DPC++ Runtime
Runtime libraries for oneAPI DPC++
sycl Namespace Reference




struct  all_devices_have
struct  any_device_has
struct  is_device_copyable< ext::oneapi::experimental::annotated_arg< T, PropertyList > >
struct  mode_tag_t
struct  mode_target_tag_t
struct  remove_decoration
struct  remove_decoration< const T >
struct  remove_decoration< T * >
struct  remove_decoration< const T * >
struct  remove_decoration< T & >
struct  remove_decoration< const T & >
class  accessor
class  local_accessor_base
 Local accessor. More...
class  accessor< DataT, Dimensions, AccessMode, access::target::local, IsPlaceholder >
class  host_accessor
class  accessor< DataT, Dimensions, AccessMode, access::target::host_image, IsPlaceholder >
 Host image accessor. More...
class  unsampled_image_accessor
class  host_unsampled_image_accessor
class  sampled_image_accessor
class  host_sampled_image_accessor
class  multi_ptr
class  atomic_ref
class  backend_traits
class  range
 Defines the iteration domain of either a single work-group in a parallel dispatch, or the overall Dimensions of the dispatch. More...
class  buffer
 Defines a shared array that can be used by kernels in queues. More...
class  context
 The context class represents a SYCL context on which kernel functions may be executed. More...
class  id
 A unique identifier of an item in an index space. More...
class  marray
 Provides a cross-platform math array class template that works on SYCL devices as well as in host C++ code. More...
class  item
 Identifies an instance of the function object executing at each point in a range. More...
class  group
class  nd_item
 Identifies an instance of the function object executing at each point in an nd_range. More...
class  h_item
 Identifies an instance of a group::parallel_for_work_item function object executing at each point in a local range passed to a parallel_for_work_item call or to the corresponding parallel_for_work_group call. More...
struct  is_device_copyable
 is_device_copyable is a user specializable class template to indicate that a type T is device copyable, which means that SYCL implementation may copy objects of the type T between host and device or between two devices. More...
struct  is_device_copyable< std::array< T, 0 > >
struct  is_device_copyable< std::array< T, N > >
struct  is_device_copyable< std::optional< T > >
struct  is_device_copyable< std::pair< T1, T2 > >
struct  is_device_copyable< std::tuple< Ts... > >
struct  is_device_copyable< std::variant< Ts... > >
struct  is_device_copyable< T[N]>
struct  is_group
class  device
 The SYCL device class encapsulates a single SYCL device on which kernels may be executed. More...
class  device_event
 Encapsulates a single SYCL device event which is available only within SYCL kernel functions and can be used to wait for asynchronous operations within a kernel function to complete. More...
class  accelerator_selector
 The default selector chooses the first available SYCL device. More...
class  event
 An event object can be used to synchronize memory transfers, enqueues of kernels and signaling barriers. More...
class  exception
class  exception_list
 A list of asynchronous exceptions. More...
struct  is_property< ext::codeplay::experimental::property::promote_private >
struct  is_property< ext::codeplay::experimental::property::promote_local >
struct  is_property< ext::codeplay::experimental::property::no_barriers >
struct  is_property< ext::codeplay::experimental::property::force_fusion >
struct  is_property< ext::codeplay::experimental::property::queue::enable_fusion >
struct  is_property_of< ext::codeplay::experimental::property::promote_private, buffer< T, Dimensions, AllocatorT, void > >
struct  is_property_of< ext::codeplay::experimental::property::promote_local, buffer< T, Dimensions, AllocatorT, void > >
struct  is_property_of< ext::codeplay::experimental::property::promote_private, accessor< DataT, Dimensions, AccessMode, AccessTarget, IsPlaceholder, PropertyListT > >
struct  is_property_of< ext::codeplay::experimental::property::promote_local, accessor< DataT, Dimensions, AccessMode, AccessTarget, IsPlaceholder, PropertyListT > >
struct  is_property_of< ext::codeplay::experimental::property::queue::enable_fusion, queue >
struct  is_property< ext::oneapi::property::usm::device_read_only >
struct  is_property< ext::intel::experimental::property::usm::buffer_location >
struct  is_group< ext::oneapi::experimental::ballot_group< ParentGroup > >
struct  is_group< ext::oneapi::experimental::fixed_size_group< PartitionSize, ParentGroup > >
struct  is_property< ext::oneapi::experimental::property::graph::no_cycle_check >
struct  is_property< ext::oneapi::experimental::property::node::depends_on >
struct  is_property_of< ext::oneapi::experimental::property::graph::no_cycle_check, ext::oneapi::experimental::command_graph< ext::oneapi::experimental::graph_state::modifiable > >
struct  is_property_of< ext::oneapi::experimental::property::node::depends_on, ext::oneapi::experimental::node >
struct  is_group< ext::oneapi::experimental::opportunistic_group >
struct  is_group< ext::oneapi::experimental::tangle_group< ParentGroup > >
class  nd_range
 Defines the iteration domain of both the work-groups and the overall dispatch. More...
struct  is_device_copyable< ext::oneapi::experimental::properties< PropertiesT > >
struct  logical_and
struct  logical_and< void >
struct  logical_or
struct  logical_or< void >
struct  minimum
struct  minimum< void >
struct  maximum
struct  maximum< void >
class  handler
 Command group handler class. More...
class  image
 Defines a shared image data. More...
class  unsampled_image
class  sampled_image
class  interop_handle
class  kernel_bundle
 The kernel_bundle class represents collection of device images in a particular state. More...
class  kernel
 Provides an abstraction of a SYCL kernel. More...
class  kernel_id
 Objects of the class identify kernel is some kernel_bundle related APIs. More...
class  device_image
 Objects of the class represents an instance of an image in a specific state. More...
struct  has_known_identity
struct  known_identity
struct  is_device_copyable< sycl::marray< T, N > >
class  local_accessor
class  platform
 Encapsulates a SYCL platform on which kernels may be executed. More...
class  image_accessor
struct  is_property< ext::oneapi::property::no_offset >
struct  is_property< ext::oneapi::property::no_alias >
struct  is_property< ext::intel::property::buffer_location >
struct  is_property_of< property::noinit, T >
struct  is_property_of< property::no_init, T >
struct  is_property_of< ext::oneapi::property::no_offset, T >
struct  is_property_of< ext::oneapi::property::no_alias, T >
struct  is_property_of< ext::intel::property::buffer_location, T >
struct  is_property_of< property::buffer::use_host_ptr, buffer< T, Dimensions, AllocatorT, void > >
struct  is_property_of< property::buffer::use_mutex, buffer< T, Dimensions, AllocatorT, void > >
struct  is_property_of< property::buffer::detail::buffer_location, buffer< T, Dimensions, AllocatorT, void > >
struct  is_property_of< property::buffer::context_bound, buffer< T, Dimensions, AllocatorT, void > >
struct  is_property_of< property::buffer::mem_channel, buffer< T, Dimensions, AllocatorT, void > >
struct  is_property_of< ext::oneapi::property::buffer::use_pinned_host_memory, buffer< T, Dimensions, AllocatorT, void > >
struct  is_property_of< property::image::use_host_ptr, image< Dimensions, AllocatorT > >
struct  is_property_of< property::image::use_mutex, image< Dimensions, AllocatorT > >
struct  is_property_of< property::image::context_bound, image< Dimensions, AllocatorT > >
struct  is_property_of< property::image::use_host_ptr, sampled_image< Dimensions, AllocatorT > >
struct  is_property_of< property::image::use_mutex, sampled_image< Dimensions, AllocatorT > >
struct  is_property_of< property::image::context_bound, sampled_image< Dimensions, AllocatorT > >
struct  is_property_of< property::image::use_host_ptr, unsampled_image< Dimensions, AllocatorT > >
struct  is_property_of< property::image::use_mutex, unsampled_image< Dimensions, AllocatorT > >
struct  is_property_of< property::image::context_bound, unsampled_image< Dimensions, AllocatorT > >
struct  is_property
struct  is_property_of
class  property_list
 Objects of the property_list class are containers for the SYCL properties. More...
class  queue
 Encapsulates a single SYCL queue which schedules kernels on a SYCL device. More...
class  reducer
 Class that is used to represent objects that are passed to user's lambda functions and representing users' reduction variable. More...
struct  is_device_copyable< detail::ReducerElement< T, BinaryOperation, IsOptional > >
class  reducer< T, BinaryOperation, Dims, Extent, IdentityContainerT, View, std::enable_if_t< Dims==0 &&Extent==1 &&View==false &&!detail::IsKnownIdentityOp< T, BinaryOperation >::value > >
 Specialization of the generic class 'reducer'. More...
class  reducer< T, BinaryOperation, Dims, Extent, IdentityContainerT, View, std::enable_if_t< Dims==0 &&Extent==1 &&View==false &&detail::IsKnownIdentityOp< T, BinaryOperation >::value > >
 Specialization of the generic class 'reducer'. More...
class  reducer< T, BinaryOperation, Dims, Extent, IdentityContainerT, View, std::enable_if_t< Dims==0 &&View==true > >
 Component of 'reducer' class for array reductions, representing a single element of the span (as returned by the subscript operator). More...
class  reducer< T, BinaryOperation, Dims, Extent, IdentityContainerT, View, std::enable_if_t< Dims==1 &&View==false &&!detail::IsKnownIdentityOp< T, BinaryOperation >::value > >
 Specialization of 'reducer' class for array reductions exposing the subscript operator. More...
class  reducer< T, BinaryOperation, Dims, Extent, IdentityContainerT, View, std::enable_if_t< Dims==1 &&View==false &&detail::IsKnownIdentityOp< T, BinaryOperation >::value > >
 Specialization of 'reducer' class for array reductions accepting a span in cases where the identity value is known. More...
struct  image_sampler
class  __precision_manipulator__
class  __width_manipulator__
struct  sub_group
class  span
struct  __is_span_impl
struct  __is_span_impl< span< _Tp, _Extent > >
struct  __is_span
struct  __is_std_array_impl
struct  __is_std_array_impl< std::array< _Tp, _Sz > >
struct  __is_std_array
struct  __is_span_compatible_container
struct  __is_span_compatible_container< _Tp, _ElementType, std::void_t< typename std::enable_if<!__is_span< _Tp >::value, std::nullptr_t >::type, typename std::enable_if<!__is_std_array< _Tp >::value, std::nullptr_t >::type, typename std::enable_if<!std::is_array_v< _Tp >, std::nullptr_t >::type, decltype(data(std::declval< _Tp >())), decltype(size(std::declval< _Tp >())), typename std::enable_if< std::is_convertible_v< std::remove_pointer_t< decltype(data(std::declval< _Tp & >()))>(*)[], _ElementType(*)[]>, std::nullptr_t >::type > >
class  span< _Tp, dynamic_extent >
class  usm_allocator
struct  elem
class  vec


