DPC++ Runtime
Runtime libraries for oneAPI DPC++
sycl::_V1::unsampled_image< Dimensions, AllocatorT > Class Template Reference

#include <sycl/image.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for sycl::_V1::unsampled_image< Dimensions, AllocatorT >:
Collaboration diagram for sycl::_V1::unsampled_image< Dimensions, AllocatorT >:

Public Member Functions

 unsampled_image (image_format Format, const range< Dimensions > &Range, const property_list &PropList={}, const detail::code_location CodeLoc=detail::code_location::current())
 unsampled_image (image_format Format, const range< Dimensions > &Range, AllocatorT Allocator, const property_list &PropList={}, const detail::code_location CodeLoc=detail::code_location::current())
template<bool IsMultiDim = (Dimensions > 1), typename = std::enable_if_t<IsMultiDim>>
 unsampled_image (image_format Format, const range< Dimensions > &Range, const range< Dimensions - 1 > &Pitch, const property_list &PropList={}, const detail::code_location CodeLoc=detail::code_location::current())
template<bool IsMultiDim = (Dimensions > 1), typename = std::enable_if_t<IsMultiDim>>
 unsampled_image (image_format Format, const range< Dimensions > &Range, const range< Dimensions - 1 > &Pitch, AllocatorT Allocator, const property_list &PropList={}, const detail::code_location CodeLoc=detail::code_location::current())
 unsampled_image (void *HostPointer, image_format Format, const range< Dimensions > &Range, const property_list &PropList={}, const detail::code_location CodeLoc=detail::code_location::current())
 unsampled_image (void *HostPointer, image_format Format, const range< Dimensions > &Range, AllocatorT Allocator, const property_list &PropList={}, const detail::code_location CodeLoc=detail::code_location::current())
template<bool IsMultiDim = (Dimensions > 1), typename = std::enable_if_t<IsMultiDim>>
 unsampled_image (void *HostPointer, image_format Format, const range< Dimensions > &Range, const range< Dimensions - 1 > &Pitch, const property_list &PropList={}, const detail::code_location CodeLoc=detail::code_location::current())
template<bool IsMultiDim = (Dimensions > 1), typename = std::enable_if_t<IsMultiDim>>
 unsampled_image (void *HostPointer, image_format Format, const range< Dimensions > &Range, const range< Dimensions - 1 > &Pitch, AllocatorT Allocator, const property_list &PropList={}, const detail::code_location CodeLoc=detail::code_location::current())
 unsampled_image (std::shared_ptr< void > &HostPointer, image_format Format, const range< Dimensions > &Range, const property_list &PropList={}, const detail::code_location CodeLoc=detail::code_location::current())
 unsampled_image (std::shared_ptr< void > &HostPointer, image_format Format, const range< Dimensions > &Range, AllocatorT Allocator, const property_list &PropList={}, const detail::code_location CodeLoc=detail::code_location::current())
template<bool IsMultiDim = (Dimensions > 1), typename = std::enable_if_t<IsMultiDim>>
 unsampled_image (std::shared_ptr< void > &HostPointer, image_format Format, const range< Dimensions > &Range, const range< Dimensions - 1 > &Pitch, const property_list &PropList={}, const detail::code_location CodeLoc=detail::code_location::current())
template<bool IsMultiDim = (Dimensions > 1), typename = std::enable_if_t<IsMultiDim>>
 unsampled_image (std::shared_ptr< void > &HostPointer, image_format Format, const range< Dimensions > &Range, const range< Dimensions - 1 > &Pitch, AllocatorT Allocator, const property_list &PropList={}, const detail::code_location CodeLoc=detail::code_location::current())
 unsampled_image (const unsampled_image &rhs)=default
 unsampled_image (unsampled_image &&rhs)=default
unsampled_imageoperator= (const unsampled_image &rhs)=default
unsampled_imageoperator= (unsampled_image &&rhs)=default
 ~unsampled_image ()
bool operator== (const unsampled_image &rhs) const
bool operator!= (const unsampled_image &rhs) const
size_t byte_size () const noexcept
template<typename DataT , access_mode AccessMode = (std::is_const_v<DataT> ? access_mode::read : access_mode::read_write), image_target AccessTarget = image_target::device>
unsampled_image_accessor< DataT, Dimensions, AccessMode, AccessTarget > get_access (handler &CommandGroupHandlerRef, const property_list &PropList={}, const detail::code_location CodeLoc=detail::code_location::current())
template<typename DataT , access_mode AccessMode = (std::is_const_v<DataT> ? access_mode::read : access_mode::read_write)>
host_unsampled_image_accessor< DataT, Dimensions, AccessModeget_host_access (const property_list &PropList={}, const detail::code_location CodeLoc=detail::code_location::current())
- Public Member Functions inherited from sycl::_V1::detail::unsampled_image_common< 1, sycl::image_allocator >
void set_final_data (Destination finalData=nullptr)
void set_write_back (bool flag=true)
- Public Member Functions inherited from sycl::_V1::detail::image_common< Dimensions, AllocatorT >
template<typename propertyT >
bool has_property () const noexcept
template<typename propertyT >
propertyT get_property () const
range< Dimensionsget_range () const
template<bool IsMultiDim = (Dimensions > 1)>
std::enable_if_t< IsMultiDim, range< Dimensions - 1 > > get_pitch () const
size_t size () const noexcept
AllocatorT get_allocator () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from sycl::_V1::detail::OwnerLessBase< unsampled_image< 1, sycl::image_allocator > >
bool ext_oneapi_owner_before (const ext::oneapi::detail::weak_object_base< unsampled_image< 1, sycl::image_allocator > > &Other) const noexcept
 Compares the object against a weak object using an owner-based implementation-defined ordering. More...
bool ext_oneapi_owner_before (const unsampled_image< 1, sycl::image_allocator > &Other) const noexcept
 Compares the object against another object using an owner-based implementation-defined ordering. More...


