clang  20.0.0git
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //===- ASTDiff.cpp - AST differencing implementation-----------*- C++ -*- -===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
8 //
9 // This file contains definitons for the AST differencing interface.
10 //
11 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
17 #include "clang/Lex/Lexer.h"
18 #include "llvm/ADT/PriorityQueue.h"
20 #include <limits>
21 #include <memory>
22 #include <optional>
23 #include <unordered_set>
25 using namespace llvm;
26 using namespace clang;
28 namespace clang {
29 namespace diff {
31 namespace {
32 /// Maps nodes of the left tree to ones on the right, and vice versa.
33 class Mapping {
34 public:
35  Mapping() = default;
36  Mapping(Mapping &&Other) = default;
37  Mapping &operator=(Mapping &&Other) = default;
39  Mapping(size_t Size) {
40  SrcToDst = std::make_unique<NodeId[]>(Size);
41  DstToSrc = std::make_unique<NodeId[]>(Size);
42  }
44  void link(NodeId Src, NodeId Dst) {
45  SrcToDst[Src] = Dst, DstToSrc[Dst] = Src;
46  }
48  NodeId getDst(NodeId Src) const { return SrcToDst[Src]; }
49  NodeId getSrc(NodeId Dst) const { return DstToSrc[Dst]; }
50  bool hasSrc(NodeId Src) const { return getDst(Src).isValid(); }
51  bool hasDst(NodeId Dst) const { return getSrc(Dst).isValid(); }
53 private:
54  std::unique_ptr<NodeId[]> SrcToDst, DstToSrc;
55 };
56 } // end anonymous namespace
59 public:
61  Mapping TheMapping;
64  const ComparisonOptions &Options);
66  /// Matches nodes one-by-one based on their similarity.
67  void computeMapping();
69  // Compute Change for each node based on similarity.
70  void computeChangeKinds(Mapping &M);
72  NodeId getMapped(const std::unique_ptr<SyntaxTree::Impl> &Tree,
73  NodeId Id) const {
74  if (&*Tree == &T1)
75  return TheMapping.getDst(Id);
76  assert(&*Tree == &T2 && "Invalid tree.");
77  return TheMapping.getSrc(Id);
78  }
80 private:
81  // Returns true if the two subtrees are identical.
82  bool identical(NodeId Id1, NodeId Id2) const;
84  // Returns false if the nodes must not be mached.
85  bool isMatchingPossible(NodeId Id1, NodeId Id2) const;
87  // Returns true if the nodes' parents are matched.
88  bool haveSameParents(const Mapping &M, NodeId Id1, NodeId Id2) const;
90  // Uses an optimal albeit slow algorithm to compute a mapping between two
91  // subtrees, but only if both have fewer nodes than MaxSize.
92  void addOptimalMapping(Mapping &M, NodeId Id1, NodeId Id2) const;
94  // Computes the ratio of common descendants between the two nodes.
95  // Descendants are only considered to be equal when they are mapped in M.
96  double getJaccardSimilarity(const Mapping &M, NodeId Id1, NodeId Id2) const;
98  // Returns the node that has the highest degree of similarity.
99  NodeId findCandidate(const Mapping &M, NodeId Id1) const;
101  // Returns a mapping of identical subtrees.
102  Mapping matchTopDown() const;
104  // Tries to match any yet unmapped nodes, in a bottom-up fashion.
105  void matchBottomUp(Mapping &M) const;
107  const ComparisonOptions &Options;
109  friend class ZhangShashaMatcher;
110 };
112 /// Represents the AST of a TranslationUnit.
114 public:
116  /// Constructs a tree from an AST node.
117  Impl(SyntaxTree *Parent, Decl *N, ASTContext &AST);
118  Impl(SyntaxTree *Parent, Stmt *N, ASTContext &AST);
119  template <class T>
121  std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of_v<Stmt, T>, T> *Node, ASTContext &AST)
122  : Impl(Parent, dyn_cast<Stmt>(Node), AST) {}
123  template <class T>
125  std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of_v<Decl, T>, T> *Node, ASTContext &AST)
126  : Impl(Parent, dyn_cast<Decl>(Node), AST) {}
131  /// Nodes in preorder.
132  std::vector<Node> Nodes;
133  std::vector<NodeId> Leaves;
134  // Maps preorder indices to postorder ones.
135  std::vector<int> PostorderIds;
136  std::vector<NodeId> NodesBfs;
138  int getSize() const { return Nodes.size(); }
139  NodeId getRootId() const { return 0; }
140  PreorderIterator begin() const { return getRootId(); }
141  PreorderIterator end() const { return getSize(); }
143  const Node &getNode(NodeId Id) const { return Nodes[Id]; }
145  bool isValidNodeId(NodeId Id) const { return Id >= 0 && Id < getSize(); }
146  void addNode(Node &N) { Nodes.push_back(N); }
147  int getNumberOfDescendants(NodeId Id) const;
148  bool isInSubtree(NodeId Id, NodeId SubtreeRoot) const;
149  int findPositionInParent(NodeId Id, bool Shifted = false) const;
151  std::string getRelativeName(const NamedDecl *ND,
152  const DeclContext *Context) const;
153  std::string getRelativeName(const NamedDecl *ND) const;
155  std::string getNodeValue(NodeId Id) const;
156  std::string getNodeValue(const Node &Node) const;
157  std::string getDeclValue(const Decl *D) const;
158  std::string getStmtValue(const Stmt *S) const;
160 private:
161  void initTree();
162  void setLeftMostDescendants();
163 };
165 static bool isSpecializedNodeExcluded(const Decl *D) { return D->isImplicit(); }
166 static bool isSpecializedNodeExcluded(const Stmt *S) { return false; }
168  return !I->isWritten();
169 }
171 template <class T>
172 static bool isNodeExcluded(const SourceManager &SrcMgr, T *N) {
173  if (!N)
174  return true;
175  SourceLocation SLoc = N->getSourceRange().getBegin();
176  if (SLoc.isValid()) {
177  // Ignore everything from other files.
178  if (!SrcMgr.isInMainFile(SLoc))
179  return true;
180  // Ignore macros.
181  if (SLoc != SrcMgr.getSpellingLoc(SLoc))
182  return true;
183  }
184  return isSpecializedNodeExcluded(N);
185 }
187 namespace {
188 // Sets Height, Parent and Children for each node.
