST_MATCHER_P_OVERLOAD(Decl, equalsNode, const Decl*, Other, 0) {
7856  return &Node == Other;
7857 }
7858 /// Matches if a node equals another node.
7859 ///
7860 /// \c Stmt has pointer identity in the AST.
7861 AST_MATCHER_P_OVERLOAD(Stmt, equalsNode, const Stmt*, Other, 1) {
7862  return &Node == Other;
7863 }
7864 /// Matches if a node equals another node.
7865 ///
7866 /// \c Type has pointer identity in the AST.
7867 AST_MATCHER_P_OVERLOAD(Type, equalsNode, const Type*, Other, 2) {
7868  return &Node == Other;
7869 }
7871 /// @}
7873 /// Matches each case or default statement belonging to the given switch
7874 /// statement. This matcher may produce multiple matches.
7875 ///
7876 /// Given
7877 /// \code
7878 /// switch (1) { case 1: case 2: default: switch (2) { case 3: case 4: ; } }
7879 /// \endcode
7880 /// switchStmt(forEachSwitchCase(caseStmt().bind("c"))).bind("s")
7881 /// matches four times, with "c" binding each of "case 1:", "case 2:",
7882 /// "case 3:" and "case 4:", and "s" respectively binding "switch (1)",
7883 /// "switch (1)", "switch (2)" and "switch (2)".
7884 AST_MATCHER_P(SwitchStmt, forEachSwitchCase, internal::Matcher<SwitchCase>,
7885  InnerMatcher) {
7886  BoundNodesTreeBuilder Result;
7887  // FIXME: getSwitchCaseList() does not necessarily guarantee a stable
7888  // iteration order. We should use the more general iterating matchers once
7889  // they are capable of expressing this matcher (for example, it should ignore
7890  // case statements belonging to nested switch statements).
7891  bool Matched = false;
7892  for (const SwitchCase *SC = Node.getSwitchCaseList(); SC;
7893  SC = SC->getNextSwitchCase()) {
7894  BoundNodesTreeBuilder CaseBuilder(*Builder);
7895  bool CaseMatched = InnerMatcher.matches(*SC, Finder, &CaseBuilder);
7896  if (CaseMatched) {
7897  Matched = true;
7898  Result.addMatch(CaseBuilder);
7899  }
7900  }
7901  *Builder = std::move(Result);
7902  return Matched;
7903 }
7905 /// Matches each constructor initializer in a constructor definition.
7906 ///
7907 /// Given
7908 /// \code
7909 /// class A { A() : i(42), j(42) {} int i; int j; };
7910 /// \endcode
7911 /// cxxConstructorDecl(forEachConstructorInitializer(
7912 /// forField(decl().bind("x"))
7913 /// ))
7914 /// will trigger two matches, binding for 'i' and 'j' respectively.
7915 AST_MATCHER_P(CXXConstructorDecl, forEachConstructorInitializer,
7916  internal::Matcher<CXXCtorInitializer>, InnerMatcher) {
7917  BoundNodesTreeBuilder Result;
7918  bool Matched = false;
7919  for (const auto *I : Node.inits()) {
7920  if (Finder->isTraversalIgnoringImplicitNodes() && !I->isWritten())
7921  continue;
7922  BoundNodesTreeBuilder InitBuilder(*Builder);
7923  if (InnerMatcher.matches(*I, Finder, &InitBuilder)) {
7924  Matched = true;
7925  Result.addMatch(InitBuilder);
7926  }
7927  }
7928  *Builder = std::move(Result);
7929  return Matched;
7930 }
7932 /// Matches constructor declarations that are copy constructors.
7933 ///
7934 /// Given
7935 /// \code
7936 /// struct S {
7937 /// S(); // #1
7938 /// S(const S &); // #2
7939 /// S(S &&); // #3
7940 /// };
7941 /// \endcode
7942 /// cxxConstructorDecl(isCopyConstructor()) will match #2, but not #1 or #3.
7943 AST_MATCHER(CXXConstructorDecl, isCopyConstructor) {
7944  return Node.isCopyConstructor();
7945 }
7947 /// Matches constructor declarations that are move constructors.
7948 ///
7949 /// Given
7950 /// \code
7951 /// struct S {
7952 /// S(); // #1
7953 /// S(const S &); // #2
7954 /// S(S &&); // #3
7955 /// };
7956 /// \endcode
7957 /// cxxConstructorDecl(isMoveConstructor()) will match #3, but not #1 or #2.
7958 AST_MATCHER(CXXConstructorDecl, isMoveConstructor) {
7959  return Node.isMoveConstructor();
7960 }
7962 /// Matches constructor declarations that are default constructors.
7963 ///
7964 /// Given
7965 /// \code
7966 /// struct S {
7967 /// S(); // #1
7968 /// S(const S &); // #2
7969 /// S(S &&); // #3
7970 /// };
7971 /// \endcode
7972 /// cxxConstructorDecl(isDefaultConstructor()) will match #1, but not #2 or #3.
7973 AST_MATCHER(CXXConstructorDecl, isDefaultConstructor) {
7974  return Node.isDefaultConstructor();
7975 }
7977 /// Matches constructors that delegate to another constructor.
7978 ///
7979 /// Given
7980 /// \code
7981 /// struct S {
7982 /// S(); // #1
7983 /// S(int) {} // #2
7984 /// S(S &&) : S() {} // #3
7985 /// };
7986 /// S::S() : S(0) {} // #4
7987 /// \endcode
7988 /// cxxConstructorDecl(isDelegatingConstructor()) will match #3 and #4, but not
7989 /// #1 or #2.
7990 AST_MATCHER(CXXConstructorDecl, isDelegatingConstructor) {
7991  return Node.isDelegatingConstructor();
7992 }
7994 /// Matches constructor, conversion function, and deduction guide declarations
7995 /// that have an explicit specifier if this explicit specifier is resolved to
7996 /// true.
7997 ///
7998 /// Given
7999 /// \code
8000 /// template<bool b>
8001 /// struct S {
8002 /// S(int); // #1
8003 /// explicit S(double); // #2
8004 /// operator int(); // #3
8005 /// explicit operator bool(); // #4
8006 /// explicit(false) S(bool) // # 7
8007 /// explicit(true) S(char) // # 8
8008 /// explicit(b) S(S) // # 9
8009 /// };
8010 /// S(int) -> S<true> // #5
8011 /// explicit S(double) -> S<false> // #6
8012 /// \endcode
8013 /// cxxConstructorDecl(isExplicit()) will match #2 and #8, but not #1, #7 or #9.
8014 /// cxxConversionDecl(isExplicit()) will match #4, but not #3.
8015 /// cxxDeductionGuideDecl(isExplicit()) will match #6, but not #5.
8019  return Node.isExplicit();
8020 }
8022 /// Matches the expression in an explicit specifier if present in the given
8023 /// declaration.
8024 ///
8025 /// Given
8026 /// \code
8027 /// template<bool b>
8028 /// struct S {
8029 /// S(int); // #1
8030 /// explicit S(double); // #2
8031 /// operator int(); // #3
8032 /// explicit operator bool(); // #4
8033 /// explicit(false) S(bool) // # 7
8034 /// explicit(true) S(char) // # 8
8035 /// explicit(b) S(S) // # 9
8036 /// };
8037 /// S(int) -> S<true> // #5
8038 /// explicit S(double) -> S<false> // #6
8039 /// \endcode
8040 /// cxxConstructorDecl(hasExplicitSpecifier(constantExpr())) will match #7, #8 and #9, but not #1 or #2.
8041 /// cxxConversionDecl(hasExplicitSpecifier(constantExpr())) will not match #3 or #4.
8042 /// cxxDeductionGuideDecl(hasExplicitSpecifier(constantExpr())) will not match #5 or #6.
8043 AST_MATCHER_P(FunctionDecl, hasExplicitSpecifier, internal::Matcher<Expr>,
8044  InnerMatcher) {
8046  if (!ES.getExpr())
8047  return false;
8049  ASTChildrenNotSpelledInSourceScope RAII(Finder, false);
8051  return InnerMatcher.matches(*ES.getExpr(), Finder, Builder);
8052 }
8054 /// Matches functions, variables and namespace declarations that are marked with
8055 /// the inline keyword.
8056 ///
8057 /// Given
8058 /// \code
8059 /// inline void f();
8060 /// void g();
8061 /// namespace n {
8062 /// inline namespace m {}
8063 /// }
8064 /// inline int Foo = 5;
8065 /// \endcode
8066 /// functionDecl(isInline()) will match ::f().
8067 /// namespaceDecl(isInline()) will match n::m.
8068 /// varDecl(isInline()) will match Foo;
8070  FunctionDecl,
8071  VarDecl)) {
8072  // This is required because the spelling of the function used to determine
8073  // whether inline is specified or not differs between the polymorphic types.
8074  if (const auto *FD = dyn_cast<FunctionDecl>(&Node))
8075  return FD->isInlineSpecified();
8076  if (const auto *NSD = dyn_cast<NamespaceDecl>(&Node))
8077  return NSD->isInline();
8078  if (const auto *VD = dyn_cast<VarDecl>(&Node))
8079  return VD->isInline();
8080  llvm_unreachable("Not a valid polymorphic type");
8081 }
8083 /// Matches anonymous namespace declarations.
8084 ///
8085 /// Given
8086 /// \code
8087 /// namespace n {
8088 /// namespace {} // #1
8089 /// }
8090 /// \endcode
8091 /// namespaceDecl(isAnonymous()) will match #1 but not ::n.
8093  return Node.isAnonymousNamespace();
8094 }
8096 /// Matches declarations in the namespace `std`, but not in nested namespaces.
8097 ///
8098 /// Given
8099 /// \code
8100 /// class vector {};
8101 /// namespace foo {
8102 /// class vector {};
8103 /// namespace std {
8104 /// class vector {};
8105 /// }
8106 /// }
8107 /// namespace std {
8108 /// inline namespace __1 {
8109 /// class vector {}; // #1
8110 /// namespace experimental {
8111 /// class vector {};
8112 /// }
8113 /// }
8114 /// }
8115 /// \endcode
8116 /// cxxRecordDecl(hasName("vector"), isInStdNamespace()) will match only #1.
8117 AST_MATCHER(Decl, isInStdNamespace) { return Node.isInStdNamespace(); }
8119 /// Matches declarations in an anonymous namespace.
8120 ///
8121 /// Given
8122 /// \code
8123 /// class vector {};
8124 /// namespace foo {
8125 /// class vector {};
8126 /// namespace {
8127 /// class vector {}; // #1
8128 /// }
8129 /// }
8130 /// namespace {
8131 /// class vector {}; // #2
8132 /// namespace foo {
8133 /// class vector{}; // #3
8134 /// }
8135 /// }
8136 /// \endcode
8137 /// cxxRecordDecl(hasName("vector"), isInAnonymousNamespace()) will match
8138 /// #1, #2 and #3.