template<typename DataT , int Dims, access_mode AccessMode>
class host_unsampled_image_accessor
template<typename DataT , int Dims, access_mode AccessMode, image_target AccessTarget>
class unsampled_image_accessor
template<class T >
detail::createSyclObjFromImpl (decltype(T::impl) ImplObj)

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from sycl::_V1::detail::image_common< Dimensions, AllocatorT >
 image_plain (const std::shared_ptr< detail::image_impl > &Impl)
 image_plain (image_channel_order Order, image_channel_type Type, const range< 3 > &Range, std::unique_ptr< SYCLMemObjAllocator > Allocator, uint8_t Dimensions, const property_list &PropList)
 image_plain (image_channel_order Order, image_channel_type Type, const range< 3 > &Range, const range< 2 > &Pitch, std::unique_ptr< SYCLMemObjAllocator > Allocator, uint8_t Dimensions, const property_list &PropList)
 image_plain (void *HostPointer, image_channel_order Order, image_channel_type Type, const range< 3 > &Range, std::unique_ptr< SYCLMemObjAllocator > Allocator, uint8_t Dimensions, const property_list &PropList)
 image_plain (const void *HostPointer, image_channel_order Order, image_channel_type Type, const range< 3 > &Range, std::unique_ptr< SYCLMemObjAllocator > Allocator, uint8_t Dimensions, const property_list &PropList)
 image_plain (void *HostPointer, image_channel_order Order, image_channel_type Type, const range< 3 > &Range, const range< 2 > &Pitch, std::unique_ptr< SYCLMemObjAllocator > Allocator, uint8_t Dimensions, const property_list &PropList)
 image_plain (const std::shared_ptr< const void > &HostPointer, image_channel_order Order, image_channel_type Type, const range< 3 > &Range, std::unique_ptr< SYCLMemObjAllocator > Allocator, uint8_t Dimensions, const property_list &PropList, bool IsConstPtr)
 image_plain (const std::shared_ptr< const void > &HostPointer, image_channel_order Order, image_channel_type Type, const range< 3 > &Range, const range< 2 > &Pitch, std::unique_ptr< SYCLMemObjAllocator > Allocator, uint8_t Dimensions, const property_list &PropList, bool IsConstPtr)
 image_plain (const void *HostPointer, image_channel_order Order, image_channel_type Type, image_sampler Sampler, const range< 3 > &Range, std::unique_ptr< SYCLMemObjAllocator > Allocator, uint8_t Dimensions, const property_list &PropList)
 image_plain (const void *HostPointer, image_channel_order Order, image_channel_type Type, image_sampler Sampler, const range< 3 > &Range, const range< 2 > &Pitch, std::unique_ptr< SYCLMemObjAllocator > Allocator, uint8_t Dimensions, const property_list &PropList)
 image_plain (const std::shared_ptr< const void > &HostPointer, image_channel_order Order, image_channel_type Type, image_sampler Sampler, const range< 3 > &Range, std::unique_ptr< SYCLMemObjAllocator > Allocator, uint8_t Dimensions, const property_list &PropList)
 image_plain (const std::shared_ptr< const void > &HostPointer, image_channel_order Order, image_channel_type Type, image_sampler Sampler, const range< 3 > &Range, const range< 2 > &Pitch, std::unique_ptr< SYCLMemObjAllocator > Allocator, uint8_t Dimensions, const property_list &PropList)
 image_plain (ur_native_handle_t MemObject, const context &SyclContext, event AvailableEvent, std::unique_ptr< SYCLMemObjAllocator > Allocator, uint8_t Dimensions, image_channel_order Order, image_channel_type Type, bool OwnNativeHandle, range< 3 > Range3WithOnes)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from sycl::_V1::detail::image_plain
 image_plain (const std::shared_ptr< detail::image_impl > &Impl)
 image_plain (image_channel_order Order, image_channel_type Type, const range< 3 > &Range, std::unique_ptr< SYCLMemObjAllocator > Allocator, uint8_t Dimensions, const property_list &PropList)
 image_plain (image_channel_order Order, image_channel_type Type, const range< 3 > &Range, const range< 2 > &Pitch, std::unique_ptr< SYCLMemObjAllocator > Allocator, uint8_t Dimensions, const property_list &PropList)
