DPC++ Runtime
Runtime libraries for oneAPI DPC++
sycl::_V1::detail Namespace Reference




struct  NegateDecorated
struct  NegateDecorated< access::decorated::yes >
struct  NegateDecorated< access::decorated::no >
struct  TargetToAS
struct  TargetToAS< access::target::local >
struct  TargetToAS< access::target::constant_buffer >
struct  DecoratedType
struct  DecoratedType< ElementType, access::address_space::private_space >
struct  DecoratedType< ElementType, access::address_space::generic_space >
struct  DecoratedType< ElementType, access::address_space::global_space >
struct  DecoratedType< ElementType, access::address_space::ext_intel_global_device_space >
struct  DecoratedType< ElementType, access::address_space::ext_intel_global_host_space >
struct  DecoratedType< ElementType, access::address_space::constant_space >
struct  DecoratedType< ElementType, access::address_space::local_space >
struct  remove_decoration_impl
struct  AccHostDataT
struct  IsCxPropertyList
struct  IsCxPropertyList< ext::oneapi::accessor_property_list< Props... > >
struct  IsCxPropertyList< ext::oneapi::accessor_property_list<> >
class  accessor_common
class  LocalAccessorBaseDevice
class  AccessorImplDevice
class  AccessorBaseHost
class  LocalAccessorBaseHost
struct  IsValidCoordDataT
struct  IsValidCoordDataT< 1, T >
struct  IsValidCoordDataT< 2, T >
struct  IsValidCoordDataT< 3, T >
struct  IsValidUnsampledCoord2020DataT
struct  IsValidUnsampledCoord2020DataT< 1, T >
struct  IsValidUnsampledCoord2020DataT< 2, T >
struct  IsValidUnsampledCoord2020DataT< 3, T >
struct  IsValidSampledCoord2020DataT
struct  IsValidSampledCoord2020DataT< 1, T >
struct  IsValidSampledCoord2020DataT< 2, T >
struct  IsValidSampledCoord2020DataT< 3, T >
class  UnsampledImageAccessorBaseHost
class  SampledImageAccessorBaseHost
class  __image_array_slice__
class  image_accessor
struct  IsValidAtomicType
struct  IsValidAtomicAddressSpace
struct  GetSpirvMemoryScope
struct  GetSpirvMemoryScope< access::address_space::global_space >
struct  GetSpirvMemoryScope< access::address_space::ext_intel_global_device_space >
struct  GetSpirvMemoryScope< access::address_space::local_space >
struct  IsValidAtomicRefType
struct  IsValidAtomicRefAddressSpace
struct  memory_order_traits
struct  memory_order_traits< memory_order::relaxed >
struct  memory_order_traits< memory_order::acq_rel >
struct  memory_order_traits< memory_order::seq_cst >
struct  bit_equal
struct  bit_equal< T, typename std::enable_if_t< std::is_integral_v< T > > >
struct  bit_equal< float >
struct  bit_equal< double >
class  atomic_ref_base
class  atomic_ref_impl
class  atomic_ref_impl< T, IsAspectAtomic64AttrUsed, DefaultOrder, DefaultScope, AddressSpace, typename std::enable_if_t< std::is_integral_v< T > > >
class  atomic_ref_impl< T, IsAspectAtomic64AttrUsed, DefaultOrder, DefaultScope, AddressSpace, typename std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< T > > >
class  atomic_ref_impl< T, true, DefaultOrder, DefaultScope, AddressSpace, typename std::enable_if_t< std::is_integral_v< T > > >
class  atomic_ref_impl< T, true, DefaultOrder, DefaultScope, AddressSpace, typename std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< T > > >
class  atomic_ref_impl< T *, IsAspectAtomic64AttrUsed, DefaultOrder, DefaultScope, AddressSpace >
struct  BufferInterop
struct  BufferInterop< backend::opencl, DataT, Dimensions, AllocatorT >
class  buffer_plain
struct  use_fast_math
struct  is_same_op
struct  get_signed_int_by_size
struct  same_size_signed_int
struct  get_unsigned_int_by_size
struct  same_size_unsigned_int
struct  get_fixed_sized_int
struct  simplify_if_swizzle
struct  is_valid_elem_type
struct  get_multi_ptr_decoration
struct  get_multi_ptr_decoration< multi_ptr< ElementType, Space, DecorateAddress > >
struct  has_writeable_addr_space
struct  has_writeable_addr_space< multi_ptr< ElementType, Space, DecorateAddress > >
struct  is_valid_elem_type< marray< T, N >, Ts... >
struct  is_valid_elem_type< vec< T, N >, Ts... >
struct  is_valid_elem_type< SwizzleOp< VecT, OperationLeftT, OperationRightT, OperationCurrentT, Indexes... >, Ts... >
struct  is_valid_elem_type< multi_ptr< ElementType, Space, DecorateAddress >, Ts... >
struct  is_valid_elem_type< ElementType *, Ts... >
struct  num_elements
struct  num_elements< marray< T, N > >
struct  num_elements< vec< T, N > >
struct  num_elements< SwizzleOp< VecT, OperationLeftT, OperationRightT, OperationCurrentT, Indexes... > >
struct  is_valid_size
struct  simplify_if_swizzle< SwizzleOp< VecT, OperationLeftT, OperationRightT, OperationCurrentT, Indexes... > >
struct  is_same_op< T1, T2, std::enable_if_t< is_vec_or_swizzle_v< T1 > &&is_vec_or_swizzle_v< T2 > > >
struct  same_size_signed_int< marray< T, N > >
struct  same_size_signed_int< vec< T, N > >
struct  same_size_signed_int< SwizzleOp< VecT, OperationLeftT, OperationRightT, OperationCurrentT, Indexes... > >
struct  same_size_unsigned_int< marray< T, N > >
struct  same_size_unsigned_int< vec< T, N > >
struct  same_size_unsigned_int< SwizzleOp< VecT, OperationLeftT, OperationRightT, OperationCurrentT, Indexes... > >
struct  change_elements
struct  change_elements< NewElemT, marray< T, N > >
struct  change_elements< NewElemT, vec< T, N > >
struct  change_elements< NewElemT, SwizzleOp< VecT, OperationLeftT, OperationRightT, OperationCurrentT, Indexes... > >
class  accessor_iterator
class  aligned_allocator
class  array
struct  AssertHappened
struct  interop
struct  BackendInput
struct  BackendReturn
struct  InteropFeatureSupportMap
struct  interop< backend::ext_oneapi_cuda, context >
struct  interop< backend::ext_oneapi_cuda, device >
struct  interop< backend::ext_oneapi_cuda, event >
struct  interop< backend::ext_oneapi_cuda, queue >
struct  BackendInput< backend::ext_oneapi_cuda, buffer< DataT, Dimensions, AllocatorT > >
struct  BackendReturn< backend::ext_oneapi_cuda, buffer< DataT, Dimensions, AllocatorT > >
struct  BackendInput< backend::ext_oneapi_cuda, context >
struct  BackendReturn< backend::ext_oneapi_cuda, context >
struct  BackendInput< backend::ext_oneapi_cuda, device >
struct  BackendReturn< backend::ext_oneapi_cuda, device >
struct  BackendInput< backend::ext_oneapi_cuda, event >
struct  BackendReturn< backend::ext_oneapi_cuda, event >
struct  BackendInput< backend::ext_oneapi_cuda, queue >
struct  BackendReturn< backend::ext_oneapi_cuda, queue >
struct  interop< backend::ext_oneapi_hip, context >
struct  interop< backend::ext_oneapi_hip, device >
struct  interop< backend::ext_oneapi_hip, event >
struct  interop< backend::ext_oneapi_hip, queue >
struct  BackendInput< backend::ext_oneapi_hip, buffer< DataT, Dimensions, AllocatorT > >
struct  BackendReturn< backend::ext_oneapi_hip, buffer< DataT, Dimensions, AllocatorT > >
struct  BackendInput< backend::ext_oneapi_hip, context >
struct  BackendReturn< backend::ext_oneapi_hip, context >
struct  BackendInput< backend::ext_oneapi_hip, device >
struct  BackendReturn< backend::ext_oneapi_hip, device >
struct  BackendInput< backend::ext_oneapi_hip, event >
struct  BackendReturn< backend::ext_oneapi_hip, event >
struct  BackendInput< backend::ext_oneapi_hip, queue >
struct  BackendReturn< backend::ext_oneapi_hip, queue >
struct  InteropFeatureSupportMap< backend::ext_oneapi_hip >
struct  interop< backend::ext_oneapi_level_zero, context >
struct  interop< backend::ext_oneapi_level_zero, device >
struct  interop< backend::ext_oneapi_level_zero, event >
struct  interop< backend::ext_oneapi_level_zero, queue >
struct  interop< backend::ext_oneapi_level_zero, platform >
struct  interop< backend::ext_oneapi_level_zero, kernel >
struct  BackendInput< backend::ext_oneapi_level_zero, context >
struct  BackendReturn< backend::ext_oneapi_level_zero, context >
struct  BackendInput< backend::ext_oneapi_level_zero, device >
struct  BackendReturn< backend::ext_oneapi_level_zero, device >
struct  BackendInput< backend::ext_oneapi_level_zero, event >
struct  BackendReturn< backend::ext_oneapi_level_zero, event >
struct  BackendInput< backend::ext_oneapi_level_zero, queue >
struct  BackendInput< backend::ext_oneapi_level_zero, buffer< DataT, Dimensions, AllocatorT > >
struct  BackendReturn< backend::ext_oneapi_level_zero, buffer< DataT, Dimensions, AllocatorT > >
struct  BackendInput< backend::ext_oneapi_level_zero, image< Dimensions, AllocatorT > >
struct  BackendReturn< backend::ext_oneapi_level_zero, image< Dimensions, AllocatorT > >
struct  BackendReturn< backend::ext_oneapi_level_zero, queue >
struct  BackendInput< backend::ext_oneapi_level_zero, platform >
struct  BackendReturn< backend::ext_oneapi_level_zero, platform >
struct  BackendInput< backend::ext_oneapi_level_zero, kernel_bundle< State > >
struct  BackendReturn< backend::ext_oneapi_level_zero, kernel_bundle< State > >
struct  BackendInput< backend::ext_oneapi_level_zero, kernel >
struct  BackendReturn< backend::ext_oneapi_level_zero, kernel >
struct  InteropFeatureSupportMap< backend::ext_oneapi_level_zero >
struct  interop< backend::opencl, context >
struct  interop< backend::opencl, device >
struct  interop< backend::opencl, queue >
struct  interop< backend::opencl, platform >
struct  BackendInput< backend::opencl, buffer< DataT, Dimensions, AllocatorT > >
struct  BackendReturn< backend::opencl, buffer< DataT, Dimensions, AllocatorT > >
struct  BackendInput< backend::opencl, context >
struct  BackendReturn< backend::opencl, context >
struct  BackendInput< backend::opencl, device >
struct  BackendReturn< backend::opencl, device >
struct  interop< backend::opencl, event >
struct  BackendInput< backend::opencl, event >
struct  BackendReturn< backend::opencl, event >
struct  BackendInput< backend::opencl, queue >
struct  BackendReturn< backend::opencl, queue >
struct  BackendInput< backend::opencl, platform >
struct  BackendReturn< backend::opencl, platform >
struct  BackendInput< backend::opencl, kernel_bundle< State > >
struct  BackendReturn< backend::opencl, kernel_bundle< State > >
struct  BackendInput< backend::opencl, kernel >
struct  BackendReturn< backend::opencl, kernel >
struct  InteropFeatureSupportMap< backend::opencl >
struct  Assigner
struct  Assigner< 0 >
struct  Boolean
struct  fp_elem_type
struct  float_elem_type
struct  same_basic_shape
struct  same_elem_type
struct  any_shape
struct  scalar_only
struct  non_scalar_only
struct  default_ret_type
struct  scalar_ret_type
struct  builtin_enable
struct  check_fn_signature
struct  check_fn_signature< F, RetT(Args...)>
struct  KernelLambdaHasKernelHandlerArgT
class  HostKernelBase
class  HostKernel
struct  code_location
class  tls_code_loc_t
 Data type that manages the code_location information in TLS. More...
