clang  20.0.0git
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1 //===--- Specifiers.h - Declaration and Type Specifiers ---------*- C++ -*-===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
8 ///
9 /// \file
10 /// Defines various enumerations that describe declaration and
11 /// type specifiers.
12 ///
13 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
18 #include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
19 #include "llvm/Support/DataTypes.h"
20 #include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
22 namespace llvm {
23 class raw_ostream;
24 } // namespace llvm
25 namespace clang {
27  /// Define the meaning of possible values of the kind in ExplicitSpecifier.
28  enum class ExplicitSpecKind : unsigned {
31  Unresolved,
32  };
34  /// Define the kind of constexpr specifier.
37  /// In an if statement, this denotes whether the statement is
38  /// a constexpr or consteval if statement.
39  enum class IfStatementKind : unsigned {
40  Ordinary,
41  Constexpr,
44  };
46  /// Specifies the width of a type, e.g., short, long, or long long.
49  /// Specifies the signedness of a type, e.g., signed or unsigned.
54  /// Specifies the kind of type.
59  TST_wchar, // C++ wchar_t
60  TST_char8, // C++20 char8_t (proposed)
61  TST_char16, // C++11 char16_t
62  TST_char32, // C++11 char32_t
65  TST_bitint, // Bit-precise integer types.
66  TST_half, // OpenCL half, ARM NEON __fp16
67  TST_Float16, // C11 extension ISO/IEC TS 18661-3
68  TST_Accum, // ISO/IEC JTC1 SC22 WG14 N1169 Extension
75  TST_bool, // _Bool
76  TST_decimal32, // _Decimal32
77  TST_decimal64, // _Decimal64
78  TST_decimal128, // _Decimal128
82  TST_class, // C++ class type
83  TST_interface, // C++ (Microsoft-specific) __interface type
84  TST_typename, // Typedef, C++ class-name or enum name, etc.
85  TST_typeofType, // C23 (and GNU extension) typeof(type-name)
86  TST_typeofExpr, // C23 (and GNU extension) typeof(expression)
87  TST_typeof_unqualType, // C23 typeof_unqual(type-name)
88  TST_typeof_unqualExpr, // C23 typeof_unqual(expression)
89  TST_decltype, // C++11 decltype
90 #define TRANSFORM_TYPE_TRAIT_DEF(_, Trait) TST_##Trait,
91 #include "clang/Basic/TransformTypeTraits.def"
92  TST_auto, // C++11 auto
93  TST_decltype_auto, // C++1y decltype(auto)
94  TST_auto_type, // __auto_type extension
95  TST_unknown_anytype, // __unknown_anytype extension
96  TST_atomic, // C11 _Atomic
98 #define GENERIC_IMAGE_TYPE(ImgType, Id) \
99  TST_##ImgType##_t, // OpenCL image types
100 #include "clang/Basic/OpenCLImageTypes.def"
101 #define HLSL_INTANGIBLE_TYPE(Name, Id, SingletonId) \
102  TST_##Name, // HLSL Intangible Types
103 #include "clang/Basic/HLSLIntangibleTypes.def"
104  TST_error // erroneous type
105  };
107  /// Structure that packs information about the type specifiers that
108  /// were written in a particular type specifier sequence.
110  static_assert(TST_error < 1 << 7, "Type bitfield not wide enough for TST");
111  LLVM_PREFERRED_TYPE(TypeSpecifierType)
113  LLVM_PREFERRED_TYPE(TypeSpecifierSign)
114  unsigned Sign : 2;
115  LLVM_PREFERRED_TYPE(TypeSpecifierWidth)
116  unsigned Width : 2;
118  unsigned ModeAttr : 1;
119  };
121  /// A C++ access specifier (public, private, protected), plus the
122  /// special value "none" which means different things in different contexts.
127  AS_none
128  };
130  /// The categorization of expression values, currently following the
131  /// C++11 scheme.
133  /// A pr-value expression (in the C++11 taxonomy)
134  /// produces a temporary value.
137  /// An l-value expression is a reference to an object with
138  /// independent storage.