8139 AST_MATCHER(Decl, isInAnonymousNamespace) {
8140  return Node.isInAnonymousNamespace();
8141 }
8143 /// If the given case statement does not use the GNU case range
8144 /// extension, matches the constant given in the statement.
8145 ///
8146 /// Given
8147 /// \code
8148 /// switch (1) { case 1: case 1+1: case 3 ... 4: ; }
8149 /// \endcode
8150 /// caseStmt(hasCaseConstant(integerLiteral()))
8151 /// matches "case 1:"
8152 AST_MATCHER_P(CaseStmt, hasCaseConstant, internal::Matcher<Expr>,
8153  InnerMatcher) {
8154  if (Node.getRHS())
8155  return false;
8157  return InnerMatcher.matches(*Node.getLHS(), Finder, Builder);
8158 }
8160 /// Matches declaration that has a given attribute.
8161 ///
8162 /// Given
8163 /// \code
8164 /// __attribute__((device)) void f() { ... }
8165 /// \endcode
8166 /// decl(hasAttr(clang::attr::CUDADevice)) matches the function declaration of
8167 /// f. If the matcher is used from clang-query, attr::Kind parameter should be
8168 /// passed as a quoted string. e.g., hasAttr("attr::CUDADevice").
8170  for (const auto *Attr : Node.attrs()) {
8171  if (Attr->getKind() == AttrKind)
8172  return true;
8173  }
8174  return false;
8175 }
8177 /// Matches the return value expression of a return statement
8178 ///
8179 /// Given
8180 /// \code
8181 /// return a + b;
8182 /// \endcode
8183 /// hasReturnValue(binaryOperator())
8184 /// matches 'return a + b'
8185 /// with binaryOperator()
8186 /// matching 'a + b'
8187 AST_MATCHER_P(ReturnStmt, hasReturnValue, internal::Matcher<Expr>,
8188  InnerMatcher) {
8189  if (const auto *RetValue = Node.getRetValue())
8190  return InnerMatcher.matches(*RetValue, Finder, Builder);
8191  return false;
8192 }
8194 /// Matches CUDA kernel call expression.
8195 ///
8196 /// Example matches,
8197 /// \code
8198 /// kernel<<<i,j>>>();
8199 /// \endcode
8200 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, CUDAKernelCallExpr>
8203 /// Matches expressions that resolve to a null pointer constant, such as
8204 /// GNU's __null, C++11's nullptr, or C's NULL macro.
8205 ///
8206 /// Given:
8207 /// \code
8208 /// void *v1 = NULL;
8209 /// void *v2 = nullptr;
8210 /// void *v3 = __null; // GNU extension
8211 /// char *cp = (char *)0;
8212 /// int *ip = 0;
8213 /// int i = 0;
8214 /// \endcode
8215 /// expr(nullPointerConstant())
8216 /// matches the initializer for v1, v2, v3, cp, and ip. Does not match the
8217 /// initializer for i.
8218 AST_MATCHER_FUNCTION(internal::Matcher<Expr>, nullPointerConstant) {
8219  return anyOf(
8221  integerLiteral(equals(0), hasParent(expr(hasType(pointerType())))));
8222 }
8224 /// Matches the DecompositionDecl the binding belongs to.
8225 ///
8226 /// For example, in:
8227 /// \code
8228 /// void foo()
8229 /// {
8230 /// int arr[3];
8231 /// auto &[f, s, t] = arr;
8232 ///
8233 /// f = 42;
8234 /// }
8235 /// \endcode
8236 /// The matcher:
8237 /// \code
8238 /// bindingDecl(hasName("f"),
8239 /// forDecomposition(decompositionDecl())
8240 /// \endcode
8241 /// matches 'f' in 'auto &[f, s, t]'.
8242 AST_MATCHER_P(BindingDecl, forDecomposition, internal::Matcher<ValueDecl>,
8243  InnerMatcher) {
8244  if (const ValueDecl *VD = Node.getDecomposedDecl())
8245  return InnerMatcher.matches(*VD, Finder, Builder);
8246  return false;
8247 }
8249 /// Matches the Nth binding of a DecompositionDecl.
8250 ///
8251 /// For example, in:
8252 /// \code
8253 /// void foo()
8254 /// {
8255 /// int arr[3];
8256 /// auto &[f, s, t] = arr;
8257 ///
8258 /// f = 42;
8259 /// }
8260 /// \endcode
8261 /// The matcher:
8262 /// \code
8263 /// decompositionDecl(hasBinding(0,
8264 /// bindingDecl(hasName("f").bind("fBinding"))))
8265 /// \endcode
8266 /// matches the decomposition decl with 'f' bound to "fBinding".
8267 AST_MATCHER_P2(DecompositionDecl, hasBinding, unsigned, N,
8268  internal::Matcher<BindingDecl>, InnerMatcher) {
8269  if (Node.bindings().size() <= N)
8270  return false;
8271  return InnerMatcher.matches(*Node.bindings()[N], Finder, Builder);
8272 }
8274 /// Matches any binding of a DecompositionDecl.
8275 ///
8276 /// For example, in:
8277 /// \code
8278 /// void foo()
8279 /// {
8280 /// int arr[3];
8281 /// auto &[f, s, t] = arr;
8282 ///
8283 /// f = 42;
8284 /// }
8285 /// \endcode
8286 /// The matcher:
8287 /// \code
8288 /// decompositionDecl(hasAnyBinding(bindingDecl(hasName("f").bind("fBinding"))))
8289 /// \endcode
8290 /// matches the decomposition decl with 'f' bound to "fBinding".
8291 AST_MATCHER_P(DecompositionDecl, hasAnyBinding, internal::Matcher<BindingDecl>,
8292  InnerMatcher) {
8293  return llvm::any_of(Node.bindings(), [&](const auto *Binding) {
8294  return InnerMatcher.matches(*Binding, Finder, Builder);
8295  });
8296 }
8298 /// Matches declaration of the function the statement belongs to.
8299 ///
8300 /// Deprecated. Use forCallable() to correctly handle the situation when
8301 /// the declaration is not a function (but a block or an Objective-C method).
8302 /// forFunction() not only fails to take non-functions into account but also
8303 /// may match the wrong declaration in their presence.
8304 ///
8305 /// Given:
8306 /// \code
8307 /// F& operator=(const F& o) {
8308 /// std::copy_if(o.begin(), o.end(), begin(), [](V v) { return v > 0; });
8309 /// return *this;
8310 /// }
8311 /// \endcode
8312 /// returnStmt(forFunction(hasName("operator=")))
8313 /// matches 'return *this'
8314 /// but does not match 'return v > 0'
8315 AST_MATCHER_P(Stmt, forFunction, internal::Matcher<FunctionDecl>,
8316  InnerMatcher) {
8317  const auto &Parents = Finder->getASTContext().getParents(Node);
8319  llvm::SmallVector<DynTypedNode, 8> Stack(Parents.begin(), Parents.end());
8320  while (!Stack.empty()) {
8321  const auto &CurNode = Stack.back();
8322  Stack.pop_back();
8323  if (const auto *FuncDeclNode = CurNode.get<FunctionDecl>()) {
8324  if (InnerMatcher.matches(*FuncDeclNode, Finder, Builder)) {
8325  return true;
8326  }
8327  } else if (const auto *LambdaExprNode = CurNode.get<LambdaExpr>()) {
8328  if (InnerMatcher.matches(*LambdaExprNode->getCallOperator(), Finder,
8329  Builder)) {
8330  return true;
8331  }
8332  } else {
8333  llvm::append_range(Stack, Finder->getASTContext().getParents(CurNode));
8334  }
8335  }
8336  return false;
8337 }
8339 /// Matches declaration of the function, method, or block the statement
8340 /// belongs to.
8341 ///
8342 /// Given:
8343 /// \code
8344 /// F& operator=(const F& o) {
8345 /// std::copy_if(o.begin(), o.end(), begin(), [](V v) { return v > 0; });
8346 /// return *this;
8347 /// }
8348 /// \endcode
8349 /// returnStmt(forCallable(functionDecl(hasName("operator="))))
8350 /// matches 'return *this'
8351 /// but does not match 'return v > 0'
8352 ///
8353 /// Given:
8354 /// \code
8355 /// -(void) foo {
8356 /// int x = 1;
8357 /// dispatch_sync(queue, ^{ int y = 2; });
8358 /// }
8359 /// \endcode
8360 /// declStmt(forCallable(objcMethodDecl()))
8361 /// matches 'int x = 1'
8362 /// but does not match 'int y = 2'.
8363 /// whereas declStmt(forCallable(blockDecl()))
8364 /// matches 'int y = 2'
8365 /// but does not match 'int x = 1'.
8366 AST_MATCHER_P(Stmt, forCallable, internal::Matcher<Decl>, InnerMatcher) {
8367  const auto &Parents = Finder->getASTContext().getParents(Node);
8369  llvm::SmallVector<DynTypedNode, 8> Stack(Parents.begin(), Parents.end());
8370  while (!Stack.empty()) {
8371  const auto &CurNode = Stack.back();
8372  Stack.pop_back();
8373  if (const auto *FuncDeclNode = CurNode.get<FunctionDecl>()) {
8374  BoundNodesTreeBuilder B = *Builder;
8375  if (InnerMatcher.matches(*FuncDeclNode, Finder, &B)) {
8376  *Builder = std::move(B);
8377  return true;
8378  }
8379  } else if (const auto *LambdaExprNode = CurNode.get<LambdaExpr>()) {
8380  BoundNodesTreeBuilder B = *Builder;
8381  if (InnerMatcher.matches(*LambdaExprNode->getCallOperator(), Finder,
8382  &B)) {
8383  *Builder = std::move(B);
8384  return true;
8385  }
8386  } else if (const auto *ObjCMethodDeclNode = CurNode.get<ObjCMethodDecl>()) {
8387  BoundNodesTreeBuilder B = *Builder;
8388  if (InnerMatcher.matches(*ObjCMethodDeclNode, Finder, &B)) {
8389  *Builder = std::move(B);
8390  return true;
8391  }
8392  } else if (const auto *BlockDeclNode = CurNode.get<BlockDecl>()) {
8393  BoundNodesTreeBuilder B = *Builder;
8394  if (InnerMatcher.matches(*BlockDeclNode, Finder, &B)) {
8395  *Builder = std::move(B);
8396  return true;
8397  }
8398  } else {
8399  llvm::append_range(Stack, Finder->getASTContext().getParents(CurNode));
8400  }
8401  }
8402  return false;
8403 }
8405 /// Matches a declaration that has external formal linkage.