struct  InitializedVal
struct  InitializedVal< 1, T >
struct  InitializedVal< 2, T >
struct  InitializedVal< 3, T >
struct  NDLoopIterateImpl
 Helper class for the NDLoop. More...
struct  NDLoopIterateImpl< NDims, 0, LoopBoundTy, FuncTy, LoopIndexTy >
struct  NDLoop
 Generates an NDims-dimensional perfect loop nest. More...
struct  InlineVariableHelper
struct  ArrayCreator
struct  ArrayCreator< DataT, FlattenF, ArgT, ArgTN... >
struct  ArrayCreator< DataT, FlattenF >
struct  ods_target
class  ods_target_list
struct  select_cl_scalar_complex_or_T
struct  GetNumElements
struct  GetNumElements< typename sycl::vec< Type, NumElements > >
struct  GetNumElements< typename sycl::detail::Boolean< N > >
class  TryToGetElementType
class  Builder
class  HostProfilingInfo
 Profiling info for the host execution. More...
struct  PiInfoCode
struct  UrInfoCode
struct  is_platform_info_desc
struct  is_context_info_desc
struct  is_device_info_desc
struct  is_queue_info_desc
struct  is_kernel_info_desc
struct  is_kernel_device_specific_info_desc
struct  is_event_info_desc
struct  is_event_profiling_info_desc
struct  is_backend_info_desc
struct  IsSubGroupInfo
struct  IsSubGroupInfo< info::kernel_device_specific::max_num_sub_groups >
struct  IsSubGroupInfo< info::kernel_device_specific::compile_num_sub_groups >
struct  IsSubGroupInfo< info::kernel_device_specific::max_sub_group_size >
struct  IsSubGroupInfo< info::kernel_device_specific::compile_sub_group_size >
struct  IsKernelInfo
struct  IsKernelInfo< info::kernel_device_specific::ext_codeplay_num_regs >
struct  is_device_copyable_impl
struct  is_device_copyable_impl< T, std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same_v< T, std::remove_cv_t< T > > > >
struct  IsDeprecatedDeviceCopyable
struct  ItemBase
struct  ItemBase< Dims, true >
struct  ItemBase< Dims, false >
struct  conditional
struct  conditional< false, TrueT, FalseT >
struct  kernel_param_desc_t
struct  SpecConstantInfo
struct  KernelInfo
struct  register_alloc_mode_key
class  key_value_iterator
class  Locked
 Represents a reference to value with appropriate lock acquired. More...
class  OSUtil
 Groups the OS-dependent services. More...
class  OwnerLessBase
class  DataLessPropertyBase
class  DataLessProperty
class  PropertyWithDataBase
class  PropertyWithData
class  PropertyListBase
class  reduction_impl_algo
class  reduction_impl_base
 Base non-template class which is a base class for all reduction implementation classes. More...
struct  IsReduction
 Predicate returning true if a type is a reduction. More...
struct  AreAllButLastReductions
 Predicate returning true if all template type parameters except the last one are reductions. More...
struct  AreAllButLastReductions< T >
 Helper specialization of AreAllButLastReductions for one element only. More...
class  SpinLock
 SpinLock is a synchronization primitive, that uses atomic variable and causes thread trying acquire lock wait in loop while repeatedly check if the lock is available. More...
struct  is_output_iterator
struct  is_output_iterator< T, output_iterator_requirements< T > >
class  string
class  string_view
class  SYCLMemObjAllocator
class  SYCLMemObjAllocatorHolder
struct  tuple
struct  tuple_element
struct  tuple_element< N, tuple< T, Rest... > >
struct  tuple_element< 0, tuple< T, Rest... > >
struct  get
struct  get< 0 >
struct  TupleValueHolder
struct  TupleCopyAssignableValueHolder
struct  TupleCopyAssignableValueHolder< T, false >
struct  tuple< T, Ts... >
struct  tuple<>
struct  value_list
struct  value_list< T, Head, Tail... >
struct  value_list< T >
struct  is_contained_value
struct  is_contained_value< T, Value, value_list< T > >
struct  is_type_size_equal
struct  is_type_size_double_of
struct  find_type
struct  is_fixed_size_group
class  SwizzleOp
struct  is_group
struct  is_group< group< Dimensions > >
struct  is_sub_group
struct  is_sub_group< ext::oneapi::sub_group >
struct  is_sub_group< sycl::sub_group >
struct  is_generic_group
struct  copy_cv_qualifiers
struct  vector_size_impl
struct  vector_size_impl< vec< T, N > >
struct  vector_size
struct  vector_element_impl
struct  vector_element_impl< vec< T, N > >
struct  vector_element
struct  get_elem_type_unqual
struct  get_elem_type_unqual< marray< T, N > >
struct  get_elem_type_unqual< vec< T, N > >
struct  get_elem_type_unqual< SwizzleOp< VecT, OperationLeftT, OperationRightT, OperationCurrentT, Indexes... > >
struct  get_elem_type_unqual< multi_ptr< ElementType, Space, DecorateAddress > >
struct  get_elem_type_unqual< ElementType * >
struct  is_ext_vector
struct  is_ext_vector< T, std::void_t< decltype(__builtin_reduce_max(std::declval< T >()))> >
struct  get_elem_type_unqual< T, std::enable_if_t< is_ext_vector_v< T > > >
struct  get_elem_type
struct  change_base_type
struct  change_base_type< vec< T, N >, B >
struct  copy_cv_qualifiers_impl
struct  copy_cv_qualifiers_impl< const T, R >
struct  copy_cv_qualifiers_impl< volatile T, R >
struct  copy_cv_qualifiers_impl< const volatile T, R >
struct  make_signed
struct  make_signed< const T >
struct  make_signed< vec< T, N > >
struct  make_signed< SwizzleOp< VecT, OperationLeftT, OperationRightT, OperationCurrentT, Indexes... > >
struct  make_signed< marray< T, N > >
struct  make_unsigned
struct  make_unsigned< const T >
struct  make_unsigned< vec< T, N > >
struct  make_unsigned< SwizzleOp< VecT, OperationLeftT, OperationRightT, OperationCurrentT, Indexes... > >
struct  make_unsigned< marray< T, N > >
struct  is_vec
struct  is_vec< sycl::vec< T, N > >
struct  get_vec_size
struct  get_vec_size< sycl::vec< T, N > >
struct  is_swizzle
struct  is_swizzle< SwizzleOp< VecT, OperationLeftT, OperationRightT, OperationCurrentT, Indexes... > >
struct  is_marray
struct  is_marray< sycl::marray< T, N > >
struct  is_integral
struct  is_floating_point_impl
struct  is_floating_point_impl< half >
struct  is_floating_point
struct  is_arithmetic
struct  is_scalar_arithmetic
struct  is_nonscalar_arithmetic
struct  is_scalar_bool
struct  is_vector_bool
struct  is_bool
struct  is_boolean
struct  is_boolean< Boolean< N > >
struct  is_pointer_impl
struct  is_pointer_impl< T * >
struct  is_pointer_impl< multi_ptr< T, Space, DecorateAddress > >
struct  is_pointer
struct  is_multi_ptr
struct  is_multi_ptr< multi_ptr< ElementType, Space, IsDecorated > >
struct  is_non_legacy_multi_ptr
struct  is_non_legacy_multi_ptr< multi_ptr< ElementType, Space, access::decorated::yes > >
struct  is_non_legacy_multi_ptr< multi_ptr< ElementType, Space, access::decorated::no > >
struct  is_legacy_multi_ptr
struct  is_legacy_multi_ptr< multi_ptr< ElementType, Space, access::decorated::legacy > >
struct  remove_pointer_impl
struct  remove_pointer_impl< T * >
struct  remove_pointer_impl< multi_ptr< T, Space, DecorateAddress > >
struct  remove_pointer
struct  is_address_space_compliant_impl
struct  is_address_space_compliant_impl< T *, SpaceList >
struct  is_address_space_compliant_impl< multi_ptr< T, Space, DecorateAddress >, SpaceList >
struct  is_address_space_compliant
struct  make_type_impl
struct  make_type_impl< vec< T, N >, TL >
struct  make_larger_impl
struct  make_larger_impl< T, std::enable_if_t< is_contained< T, gtl::scalar_floating_list >::value, T > >
struct  make_larger_impl< T, std::enable_if_t< is_contained< T, gtl::scalar_signed_integer_list >::value, T > >
struct  make_larger_impl< T, std::enable_if_t< is_contained< T, gtl::scalar_unsigned_integer_list >::value, T > >
struct  make_larger_impl< vec< T, N >, vec< T, N > >
struct  make_larger_impl< marray< T, N >, marray< T, N > >
struct  make_larger
struct  function_traits
struct  function_traits< Ret(Args...)>
struct  first_type
struct  map_type
struct  map_type< T, From, To, Rest... >
class  Sync
 Groups and provides access to all the locks used the SYCL runtime. More...
struct  TempAssignGuard
struct  HashCStr
struct  CmpCStr
struct  ABINeutralT
struct  ABINeutralT< std::string >
struct  ABINeutralT< std::vector< std::string > >
class  VecAccess
class  vec_arith_common
struct  vec_helper
class  vec_arith
class  vec_arith< std::byte, NumElements >
struct  vector_alignment_impl
struct  vector_alignment
class  SYCLCategory
struct  IsCompileTimePropertyInstance
struct  interop< backend::ext_oneapi_cuda, platform >
struct  BackendInput< backend::ext_oneapi_cuda, platform >
struct  BackendReturn< backend::ext_oneapi_cuda, platform >
struct  InteropFeatureSupportMap< backend::ext_oneapi_cuda >
class  if_architecture_helper
struct  is_fixed_size_group< ext::oneapi::experimental::fixed_size_group< PartitionSize, ParentGroup > >
struct  is_native_op
struct  is_complex
struct  is_vector_arithmetic_or_complex
struct  get_scalar_binary_op
struct  get_scalar_binary_op< F< sycl::vec< T, n > > >
struct  get_scalar_binary_op< F< void > >
struct  is_max_or_min
struct  is_max_or_min< sycl::maximum< T > >
struct  is_max_or_min< sycl::minimum< T > >
class  __pf_kernel_wrapper
struct  get_kernel_wrapper_name_t
struct  GetMergedKernelProperties
struct  GetMergedKernelProperties< KernelType, PropertiesT, std::enable_if_t< ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::HasKernelPropertiesGetMethod< KernelType >::value > >
class  RoundedRangeIDGenerator
class  RoundedRangeKernel
class  RoundedRangeKernelWithKH
class  HandlerAccess
class  image_plain
class  image_common
class  unsampled_image_common
class  auto_name
 This class is the default KernelName template parameter type for kernel invocation APIs such as single_task. More...
struct  get_kernel_name_t
 Helper struct to get a kernel name type based on given Name and Type types: if Name is undefined (is a auto_name) then Type becomes the Name. More...
struct  get_kernel_name_t< detail::auto_name, Type >
 Specialization for the case when Name is undefined. More...
class  device_image_plain
class  kernel_bundle_plain
struct  isComplex
struct  has_known_identity_impl
struct  known_identity_impl
struct  known_identity_impl< BinaryOperation, AccumulatorT, std::enable_if_t< IsZeroIdentityOp< AccumulatorT, BinaryOperation >::value > >
 Returns zero as identity for ADD, OR, XOR operations. More...