189 struct PreorderVisitor : public RecursiveASTVisitor<PreorderVisitor> {
190  int Id = 0, Depth = 0;
191  NodeId Parent;
192  SyntaxTree::Impl &Tree;
194  PreorderVisitor(SyntaxTree::Impl &Tree) : Tree(Tree) {}
196  template <class T> std::tuple<NodeId, NodeId> PreTraverse(T *ASTNode) {
197  NodeId MyId = Id;
198  Tree.Nodes.emplace_back();
199  Node &N = Tree.getMutableNode(MyId);
200  N.Parent = Parent;
201  N.Depth = Depth;
202  N.ASTNode = DynTypedNode::create(*ASTNode);
203  assert(!N.ASTNode.getNodeKind().isNone() &&
204  "Expected nodes to have a valid kind.");
205  if (Parent.isValid()) {
206  Node &P = Tree.getMutableNode(Parent);
207  P.Children.push_back(MyId);
208  }
209  Parent = MyId;
210  ++Id;
211  ++Depth;
212  return std::make_tuple(MyId, Tree.getNode(MyId).Parent);
213  }
214  void PostTraverse(std::tuple<NodeId, NodeId> State) {
215  NodeId MyId, PreviousParent;
216  std::tie(MyId, PreviousParent) = State;
217  assert(MyId.isValid() && "Expecting to only traverse valid nodes.");
218  Parent = PreviousParent;
219  --Depth;
220  Node &N = Tree.getMutableNode(MyId);
221  N.RightMostDescendant = Id - 1;
222  assert(N.RightMostDescendant >= 0 &&
223  N.RightMostDescendant < Tree.getSize() &&
224  "Rightmost descendant must be a valid tree node.");
225  if (N.isLeaf())
226  Tree.Leaves.push_back(MyId);
227  N.Height = 1;
228  for (NodeId Child : N.Children)
229  N.Height = std::max(N.Height, 1 + Tree.getNode(Child).Height);
230  }
231  bool TraverseDecl(Decl *D) {
232  if (isNodeExcluded(Tree.AST.getSourceManager(), D))
233  return true;
234  auto SavedState = PreTraverse(D);
236  PostTraverse(SavedState);
237  return true;
238  }
239  bool TraverseStmt(Stmt *S) {
240  if (auto *E = dyn_cast_or_null<Expr>(S))
241  S = E->IgnoreImplicit();
242  if (isNodeExcluded(Tree.AST.getSourceManager(), S))
243  return true;
244  auto SavedState = PreTraverse(S);
246  PostTraverse(SavedState);
247  return true;
248  }
249  bool TraverseType(QualType T) { return true; }
250  bool TraverseConstructorInitializer(CXXCtorInitializer *Init) {
251  if (isNodeExcluded(Tree.AST.getSourceManager(), Init))
252  return true;
253  auto SavedState = PreTraverse(Init);
255  PostTraverse(SavedState);
256  return true;
257  }
258 };
259 } // end anonymous namespace
261 SyntaxTree::Impl::Impl(SyntaxTree *Parent, ASTContext &AST)
262  : Parent(Parent), AST(AST), TypePP(AST.getLangOpts()) {
264 }
267  : Impl(Parent, AST) {
268  PreorderVisitor PreorderWalker(*this);
269  PreorderWalker.TraverseDecl(N);
270  initTree();
271 }
274  : Impl(Parent, AST) {
275  PreorderVisitor PreorderWalker(*this);
276  PreorderWalker.TraverseStmt(N);
277  initTree();
278 }
280 static std::vector<NodeId> getSubtreePostorder(const SyntaxTree::Impl &Tree,
281  NodeId Root) {
282  std::vector<NodeId> Postorder;
283  std::function<void(NodeId)> Traverse = [&](NodeId Id) {
284  const Node &N = Tree.getNode(Id);
285  for (NodeId Child : N.Children)
286  Traverse(Child);
287  Postorder.push_back(Id);
288  };
289  Traverse(Root);
290  return Postorder;
291 }
293 static std::vector<NodeId> getSubtreeBfs(const SyntaxTree::Impl &Tree,
294  NodeId Root) {
295  std::vector<NodeId> Ids;
296  size_t Expanded = 0;
297  Ids.push_back(Root);
298  while (Expanded < Ids.size())
299  for (NodeId Child : Tree.getNode(Ids[Expanded++]).Children)
300  Ids.push_back(Child);
301  return Ids;
302 }
304 void SyntaxTree::Impl::initTree() {
305  setLeftMostDescendants();
306  int PostorderId = 0;
307  PostorderIds.resize(getSize());
308  std::function<void(NodeId)> PostorderTraverse = [&](NodeId Id) {
309  for (NodeId Child : getNode(Id).Children)
310  PostorderTraverse(Child);
311  PostorderIds[Id] = PostorderId;
312  ++PostorderId;
313  };
314  PostorderTraverse(getRootId());
315  NodesBfs = getSubtreeBfs(*this, getRootId());
316 }
318 void SyntaxTree::Impl::setLeftMostDescendants() {
319  for (NodeId Leaf : Leaves) {
320  getMutableNode(Leaf).LeftMostDescendant = Leaf;
321  NodeId Parent, Cur = Leaf;
322  while ((Parent = getNode(Cur).Parent).isValid() &&
323  getNode(Parent).Children[0] == Cur) {
324  Cur = Parent;
325  getMutableNode(Cur).LeftMostDescendant = Leaf;
326  }
327  }
328 }
331  return getNode(Id).RightMostDescendant - Id + 1;
332 }
334 bool SyntaxTree::Impl::isInSubtree(NodeId Id, NodeId SubtreeRoot) const {
335  return Id >= SubtreeRoot && Id <= getNode(SubtreeRoot).RightMostDescendant;
336 }
340  if (Parent.isInvalid())
341  return 0;
342  const auto &Siblings = getNode(Parent).Children;
343  int Position = 0;
344  for (size_t I = 0, E = Siblings.size(); I < E; ++I) {
345  if (Shifted)
346  Position += getNode(Siblings[I]).Shift;
347  if (Siblings[I] == Id) {
348  Position += I;
349  return Position;
350  }
351  }
352  llvm_unreachable("Node not found in parent's children.");
353 }
355 // Returns the qualified name of ND. If it is subordinate to Context,
356 // then the prefix of the latter is removed from the returned value.