using access_mode = access::mode
template<typename T >
using remove_decoration_t = typename remove_decoration< T >::type
using instead = std::uint8_t
using __SYCL2020_DEPRECATED = signed char
using half = sycl::detail::half_impl::half
using async_handler = std::function< void(sycl::exception_list)>
template<backend Backend, typename SyclType >
using backend_input_t = typename backend_traits< Backend >::template input_type< SyclType >
template<backend Backend, typename SyclType >
using backend_return_t = typename backend_traits< Backend >::template return_type< SyclType >
template<typename DataT >
using buffer_allocator = detail::sycl_memory_object_allocator< DataT >
template<typename T = void>
using plus = std::plus< T >
template<typename T = void>
using multiplies = std::multiplies< T >
template<typename T = void>
using bit_and = std::bit_and< T >
template<typename T = void>
using bit_or = std::bit_or< T >
template<typename T = void>
using bit_xor = std::bit_xor< T >
using byte = unsigned char
using image_allocator = detail::aligned_allocator< byte >
using value_type = const void
using pointer = std::conditional_t< is_decorated, decorated_type *, std::add_pointer_t< value_type > >
using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t
template<class name , class dataT , int32_t min_capacity = 0>
using pipe = ext::intel::pipe< name, dataT, min_capacity >
template<typename ElementType , access::decorated IsDecorated = access::decorated::legacy>
using generic_ptr = multi_ptr< ElementType, access::address_space::generic_space, IsDecorated >
template<typename ElementType , access::decorated IsDecorated = access::decorated::legacy>
using global_ptr = multi_ptr< ElementType, access::address_space::global_space, IsDecorated >
template<typename ElementType , access::decorated IsDecorated = access::decorated::legacy>
using local_ptr = multi_ptr< ElementType, access::address_space::local_space, IsDecorated >
template<typename ElementType >
using constant_ptr = multi_ptr< ElementType, access::address_space::constant_space, access::decorated::legacy >
template<typename ElementType , access::decorated IsDecorated = access::decorated::legacy>
using private_ptr = multi_ptr< ElementType, access::address_space::private_space, IsDecorated >
template<typename ElementType >
using raw_global_ptr = multi_ptr< ElementType, access::address_space::global_space, access::decorated::no >
template<typename ElementType >
using raw_local_ptr = multi_ptr< ElementType, access::address_space::local_space, access::decorated::no >
template<typename ElementType >
using raw_private_ptr = multi_ptr< ElementType, access::address_space::private_space, access::decorated::no >
template<typename ElementType >
using decorated_global_ptr = multi_ptr< ElementType, access::address_space::global_space, access::decorated::yes >
template<typename ElementType >
using decorated_local_ptr = multi_ptr< ElementType, access::address_space::local_space, access::decorated::yes >
template<typename ElementType >
using decorated_private_ptr = multi_ptr< ElementType, access::address_space::private_space, access::decorated::yes >
using ContextImplPtr = std::shared_ptr< sycl::detail::context_impl >
using alloc = sycl::usm::alloc


enum class  image_target : unsigned int { device = 0 , host_task = 1 }
enum class  backend : char {
  __SYCL2020_DEPRECATED =("'host' backend is no longer supported") = 0 , opencl = 1 , ext_oneapi_level_zero = 2 , ext_oneapi_cuda = 3 ,
  all = 4 , ext_oneapi_hip = 6 , ext_oneapi_native_cpu = 7
enum class  rounding_mode {
  automatic = 0 , rte = 1 , rtz = 2 , rtp = 3 ,
  rtn = 4
enum class  errc : unsigned int {
  success = 0 , runtime = 1 , kernel = 2 , accessor = 3 ,
  nd_range = 4 , event = 5 , kernel_argument = 6 , build = 7 ,
  invalid = 8 , memory_allocation = 9 , platform = 10 , profiling = 11 ,
  feature_not_supported = 12 , kernel_not_supported = 13 , backend_mismatch = 14
enum class  image_channel_order : unsigned int {
  a = 0 , r = 1 , rx = 2 , rg = 3 ,
  rgx = 4 , ra = 5 , rgb = 6 , rgbx = 7 ,
  rgba = 8 , argb = 9 , bgra = 10 , intensity = 11 ,
  luminance = 12 , abgr = 13 , ext_oneapi_srgba = 14
enum class  image_channel_type : unsigned int {
  snorm_int8 = 0 , snorm_int16 = 1 , unorm_int8 = 2 , unorm_int16 = 3 ,
  unorm_short_565 = 4 , unorm_short_555 = 5 , unorm_int_101010 = 6 , signed_int8 = 7 ,
  signed_int16 = 8 , signed_int32 = 9 , unsigned_int8 = 10 , unsigned_int16 = 11 ,
  unsigned_int32 = 12 , fp16 = 13 , fp32 = 14
enum class  image_format : unsigned int {
  r8g8b8a8_unorm = 0 , r16g16b16a16_unorm = 1 , r8g8b8a8_sint = 2 , r16g16b16a16_sint = 3 ,
  r32b32g32a32_sint = 4 , r8g8b8a8_uint = 5 , r16g16b16a16_uint = 6 , r32b32g32a32_uint = 7 ,
  r16b16g16a16_sfloat = 8 , r32g32b32a32_sfloat = 9 , b8g8r8a8_unorm = 10
enum class  bundle_state : char { input = 0 , object = 1 , executable = 2 , ext_oneapi_source = 3 }
enum class  memory_order : int {
  relaxed = 0 , acquire = 1 , __consume_unsupported , release = 3 ,
  acq_rel = 4 , seq_cst = 5
enum class  memory_scope : int {
  work_item = 0 , sub_group = 1 , work_group = 2 , device = 3 ,
  system = 4
enum class  addressing_mode : unsigned int {
  mirrored_repeat = 0x1134 , repeat = 0x1133 , clamp_to_edge = 0x1131 , clamp = 0x1132 ,
  none = 0x1130
enum class  filtering_mode : unsigned int { nearest = 0x1140 , linear = 0x1141 }
enum class  coordinate_normalization_mode : unsigned int { normalized = 1 , unnormalized = 0 }
enum class  stream_manipulator {
  dec = 0 , hex = 1 , oct = 2 , noshowbase = 3 ,
  showbase = 4 , noshowpos = 5 , showpos = 6 , endl = 7 ,
  flush = 8 , fixed = 9 , scientific = 10 , hexfloat = 11 ,
  defaultfloat = 12