struct  known_identity_impl< BinaryOperation, vec< std::byte, NumElements >, std::enable_if_t< IsZeroIdentityOp< vec< std::byte, NumElements >, BinaryOperation >::value > >
struct  known_identity_impl< BinaryOperation, marray< std::byte, NumElements >, std::enable_if_t< IsZeroIdentityOp< marray< std::byte, NumElements >, BinaryOperation >::value > >
struct  known_identity_impl< BinaryOperation, vec< sycl::half, NumElements >, std::enable_if_t< IsZeroIdentityOp< vec< sycl::half, NumElements >, BinaryOperation >::value > >
struct  known_identity_impl< BinaryOperation, half, std::enable_if_t< IsZeroIdentityOp< half, BinaryOperation >::value > >
struct  known_identity_impl< BinaryOperation, AccumulatorT, std::enable_if_t< IsOneIdentityOp< AccumulatorT, BinaryOperation >::value > >
 Returns one as identify for MULTIPLY operations. More...
struct  known_identity_impl< BinaryOperation, vec< std::byte, NumElements >, std::enable_if_t< IsOneIdentityOp< vec< std::byte, NumElements >, BinaryOperation >::value > >
struct  known_identity_impl< BinaryOperation, marray< std::byte, NumElements >, std::enable_if_t< IsOneIdentityOp< marray< std::byte, NumElements >, BinaryOperation >::value > >
struct  known_identity_impl< BinaryOperation, half, std::enable_if_t< IsOneIdentityOp< half, BinaryOperation >::value > >
struct  known_identity_impl< BinaryOperation, AccumulatorT, std::enable_if_t< IsOnesIdentityOp< AccumulatorT, BinaryOperation >::value > >
 Returns bit image consisting of all ones as identity for AND operations. More...
struct  known_identity_impl< BinaryOperation, vec< std::byte, NumElements >, std::enable_if_t< IsOnesIdentityOp< vec< std::byte, NumElements >, BinaryOperation >::value > >
struct  known_identity_impl< BinaryOperation, marray< std::byte, NumElements >, std::enable_if_t< IsOnesIdentityOp< marray< std::byte, NumElements >, BinaryOperation >::value > >
struct  known_identity_impl< BinaryOperation, AccumulatorT, std::enable_if_t< IsMinimumIdentityOp< AccumulatorT, BinaryOperation >::value > >
 Returns maximal possible value as identity for MIN operations. More...
struct  known_identity_impl< BinaryOperation, vec< std::byte, NumElements >, std::enable_if_t< IsMinimumIdentityOp< vec< std::byte, NumElements >, BinaryOperation >::value > >
struct  known_identity_impl< BinaryOperation, marray< std::byte, NumElements >, std::enable_if_t< IsMinimumIdentityOp< marray< std::byte, NumElements >, BinaryOperation >::value > >
struct  known_identity_impl< BinaryOperation, AccumulatorT, std::enable_if_t< IsMaximumIdentityOp< AccumulatorT, BinaryOperation >::value > >
 Returns minimal possible value as identity for MAX operations. More...
struct  known_identity_impl< BinaryOperation, vec< std::byte, NumElements >, std::enable_if_t< IsMaximumIdentityOp< vec< std::byte, NumElements >, BinaryOperation >::value > >
struct  known_identity_impl< BinaryOperation, marray< std::byte, NumElements >, std::enable_if_t< IsMaximumIdentityOp< marray< std::byte, NumElements >, BinaryOperation >::value > >
struct  known_identity_impl< BinaryOperation, AccumulatorT, std::enable_if_t< IsFalseIdentityOp< AccumulatorT, BinaryOperation >::value > >
 Returns false as identity for LOGICAL OR operations. More...
struct  known_identity_impl< BinaryOperation, vec< std::byte, NumElements >, std::enable_if_t< IsFalseIdentityOp< vec< std::byte, NumElements >, BinaryOperation >::value > >
struct  known_identity_impl< BinaryOperation, marray< std::byte, NumElements >, std::enable_if_t< IsFalseIdentityOp< marray< std::byte, NumElements >, BinaryOperation >::value > >
struct  known_identity_impl< BinaryOperation, AccumulatorT, std::enable_if_t< IsTrueIdentityOp< AccumulatorT, BinaryOperation >::value > >
 Returns true as identity for LOGICAL AND operations. More...
struct  known_identity_impl< BinaryOperation, vec< std::byte, NumElements >, std::enable_if_t< IsTrueIdentityOp< vec< std::byte, NumElements >, BinaryOperation >::value > >
struct  known_identity_impl< BinaryOperation, marray< std::byte, NumElements >, std::enable_if_t< IsTrueIdentityOp< marray< std::byte, NumElements >, BinaryOperation >::value > >
struct  GetMArrayArgsSize
struct  GetMArrayArgsSize<>
struct  GetMArrayArgsSize< marray< T, N >, Ts... >
struct  GetMArrayArgsSize< T, Ts... >
struct  LegacyPointerTypes
struct  LegacyPointerTypes< ElementType, access::address_space::constant_space >
struct  LegacyReferenceTypes
struct  LegacyReferenceTypes< ElementType, access::address_space::constant_space >
struct  IsCompileTimePropertyInstance< ext::intel::property::buffer_location::instance< I > >
struct  IsCompileTimePropertyInstance< ext::oneapi::property::no_alias::instance<> >
struct  IsCompileTimePropertyInstance< ext::oneapi::property::no_offset::instance<> >
class  ReducerElement
struct  ReducerTraits
 Helper class for accessing reducer-defined types in CRTP May prove to be useful for other things later. More...
struct  ReducerTraits< reducer< T, BinaryOperation, Dims, Extent, IdentityContainerT, View, Subst > >
class  ReducerAccess
 Helper class for accessing internal reducer member functions. More...
class  combiner
 Use CRTP to avoid redefining shorthand operators in terms of combine. More...
class  ReductionIdentityContainer
 Templated class for common functionality of all reduction implementation classes. More...
class  ReductionIdentityContainer< T, BinaryOperation, ExplicitIdentity, enable_if_t< IsKnownIdentityOp< T, BinaryOperation >::value > >
class  ReductionIdentityContainer< T, BinaryOperation, true, enable_if_t<!IsKnownIdentityOp< T, BinaryOperation >::value > >
class  ReductionIdentityContainer< T, BinaryOperation, false, std::enable_if_t<!IsKnownIdentityOp< T, BinaryOperation >::value > >
class  reducer_common
struct  ReducerToken
struct  data_dim_t
struct  data_dim_t< accessor< T, AccessorDims, Mode, access::target::device, IsPH, PropList > >
struct  get_red_t
struct  get_red_t< T * >
struct  get_red_t< buffer< T, Dims, AllocatorT > >
class  reduction_impl
 This class encapsulates the reduction variable/accessor, the reduction operator and an optional operator identity. More...
struct  KernelOneWGTag
struct  KernelMultipleWGTag
struct  NDRangeReduction
struct  NDRangeReduction< reduction::strategy::local_atomic_and_atomic_cross_wg >
struct  NDRangeReduction< reduction::strategy::group_reduce_and_last_wg_detection >
struct  NDRangeReduction< reduction::strategy::range_basic >
struct  NDRangeReduction< reduction::strategy::group_reduce_and_atomic_cross_wg >
struct  NDRangeReduction< reduction::strategy::local_mem_tree_and_atomic_cross_wg >
struct  NDRangeReduction< reduction::strategy::group_reduce_and_multiple_kernels >
struct  NDRangeReduction< reduction::strategy::basic >
struct  IsNonUsmReductionPredicate
struct  EmptyReductionPredicate
struct  FilterElement
struct  IsScalarReduction
struct  IsArrayReduction
struct  NDRangeReduction< reduction::strategy::multi >
struct  NDRangeReduction< reduction::strategy::auto_select >
struct  IsSwizzleOp
struct  IsSwizzleOp< sycl::detail::SwizzleOp< VecT, OperationLeftT, OperationRightT, OperationCurrentT, Indexes... > >
class  GetOp
struct  ScalarConversionOperatorMixIn
struct  ScalarConversionOperatorMixIn< Vec, T, N, std::enable_if_t< N==1 > >
class  GetScalarOp
struct  EqualTo
struct  NotEqualTo
struct  GreaterEqualTo
struct  LessEqualTo
struct  GreaterThan
struct  LessThan
struct  LogicalAnd
struct  LogicalOr
struct  RShift
struct  LShift
class  AccessorImplHost
class  LocalAccessorImplHost
class  UnsampledImageAccessorImplHost
class  SampledImageAccessorImplHost
class  buffer_impl
class  ArgDesc
class  NDRDescT
class  CG
 Base class for all types of command groups. More...
class  CGExecKernel
 "Execute kernel" command group class. More...
class  CGCopy
 "Copy memory" command group class. More...
class  CGFill
 "Fill memory" command group class. More...
class  CGUpdateHost
 "Update host" command group class. More...
class  CGCopyUSM
 "Copy USM" command group class. More...
class  CGFillUSM
 "Fill USM" command group class. More...
class  CGPrefetchUSM
 "Prefetch USM" command group class. More...
class  CGAdviseUSM
 "Advise USM" command group class. More...
class  CGBarrier
class  CGProfilingTag
class  CGCopy2DUSM
 "Copy 2D USM" command group class. More...
class  CGFill2DUSM
 "Fill 2D USM" command group class. More...
class  CGMemset2DUSM
 "Memset 2D USM" command group class. More...
class  CGReadWriteHostPipe
 "ReadWriteHostPipe" command group class. More...
class  CGCopyToDeviceGlobal
 "Copy to device_global" command group class. More...
class  CGCopyFromDeviceGlobal
 "Copy to device_global" command group class. More...
class  CGCopyImage
 "Copy Image" command group class. More...
class  CGSemaphoreWait
 "Semaphore Wait" command group class. More...
class  CGSemaphoreSignal
 "Semaphore Signal" command group class. More...
class  CGExecCommandBuffer
 "Execute command-buffer" command group class. More...