357 std::string
359  const DeclContext *Context) const {
360  std::string Val = ND->getQualifiedNameAsString();
361  std::string ContextPrefix;
362  if (!Context)
363  return Val;
364  if (auto *Namespace = dyn_cast<NamespaceDecl>(Context))
365  ContextPrefix = Namespace->getQualifiedNameAsString();
366  else if (auto *Record = dyn_cast<RecordDecl>(Context))
367  ContextPrefix = Record->getQualifiedNameAsString();
368  else if (AST.getLangOpts().CPlusPlus11)
369  if (auto *Tag = dyn_cast<TagDecl>(Context))
370  ContextPrefix = Tag->getQualifiedNameAsString();
371  // Strip the qualifier, if Val refers to something in the current scope.
372  // But leave one leading ':' in place, so that we know that this is a
373  // relative path.
374  if (!ContextPrefix.empty() && StringRef(Val).starts_with(ContextPrefix))
375  Val = Val.substr(ContextPrefix.size() + 1);
376  return Val;
377 }
379 std::string SyntaxTree::Impl::getRelativeName(const NamedDecl *ND) const {
380  return getRelativeName(ND, ND->getDeclContext());
381 }
384  const Stmt *S) {
385  while (S) {
386  const auto &Parents = AST.getParents(*S);
387  if (Parents.empty())
388  return nullptr;
389  const auto &P = Parents[0];
390  if (const auto *D = P.get<Decl>())
391  return D->getDeclContext();
392  S = P.get<Stmt>();
393  }
394  return nullptr;
395 }
397 static std::string getInitializerValue(const CXXCtorInitializer *Init,
398  const PrintingPolicy &TypePP) {
399  if (Init->isAnyMemberInitializer())
400  return std::string(Init->getAnyMember()->getName());
401  if (Init->isBaseInitializer())
402  return QualType(Init->getBaseClass(), 0).getAsString(TypePP);
403  if (Init->isDelegatingInitializer())
404  return Init->getTypeSourceInfo()->getType().getAsString(TypePP);
405  llvm_unreachable("Unknown initializer type");
406 }
409  return getNodeValue(getNode(Id));
410 }
412 std::string SyntaxTree::Impl::getNodeValue(const Node &N) const {
413  const DynTypedNode &DTN = N.ASTNode;
414  if (auto *S = DTN.get<Stmt>())
415  return getStmtValue(S);
416  if (auto *D = DTN.get<Decl>())
417  return getDeclValue(D);
418  if (auto *Init = DTN.get<CXXCtorInitializer>())
419  return getInitializerValue(Init, TypePP);
420  llvm_unreachable("Fatal: unhandled AST node.\n");
421 }
423 std::string SyntaxTree::Impl::getDeclValue(const Decl *D) const {
424  std::string Value;
425  if (auto *V = dyn_cast<ValueDecl>(D))
426  return getRelativeName(V) + "(" + V->getType().getAsString(TypePP) + ")";
427  if (auto *N = dyn_cast<NamedDecl>(D))
428  Value += getRelativeName(N) + ";";
429  if (auto *T = dyn_cast<TypedefNameDecl>(D))
430  return Value + T->getUnderlyingType().getAsString(TypePP) + ";";
431  if (auto *T = dyn_cast<TypeDecl>(D))
432  if (T->getTypeForDecl())
433  Value +=
434  T->getTypeForDecl()->getCanonicalTypeInternal().getAsString(TypePP) +
435  ";";
436  if (auto *U = dyn_cast<UsingDirectiveDecl>(D))
437  return std::string(U->getNominatedNamespace()->getName());
438  if (auto *A = dyn_cast<AccessSpecDecl>(D)) {
439  CharSourceRange Range(A->getSourceRange(), false);
440  return std::string(
441  Lexer::getSourceText(Range, AST.getSourceManager(), AST.getLangOpts()));
442  }
443  return Value;
444 }
446 std::string SyntaxTree::Impl::getStmtValue(const Stmt *S) const {
447  if (auto *U = dyn_cast<UnaryOperator>(S))
448  return std::string(UnaryOperator::getOpcodeStr(U->getOpcode()));
449  if (auto *B = dyn_cast<BinaryOperator>(S))
450  return std::string(B->getOpcodeStr());
451  if (auto *M = dyn_cast<MemberExpr>(S))
452  return getRelativeName(M->getMemberDecl());
453  if (auto *I = dyn_cast<IntegerLiteral>(S)) {
454  SmallString<256> Str;
455  I->getValue().toString(Str, /*Radix=*/10, /*Signed=*/false);
456  return std::string(Str);
457  }
458  if (auto *F = dyn_cast<FloatingLiteral>(S)) {
459  SmallString<256> Str;
460  F->getValue().toString(Str);
461  return std::string(Str);
462  }
463  if (auto *D = dyn_cast<DeclRefExpr>(S))
464  return getRelativeName(D->getDecl(), getEnclosingDeclContext(AST, S));
465  if (auto *String = dyn_cast<StringLiteral>(S))
466  return std::string(String->getString());
467  if (auto *B = dyn_cast<CXXBoolLiteralExpr>(S))
468  return B->getValue() ? "true" : "false";
469  return "";
470 }
472 /// Identifies a node in a subtree by its postorder offset, starting at 1.
473 struct SNodeId {
474  int Id = 0;
476  explicit SNodeId(int Id) : Id(Id) {}
477  explicit SNodeId() = default;
479  operator int() const { return Id; }
480  SNodeId &operator++() { return ++Id, *this; }
481  SNodeId &operator--() { return --Id, *this; }
482  SNodeId operator+(int Other) const { return SNodeId(Id + Other); }
483 };
485 class Subtree {
486 private:
487  /// The parent tree.
488  const SyntaxTree::Impl &Tree;
489  /// Maps SNodeIds to original ids.
490  std::vector<NodeId> RootIds;
491  /// Maps subtree nodes to their leftmost descendants wtihin the subtree.
492  std::vector<SNodeId> LeftMostDescendants;
494 public:
495  std::vector<SNodeId> KeyRoots;
497  Subtree(const SyntaxTree::Impl &Tree, NodeId SubtreeRoot) : Tree(Tree) {
498  RootIds = getSubtreePostorder(Tree, SubtreeRoot);
499  int NumLeaves = setLeftMostDescendants();
500  computeKeyRoots(NumLeaves);
501  }
502  int getSize() const { return RootIds.size(); }
504  assert(Id > 0 && Id <= getSize() && "Invalid subtree node index.");
505  return RootIds[Id - 1];
506  }
507  const Node &getNode(SNodeId Id) const {
508  return Tree.getNode(getIdInRoot(Id));
509  }
511  assert(Id > 0 && Id <= getSize() && "Invalid subtree node index.");
512  return LeftMostDescendants[Id - 1];
513  }
514  /// Returns the postorder index of the leftmost descendant in the subtree.