template<typename DataT , int Dimensions, typename AllocatorT >
class __SYCL_EBO __SYCL_SPECIAL_CLASS __SYCL_TYPE(accessor) accessor accessor (buffer< DataT, Dimensions, AllocatorT >) -> accessor< DataT, Dimensions, access::mode::read_write, target::device, access::placeholder::true_t >
 Buffer accessor. More...
template<typename DataT , int Dimensions, typename AllocatorT , typename... PropsT>
 accessor (buffer< DataT, Dimensions, AllocatorT >, const ext::oneapi::accessor_property_list< PropsT... > &) -> accessor< DataT, Dimensions, access::mode::read_write, target::device, access::placeholder::true_t, ext::oneapi::accessor_property_list< PropsT... >>
template<typename DataT , int Dimensions, typename AllocatorT , typename Type1 >
 accessor (buffer< DataT, Dimensions, AllocatorT >, Type1) -> accessor< DataT, Dimensions, detail::deduceAccessMode< Type1, Type1 >(), detail::deduceAccessTarget< Type1, Type1 >(target::device), access::placeholder::true_t >
template<typename DataT , int Dimensions, typename AllocatorT , typename Type1 , typename... PropsT>
 accessor (buffer< DataT, Dimensions, AllocatorT >, Type1, const ext::oneapi::accessor_property_list< PropsT... > &) -> accessor< DataT, Dimensions, detail::deduceAccessMode< Type1, Type1 >(), detail::deduceAccessTarget< Type1, Type1 >(target::device), access::placeholder::true_t, ext::oneapi::accessor_property_list< PropsT... >>
template<typename DataT , int Dimensions, typename AllocatorT , typename Type1 , typename Type2 >
 accessor (buffer< DataT, Dimensions, AllocatorT >, Type1, Type2) -> accessor< DataT, Dimensions, detail::deduceAccessMode< Type1, Type2 >(), detail::deduceAccessTarget< Type1, Type2 >(target::device), access::placeholder::true_t >
template<typename DataT , int Dimensions, typename AllocatorT , typename Type1 , typename Type2 , typename... PropsT>
 accessor (buffer< DataT, Dimensions, AllocatorT >, Type1, Type2, const ext::oneapi::accessor_property_list< PropsT... > &) -> accessor< DataT, Dimensions, detail::deduceAccessMode< Type1, Type2 >(), detail::deduceAccessTarget< Type1, Type2 >(target::device), access::placeholder::true_t, ext::oneapi::accessor_property_list< PropsT... >>
template<typename DataT , int Dimensions, typename AllocatorT , typename Type1 , typename Type2 , typename Type3 >
 accessor (buffer< DataT, Dimensions, AllocatorT >, Type1, Type2, Type3) -> accessor< DataT, Dimensions, detail::deduceAccessMode< Type2, Type3 >(), detail::deduceAccessTarget< Type2, Type3 >(target::device), access::placeholder::true_t >
template<typename DataT , int Dimensions, typename AllocatorT , typename Type1 , typename Type2 , typename Type3 , typename... PropsT>
 accessor (buffer< DataT, Dimensions, AllocatorT >, Type1, Type2, Type3, const ext::oneapi::accessor_property_list< PropsT... > &) -> accessor< DataT, Dimensions, detail::deduceAccessMode< Type2, Type3 >(), detail::deduceAccessTarget< Type2, Type3 >(target::device), access::placeholder::true_t, ext::oneapi::accessor_property_list< PropsT... >>
template<typename DataT , int Dimensions, typename AllocatorT , typename Type1 , typename Type2 , typename Type3 , typename Type4 >
 accessor (buffer< DataT, Dimensions, AllocatorT >, Type1, Type2, Type3, Type4) -> accessor< DataT, Dimensions, detail::deduceAccessMode< Type3, Type4 >(), detail::deduceAccessTarget< Type3, Type4 >(target::device), access::placeholder::true_t >
template<typename DataT , int Dimensions, typename AllocatorT , typename Type1 , typename Type2 , typename Type3 , typename Type4 , typename... PropsT>
 accessor (buffer< DataT, Dimensions, AllocatorT >, Type1, Type2, Type3, Type4, const ext::oneapi::accessor_property_list< PropsT... > &) -> accessor< DataT, Dimensions, detail::deduceAccessMode< Type3, Type4 >(), detail::deduceAccessTarget< Type3, Type4 >(target::device), access::placeholder::true_t, ext::oneapi::accessor_property_list< PropsT... >>
template<typename DataT , int Dimensions, typename AllocatorT >
 accessor (buffer< DataT, Dimensions, AllocatorT >, handler &) -> accessor< DataT, Dimensions, access::mode::read_write, target::device, access::placeholder::false_t >
template<typename DataT , int Dimensions, typename AllocatorT , typename... PropsT>
 accessor (buffer< DataT, Dimensions, AllocatorT >, handler &, const ext::oneapi::accessor_property_list< PropsT... > &) -> accessor< DataT, Dimensions, access::mode::read_write, target::device, access::placeholder::false_t, ext::oneapi::accessor_property_list< PropsT... >>
template<typename DataT , int Dimensions, typename AllocatorT , typename Type1 >
 accessor (buffer< DataT, Dimensions, AllocatorT >, handler &, Type1) -> accessor< DataT, Dimensions, detail::deduceAccessMode< Type1, Type1 >(), detail::deduceAccessTarget< Type1, Type1 >(target::device), access::placeholder::false_t >
template<typename DataT , int Dimensions, typename AllocatorT , typename Type1 , typename... PropsT>
 accessor (buffer< DataT, Dimensions, AllocatorT >, handler &, Type1, const ext::oneapi::accessor_property_list< PropsT... > &) -> accessor< DataT, Dimensions, detail::deduceAccessMode< Type1, Type1 >(), detail::deduceAccessTarget< Type1, Type1 >(target::device), access::placeholder::false_t, ext::oneapi::accessor_property_list< PropsT... >>
template<typename DataT , int Dimensions, typename AllocatorT , typename Type1 , typename Type2 >
 accessor (buffer< DataT, Dimensions, AllocatorT >, handler &, Type1, Type2) -> accessor< DataT, Dimensions, detail::deduceAccessMode< Type1, Type2 >(), detail::deduceAccessTarget< Type1, Type2 >(target::device), access::placeholder::false_t >
template<typename DataT , int Dimensions, typename AllocatorT , typename Type1 , typename Type2 , typename... PropsT>
 accessor (buffer< DataT, Dimensions, AllocatorT >, handler &, Type1, Type2, const ext::oneapi::accessor_property_list< PropsT... > &) -> accessor< DataT, Dimensions, detail::deduceAccessMode< Type1, Type2 >(), detail::deduceAccessTarget< Type1, Type2 >(target::device), access::placeholder::false_t, ext::oneapi::accessor_property_list< PropsT... >>
template<typename DataT , int Dimensions, typename AllocatorT , typename Type1 , typename Type2 , typename Type3 >
 accessor (buffer< DataT, Dimensions, AllocatorT >, handler &, Type1, Type2, Type3) -> accessor< DataT, Dimensions, detail::deduceAccessMode< Type2, Type3 >(), detail::deduceAccessTarget< Type2, Type3 >(target::device), access::placeholder::false_t >
template<typename DataT , int Dimensions, typename AllocatorT , typename Type1 , typename Type2 , typename Type3 , typename... PropsT>
 accessor (buffer< DataT, Dimensions, AllocatorT >, handler &, Type1, Type2, Type3, const ext::oneapi::accessor_property_list< PropsT... > &) -> accessor< DataT, Dimensions, detail::deduceAccessMode< Type2, Type3 >(), detail::deduceAccessTarget< Type2, Type3 >(target::device), access::placeholder::false_t, ext::oneapi::accessor_property_list< PropsT... >>
template<typename DataT , int Dimensions, typename AllocatorT , typename Type1 , typename Type2 , typename Type3 , typename Type4 >
 accessor (buffer< DataT, Dimensions, AllocatorT >, handler &, Type1, Type2, Type3, Type4) -> accessor< DataT, Dimensions, detail::deduceAccessMode< Type3, Type4 >(), detail::deduceAccessTarget< Type3, Type4 >(target::device), access::placeholder::false_t >
template<typename DataT , int Dimensions, typename AllocatorT , typename Type1 , typename Type2 , typename Type3 , typename Type4 , typename... PropsT>
 accessor (buffer< DataT, Dimensions, AllocatorT >, handler &, Type1, Type2, Type3, Type4, const ext::oneapi::accessor_property_list< PropsT... > &) -> accessor< DataT, Dimensions, detail::deduceAccessMode< Type3, Type4 >(), detail::deduceAccessTarget< Type3, Type4 >(target::device), access::placeholder::false_t, ext::oneapi::accessor_property_list< PropsT... >>
template<typename DataT , int Dimensions, typename AllocatorT >
 host_accessor (buffer< DataT, Dimensions, AllocatorT >) -> host_accessor< DataT, Dimensions, access::mode::read_write >
template<typename DataT , int Dimensions, typename AllocatorT , typename Type1 >
 host_accessor (buffer< DataT, Dimensions, AllocatorT >, Type1) -> host_accessor< DataT, Dimensions, detail::deduceAccessMode< Type1, Type1 >()>
template<typename DataT , int Dimensions, typename AllocatorT , typename Type1 , typename Type2 >
 host_accessor (buffer< DataT, Dimensions, AllocatorT >, Type1, Type2) -> host_accessor< DataT, Dimensions, detail::deduceAccessMode< Type1, Type2 >()>
template<typename DataT , int Dimensions, typename AllocatorT , typename Type1 , typename Type2 , typename Type3 >
 host_accessor (buffer< DataT, Dimensions, AllocatorT >, Type1, Type2, Type3) -> host_accessor< DataT, Dimensions, detail::deduceAccessMode< Type2, Type3 >()>
template<typename DataT , int Dimensions, typename AllocatorT , typename Type1 , typename Type2 , typename Type3 , typename Type4 >
 host_accessor (buffer< DataT, Dimensions, AllocatorT >, Type1, Type2, Type3, Type4) -> host_accessor< DataT, Dimensions, detail::deduceAccessMode< Type3, Type4 >()>
template<typename DataT , int Dimensions, typename AllocatorT , typename Type1 , typename Type2 , typename Type3 , typename Type4 , typename Type5 >
 host_accessor (buffer< DataT, Dimensions, AllocatorT >, Type1, Type2, Type3, Type4, Type5) -> host_accessor< DataT, Dimensions, detail::deduceAccessMode< Type4, Type5 >()>
template<typename DataT , int Dimensions, access::mode AccessMode, access::placeholder IsPlaceholder>
class __SYCL_EBO __SYCL_SPECIAL_CLASS __SYCL_TYPE (accessor) accessor< DataT
 Image accessors. More...
enum __SYCL_TYPE (aspect) aspect
template<typename T , access::address_space addressSpace = access::address_space::global_space>
class __SYCL2020_DEPRECATED ("sycl::atomic is deprecated since SYCL 2020") atomic
template<typename T , access::address_space addressSpace>
void atomic_store (atomic< T, addressSpace > Object, T Operand, memory_order MemoryOrder=memory_order::relaxed)
template<typename T , access::address_space addressSpace>
atomic_load (atomic< T, addressSpace > Object, memory_order MemoryOrder=memory_order::relaxed)
template<typename T , access::address_space addressSpace>
atomic_exchange (atomic< T, addressSpace > Object, T Operand, memory_order MemoryOrder=memory_order::relaxed)
template<typename T , access::address_space addressSpace>
bool atomic_compare_exchange_strong (atomic< T, addressSpace > Object, T &Expected, T Desired, memory_order SuccessOrder=memory_order::relaxed, memory_order FailOrder=memory_order::relaxed)
template<typename T , access::address_space addressSpace>
atomic_fetch_add (atomic< T, addressSpace > Object, T Operand, memory_order MemoryOrder=memory_order::relaxed)
template<typename T , access::address_space addressSpace>
atomic_fetch_sub (atomic< T, addressSpace > Object, T Operand, memory_order MemoryOrder=memory_order::relaxed)
template<typename T , access::address_space addressSpace>
atomic_fetch_and (atomic< T, addressSpace > Object, T Operand, memory_order MemoryOrder=memory_order::relaxed)
template<typename T , access::address_space addressSpace>
atomic_fetch_or (atomic< T, addressSpace > Object, T Operand, memory_order MemoryOrder=memory_order::relaxed)
template<typename T , access::address_space addressSpace>
atomic_fetch_xor (atomic< T, addressSpace > Object, T Operand, memory_order MemoryOrder=memory_order::relaxed)
template<typename T , access::address_space addressSpace>
atomic_fetch_min (atomic< T, addressSpace > Object, T Operand, memory_order MemoryOrder=memory_order::relaxed)
template<typename T , access::address_space addressSpace>
atomic_fetch_max (atomic< T, addressSpace > Object, T Operand, memory_order MemoryOrder=memory_order::relaxed)
void atomic_fence (memory_order order, memory_scope scope)
template<backend BackendName, class SyclObjectT >
auto get_native (const SyclObjectT &Obj) -> backend_return_t< BackendName, SyclObjectT >
template<backend BackendName>
auto get_native (const queue &Obj) -> backend_return_t< BackendName, queue >
template<backend BackendName, bundle_state State>
auto get_native (const kernel_bundle< State > &Obj) -> backend_return_t< BackendName, kernel_bundle< State >>
template<backend BackendName, typename DataT , int Dimensions, typename AllocatorT >
auto get_native (const buffer< DataT, Dimensions, AllocatorT > &Obj) -> backend_return_t< BackendName, buffer< DataT, Dimensions, AllocatorT >>