class  CGHostTask
class  CircularBuffer
class  SYCLConfigBase
class  SYCLConfig
class  SYCLConfig< SYCL_CACHE_DIR >
class  SYCLConfig< SYCL_CACHE_IN_MEM >
class  context_impl
class  ByteArray
class  DeviceBinaryProperty
class  RTDeviceBinaryImage
class  DynRTDeviceBinaryImage
struct  DeviceGlobalUSMMem
struct  DeviceGlobalMapEntry
struct  LessByHash
class  device_image_impl
class  device_impl
struct  sycl_to_ur
struct  sycl_to_ur< bool >
struct  sycl_to_ur< device >
struct  sycl_to_ur< platform >
struct  check_fp_support
struct  check_fp_support< info::device::half_fp_config >
struct  check_fp_support< info::device::double_fp_config >
struct  get_device_info_impl
struct  get_device_info_impl< platform, Param >
struct  get_device_info_impl< std::string, Param >
struct  get_device_info_impl< ReturnT, info::device::parent_device >
struct  get_device_info_impl< std::vector< info::fp_config >, Param >
struct  get_device_info_impl< std::string, info::device::version >
struct  get_device_info_impl< std::vector< info::fp_config >, info::device::single_fp_config >
struct  get_device_info_impl< bool, info::device::queue_profiling >
struct  get_device_info_impl< std::vector< memory_order >, info::device::atomic_memory_order_capabilities >
struct  get_device_info_impl< std::vector< memory_order >, info::device::atomic_fence_order_capabilities >
struct  get_device_info_impl< std::vector< memory_scope >, info::device::atomic_memory_scope_capabilities >
struct  get_device_info_impl< std::vector< memory_scope >, info::device::atomic_fence_scope_capabilities >
struct  get_device_info_impl< bool, info::device::ext_oneapi_cuda_cluster_group >
struct  get_device_info_impl< std::vector< info::execution_capability >, info::device::execution_capabilities >
struct  get_device_info_impl< std::vector< kernel_id >, info::device::built_in_kernel_ids >
struct  get_device_info_impl< std::vector< std::string >, info::device::built_in_kernels >
struct  get_device_info_impl< std::vector< std::string >, info::device::extensions >
struct  get_device_info_impl< std::vector< info::partition_property >, info::device::partition_properties >
struct  get_device_info_impl< std::vector< info::partition_affinity_domain >, info::device::partition_affinity_domains >
struct  get_device_info_impl< info::partition_affinity_domain, info::device::partition_type_affinity_domain >
struct  get_device_info_impl< info::partition_property, info::device::partition_type_property >
struct  get_device_info_impl< std::vector< size_t >, info::device::sub_group_sizes >
struct  get_device_info_impl< bool, info::device::kernel_kernel_pipe_support >
struct  get_device_info_impl< range< Dimensions >, info::device::max_work_item_sizes< Dimensions > >
struct  get_device_info_impl< ext::oneapi::experimental::architecture, ext::oneapi::experimental::info::device::architecture >
struct  get_device_info_impl< std::vector< ext::oneapi::experimental::matrix::combination >, ext::oneapi::experimental::info::device::matrix_combinations >
struct  get_device_info_impl< size_t, ext::oneapi::experimental::info::device::max_global_work_groups >
struct  get_device_info_impl< id< 1 >, ext::oneapi::experimental::info::device::max_work_groups< 1 > >
struct  get_device_info_impl< id< 2 >, ext::oneapi::experimental::info::device::max_work_groups< 2 > >
struct  get_device_info_impl< id< 3 >, ext::oneapi::experimental::info::device::max_work_groups< 3 > >
struct  get_device_info_impl< size_t, info::device::ext_oneapi_max_global_work_groups >
struct  get_device_info_impl< id< 1 >, info::device::ext_oneapi_max_work_groups_1d >
struct  get_device_info_impl< id< 2 >, info::device::ext_oneapi_max_work_groups_2d >
struct  get_device_info_impl< id< 3 >, info::device::ext_oneapi_max_work_groups_3d >
struct  get_device_info_impl< device, info::device::parent_device >
struct  get_device_info_impl< bool, info::device::image_support >
struct  get_device_info_impl< bool, info::device::usm_device_allocations >
struct  get_device_info_impl< bool, info::device::usm_host_allocations >
struct  get_device_info_impl< bool, info::device::usm_shared_allocations >
struct  get_device_info_impl< bool, info::device::usm_restricted_shared_allocations >
struct  get_device_info_impl< bool, info::device::usm_system_allocations >
struct  get_device_info_impl< bool, ext::codeplay::experimental::info::device::supports_fusion >
struct  get_device_info_impl< uint32_t, ext::codeplay::experimental::info::device::max_registers_per_work_group >
struct  get_device_info_impl< std::vector< sycl::device >, ext::oneapi::experimental::info::device::component_devices >
struct  get_device_info_impl< sycl::device, ext::oneapi::experimental::info::device::composite_device >
struct  get_device_info_impl< ReturnT, ext::oneapi::experimental::info::device::work_group_progress_capabilities< ext::oneapi::experimental::execution_scope::root_group > >
struct  get_device_info_impl< ReturnT, ext::oneapi::experimental::info::device::sub_group_progress_capabilities< ext::oneapi::experimental::execution_scope::root_group > >
struct  get_device_info_impl< ReturnT, ext::oneapi::experimental::info::device::sub_group_progress_capabilities< ext::oneapi::experimental::execution_scope::work_group > >
struct  get_device_info_impl< ReturnT, ext::oneapi::experimental::info::device::work_item_progress_capabilities< ext::oneapi::experimental::execution_scope::root_group > >
struct  get_device_info_impl< ReturnT, ext::oneapi::experimental::info::device::work_item_progress_capabilities< ext::oneapi::experimental::execution_scope::work_group > >
struct  get_device_info_impl< ReturnT, ext::oneapi::experimental::info::device::work_item_progress_capabilities< ext::oneapi::experimental::execution_scope::sub_group > >
class  event_impl
class  fusion_wrapper_impl
class  ObjectUsageCounter
struct  EarlyShutdownHandler
class  GlobalHandler
 Wrapper class for global data structures with non-trivial destructors. More...
class  handler_impl
struct  HostPipeMapEntry
class  HostTask
class  image_impl
class  jit_compiler
class  OffloadEntryContainer
 Representation of _sycl_offload_entry_struct for creation of JIT device binaries at runtime. More...
class  PropertyContainer
 Representation of _sycl_device_binary_property_struct for creation of JIT device binaries at runtime. More...
class  PropertySetContainer
 Representation of _sycl_device_binary_property_set_struct for creation of JIT device binaries at runtime. More...
class  DeviceBinaryContainer
 Representation of sycl_device_binary_struct for creation of JIT device binaries at runtime. More...
class  DeviceBinariesCollection
 Representation of sycl_device_binaries_struct for creation of JIT device binaries at runtime. More...
class  kernel_bundle_impl
 The class is an impl counterpart of the sycl::kernel_bundle. More...
struct  LessByNameComp
struct  EqualByNameComp
class  kernel_id_impl
class  kernel_impl
class  KernelProgramCache
struct  TermPositions
class  MemoryManager
class  LockCacheItem
class  PersistentDeviceCodeCache
class  physical_mem_impl
class  platform_impl
struct  PlatformUtil
class  plugin
 The plugin class provides a unified interface to the underlying low-level runtimes for the device-agnostic SYCL runtime. More...
class  ProgramManager
class  NestedCallsTracker
class  queue_impl
class  sampler_impl
class  DispatchHostTask
struct  EnqueueResultT
 Result of command enqueueing. More...
struct  DepDesc
 Dependency between two commands. More...
class  Command
 The Command class represents some action that needs to be performed on one or more memory objects. More...
class  EmptyCommand
 The empty command does nothing during enqueue. More...
class  ReleaseCommand
 The release command enqueues release of a memory object instance allocated on Host or underlying framework. More...
class  AllocaCommandBase
 Base class for memory allocation commands. More...
class  AllocaCommand
 The alloca command enqueues allocation of instance of memory object on Host or underlying framework. More...
class  AllocaSubBufCommand
 The AllocaSubBuf command enqueues creation of sub-buffer of memory object. More...
class  MapMemObject
 The map command enqueues mapping of device memory onto host memory. More...
class  UnMapMemObject
 The unmap command removes mapping of host memory onto device memory. More...
class  MemCpyCommand
 The mem copy command enqueues memory copy between two instances of memory object. More...
class  MemCpyCommandHost
 The mem copy host command enqueues memory copy between two instances of memory object. More...
class  ExecCGCommand
 The exec CG command enqueues execution of kernel or explicit memory operation. More...
class  UpdateHostRequirementCommand
class  KernelFusionCommand
 The KernelFusionCommand is placed in the execution graph together with the individual kernels of the fusion list to control kernel fusion. More...
class  UpdateCommandBufferCommand
class  LeavesCollection
 A wrapper for CircularBuffer class along with collection for host accessor's EmptyCommands. More...
struct  MemObjRecord
 Memory Object Record. More...
class  Scheduler
 DPC++ graph scheduler class. More...
class  spec_constant_impl
class  stream_impl
class  SYCLMemObjI
class  SYCLMemObjT
class  ThreadPool
struct  OwnedUrEvent
class  XPTIRegistry


template<typename T >
using IsPropertyListT = typename std::is_base_of< PropertyListBase, T >
template<typename T >
using IsRunTimePropertyListT = typename std::is_same< ext::oneapi::accessor_property_list<>, T >
using AccessorImplPtr = std::shared_ptr< AccessorImplHost >
using LocalAccessorImplPtr = std::shared_ptr< LocalAccessorImplHost >
using UnsampledImageAccessorImplPtr = std::shared_ptr< UnsampledImageAccessorImplHost >
using SampledImageAccessorImplPtr = std::shared_ptr< SampledImageAccessorImplHost >
using memory_order = sycl::memory_order
using memory_scope = sycl::memory_scope
template<memory_order Order>
using IsValidDefaultOrder = std::bool_constant< Order==memory_order::relaxed||Order==memory_order::acq_rel||Order==memory_order::seq_cst >
template<size_t Size, typename T8 , typename T16 , typename T32 , typename T64 >
using select_scalar_by_size_t = std::conditional_t< Size==1, T8, std::conditional_t< Size==2, T16, std::conditional_t< Size==4, T32, std::conditional_t< Size==8, T64, void > >> >
template<typename T >
using same_size_signed_int_t = typename same_size_signed_int< T >::type
template<typename T >
using same_size_unsigned_int_t = typename same_size_unsigned_int< T >::type
template<typename T >
using get_fixed_sized_int_t = typename get_fixed_sized_int< T >::type
template<typename T >
using simplify_if_swizzle_t = typename simplify_if_swizzle< T >::type
template<typename NewElemT , typename T >
using change_elements_t = typename change_elements< NewElemT, T >::type
template<typename DataT >
using EnableIfOutputPointerT = std::enable_if_t< std::is_pointer_v< DataT > >
template<typename DataT >
using EnableIfOutputIteratorT = std::enable_if_t< !std::is_pointer_v< DataT > >
template<typename T >
using is_geninteger = std::bool_constant< is_geninteger_v< T > >
template<typename T >
using is_igeninteger = std::bool_constant< is_igeninteger_v< T > >
template<typename T >
using is_ugeninteger = std::bool_constant< is_ugeninteger_v< T > >
template<typename T >
using is_byte = typename std::is_same< T, std::byte >
template<typename T >
using make_floating_point_t = make_type_t< T, gtl::scalar_floating_list >
template<typename T >
using make_singed_integer_t = make_type_t< T, gtl::scalar_signed_integer_list >
template<typename T >
using make_unsinged_integer_t = make_type_t< T, gtl::scalar_unsigned_integer_list >
template<int Size>
using cl_unsigned = std::conditional_t< Size==1, opencl::cl_uchar, std::conditional_t< Size==2, opencl::cl_ushort, std::conditional_t< Size==4, opencl::cl_uint, opencl::cl_ulong > >>
template<typename T , typename T8 , typename T16 , typename T32 , typename T64 >
using select_apply_cl_scalar_t = std::conditional_t< sizeof(T)==1, T8, std::conditional_t< sizeof(T)==2, T16, std::conditional_t< sizeof(T)==4, T32, T64 > >>
template<typename T >
using select_cl_scalar_integral_signed_t = select_apply_cl_scalar_t< T, sycl::opencl::cl_char, sycl::opencl::cl_short, sycl::opencl::cl_int, sycl::opencl::cl_long >
template<typename T >
using select_cl_scalar_integral_unsigned_t = select_apply_cl_scalar_t< T, sycl::opencl::cl_uchar, sycl::opencl::cl_ushort, sycl::opencl::cl_uint, sycl::opencl::cl_ulong >
template<typename T >
using select_cl_scalar_complex_or_T_t = typename select_cl_scalar_complex_or_T< T >::type
template<typename T >