 image_plain (void *HostPointer, image_channel_order Order, image_channel_type Type, const range< 3 > &Range, std::unique_ptr< SYCLMemObjAllocator > Allocator, uint8_t Dimensions, const property_list &PropList)
 image_plain (const void *HostPointer, image_channel_order Order, image_channel_type Type, const range< 3 > &Range, std::unique_ptr< SYCLMemObjAllocator > Allocator, uint8_t Dimensions, const property_list &PropList)
 image_plain (void *HostPointer, image_channel_order Order, image_channel_type Type, const range< 3 > &Range, const range< 2 > &Pitch, std::unique_ptr< SYCLMemObjAllocator > Allocator, uint8_t Dimensions, const property_list &PropList)
 image_plain (const std::shared_ptr< const void > &HostPointer, image_channel_order Order, image_channel_type Type, const range< 3 > &Range, std::unique_ptr< SYCLMemObjAllocator > Allocator, uint8_t Dimensions, const property_list &PropList, bool IsConstPtr)
 image_plain (const std::shared_ptr< const void > &HostPointer, image_channel_order Order, image_channel_type Type, const range< 3 > &Range, const range< 2 > &Pitch, std::unique_ptr< SYCLMemObjAllocator > Allocator, uint8_t Dimensions, const property_list &PropList, bool IsConstPtr)
 image_plain (const void *HostPointer, image_channel_order Order, image_channel_type Type, image_sampler Sampler, const range< 3 > &Range, std::unique_ptr< SYCLMemObjAllocator > Allocator, uint8_t Dimensions, const property_list &PropList)
 image_plain (const void *HostPointer, image_channel_order Order, image_channel_type Type, image_sampler Sampler, const range< 3 > &Range, const range< 2 > &Pitch, std::unique_ptr< SYCLMemObjAllocator > Allocator, uint8_t Dimensions, const property_list &PropList)
 image_plain (const std::shared_ptr< const void > &HostPointer, image_channel_order Order, image_channel_type Type, image_sampler Sampler, const range< 3 > &Range, std::unique_ptr< SYCLMemObjAllocator > Allocator, uint8_t Dimensions, const property_list &PropList)
 image_plain (const std::shared_ptr< const void > &HostPointer, image_channel_order Order, image_channel_type Type, image_sampler Sampler, const range< 3 > &Range, const range< 2 > &Pitch, std::unique_ptr< SYCLMemObjAllocator > Allocator, uint8_t Dimensions, const property_list &PropList)
 image_plain (ur_native_handle_t MemObject, const context &SyclContext, event AvailableEvent, std::unique_ptr< SYCLMemObjAllocator > Allocator, uint8_t Dimensions, image_channel_order Order, image_channel_type Type, bool OwnNativeHandle, range< 3 > Range3WithOnes)
template<typename propertyT >
bool has_property () const noexcept
template<typename propertyT >
propertyT get_property () const
range< 3 > get_range () const
range< 2 > get_pitch () const
size_t get_size () const noexcept
size_t get_count () const noexcept
void set_final_data_internal ()
void set_final_data_internal (const std::function< void(const std::function< void(void *const Ptr)> &)> &FinalDataFunc)
void set_write_back (bool flag)
const std::unique_ptr< SYCLMemObjAllocator > & get_allocator_internal () const
size_t getElementSize () const
size_t getRowPitch () const
size_t getSlicePitch () const
image_sampler getSampler () const noexcept
image_channel_order getChannelOrder () const
image_channel_type getChannelType () const
void sampledImageConstructorNotification (const detail::code_location &CodeLoc, void *UserObj, const void *HostObj, uint32_t Dim, size_t Range[3], image_format Format, const image_sampler &Sampler)
void sampledImageDestructorNotification (void *UserObj)
void unsampledImageConstructorNotification (const detail::code_location &CodeLoc, void *UserObj, const void *HostObj, uint32_t Dim, size_t Range[3], image_format Format)
void unsampledImageDestructorNotification (void *UserObj)
const property_listgetPropList () const
- Protected Attributes inherited from sycl::_V1::detail::image_plain
std::shared_ptr< detail::image_implimpl