template<backend BackendName, typename DataT , int Dimensions, access::mode AccessMode, access::target AccessTarget, access::placeholder IsPlaceholder>
auto get_native (const accessor< DataT, Dimensions, AccessMode, AccessTarget, IsPlaceholder > &Obj) -> typename detail::interop< BackendName, accessor< DataT, Dimensions, AccessMode, AccessTarget, IsPlaceholder >>::type=delete
template<backend Backend>
std::enable_if_t< detail::InteropFeatureSupportMap< Backend >::MakePlatform==true, platformmake_platform (const typename backend_traits< Backend >::template input_type< platform > &BackendObject)
template<backend Backend>
std::enable_if_t< detail::InteropFeatureSupportMap< Backend >::MakeDevice==true, devicemake_device (const typename backend_traits< Backend >::template input_type< device > &BackendObject)
template<backend Backend>
std::enable_if_t< detail::InteropFeatureSupportMap< Backend >::MakeContext==true, contextmake_context (const typename backend_traits< Backend >::template input_type< context > &BackendObject, const async_handler &Handler={})
template<backend Backend>
std::enable_if_t< detail::InteropFeatureSupportMap< Backend >::MakeQueue==true, queuemake_queue (const typename backend_traits< Backend >::template input_type< queue > &BackendObject, const context &TargetContext, const async_handler Handler={})
template<backend Backend>
std::enable_if_t< detail::InteropFeatureSupportMap< Backend >::MakeEvent==true, eventmake_event (const typename backend_traits< Backend >::template input_type< event > &BackendObject, const context &TargetContext)
template<backend Backend>
std::enable_if_t< detail::InteropFeatureSupportMap< Backend >::MakeEvent==true, eventmake_event (const typename backend_traits< Backend >::template input_type< event > &BackendObject, const context &TargetContext, bool KeepOwnership)
template<backend Backend, typename T , int Dimensions = 1, typename AllocatorT = buffer_allocator<std::remove_const_t<T>>>
std::enable_if_t< detail::InteropFeatureSupportMap< Backend >::MakeBuffer==true &&Backend !=backend::ext_oneapi_level_zero, buffer< T, Dimensions, AllocatorT > > make_buffer (const typename backend_traits< Backend >::template input_type< buffer< T, Dimensions, AllocatorT >> &BackendObject, const context &TargetContext, event AvailableEvent={})
template<backend Backend, int Dimensions = 1, typename AllocatorT = image_allocator>
std::enable_if_t< detail::InteropFeatureSupportMap< Backend >::MakeImage==true &&Backend !=backend::ext_oneapi_level_zero, image< Dimensions, AllocatorT > > make_image (const typename backend_traits< Backend >::template input_type< image< Dimensions, AllocatorT >> &BackendObject, const context &TargetContext, event AvailableEvent={})
template<backend Backend>
kernel make_kernel (const typename backend_traits< Backend >::template input_type< kernel > &BackendObject, const context &TargetContext)
template<backend Backend, bundle_state State>
std::enable_if_t< detail::InteropFeatureSupportMap< Backend >::MakeKernelBundle==true, kernel_bundle< State > > make_kernel_bundle (const typename backend_traits< Backend >::template input_type< kernel_bundle< State >> &BackendObject, const context &TargetContext)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &Out, backend be)
template<typename To , typename From >
std::enable_if_t< sizeof(To)==sizeof(From) &&std::is_trivially_copyable< From >::value &&std::is_trivially_copyable< To >::value, To > bit_cast (const From &from) noexcept
template<int SZ>
ESIMD_NODEBUG ESIMD_INLINE sycl::ext::intel::esimd::simd< float, SZ > cos (sycl::ext::intel::esimd::simd< float, SZ > x) __NOEXC
template<int SZ>
ESIMD_NODEBUG ESIMD_INLINE sycl::ext::intel::esimd::simd< float, SZ > sin (sycl::ext::intel::esimd::simd< float, SZ > x) __NOEXC
template<int SZ>
ESIMD_NODEBUG ESIMD_INLINE sycl::ext::intel::esimd::simd< float, SZ > exp (sycl::ext::intel::esimd::simd< float, SZ > x) __NOEXC
template<int SZ>
ESIMD_NODEBUG ESIMD_INLINE sycl::ext::intel::esimd::simd< float, SZ > log (sycl::ext::intel::esimd::simd< float, SZ > x) __NOEXC
template<backend Backend, class SyclT >
auto get_native (const SyclT &Obj) -> backend_return_t< Backend, SyclT >
float ceil (float)
double ceil (double)
float floor (float)
double floor (double)
float rint (float)
double rint (double)
float trunc (float)
double trunc (double)
class __SYCL2020_DEPRECATED ("Use SYCL 2020 callable device selectors instead.") device_selector
 The SYCL 1.2.1 device_selector class provides ability to choose the best SYCL device based on heuristics specified by the user. More...
int default_selector_v (const device &dev)
int gpu_selector_v (const device &dev)
int cpu_selector_v (const device &dev)
int accelerator_selector_v (const device &dev)
detail::DSelectorInvocableType aspect_selector (const std::vector< aspect > &RequireList, const std::vector< aspect > &DenyList={})
template<typename... AspectListT>
detail::DSelectorInvocableType aspect_selector (AspectListT... AspectList)
template<aspect... AspectList>
detail::DSelectorInvocableType aspect_selector ()
std::error_code make_error_code (sycl::errc E) noexcept
 Constructs an error code using e and sycl_category() More...
const std::error_category & sycl_category () noexcept
backend_return_t< backend::ext_oneapi_hip, deviceget_native< backend::ext_oneapi_hip, device > (const device &Obj)
device make_device< backend::ext_oneapi_hip > (const backend_input_t< backend::ext_oneapi_hip, device > &BackendObject)
context make_context< backend::ext_oneapi_level_zero > (const backend_input_t< backend::ext_oneapi_level_zero, context > &BackendObject, const async_handler &Handler)
device make_device< backend::ext_oneapi_level_zero > (const backend_input_t< backend::ext_oneapi_level_zero, device > &BackendObject)
queue make_queue< backend::ext_oneapi_level_zero > (const backend_input_t< backend::ext_oneapi_level_zero, queue > &BackendObject, const context &TargetContext, const async_handler Handler)
auto get_native< backend::ext_oneapi_level_zero, queue > (const queue &Obj) -> backend_return_t< backend::ext_oneapi_level_zero, queue >
event make_event< backend::ext_oneapi_level_zero > (const backend_input_t< backend::ext_oneapi_level_zero, event > &BackendObject, const context &TargetContext)
kernel_bundle< bundle_state::executable > make_kernel_bundle< backend::ext_oneapi_level_zero, bundle_state::executable > (const backend_input_t< backend::ext_oneapi_level_zero, kernel_bundle< bundle_state::executable >> &BackendObject, const context &TargetContext)
kernel make_kernel< backend::ext_oneapi_level_zero > (const backend_input_t< backend::ext_oneapi_level_zero, kernel > &BackendObject, const context &TargetContext)
template<backend Backend, typename T , int Dimensions = 1, typename AllocatorT = buffer_allocator<std::remove_const_t<T>>>
std::enable_if_t< Backend==backend::ext_oneapi_level_zero, buffer< T, Dimensions, AllocatorT > > make_buffer (const backend_input_t< backend::ext_oneapi_level_zero, buffer< T, Dimensions, AllocatorT >> &BackendObject, const context &TargetContext, event AvailableEvent)
template<backend Backend, typename T , int Dimensions = 1, typename AllocatorT = buffer_allocator<std::remove_const_t<T>>>
std::enable_if_t< Backend==backend::ext_oneapi_level_zero, buffer< T, Dimensions, AllocatorT > > make_buffer (const backend_input_t< backend::ext_oneapi_level_zero, buffer< T, Dimensions, AllocatorT >> &BackendObject, const context &TargetContext)
template<backend Backend, int Dimensions = 1, typename AllocatorT = image_allocator>
std::enable_if_t< Backend==backend::ext_oneapi_level_zero, image< Dimensions, AllocatorT > > make_image (const backend_input_t< Backend, image< Dimensions, AllocatorT >> &BackendObject, const context &TargetContext, event AvailableEvent)
namespace __SYCL2020_DEPRECATED ("use 'ext::oneapi::level_zero' instead") level_zero
auto get_native< backend::ext_oneapi_cuda, context > (const context &C) -> backend_return_t< backend::ext_oneapi_cuda, context >
backend_return_t< backend::ext_oneapi_cuda, contextinterop_handle::get_native_context< backend::ext_oneapi_cuda > () const
device make_device< backend::ext_oneapi_cuda > (const backend_input_t< backend::ext_oneapi_cuda, device > &BackendObject)
event make_event< backend::ext_oneapi_cuda > (const backend_input_t< backend::ext_oneapi_cuda, event > &BackendObject, const context &TargetContext)
queue make_queue< backend::ext_oneapi_cuda > (const backend_input_t< backend::ext_oneapi_cuda, queue > &BackendObject, const context &TargetContext, const async_handler Handler)
template<int dimensions>
void group_barrier (ext::oneapi::experimental::root_group< dimensions > G, memory_scope FenceScope=decltype(G)::fence_scope)
template<typename T , int Dimensions = 1>
class __SYCL_TYPE (private_memory) private_memory
template<int Dimensions = 1>
class __SYCL_TYPE (group) group
 Encapsulates all functionality required to represent a particular work-group within a parallel execution. More...
template<typename Group , typename T , class BinaryOperation >
std::enable_if_t<(is_group_v< std::decay_t< Group >> &&(detail::is_scalar_arithmetic< T >::value||(detail::is_complex< T >::value &&detail::is_multiplies< T, BinaryOperation >::value)) &&detail::is_native_op< T, BinaryOperation >::value), T > reduce_over_group (Group g, T x, BinaryOperation binary_op)
template<typename Group , typename T , class BinaryOperation >
std::enable_if_t<(is_group_v< std::decay_t< Group >> &&detail::is_complex< T >::value &&detail::is_native_op< T, sycl::plus< T >>::value &&detail::is_plus< T, BinaryOperation >::value), T > reduce_over_group (Group g, T x, BinaryOperation)
template<typename Group , typename T , class BinaryOperation >
std::enable_if_t<(is_group_v< std::decay_t< Group >> &&detail::is_vector_arithmetic_or_complex< T >::value &&detail::is_native_op< T, BinaryOperation >::value), T > reduce_over_group (Group g, T x, BinaryOperation binary_op)
template<typename Group , typename V , typename T , class BinaryOperation >
std::enable_if_t<(is_group_v< std::decay_t< Group >> &&(detail::is_scalar_arithmetic< V >::value||detail::is_complex< V >::value) &&(detail::is_scalar_arithmetic< T >::value||detail::is_complex< T >::value) &&detail::is_native_op< T, BinaryOperation >::value &&detail::is_plus_or_multiplies_if_complex< T, BinaryOperation >::value &&std::is_convertible_v< V, T >), T > reduce_over_group (Group g, V x, T init, BinaryOperation binary_op)
template<typename Group , typename V , typename T , class BinaryOperation >
std::enable_if_t<(is_group_v< std::decay_t< Group >> &&detail::is_vector_arithmetic_or_complex< V >::value &&detail::is_vector_arithmetic_or_complex< T >::value &&detail::is_native_op< V, BinaryOperation >::value &&detail::is_native_op< T, BinaryOperation >::value), T > reduce_over_group (Group g, V x, T init, BinaryOperation binary_op)
template<typename Group , typename Ptr , typename T , class BinaryOperation >
std::enable_if_t<(is_group_v< std::decay_t< Group >> &&detail::is_pointer_v< Ptr > &&detail::is_arithmetic_or_complex< typename detail::remove_pointer< Ptr >::type >::value &&detail::is_arithmetic_or_complex< T >::value &&detail::is_plus_or_multiplies_if_complex< T, BinaryOperation >::value &&detail::is_native_op< T, BinaryOperation >::value), T > joint_reduce (Group g, Ptr first, Ptr last, T init, BinaryOperation binary_op)
template<typename Group , typename Ptr , class BinaryOperation >
std::enable_if_t<(is_group_v< std::decay_t< Group >> &&detail::is_pointer_v< Ptr > &&detail::is_arithmetic_or_complex< typename detail::remove_pointer< Ptr >::type >::value &&detail::is_plus_or_multiplies_if_complex< typename detail::remove_pointer< Ptr >::type, BinaryOperation >::value), typename detail::remove_pointer< Ptr >::type > joint_reduce (Group g, Ptr first, Ptr last, BinaryOperation binary_op)
template<typename Group >
std::enable_if_t< is_group_v< std::decay_t< Group > >, bool > any_of_group (Group g, bool pred)
template<typename Group , typename T , class Predicate >
std::enable_if_t< is_group_v< Group >, bool > any_of_group (Group g, T x, Predicate pred)
template<typename Group , typename Ptr , class Predicate >
std::enable_if_t<(is_group_v< std::decay_t< Group >> &&detail::is_pointer_v< Ptr >), bool > joint_any_of (Group g, Ptr first, Ptr last, Predicate pred)
template<typename Group >
std::enable_if_t< is_group_v< std::decay_t< Group > >, bool > all_of_group (Group g, bool pred)
template<typename Group , typename T , class Predicate >