141  /// An x-value expression is a reference to an object with
142  /// independent storage but which can be "moved", i.e.
143  /// efficiently cannibalized for its resources.
144  VK_XValue
145  };
147  /// A further classification of the kind of object referenced by an
148  /// l-value or x-value.
150  /// An ordinary object is located at an address in memory.
153  /// A bitfield object is a bitfield on a C or C++ record.
156  /// A vector component is an element or range of elements on a vector.
159  /// An Objective-C property is a logical field of an Objective-C
160  /// object which is read and written via Objective-C method calls.
163  /// An Objective-C array/dictionary subscripting which reads an
164  /// object or writes at the subscripted array/dictionary element via
165  /// Objective-C method calls.
168  /// A matrix component is a single element of a matrix.
170  };
172  /// The reason why a DeclRefExpr does not constitute an odr-use.
174  /// This is an odr-use.
176  /// This name appears in an unevaluated operand.
178  /// This name appears as a potential result of an lvalue-to-rvalue
179  /// conversion that is a constant expression.
181  /// This name appears as a potential result of a discarded value
182  /// expression.
184  };
186  /// Describes the kind of template specialization that a
187  /// particular template specialization declaration represents.
189  /// This template specialization was formed from a template-id but
190  /// has not yet been declared, defined, or instantiated.
192  /// This template specialization was implicitly instantiated from a
193  /// template. (C++ [temp.inst]).
195  /// This template specialization was declared or defined by an
196  /// explicit specialization (C++ [temp.expl.spec]) or partial
197  /// specialization (C++ [temp.class.spec]).
199  /// This template specialization was instantiated from a template
200  /// due to an explicit instantiation declaration request
201  /// (C++11 [temp.explicit]).
203  /// This template specialization was instantiated from a template
204  /// due to an explicit instantiation definition request
205  /// (C++ [temp.explicit]).
207  };
209  /// Determine whether this template specialization kind refers
210  /// to an instantiation of an entity (as opposed to a non-template or
211  /// an explicit specialization).
214  }
216  /// True if this template specialization kind is an explicit
217  /// specialization, explicit instantiation declaration, or explicit
218  /// instantiation definition.
221  switch (Kind) {
225  return true;
227  case TSK_Undeclared:
229  return false;
230  }
231  llvm_unreachable("bad template specialization kind");
232  }
234  /// Thread storage-class-specifier.
237  /// GNU __thread.
239  /// C++11 thread_local. Implies 'static' at block scope, but not at
240  /// class scope.
242  /// C11 _Thread_local. Must be combined with either 'static' or 'extern'
243  /// if used at block scope.
245  };
247  /// Storage classes.
249  // These are legal on both functions and variables.
255  // These are only legal on variables.
258  };
260  /// Checks whether the given storage class is legal for functions.
262  return SC <= SC_PrivateExtern;
263  }
265  /// Checks whether the given storage class is legal for variables.
267  return true;
268  }
270  /// In-class initialization styles for non-static data members.
272  ICIS_NoInit, ///< No in-class initializer.
273  ICIS_CopyInit, ///< Copy initialization.
274  ICIS_ListInit ///< Direct list-initialization.
275  };
277  /// CallingConv - Specifies the calling convention that a function uses.