Detailed Description

template<int Dimensions = 1, typename AllocatorT = sycl::image_allocator>
class sycl::_V1::unsampled_image< Dimensions, AllocatorT >

Definition at line 733 of file image.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ unsampled_image() [1/14]

template<int Dimensions = 1, typename AllocatorT = sycl::image_allocator>
sycl::_V1::unsampled_image< Dimensions, AllocatorT >::unsampled_image ( image_format  Format,
const range< Dimensions > &  Range,
const property_list PropList = {},
const detail::code_location  CodeLoc = detail::code_location::current() 

Definition at line 744 of file image.hpp.

◆ unsampled_image() [2/14]

template<int Dimensions = 1, typename AllocatorT = sycl::image_allocator>
sycl::_V1::unsampled_image< Dimensions, AllocatorT >::unsampled_image ( image_format  Format,
const range< Dimensions > &  Range,
AllocatorT  Allocator,
const property_list PropList = {},
const detail::code_location  CodeLoc = detail::code_location::current() 

Definition at line 759 of file image.hpp.

◆ unsampled_image() [3/14]

template<int Dimensions = 1, typename AllocatorT = sycl::image_allocator>
template<bool IsMultiDim = (Dimensions > 1), typename = std::enable_if_t<IsMultiDim>>
sycl::_V1::unsampled_image< Dimensions, AllocatorT >::unsampled_image ( image_format  Format,
const range< Dimensions > &  Range,
const range< Dimensions - 1 > &  Pitch,
const property_list PropList = {},
const detail::code_location  CodeLoc = detail::code_location::current() 

Definition at line 777 of file image.hpp.

◆ unsampled_image() [4/14]

template<int Dimensions = 1, typename AllocatorT = sycl::image_allocator>
template<bool IsMultiDim = (Dimensions > 1), typename = std::enable_if_t<IsMultiDim>>
sycl::_V1::unsampled_image< Dimensions, AllocatorT >::unsampled_image ( image_format  Format,
const range< Dimensions > &  Range,
const range< Dimensions - 1 > &  Pitch,
AllocatorT  Allocator,
const property_list PropList = {},
const detail::code_location  CodeLoc = detail::code_location::current() 

Definition at line 795 of file image.hpp.

◆ unsampled_image() [5/14]

template<int Dimensions = 1, typename AllocatorT = sycl::image_allocator>
sycl::_V1::unsampled_image< Dimensions, AllocatorT >::unsampled_image ( void *  HostPointer,
image_format  Format,
const range< Dimensions > &  Range,
const property_list PropList = {},
const detail::code_location  CodeLoc = detail::code_location::current() 

Definition at line 813 of file image.hpp.