std::enable_if_t< is_group_v< std::decay_t< Group > >, bool > all_of_group (Group g, T x, Predicate pred)
template<typename Group , typename Ptr , class Predicate >
std::enable_if_t<(is_group_v< std::decay_t< Group >> &&detail::is_pointer_v< Ptr >), bool > joint_all_of (Group g, Ptr first, Ptr last, Predicate pred)
template<typename Group >
std::enable_if_t< is_group_v< std::decay_t< Group > >, bool > none_of_group (Group g, bool pred)
template<typename Group , typename T , class Predicate >
std::enable_if_t< is_group_v< std::decay_t< Group > >, bool > none_of_group (Group g, T x, Predicate pred)
template<typename Group , typename Ptr , class Predicate >
std::enable_if_t<(is_group_v< std::decay_t< Group >> &&detail::is_pointer_v< Ptr >), bool > joint_none_of (Group g, Ptr first, Ptr last, Predicate pred)
template<typename Group , typename T >
std::enable_if_t<((std::is_same_v< std::decay_t< Group >, sub_group >||sycl::ext::oneapi::experimental::is_user_constructed_group_v< std::decay_t< Group >>) &&(std::is_trivially_copyable_v< T >||detail::is_vec< T >::value)), T > shift_group_left (Group g, T x, typename Group::linear_id_type delta=1)
template<typename Group , typename T >
std::enable_if_t<((std::is_same_v< std::decay_t< Group >, sub_group >||sycl::ext::oneapi::experimental::is_user_constructed_group_v< std::decay_t< Group >>) &&(std::is_trivially_copyable_v< T >||detail::is_vec< T >::value)), T > shift_group_right (Group g, T x, typename Group::linear_id_type delta=1)
template<typename Group , typename T >
std::enable_if_t<((std::is_same_v< std::decay_t< Group >, sub_group >||sycl::ext::oneapi::experimental::is_user_constructed_group_v< std::decay_t< Group >>) &&(std::is_trivially_copyable_v< T >||detail::is_vec< T >::value)), T > permute_group_by_xor (Group g, T x, typename Group::linear_id_type mask)
template<typename Group , typename T >
std::enable_if_t<((std::is_same_v< std::decay_t< Group >, sub_group >||sycl::ext::oneapi::experimental::is_user_constructed_group_v< std::decay_t< Group >>) &&(std::is_trivially_copyable_v< T >||detail::is_vec< T >::value)), T > select_from_group (Group g, T x, typename Group::id_type local_id)
template<typename Group , typename T >
std::enable_if_t<(is_group_v< std::decay_t< Group >> &&(std::is_trivially_copyable_v< T >||detail::is_vec< T >::value)), T > group_broadcast (Group g, T x, typename Group::id_type local_id)
template<typename Group , typename T >
std::enable_if_t<(is_group_v< std::decay_t< Group >> &&(std::is_trivially_copyable_v< T >||detail::is_vec< T >::value)), T > group_broadcast (Group g, T x, typename Group::linear_id_type linear_local_id)
template<typename Group , typename T >
std::enable_if_t<(is_group_v< std::decay_t< Group >> &&(std::is_trivially_copyable_v< T >||detail::is_vec< T >::value)), T > group_broadcast (Group g, T x)
template<typename Group , typename T , class BinaryOperation >
std::enable_if_t<(is_group_v< std::decay_t< Group >> &&(detail::is_scalar_arithmetic< T >::value||(detail::is_complex< T >::value &&detail::is_multiplies< T, BinaryOperation >::value)) &&detail::is_native_op< T, BinaryOperation >::value), T > exclusive_scan_over_group (Group g, T x, BinaryOperation binary_op)
template<typename Group , typename T , class BinaryOperation >
std::enable_if_t<(is_group_v< std::decay_t< Group >> &&detail::is_complex< T >::value &&detail::is_native_op< T, sycl::plus< T >>::value &&detail::is_plus< T, BinaryOperation >::value), T > exclusive_scan_over_group (Group g, T x, BinaryOperation)
template<typename Group , typename T , class BinaryOperation >
std::enable_if_t<(is_group_v< std::decay_t< Group >> &&detail::is_vector_arithmetic_or_complex< T >::value &&detail::is_native_op< T, BinaryOperation >::value), T > exclusive_scan_over_group (Group g, T x, BinaryOperation binary_op)
template<typename Group , typename V , typename T , class BinaryOperation >
std::enable_if_t<(is_group_v< std::decay_t< Group >> &&(detail::is_scalar_arithmetic< V >::value||detail::is_complex< V >::value) &&(detail::is_scalar_arithmetic< T >::value||detail::is_complex< T >::value) &&detail::is_native_op< T, BinaryOperation >::value &&detail::is_plus_or_multiplies_if_complex< T, BinaryOperation >::value &&std::is_convertible_v< V, T >), T > exclusive_scan_over_group (Group g, V x, T init, BinaryOperation binary_op)
template<typename Group , typename V , typename T , class BinaryOperation >
std::enable_if_t<(is_group_v< std::decay_t< Group >> &&detail::is_vector_arithmetic_or_complex< V >::value &&detail::is_vector_arithmetic_or_complex< T >::value &&detail::is_native_op< V, BinaryOperation >::value &&detail::is_native_op< T, BinaryOperation >::value), T > exclusive_scan_over_group (Group g, V x, T init, BinaryOperation binary_op)
template<typename Group , typename InPtr , typename OutPtr , typename T , class BinaryOperation >
std::enable_if_t<(is_group_v< std::decay_t< Group >> &&detail::is_pointer_v< InPtr > &&detail::is_pointer_v< OutPtr > &&detail::is_arithmetic_or_complex< typename detail::remove_pointer< InPtr >::type >::value &&detail::is_arithmetic_or_complex< typename detail::remove_pointer< OutPtr >::type >::value &&detail::is_arithmetic_or_complex< T >::value &&detail::is_native_op< T, BinaryOperation >::value &&detail::is_plus_or_multiplies_if_complex< T, BinaryOperation >::value), OutPtr > joint_exclusive_scan (Group g, InPtr first, InPtr last, OutPtr result, T init, BinaryOperation binary_op)
template<typename Group , typename InPtr , typename OutPtr , class BinaryOperation >
std::enable_if_t<(is_group_v< std::decay_t< Group >> &&detail::is_pointer_v< InPtr > &&detail::is_pointer_v< OutPtr > &&detail::is_arithmetic_or_complex< typename detail::remove_pointer< InPtr >::type >::value &&detail::is_arithmetic_or_complex< typename detail::remove_pointer< OutPtr >::type >::value &&detail::is_native_op< typename detail::remove_pointer< OutPtr >::type, BinaryOperation >::value &&detail::is_plus_or_multiplies_if_complex< typename detail::remove_pointer< OutPtr >::type, BinaryOperation >::value), OutPtr > joint_exclusive_scan (Group g, InPtr first, InPtr last, OutPtr result, BinaryOperation binary_op)
template<typename Group , typename T , class BinaryOperation >
std::enable_if_t<(is_group_v< std::decay_t< Group >> &&(detail::is_scalar_arithmetic< T >::value||(detail::is_complex< T >::value &&detail::is_multiplies< T, BinaryOperation >::value)) &&detail::is_native_op< T, BinaryOperation >::value), T > inclusive_scan_over_group (Group g, T x, BinaryOperation binary_op)
template<typename Group , typename T , class BinaryOperation >
std::enable_if_t<(is_group_v< std::decay_t< Group >> &&detail::is_vector_arithmetic_or_complex< T >::value &&detail::is_native_op< T, BinaryOperation >::value), T > inclusive_scan_over_group (Group g, T x, BinaryOperation binary_op)
template<typename Group , typename T , class BinaryOperation >
std::enable_if_t<(is_group_v< std::decay_t< Group >> &&detail::is_complex< T >::value &&detail::is_native_op< T, sycl::plus< T >>::value &&detail::is_plus< T, BinaryOperation >::value), T > inclusive_scan_over_group (Group g, T x, BinaryOperation)
template<typename Group , typename V , class BinaryOperation , typename T >
std::enable_if_t<(is_group_v< std::decay_t< Group >> &&(detail::is_scalar_arithmetic< V >::value||detail::is_complex< V >::value) &&(detail::is_scalar_arithmetic< T >::value||detail::is_complex< T >::value) &&detail::is_native_op< T, BinaryOperation >::value &&detail::is_plus_or_multiplies_if_complex< T, BinaryOperation >::value &&std::is_convertible_v< V, T >), T > inclusive_scan_over_group (Group g, V x, BinaryOperation binary_op, T init)
template<typename Group , typename V , class BinaryOperation , typename T >
std::enable_if_t<(is_group_v< std::decay_t< Group >> &&detail::is_vector_arithmetic_or_complex< V >::value &&detail::is_vector_arithmetic_or_complex< T >::value &&detail::is_native_op< V, BinaryOperation >::value &&detail::is_native_op< T, BinaryOperation >::value), T > inclusive_scan_over_group (Group g, V x, BinaryOperation binary_op, T init)
template<typename Group , typename InPtr , typename OutPtr , class BinaryOperation , typename T >
std::enable_if_t<(is_group_v< std::decay_t< Group >> &&detail::is_pointer_v< InPtr > &&detail::is_pointer_v< OutPtr > &&detail::is_arithmetic_or_complex< typename detail::remove_pointer< InPtr >::type >::value &&detail::is_arithmetic_or_complex< typename detail::remove_pointer< OutPtr >::type >::value &&detail::is_arithmetic_or_complex< T >::value &&detail::is_native_op< T, BinaryOperation >::value &&detail::is_plus_or_multiplies_if_complex< T, BinaryOperation >::value), OutPtr > joint_inclusive_scan (Group g, InPtr first, InPtr last, OutPtr result, BinaryOperation binary_op, T init)
template<typename Group , typename InPtr , typename OutPtr , class BinaryOperation >
std::enable_if_t<(is_group_v< std::decay_t< Group >> &&detail::is_pointer_v< InPtr > &&detail::is_pointer_v< OutPtr > &&detail::is_arithmetic_or_complex< typename detail::remove_pointer< InPtr >::type >::value &&detail::is_native_op< typename detail::remove_pointer< OutPtr >::type, BinaryOperation >::value &&detail::is_plus_or_multiplies_if_complex< typename detail::remove_pointer< OutPtr >::type, BinaryOperation >::value), OutPtr > joint_inclusive_scan (Group g, InPtr first, InPtr last, OutPtr result, BinaryOperation binary_op)
template<typename Group >
std::enable_if_t< is_group_v< Group > > group_barrier (Group G, memory_scope FenceScope=Group::fence_scope)
template<backend Backend, int D, typename A >
std::enable_if_t< Backend==backend::ext_oneapi_level_zero, image< D, A > > make_image (const backend_input_t< Backend, image< D, A >> &BackendObject, const context &TargetContext, event AvailableEvent={})
template<typename KernelName >
kernel_id get_kernel_id ()
template<bundle_state State>
 kernel_bundle (kernel_bundle< State > &&) -> kernel_bundle< State >
std::vector< kernel_idget_kernel_ids ()
template<bundle_state State>
kernel_bundle< State > get_kernel_bundle (const context &Ctx, const std::vector< device > &Devs)
 A kernel bundle in state State which contains all of the kernels in the application which are compatible with at least one of the devices in Devs. More...
template<bundle_state State>
kernel_bundle< State > get_kernel_bundle (const context &Ctx)
template<bundle_state State>
kernel_bundle< State > get_kernel_bundle (const context &Ctx, const std::vector< device > &Devs, const std::vector< kernel_id > &KernelIDs)
template<bundle_state State>
kernel_bundle< State > get_kernel_bundle (const context &Ctx, const std::vector< kernel_id > &KernelIDs)
template<typename KernelName , bundle_state State>
kernel_bundle< State > get_kernel_bundle (const context &Ctx)
template<typename KernelName , bundle_state State>
kernel_bundle< State > get_kernel_bundle (const context &Ctx, const std::vector< device > &Devs)
template<bundle_state State, typename SelectorT >
kernel_bundle< State > get_kernel_bundle (const context &Ctx, const std::vector< device > &Devs, SelectorT Selector)
 A kernel bundle in state State which contains all of the device images for which the selector returns true. More...
template<bundle_state State, typename SelectorT >
kernel_bundle< State > get_kernel_bundle (const context &Ctx, SelectorT Selector)
template<bundle_state State>
bool has_kernel_bundle (const context &Ctx, const std::vector< device > &Devs)
template<bundle_state State>
bool has_kernel_bundle (const context &Ctx, const std::vector< device > &Devs, const std::vector< kernel_id > &KernelIDs)
template<bundle_state State>
bool has_kernel_bundle (const context &Ctx)
template<bundle_state State>
bool has_kernel_bundle (const context &Ctx, const std::vector< kernel_id > &KernelIDs)
template<typename KernelName , bundle_state State>
bool has_kernel_bundle (const context &Ctx)
template<typename KernelName , bundle_state State>
bool has_kernel_bundle (const context &Ctx, const std::vector< device > &Devs)
bool is_compatible (const std::vector< kernel_id > &KernelIDs, const device &Dev)
template<typename KernelName >
bool is_compatible (const device &Dev)
template<sycl::bundle_state State>
sycl::kernel_bundle< State > join (const std::vector< sycl::kernel_bundle< State >> &Bundles)
kernel_bundle< bundle_state::object > compile (const kernel_bundle< bundle_state::input > &InputBundle, const std::vector< device > &Devs, const property_list &PropList={})
