Functions for Creation of Cryptographic Contexts

The section presents source code for creation of some cryptographic contexts.


Contents of the header file (xsample_cpobjs.h) declaring functions for creation of some cryptographic contexts are presented below:

#if !defined _CPOBJS_H_
#define _CPOBJS_H_

// create new of some ippCP 'objects'
#include "ippcp.h"
#include <stdlib.h>

#define BITS_2_WORDS(n) (((n)+31)>>5)
int Bitsize2Wordsize(int nBits);

Ipp32u* rand32(Ipp32u* pX, int size);

IppsBigNumState* newBN(int len, const Ipp32u* pData=0);
IppsBigNumState* newRandBN(int len);
void deleteBN(IppsBigNumState* pBN);

IppsPRNGState* newPRNG(int seedBitsize=160);
void deletePRNG(IppsPRNGState* pPRNG);

IppsPrimeState* newPrimeGen(int seedBitsize=160);
void deletePrimeGen(IppsPrimeState* pPrime);

IppsRSAState* newRSA(int lenN, int lenP, IppRSAKeyType type);
void deleteRSA(IppsRSAState* pRSA);

IppsDLPState* newDLP(int lenM, int lenL);
void deleteDLP(IppsDLPState* pDLP);

#endif // _CPOBJS_H_


C++ definitions of functions creating cryptographic contexts are given below. For the declarations to be included, see the preceding Declarations section.

#include "xsample_cpobjs.h"

// convert bitsize into 32-bit wordsize
int Bitsize2Wordsize(int nBits)
{ return (nBits+31)>>5; }

// new BN number
IppsBigNumState* newBN(int len, const Ipp32u* pData)
   int size;
   ippsBigNumGetSize(len, &size);
   IppsBigNumState* pBN = (IppsBigNumState*)( new Ipp8u [size] );
   ippsBigNumInit(len, pBN);
      ippsSet_BN(IppsBigNumPOS, len, pData, pBN);
   return pBN;
void deleteBN(IppsBigNumState* pBN)
{ delete [] (Ipp8u*)pBN; }

// set up array of 32-bit items random
Ipp32u* rand32(Ipp32u* pX, int size)
   for(int n=0; n<size; n++)
      pX[n] = (rand()<<16) + rand();
   return pX;

IppsBigNumState* newRandBN(int len)
   Ipp32u* pBuffer = new Ipp32u [len];
   IppsBigNumState* pBN = newBN(len, rand32(pBuffer,len));
   delete [] pBuffer;
   return pBN;

// 'external' PRNG
IppsPRNGState* newPRNG(int seedBitsize)
   int seedSize = Bitsize2Wordsize(seedBitsize);
   Ipp32u* seed = new Ipp32u [seedSize];
   Ipp32u* augm = new Ipp32u [seedSize];

   int size;
   IppsBigNumState* pTmp;
   IppsPRNGState* pCtx = (IppsPRNGState*)( new Ipp8u [size] );
   ippsPRNGInit(seedBitsize, pCtx);

   ippsPRNGSetSeed(pTmp=newBN(seedSize,rand32(seed,seedSize)), pCtx);
   delete [] (Ipp8u*)pTmp;
   delete [] (Ipp8u*)pTmp;

   delete [] seed;
   delete [] augm;
   return pCtx;
void deletePRNG(IppsPRNGState* pPRNG)
{ delete [] (Ipp8u*)pPRNG; }

// Prime Generator context
IppsPrimeState* newPrimeGen(int maxBits)
   int size;
   ippsPrimeGetSize(maxBits, &size);
   IppsPrimeState* pCtx = (IppsPrimeState*)( new Ipp8u [size] );
   ippsPrimeInit(maxBits, pCtx);
   return pCtx;
void deletePrimeGen(IppsPrimeState* pPrimeG)
{ delete [] (Ipp8u*)pPrimeG; }

// RSA context
IppsRSAState* newRSA(int lenN, int lenP, IppRSAKeyType type)
   int size;
   ippsRSAGetSize(lenN,lenP, type, &size);
   IppsRSAState* pCtx = (IppsRSAState*)( new Ipp8u [size] );
   ippsRSAInit(lenN,lenP, type, pCtx);
   return pCtx;
void deleteRSA(IppsRSAState* pRSA)
{ delete [] (Ipp8u*)pRSA; }

// DLP context
IppsDLPState* newDLP(int lenM, int lenL)
   int size;
   ippsDLPGetSize(lenM, lenL, &size);
   IppsDLPState *pCtx= (IppsDLPState *)new Ipp8u[ size ];
   ippsDLPInit(lenM, lenL, pCtx);
   return pCtx;
void deleteDLP(IppsDLPState* pDLP)
{ delete [] (Ipp8u*)pDLP; }