◆ unsampled_image() [6/14]

template<int Dimensions = 1, typename AllocatorT = sycl::image_allocator>
sycl::_V1::unsampled_image< Dimensions, AllocatorT >::unsampled_image ( void *  HostPointer,
image_format  Format,
const range< Dimensions > &  Range,
AllocatorT  Allocator,
const property_list PropList = {},
const detail::code_location  CodeLoc = detail::code_location::current() 

Definition at line 828 of file image.hpp.

◆ unsampled_image() [7/14]

template<int Dimensions = 1, typename AllocatorT = sycl::image_allocator>
template<bool IsMultiDim = (Dimensions > 1), typename = std::enable_if_t<IsMultiDim>>
sycl::_V1::unsampled_image< Dimensions, AllocatorT >::unsampled_image ( void *  HostPointer,
image_format  Format,
const range< Dimensions > &  Range,
const range< Dimensions - 1 > &  Pitch,
const property_list PropList = {},
const detail::code_location  CodeLoc = detail::code_location::current() 

Definition at line 846 of file image.hpp.

◆ unsampled_image() [8/14]

template<int Dimensions = 1, typename AllocatorT = sycl::image_allocator>
template<bool IsMultiDim = (Dimensions > 1), typename = std::enable_if_t<IsMultiDim>>
sycl::_V1::unsampled_image< Dimensions, AllocatorT >::unsampled_image ( void *  HostPointer,
image_format  Format,
const range< Dimensions > &  Range,
const range< Dimensions - 1 > &  Pitch,
AllocatorT  Allocator,
const property_list PropList = {},
const detail::code_location  CodeLoc = detail::code_location::current() 

Definition at line 864 of file image.hpp.

◆ unsampled_image() [9/14]

template<int Dimensions = 1, typename AllocatorT = sycl::image_allocator>
sycl::_V1::unsampled_image< Dimensions, AllocatorT >::unsampled_image ( std::shared_ptr< void > &  HostPointer,
image_format  Format,
const range< Dimensions > &  Range,
const property_list PropList = {},
const detail::code_location  CodeLoc = detail::code_location::current() 

Definition at line 882 of file image.hpp.

◆ unsampled_image() [10/14]

template<int Dimensions = 1, typename AllocatorT = sycl::image_allocator>
sycl::_V1::unsampled_image< Dimensions, AllocatorT >::unsampled_image ( std::shared_ptr< void > &  HostPointer,
image_format  Format,
const range< Dimensions > &  Range,
AllocatorT  Allocator,
const property_list PropList = {},
const detail::code_location  CodeLoc = detail::code_location::current() 

Definition at line 897 of file image.hpp.

◆ unsampled_image() [11/14]

template<int Dimensions = 1, typename AllocatorT = sycl::image_allocator>
template<bool IsMultiDim = (Dimensions > 1), typename = std::enable_if_t<IsMultiDim>>
sycl::_V1::unsampled_image< Dimensions, AllocatorT >::unsampled_image ( std::shared_ptr< void > &  HostPointer,
image_format  Format,
const range< Dimensions > &  Range,
const range< Dimensions - 1 > &  Pitch,
const property_list PropList = {},
const detail::code_location  CodeLoc = detail::code_location::current() 

Definition at line 916 of file image.hpp.

◆ unsampled_image() [12/14]

template<int Dimensions = 1, typename AllocatorT = sycl::image_allocator>
template<bool IsMultiDim = (Dimensions > 1), typename = std::enable_if_t<IsMultiDim>>
sycl::_V1::unsampled_image< Dimensions, AllocatorT >::unsampled_image ( std::shared_ptr< void > &  HostPointer,
image_format  Format,
const range< Dimensions > &  Range,
const range< Dimensions - 1 > &  Pitch,
AllocatorT  Allocator,
const property_list PropList = {},
const detail::code_location  CodeLoc = detail::code_location::current() 

Definition at line 935 of file image.hpp.