kernel_bundle< bundle_state::object > compile (const kernel_bundle< bundle_state::input > &InputBundle, const property_list &PropList={})
kernel_bundle< bundle_state::executable > link (const std::vector< kernel_bundle< bundle_state::object >> &ObjectBundles, const std::vector< device > &Devs, const property_list &PropList={})
kernel_bundle< bundle_state::executable > link (const kernel_bundle< bundle_state::object > &ObjectBundle, const property_list &PropList={})
kernel_bundle< bundle_state::executable > link (const std::vector< kernel_bundle< bundle_state::object >> &ObjectBundles, const property_list &PropList={})
kernel_bundle< bundle_state::executable > link (const kernel_bundle< bundle_state::object > &ObjectBundle, const std::vector< device > &Devs, const property_list &PropList={})
kernel_bundle< bundle_state::executable > build (const kernel_bundle< bundle_state::input > &InputBundle, const std::vector< device > &Devs, const property_list &PropList={})
kernel_bundle< bundle_state::executable > build (const kernel_bundle< bundle_state::input > &InputBundle, const property_list &PropList={})
class __SYCL_TYPE (kernel_handler) kernel_handler
 Reading the value of a specialization constant. More...
template<typename ElementType , access::address_space Space, access::decorated DecorateAddress = access::decorated::legacy>
class __SYCL_TYPE (multi_ptr) multi_ptr
 Provides constructors for address space qualified and non address space qualified pointers to allow interoperability between plain C++ and OpenCL C. More...
template<access::address_space Space, access::decorated DecorateAddress>
class __SYCL_TYPE (multi_ptr) multi_ptr< const void
 Specialization of multi_ptr for const void. More...
 multi_ptr ()
 multi_ptr (const multi_ptr &)=default
 multi_ptr (multi_ptr &&)=default
 multi_ptr (typename multi_ptr< const void, Space, access::decorated::yes >::pointer ptr)
 multi_ptr (std::nullptr_t)
template<typename ElementType , int Dimensions, access::mode Mode, access::placeholder isPlaceholder, typename PropertyListT , access::address_space RelaySpace = Space, typename = typename std::enable_if_t< RelaySpace == Space && (Space == access::address_space::global_space || Space == access::address_space::generic_space || Space == access::address_space::ext_intel_global_device_space)>>
 multi_ptr (accessor< ElementType, Dimensions, Mode, target::device, isPlaceholder, PropertyListT > Accessor)
template<typename ElementType , int Dimensions, access::mode Mode, access::placeholder isPlaceholder, typename PropertyListT , access::address_space RelaySpace = Space, typename = typename std::enable_if_t< RelaySpace == Space && Space == access::address_space::local_space>>
 __SYCL2020_DEPRECATED ("multi_ptr construction using target::local specialized " "accessor is deprecated since SYCL 2020") multi_ptr(accessor< ElementType
PropertyListT int access::address_space multi_ptroperator= (multi_ptr &&)=default
multi_ptroperator= (std::nullptr_t)
pointer get () const
 __SYCL2020_DEPRECATED ("Conversion to pointer type is deprecated since SYCL " "2020. Please use get() instead.") operator pointer() const
template<typename ElementType , typename = typename std::enable_if_t<std::is_const_v<ElementType>>>
 operator multi_ptr< ElementType, Space, DecorateAddress > () const
template<access::address_space GlobalSpace = access::address_space::global_space, access::address_space RelaySpace = Space, typename = typename std::enable_if_t< RelaySpace == Space && GlobalSpace == access::address_space::global_space && (Space == access::address_space::ext_intel_global_device_space || Space == access::address_space::ext_intel_global_host_space)>>
 operator multi_ptr< const void, GlobalSpace, DecorateAddress > () const
template<typename ElementType >
 operator multi_ptr< ElementType, Space, DecorateAddress > () const
template<access::address_space GlobalSpace = access::address_space::global_space, access::address_space RelaySpace = Space, typename = typename std::enable_if_t< RelaySpace == Space && GlobalSpace == access::address_space::global_space && (Space == access::address_space::ext_intel_global_device_space || Space == access::address_space::ext_intel_global_host_space)>>
 operator multi_ptr< void, GlobalSpace, DecorateAddress > () const
template<typename DataT , int Dimensions>
class __SYCL_EBO __SYCL_SPECIAL_CLASS __SYCL_TYPE (local_accessor) local_accessor
template<typename T , typename AllocatorT , typename BinaryOperation >
auto reduction (buffer< T, 1, AllocatorT > Var, handler &CGH, BinaryOperation Combiner, const property_list &PropList={})
 Constructs a reduction object using the given buffer Var, handler CGH, reduction operation Combiner, and optional reduction properties. More...
template<typename T , typename BinaryOperation >
auto reduction (T *Var, BinaryOperation Combiner, const property_list &PropList={})
 Constructs a reduction object using the reduction variable referenced by the given USM pointer Var, handler CGH, reduction operation Combiner, and optional reduction properties. More...
template<typename T , typename AllocatorT , typename BinaryOperation >
auto reduction (buffer< T, 1, AllocatorT > Var, handler &CGH, const T &Identity, BinaryOperation Combiner, const property_list &PropList={})
 Constructs a reduction object using the given buffer Var, handler CGH, reduction identity value Identity, reduction operation Combiner, and optional reduction properties. More...
template<typename T , typename BinaryOperation >
auto reduction (T *Var, const T &Identity, BinaryOperation Combiner, const property_list &PropList={})
 Constructs a reduction object using the reduction variable referenced by the given USM pointer Var, reduction identity value Identity, binary operation Combiner, and optional reduction properties. More...
template<typename T , size_t Extent, typename BinaryOperation , typename = std::enable_if_t<Extent != dynamic_extent>>
auto reduction (span< T, Extent > Span, BinaryOperation Combiner, const property_list &PropList={})
 Constructs a reduction object using the reduction variable referenced by the given sycl::span Span, reduction operation Combiner, and optional reduction properties. More...
template<typename T , size_t Extent, typename BinaryOperation , typename = std::enable_if_t<Extent != dynamic_extent>>
auto reduction (span< T, Extent > Span, const T &Identity, BinaryOperation Combiner, const property_list &PropList={})
 Constructs a reduction object using the reduction variable referenced by the given sycl::span Span, reduction identity value Identity, reduction operation Combiner, and optional reduction properties. More...
class __SYCL_SPECIAL_CLASS __SYCL_TYPE (sampler) sampler
 Encapsulates a configuration for sampling an image accessor. More...
template<typename T >
class __SYCL_TYPE (specialization_id) specialization_id
 Declaring a specialization constant. More...
__precision_manipulator__ setprecision (int Precision)
__width_manipulator__ setw (int Width)
template<typename T >
class __SYCL_SPECIAL_CLASS __SYCL_TYPE(stream) stream std::enable_if_t< std::is_same_v< T, std::byte >, const stream & > operator<< (const stream &, const T &)
 A buffered output stream that allows outputting the values of built-in, vector and SYCL types to the console. More...
const stream & operator<< (const stream &Out, const char C)
const stream & operator<< (const stream &Out, const char *Str)
const stream & operator<< (const stream &Out, const bool &RHS)
template<typename ValueType >
std::enable_if_t< std::is_integral_v< ValueType >, const stream & > operator<< (const stream &Out, const ValueType &RHS)
const stream & operator<< (const stream &Out, const float &RHS)
const stream & operator<< (const stream &Out, const double &RHS)
const stream & operator<< (const stream &Out, const half &RHS)
const stream & operator<< (const stream &Out, const ext::oneapi::bfloat16 &RHS)
template<typename ElementType , access::address_space Space, access::decorated IsDecorated>
const stream & operator<< (const stream &Out, const multi_ptr< ElementType, Space, IsDecorated > &RHS)
template<typename T >
const stream & operator<< (const stream &Out, const T *RHS)
const stream & operator<< (const stream &Out, const __precision_manipulator__ &RHS)
const stream & operator<< (const stream &Out, const __width_manipulator__ &RHS)
const stream & operator<< (const stream &Out, const stream_manipulator RHS)
template<typename T , int VectorLength>
const stream & operator<< (const stream &Out, const vec< T, VectorLength > &RHS)
template<int Dimensions>
const stream & operator<< (const stream &Out, const id< Dimensions > &RHS)
template<int Dimensions>
const stream & operator<< (const stream &Out, const range< Dimensions > &RHS)
template<int Dimensions>
const stream & operator<< (const stream &Out, const item< Dimensions > &RHS)
template<int Dimensions>
const stream & operator<< (const stream &Out, const nd_range< Dimensions > &RHS)
template<int Dimensions>
const stream & operator<< (const stream &Out, const nd_item< Dimensions > &RHS)
template<int Dimensions>
const stream & operator<< (const stream &Out, const group< Dimensions > &RHS)
template<int Dimensions>
const stream & operator<< (const stream &Out, const h_item< Dimensions > &RHS)
template<typename T , typename RT = detail::EnableIfSwizzleVec<T>>
const stream & operator<< (const stream &Out, const T &RHS)
template<class _Tp , size_t _Extent>
_SYCL_SPAN_INLINE_VISIBILITY auto as_bytes (span< _Tp, _Extent > __s) noexcept -> decltype(__s.__as_bytes())
template<class _Tp , size_t _Extent>
_SYCL_SPAN_INLINE_VISIBILITY auto as_writable_bytes (span< _Tp, _Extent > __s) noexcept -> std::enable_if_t<!std::is_const_v< _Tp >, decltype(__s.__as_writable_bytes())>
template<class _Tp , size_t _Sz>
 span (_Tp(&)[_Sz]) -> span< _Tp, _Sz >
template<class _Tp , size_t _Sz>
 span (std::array< _Tp, _Sz > &) -> span< _Tp, _Sz >
template<class _Tp , size_t _Sz>
 span (const std::array< _Tp, _Sz > &) -> span< const _Tp, _Sz >
template<class _Container >
 span (_Container &) -> span< typename _Container::value_type >
template<class _Container >
 span (const _Container &) -> span< const typename _Container::value_type >
usm::alloc get_pointer_type (const void *ptr, const context &ctxt)
 Query the allocation type from a USM pointer. More...
device get_pointer_device (const void *ptr, const context &ctxt)
 Queries the device against which the pointer was allocated Throws an exception with errc::invalid error code if ptr is a host allocation. More...
void * malloc_device (size_t size, const device &dev, const context &ctxt, const detail::code_location &CodeLoc=detail::code_location::current())
void * malloc_device (size_t size, const device &dev, const context &ctxt, const property_list &propList, const detail::code_location &CodeLoc=detail::code_location::current())
void * malloc_device (size_t size, const queue &q, const detail::code_location &CodeLoc=detail::code_location::current())
void * malloc_device (size_t size, const queue &q, const property_list &propList, const detail::code_location &CodeLoc=detail::code_location::current())
void * aligned_alloc_device (size_t alignment, size_t size, const device &dev, const context &ctxt, const detail::code_location &CodeLoc=detail::code_location::current())
void * aligned_alloc_device (size_t alignment, size_t size, const device &dev, const context &ctxt, const property_list &propList, const detail::code_location &CodeLoc=detail::code_location::current())
void * aligned_alloc_device (size_t alignment, size_t size, const queue &q, const detail::code_location &CodeLoc=detail::code_location::current())
void * aligned_alloc_device (size_t alignment, size_t size, const queue &q, const property_list &propList, const detail::code_location &CodeLoc=detail::code_location::current())
void free (void *ptr, const context &ctxt, const detail::code_location &CodeLoc=detail::code_location::current())
void free (void *ptr, const queue &q, const detail::code_location &CodeLoc=detail::code_location::current())
void * malloc_host (size_t size, const context &ctxt, const detail::code_location &CodeLoc=detail::code_location::current())
void * malloc_host (size_t size, const context &ctxt, const property_list &propList, const detail::code_location &CodeLoc=detail::code_location::current())
void * malloc_host (size_t size, const queue &q, const detail::code_location &CodeLoc=detail::code_location::current())