516  return Tree.PostorderIds[getIdInRoot(SNodeId(1))];
517  }
518  std::string getNodeValue(SNodeId Id) const {
519  return Tree.getNodeValue(getIdInRoot(Id));
520  }
522 private:
523  /// Returns the number of leafs in the subtree.
524  int setLeftMostDescendants() {
525  int NumLeaves = 0;
526  LeftMostDescendants.resize(getSize());
527  for (int I = 0; I < getSize(); ++I) {
528  SNodeId SI(I + 1);
529  const Node &N = getNode(SI);
530  NumLeaves += N.isLeaf();
531  assert(I == Tree.PostorderIds[getIdInRoot(SI)] - getPostorderOffset() &&
532  "Postorder traversal in subtree should correspond to traversal in "
533  "the root tree by a constant offset.");
534  LeftMostDescendants[I] = SNodeId(Tree.PostorderIds[N.LeftMostDescendant] -
535  getPostorderOffset());
536  }
537  return NumLeaves;
538  }
539  void computeKeyRoots(int Leaves) {
540  KeyRoots.resize(Leaves);
541  std::unordered_set<int> Visited;
542  int K = Leaves - 1;
543  for (SNodeId I(getSize()); I > 0; --I) {
544  SNodeId LeftDesc = getLeftMostDescendant(I);
545  if (Visited.count(LeftDesc))
546  continue;
547  assert(K >= 0 && "K should be non-negative");
548  KeyRoots[K] = I;
549  Visited.insert(LeftDesc);
550  --K;
551  }
552  }
553 };
555 /// Implementation of Zhang and Shasha's Algorithm for tree edit distance.
556 /// Computes an optimal mapping between two trees using only insertion,
557 /// deletion and update as edit actions (similar to the Levenshtein distance).
559  const ASTDiff::Impl &DiffImpl;
560  Subtree S1;
561  Subtree S2;
562  std::unique_ptr<std::unique_ptr<double[]>[]> TreeDist, ForestDist;
564 public:
566  const SyntaxTree::Impl &T2, NodeId Id1, NodeId Id2)
567  : DiffImpl(DiffImpl), S1(T1, Id1), S2(T2, Id2) {
568  TreeDist = std::make_unique<std::unique_ptr<double[]>[]>(
569  size_t(S1.getSize()) + 1);
570  ForestDist = std::make_unique<std::unique_ptr<double[]>[]>(
571  size_t(S1.getSize()) + 1);
572  for (int I = 0, E = S1.getSize() + 1; I < E; ++I) {
573  TreeDist[I] = std::make_unique<double[]>(size_t(S2.getSize()) + 1);
574  ForestDist[I] = std::make_unique<double[]>(size_t(S2.getSize()) + 1);
575  }
576  }
578  std::vector<std::pair<NodeId, NodeId>> getMatchingNodes() {
579  std::vector<std::pair<NodeId, NodeId>> Matches;
580  std::vector<std::pair<SNodeId, SNodeId>> TreePairs;
582  computeTreeDist();
584  bool RootNodePair = true;
586  TreePairs.emplace_back(SNodeId(S1.getSize()), SNodeId(S2.getSize()));
588  while (!TreePairs.empty()) {
589  SNodeId LastRow, LastCol, FirstRow, FirstCol, Row, Col;
590  std::tie(LastRow, LastCol) = TreePairs.back();
591  TreePairs.pop_back();
593  if (!RootNodePair) {
594  computeForestDist(LastRow, LastCol);
595  }
597  RootNodePair = false;
599  FirstRow = S1.getLeftMostDescendant(LastRow);
600  FirstCol = S2.getLeftMostDescendant(LastCol);
602  Row = LastRow;
603  Col = LastCol;
605  while (Row > FirstRow || Col > FirstCol) {
606  if (Row > FirstRow &&
607  ForestDist[Row - 1][Col] + 1 == ForestDist[Row][Col]) {
608  --Row;
609  } else if (Col > FirstCol &&
610  ForestDist[Row][Col - 1] + 1 == ForestDist[Row][Col]) {
611  --Col;
612  } else {
613  SNodeId LMD1 = S1.getLeftMostDescendant(Row);
614  SNodeId LMD2 = S2.getLeftMostDescendant(Col);
615  if (LMD1 == S1.getLeftMostDescendant(LastRow) &&
616  LMD2 == S2.getLeftMostDescendant(LastCol)) {
617  NodeId Id1 = S1.getIdInRoot(Row);
618  NodeId Id2 = S2.getIdInRoot(Col);
619  assert(DiffImpl.isMatchingPossible(Id1, Id2) &&
620  "These nodes must not be matched.");
621  Matches.emplace_back(Id1, Id2);
622  --Row;
623  --Col;
624  } else {
625  TreePairs.emplace_back(Row, Col);
626  Row = LMD1;
627  Col = LMD2;
628  }
629  }
630  }
631  }
632  return Matches;
633  }
635 private:
636  /// We use a simple cost model for edit actions, which seems good enough.
637  /// Simple cost model for edit actions. This seems to make the matching
638  /// algorithm perform reasonably well.
639  /// The values range between 0 and 1, or infinity if this edit action should
640  /// always be avoided.
