Big Number Arithmetic

This section describes primitives for performing arithmetic operations with integer big numbers of variable length.

The magnitude of an integer big number is specified by an array of unsigned integer data type Ipp32u rp[length] and corresponds to the mathematical value image1

This section uses the following definition for the sign of an integer big number:

typedef enum {
} IppsBigNumSGN;

The functions described in this section use the context IppsBigNumState to serve as an operational vehicle that carries not only the sign and value of the data, but also a sufficient working buffer reserved for various arithmetic operations. The length of the context IppsBigNumState is defined as the length of the data carried by the structure and the size of the context IppsBigNumState is therefore defined as the maximal length of the data that this operational vehicle can carry.


In all unsigned big number arithmetic functions, integers pointed to by a, b, and r are all of (n*32) bits.