Example Packed Value

Example of using fastuidraw::PainterPackedValue and using the coordinate transformation interface of fastuidraw::Painter

The Example Packed Value builds from Example Initialization to demonstrate how to use and create fastuidraw::PainterPackedValue objects to allow FastUIDraw to resuse fastuidraw::PainterBrushShaderData that is common across many calls to fastuidraw::Painter draw methods. In addition, it also provides an example of using some the coordinate transformation methods of fastuidraw::Painter along with saving and restoring its state via fastuidraw::Painter::save() and fastuidraw::Painter::restore().

The code is given by

#include <iostream>
#include "initialization.hpp"
#include "image_loader.hpp"
class ExamplePackedValue:public Initialization
ExamplePackedValue(DemoRunner *runner, int argc, char **argv);
draw_frame(void) override;
ExamplePackedValue(DemoRunner *runner, int argc, char **argv):
Initialization(runner, argc, argv)
/* Create the fastuidraw::Image using ImageSourceSDL to
* direct SDL2_image to do the heavy lifting of loading
* the pixel data.
ImageSourceSDL image_loader(argv[1]);
m_image = m_painter_engine_gl->image_atlas().create(image_loader.width(),
/* Create a PainterPackedValue from a PainterBrush. A PainterPackedValue
* allows Painter to resuse shader data across Painter draw methods.
* This can be quite useful if one is drawing many items with the same
* brush.
* First set the values for a PainterBrush.
/* Second, get the PainterPackedValuePool from the Painter used to draw */
fastuidraw::PainterPackedValuePool &pool(m_painter->packed_value_pool());
/* Lastly, use the values of brush to create the PainterPackedValue.
* PainterPackedValue also supports creating packed values for the
* other types of shader data: PainterItemShaderData and
* PainterBlendShaderData.
m_packed_brush = pool.create_packed_value(brush);
fastuidraw::vec2 window_dims(window_dimensions());
fastuidraw::PainterSurface::Viewport vwp(0, 0, window_dims.x(), window_dims.y());
m_painter->begin(m_surface_gl, fastuidraw::Painter::y_increases_downwards);
const unsigned int num_rects_x(8), num_rects_y(6);
unsigned int x, y;
float xpos, ypos;
float xpos_delta = window_dims.x() / static_cast<float>(num_rects_x);
float ypos_delta = window_dims.y() / static_cast<float>(num_rects_y);
float xpad = window_dims.x() / static_cast<float>(4 * num_rects_x);
float ypad = window_dims.x() / static_cast<float>(4 * num_rects_y);
fastuidraw::vec2 image_size(m_image->dimensions());
fastuidraw::vec2 shear(0.5f * xpos_delta / image_size.x(),
0.5f * ypos_delta / image_size.y());
uint32_t time_ms;
time_ms = SDL_GetTicks() % 4000u;
for (y = 0, ypos = 0.0f; y < num_rects_y; ++y, ypos += ypos_delta)
for (x = 0, xpos = 0.0f; x < num_rects_x; ++x, xpos += xpos_delta)
/* Save the current state of the Painter for later restore.
* This state also includes the current transformation applied
* to items.
/* Translate to (xpos, ypos) */
m_painter->translate(fastuidraw::vec2(xpos, ypos));
/* squish so that m_image->dimensions() is squished-sheared
* to rect_size
m_painter->shear(shear.x(), shear.y());
/* For demo-effecs, lets rotate the rect as well. First
* translate to the center.
m_painter->translate(image_size * 0.5f);
/* now apply a rotation dependent on time. The angle to
* be given to Painter is in RADIANS.
m_painter->rotate(FASTUIDRAW_PI * static_cast<float>(time_ms) / 2000.0f);
/* translate back. */
m_painter->translate(-image_size * 0.5f);
/* Draw the rect. Note that in local coordinate the size of the
* rectangle is image_size. However, the shearing done above makes
* the rect drawn with size image_size * shear pixels. Also,
* the brush coordinates are local to the drawn item, i.e.
* the brush coordinate will from from (0, 0) to image_size
.min_point(0.0f, 0.0f)
/* restore the Painter state to what it was as the last call
* to Painter::save().
fastuidraw_glBindFramebuffer(GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER, 0);
main(int argc, char **argv)
DemoRunner demo_runner;
if (argc < 2)
std::cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " image_file\n";
return -1;
return demo_runner.main<ExamplePackedValue>(argc, argv);