8406 ///
8407 /// Example matches only z (matcher = varDecl(hasExternalFormalLinkage()))
8408 /// \code
8409 /// void f() {
8410 /// int x;
8411 /// static int y;
8412 /// }
8413 /// int z;
8414 /// \endcode
8415 ///
8416 /// Example matches f() because it has external formal linkage despite being
8417 /// unique to the translation unit as though it has internal likage
8418 /// (matcher = functionDecl(hasExternalFormalLinkage()))
8419 ///
8420 /// \code
8421 /// namespace {
8422 /// void f() {}
8423 /// }
8424 /// \endcode
8425 AST_MATCHER(NamedDecl, hasExternalFormalLinkage) {
8426  return Node.hasExternalFormalLinkage();
8427 }
8429 /// Matches a declaration that has default arguments.
8430 ///
8431 /// Example matches y (matcher = parmVarDecl(hasDefaultArgument()))
8432 /// \code
8433 /// void x(int val) {}
8434 /// void y(int val = 0) {}
8435 /// \endcode
8436 ///
8437 /// Deprecated. Use hasInitializer() instead to be able to
8438 /// match on the contents of the default argument. For example:
8439 ///
8440 /// \code
8441 /// void x(int val = 7) {}
8442 /// void y(int val = 42) {}
8443 /// \endcode
8444 /// parmVarDecl(hasInitializer(integerLiteral(equals(42))))
8445 /// matches the parameter of y
8446 ///
8447 /// A matcher such as
8448 /// parmVarDecl(hasInitializer(anything()))
8449 /// is equivalent to parmVarDecl(hasDefaultArgument()).
8450 AST_MATCHER(ParmVarDecl, hasDefaultArgument) {
8451  return Node.hasDefaultArg();
8452 }
8454 /// Matches array new expressions.
8455 ///
8456 /// Given:
8457 /// \code
8458 /// MyClass *p1 = new MyClass[10];
8459 /// \endcode
8460 /// cxxNewExpr(isArray())
8461 /// matches the expression 'new MyClass[10]'.
8463  return Node.isArray();
8464 }
8466 /// Matches placement new expression arguments.
8467 ///
8468 /// Given:
8469 /// \code
8470 /// MyClass *p1 = new (Storage, 16) MyClass();
8471 /// \endcode
8472 /// cxxNewExpr(hasPlacementArg(1, integerLiteral(equals(16))))
8473 /// matches the expression 'new (Storage, 16) MyClass()'.
8474 AST_MATCHER_P2(CXXNewExpr, hasPlacementArg, unsigned, Index,
8475  internal::Matcher<Expr>, InnerMatcher) {
8476  return Node.getNumPlacementArgs() > Index &&
8477  InnerMatcher.matches(*Node.getPlacementArg(Index), Finder, Builder);
8478 }
8480 /// Matches any placement new expression arguments.
8481 ///
8482 /// Given:
8483 /// \code
8484 /// MyClass *p1 = new (Storage) MyClass();
8485 /// \endcode
8486 /// cxxNewExpr(hasAnyPlacementArg(anything()))
8487 /// matches the expression 'new (Storage, 16) MyClass()'.
8488 AST_MATCHER_P(CXXNewExpr, hasAnyPlacementArg, internal::Matcher<Expr>,
8489  InnerMatcher) {
8490  return llvm::any_of(Node.placement_arguments(), [&](const Expr *Arg) {
8491  return InnerMatcher.matches(*Arg, Finder, Builder);
8492  });
8493 }
8495 /// Matches array new expressions with a given array size.
8496 ///
8497 /// Given:
8498 /// \code
8499 /// MyClass *p1 = new MyClass[10];
8500 /// \endcode
8501 /// cxxNewExpr(hasArraySize(integerLiteral(equals(10))))
8502 /// matches the expression 'new MyClass[10]'.
8503 AST_MATCHER_P(CXXNewExpr, hasArraySize, internal::Matcher<Expr>, InnerMatcher) {
8504  return Node.isArray() && *Node.getArraySize() &&
8505  InnerMatcher.matches(**Node.getArraySize(), Finder, Builder);
8506 }
8508 /// Matches a class declaration that is defined.
8509 ///
8510 /// Example matches x (matcher = cxxRecordDecl(hasDefinition()))
8511 /// \code
8512 /// class x {};
8513 /// class y;
8514 /// \endcode
8516  return Node.hasDefinition();
8517 }
8519 /// Matches C++11 scoped enum declaration.
8520 ///
8521 /// Example matches Y (matcher = enumDecl(isScoped()))
8522 /// \code
8523 /// enum X {};
8524 /// enum class Y {};
8525 /// \endcode
8526 AST_MATCHER(EnumDecl, isScoped) {
8527  return Node.isScoped();
8528 }
8530 /// Matches a function declared with a trailing return type.
8531 ///
8532 /// Example matches Y (matcher = functionDecl(hasTrailingReturn()))
8533 /// \code
8534 /// int X() {}
8535 /// auto Y() -> int {}
8536 /// \endcode
8537 AST_MATCHER(FunctionDecl, hasTrailingReturn) {
8538  if (const auto *F = Node.getType()->getAs<FunctionProtoType>())
8539  return F->hasTrailingReturn();
8540  return false;
8541 }
8543 /// Matches expressions that match InnerMatcher that are possibly wrapped in an
8544 /// elidable constructor and other corresponding bookkeeping nodes.
8545 ///
8546 /// In C++17, elidable copy constructors are no longer being generated in the
8547 /// AST as it is not permitted by the standard. They are, however, part of the
8548 /// AST in C++14 and earlier. So, a matcher must abstract over these differences
8549 /// to work in all language modes. This matcher skips elidable constructor-call
8550 /// AST nodes, `ExprWithCleanups` nodes wrapping elidable constructor-calls and
8551 /// various implicit nodes inside the constructor calls, all of which will not
8552 /// appear in the C++17 AST.
8553 ///
8554 /// Given
8555 ///
8556 /// \code
8557 /// struct H {};
8558 /// H G();
8559 /// void f() {
8560 /// H D = G();
8561 /// }
8562 /// \endcode
8563 ///
8564 /// ``varDecl(hasInitializer(ignoringElidableConstructorCall(callExpr())))``
8565 /// matches ``H D = G()`` in C++11 through C++17 (and beyond).
8566 AST_MATCHER_P(Expr, ignoringElidableConstructorCall, internal::Matcher<Expr>,
8567  InnerMatcher) {
8568  // E tracks the node that we are examining.
8569  const Expr *E = &Node;
8570  // If present, remove an outer `ExprWithCleanups` corresponding to the
8571  // underlying `CXXConstructExpr`. This check won't cover all cases of added
8572  // `ExprWithCleanups` corresponding to `CXXConstructExpr` nodes (because the
8573  // EWC is placed on the outermost node of the expression, which this may not
8574  // be), but, it still improves the coverage of this matcher.
8575  if (const auto *CleanupsExpr = dyn_cast<ExprWithCleanups>(&Node))
8576  E = CleanupsExpr->getSubExpr();
8577  if (const auto *CtorExpr = dyn_cast<CXXConstructExpr>(E)) {
8578  if (CtorExpr->isElidable()) {
8579  if (const auto *MaterializeTemp =
8580  dyn_cast<MaterializeTemporaryExpr>(CtorExpr->getArg(0))) {
8581  return InnerMatcher.matches(*MaterializeTemp->getSubExpr(), Finder,
8582  Builder);
8583  }
8584  }
8585  }
8586  return InnerMatcher.matches(Node, Finder, Builder);
8587 }
8589 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------//
8590 // OpenMP handling.
8591 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------//
8593 /// Matches any ``#pragma omp`` executable directive.
8594 ///
8595 /// Given
8596 ///
8597 /// \code
8598 /// #pragma omp parallel
8599 /// #pragma omp parallel default(none)
8600 /// #pragma omp taskyield
8601 /// \endcode
8602 ///
8603 /// ``ompExecutableDirective()`` matches ``omp parallel``,
8604 /// ``omp parallel default(none)`` and ``omp taskyield``.
8605 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Stmt, OMPExecutableDirective>
8608 /// Matches standalone OpenMP directives,
8609 /// i.e., directives that can't have a structured block.
8610 ///
8611 /// Given
8612 ///
8613 /// \code
8614 /// #pragma omp parallel
8615 /// {}
8616 /// #pragma omp taskyield
8617 /// \endcode
8618 ///
8619 /// ``ompExecutableDirective(isStandaloneDirective()))`` matches
8620 /// ``omp taskyield``.
8621 AST_MATCHER(OMPExecutableDirective, isStandaloneDirective) {
8622  return Node.isStandaloneDirective();
8623 }
8625 /// Matches the structured-block of the OpenMP executable directive
8626 ///
8627 /// Prerequisite: the executable directive must not be standalone directive.
8628 /// If it is, it will never match.
8629 ///
8630 /// Given
8631 ///
8632 /// \code
8633 /// #pragma omp parallel
8634 /// ;
8635 /// #pragma omp parallel
8636 /// {}
8637 /// \endcode
8638 ///
8639 /// ``ompExecutableDirective(hasStructuredBlock(nullStmt()))`` will match ``;``
8641  internal::Matcher<Stmt>, InnerMatcher) {
8642  if (Node.isStandaloneDirective())
8643  return false; // Standalone directives have no structured blocks.
8644  return InnerMatcher.matches(*Node.getStructuredBlock(), Finder, Builder);
8645 }
8647 /// Matches any clause in an OpenMP directive.
8648 ///
8649 /// Given
8650 ///
8651 /// \code
8652 /// #pragma omp parallel
8653 /// #pragma omp parallel default(none)
8654 /// \endcode
8655 ///
8656 /// ``ompExecutableDirective(hasAnyClause(anything()))`` matches
8657 /// ``omp parallel default(none)``.
8659  internal::Matcher<OMPClause>, InnerMatcher) {
8660  ArrayRef<OMPClause *> Clauses = Node.clauses();
8661  return matchesFirstInPointerRange(InnerMatcher, Clauses.begin(),
8662  Clauses.end(), Finder,
8663  Builder) != Clauses.end();
8664 }
8666 /// Matches OpenMP ``default`` clause.
8667 ///
8668 /// Given
8669 ///
8670 /// \code
8671 /// #pragma omp parallel default(none)
8672 /// #pragma omp parallel default(shared)
8673 /// #pragma omp parallel default(private)
8674 /// #pragma omp parallel default(firstprivate)
8675 /// #pragma omp parallel
8676 /// \endcode
8677 ///
8678 /// ``ompDefaultClause()`` matches ``default(none)``, ``default(shared)``,
8679 /// `` default(private)`` and ``default(firstprivate)``
8680 extern const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<OMPClause, OMPDefaultClause>
8683 /// Matches if the OpenMP ``default`` clause has ``none`` kind specified.
8684 ///
8685 /// Given
8686 ///
8687 /// \code
8688 /// #pragma omp parallel
8689 /// #pragma omp parallel default(none)
8690 /// #pragma omp parallel default(shared)
8691 /// #pragma omp parallel default(private)
8692 /// #pragma omp parallel default(firstprivate)
8693 /// \endcode
8694 ///
8695 /// ``ompDefaultClause(isNoneKind())`` matches only ``default(none)``.