641  static constexpr double DeletionCost = 1;
642  static constexpr double InsertionCost = 1;
644  double getUpdateCost(SNodeId Id1, SNodeId Id2) {
645  if (!DiffImpl.isMatchingPossible(S1.getIdInRoot(Id1), S2.getIdInRoot(Id2)))
647  return S1.getNodeValue(Id1) != S2.getNodeValue(Id2);
648  }
650  void computeTreeDist() {
651  for (SNodeId Id1 : S1.KeyRoots)
652  for (SNodeId Id2 : S2.KeyRoots)
653  computeForestDist(Id1, Id2);
654  }
656  void computeForestDist(SNodeId Id1, SNodeId Id2) {
657  assert(Id1 > 0 && Id2 > 0 && "Expecting offsets greater than 0.");
658  SNodeId LMD1 = S1.getLeftMostDescendant(Id1);
659  SNodeId LMD2 = S2.getLeftMostDescendant(Id2);
661  ForestDist[LMD1][LMD2] = 0;
662  for (SNodeId D1 = LMD1 + 1; D1 <= Id1; ++D1) {
663  ForestDist[D1][LMD2] = ForestDist[D1 - 1][LMD2] + DeletionCost;
664  for (SNodeId D2 = LMD2 + 1; D2 <= Id2; ++D2) {
665  ForestDist[LMD1][D2] = ForestDist[LMD1][D2 - 1] + InsertionCost;
666  SNodeId DLMD1 = S1.getLeftMostDescendant(D1);
667  SNodeId DLMD2 = S2.getLeftMostDescendant(D2);
668  if (DLMD1 == LMD1 && DLMD2 == LMD2) {
669  double UpdateCost = getUpdateCost(D1, D2);
670  ForestDist[D1][D2] =
671  std::min({ForestDist[D1 - 1][D2] + DeletionCost,
672  ForestDist[D1][D2 - 1] + InsertionCost,
673  ForestDist[D1 - 1][D2 - 1] + UpdateCost});
674  TreeDist[D1][D2] = ForestDist[D1][D2];
675  } else {
676  ForestDist[D1][D2] =
677  std::min({ForestDist[D1 - 1][D2] + DeletionCost,
678  ForestDist[D1][D2 - 1] + InsertionCost,
679  ForestDist[DLMD1][DLMD2] + TreeDist[D1][D2]});
680  }
681  }
682  }
683  }
684 };
686 ASTNodeKind Node::getType() const { return ASTNode.getNodeKind(); }
688 StringRef Node::getTypeLabel() const { return getType().asStringRef(); }
690 std::optional<std::string> Node::getQualifiedIdentifier() const {
691  if (auto *ND = ASTNode.get<NamedDecl>()) {
692  if (ND->getDeclName().isIdentifier())
693  return ND->getQualifiedNameAsString();
694  }
695  return std::nullopt;
696 }
698 std::optional<StringRef> Node::getIdentifier() const {
699  if (auto *ND = ASTNode.get<NamedDecl>()) {
700  if (ND->getDeclName().isIdentifier())
701  return ND->getName();
702  }
703  return std::nullopt;
704 }
706 namespace {
707 // Compares nodes by their depth.
708 struct HeightLess {
709  const SyntaxTree::Impl &Tree;
710  HeightLess(const SyntaxTree::Impl &Tree) : Tree(Tree) {}
711  bool operator()(NodeId Id1, NodeId Id2) const {
712  return Tree.getNode(Id1).Height < Tree.getNode(Id2).Height;
713  }
714 };
715 } // end anonymous namespace
717 namespace {
718 // Priority queue for nodes, sorted descendingly by their height.
719 class PriorityList {
720  const SyntaxTree::Impl &Tree;
721  HeightLess Cmp;
722  std::vector<NodeId> Container;
723  PriorityQueue<NodeId, std::vector<NodeId>, HeightLess> List;
725 public:
726  PriorityList(const SyntaxTree::Impl &Tree)
727  : Tree(Tree), Cmp(Tree), List(Cmp, Container) {}
729  void push(NodeId id) { List.push(id); }
731  std::vector<NodeId> pop() {
732  int Max = peekMax();
733  std::vector<NodeId> Result;
734  if (Max == 0)
735  return Result;
736  while (peekMax() == Max) {
737  Result.push_back(;
738  List.pop();
739  }
740  // TODO this is here to get a stable output, not a good heuristic
741  llvm::sort(Result);
742  return Result;
743  }
744  int peekMax() const {
745  if (List.empty())
746  return 0;
747  return Tree.getNode(;
748  }
749  void open(NodeId Id) {
750  for (NodeId Child : Tree.getNode(Id).Children)
751  push(Child);
752  }
753 };
754 } // end anonymous namespace
756 bool ASTDiff::Impl::identical(NodeId Id1, NodeId Id2) const {
757  const Node &N1 = T1.getNode(Id1);
758  const Node &N2 = T2.getNode(Id2);
759  if (N1.Children.size() != N2.Children.size() ||
760  !isMatchingPossible(Id1, Id2) ||
761  T1.getNodeValue(Id1) != T2.getNodeValue(Id2))
762  return false;
763  for (size_t Id = 0, E = N1.Children.size(); Id < E; ++Id)
764  if (!identical(N1.Children[Id], N2.Children[Id]))
765  return false;
766  return true;
767 }
769 bool ASTDiff::Impl::isMatchingPossible(NodeId Id1, NodeId Id2) const {
770  return Options.isMatchingAllowed(T1.getNode(Id1), T2.getNode(Id2));
771 }
773 bool ASTDiff::Impl::haveSameParents(const Mapping &M, NodeId Id1,
774  NodeId Id2) const {
775  NodeId P1 = T1.getNode(Id1).Parent;
776  NodeId P2 = T2.getNode(Id2).Parent;
777  return (P1.isInvalid() && P2.isInvalid()) ||
778  (P1.isValid() && P2.isValid() && M.getDst(P1) == P2);
779 }
781 void ASTDiff::Impl::addOptimalMapping(Mapping &M, NodeId Id1,
782  NodeId Id2) const {
783  if (std::max(T1.getNumberOfDescendants(Id1), T2.getNumberOfDescendants(Id2)) >
784  Options.MaxSize)
785  return;
786  ZhangShashaMatcher Matcher(*this, T1, T2, Id1, Id2);
787  std::vector<std::pair<NodeId, NodeId>> R = Matcher.getMatchingNodes();
788  for (const auto &Tuple : R) {
789  NodeId Src = Tuple.first;
790  NodeId Dst = Tuple.second;
791  if (!M.hasSrc(Src) && !M.hasDst(Dst))
792, Dst);
793  }
794 }
796 double ASTDiff::Impl::getJaccardSimilarity(const Mapping &M, NodeId Id1,
797  NodeId Id2) const {
798  int CommonDescendants = 0;
799  const Node &N1 = T1.getNode(Id1);
800  // Count the common descendants, excluding the subtree root.
801  for (NodeId Src = Id1 + 1; Src <= N1.RightMostDescendant; ++Src) {
802  NodeId Dst = M.getDst(Src);
803  CommonDescendants += int(Dst.isValid() && T2.isInSubtree(Dst, Id2));
804  }
805  // We need to subtract 1 to get the number of descendants excluding the root.
806  double Denominator = T1.getNumberOfDescendants(Id1) - 1 +
807  T2.getNumberOfDescendants(Id2) - 1 - CommonDescendants;
808  // CommonDescendants is less than the size of one subtree.