using ConvertToOpenCLType_t = decltype(convertToOpenCLType(std::declval< T >()))
using QueueImplPtr = std::shared_ptr< sycl::detail::queue_impl >
template<typename T >
using IsValidCoordType = typename is_contained< T, boost::mp11::mp_unique< type_list< opencl::cl_int, opencl::cl_float, std::int32_t, float > >>::type
using int64_t = conditional< sizeof(long)==8, long, long long >::type
template<typename T >
using iterator_category_t = typename std::iterator_traits< T >::iterator_category
template<typename T >
using iterator_value_type_t = typename std::iterator_traits< T >::value_type
template<typename T >
using iterator_pointer_t = typename std::iterator_traits< T >::pointer
template<typename T >
using iterator_to_const_type_t = std::is_const< std::remove_pointer_t< iterator_pointer_t< T > >>
template<typename T >
using output_iterator_requirements = std::void_t< iterator_category_t< T >, decltype(*std::declval< T >()=std::declval< iterator_value_type_t< T > >())>
template<typename DataT >
using sycl_memory_object_allocator = aligned_allocator< DataT >
template<std::size_t I, class T >
using tuple_element_t = typename tuple_element< I, T >::type
template<class... T>
using type_list = boost::mp11::mp_list< T... >
using empty_type_list = type_list<>
template<typename T >
using is_empty_type_list = std::is_same< T, empty_type_list >
template<typename T , typename TypeList >
using is_contained = boost::mp11::mp_set_contains< TypeList, std::remove_cv_t< T > >
template<class... L>
using tl_append = boost::mp11::mp_append< L... >
template<typename T >
using tail_t = typename T::tail
template<access::address_space... Values>
using address_space_list = value_list< access::address_space, Values... >
template<access::address_space AddressSpace, typename ValueList >
using is_one_of_spaces = is_contained_value< access::address_space, AddressSpace, ValueList >
template<typename TypeList , template< typename, typename > class Comp, typename T >
using find_type_t = typename find_type< TypeList, Comp, T >::type
template<typename TypeList , typename T >
using find_same_size_type_t = find_type_t< TypeList, is_type_size_equal, T >
template<typename TypeList , typename T >
using find_twice_as_large_type_t = find_type_t< TypeList, is_type_size_double_of, T >
using uuid_type = std::array< unsigned char, 16 >
template<typename T , typename R >
using copy_cv_qualifiers_t = typename copy_cv_qualifiers< T, R >::type
template<int V>
using int_constant = std::integral_constant< int, V >
template<typename T >
using vector_element_impl_t = typename vector_element_impl< T >::type
template<class T >
using vector_element_t = typename vector_element< T >::type
template<class T >
using marray_element_t = typename T::value_type
template<typename T >
using get_elem_type_t = typename get_elem_type< T >::type
template<typename T , typename B >
using change_base_type_t = typename change_base_type< T, B >::type
template<typename T >
using make_signed_t = typename make_signed< T >::type
template<typename T >
using make_unsigned_t = typename make_unsigned< T >::type
template<typename T >
using remove_pointer_t = typename remove_pointer< T >::type
template<typename T , typename TL >
using make_type_t = typename make_type_impl< T, TL >::type
template<typename T >
using make_larger_t = typename make_larger< T >::type
template<access::address_space AS, class DataT >
using const_if_const_AS = DataT
using PluginPtr = std::shared_ptr< plugin >
using SerializedObj = std::vector< unsigned char >
template<typename T >
using ABINeutralT_t = typename ABINeutralT< T >::type
template<typename T , typename R >
using is_sint_to_sint = std::bool_constant< is_sigeninteger_v< T > &&is_sigeninteger_v< R > >
template<typename T , typename R >
using is_uint_to_uint = std::bool_constant< is_sugeninteger_v< T > &&is_sugeninteger_v< R > >
template<typename T , typename R >
using is_sint_to_from_uint = std::bool_constant<(detail::is_sigeninteger_v< T > &&detail::is_sugeninteger_v< R >)||(detail::is_sugeninteger_v< T > &&detail::is_sigeninteger_v< R >)>
template<typename T , typename R >
using is_sint_to_float = std::bool_constant< std::is_integral_v< T > &&!std::is_unsigned_v< T > &&detail::is_floating_point< R >::value >
template<typename T , typename R >
using is_uint_to_float = std::bool_constant< std::is_unsigned_v< T > &&detail::is_floating_point< R >::value >
template<typename T , typename R >
using is_int_to_float = std::bool_constant< std::is_integral_v< T > &&detail::is_floating_point< R >::value >
template<typename T , typename R >
using is_float_to_uint = std::bool_constant< detail::is_floating_point< T >::value &&std::is_unsigned_v< R > >
template<typename T , typename R >
using is_float_to_sint = std::bool_constant< detail::is_floating_point< T >::value &&std::is_integral_v< R > &&!std::is_unsigned_v< R > >
template<typename T , typename R >
using is_float_to_float = std::bool_constant< detail::is_floating_point< T >::value &&detail::is_floating_point< R >::value >
using bfloat16 = sycl::ext::oneapi::bfloat16
using DSelectorInvocableType = std::function< int(const sycl::device &)>
template<typename DeviceSelector >
using EnableIfSYCL2020DeviceSelectorInvocable = std::enable_if_t< std::is_invocable_r_v< int, DeviceSelector &, const device & > &&!std::is_base_of_v< ext::oneapi::filter_selector, DeviceSelector > &&!std::is_base_of_v< device_selector, DeviceSelector > >
using UseToUseStringPair = std::pair< ext::oneapi::experimental::matrix::use, const char * >
template<typename T >
using native_op_list = type_list< sycl::plus< T >, sycl::bit_or< T >, sycl::bit_xor< T >, sycl::bit_and< T >, sycl::maximum< T >, sycl::minimum< T >, sycl::multiplies< T >, sycl::logical_or< T >, sycl::logical_and< T > >
template<typename T , typename BinaryOperation >
using is_plus = std::integral_constant< bool, std::is_same_v< BinaryOperation, sycl::plus< std::remove_const_t< T > >>||std::is_same_v< BinaryOperation, sycl::plus< std::add_const_t< T > >>||std::is_same_v< BinaryOperation, sycl::plus< void > >>
template<typename T , typename BinaryOperation >
using is_multiplies = std::integral_constant< bool, std::is_same_v< BinaryOperation, sycl::multiplies< std::remove_const_t< T > >>||std::is_same_v< BinaryOperation, sycl::multiplies< std::add_const_t< T > >>||std::is_same_v< BinaryOperation, sycl::multiplies< void > >>
template<typename T >
using is_arithmetic_or_complex = std::integral_constant< bool, sycl::detail::is_complex< T >::value||sycl::detail::is_arithmetic< T >::value >
template<typename T , typename BinaryOperation >
using is_plus_or_multiplies_if_complex = std::integral_constant< bool,(is_complex< T >::value ?(is_plus< T, BinaryOperation >::value||is_multiplies< T, BinaryOperation >::value) :std::true_type::value)>
using EventImplPtr = std::shared_ptr< event_impl >
template<typename F , typename SuggestedArgType >
using lambda_arg_type = decltype(argument_helper< F, SuggestedArgType >(0))
template<typename T >
using is_validImageDataT = typename detail::is_contained< T, type_list< vec< opencl::cl_int, 4 >, vec< opencl::cl_uint, 4 >, vec< opencl::cl_float, 4 >, vec< opencl::cl_half, 4 > >>::type
template<typename DataT >
using EnableIfImgAccDataT = typename std::enable_if_t< is_validImageDataT< DataT >::value, DataT >
using DeviceImageImplPtr = std::shared_ptr< device_image_impl >
using KernelBundleImplPtr = std::shared_ptr< detail::kernel_bundle_impl >
using DevImgSelectorImpl = std::function< bool(const detail::DeviceImageImplPtr &DevImgImpl)>
template<typename T , class BinaryOperation >
using IsPlus = std::bool_constant< std::is_same_v< BinaryOperation, sycl::plus< T > >||std::is_same_v< BinaryOperation, sycl::plus< void > >>
template<typename T , class BinaryOperation >
using IsMultiplies = std::bool_constant< std::is_same_v< BinaryOperation, sycl::multiplies< T > >||std::is_same_v< BinaryOperation, sycl::multiplies< void > >>
template<typename T , class BinaryOperation >
using IsMinimum = std::bool_constant< std::is_same_v< BinaryOperation, sycl::minimum< T > >||std::is_same_v< BinaryOperation, sycl::minimum< void > >>
template<typename T , class BinaryOperation >
using IsMaximum = std::bool_constant< std::is_same_v< BinaryOperation, sycl::maximum< T > >||std::is_same_v< BinaryOperation, sycl::maximum< void > >>
template<typename T , class BinaryOperation >
using IsBitAND = std::bool_constant< std::is_same_v< BinaryOperation, sycl::bit_and< T > >||std::is_same_v< BinaryOperation, sycl::bit_and< void > >>
template<typename T , class BinaryOperation >
using IsBitOR = std::bool_constant< std::is_same_v< BinaryOperation, sycl::bit_or< T > >||std::is_same_v< BinaryOperation, sycl::bit_or< void > >>
template<typename T , class BinaryOperation >
using IsBitXOR = std::bool_constant< std::is_same_v< BinaryOperation, sycl::bit_xor< T > >||std::is_same_v< BinaryOperation, sycl::bit_xor< void > >>
template<typename T , class BinaryOperation >
using IsLogicalAND = std::bool_constant< std::is_same_v< BinaryOperation, std::logical_and< T > >||std::is_same_v< BinaryOperation, std::logical_and< void > >||std::is_same_v< BinaryOperation, sycl::logical_and< T > >||std::is_same_v< BinaryOperation, sycl::logical_and< void > >>
template<typename T , class BinaryOperation >
using IsLogicalOR = std::bool_constant< std::is_same_v< BinaryOperation, std::logical_or< T > >||std::is_same_v< BinaryOperation, std::logical_or< void > >||std::is_same_v< BinaryOperation, sycl::logical_or< T > >||std::is_same_v< BinaryOperation, sycl::logical_or< void > >>
template<typename T , class BinaryOperation >
using IsZeroIdentityOp = std::bool_constant<((is_genbool_v< T >||is_geninteger_v< T >)&&(IsPlus< T, BinaryOperation >::value||IsBitOR< T, BinaryOperation >::value||IsBitXOR< T, BinaryOperation >::value))||(is_genfloat_v< T > &&IsPlus< T, BinaryOperation >::value)||(isComplex< T >::value &&IsPlus< T, BinaryOperation >::value)>
template<typename T , class BinaryOperation >
using IsOneIdentityOp = std::bool_constant<(is_genbool_v< T >||is_geninteger_v< T >||is_genfloat_v< T >)&&IsMultiplies< T, BinaryOperation >::value >
template<typename T , class BinaryOperation >
using IsOnesIdentityOp = std::bool_constant<(is_genbool_v< T >||is_geninteger_v< T >)&&IsBitAND< T, BinaryOperation >::value >
template<typename T , class BinaryOperation >
using IsMinimumIdentityOp = std::bool_constant<(is_genbool_v< T >||is_geninteger_v< T >||is_genfloat_v< T >)&&IsMinimum< T, BinaryOperation >::value >
template<typename T , class BinaryOperation >
using IsMaximumIdentityOp = std::bool_constant<(is_genbool_v< T >||is_geninteger_v< T >||is_genfloat_v< T >)&&IsMaximum< T, BinaryOperation >::value >
template<typename T , class BinaryOperation >
using IsFalseIdentityOp = std::bool_constant< IsLogicalOR< T, BinaryOperation >::value >
template<typename T , class BinaryOperation >
using IsTrueIdentityOp = std::bool_constant< IsLogicalAND< T, BinaryOperation >::value >
template<typename T , class BinaryOperation >
using IsKnownIdentityOp = std::bool_constant< IsZeroIdentityOp< T, BinaryOperation >::value||IsOneIdentityOp< T, BinaryOperation >::value||IsOnesIdentityOp< T, BinaryOperation >::value||IsMinimumIdentityOp< T, BinaryOperation >::value||IsMaximumIdentityOp< T, BinaryOperation >::value||IsFalseIdentityOp< T, BinaryOperation >::value||IsTrueIdentityOp< T, BinaryOperation >::value >
template<typename T , class BinaryOperation >
using IsReduOptForFastAtomicFetch = std::bool_constant<((is_sgenfloat_v< T > &&sizeof(T)==4)||is_sgeninteger_v< T >) &&IsValidAtomicType< T >::value &&(IsPlus< T, BinaryOperation >::value||IsMinimum< T, BinaryOperation >::value||IsMaximum< T, BinaryOperation >::value||IsBitOR< T, BinaryOperation >::value||IsBitXOR< T, BinaryOperation >::value||IsBitAND< T, BinaryOperation >::value)>
template<typename T , class BinaryOperation >
using IsReduOptForAtomic64Op = std::bool_constant<(IsPlus< T, BinaryOperation >::value||IsMinimum< T, BinaryOperation >::value||IsMaximum< T, BinaryOperation >::value) &&is_sgenfloat_v< T > &&sizeof(T)==8 >
template<typename T , class BinaryOperation >
using IsReduOptForFastReduce = std::bool_constant<((is_sgeninteger_v< T > &&(sizeof(T)==4||sizeof(T)==8))||is_sgenfloat_v< T >) &&(IsPlus< T, BinaryOperation >::value||IsMinimum< T, BinaryOperation >::value||IsMaximum< T, BinaryOperation >::value)>
template<typename... Ts>
using ReduTupleT = sycl::detail::tuple< Ts... >
template<class KernelName >
using __sycl_init_mem_for = std::conditional_t< std::is_same_v< KernelName, auto_name >, auto_name, reduction::InitMemKrn< KernelName > >
 A helper to pass undefined (sycl::detail::auto_name) names unmodified. More...