8697  return Node.getDefaultKind() == llvm::omp::OMP_DEFAULT_none;
8698 }
8700 /// Matches if the OpenMP ``default`` clause has ``shared`` kind specified.
8701 ///
8702 /// Given
8703 ///
8704 /// \code
8705 /// #pragma omp parallel
8706 /// #pragma omp parallel default(none)
8707 /// #pragma omp parallel default(shared)
8708 /// #pragma omp parallel default(private)
8709 /// #pragma omp parallel default(firstprivate)
8710 /// \endcode
8711 ///
8712 /// ``ompDefaultClause(isSharedKind())`` matches only ``default(shared)``.
8714  return Node.getDefaultKind() == llvm::omp::OMP_DEFAULT_shared;
8715 }
8717 /// Matches if the OpenMP ``default`` clause has ``private`` kind
8718 /// specified.
8719 ///
8720 /// Given
8721 ///
8722 /// \code
8723 /// #pragma omp parallel
8724 /// #pragma omp parallel default(none)
8725 /// #pragma omp parallel default(shared)
8726 /// #pragma omp parallel default(private)
8727 /// #pragma omp parallel default(firstprivate)
8728 /// \endcode
8729 ///
8730 /// ``ompDefaultClause(isPrivateKind())`` matches only
8731 /// ``default(private)``.
8733  return Node.getDefaultKind() == llvm::omp::OMP_DEFAULT_private;
8734 }
8736 /// Matches if the OpenMP ``default`` clause has ``firstprivate`` kind
8737 /// specified.
8738 ///
8739 /// Given
8740 ///
8741 /// \code
8742 /// #pragma omp parallel
8743 /// #pragma omp parallel default(none)
8744 /// #pragma omp parallel default(shared)
8745 /// #pragma omp parallel default(private)
8746 /// #pragma omp parallel default(firstprivate)
8747 /// \endcode
8748 ///
8749 /// ``ompDefaultClause(isFirstPrivateKind())`` matches only
8750 /// ``default(firstprivate)``.
8751 AST_MATCHER(OMPDefaultClause, isFirstPrivateKind) {
8752  return Node.getDefaultKind() == llvm::omp::OMP_DEFAULT_firstprivate;
8753 }
8755 /// Matches if the OpenMP directive is allowed to contain the specified OpenMP
8756 /// clause kind.
8757 ///
8758 /// Given
8759 ///
8760 /// \code
8761 /// #pragma omp parallel
8762 /// #pragma omp parallel for
8763 /// #pragma omp for
8764 /// \endcode
8765 ///
8766 /// `ompExecutableDirective(isAllowedToContainClause(OMPC_default))`` matches
8767 /// ``omp parallel`` and ``omp parallel for``.
8768 ///
8769 /// If the matcher is use from clang-query, ``OpenMPClauseKind`` parameter
8770 /// should be passed as a quoted string. e.g.,
8771 /// ``isAllowedToContainClauseKind("OMPC_default").``
8772 AST_MATCHER_P(OMPExecutableDirective, isAllowedToContainClauseKind,
8773  OpenMPClauseKind, CKind) {
8774  return llvm::omp::isAllowedClauseForDirective(
8775  Node.getDirectiveKind(), CKind,
8776  Finder->getASTContext().getLangOpts().OpenMP);
8777 }
8779 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------//
8780 // End OpenMP handling.
8781 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------//
8783 } // namespace ast_matchers
8784 } // namespace clang
Defines the clang::ASTContext interface.
NodeId Parent
Definition: ASTDiff.cpp:191
BoundNodesTreeBuilder BoundNodes
BoundNodesTreeBuilder Nodes
DynTypedNode Node
StringRef P
Construct a type-list to be passed to the AST_POLYMORPHIC_MATCHER* macros.
static char ID
Definition: Arena.cpp:183
Defines the clang::attr::Kind enum.
enum clang::sema::@1659::IndirectLocalPathEntry::EntryKind Kind
Expr * E
Defines the C++ Decl subclasses, other than those for templates (found in DeclTemplate....
Defines the C++ template declaration subclasses.
static bool hasDefinition(const ObjCObjectPointerType *ObjPtr)
Defines the ExceptionSpecificationType enumeration and various utility functions.
Defines the clang::Expr interface and subclasses for C++ expressions.
Defines the clang::FileManager interface and associated types.
StringRef Filename
Definition: Format.cpp:3001
Defines the clang::IdentifierInfo, clang::IdentifierTable, and clang::Selector interfaces.
static bool RetValue(InterpState &S, CodePtr &Pt, APValue &Result)
Definition: Interp.cpp:32
Forward-declares and imports various common LLVM datatypes that clang wants to use unqualified.
Defines the LambdaCapture class.
static bool isExternC(const NamedDecl *ND)
Definition: Mangle.cpp:58
This file defines OpenMP AST classes for clauses.
static ParseState advance(ParseState S, size_t N)
Definition: Parsing.cpp:144
static QualType getUnderlyingType(const SubRegion *R)
static bool hasAttr(const Decl *D, bool IgnoreImplicitAttr)
Definition: SemaCUDA.cpp:111
SourceLocation Loc
Definition: SemaObjC.cpp:759
Defines the SourceManager interface.
Defines various enumerations that describe declaration and type specifiers.
Defines the Objective-C statement AST node classes.
This file defines OpenMP AST classes for executable directives and clauses.
Defines the clang::TypeLoc interface and its subclasses.
Defines enumerations for the type traits support.
C Language Family Type Representation.
__DEVICE__ int min(int __a, int __b)
__DEVICE__ int max(int __a, int __b)
__PTRDIFF_TYPE__ ptrdiff_t
AbstractConditionalOperator - An abstract base class for ConditionalOperator and BinaryConditionalOpe...
Definition: Expr.h:4217
ArraySubscriptExpr - [C99] Array Subscripting.
Definition: Expr.h:2726
Represents an array type, per C99 - Array Declarators.
Definition: Type.h:3576
Attr - This represents one attribute.
Definition: Attr.h:46
attr::Kind getKind() const
Definition: Attr.h:92
Represents a C++11 auto or C++14 decltype(auto) type, possibly constrained by a type-constraint.
Definition: Type.h:6385
Represents a C++ declaration that introduces decls from somewhere else.
Definition: DeclCXX.h:3421
BinaryConditionalOperator - The GNU extension to the conditional operator which allows the middle ope...
Definition: Expr.h:4317
A builtin binary operation expression such as "x + y" or "x <= y".
Definition: Expr.h:3912
A binding in a decomposition declaration.
Definition: DeclCXX.h:4111
Represents a block literal declaration, which is like an unnamed FunctionDecl.
Definition: Decl.h:4472
Pointer to a block type.
Definition: Type.h:3407
Represents a base class of a C++ class.
Definition: DeclCXX.h:146
A boolean literal, per ([C++ lex.bool] Boolean literals).
Definition: ExprCXX.h:720
CXXCatchStmt - This represents a C++ catch block.
Definition: StmtCXX.h:28
Represents a call to a C++ constructor.
Definition: ExprCXX.h:1546
Represents a C++ constructor within a class.
Definition: DeclCXX.h:2539
Represents a C++ conversion function within a class.
Definition: DeclCXX.h:2866
Represents a C++ base or member initializer.
Definition: DeclCXX.h:2304
Represents a C++ deduction guide declaration.
Definition: DeclCXX.h:1956
Represents a C++ member access expression where the actual member referenced could not be resolved be...
Definition: ExprCXX.h:3682
Represents a folding of a pack over an operator.
Definition: ExprCXX.h:4839
CXXForRangeStmt - This represents C++0x [stmt.ranged]'s ranged for statement, represented as 'for (ra...
Definition: StmtCXX.h:135
Represents an explicit C++ type conversion that uses "functional" notation (C++ [expr....
Definition: ExprCXX.h:1817
Represents a call to a member function that may be written either with member call syntax (e....
Definition: ExprCXX.h:176
Represents a static or instance method of a struct/union/class.
Definition: DeclCXX.h:2064
Represents a new-expression for memory allocation and constructor calls, e.g: "new CXXNewExpr(foo)".
Definition: ExprCXX.h:2240
A call to an overloaded operator written using operator syntax.
Definition: ExprCXX.h:81
Represents a C++ struct/union/class.
Definition: DeclCXX.h:258
A rewritten comparison expression that was originally written using operator syntax.
Definition: ExprCXX.h:283
Implicit construction of a std::initializer_list<T> object from an array temporary within list-initia...
Definition: ExprCXX.h:797
Represents a C++ functional cast expression that builds a temporary object.
Definition: ExprCXX.h:1885
Describes an explicit type conversion that uses functional notion but could not be resolved because o...
Definition: ExprCXX.h:3556
CallExpr - Represents a function call (C99, C++ []).
Definition: Expr.h:2882
CaseStmt - Represent a case statement.
Definition: Stmt.h:1806
CastExpr - Base class for type casts, including both implicit casts (ImplicitCastExpr) and explicit c...
Definition: Expr.h:3550
Declaration of a class template.
Represents a class template specialization, which refers to a class template with a given set of temp...
Complex values, per C99 6.2.5p11.
Definition: Type.h:3144
CompoundLiteralExpr - [C99].
Definition: Expr.h:3480
CompoundStmt - This represents a group of statements like { stmt stmt }.
Definition: Stmt.h:1606
body_iterator body_end()
Definition: Stmt.h:1671
body_iterator body_begin()
Definition: Stmt.h:1670
Represents the canonical version of C arrays with a specified constant size.
Definition: Type.h:3614
Represents the body of a coroutine.
Definition: StmtCXX.h:320
Represents a pointer type decayed from an array or function type.
Definition: Type.h:3390
DeclContext - This is used only as base class of specific decl types that can act as declaration cont...
Definition: DeclBase.h:1436
A reference to a declared variable, function, enum, etc.
Definition: Expr.h:1265
DeclStmt - Adaptor class for mixing declarations with statements and expressions.
Definition: Stmt.h:1497
DeclGroupRef::const_iterator const_decl_iterator
Definition: Stmt.h:1541
Decl - This represents one declaration (or definition), e.g.
Definition: DeclBase.h:86
static Decl * castFromDeclContext(const DeclContext *)
Definition: DeclBase.cpp:1041
Represents a ValueDecl that came out of a declarator.
Definition: Decl.h:732
Represents the type decltype(expr) (C++11).
Definition: Type.h:5784
A decomposition declaration.
Definition: DeclCXX.h:4170
Represents a C99 designated initializer expression.
Definition: Expr.h:5315
DoStmt - This represents a 'do/while' stmt.
Definition: Stmt.h:2730
static DynTypedNode create(const T &Node)
Creates a DynTypedNode from Node.
Represents a type that was referred to using an elaborated type keyword, e.g., struct S,...
Definition: Type.h:6772
Represents an enum.