◆ unsampled_image() [13/14]

template<int Dimensions = 1, typename AllocatorT = sycl::image_allocator>
sycl::_V1::unsampled_image< Dimensions, AllocatorT >::unsampled_image ( const unsampled_image< Dimensions, AllocatorT > &  rhs)

◆ unsampled_image() [14/14]

template<int Dimensions = 1, typename AllocatorT = sycl::image_allocator>
sycl::_V1::unsampled_image< Dimensions, AllocatorT >::unsampled_image ( unsampled_image< Dimensions, AllocatorT > &&  rhs)

◆ ~unsampled_image()

template<int Dimensions = 1, typename AllocatorT = sycl::image_allocator>
sycl::_V1::unsampled_image< Dimensions, AllocatorT >::~unsampled_image ( )

Definition at line 963 of file image.hpp.


Member Function Documentation

◆ byte_size()

template<int Dimensions = 1, typename AllocatorT = sycl::image_allocator>
size_t sycl::_V1::unsampled_image< Dimensions, AllocatorT >::byte_size ( ) const

Definition at line 978 of file image.hpp.

◆ get_access()

template<int Dimensions = 1, typename AllocatorT = sycl::image_allocator>
template<typename DataT , access_mode AccessMode = (std::is_const_v<DataT> ? access_mode::read : access_mode::read_write), image_target AccessTarget = image_target::device>
unsampled_image_accessor<DataT, Dimensions, AccessMode, AccessTarget> sycl::_V1::unsampled_image< Dimensions, AllocatorT >::get_access ( handler CommandGroupHandlerRef,
const property_list PropList = {},
const detail::code_location  CodeLoc = detail::code_location::current() 

Definition at line 988 of file image.hpp.

◆ get_host_access()

template<int Dimensions = 1, typename AllocatorT = sycl::image_allocator>
template<typename DataT , access_mode AccessMode = (std::is_const_v<DataT> ? access_mode::read : access_mode::read_write)>
host_unsampled_image_accessor<DataT, Dimensions, AccessMode> sycl::_V1::unsampled_image< Dimensions, AllocatorT >::get_host_access ( const property_list PropList = {},
const detail::code_location  CodeLoc = detail::code_location::current() 

Definition at line 998 of file image.hpp.

◆ operator!=()

template<int Dimensions = 1, typename AllocatorT = sycl::image_allocator>
bool sycl::_V1::unsampled_image< Dimensions, AllocatorT >::operator!= ( const unsampled_image< Dimensions, AllocatorT > &  rhs) const

Definition at line 976 of file image.hpp.

◆ operator=() [1/2]

template<int Dimensions = 1, typename AllocatorT = sycl::image_allocator>
unsampled_image& sycl::_V1::unsampled_image< Dimensions, AllocatorT >::operator= ( const unsampled_image< Dimensions, AllocatorT > &  rhs)

◆ operator=() [2/2]

template<int Dimensions = 1, typename AllocatorT = sycl::image_allocator>
unsampled_image& sycl::_V1::unsampled_image< Dimensions, AllocatorT >::operator= ( unsampled_image< Dimensions, AllocatorT > &&  rhs)

◆ operator==()

template<int Dimensions = 1, typename AllocatorT = sycl::image_allocator>
bool sycl::_V1::unsampled_image< Dimensions, AllocatorT >::operator== ( const unsampled_image< Dimensions, AllocatorT > &  rhs) const

Definition at line 972 of file image.hpp.

References sycl::_V1::detail::image_plain::impl.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ detail::createSyclObjFromImpl

template<int Dimensions = 1, typename AllocatorT = sycl::image_allocator>
template<class T >
T detail::createSyclObjFromImpl ( decltype(T::impl)  ImplObj)

◆ host_unsampled_image_accessor

template<int Dimensions = 1, typename AllocatorT = sycl::image_allocator>
template<typename DataT , int Dims, access_mode AccessMode>
friend class host_unsampled_image_accessor

Definition at line 1013 of file image.hpp.

◆ unsampled_image_accessor

template<int Dimensions = 1, typename AllocatorT = sycl::image_allocator>
template<typename DataT , int Dims, access_mode AccessMode, image_target AccessTarget>
friend class unsampled_image_accessor

Definition at line 1017 of file image.hpp.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: