Block Cipher Modes of Operation

Most of Symmetric Cryptography Algorithms implemented in Intel® IPP are Block Ciphers, which operate on data blocks of the fixed size. Block Ciphers encrypt a plaintext block into a ciphertext block or decrypts a ciphertext block into a plaintext block. The size of the data blocks depends on the specific algorithm. The table below shows the correspondence between Block Ciphers applied and their data block size.

Block Sizes in Symmetric Algorithms

Block Cipher Name

Data Block Size (bits)

Rijndael128 (AES)






Block Cipher modes of executing the operation of encryption/decryption are applied in practice more frequently than “pure” Block Ciphers. On one hand, the modes enable you to process arbitrary length data stream. On the other hand, they provide additional security strength.

Intel IPP for cryptography supports five widely used modes, as specified in [NIST SP 800-38A]:

  • Electronic Code Book (ECB) mode

  • Cipher Block Chain (CBC) mode

  • Cipher Feedback (CFB) mode

  • Output Feedback (OFB) mode

  • Counter (CTR) mode.

Using the OFB mode

Intel IPP function APIs of the OFB mode contain the ofbBlkSize parameter, which represents size of the feedback. Possible size values vary between 8 and B*8 bits, where B is the data block size of the underlying cipher. For cryptographic strength reasons, avoid using ofbBlkSize smaller than B*8 bits.

Using the CTR mode

IPP calls performing encryption and decryption treat the processed message msg of length msgLen as an integral data unit. So the ippsAESEncryptCTR or ippsAESDencryptCTR function processes the whole message in a single call.

If an application cannot encrypt or decrypt the message in a single call, the input data M can be treated as a set of blocks

M = M0| |M1| |…M:sub:`n-1`| |Mn


  • n is the largest integer so that B*n is not bigger than the M size;

  • lengths of the first n blocks M0, …, M:sub:`n-1` are multiple to the data block size B of the underlying cipher;

  • size of the last block Mn is between 0 and B-1 bytes.

In this case, the application processes the message M using a sequence of IPP encryption or decryption calls.

The cryptographic functions described in this section require the application to specify both the plaintext message and the ciphertext message lengths as multiples of block size of the respective algorithm (see Block Cipher Modes of Operation). To meet this requirement in ciphering the message, the application may use any padding scheme, for example, the scheme defined in [PKCS7]. In case padding is used, the application is responsible for correct interpretation and processing of the last deciphered message block. So of the three padding schemes available for earlier releases,

typedef enum {
     NONE  = 0, IppsCPPaddingNONE = 0,
     PKCS7 = 1, IppsCPPaddingPKCS7 = 1,
     ZEROS = 2, IppsCPPaddingZEROS = 2
 } IppsCPPadding;

only IppsCPPaddingNONE remains acceptable.