Definition: Decl.h:3845
ExplicitCastExpr - An explicit cast written in the source code.
Definition: Expr.h:3802
Store information needed for an explicit specifier.
Definition: DeclCXX.h:1901
const Expr * getExpr() const
Definition: DeclCXX.h:1910
static ExplicitSpecifier getFromDecl(FunctionDecl *Function)
Definition: DeclCXX.cpp:2182
This represents one expression.
Definition: Expr.h:110
Expr * IgnoreParenImpCasts() LLVM_READONLY
Skip past any parentheses and implicit casts which might surround this expression until reaching a fi...
Definition: Expr.cpp:3122
Represents a member of a struct/union/class.
Definition: Decl.h:3031
Cached information about one file (either on disk or in the virtual file system).
Definition: FileEntry.h:300
ForStmt - This represents a 'for (init;cond;inc)' stmt.
Definition: Stmt.h:2786
FriendDecl - Represents the declaration of a friend entity, which can be a function,...
Definition: DeclFriend.h:54
Represents a function declaration or definition.
Definition: Decl.h:1933
Represents a prototype with parameter type info, e.g.
Definition: Type.h:5012
ExceptionSpecificationType getExceptionSpecType() const
Get the kind of exception specification on this function.
Definition: Type.h:5292
unsigned getNumParams() const
Definition: Type.h:5265
QualType getParamType(unsigned i) const
Definition: Type.h:5267
bool isVariadic() const
Whether this function prototype is variadic.
Definition: Type.h:5389
bool isNothrow(bool ResultIfDependent=false) const
Determine whether this function type has a non-throwing exception specification.
Definition: Type.h:5384
IfStmt - This represents an if/then/else.
Definition: Stmt.h:2143
ImplicitCastExpr - Allows us to explicitly represent implicit type conversions, which have no direct ...
Definition: Expr.h:3727
Describes an C or C++ initializer list.
Definition: Expr.h:5070
Describes the capture of a variable or of this, or of a C++1y init-capture.
Definition: LambdaCapture.h:25
A C++ lambda expression, which produces a function object (of unspecified type) that can be invoked l...
Definition: ExprCXX.h:1954
Represents a prvalue temporary that is written into memory so that a reference can bind to it.
Definition: ExprCXX.h:4727
MemberExpr - [C99] Structure and Union Members.
Definition: Expr.h:3239
A pointer to member type per C++ 8.3.3 - Pointers to members.
Definition: Type.h:3518
This represents a decl that may have a name.
Definition: Decl.h:249
Represent a C++ namespace.
Definition: Decl.h:548
A C++ nested-name-specifier augmented with source location information.
Represents a C++ nested name specifier, such as "\::std::vector<int>::".
NonTypeTemplateParmDecl - Declares a non-type template parameter, e.g., "Size" in.
This represents 'default' clause in the '#pragma omp ...' directive.
This is a basic class for representing single OpenMP executable directive.
Definition: StmtOpenMP.h:266
Represents Objective-C's @autoreleasepool Statement.
Definition: StmtObjC.h:394
Represents an ObjC class declaration.
Definition: DeclObjC.h:1153
An expression that sends a message to the given Objective-C object or class.
Definition: ExprObjC.h:945
ObjCMethodDecl - Represents an instance or class method declaration.
Definition: DeclObjC.h:140
Represents one property declaration in an Objective-C interface.
Definition: DeclObjC.h:730
OpaqueValueExpr - An expression referring to an opaque object of a fixed type and value class.
Definition: Expr.h:1173
A reference to an overloaded function set, either an UnresolvedLookupExpr or an UnresolvedMemberExpr.
Definition: ExprCXX.h:2982
Sugar for parentheses used when specifying types.
Definition: Type.h:3171
Represents a parameter to a function.
Definition: Decl.h:1723
Wrapper for source info for pointers.
Definition: TypeLoc.h:1301
PointerType - C99 - Pointer Declarators.
Definition: Type.h:3197
A (possibly-)qualified type.
Definition: Type.h:941
bool isNull() const
Return true if this QualType doesn't point to a type yet.
Definition: Type.h:1008
QualType getCanonicalType() const
Definition: Type.h:7812
Wrapper of type source information for a type with non-trivial direct qualifiers.
Definition: TypeLoc.h:289
Base for LValueReferenceType and RValueReferenceType.
Definition: Type.h:3438
ReturnStmt - This represents a return, optionally of an expression: return; return 4;.
Definition: Stmt.h:3024
Smart pointer class that efficiently represents Objective-C method names.
std::string getAsString() const
Derive the full selector name (e.g.
This class handles loading and caching of source files into memory.
FileID getFileID(SourceLocation SpellingLoc) const
Return the FileID for a SourceLocation.
bool isInMainFile(SourceLocation Loc) const
Returns whether the PresumedLoc for a given SourceLocation is in the main file.
OptionalFileEntryRef getFileEntryRefForID(FileID FID) const
Returns the FileEntryRef for the provided FileID.
bool isInSystemHeader(SourceLocation Loc) const
Returns if a SourceLocation is in a system header.
SourceLocation getExpansionLoc(SourceLocation Loc) const
Given a SourceLocation object Loc, return the expansion location referenced by the ID.
StmtExpr - This is the GNU Statement Expression extension: ({int X=4; X;}).
Definition: Expr.h:4459
Stmt - This represents one statement.
Definition: Stmt.h:84
StringLiteral - This represents a string literal expression, e.g.
Definition: Expr.h:1778
Represents a reference to a non-type template parameter that has been substituted with a template arg...
Definition: ExprCXX.h:4483
Represents the result of substituting a type for a template type parameter.
Definition: Type.h:6223
SwitchStmt - This represents a 'switch' stmt.
Definition: Stmt.h:2393
Represents the declaration of a struct/union/class/enum.
Definition: Decl.h:3562
Location wrapper for a TemplateArgument.
Definition: TemplateBase.h:524
Represents a template argument.
Definition: TemplateBase.h:61
@ Declaration
The template argument is a declaration that was provided for a pointer, reference,...
Definition: TemplateBase.h:74
@ Template
The template argument is a template name that was provided for a template template parameter.
Definition: TemplateBase.h:93
@ Type
The template argument is a type.
Definition: TemplateBase.h:70
@ Integral
The template argument is an integral value stored in an llvm::APSInt that was provided for an integra...
Definition: TemplateBase.h:82
@ Expression
The template argument is an expression, and we've not resolved it to one of the other forms yet,...
Definition: TemplateBase.h:103
Represents a type template specialization; the template must be a class template, a type alias templa...
Definition: Type.h:6490
TemplateTemplateParmDecl - Declares a template template parameter, e.g., "T" in.
Represents a declaration of a type.
Definition: Decl.h:3368
Base wrapper for a particular "section" of type source info.
Definition: TypeLoc.h:59
A container of type source information.
Definition: Type.h:7731
TypeLoc getTypeLoc() const
Return the TypeLoc wrapper for the type source info.
Definition: TypeLoc.h:256
The base class of the type hierarchy.
Definition: Type.h:1829
bool isFunctionPointerType() const
Definition: Type.h:8053
QualType getPointeeType() const
If this is a pointer, ObjC object pointer, or block pointer, this returns the respective pointee.
Definition: Type.cpp:705
bool isMemberFunctionPointerType() const
Definition: Type.h:8071
const T * getAs() const
Member-template getAs<specific type>'.
Definition: Type.h:8568
Base class for declarations which introduce a typedef-name.
Definition: Decl.h:3410
UnaryExprOrTypeTraitExpr - expression with either a type or (unevaluated) expression operand.
Definition: Expr.h:2630
UnaryOperator - This represents the unary-expression's (except sizeof and alignof),...
Definition: Expr.h:2240
Represents a C++ member access expression for which lookup produced a set of overloaded functions.
Definition: ExprCXX.h:3942
Represents a dependent using declaration which was marked with typename.
Definition: DeclCXX.h:3963
Represents a dependent using declaration which was not marked with typename.
Definition: DeclCXX.h:3866
Represents a C++ using-declaration.
Definition: DeclCXX.h:3516
Represents a shadow declaration implicitly introduced into a scope by a (resolved) using-declaration ...
Definition: DeclCXX.h:3324
Represent the declaration of a variable (in which case it is an lvalue) a function (in which case it ...
Definition: Decl.h:668
QualType getType() const
Definition: Value.cpp:234
Represents a variable declaration or definition.
Definition: Decl.h:880
Represents a variable template specialization, which refers to a variable template with a given set o...
Represents a C array with a specified size that is not an integer-constant-expression.
Definition: Type.h:3805
WhileStmt - This represents a 'while' stmt.
Definition: Stmt.h:2589
Maps string IDs to AST nodes matched by parts of a matcher.
Definition: ASTMatchers.h:109
internal::BoundNodesMap::IDToNodeMap IDToNodeMap
Type of mapping from binding identifiers to bound nodes.
Definition: ASTMatchers.h:123
const IDToNodeMap & getMap() const
Retrieve mapping from binding identifiers to bound nodes.
Definition: ASTMatchers.h:126
friend class internal::BoundNodesTreeBuilder
Definition: ASTMatchers.h:131
const T * getNodeAs(StringRef ID) const
Returns the AST node bound to ID.
Definition: ASTMatchers.h:116
HasOverloadOpNameMatcher hasAnyOverloadedOperatorNameFunc(ArrayRef< const StringRef * > NameRefs)
std::optional< SourceLocation > getExpansionLocOfMacro(StringRef MacroName, SourceLocation Loc, const ASTContext &Context)
HasOpNameMatcher hasAnyOperatorNameFunc(ArrayRef< const StringRef * > NameRefs)
Matcher< ObjCMessageExpr > hasAnySelectorFunc(ArrayRef< const StringRef * > NameRefs)
bool matchesAnyBase(const CXXRecordDecl &Node, const Matcher< CXXBaseSpecifier > &BaseSpecMatcher, ASTMatchFinder *Finder, BoundNodesTreeBuilder *Builder)
Matcher< NamedDecl > hasAnyNameFunc(ArrayRef< const StringRef * > NameRefs)
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Stmt, FixedPointLiteral > fixedPointLiteral
Matches fixed point literals.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Stmt, CStyleCastExpr > cStyleCastExpr
Matches a C-style cast expression.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Decl, TagDecl > tagDecl
Matches tag declarations.
internal::Matcher< QualType > TypeMatcher
Definition: ASTMatchers.h:145
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Stmt, CXXReinterpretCastExpr > cxxReinterpretCastExpr
Matches a reinterpret_cast expression.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Decl, VarDecl > varDecl
Matches variable declarations.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< TypeLoc, ElaboratedTypeLoc > elaboratedTypeLoc
Matches C or C++ elaborated TypeLocs.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Stmt, StmtExpr > stmtExpr
Matches statement expression (GNU extension).