template<template< typename, reduction::strategy, typename... > class MainOrAux, class KernelName , reduction::strategy Strategy, class... Ts>
using __sycl_reduction_kernel = std::conditional_t< std::is_same_v< KernelName, auto_name >, auto_name, MainOrAux< KernelName, Strategy, Ts... > >
 A helper to pass undefined (sycl::detail::auto_name) names unmodified. More...
using FmtFlags = unsigned int
template<class F , class T = void>
using EnableIfFP = typename std::enable_if_t< detail::check_type_in_v< F, float, double, half, ext::oneapi::bfloat16 >, T >
using GlobalBufAccessorT = accessor< char, 1, sycl::access::mode::read_write, sycl::access::target::device >
using GlobalBufPtrType = typename detail::DecoratedType< char, GlobalBufAS >::type *
using GlobalOffsetAccessorT = accessor< unsigned, 1, sycl::access::mode::atomic, sycl::access::target::device >
using GlobalOffsetPtrType = typename detail::DecoratedType< unsigned, GlobalBufAS >::type *
template<typename T >
using EnableIfSwizzleVec = typename std::enable_if_t< IsSwizzleOp< T >::value, typename IsSwizzleOp< T >::Type >
template<typename T >
using rel_t = detail::select_cl_scalar_integral_signed_t< T >
using Requirement = AccessorImplHost
using DeviceDescT = std::map< std::string, std::string >
using AllowListParsedT = std::vector< DeviceDescT >
using PlatformImplPtr = std::shared_ptr< detail::platform_impl >
using oneapi_exp_arch = sycl::ext::oneapi::experimental::architecture
using ContextImplPtr = std::shared_ptr< sycl::detail::context_impl >
using LockGuard = std::lock_guard< SpinLock >
using image_allocator = aligned_allocator< byte >
using KernelArgMask = std::vector< bool >
using DeviceImplPtr = std::shared_ptr< device_impl >
using StreamImplPtr = std::shared_ptr< detail::stream_impl >
using QueueIdT = std::hash< std::shared_ptr< detail::queue_impl > >::result_type
using CommandPtr = std::unique_ptr< Command >
using FusionList = std::unique_ptr< KernelFusionCommand >
using FusionMap = std::unordered_map< QueueIdT, FusionList >
using SpecConstRegistryT = std::map< std::string, spec_constant_impl >


enum class  backend_errc : unsigned int
enum class  CGType : unsigned int {
  None = 0 , Kernel = 1 , CopyAccToPtr = 2 , CopyPtrToAcc = 3 ,
  CopyAccToAcc = 4 , Barrier = 5 , BarrierWaitlist = 6 , Fill = 7 ,
  UpdateHost = 8 , CopyUSM = 10 , FillUSM = 11 , PrefetchUSM = 12 ,
  CodeplayHostTask = 14 , AdviseUSM = 15 , Copy2DUSM = 16 , Fill2DUSM = 17 ,
  Memset2DUSM = 18 , CopyToDeviceGlobal = 19 , CopyFromDeviceGlobal = 20 , ReadWriteHostPipe = 21 ,
  ExecCommandBuffer = 22 , CopyImage = 23 , SemaphoreWait = 24 , SemaphoreSignal = 25 ,
  ProfilingTag = 26 , EnqueueNativeCommand = 27
 Type of the command group. More...
enum class  kernel_param_kind_t {
  kind_accessor = 0 , kind_std_layout = 1 , kind_sampler = 2 , kind_pointer = 3 ,
  kind_specialization_constants_buffer = 4 , kind_stream = 5 , kind_invalid = 0xf
enum class  register_alloc_mode_enum : uint32_t { automatic = 0 , large = 2 }
enum  DataLessPropKind {
  BufferUseHostPtr = 0 , ImageUseHostPtr = 1 , QueueEnableProfiling = 2 , InOrder = 3 ,
  NoInit = 4 , BufferUsePinnedHostMemory = 5 , UsePrimaryContext = 6 , InitializeToIdentity = 7 ,
  UseDefaultStream = 8 , DiscardEvents = 9 , DeviceReadOnly = 10 , FusionPromotePrivate = 11 ,
  FusionPromoteLocal = 12 , FusionNoBarrier = 13 , FusionEnable = 14 , FusionForce = 15 ,
  QueuePriorityNormal = 16 , QueuePriorityLow = 17 , QueuePriorityHigh = 18 , GraphNoCycleCheck = 19 ,
  QueueSubmissionBatched = 20 , QueueSubmissionImmediate = 21 , GraphAssumeDataOutlivesBuffer = 22 , GraphAssumeBufferOutlivesGraph = 23 ,
  GraphDependOnAllLeaves = 24 , GraphUpdatable = 25 , GraphEnableProfiling = 26 , LastKnownDataLessPropKind = 26 ,
  DataLessPropKindSize = 32
enum  PropWithDataKind {
  BufferUseMutex = 0 , BufferContextBound = 1 , ImageUseMutex = 2 , ImageContextBound = 3 ,
  BufferMemChannel = 4 , AccPropBufferLocation = 5 , QueueComputeIndex = 6 , GraphNodeDependencies = 7 ,
  PropWithDataKindSize = 8
enum class  WorkSizeGuarantees { None , Equal , LessOrEqual }
enum  ConfigID { START = 0 , END }
enum class  HandlerSubmissionState : std::uint8_t { NO_STATE = 0 , EXPLICIT_KERNEL_BUNDLE_STATE , SPEC_CONST_SET_STATE }
enum class  DeviceLibExt : std::uint32_t {
  cl_intel_devicelib_assert , cl_intel_devicelib_math , cl_intel_devicelib_math_fp64 , cl_intel_devicelib_complex ,
  cl_intel_devicelib_complex_fp64 , cl_intel_devicelib_cstring , cl_intel_devicelib_imf , cl_intel_devicelib_imf_fp64 ,
  cl_intel_devicelib_imf_bf16 , cl_intel_devicelib_bfloat16
enum class  CUDAContextT : char { primary , custom }
 Possible CUDA context types supported by UR CUDA backend TODO: Implement this as a property once there is an extension document. More...
enum  QueueOrder { Ordered , OOO }
enum  BlockingT { NON_BLOCKING = 0 , BLOCKING }


constexpr bool isTargetHostAccess (access::target T)
constexpr bool modeNeedsOldData (access::mode m)
constexpr bool modeWritesNewData (access::mode m)
template<typename ToT , typename FromT >
ToT cast_AS (FromT from)
void constructorNotification (void *BufferObj, void *AccessorObj, access::target Target, access::mode Mode, const code_location &CodeLoc)
template<typename BufferT >
sycl::range< 1 > GetZeroDimAccessRange (BufferT Buffer)
device getDeviceFromHandler (handler &CommandGroupHandlerRef)
template<typename DataT >
constexpr access::mode accessModeFromConstness ()
template<typename MayBeTag1 , typename MayBeTag2 >
constexpr access::mode deduceAccessMode ()
template<typename MayBeTag1 , typename MayBeTag2 >
constexpr access::target deduceAccessTarget (access::target defaultTarget)
void addHostAccessorAndWait (AccessorImplHost *Req)
void unsampledImageConstructorNotification (void *ImageObj, void *AccessorObj, const std::optional< image_target > &Target, access::mode Mode, const void *Type, uint32_t ElemSize, const code_location &CodeLoc)
void sampledImageConstructorNotification (void *ImageObj, void *AccessorObj, const std::optional< image_target > &Target, const void *Type, uint32_t ElemSize, const code_location &CodeLoc)
void addHostUnsampledImageAccessorAndWait (UnsampledImageAccessorImplHost *Req)
void addHostSampledImageAccessorAndWait (SampledImageAccessorImplHost *Req)
std::memory_order getStdMemoryOrder (__spv::MemorySemanticsMask::Flag)
constexpr memory_order getLoadOrder (memory_order order)
backend convertUrBackend (ur_platform_backend_t UrBackend)
platform make_platform (ur_native_handle_t NativeHandle, backend Backend)
device make_device (ur_native_handle_t NativeHandle, backend Backend)
context make_context (ur_native_handle_t NativeHandle, const async_handler &Handler, backend Backend, bool KeepOwnership, const std::vector< device > &DeviceList={})
queue make_queue (ur_native_handle_t NativeHandle, int32_t nativeHandleDesc, const context &TargetContext, const device *TargetDevice, bool KeepOwnership, const property_list &PropList, const async_handler &Handler, backend Backend)
event make_event (ur_native_handle_t NativeHandle, const context &TargetContext, backend Backend)
event make_event (ur_native_handle_t NativeHandle, const context &TargetContext, bool KeepOwnership, backend Backend)
kernel make_kernel (ur_native_handle_t NativeHandle, const context &TargetContext, backend Backend)
kernel make_kernel (const context &TargetContext, const kernel_bundle< bundle_state::executable > &KernelBundle, ur_native_handle_t NativeKernelHandle, bool KeepOwnership, backend Backend)
std::shared_ptr< detail::kernel_bundle_implmake_kernel_bundle (ur_native_handle_t NativeHandle, const context &TargetContext, bundle_state State, backend Backend)
std::shared_ptr< detail::kernel_bundle_implmake_kernel_bundle (ur_native_handle_t NativeHandle, const context &TargetContext, bool KeepOwnership, bundle_state State, backend Backend)
std::string_view get_backend_name_no_vendor (backend Backend)
template<typename T , int Dimensions, typename AllocatorT >
buffer< T, Dimensions, AllocatorT, void > make_buffer_helper (ur_native_handle_t Handle, const context &Ctx, const event &Evt, bool OwnNativeHandle=true)
template<backend BackendName, typename DataT , int Dimensions, typename Allocator >
auto get_native_buffer (const buffer< DataT, Dimensions, Allocator, void > &Obj) -> backend_return_t< BackendName, buffer< DataT, Dimensions, Allocator, void >>
template<size_t N, size_t... Ns>
constexpr bool CheckSizeIn ()
template<typename T , typename... Ts>
constexpr bool CheckAllSameOpType ()
template<class T , size_t N>
vec< T, 2 > to_vec2 (marray< T, N > X, size_t Start)
template<class T , size_t N>
vec< T, N > to_vec (marray< T, N > X)
template<class T , int N>
marray< T, N > to_marray (vec< T, N > X)
template<typename FuncTy , typename... Ts>
auto builtin_marray_impl (FuncTy F, const Ts &...x)
template<typename FuncTy , typename... Ts>
auto builtin_default_host_impl (FuncTy F, const Ts &...x)
template<typename FuncTy , typename... Ts>
auto builtin_delegate_to_scalar (FuncTy F, const Ts &...x)
template<typename F , typename... Args>
static constexpr bool check_kernel_lambda_takes_args ()
template<typename KernelType , typename LambdaArgType , typename std::enable_if_t< std::is_same_v< LambdaArgType, void >> * = nullptr>
constexpr bool isKernelLambdaCallableWithKernelHandlerImpl ()
template<typename KernelType >
std::enable_if_t< KernelLambdaHasKernelHandlerArgT< KernelType >::value > runKernelWithoutArg (KernelType KernelName)
template<typename KernelType >
std::enable_if_t<!KernelLambdaHasKernelHandlerArgT< KernelType >::value > runKernelWithoutArg (KernelType KernelName)
template<typename ArgType , typename KernelType >
std::enable_if_t< KernelLambdaHasKernelHandlerArgT< KernelType, ArgType >::value > runKernelWithArg (KernelType KernelName, ArgType Arg)
template<typename ArgType , typename KernelType >
std::enable_if_t< !KernelLambdaHasKernelHandlerArgT< KernelType, ArgType >::value > runKernelWithArg (KernelType KernelName, ArgType Arg)
ur_code_location_t codeLocationCallback (void *)