809  assert(Denominator >= 0 && "Expected non-negative denominator.");
810  if (Denominator == 0)
811  return 0;
812  return CommonDescendants / Denominator;
813 }
815 NodeId ASTDiff::Impl::findCandidate(const Mapping &M, NodeId Id1) const {
816  NodeId Candidate;
817  double HighestSimilarity = 0.0;
818  for (NodeId Id2 : T2) {
819  if (!isMatchingPossible(Id1, Id2))
820  continue;
821  if (M.hasDst(Id2))
822  continue;
823  double Similarity = getJaccardSimilarity(M, Id1, Id2);
824  if (Similarity >= Options.MinSimilarity && Similarity > HighestSimilarity) {
825  HighestSimilarity = Similarity;
826  Candidate = Id2;
827  }
828  }
829  return Candidate;
830 }
832 void ASTDiff::Impl::matchBottomUp(Mapping &M) const {
833  std::vector<NodeId> Postorder = getSubtreePostorder(T1, T1.getRootId());
834  for (NodeId Id1 : Postorder) {
835  if (Id1 == T1.getRootId() && !M.hasSrc(T1.getRootId()) &&
836  !M.hasDst(T2.getRootId())) {
837  if (isMatchingPossible(T1.getRootId(), T2.getRootId())) {
838, T2.getRootId());
839  addOptimalMapping(M, T1.getRootId(), T2.getRootId());
840  }
841  break;
842  }
843  bool Matched = M.hasSrc(Id1);
844  const Node &N1 = T1.getNode(Id1);
845  bool MatchedChildren = llvm::any_of(
846  N1.Children, [&](NodeId Child) { return M.hasSrc(Child); });
847  if (Matched || !MatchedChildren)
848  continue;
849  NodeId Id2 = findCandidate(M, Id1);
850  if (Id2.isValid()) {
851, Id2);
852  addOptimalMapping(M, Id1, Id2);
853  }
854  }
855 }
857 Mapping ASTDiff::Impl::matchTopDown() const {
858  PriorityList L1(T1);
859  PriorityList L2(T2);
861  Mapping M(T1.getSize() + T2.getSize());
863  L1.push(T1.getRootId());
864  L2.push(T2.getRootId());
866  int Max1, Max2;
867  while (std::min(Max1 = L1.peekMax(), Max2 = L2.peekMax()) >
868  Options.MinHeight) {
869  if (Max1 > Max2) {
870  for (NodeId Id : L1.pop())
872  continue;
873  }
874  if (Max2 > Max1) {
875  for (NodeId Id : L2.pop())
877  continue;
878  }
879  std::vector<NodeId> H1, H2;
880  H1 = L1.pop();
881  H2 = L2.pop();
882  for (NodeId Id1 : H1) {
883  for (NodeId Id2 : H2) {
884  if (identical(Id1, Id2) && !M.hasSrc(Id1) && !M.hasDst(Id2)) {
885  for (int I = 0, E = T1.getNumberOfDescendants(Id1); I < E; ++I)
886 + I, Id2 + I);
887  }
888  }
889  }
890  for (NodeId Id1 : H1) {
891  if (!M.hasSrc(Id1))
893  }
894  for (NodeId Id2 : H2) {
895  if (!M.hasDst(Id2))
897  }
898  }
899  return M;
900 }
903  const ComparisonOptions &Options)
904  : T1(T1), T2(T2), Options(Options) {
905  computeMapping();
907 }
910  TheMapping = matchTopDown();
911  if (Options.StopAfterTopDown)
912  return;
913  matchBottomUp(TheMapping);
914 }
917  for (NodeId Id1 : T1) {
918  if (!M.hasSrc(Id1)) {
919  T1.getMutableNode(Id1).Change = Delete;
920  T1.getMutableNode(Id1).Shift -= 1;
921  }
922  }
923  for (NodeId Id2 : T2) {
924  if (!M.hasDst(Id2)) {
925  T2.getMutableNode(Id2).Change = Insert;
926  T2.getMutableNode(Id2).Shift -= 1;
927  }
928  }
929  for (NodeId Id1 : T1.NodesBfs) {
930  NodeId Id2 = M.getDst(Id1);
931  if (Id2.isInvalid())
932  continue;
933  if (!haveSameParents(M, Id1, Id2) ||
934  T1.findPositionInParent(Id1, true) !=
935  T2.findPositionInParent(Id2, true)) {
936  T1.getMutableNode(Id1).Shift -= 1;
937  T2.getMutableNode(Id2).Shift -= 1;
938  }
939  }
940  for (NodeId Id2 : T2.NodesBfs) {
941  NodeId Id1 = M.getSrc(Id2);
942  if (Id1.isInvalid())
943  continue;
944  Node &N1 = T1.getMutableNode(Id1);
945  Node &N2 = T2.getMutableNode(Id2);
946  if (Id1.isInvalid())
947  continue;
948  if (!haveSameParents(M, Id1, Id2) ||
949  T1.findPositionInParent(Id1, true) !=
950  T2.findPositionInParent(Id2, true)) {
951  N1.Change = N2.Change = Move;
952  }
953  if (T1.getNodeValue(Id1) != T2.getNodeValue(Id2)) {
954  N1.Change = N2.Change = (N1.Change == Move ? UpdateMove : Update);
955  }
956  }
957 }
960  const ComparisonOptions &Options)
961  : DiffImpl(std::make_unique<Impl>(*T1.TreeImpl, *T2.TreeImpl, Options)) {}
963 ASTDiff::~ASTDiff() = default;
965 NodeId ASTDiff::getMapped(const SyntaxTree &SourceTree, NodeId Id) const {
966  return DiffImpl->getMapped(SourceTree.TreeImpl, Id);
967 }
970  : TreeImpl(std::make_unique<SyntaxTree::Impl>(
971  this, AST.getTranslationUnitDecl(), AST)) {}
973 SyntaxTree::~SyntaxTree() = default;
975 const ASTContext &SyntaxTree::getASTContext() const { return TreeImpl->AST; }
978  return TreeImpl->getNode(Id);
979 }
981 int SyntaxTree::getSize() const { return TreeImpl->getSize(); }
982 NodeId SyntaxTree::getRootId() const { return TreeImpl->getRootId(); }
984  return TreeImpl->begin();
985 }
989  return TreeImpl->findPositionInParent(Id);
990 }
992 std::pair<unsigned, unsigned>
994  const SourceManager &SrcMgr = TreeImpl->AST.getSourceManager();
995  SourceRange Range = N.ASTNode.getSourceRange();
996  SourceLocation BeginLoc = Range.getBegin();
998  Range.getEnd(), /*Offset=*/0, SrcMgr, TreeImpl->AST.getLangOpts());
999  if (auto *ThisExpr = N.ASTNode.get<CXXThisExpr>()) {
1000  if (ThisExpr->isImplicit())
1001  EndLoc = BeginLoc;
1002  }
1003  unsigned Begin = SrcMgr.getFileOffset(SrcMgr.getExpansionLoc(BeginLoc));
1004  unsigned End = SrcMgr.getFileOffset(SrcMgr.getExpansionLoc(EndLoc));
1005  return {Begin, End};
1006 }
1008 std::string SyntaxTree::getNodeValue(NodeId Id) const {
1009  return TreeImpl->getNodeValue(Id);
1010 }
1012 std::string SyntaxTree::getNodeValue(const Node &N) const {
1013  return TreeImpl->getNodeValue(N);
1014 }
1016 } // end namespace diff
1017 } // end namespace clang
#define V(N, I)
Definition: ASTContext.h:3346
NodeId Parent
Definition: ASTDiff.cpp:191
SyntaxTree::Impl & Tree
Definition: ASTDiff.cpp:192
int Depth
Definition: ASTDiff.cpp:190
int Id
Definition: ASTDiff.cpp:190
BoundNodesTreeBuilder Nodes
DynTypedNode Node
StringRef P
const Decl * D
Expr * E
llvm::DenseSet< const void * > Visited
Definition: HTMLLogger.cpp:146
llvm::MachO::Record Record
Definition: MachO.h:31
SourceRange Range
Definition: SemaObjC.cpp:758
Defines the SourceManager interface.