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Stmt, ExprWithCleanups > exprWithCleanups
Matches expressions that introduce cleanups to be run at the end of the sub-expression's evaluation.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Stmt, DeclRefExpr > declRefExpr
Matches expressions that refer to declarations.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Decl, TypedefNameDecl > typedefNameDecl
Matches typedef name declarations.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Decl, ObjCIvarDecl > objcIvarDecl
Matches Objective-C instance variable declarations.
internal::BindableMatcher< Stmt > alignOfExpr(const internal::Matcher< UnaryExprOrTypeTraitExpr > &InnerMatcher)
Same as unaryExprOrTypeTraitExpr, but only matching alignof.
Definition: ASTMatchers.h:3049
const AstTypeMatcher< EnumType > enumType
Matches enum types.
const AstTypeMatcher< FunctionProtoType > functionProtoType
Matches FunctionProtoType nodes.
const AstTypeMatcher< ElaboratedType > elaboratedType
Matches types specified with an elaborated type keyword or with a qualified name.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Decl, TypeAliasDecl > typeAliasDecl
Matches type alias declarations.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Decl, UsingEnumDecl > usingEnumDecl
Matches using-enum declarations.
const AstTypeMatcher< ObjCObjectPointerType > objcObjectPointerType
Matches an Objective-C object pointer type, which is different from a pointer type,...
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Stmt, ConstantExpr > constantExpr
Matches a constant expression wrapper.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Stmt, ArrayInitLoopExpr > arrayInitLoopExpr
Matches a loop initializing the elements of an array in a number of contexts:
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Stmt, ObjCIvarRefExpr > objcIvarRefExpr
Matches a reference to an ObjCIvar.
const AstTypeMatcher< BuiltinType > builtinType
Matches builtin Types.
const internal::VariadicOperatorMatcherFunc< 1, 1 > unless
Matches if the provided matcher does not match.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Decl, ConceptDecl > conceptDecl
Matches concept declarations.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Stmt, CoyieldExpr > coyieldExpr
Matches co_yield expressions.
internal::BindableMatcher< Stmt > sizeOfExpr(const internal::Matcher< UnaryExprOrTypeTraitExpr > &InnerMatcher)
Same as unaryExprOrTypeTraitExpr, but only matching sizeof.
Definition: ASTMatchers.h:3058
const AstTypeMatcher< DependentSizedExtVectorType > dependentSizedExtVectorType
Matches C++ extended vector type where either the type or size is dependent.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Stmt, CXXDeleteExpr > cxxDeleteExpr
Matches delete expressions.
const internal::VariadicAllOfMatcher< TemplateName > templateName
Matches template name.
internal::Matcher< Decl > DeclarationMatcher
Types of matchers for the top-level classes in the AST class hierarchy.
Definition: ASTMatchers.h:143
internal::Matcher< NestedNameSpecifier > NestedNameSpecifierMatcher
Definition: ASTMatchers.h:147
AST_MATCHER_FUNCTION(internal::Matcher< Decl >, isInstantiated)
Matches declarations that are template instantiations or are inside template instantiations.
Definition: ASTMatchers.h:6751
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Decl, ObjCProtocolDecl > objcProtocolDecl
Matches Objective-C protocol declarations.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Stmt, ImplicitCastExpr > implicitCastExpr
Matches the implicit cast nodes of Clang's AST.
const internal::VariadicOperatorMatcherFunc< 1, 1 > optionally
Matches any node regardless of the submatcher.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Decl, UsingDecl > usingDecl
Matches using declarations.
internal::Matcher< T > findAll(const internal::Matcher< T > &Matcher)
Matches if the node or any descendant matches.
Definition: ASTMatchers.h:3568
const internal::ArgumentAdaptingMatcherFunc< internal::HasDescendantMatcher > hasDescendant
Matches AST nodes that have descendant AST nodes that match the provided matcher.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Decl, ObjCPropertyDecl > objcPropertyDecl
Matches Objective-C property declarations.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Stmt, StringLiteral > stringLiteral
Matches string literals (also matches wide string literals).
const internal::VariadicAllOfMatcher< CXXCtorInitializer > cxxCtorInitializer
Matches constructor initializers.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Stmt, ObjCAtFinallyStmt > objcFinallyStmt
Matches Objective-C @finally statements.
const AstTypeMatcher< DependentSizedArrayType > dependentSizedArrayType
Matches C++ arrays whose size is a value-dependent expression.
Matches AutoType nodes where the deduced type is a specific type.
const AstTypeMatcher< TemplateSpecializationType > templateSpecializationType
Matches template specialization types.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Stmt, AtomicExpr > atomicExpr
Matches atomic builtins.
const AstTypeMatcher< DeducedTemplateSpecializationType > deducedTemplateSpecializationType
Matches C++17 deduced template specialization types, e.g.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Stmt, CoawaitExpr > coawaitExpr
Matches co_await expressions.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Decl, EnumDecl > enumDecl
Matches enum declarations.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Stmt, ConvertVectorExpr > convertVectorExpr
Matches builtin function __builtin_convertvector.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Stmt, AddrLabelExpr > addrLabelExpr
Matches address of label statements (GNU extension).
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Stmt, CXXDependentScopeMemberExpr > cxxDependentScopeMemberExpr
Matches member expressions where the actual member referenced could not be resolved because the base ...
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Stmt, PredefinedExpr > predefinedExpr
Matches predefined identifier expressions [C99].
const internal::VariadicAllOfMatcher< NestedNameSpecifier > nestedNameSpecifier
Matches nested name specifiers.
const AstTypeMatcher< PointerType > pointerType
Matches pointer types, but does not match Objective-C object pointer types.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Stmt, DependentCoawaitExpr > dependentCoawaitExpr
Matches co_await expressions where the type of the promise is dependent.
AST_POLYMORPHIC_MATCHER_P(isExpandedFromMacro, AST_POLYMORPHIC_SUPPORTED_TYPES(Decl, Stmt, TypeLoc), std::string, MacroName)
Matches statements that are (transitively) expanded from the named macro.
Definition: ASTMatchers.h:316
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Stmt, BreakStmt > breakStmt
Matches break statements.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Decl, BindingDecl > bindingDecl
Matches binding declarations Example matches foo and bar (matcher = bindingDecl()
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Stmt, UnresolvedLookupExpr > unresolvedLookupExpr
Matches reference to a name that can be looked up during parsing but could not be resolved to a speci...
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Stmt, OMPExecutableDirective > ompExecutableDirective
Matches any #pragma omp executable directive.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Stmt, ObjCStringLiteral > objcStringLiteral
Matches ObjectiveC String literal expressions.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Decl, ObjCMethodDecl > objcMethodDecl
Matches Objective-C method declarations.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Decl, ParmVarDecl > parmVarDecl
Matches parameter variable declarations.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Stmt, CXXRewrittenBinaryOperator > cxxRewrittenBinaryOperator
Matches rewritten binary operators.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Decl, TypedefDecl > typedefDecl
Matches typedef declarations.
AST_MATCHER_P(FieldDecl, hasBitWidth, unsigned, Width)
Matches non-static data members that are bit-fields of the specified bit width.
Definition: ASTMatchers.h:710
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Stmt, GenericSelectionExpr > genericSelectionExpr
Matches C11 _Generic expression.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Decl, CXXDeductionGuideDecl > cxxDeductionGuideDecl
Matches user-defined and implicitly generated deduction guide.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Stmt, CXXBoolLiteralExpr > cxxBoolLiteral
Matches bool literals.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Stmt, ReturnStmt > returnStmt
Matches return statements.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Stmt, AsmStmt > asmStmt
Matches asm statements.
const internal::VariadicAllOfMatcher< Attr > attr
Matches attributes.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Stmt, CXXDynamicCastExpr > cxxDynamicCastExpr
Matches a dynamic_cast expression.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Stmt, CoreturnStmt > coreturnStmt
Matches co_return statements.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Stmt, CallExpr > callExpr
Matches call expressions.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Stmt, LambdaExpr > lambdaExpr
Matches lambda expressions.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Stmt, CompoundStmt > compoundStmt
Matches compound statements.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Stmt, FloatingLiteral > floatLiteral
Matches float literals of all sizes / encodings, e.g.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Stmt, ObjCAutoreleasePoolStmt > autoreleasePoolStmt
Matches an Objective-C autorelease pool statement.
const internal::VariadicFunction< internal::PolymorphicMatcher< internal::HasOverloadedOperatorNameMatcher, AST_POLYMORPHIC_SUPPORTED_TYPES(CXXOperatorCallExpr, FunctionDecl), std::vector< std::string > >, StringRef, internal::hasAnyOverloadedOperatorNameFunc > hasAnyOverloadedOperatorName
Matches overloaded operator names.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Decl, NonTypeTemplateParmDecl > nonTypeTemplateParmDecl
Matches non-type template parameter declarations.
const AstTypeMatcher< VariableArrayType > variableArrayType
Matches C arrays with a specified size that is not an integer-constant-expression.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Stmt, UnaryExprOrTypeTraitExpr > unaryExprOrTypeTraitExpr
Matches sizeof (C99), alignof (C++11) and vec_step (OpenCL)
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Stmt, NullStmt > nullStmt
Matches null statements.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< TypeLoc, TemplateSpecializationTypeLoc > templateSpecializationTypeLoc
Matches template specialization TypeLocs.
const internal::ArgumentAdaptingMatcherFunc< internal::ForEachDescendantMatcher > forEachDescendant
Matches AST nodes that have descendant AST nodes that match the provided matcher.
const internal::VariadicAllOfMatcher< CXXBaseSpecifier > cxxBaseSpecifier
Matches class bases.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Stmt, CXXDefaultArgExpr > cxxDefaultArgExpr
Matches the value of a default argument at the call site.
Matches arrays and C99 complex types that have a specific element type.
const internal::VariadicAllOfMatcher< TemplateArgument > templateArgument
Matches template arguments.
const internal::ArgumentAdaptingMatcherFunc< internal::ForEachMatcher > forEach
Matches AST nodes that have child AST nodes that match the provided matcher.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Stmt, CaseStmt > caseStmt
Matches case statements inside switch statements.
const internal::VariadicAllOfMatcher< NestedNameSpecifierLoc > nestedNameSpecifierLoc
Same as nestedNameSpecifier but matches NestedNameSpecifierLoc.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Decl, NamedDecl > namedDecl
Matches a declaration of anything that could have a name.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Decl, UnresolvedUsingTypenameDecl > unresolvedUsingTypenameDecl
Matches unresolved using value declarations that involve the typename.
const internal::VariadicAllOfMatcher< Type > type
Matches Types in the clang AST.
const AstTypeMatcher< DecltypeType > decltypeType
Matches types nodes representing C++11 decltype(<expr>) types.
const internal::VariadicAllOfMatcher< TypeLoc > typeLoc
Matches TypeLocs in the clang AST.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Stmt, ParenListExpr > parenListExpr
Matches paren list expressions.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Decl, ClassTemplatePartialSpecializationDecl > classTemplatePartialSpecializationDecl
Matches C++ class template partial specializations.
AST_POLYMORPHIC_MATCHER_P2(hasTemplateArgument, AST_POLYMORPHIC_SUPPORTED_TYPES(ClassTemplateSpecializationDecl, VarTemplateSpecializationDecl, FunctionDecl, TemplateSpecializationType), unsigned, N, internal::Matcher< TemplateArgument >, InnerMatcher)
Matches templateSpecializationType, class template specializations, variable template specializations...
Definition: ASTMatchers.h:1069
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Stmt, WhileStmt > whileStmt
Matches while statements.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Decl, ObjCCategoryDecl > objcCategoryDecl
Matches Objective-C category declarations.
internal::TrueMatcher anything()
Matches any node.
Definition: ASTMatchers.h:171
const internal::VariadicFunction< internal::Matcher< ObjCMessageExpr >, StringRef, internal::hasAnySelectorFunc > hasAnySelector
Matches when at least one of the supplied string equals to the Selector.getAsString()
const AstTypeMatcher< AutoType > autoType
Matches types nodes representing C++11 auto types.
const AstTypeMatcher< ArrayType > arrayType
Matches all kinds of arrays.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Decl, CXXConversionDecl > cxxConversionDecl
Matches conversion operator declarations.
const AstTypeMatcher< ParenType > parenType
Matches ParenType nodes.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Decl, LabelDecl > labelDecl
Matches a declaration of label.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Stmt, CXXFunctionalCastExpr > cxxFunctionalCastExpr
Matches functional cast expressions.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Stmt, CXXConstCastExpr > cxxConstCastExpr
Matches a const_cast expression.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Stmt, CXXTemporaryObjectExpr > cxxTemporaryObjectExpr
Matches functional cast expressions having N != 1 arguments.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Stmt, UnaryOperator > unaryOperator
Matches unary operator expressions.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< TypeLoc, ReferenceTypeLoc > referenceTypeLoc
Matches reference TypeLocs.
const internal::VariadicFunction< internal::Matcher< NamedDecl >, StringRef, internal::hasAnyNameFunc > hasAnyName
Matches NamedDecl nodes that have any of the specified names.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Stmt, ObjCMessageExpr > objcMessageExpr
Matches ObjectiveC Message invocation expressions.
const internal::MapAnyOfMatcher< BinaryOperator, CXXOperatorCallExpr, CXXRewrittenBinaryOperator > binaryOperation
Matches nodes which can be used with binary operators.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Stmt, ArraySubscriptExpr > arraySubscriptExpr
Matches array subscript expressions.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< OMPClause, OMPDefaultClause > ompDefaultClause
Matches OpenMP default clause.
internal::PolymorphicMatcher< internal::HasOverloadedOperatorNameMatcher, AST_POLYMORPHIC_SUPPORTED_TYPES(CXXOperatorCallExpr, FunctionDecl), std::vector< std::string > > hasOverloadedOperatorName(StringRef Name)
Matches overloaded operator names.
Definition: ASTMatchers.h:3142
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Decl, AccessSpecDecl > accessSpecDecl
Matches C++ access specifier declarations.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Decl, LinkageSpecDecl > linkageSpecDecl
Matches a declaration of a linkage specification.
const AstTypeMatcher< InjectedClassNameType > injectedClassNameType
Matches injected class name types.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Stmt, GNUNullExpr > gnuNullExpr
Matches GNU __null expression.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< TypeLoc, PointerTypeLoc > pointerTypeLoc
Matches pointer TypeLocs.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Stmt, CXXForRangeStmt > cxxForRangeStmt
Matches range-based for statements.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Stmt, CXXMemberCallExpr > cxxMemberCallExpr
Matches member call expressions.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Decl, CXXConstructorDecl > cxxConstructorDecl
Matches C++ constructor declarations.
const AstTypeMatcher< BlockPointerType > blockPointerType
Matches block pointer types, i.e.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Stmt, InitListExpr > initListExpr
Matches init list expressions.
internal::Matcher< CXXCtorInitializer > CXXCtorInitializerMatcher
Definition: ASTMatchers.h:150
const AstTypeMatcher< AtomicType > atomicType
Matches atomic types.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Decl, TypeAliasTemplateDecl > typeAliasTemplateDecl
Matches type alias template declarations.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Stmt, CXXNoexceptExpr > cxxNoexceptExpr
Matches noexcept expressions.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Stmt, ArrayInitIndexExpr > arrayInitIndexExpr
The arrayInitIndexExpr consists of two subexpressions: a common expression (the source array) that is...
internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Type, NodeType > AstTypeMatcher
Definition: ASTMatchers.h:7015
const AstTypeMatcher< UsingType > usingType
Matches types specified through a using declaration.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Stmt, CXXNewExpr > cxxNewExpr
Matches new expressions.
internal::Matcher< NamedDecl > hasName(StringRef Name)
Matches NamedDecl nodes that have the specified name.
Definition: ASTMatchers.h:3079
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Decl, EnumConstantDecl > enumConstantDecl
Matches enum constants.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Stmt, ForStmt > forStmt
Matches for statements.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Stmt, GotoStmt > gotoStmt
Matches goto statements.
internal::Matcher< CXXBaseSpecifier > CXXBaseSpecifierMatcher
Definition: ASTMatchers.h:149
auto mapAnyOf(internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< T, U > const &...)
Matches any of the NodeMatchers with InnerMatchers nested within.
Definition: ASTMatchers.h:2901
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Decl, DeclaratorDecl > declaratorDecl
Matches declarator declarations (field, variable, function and non-type template parameter declaratio...
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Stmt, ObjCAtCatchStmt > objcCatchStmt
Matches Objective-C @catch statements.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Stmt, BinaryOperator > binaryOperator
Matches binary operator expressions.
AST_POLYMORPHIC_MATCHER_P_OVERLOAD(isDerivedFrom, AST_POLYMORPHIC_SUPPORTED_TYPES(CXXRecordDecl, ObjCInterfaceDecl), std::string, BaseName, 1)
Overloaded method as shortcut for isDerivedFrom(hasName(...)).
Definition: ASTMatchers.h:3284
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< TypeLoc, QualifiedTypeLoc > qualifiedTypeLoc
Matches QualifiedTypeLocs in the clang AST.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Decl, TemplateTypeParmDecl > templateTypeParmDecl
Matches template type parameter declarations.
Matches AST nodes that were expanded within the main-file.
Definition: ASTMatchers.h:247
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Stmt, BlockExpr > blockExpr
Matches a reference to a block.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Decl, FunctionTemplateDecl > functionTemplateDecl
Matches C++ function template declarations.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Stmt, ParenExpr > parenExpr
Matches parentheses used in expressions.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Decl, StaticAssertDecl > staticAssertDecl
Matches a C++ static_assert declaration.
const internal::ArgumentAdaptingMatcherFunc< internal::HasMatcher > has
Matches AST nodes that have child AST nodes that match the provided matcher.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Stmt, CoroutineBodyStmt > coroutineBodyStmt
Matches coroutine body statements.
const AstTypeMatcher< MacroQualifiedType > macroQualifiedType
Matches qualified types when the qualifier is applied via a macro.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Decl, ObjCCategoryImplDecl > objcCategoryImplDecl
Matches Objective-C category definitions.
const AstTypeMatcher< TypedefType > typedefType
Matches typedef types.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Stmt, MaterializeTemporaryExpr > materializeTemporaryExpr
Matches nodes where temporaries are materialized.
internal::PolymorphicMatcher< internal::ValueEqualsMatcher, void(internal::AllNodeBaseTypes), ValueT > equals(const ValueT &Value)
Matches literals that are equal to the given value of type ValueT.
Definition: ASTMatchers.h:5848
const AstTypeMatcher< TagType > tagType
Matches tag types (record and enum types).
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Stmt, BinaryConditionalOperator > binaryConditionalOperator
Matches binary conditional operator expressions (GNU extension).
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Stmt, ObjCAtTryStmt > objcTryStmt
Matches Objective-C @try statements.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Stmt, ExplicitCastExpr > explicitCastExpr
Matches explicit cast expressions.
internal::PolymorphicMatcher< internal::HasDeclarationMatcher, void(internal::HasDeclarationSupportedTypes), internal::Matcher< Decl > > hasDeclaration(const internal::Matcher< Decl > &InnerMatcher)
Matches a node if the declaration associated with that node matches the given matcher.
Definition: ASTMatchers.h:3653
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Stmt, CXXStaticCastExpr > cxxStaticCastExpr
Matches a C++ static_cast expression.
AST_MATCHER_REGEX(NamedDecl, matchesName, RegExp)
Matches NamedDecl nodes whose fully qualified names contain a substring matched by the given RegExp.
Definition: ASTMatchers.h:3114
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Decl, ValueDecl > valueDecl
Matches any value declaration.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Decl, TranslationUnitDecl > translationUnitDecl
Matches the top declaration context.
const AstTypeMatcher< TemplateTypeParmType > templateTypeParmType
Matches template type parameter types.
const AstTypeMatcher< ConstantArrayType > constantArrayType
Matches C arrays with a specified constant size.
internal::Matcher< Stmt > StatementMatcher
Definition: ASTMatchers.h:144
internal::Matcher< TypeLoc > TypeLocMatcher
Definition: ASTMatchers.h:146
const internal::VariadicAllOfMatcher< LambdaCapture > lambdaCapture
Matches lambda captures.
internal::Matcher< TemplateArgumentLoc > TemplateArgumentLocMatcher
Definition: ASTMatchers.h:152
const internal::VariadicOperatorMatcherFunc< 2, std::numeric_limits< unsigned >::max()> eachOf
Matches if any of the given matchers matches.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Stmt, CXXConstructExpr > cxxConstructExpr
Matches constructor call expressions (including implicit ones).
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Decl, ObjCInterfaceDecl > objcInterfaceDecl
Matches Objective-C interface declarations.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Decl, TemplateTemplateParmDecl > templateTemplateParmDecl
Matches template template parameter declarations.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Decl, FieldDecl > fieldDecl
Matches field declarations.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Stmt, UserDefinedLiteral > userDefinedLiteral
Matches user defined literal operator call.
AST_MATCHER_FUNCTION_P_OVERLOAD(internal::BindableMatcher< TypeLoc >, loc, internal::Matcher< QualType >, InnerMatcher, 0)
Matches TypeLocs for which the given inner QualType-matcher matches.
Definition: ASTMatchers.h:6797
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Stmt, ChooseExpr > chooseExpr
Matches GNU __builtin_choose_expr.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Stmt, CXXOperatorCallExpr > cxxOperatorCallExpr
Matches overloaded operator calls.
internal::Matcher< T > traverse(TraversalKind TK, const internal::Matcher< T > &InnerMatcher)
Causes all nested matchers to be matched with the specified traversal kind.