278  enum CallingConv {
279  CC_C, // __attribute__((cdecl))
280  CC_X86StdCall, // __attribute__((stdcall))
281  CC_X86FastCall, // __attribute__((fastcall))
282  CC_X86ThisCall, // __attribute__((thiscall))
283  CC_X86VectorCall, // __attribute__((vectorcall))
284  CC_X86Pascal, // __attribute__((pascal))
285  CC_Win64, // __attribute__((ms_abi))
286  CC_X86_64SysV, // __attribute__((sysv_abi))
287  CC_X86RegCall, // __attribute__((regcall))
288  CC_AAPCS, // __attribute__((pcs("aapcs")))
289  CC_AAPCS_VFP, // __attribute__((pcs("aapcs-vfp")))
290  CC_IntelOclBicc, // __attribute__((intel_ocl_bicc))
291  CC_SpirFunction, // default for OpenCL functions on SPIR target
292  CC_OpenCLKernel, // inferred for OpenCL kernels
293  CC_Swift, // __attribute__((swiftcall))
294  CC_SwiftAsync, // __attribute__((swiftasynccall))
295  CC_PreserveMost, // __attribute__((preserve_most))
296  CC_PreserveAll, // __attribute__((preserve_all))
297  CC_AArch64VectorCall, // __attribute__((aarch64_vector_pcs))
298  CC_AArch64SVEPCS, // __attribute__((aarch64_sve_pcs))
299  CC_AMDGPUKernelCall, // __attribute__((amdgpu_kernel))
300  CC_M68kRTD, // __attribute__((m68k_rtd))
301  CC_PreserveNone, // __attribute__((preserve_none))
302  CC_RISCVVectorCall, // __attribute__((riscv_vector_cc))
303  };
305  /// Checks whether the given calling convention supports variadic
306  /// calls. Unprototyped calls also use the variadic call rules.
308  switch (CC) {
309  case CC_X86StdCall:
310  case CC_X86FastCall:
311  case CC_X86ThisCall:
312  case CC_X86RegCall:
313  case CC_X86Pascal:
314  case CC_X86VectorCall:
315  case CC_SpirFunction:
316  case CC_OpenCLKernel:
317  case CC_Swift:
318  case CC_SwiftAsync:
319  case CC_M68kRTD:
320  return false;
321  default:
322  return true;
323  }
324  }
326  /// The storage duration for an object (per C++ []).
328  SD_FullExpression, ///< Full-expression storage duration (for temporaries).
329  SD_Automatic, ///< Automatic storage duration (most local variables).
330  SD_Thread, ///< Thread storage duration.
331  SD_Static, ///< Static storage duration.
332  SD_Dynamic ///< Dynamic storage duration.
333  };
335  /// Describes the nullability of a particular type.
336  enum class NullabilityKind : uint8_t {
337  /// Values of this type can never be null.
338  NonNull = 0,
339  /// Values of this type can be null.
340  Nullable,
341  /// Whether values of this type can be null is (explicitly)
342  /// unspecified. This captures a (fairly rare) case where we
343  /// can't conclude anything about the nullability of the type even
344  /// though it has been considered.
345  Unspecified,
346  // Generally behaves like Nullable, except when used in a block parameter
347  // that was imported into a swift async method. There, swift will assume
348  // that the parameter can get null even if no error occurred. _Nullable
349  // parameters are assumed to only get null on error.
351  };
352  /// Prints human-readable debug representation.
353  llvm::raw_ostream &operator<<(llvm::raw_ostream&, NullabilityKind);
355  /// Return true if \p L has a weaker nullability annotation than \p R. The
356  /// ordering is: Unspecified < Nullable < NonNull.
358  return uint8_t(L) > uint8_t(R);
359  }
361  /// Retrieve the spelling of the given nullability kind.
363  bool isContextSensitive = false);
365  /// Kinds of parameter ABI.
366  enum class ParameterABI {
367  /// This parameter uses ordinary ABI rules for its type.
368  Ordinary,
370  /// This parameter (which must have pointer type) is a Swift
371  /// indirect result parameter.
374  /// This parameter (which must have pointer-to-pointer type) uses
375  /// the special Swift error-result ABI treatment. There can be at
376  /// most one parameter on a given function that uses this treatment.
379  /// This parameter (which must have pointer type) uses the special
380  /// Swift context-pointer ABI treatment. There can be at
381  /// most one parameter on a given function that uses this treatment.
382  SwiftContext,
384  /// This parameter (which must have pointer type) uses the special
385  /// Swift asynchronous context-pointer ABI treatment. There can be at
386  /// most one parameter on a given function that uses this treatment.
388  };
390  /// Assigned inheritance model for a class in the MS C++ ABI. Must match order
391  /// of spellings in MSInheritanceAttr.