SourceLocation End
SourceLocation Begin
LineState State
__DEVICE__ int min(int __a, int __b)
__DEVICE__ int max(int __a, int __b)
__device__ int
__SIZE_TYPE__ size_t
Holds long-lived AST nodes (such as types and decls) that can be referred to throughout the semantic ...
Definition: ASTContext.h:187
DynTypedNodeList getParents(const NodeT &Node)
Forwards to get node parents from the ParentMapContext.
Kind identifier.
Definition: ASTTypeTraits.h:51
Represents a C++ base or member initializer.
Definition: DeclCXX.h:2304
bool isWritten() const
Determine whether this initializer is explicitly written in the source code.
Definition: DeclCXX.h:2476
Represents the this expression in C++.
Definition: ExprCXX.h:1152
Represents a character-granular source range.
DeclContext - This is used only as base class of specific decl types that can act as declaration cont...
Definition: DeclBase.h:1436
Decl - This represents one declaration (or definition), e.g.
Definition: DeclBase.h:86
bool isImplicit() const
isImplicit - Indicates whether the declaration was implicitly generated by the implementation.
Definition: DeclBase.h:600
DeclContext * getDeclContext()
Definition: DeclBase.h:455
Expr * IgnoreImplicit() LLVM_READONLY
Skip past any implicit AST nodes which might surround this expression until reaching a fixed point.
Definition: Expr.cpp:3110
static StringRef getSourceText(CharSourceRange Range, const SourceManager &SM, const LangOptions &LangOpts, bool *Invalid=nullptr)
Returns a string for the source that the range encompasses.
Definition: Lexer.cpp:1024
static SourceLocation getLocForEndOfToken(SourceLocation Loc, unsigned Offset, const SourceManager &SM, const LangOptions &LangOpts)
Computes the source location just past the end of the token at this source location.
Definition: Lexer.cpp:850
This represents a decl that may have a name.
Definition: Decl.h:249
std::string getQualifiedNameAsString(bool WithGlobalNsPrefix=false) const
Definition: Decl.cpp:1668
A (possibly-)qualified type.
Definition: Type.h:941
static std::string getAsString(SplitQualType split, const PrintingPolicy &Policy)
Definition: Type.h:1339
A class that does preorder or postorder depth-first traversal on the entire Clang AST and visits each...
Encodes a location in the source.
bool isValid() const
Return true if this is a valid SourceLocation object.
This class handles loading and caching of source files into memory.
unsigned getFileOffset(SourceLocation SpellingLoc) const
Returns the offset from the start of the file that the specified SourceLocation represents.
bool isInMainFile(SourceLocation Loc) const
Returns whether the PresumedLoc for a given SourceLocation is in the main file.
SourceLocation getSpellingLoc(SourceLocation Loc) const
Given a SourceLocation object, return the spelling location referenced by the ID.
SourceLocation getExpansionLoc(SourceLocation Loc) const
Given a SourceLocation object Loc, return the expansion location referenced by the ID.
A trivial tuple used to represent a source range.
SourceLocation getEnd() const
SourceLocation getBegin() const
Stmt - This represents one statement.
Definition: Stmt.h:84
QualType getCanonicalTypeInternal() const
Definition: Type.h:2984
static StringRef getOpcodeStr(Opcode Op)
getOpcodeStr - Turn an Opcode enum value into the punctuation char it corresponds to,...
Definition: Expr.cpp:1460
void computeChangeKinds(Mapping &M)
Definition: ASTDiff.cpp:916
NodeId getMapped(const std::unique_ptr< SyntaxTree::Impl > &Tree, NodeId Id) const
Definition: ASTDiff.cpp:72
Impl(SyntaxTree::Impl &T1, SyntaxTree::Impl &T2, const ComparisonOptions &Options)
Definition: ASTDiff.cpp:902
void computeMapping()
Matches nodes one-by-one based on their similarity.
Definition: ASTDiff.cpp:909
SyntaxTree::Impl & T1
Definition: ASTDiff.cpp:60
ASTDiff(SyntaxTree &Src, SyntaxTree &Dst, const ComparisonOptions &Options)
Definition: ASTDiff.cpp:959
NodeId getMapped(const SyntaxTree &SourceTree, NodeId Id) const
Definition: ASTDiff.cpp:965
SNodeId getLeftMostDescendant(SNodeId Id) const
Definition: ASTDiff.cpp:510
Subtree(const SyntaxTree::Impl &Tree, NodeId SubtreeRoot)
Definition: ASTDiff.cpp:497
std::vector< SNodeId > KeyRoots
Definition: ASTDiff.cpp:495
NodeId getPostorderOffset() const
Returns the postorder index of the leftmost descendant in the subtree.
Definition: ASTDiff.cpp:515
NodeId getIdInRoot(SNodeId Id) const
Definition: ASTDiff.cpp:503
std::string getNodeValue(SNodeId Id) const
Definition: ASTDiff.cpp:518
const Node & getNode(SNodeId Id) const
Definition: ASTDiff.cpp:507
int getSize() const
Definition: ASTDiff.cpp:502
Represents the AST of a TranslationUnit.