constexpr size_t getNextPowerOfTwoHelper (size_t Var, size_t Offset)
constexpr size_t getNextPowerOfTwo (size_t Var)
template<int Dims, template< int > class T, template< int > class U>
size_t getLinearIndex (const T< Dims > &Index, const U< Dims > &Range)
template<int NewDim, int DefaultValue, template< int > class T, int OldDim>
static T< NewDim > convertToArrayOfN (T< OldDim > OldObj)
template<typename T , std::size_t... Is1, std::size_t... Is2>
constexpr std::array< T, sizeof...(Is1)+sizeof...(Is2)> ConcatArrays (const std::array< T, sizeof...(Is1)> &A1, const std::array< T, sizeof...(Is2)> &A2, std::index_sequence< Is1... >, std::index_sequence< Is2... >)
template<typename T , std::size_t N1, std::size_t N2>
constexpr std::array< T, N1+N2 > ConcatArrays (const std::array< T, N1 > &A1, const std::array< T, N2 > &A2)
template<typename T , size_t... Is>
static constexpr std::array< T, sizeof...(Is)> RepeatValueHelper (const T &Arg, std::index_sequence< Is... >)
template<size_t N, typename T >
static constexpr std::array< T, N > RepeatValue (const T &Arg)
template<typename T >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, std::optional< T > const &opt)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &Out, const ods_target &Target)
std::vector< ods_targetParse_ONEAPI_DEVICE_SELECTOR (const std::string &envStr)
template<typename T >
auto convertToOpenCLType (T &&x)
template<typename To , typename From >
auto convertFromOpenCLTypeFor (From &&x)
template<typename T >
constexpr T msbMask (T)
template<typename T >
constexpr bool msbIsSet (const T x)
template<typename T >
static constexpr T max_v ()
template<typename T >
static constexpr T min_v ()
void associateWithHandler (handler &, AccessorBaseHost *, access::target)
void associateWithHandler (handler &, UnsampledImageAccessorBaseHost *, image_target)
void associateWithHandler (handler &, SampledImageAccessorBaseHost *, image_target)
void waitEvents (std::vector< sycl::event > DepEvents)
void markBufferAsInternal (const std::shared_ptr< buffer_impl > &BufImpl)
template<typename T >
T * declptr ()
template<typename T >
get_or_store (const T *obj)
constexpr __spv::MemorySemanticsMask::Flag getSPIRVMemorySemanticsMask (memory_order)
constexpr uint32_t getSPIRVMemorySemanticsMask (const access::fence_space AccessSpace, const __spv::MemorySemanticsMask LocalScopeMask=__spv::MemorySemanticsMask::WorkgroupMemory)
template<size_t... Inds, class F >
void loop_impl (std::integer_sequence< size_t, Inds... >, F &&f)
template<size_t count, class F >
void loop (F &&f)
constexpr bool is_power_of_two (int x)
std::tuple< const RTDeviceBinaryImage *, ur_program_handle_t > retrieveKernelBinary (const QueueImplPtr &, const char *KernelName, CGExecKernel *CGKernel=nullptr)
template<typename T >
std::enable_if_t< IsValidCoordType< T >::value, T > UnnormalizeCoordinates (const T &Coords, const range< 3 > &Range)
template<typename T >
std::enable_if_t< IsValidCoordType< T >::value, vec< T, 2 > > UnnormalizeCoordinates (const vec< T, 2 > &Coords, const range< 3 > &Range)
template<typename T >
std::enable_if_t< IsValidCoordType< T >::value, vec< T, 4 > > UnnormalizeCoordinates (const vec< T, 4 > &Coords, const range< 3 > &Range)
template<typename T >
std::enable_if_t< IsValidCoordType< T >::value, float4 > convertToFloat4 (T Coords)
template<typename T >
std::enable_if_t< IsValidCoordType< T >::value, float4 > convertToFloat4 (vec< T, 2 > Coords)
template<typename T >
std::enable_if_t< IsValidCoordType< T >::value, float4 > convertToFloat4 (vec< T, 4 > Coords)
template<typename T >
std::enable_if_t< std::is_integral_v< T >, size_t > getImageOffset (const T &Coords, const id< 3 >, const uint8_t ElementSize)
template<typename T >
std::enable_if_t< std::is_integral_v< T >, size_t > getImageOffset (const vec< T, 2 > &Coords, const id< 3 > ImgPitch, const uint8_t ElementSize)
template<typename T >
std::enable_if_t< std::is_integral_v< T >, size_t > getImageOffset (const vec< T, 4 > &Coords, const id< 3 > ImgPitch, const uint8_t ElementSize)
int4 getPixelCoordNearestFiltMode (float4, const addressing_mode, const range< 3 >)
int8 getPixelCoordLinearFiltMode (float4, const addressing_mode, const range< 3 >, float4 &)
bool isOutOfRange (const int4 PixelCoord, const addressing_mode SmplAddrMode, const range< 3 > ImgRange)
float4 getBorderColor (const image_channel_order ImgChannelOrder)
template<typename T >
vec< T, 4 > readPixel (T *Ptr, const image_channel_order ChannelOrder, const image_channel_type ChannelType)
template<typename T >
void writePixel (const vec< T, 4 > Pixel, T *Ptr, const image_channel_order ChannelOrder, const image_channel_type ChannelType)
template<typename ChannelType >
void convertReadData (const vec< ChannelType, 4 > PixelData, const image_channel_type ImageChannelType, uint4 &RetData)
template<typename ChannelType >
void convertReadData (const vec< ChannelType, 4 > PixelData, const image_channel_type ImageChannelType, int4 &RetData)
template<typename ChannelType >
void convertReadData (const vec< ChannelType, 4 > PixelData, const image_channel_type ImageChannelType, float4 &RetData)
template<typename ChannelType >
void convertReadData (const vec< ChannelType, 4 > PixelData, const image_channel_type ImageChannelType, half4 &RetData)
template<typename ChannelType >
vec< ChannelType, 4 > convertWriteData (const uint4 WriteData, const image_channel_type ImageChannelType)
template<typename ChannelType >
vec< ChannelType, 4 > convertWriteData (const int4 WriteData, const image_channel_type ImageChannelType)
template<typename ChannelType >
vec< ChannelType, 4 > processFloatDataToPixel (float4 WriteData, float MulFactor)
template<typename ChannelType >
vec< ChannelType, 4 > convertWriteData (const float4 WriteData, const image_channel_type ImageChannelType)
template<typename ChannelType >
vec< ChannelType, 4 > convertWriteData (const half4 WriteData, const image_channel_type ImageChannelType)
template<typename CoordT , typename WriteDataT >
void imageWriteHostImpl (const CoordT &Coords, const WriteDataT &Color, id< 3 > ImgPitch, uint8_t ElementSize, image_channel_type ImgChannelType, image_channel_order ImgChannelOrder, void *BasePtr)
template<typename DataT >
DataT ReadPixelData (const int4 PixelCoord, const id< 3 > ImgPitch, const image_channel_type ImageChannelType, const image_channel_order ImageChannelOrder, void *BasePtr, const uint8_t ElementSize)
template<typename DataT >
DataT getColor (const int4 PixelCoord, const addressing_mode SmplAddrMode, const range< 3 > ImgRange, const id< 3 > ImgPitch, const image_channel_type ImgChannelType, const image_channel_order ImgChannelOrder, void *BasePtr, const uint8_t ElementSize)
template<typename DataT >
DataT ReadPixelDataLinearFiltMode (const int8 CoordValues, const float4 abc, const addressing_mode SmplAddrMode, const range< 3 > ImgRange, id< 3 > ImgPitch, const image_channel_type ImgChannelType, const image_channel_order ImgChannelOrder, void *BasePtr, const uint8_t ElementSize)
template<typename CoordT , typename DataT >
DataT imageReadSamplerHostImpl (const CoordT &Coords, coordinate_normalization_mode SmplNormMode, addressing_mode SmplAddrMode, filtering_mode SmplFiltMode, range< 3 > ImgRange, id< 3 > ImgPitch, image_channel_type ImgChannelType, image_channel_order ImgChannelOrder, void *BasePtr, uint8_t ElementSize)
template<typename CoordT , typename DataT >
DataT imageReadSamplerHostImpl (const CoordT &Coords, const sampler &Smpl, range< 3 > ImgRange, id< 3 > ImgPitch, image_channel_type ImgChannelType, image_channel_order ImgChannelOrder, void *BasePtr, uint8_t ElementSize)
template<typename CoordT , typename DataT >
DataT imageReadSamplerHostImpl (const CoordT &Coords, const image_sampler &Smpl, range< 3 > ImgRange, id< 3 > ImgPitch, image_channel_type ImgChannelType, image_channel_order ImgChannelOrder, void *BasePtr, uint8_t ElementSize)
template<class Obj >
decltype(Obj::impl) const & getSyclObjImpl (const Obj &SyclObject)
template<class T >
createSyclObjFromImpl (decltype(T::impl) ImplObj)
template<typename T >
struct __SYCL2020_DEPRECATED ("This type isn't device copyable in SYCL 2020") IsDeprecatedDeviceCopyable< T
template<auto & SpecName>
const char * get_spec_constant_symbolic_ID_impl ()
template<auto & SpecName>
const char * get_spec_constant_symbolic_ID ()
template<register_alloc_mode_enum Mode>
constexpr register_alloc_mode_key::value_t< Mode > register_alloc_mode __SYCL_DEPRECATED ("register_alloc_mode is deprecated, " "use sycl::ext::intel::experimental::grf_size or " "sycl::ext::intel::experimental::grf_size_automatic")
void memcpy (void *Dst, const void *Src, size_t Size)
template<typename KernelName , reduction::strategy Strategy = reduction::strategy::auto_select, int Dims, typename PropertiesT , typename... RestT>
void reduction_parallel_for (handler &CGH, range< Dims > NDRange, PropertiesT Properties, RestT... Rest)
template<typename KernelName , reduction::strategy Strategy = reduction::strategy::auto_select, int Dims, typename PropertiesT , typename... RestT>
void reduction_parallel_for (handler &CGH, nd_range< Dims > NDRange, PropertiesT Properties, RestT... Rest)
template<typename T , typename... Ts, std::size_t... Is>
std::tuple< Ts... > get_tuple_tail_impl (const std::tuple< T, Ts... > &Tuple, const std::index_sequence< Is... > &)
template<typename T , typename... Ts>
std::tuple< Ts... > get_tuple_tail (const std::tuple< T, Ts... > &Tuple)
template<typename... Ts>
constexpr tuple< Ts... > make_tuple (Ts... Args)
template<typename... Ts>
auto tie (Ts &...Args)
template<typename T , typename... Ts>
constexpr bool CheckTypeIn ()
template<sycl::backend BE>
void * getPluginOpaqueData (void *opaquedata_arg)
template<typename FromT , typename ToT , sycl::rounding_mode RoundingMode, int VecSize, typename NativeFromT , typename NativeToT >
NativeToT convertImpl (NativeFromT Value)
 Entry point helper for all kinds of converts between scalars and vectors, it dispatches to a right function depending on source and destination types. More...
