Carries out the RSA-SSA signature generation scheme of PKCS#1 v1.5 .
IppStatus ippsRSASign_PKCS1v15(const Ipp8u* pMsg, int msgLen, Ipp8u* pSign, const IppsRSAPrivateKeyState* pPrivateKey, const IppsRSAPublicKeyState* pPublicKeyOpt, IppHashAlgId hashAlg, Ipp8u* pBuffer);
IppStatus ippsRSASign_PKCS1v15_rmf(const Ipp8u* pMsg, int msgLen, Ipp8u* pSign, const IppsRSAPrivateKeyState* pPrivateKey, const IppsRSAPublicKeyState* pPublicKeyOpt, const IppsHashMethod* pMethod, Ipp8u* pBuffer);
Include Files¶
pMsg |
Pointer to the message to be signed. |
msgLen |
Length of the message *pMsg in octets. |
pSign |
Pointer to the output octet signature. |
pPrivateKey |
Pointer to the properly initialized IppsRSAPrivateKeyState context. |
pPublicKeyOpt |
Pointer to the properly initialized optional IppsRSAPublicKeyState context. |
hashAlg |
Identifier of the hash algorithm used. For details, see table Supported Hash Algorithms. |
pMethod |
Pointer to the hash method. For details, see HashMethod functions. |
pBuffer |
Pointer to a temporary buffer of size not less than returned by each of the functions RSA_GetBufferSizePrivateKey and RSA_GetBufferSizePublicKeyKey. |
The function computes the messagedigest specified by the hashAlg or pMethod parameter and generates thesignature according to the RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 scheme defined in [PKCS 1.2.1].
If you are using an RSA private key type 2 to generate the signature, you can use the optional *pPublicKeyOpt parameter to mitigate Fault Attack. If you are using an RSA private key type 1 or sure that Fault Attack is not applicable, pPublicKeyOpt can be NULL. Passing the NULL value to the pPublicKeyOpt parameter saves computation time.
The length of the signature beinggenerated equals the length of the RSA modulus, supplied withthe IppsRSAPrivateKeyState context. Make sure that pSign points to a buffer of a sufficient length.
This function has a reduced memory footprint version. To learn more, see Reduced Memory Footprint Functions.
Return Values¶
ippStsNoErr |
Indicates no error. Any other value indicates an error or warning. |
ippStsNullPtrErr |
Indicates an error condition if any of the specified pointers is NULL. |
ippStsContextMatchErr |
Indicates an error condition if any of the context parameters does not match the operation. |
ippStsIncompleteContextErr |
Indicates an error condition if the public or private key is not set up. |
ippStsLengthErr |
Indicates an error condition if any input/output length parameters are inconsistent with one another. |
ippStsSizeErr |
Indicates an error condition if the length of the RSA modulus is too small (see details in [PKCS 1.2.1]. |
ippStsNotSupportedModeErr |
Indicates an error condition if the hashAlg parameter does not match any value of IppHashAlgId listed in table Supported Hash Algorithms. |
While you can set up the public key or type 1 private key in a call to RSA_SetPublicKey
or RSA_SetPrivateKeyType1
, respectively, you can set up the type 2 private key in a call to either RSA_SetPrivateKeyType2
or RSA_GenerateKeys
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