392  enum class MSInheritanceModel {
393  Single = 0,
394  Multiple = 1,
395  Virtual = 2,
396  Unspecified = 3,
397  };
399  llvm::StringRef getParameterABISpelling(ParameterABI kind);
401  inline llvm::StringRef getAccessSpelling(AccessSpecifier AS) {
402  switch (AS) {
404  return "public";
406  return "protected";
408  return "private";
410  return {};
411  }
412  llvm_unreachable("Unknown AccessSpecifier");
413  }
414 } // end namespace clang
enum clang::sema::@1659::IndirectLocalPathEntry::EntryKind Kind
The base class of the type hierarchy.
Definition: Type.h:1829
unsigned kind
All of the diagnostics that can be emitted by the frontend.
Definition: DiagnosticIDs.h:65
The JSON file list parser is used to communicate input to InstallAPI.
Specifies the kind of type.
Definition: Specifiers.h:55
@ TST_typeof_unqualType
Definition: Specifiers.h:87
@ TST_ibm128
Definition: Specifiers.h:74
@ TST_decimal64
Definition: Specifiers.h:77
@ TST_float
Definition: Specifiers.h:71
@ TST_auto_type
Definition: Specifiers.h:94
@ TST_auto
Definition: Specifiers.h:92
@ TST_typeof_unqualExpr
Definition: Specifiers.h:88
@ TST_decimal32
Definition: Specifiers.h:76
@ TST_int128
Definition: Specifiers.h:64
@ TST_atomic
Definition: Specifiers.h:96
@ TST_half
Definition: Specifiers.h:66
@ TST_decltype
Definition: Specifiers.h:89
@ TST_typename_pack_indexing
Definition: Specifiers.h:97
@ TST_char32
Definition: Specifiers.h:62
@ TST_struct
Definition: Specifiers.h:81
@ TST_typeofType
Definition: Specifiers.h:85
@ TST_bitint
Definition: Specifiers.h:65
@ TST_wchar
Definition: Specifiers.h:59
@ TST_BFloat16
Definition: Specifiers.h:70
@ TST_char16
Definition: Specifiers.h:61
@ TST_char
Definition: Specifiers.h:58
@ TST_unspecified
Definition: Specifiers.h:56
@ TST_class
Definition: Specifiers.h:82
@ TST_union
Definition: Specifiers.h:80
@ TST_Fract
Definition: Specifiers.h:69
@ TST_float128
Definition: Specifiers.h:73
@ TST_double
Definition: Specifiers.h:72
@ TST_Accum
Definition: Specifiers.h:68
@ TST_int
Definition: Specifiers.h:63
@ TST_bool
Definition: Specifiers.h:75
@ TST_typeofExpr
Definition: Specifiers.h:86
@ TST_typename
Definition: Specifiers.h:84
@ TST_void
Definition: Specifiers.h:57
@ TST_unknown_anytype
Definition: Specifiers.h:95
@ TST_enum
Definition: Specifiers.h:79
@ TST_error
Definition: Specifiers.h:104
@ TST_decltype_auto
Definition: Specifiers.h:93
@ TST_interface
Definition: Specifiers.h:83
@ TST_Float16
Definition: Specifiers.h:67
@ TST_char8
Definition: Specifiers.h:60
@ TST_decimal128
Definition: Specifiers.h:78
bool isTemplateInstantiation(TemplateSpecializationKind Kind)
Determine whether this template specialization kind refers to an instantiation of an entity (as oppos...
Definition: Specifiers.h:212
llvm::StringRef getAccessSpelling(AccessSpecifier AS)
Definition: Specifiers.h:401
llvm::StringRef getParameterABISpelling(ParameterABI kind)
Define the kind of constexpr specifier.
Definition: Specifiers.h:35
In an if statement, this denotes whether the statement is a constexpr or consteval if statement.
Definition: Specifiers.h:39
Describes the nullability of a particular type.
Definition: Specifiers.h:336
@ Nullable
Values of this type can be null.
@ NonNull
Values of this type can never be null.
In-class initialization styles for non-static data members.
Definition: Specifiers.h:271
@ ICIS_CopyInit
Copy initialization.
Definition: Specifiers.h:273
@ ICIS_ListInit
Direct list-initialization.
Definition: Specifiers.h:274
@ ICIS_NoInit
No in-class initializer.