void * malloc_host (size_t size, const queue &q, const property_list &propList, const detail::code_location &CodeLoc=detail::code_location::current())
void * malloc_shared (size_t size, const device &dev, const context &ctxt, const detail::code_location &CodeLoc=detail::code_location::current())
void * malloc_shared (size_t size, const device &dev, const context &ctxt, const property_list &propList, const detail::code_location &CodeLoc=detail::code_location::current())
void * malloc_shared (size_t size, const queue &q, const detail::code_location &CodeLoc=detail::code_location::current())
void * malloc_shared (size_t size, const queue &q, const property_list &propList, const detail::code_location &CodeLoc=detail::code_location::current())
void * aligned_alloc_host (size_t alignment, size_t size, const context &ctxt, const detail::code_location &CodeLoc=detail::code_location::current())
void * aligned_alloc_host (size_t alignment, size_t size, const context &ctxt, const property_list &propList, const detail::code_location &CodeLoc=detail::code_location::current())
void * aligned_alloc_host (size_t alignment, size_t size, const queue &q, const detail::code_location &CodeLoc=detail::code_location::current())
void * aligned_alloc_host (size_t alignment, size_t size, const queue &q, const property_list &propList, const detail::code_location &CodeLoc=detail::code_location::current())
void * aligned_alloc_shared (size_t alignment, size_t size, const device &dev, const context &ctxt, const detail::code_location &CodeLoc=detail::code_location::current())
void * aligned_alloc_shared (size_t alignment, size_t size, const device &dev, const context &ctxt, const property_list &propList, const detail::code_location &CodeLoc=detail::code_location::current())
void * aligned_alloc_shared (size_t alignment, size_t size, const queue &q, const detail::code_location &CodeLoc=detail::code_location::current())
void * aligned_alloc_shared (size_t alignment, size_t size, const queue &q, const property_list &propList, const detail::code_location &CodeLoc=detail::code_location::current())
void * malloc (size_t size, const device &dev, const context &ctxt, usm::alloc kind, const detail::code_location &CodeLoc=detail::code_location::current())
void * malloc (size_t size, const device &dev, const context &ctxt, usm::alloc kind, const property_list &propList, const detail::code_location &CodeLoc=detail::code_location::current())
void * malloc (size_t size, const queue &q, usm::alloc kind, const detail::code_location &CodeLoc=detail::code_location::current())
void * malloc (size_t size, const queue &q, usm::alloc kind, const property_list &propList, const detail::code_location &CodeLoc=detail::code_location::current())
void * aligned_alloc (size_t alignment, size_t size, const device &dev, const context &ctxt, usm::alloc kind, const detail::code_location &CodeLoc=detail::code_location::current())
void * aligned_alloc (size_t alignment, size_t size, const device &dev, const context &ctxt, usm::alloc kind, const property_list &propList, const detail::code_location &CodeLoc=detail::code_location::current())
void * aligned_alloc (size_t alignment, size_t size, const queue &q, usm::alloc kind, const detail::code_location &CodeLoc=detail::code_location::current())
void * aligned_alloc (size_t alignment, size_t size, const queue &q, usm::alloc kind, const property_list &propList, const detail::code_location &CodeLoc=detail::code_location::current())
size_t is_not_power_of_two (size_t Alignment)
 BUILTIN_COMMON (ONE_ARG, degrees, [](auto x) -> decltype(x) { return(180/M_PI) *x;}) BUILTIN_COMMON(ONE_ARG
 BUILTIN_COMMON (ONE_ARG, sign, [](auto x) -> decltype(x) { using T=decltype(x);if(std::isnan(x)) return T(0.0);if(x > 0) return T(1.0);if(x< 0) return T(-1.0);return x;}) BUILTIN_COMMON(THREE_ARGS
 BUILTIN_COMMON (TWO_ARGS, step, [](auto x, auto y) -> decltype(x) { return y< x ? 0.0 :1.0;}) BUILTIN_COMMON(THREE_ARGS
 BUILTIN_COMMON (TWO_ARGS, max, [](auto x, auto y) -> decltype(x) { return(x< y ? y :x);}) BUILTIN_COMMON(TWO_ARGS
template<typename T >
static T cross_host_impl (T p0, T p1)
template<typename T0 , typename T1 >
static auto dot_host_impl (T0 x, T1 y)
template<typename T >
static auto length_host_impl (T x)
template<typename T >
static auto fast_length_host_impl (T x)
template<typename T0 , typename T1 >
static auto distance_host_impl (T0 x, T1 y)
template<typename T0 , typename T1 >
static auto fast_distance_host_impl (T0 x, T1 y)
template<typename T >
static auto normalize_host_impl (T x)
template<typename T >
static auto fast_normalize_host_impl (T x)
 BUILTIN_GENINT (ONE_ARG, abs, [](auto x) -> decltype(x) { if constexpr(std::is_signed_v< decltype(x)>) { return std::abs(x);} else { return x;} }) BUILTIN_GENINT_SU(TWO_ARGS
return std::max(x, y) - std BUILTIN_GENINT_SU (TWO_ARGS, add_sat, [](auto x, auto y) -> decltype(x) { using T=decltype(x);if constexpr(std::is_signed_v< T >) { if(x > 0 &&y > 0) return(x<(std::numeric_limits< T >::max() - y) ?(x+y) :std::numeric_limits< T >::max());if(x< 0 &&y< 0) return(x >(std::numeric_limits< T >::min() - y) ?(x+y) :std::numeric_limits< T >::min());return x+y;} else { return(x<(std::numeric_limits< T >::max() - y) ? x+y :std::numeric_limits< T >::max());} }) BUILTIN_GENINT_SU(TWO_ARGS
 return (x >> one)+(y >> one)+((y &x) &one)
 BUILTIN_GENINT_SU (TWO_ARGS, rhadd, [](auto x, auto y) -> decltype(x) { const decltype(x) one=1;return(x >> one)+(y >> one)+((y|x) &one);}) BUILTIN_GENINT_SU(THREE_ARGS
 BUILTIN_GENINT_SU (THREE_ARGS, mad_sat, [](auto a, auto b, auto c) -> decltype(a) { using T=decltype(a);if constexpr(std::is_signed_v< T >) { if constexpr(sizeof(T)==8) { bool neg_prod=(a< 0) ^(b< 0);T mulhi=__s_long_mul_hi(a, b);if(!neg_prod &&mulhi !=0) return std::numeric_limits< T >::max();if(neg_prod &&mulhi !=-1) return std::numeric_limits< T >::min();return sycl::add_sat(T(a *b), c);} else { using UPT=sycl::detail::make_larger_t< T >;UPT mul=UPT(a) *UPT(b);UPT res=mul+UPT(c);const UPT max=std::numeric_limits< T >::max();const UPT min=std::numeric_limits< T >::min();res=std::min(std::max(res, min), max);return T(res);} } else { if constexpr(sizeof(T)==8) { T mulhi=__u_long_mul_hi(a, b);if(mulhi !=0) return std::numeric_limits< T >::max();return sycl::add_sat(T(a *b), c);} else { using UPT=sycl::detail::make_larger_t< T >;UPT mul=UPT(a) *UPT(b);const UPT min=std::numeric_limits< T >::min();const UPT max=std::numeric_limits< T >::max();mul=std::min(std::max(mul, min), max);return sycl::add_sat(T(mul), c);} } }) BUILTIN_GENINT_SU(TWO_ARGS
constexpr if (sizeof(T)==8)
 return (mul >>(sizeof(T) *8))
 BUILTIN_GENINT_SU (TWO_ARGS, sub_sat, [](auto x, auto y) -> decltype(x) { using T=decltype(x);if constexpr(std::is_signed_v< T >) { using UT=std::make_unsigned_t< T >;T result=UT(x) - UT(y);if(((x< 0) ^(y< 0)) &&((x< 0) ^(result< 0))) result=result< 0 ? std::numeric_limits< T >::max() :std::numeric_limits< T >::min();return result;} else { return(y<(x - std::numeric_limits< T >::min())) ?(x - y) :std::numeric_limits< T >::min();} }) BUILTIN_GENINT_SU(TWO_ARGS
 BUILTIN_GENINT_SU (TWO_ARGS, min, [](auto x, auto y) -> decltype(x) { return y< x ? y :x;}) BUILTIN_GENINT_SU(THREE_ARGS
template<typename T >
static constexpr T __clz_impl (T x, T m, T n=0)
template<typename T >
static constexpr T __clz (T x)
template<typename T >
static constexpr T __ctz_impl (T x, T m, T n=0)
template<typename T >
static constexpr T __ctz (T x)
 BUILTIN_GENINT (TWO_ARGS, rotate, [](auto x, auto n) -> decltype(x) { using T=decltype(x);using UT=std::make_unsigned_t< T >;constexpr UT size=sizeof(x) *8;UT xu=UT(x);UT nu=UT(n) &(size - 1);return(xu<< nu)|(xu >>(size - nu));}) template< typename T > static inline const expr T __popcount_impl(T x
 BUILTIN_GENF_CUSTOM (ONE_ARG, acospi, [](auto x) -> decltype(x) { return std::acos(x)/M_PI;}) BUILTIN_GENF_CUSTOM(ONE_ARG
 BUILTIN_GENF_CUSTOM (ONE_ARG, atanpi, [](auto x) -> decltype(x) { return std::atan(x)/M_PI;}) BUILTIN_GENF_CUSTOM(TWO_ARGS
 BUILTIN_GENF_CUSTOM (ONE_ARG, cospi, [](auto x) -> decltype(x) { return std::sin(M_PI *(0.5 - x));}) BUILTIN_GENF_CUSTOM(ONE_ARG
 BUILTIN_GENF_CUSTOM (THREE_ARGS, mad, [](auto x, auto y, auto z) -> decltype(x) { return(x *y)+z;}) BUILTIN_GENF_CUSTOM(TWO_ARGS
 if (std::fabs(y) > std::fabs(x)) return y
 BUILTIN_GENF_CUSTOM (TWO_ARGS, minmag, [](auto x, auto y) -> decltype(x) { if(std::fabs(x)< std::fabs(y)) return x;if(std::fabs(y)< std::fabs(x)) return y;return std::fmin(x, y);}) BUILTIN_GENF_CUSTOM(TWO_ARGS
return(x >=T(0)) ? T(std BUILTIN_GENF_CUSTOM (ONE_ARG, rsqrt, [](auto x) -> decltype(x) { return decltype(x){1.0}/std::sqrt(x);}) BUILTIN_GENF_CUSTOM(ONE_ARG
 BUILTIN_GENF_CUSTOM (ONE_ARG, tanpi, [](auto x) -> decltype(x) { double y=x - std::floor(x);return 1.0/std::tan((0.5 - y) *M_PI);}) BUILTIN_GENF_CUSTOM(TWO_ARGS
template<typename T >
static auto process_arg_for_macos (T x)
 REL_BUILTIN_CUSTOM (TWO_ARGS, isequal,([](auto x, auto y) { return x==y;})) REL_BUILTIN_CUSTOM(TWO_ARGS
 REL_BUILTIN_CUSTOM (TWO_ARGS, isgreater,([](auto x, auto y) { return x > y;})) REL_BUILTIN_CUSTOM(TWO_ARGS
 REL_BUILTIN_CUSTOM (TWO_ARGS, isless,([](auto x, auto y) { return x< y;})) REL_BUILTIN_CUSTOM(TWO_ARGS
 REL_BUILTIN_CUSTOM (TWO_ARGS, islessgreater,([](auto x, auto y) { return x< y||x > y;})) REL_BUILTIN_CUSTOM(TWO_ARGS
namespace __SYCL2020_DEPRECATED ("use 'ext::oneapi' instead") ONEAPI
namespace __SYCL2020_DEPRECATED ("use 'ext::intel::experimental' instead") INTEL
void * malloc (size_t Size, const device &Dev, const context &Ctxt, alloc Kind, const property_list &PropList, const detail::code_location &CodeLoc)
void * malloc (size_t Size, const device &Dev, const context &Ctxt, alloc Kind, const detail::code_location &CodeLoc)
void * malloc (size_t Size, const queue &Q, alloc Kind, const detail::code_location &CodeLoc)
void * malloc (size_t Size, const queue &Q, alloc Kind, const property_list &PropList, const detail::code_location &CodeLoc)
void * aligned_alloc (size_t Alignment, size_t Size, const device &Dev, const context &Ctxt, alloc Kind, const detail::code_location &CodeLoc)
void * aligned_alloc (size_t Alignment, size_t Size, const device &Dev, const context &Ctxt, alloc Kind, const property_list &PropList, const detail::code_location &CodeLoc)
void * aligned_alloc (size_t Alignment, size_t Size, const queue &Q, alloc Kind, const detail::code_location &CodeLoc)
void * aligned_alloc (size_t Alignment, size_t Size, const queue &Q, alloc Kind, const property_list &PropList, const detail::code_location &CodeLoc)
static void prepare_for_usm_device_copy (const void *Ptr, size_t Size, const context &Ctxt)
static void release_from_usm_device_copy (const void *Ptr, const context &Ctxt)
template std::vector< devicedevice::create_sub_devices< info::partition_property::partition_equally > (size_t ComputeUnits) const
template std::vector< devicedevice::create_sub_devices< info::partition_property::partition_by_counts > (const std::vector< size_t > &Counts) const
template std::vector< devicedevice::create_sub_devices< info::partition_property::partition_by_affinity_domain > (info::partition_affinity_domain AffinityDomain) const
template std::vector< devicedevice::create_sub_devices< info::partition_property::ext_intel_partition_by_cslice > () const
device device::get_info_impl< info::device::parent_device > () const
std::vector< sycl::aspect > device::get_info_impl< info::device::aspects > () const
bool device::get_info_impl< info::device::image_support > () const
static void traceDeviceSelector (const std::string &DeviceType)
 default_selector_v Devices of different kinds are prioritized in the following order: More...
static void addArgsForGlobalAccessor (detail::Requirement *AccImpl, size_t Index, size_t &IndexShift, int Size, bool IsKernelCreatedFromSource, size_t GlobalSize, std::vector< detail::ArgDesc > &Args, bool isESIMD)
static bool checkContextSupports (const std::shared_ptr< detail::context_impl > &ContextImpl, ur_context_info_t InfoQuery)
template uint32_t kernel::get_info< info::kernel_device_specific::max_sub_group_size > (const device &, const sycl::range< 3 > &) const
template ext::oneapi::experimental::info::kernel_queue_specific::max_num_work_group_sync::return_type kernel::ext_oneapi_get_info< ext::oneapi::experimental::info::kernel_queue_specific::max_num_work_group_sync > (const queue &Queue) const
static event getBarrierEventForInorderQueueHelper (const detail::QueueImplPtr QueueImpl)
static size_t CheckMaxStatementSize (const size_t &MaxStatementSize)