Definition: ASTDiff.cpp:113
std::string getRelativeName(const NamedDecl *ND, const DeclContext *Context) const
Definition: ASTDiff.cpp:358
int getNumberOfDescendants(NodeId Id) const
Definition: ASTDiff.cpp:330
bool isValidNodeId(NodeId Id) const
Definition: ASTDiff.cpp:145
std::vector< NodeId > Leaves
Definition: ASTDiff.cpp:133
bool isInSubtree(NodeId Id, NodeId SubtreeRoot) const
Definition: ASTDiff.cpp:334
PreorderIterator begin() const
Definition: ASTDiff.cpp:140
std::vector< Node > Nodes
Nodes in preorder.
Definition: ASTDiff.cpp:132
Node & getMutableNode(NodeId Id)
Definition: ASTDiff.cpp:144
PreorderIterator end() const
Definition: ASTDiff.cpp:141
int findPositionInParent(NodeId Id, bool Shifted=false) const
Definition: ASTDiff.cpp:338
std::string getStmtValue(const Stmt *S) const
Definition: ASTDiff.cpp:446
std::vector< int > PostorderIds
Definition: ASTDiff.cpp:135
std::string getNodeValue(NodeId Id) const
Definition: ASTDiff.cpp:408
Impl(SyntaxTree *Parent, std::enable_if_t< std::is_base_of_v< Decl, T >, T > *Node, ASTContext &AST)
Definition: ASTDiff.cpp:124
Impl(SyntaxTree *Parent, std::enable_if_t< std::is_base_of_v< Stmt, T >, T > *Node, ASTContext &AST)
Definition: ASTDiff.cpp:120
std::string getDeclValue(const Decl *D) const
Definition: ASTDiff.cpp:423
std::vector< NodeId > NodesBfs
Definition: ASTDiff.cpp:136
Impl(SyntaxTree *Parent, ASTContext &AST)
Definition: ASTDiff.cpp:261
const Node & getNode(NodeId Id) const
Definition: ASTDiff.cpp:143
SyntaxTree objects represent subtrees of the AST.
Definition: ASTDiff.h:54
const Node & getNode(NodeId Id) const
Definition: ASTDiff.cpp:977
NodeId getRootId() const
Definition: ASTDiff.cpp:982
int findPositionInParent(NodeId Id) const
Definition: ASTDiff.cpp:988
const ASTContext & getASTContext() const
Definition: ASTDiff.cpp:975
PreorderIterator begin() const
Definition: ASTDiff.cpp:983
std::pair< unsigned, unsigned > getSourceRangeOffsets(const Node &N) const
Definition: ASTDiff.cpp:993
SyntaxTree(ASTContext &AST)
Constructs a tree from a translation unit.
Definition: ASTDiff.cpp:969
std::unique_ptr< Impl > TreeImpl
Definition: ASTDiff.h:86
PreorderIterator end() const
Definition: ASTDiff.cpp:986
std::string getNodeValue(NodeId Id) const
Serialize the node attributes to a string representation.
Definition: ASTDiff.cpp:1008
Implementation of Zhang and Shasha's Algorithm for tree edit distance.
Definition: ASTDiff.cpp:558
ZhangShashaMatcher(const ASTDiff::Impl &DiffImpl, const SyntaxTree::Impl &T1, const SyntaxTree::Impl &T2, NodeId Id1, NodeId Id2)
Definition: ASTDiff.cpp:565
std::vector< std::pair< NodeId, NodeId > > getMatchingNodes()
Definition: ASTDiff.cpp:578
static const DeclContext * getEnclosingDeclContext(ASTContext &AST, const Stmt *S)
Definition: ASTDiff.cpp:383
@ UpdateMove
Definition: ASTDiff.h:34
static std::vector< NodeId > getSubtreePostorder(const SyntaxTree::Impl &Tree, NodeId Root)
Definition: ASTDiff.cpp:280
DynTypedNode DynTypedNode
static bool isSpecializedNodeExcluded(CXXCtorInitializer *I)
Definition: ASTDiff.cpp:167
static std::vector< NodeId > getSubtreeBfs(const SyntaxTree::Impl &Tree, NodeId Root)
Definition: ASTDiff.cpp:293
static bool isNodeExcluded(const SourceManager &SrcMgr, T *N)
Definition: ASTDiff.cpp:172
static std::string getInitializerValue(const CXXCtorInitializer *Init, const PrintingPolicy &TypePP)
Definition: ASTDiff.cpp:397
std::unique_ptr< DiagnosticConsumer > create(StringRef OutputFile, DiagnosticOptions *Diags, bool MergeChildRecords=false)
Returns a DiagnosticConsumer that serializes diagnostics to a bitcode file.
The JSON file list parser is used to communicate input to InstallAPI.
const FunctionProtoType * T
@ Other
Other implicit parameter.
bool link(llvm::ArrayRef< const char * > args, llvm::raw_ostream &stdoutOS, llvm::raw_ostream &stderrOS, bool exitEarly, bool disableOutput)
Diagnostic wrappers for TextAPI types for error reporting.
Definition: Dominators.h:30
Describes how types, statements, expressions, and declarations should be printed.
Definition: PrettyPrinter.h:57
unsigned AnonymousTagLocations
When printing an anonymous tag name, also print the location of that entity (e.g.,...
Within a tree, this identifies a node by its preorder offset.
bool isInvalid() const
Represents a Clang AST node, alongside some additional information.
Definition: ASTDiff.h:38
NodeId Parent
Definition: ASTDiff.h:39
NodeId RightMostDescendant
Definition: ASTDiff.h:39
bool isLeaf() const
Definition: ASTDiff.h:47
ChangeKind Change
Definition: ASTDiff.h:43
std::optional< std::string > getQualifiedIdentifier() const
Definition: ASTDiff.cpp:690
std::optional< StringRef > getIdentifier() const
Definition: ASTDiff.cpp:698
ASTNodeKind getType() const
Definition: ASTDiff.cpp:686
NodeId LeftMostDescendant
Definition: ASTDiff.h:39
StringRef getTypeLabel() const
Definition: ASTDiff.cpp:688
DynTypedNode ASTNode
Definition: ASTDiff.h:41
SmallVector< NodeId, 4 > Children
Definition: ASTDiff.h:42
Identifies a node in a subtree by its postorder offset, starting at 1.
Definition: ASTDiff.cpp:473
SNodeId operator+(int Other) const
Definition: ASTDiff.cpp:482
SNodeId & operator++()
Definition: ASTDiff.cpp:480
SNodeId & operator--()
Definition: ASTDiff.cpp:481