Definition: Specifiers.h:272
A further classification of the kind of object referenced by an l-value or x-value.
Definition: Specifiers.h:149
@ OK_VectorComponent
A vector component is an element or range of elements on a vector.
Definition: Specifiers.h:157
@ OK_ObjCProperty
An Objective-C property is a logical field of an Objective-C object which is read and written via Obj...
Definition: Specifiers.h:161
@ OK_ObjCSubscript
An Objective-C array/dictionary subscripting which reads an object or writes at the subscripted array...
Definition: Specifiers.h:166
@ OK_Ordinary
An ordinary object is located at an address in memory.
Definition: Specifiers.h:151
@ OK_BitField
A bitfield object is a bitfield on a C or C++ record.
Definition: Specifiers.h:154
@ OK_MatrixComponent
A matrix component is a single element of a matrix.
Definition: Specifiers.h:169
Storage classes.
Definition: Specifiers.h:248
@ SC_Auto
Definition: Specifiers.h:256
@ SC_PrivateExtern
Definition: Specifiers.h:253
@ SC_Extern
Definition: Specifiers.h:251
@ SC_Register
Definition: Specifiers.h:257
@ SC_Static
Definition: Specifiers.h:252
@ SC_None
Definition: Specifiers.h:250
Thread storage-class-specifier.
Definition: Specifiers.h:235
@ TSCS_thread_local
C++11 thread_local.
Definition: Specifiers.h:241
@ TSCS_unspecified
Definition: Specifiers.h:236
@ TSCS__Thread_local
C11 _Thread_local.
Definition: Specifiers.h:244
@ TSCS___thread
GNU __thread.
Definition: Specifiers.h:238
const StreamingDiagnostic & operator<<(const StreamingDiagnostic &DB, const ASTContext::SectionInfo &Section)
Insertion operator for diagnostics.
Definition: Specifiers.h:52
The storage duration for an object (per C++ []).
Definition: Specifiers.h:327
@ SD_Thread
Thread storage duration.
Definition: Specifiers.h:330
@ SD_Static
Static storage duration.
Definition: Specifiers.h:331
@ SD_FullExpression
Full-expression storage duration (for temporaries).
Definition: Specifiers.h:328
@ SD_Automatic
Automatic storage duration (most local variables).
Definition: Specifiers.h:329
@ SD_Dynamic
Dynamic storage duration.
Definition: Specifiers.h:332
llvm::StringRef getNullabilitySpelling(NullabilityKind kind, bool isContextSensitive=false)
Retrieve the spelling of the given nullability kind.
Kinds of parameter ABI.
Definition: Specifiers.h:366
@ SwiftAsyncContext
This parameter (which must have pointer type) uses the special Swift asynchronous context-pointer ABI...
@ SwiftErrorResult
This parameter (which must have pointer-to-pointer type) uses the special Swift error-result ABI trea...
@ SwiftIndirectResult
This parameter (which must have pointer type) is a Swift indirect result parameter.
@ SwiftContext
This parameter (which must have pointer type) uses the special Swift context-pointer ABI treatment.
bool supportsVariadicCall(CallingConv CC)
Checks whether the given calling convention supports variadic calls.
Definition: Specifiers.h:307
bool hasWeakerNullability(NullabilityKind L, NullabilityKind R)
Return true if L has a weaker nullability annotation than R.
Definition: Specifiers.h:357
bool isLegalForFunction(StorageClass SC)
Checks whether the given storage class is legal for functions.
Definition: Specifiers.h:261
Specifies the width of a type, e.g., short, long, or long long.
Definition: Specifiers.h:47
Specifies the signedness of a type, e.g., signed or unsigned.
Definition: Specifiers.h:50
bool isLegalForVariable(StorageClass SC)
Checks whether the given storage class is legal for variables.
Definition: Specifiers.h:266
The categorization of expression values, currently following the C++11 scheme.
Definition: Specifiers.h:132
@ VK_PRValue
A pr-value expression (in the C++11 taxonomy) produces a temporary value.