constexpr mode_tag_t< access_mode::read > read_only {}
constexpr mode_tag_t< access_mode::read_write > read_write {}
constexpr mode_tag_t< access_mode::write > write_only {}
constexpr mode_target_tag_t< access_mode::read, target::constant_buffer > read_constant {}
constexpr mode_target_tag_t< access_mode::read, target::host_task > read_only_host_task
constexpr mode_target_tag_t< access_mode::read_write, target::host_task > read_write_host_task
constexpr mode_target_tag_t< access_mode::write, target::host_task > write_only_host_task
class __SYCL_EBO __SYCL_SPECIAL_CLASS Dimensions
class __SYCL_EBO __SYCL_SPECIAL_CLASS IsPlaceholder
template<typename T , int N>
class __SYCL_EBO vec
template<typename T >
constexpr bool is_device_copyable_v = is_device_copyable<T>::value
template<class T >
constexpr bool is_group_v = is_group<T>::value
template<aspect Aspect>
constexpr bool all_devices_have_v = all_devices_have<Aspect>::value
template<aspect Aspect>
constexpr bool any_device_has_v = any_device_has<Aspect>::value
template<typename BinaryOperation , typename AccumulatorT >
constexpr bool has_known_identity_v
template<typename BinaryOperation , typename AccumulatorT >
constexpr AccumulatorT known_identity_v
constexpr auto memory_scope_work_item = memory_scope::work_item
constexpr auto memory_scope_sub_group = memory_scope::sub_group
constexpr auto memory_scope_work_group = memory_scope::work_group
constexpr auto memory_scope_device = memory_scope::device
constexpr auto memory_scope_system = memory_scope::system
constexpr auto memory_order_relaxed = memory_order::relaxed
constexpr auto memory_order_acquire = memory_order::acquire
constexpr auto memory_order_release = memory_order::release
constexpr auto memory_order_acq_rel = memory_order::acq_rel
constexpr auto memory_order_seq_cst = memory_order::seq_cst
static constexpr bool is_decorated
static constexpr access::address_space address_space = Space
PropertyListT Accessor
PropertyListT int access::address_space RelaySpace = Space
constexpr property::no_init no_init
constexpr property::noinit noinit
template<typename propertyT >
constexpr bool is_property_v = is_property<propertyT>::value
template<typename propertyT , typename syclObjectT >
constexpr bool is_property_of_v
constexpr stream_manipulator dec = stream_manipulator::dec
constexpr stream_manipulator hex = stream_manipulator::hex
constexpr stream_manipulator oct = stream_manipulator::oct
constexpr stream_manipulator noshowbase = stream_manipulator::noshowbase
constexpr stream_manipulator showbase = stream_manipulator::showbase
constexpr stream_manipulator noshowpos = stream_manipulator::noshowpos
constexpr stream_manipulator showpos = stream_manipulator::showpos
constexpr stream_manipulator endl = stream_manipulator::endl
constexpr stream_manipulator flush = stream_manipulator::flush
constexpr stream_manipulator fixed = stream_manipulator::fixed
constexpr stream_manipulator scientific = stream_manipulator::scientific
constexpr stream_manipulator hexfloat = stream_manipulator::hexfloat
constexpr stream_manipulator defaultfloat = stream_manipulator::defaultfloat
constexpr size_t dynamic_extent = SIZE_MAX
autodecltype(x) x { return (M_PI / 180) * x
auto auto y { return (y < x ? y : x)
auto auto autodecltype(xz
auto t = sycl::clamp((z - x) / (y - x), T{0}, T{1})
return std::max(x, y) - std hadd
auto a
auto autodecltype(ab
UPT a_s = a
UPT b_s = b
UPT mul = a_s * b_s
return(x >=T(0)) ? T(std sinpi
constexpr size_t MaxNumAdditionalArgs = 13
static constexpr size_t MAX_STATEMENT_SIZE

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ rounding_mode

enum sycl::rounding_mode

Definition at line 156 of file vector_convert.hpp.

Variable Documentation

◆ all_devices_have_v

template<aspect Aspect>
constexpr bool sycl::all_devices_have_v = all_devices_have<Aspect>::value

Definition at line 72 of file device_aspect_traits.hpp.

◆ any_device_has_v

template<aspect Aspect>
constexpr bool sycl::any_device_has_v = any_device_has<Aspect>::value

Definition at line 74 of file device_aspect_traits.hpp.