Definition: ASTMatchers.h:817
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Decl, NamespaceAliasDecl > namespaceAliasDecl
Matches a declaration of a namespace alias.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Stmt, CXXBindTemporaryExpr > cxxBindTemporaryExpr
Matches nodes where temporaries are created.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Stmt, SwitchCase > switchCase
Matches case and default statements inside switch statements.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Stmt, DefaultStmt > defaultStmt
Matches default statements inside switch statements.
const internal::VariadicOperatorMatcherFunc< 2, std::numeric_limits< unsigned >::max()> allOf
Matches if all given matchers match.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Decl, ClassTemplateSpecializationDecl > classTemplateSpecializationDecl
Matches C++ class template specializations.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Decl, DecompositionDecl > decompositionDecl
Matches decomposition-declarations.
const AstTypeMatcher< SubstTemplateTypeParmType > substTemplateTypeParmType
Matches types that represent the result of substituting a type for a template type parameter.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Decl, FunctionDecl > functionDecl
Matches function declarations.
const AstTypeMatcher< UnaryTransformType > unaryTransformType
Matches types nodes representing unary type transformations.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Stmt, UnresolvedMemberExpr > unresolvedMemberExpr
Matches unresolved member expressions.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Stmt, ObjCAtThrowStmt > objcThrowStmt
Matches Objective-C @throw statements.
const internal::MapAnyOfMatcher< CallExpr, CXXConstructExpr > invocation
Matches function calls and constructor calls.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Stmt, CXXThrowExpr > cxxThrowExpr
Matches throw expressions.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Stmt, SwitchStmt > switchStmt
Matches switch statements.
const AstTypeMatcher< RecordType > recordType
Matches record types (e.g.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Stmt, MemberExpr > memberExpr
Matches member expressions.
AST_MATCHER(FieldDecl, isBitField)
Matches non-static data members that are bit-fields.
Definition: ASTMatchers.h:693
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Decl, CXXRecordDecl > cxxRecordDecl
Matches C++ class declarations.
const internal::VariadicAllOfMatcher< TemplateArgumentLoc > templateArgumentLoc
Matches template arguments (with location info).
const AstTypeMatcher< ReferenceType > referenceType
Matches both lvalue and rvalue reference types.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Stmt, DesignatedInitExpr > designatedInitExpr
Matches C99 designated initializer expressions [C99 6.7.8].
const internal::VariadicAllOfMatcher< Decl > decl
Matches declarations.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Decl, CXXDestructorDecl > cxxDestructorDecl
Matches explicit C++ destructor declarations.
AST_MATCHER_P2(InitListExpr, hasInit, unsigned, N, internal::Matcher< Expr >, InnerMatcher)
Matches the n'th item of an initializer list expression.
Definition: ASTMatchers.h:4686
Matches AST nodes that were expanded within files whose name is partially matching a given regex.
Definition: ASTMatchers.h:293
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Stmt, CXXUnresolvedConstructExpr > cxxUnresolvedConstructExpr
Matches unresolved constructor call expressions.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Decl, ObjCImplementationDecl > objcImplementationDecl
Matches Objective-C implementation declarations.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Decl, RecordDecl > recordDecl
Matches class, struct, and union declarations.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Stmt, IntegerLiteral > integerLiteral
Matches integer literals of all sizes / encodings, e.g.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Stmt, ImplicitValueInitExpr > implicitValueInitExpr
Matches implicit initializers of init list expressions.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Stmt, DoStmt > doStmt
Matches do statements.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Decl, NamespaceDecl > namespaceDecl
Matches a declaration of a namespace.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Stmt, CXXNullPtrLiteralExpr > cxxNullPtrLiteralExpr
Matches nullptr literal.
const AstTypeMatcher< DecayedType > decayedType
Matches decayed type Example matches i[] in declaration of f.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Stmt, DeclStmt > declStmt
Matches declaration statements.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Stmt, CompoundLiteralExpr > compoundLiteralExpr
Matches compound (i.e.
const AstTypeMatcher< MemberPointerType > memberPointerType
Matches member pointer types.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Stmt, LabelStmt > labelStmt
Matches label statements.
const internal::VariadicAllOfMatcher< Stmt > stmt
Matches statements.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Decl, FriendDecl > friendDecl
Matches friend declarations.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Stmt, Expr > expr
Matches expressions.
internal::Matcher< TemplateArgument > TemplateArgumentMatcher
Definition: ASTMatchers.h:151
const AstTypeMatcher< IncompleteArrayType > incompleteArrayType
Matches C arrays with unspecified size.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Stmt, CharacterLiteral > characterLiteral
Matches character literals (also matches wchar_t).
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Stmt, CXXFoldExpr > cxxFoldExpr
Matches C++17 fold expressions.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Stmt, ConditionalOperator > conditionalOperator
Matches conditional operator expressions.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Stmt, CXXStdInitializerListExpr > cxxStdInitializerListExpr
Matches C++ initializer list expressions.
const internal::VariadicOperatorMatcherFunc< 2, std::numeric_limits< unsigned >::max()> anyOf
Matches if any of the given matchers matches.
internal::Matcher< Attr > AttrMatcher
Definition: ASTMatchers.h:154
const internal::VariadicFunction< internal::PolymorphicMatcher< internal::HasAnyOperatorNameMatcher, AST_POLYMORPHIC_SUPPORTED_TYPES(BinaryOperator, CXXOperatorCallExpr, CXXRewrittenBinaryOperator, UnaryOperator), std::vector< std::string > >, StringRef, internal::hasAnyOperatorNameFunc > hasAnyOperatorName
Matches operator expressions (binary or unary) that have any of the specified names.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Stmt, OpaqueValueExpr > opaqueValueExpr
Matches opaque value expressions.
const AstTypeMatcher< ComplexType > complexType
Matches C99 complex types.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Stmt, CUDAKernelCallExpr > cudaKernelCallExpr
Matches CUDA kernel call expression.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Decl, IndirectFieldDecl > indirectFieldDecl
Matches indirect field declarations.
const AstTypeMatcher< FunctionType > functionType
Matches FunctionType nodes.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Decl, BlockDecl > blockDecl
Matches block declarations.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Decl, CXXMethodDecl > cxxMethodDecl
Matches method declarations.
internal::Matcher< LambdaCapture > LambdaCaptureMatcher
Definition: ASTMatchers.h:153
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Stmt, CXXCatchStmt > cxxCatchStmt
Matches catch statements.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Stmt, CastExpr > castExpr
Matches any cast nodes of Clang's AST.
internal::Matcher< NestedNameSpecifierLoc > NestedNameSpecifierLocMatcher
Definition: ASTMatchers.h:148
const internal::VariadicAllOfMatcher< QualType > qualType
Matches QualTypes in the clang AST.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Stmt, CXXTryStmt > cxxTryStmt
Matches try statements.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Stmt, SubstNonTypeTemplateParmExpr > substNonTypeTemplateParmExpr
Matches substitutions of non-type template parameters.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Decl, UsingDirectiveDecl > usingDirectiveDecl
Matches using namespace declarations.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Decl, UnresolvedUsingValueDecl > unresolvedUsingValueDecl
Matches unresolved using value declarations.
const internal::ArgumentAdaptingMatcherFunc< internal::HasAncestorMatcher, internal::TypeList< Decl, NestedNameSpecifierLoc, Stmt, TypeLoc, Attr >, internal::TypeList< Decl, NestedNameSpecifierLoc, Stmt, TypeLoc, Attr > > hasAncestor
Matches AST nodes that have an ancestor that matches the provided matcher.
AST_MATCHER_P_OVERLOAD(QualType, ignoringParens, internal::Matcher< QualType >, InnerMatcher, 0)
Matches types that match InnerMatcher after any parens are stripped.
Definition: ASTMatchers.h:986
const internal::ArgumentAdaptingMatcherFunc< internal::HasParentMatcher, internal::TypeList< Decl, NestedNameSpecifierLoc, Stmt, TypeLoc, Attr >, internal::TypeList< Decl, NestedNameSpecifierLoc, Stmt, TypeLoc, Attr > > hasParent
Matches AST nodes that have a parent that matches the provided matcher.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Stmt, IfStmt > ifStmt
Matches if statements.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Stmt, CXXThisExpr > cxxThisExpr
Matches implicit and explicit this expressions.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Stmt, ImaginaryLiteral > imaginaryLiteral
Matches imaginary literals, which are based on integer and floating point literals e....
const AstTypeMatcher< RValueReferenceType > rValueReferenceType
Matches rvalue reference types.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Stmt, ContinueStmt > continueStmt
Matches continue statements.
const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher< Decl, ClassTemplateDecl > classTemplateDecl
Matches C++ class template declarations.
const AstTypeMatcher< LValueReferenceType > lValueReferenceType
Matches lvalue reference types.
bool isComparisonOperator(OverloadedOperatorKind OK)
Definition: Iterator.cpp:71
bool matches(const til::SExpr *E1, const til::SExpr *E2)
std::string toString(const til::SExpr *E)
RangeSelector member(std::string ID)
Given a MemberExpr, selects the member token.
The JSON file list parser is used to communicate input to InstallAPI.
bool isTemplateInstantiation(TemplateSpecializationKind Kind)
Determine whether this template specialization kind refers to an instantiation of an entity (as oppos...
Definition: Specifiers.h:212
bool isUnresolvedExceptionSpec(ExceptionSpecificationType ESpecType)
bool isInstanceMethod(const Decl *D)
Definition: Attr.h:120
llvm::omp::Clause OpenMPClauseKind
OpenMP clauses.
Definition: OpenMPKinds.h:27
@ SC_Static
Definition: Specifiers.h:252
Names for the "expression or type" traits.
Definition: TypeTraits.h:51
Defines how we descend a level in the AST when we pass through expressions.
Definition: ASTTypeTraits.h:38
@ SD_Thread
Thread storage duration.
Definition: Specifiers.h:330
@ SD_Static
Static storage duration.
Definition: Specifiers.h:331
@ SD_Automatic
Automatic storage duration (most local variables).
Definition: Specifiers.h:329
CastKind - The kind of operation required for a conversion.
const FunctionProtoType * T
@ TSK_ExplicitInstantiationDefinition
This template specialization was instantiated from a template due to an explicit instantiation defini...
Definition: Specifiers.h:206
@ TSK_ExplicitInstantiationDeclaration
This template specialization was instantiated from a template due to an explicit instantiation declar...
Definition: Specifiers.h:202
@ TSK_ExplicitSpecialization
This template specialization was declared or defined by an explicit specialization (C++ [temp....
Definition: Specifiers.h:198
@ TSK_ImplicitInstantiation
This template specialization was implicitly instantiated from a template.
Definition: Specifiers.h:194
@ Other
Other implicit parameter.
@ AS_public
Definition: Specifiers.h:124
@ AS_protected
Definition: Specifiers.h:125
@ AS_private
Definition: Specifiers.h:126
float __ovld __cnfn distance(float, float)
Returns the distance between p0 and p1.