Definition: Specifiers.h:135
@ VK_XValue
An x-value expression is a reference to an object with independent storage but which can be "moved",...
Definition: Specifiers.h:144
@ VK_LValue
An l-value expression is a reference to an object with independent storage.
Definition: Specifiers.h:139
Assigned inheritance model for a class in the MS C++ ABI.
Definition: Specifiers.h:392
Define the meaning of possible values of the kind in ExplicitSpecifier.
Definition: Specifiers.h:28
Describes the kind of template specialization that a particular template specialization declaration r...
Definition: Specifiers.h:188
@ TSK_ExplicitInstantiationDefinition
This template specialization was instantiated from a template due to an explicit instantiation defini...
Definition: Specifiers.h:206
@ TSK_ExplicitInstantiationDeclaration
This template specialization was instantiated from a template due to an explicit instantiation declar...
Definition: Specifiers.h:202
@ TSK_ExplicitSpecialization
This template specialization was declared or defined by an explicit specialization (C++ [temp....
Definition: Specifiers.h:198
@ TSK_ImplicitInstantiation
This template specialization was implicitly instantiated from a template.
Definition: Specifiers.h:194
@ TSK_Undeclared
This template specialization was formed from a template-id but has not yet been declared,...
Definition: Specifiers.h:191
CallingConv - Specifies the calling convention that a function uses.
Definition: Specifiers.h:278
@ CC_X86Pascal
Definition: Specifiers.h:284
@ CC_Swift
Definition: Specifiers.h:293
@ CC_IntelOclBicc
Definition: Specifiers.h:290
@ CC_OpenCLKernel
Definition: Specifiers.h:292
@ CC_PreserveMost
Definition: Specifiers.h:295
@ CC_Win64
Definition: Specifiers.h:285
@ CC_X86ThisCall
Definition: Specifiers.h:282
@ CC_AArch64VectorCall
Definition: Specifiers.h:297
Definition: Specifiers.h:288
@ CC_PreserveNone
Definition: Specifiers.h:301
@ CC_C
Definition: Specifiers.h:279
@ CC_AMDGPUKernelCall
Definition: Specifiers.h:299
@ CC_M68kRTD
Definition: Specifiers.h:300
@ CC_SwiftAsync
Definition: Specifiers.h:294
@ CC_X86RegCall
Definition: Specifiers.h:287
@ CC_RISCVVectorCall
Definition: Specifiers.h:302
@ CC_X86VectorCall
Definition: Specifiers.h:283
@ CC_SpirFunction
Definition: Specifiers.h:291
Definition: Specifiers.h:298
@ CC_X86StdCall
Definition: Specifiers.h:280
@ CC_X86_64SysV
Definition: Specifiers.h:286
@ CC_PreserveAll
Definition: Specifiers.h:296
@ CC_X86FastCall
Definition: Specifiers.h:281
Definition: Specifiers.h:289
bool isTemplateExplicitInstantiationOrSpecialization(TemplateSpecializationKind Kind)
True if this template specialization kind is an explicit specialization, explicit instantiation decla...
Definition: Specifiers.h:219
A C++ access specifier (public, private, protected), plus the special value "none" which means differ...
Definition: Specifiers.h:123
@ AS_public
Definition: Specifiers.h:124
@ AS_protected
Definition: Specifiers.h:125
@ AS_none
Definition: Specifiers.h:127
@ AS_private
Definition: Specifiers.h:126
The reason why a DeclRefExpr does not constitute an odr-use.
Definition: Specifiers.h:173
@ NOUR_Discarded
This name appears as a potential result of a discarded value expression.
Definition: Specifiers.h:183
@ NOUR_Unevaluated
This name appears in an unevaluated operand.
Definition: Specifiers.h:177
@ NOUR_None
This is an odr-use.
Definition: Specifiers.h:175
@ NOUR_Constant
This name appears as a potential result of an lvalue-to-rvalue conversion that is a constant expressi...
Definition: Specifiers.h:180
Diagnostic wrappers for TextAPI types for error reporting.
Definition: Dominators.h:30
Structure that packs information about the type specifiers that were written in a particular type spe...
Definition: Specifiers.h:109