template<typename From , typename To , int VecSize, typename Enable = std::enable_if_t<VecSize == 1>>
To SConvert (From Value)
template<typename From , typename To , int VecSize, typename Enable = std::enable_if_t<VecSize == 1>>
To UConvert (From Value)
template<typename From , typename To , int VecSize, typename Enable = std::enable_if_t<VecSize == 1>>
To ConvertSToF (From Value)
template<typename From , typename To , int VecSize, typename Enable = std::enable_if_t<VecSize == 1>>
To ConvertUToF (From Value)
template<typename From , typename To , int VecSize, typename Enable = std::enable_if_t<VecSize == 1>, sycl::rounding_mode RM>
To FConvert (From Value)
template<typename From , typename To , int VecSize, typename Enable = std::enable_if_t<VecSize == 1>, sycl::rounding_mode roundingMode>
To ConvertFToS (From Value)
template<typename From , typename To , int VecSize, typename Enable = std::enable_if_t<VecSize == 1>, sycl::rounding_mode roundingMode>
To ConvertFToU (From Value)
template<typename NativeToT , sycl::rounding_mode RoundingMode>
NativeToT ConvertFromBF16Scalar (bfloat16 val)
template<typename NativeFromT , sycl::rounding_mode RoundingMode>
bfloat16 ConvertToBF16Scalar (NativeFromT val)
template<typename ToT , typename NativeFromT , typename NativeToT , sycl::rounding_mode RoundingMode, int VecSize>
NativeToT ConvertFromBF16 (NativeFromT val)
template<typename FromT , typename NativeFromT , typename NativeToT , sycl::rounding_mode RoundingMode, int VecSize>
NativeToT ConvertToBF16 (NativeFromT val)
template<typename FromT , typename ToT , sycl::rounding_mode RoundingMode, int VecSize, typename NativeFromT , typename NativeToT >
auto ConvertImpl (std::byte val)
auto getDeviceComparisonLambda ()
template<typename LastT >
void fill_aspect_vector (std::vector< aspect > &V, LastT L)
template<typename FirstT , typename... OtherTs>
void fill_aspect_vector (std::vector< aspect > &V, FirstT F, OtherTs... O)
device select_device (const DSelectorInvocableType &DeviceSelectorInvocable)
device select_device (const DSelectorInvocableType &DeviceSelectorInvocable, const context &SyclContext)
const char * stringifyErrorCode (int32_t error)
std::string codeToString (int32_t code)
int32_t get_ur_error (const exception &e)
exception set_ur_error (exception &&e, int32_t ur_err)
void defaultAsyncHandler (exception_list Exceptions)
std::optional< sycl::devicefind_matching_descendent_device (sycl::device d, const backend_input_t< backend::ext_oneapi_level_zero, device > &BackendObject)
constexpr static std::optional< ext::oneapi::experimental::architectureget_current_architecture_aot ()
constexpr static bool is_aot_for_architecture (ext::oneapi::experimental::architecture arch)
template<ext::oneapi::experimental::architecture... Archs>
constexpr static bool allowable_aot_mode ()
template<ext::oneapi::experimental::architecture... Archs>
constexpr static bool device_architecture_is ()
static constexpr std::optional< ext::oneapi::experimental::architectureget_category_min_architecture (ext::oneapi::experimental::arch_category Category)
static constexpr std::optional< ext::oneapi::experimental::architectureget_category_max_architecture (ext::oneapi::experimental::arch_category Category)
template<ext::oneapi::experimental::arch_category Category>
constexpr static bool device_architecture_is_in_category_aot ()
template<ext::oneapi::experimental::arch_category... Categories>
constexpr static bool device_architecture_is_in_categories ()
constexpr static std::optional< ext::oneapi::experimental::arch_categoryget_device_architecture_category (ext::oneapi::experimental::architecture arch)
template<ext::oneapi::experimental::architecture Arch, typename Compare >
constexpr static bool device_architecture_comparison_aot (Compare comp)
sycl::vec< unsigned, 4 > ExtractMask (ext::oneapi::sub_group_mask Mask)
template<typename NonUniformGroup >
ext::oneapi::sub_group_mask GetMask (NonUniformGroup Group)
template<typename NonUniformGroup >
uint32_t IdToMaskPosition (NonUniformGroup Group, uint32_t Id)
constexpr const char * convertMatrixUseEnumToString (ext::oneapi::experimental::matrix::use Use)
constexpr std::optional< ext::oneapi::experimental::matrix::useconvertMatrixUseStringToEnum (const char *UseString)
__SYCL_ALWAYS_INLINE __spv::MatrixLayout joint_matrix_layout_to_spv (sycl::ext::oneapi::experimental::matrix::layout Layout)
template<typename T >
constexpr const char * convertTypeToMatrixTypeString ()
constexpr const char * convertTypeToMatrixTypeString< sycl::ext::oneapi::bfloat16 > ()
constexpr const char * convertTypeToMatrixTypeString< sycl::half > ()
constexpr const char * convertTypeToMatrixTypeString< sycl::ext::oneapi::experimental::matrix::precision::tf32 > ()
constexpr const char * convertTypeToMatrixTypeString< float > ()
constexpr const char * convertTypeToMatrixTypeString< double > ()
constexpr const char * convertTypeToMatrixTypeString< int8_t > ()
constexpr const char * convertTypeToMatrixTypeString< int16_t > ()
constexpr const char * convertTypeToMatrixTypeString< int32_t > ()
constexpr const char * convertTypeToMatrixTypeString< int64_t > ()
constexpr const char * convertTypeToMatrixTypeString< uint8_t > ()
constexpr const char * convertTypeToMatrixTypeString< uint16_t > ()
constexpr const char * convertTypeToMatrixTypeString< uint32_t > ()
constexpr const char * convertTypeToMatrixTypeString< uint64_t > ()
template<typename DecorT , typename T , access::address_space Space, access::decorated IsDecorated>
DecorT * getDecorated (multi_ptr< T, Space, IsDecorated > ptr)
void workGroupBarrier ()
template<int Dimensions>
id< Dimensionslinear_id_to_id (range< Dimensions >, size_t linear_id)
id< 1 > linear_id_to_id (range< 1 >, size_t linear_id)
id< 2 > linear_id_to_id (range< 2 > r, size_t linear_id)
id< 3 > linear_id_to_id (range< 3 > r, size_t linear_id)
template<typename Group >
auto get_local_linear_range (Group g)
template<typename Group >
auto get_local_linear_id (Group g)
template<typename T , class BinaryOperation >
constexpr std::enable_if_t<(is_complex< T >::value &&is_plus< T, BinaryOperation >::value), T > identity_for_ga_op ()
template<typename T , class BinaryOperation >
constexpr std::enable_if_t<(is_complex< T >::value &&is_multiplies< T, BinaryOperation >::value), T > identity_for_ga_op ()
template<typename T , class BinaryOperation >
constexpr std::enable_if_t<!is_complex< T >::value, T > identity_for_ga_op ()
template<typename Group , typename Ptr , class Function >
Function for_each (Group g, Ptr first, Ptr last, Function f)
__SYCL_CONSTEXPR_HALF uint16_t float2Half (const float &Val)
__SYCL_CONSTEXPR_HALF float half2Float (const uint16_t &Val)
template<typename T >
cast_if_host_half (T val)
float cast_if_host_half (half_impl::half val)
template<typename RetType , typename Func , typename Arg >
static Arg member_ptr_helper (RetType(Func::*)(Arg) const)
template<typename RetType , typename Func , typename Arg1 , typename Arg2 >
static Arg1 member_ptr_helper (RetType(Func::*)(Arg1, Arg2) const)
template<typename F , typename SuggestedArgType >
SuggestedArgType argument_helper (...)
bool isDeviceGlobalUsedInKernel (const void *DeviceGlobalPtr)
void * getValueFromDynamicParameter (ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::dynamic_parameter_base &DynamicParamBase)
template<int Dims, typename T >
std::enable_if_t< std::is_same_v< T, range< Dims > >||std::is_same_v< T, id< Dims > > > checkValueRange (const T &V)
template<int Dims>
void checkValueRange (const range< Dims > &R, const id< Dims > &O)
template<int Dims, typename T >
std::enable_if_t< std::is_same_v< T, nd_range< Dims > > > checkValueRange (const T &V)
template<typename T >
static std::enable_if_t< std::is_unsigned_v< T >, bool > multiply_with_overflow_check (T &dst, T x, T y)
template<int Dims>
bool range_size_fits_in_size_t (const range< Dims > &r)
template<int Dimensions>
size_t getOffsetForId (range< Dimensions > Range, id< Dimensions > Id, id< Dimensions > Offset)
id< 1 > getDelinearizedId (const range< 1 > &, size_t Index)
id< 2 > getDelinearizedId (const range< 2 > &Range, size_t Index)
id< 3 > getDelinearizedId (const range< 3 > &Range, size_t Index)
image_channel_type FormatChannelType (image_format Format)
image_channel_order FormatChannelOrder (image_format Format)
kernel_id get_kernel_id_impl (string_view KernelName)
detail::KernelBundleImplPtr get_kernel_bundle_impl (const context &Ctx, const std::vector< device > &Devs, bundle_state State)
const std::vector< deviceremoveDuplicateDevices (const std::vector< device > &Devs)
detail::KernelBundleImplPtr get_kernel_bundle_impl (const context &Ctx, const std::vector< device > &Devs, const std::vector< kernel_id > &KernelIDs, bundle_state State)
detail::KernelBundleImplPtr get_kernel_bundle_impl (const context &Ctx, const std::vector< device > &Devs, bundle_state State, const DevImgSelectorImpl &Selector)
detail::KernelBundleImplPtr get_empty_interop_kernel_bundle_impl (const context &Ctx, const std::vector< device > &Devs)
template<bundle_state State>
kernel_bundle< State > get_empty_interop_kernel_bundle (const context &Ctx)
 make_kernel may need an empty interop kernel bundle. More...
bool has_kernel_bundle_impl (const context &Ctx, const std::vector< device > &Devs, bundle_state State)
bool has_kernel_bundle_impl (const context &Ctx, const std::vector< device > &Devs, const std::vector< kernel_id > &kernelIds, bundle_state State)
std::shared_ptr< detail::kernel_bundle_impljoin_impl (const std::vector< detail::KernelBundleImplPtr > &Bundles, bundle_state State)
std::shared_ptr< detail::kernel_bundle_implcompile_impl (const kernel_bundle< bundle_state::input > &InputBundle, const std::vector< device > &Devs, const property_list &PropList)
std::vector< sycl::devicefind_device_intersection (const std::vector< kernel_bundle< bundle_state::object >> &ObjectBundles)
std::shared_ptr< detail::kernel_bundle_impllink_impl (const std::vector< kernel_bundle< bundle_state::object >> &ObjectBundles, const std::vector< device > &Devs, const property_list &PropList)
std::shared_ptr< detail::kernel_bundle_implbuild_impl (const kernel_bundle< bundle_state::input > &InputBundle, const std::vector< device > &Devs, const property_list &PropList)
std::vector< memory_orderreadMemoryOrderBitfield (ur_memory_order_capability_flags_t bits)
std::vector< memory_scopereadMemoryScopeBitfield (ur_memory_scope_capability_flags_t bits)
static constexpr std::memory_order getStdMemoryOrder (sycl::memory_order order)
void enable_ext_oneapi_default_context (bool Val)
 Allows to enable/disable "Default Context" extension. More...
template<typename ParamT >
auto convert_to_abi_neutral (ParamT &&Info)
template<typename ParamT >
auto convert_from_abi_neutral (ParamT &&Info)
std::array< size_t, 3 > rangeToArray (const range< 3 > &r)
std::array< size_t, 3 > rangeToArray (const range< 2 > &r)
std::array< size_t, 3 > rangeToArray (const range< 1 > &r)
template<typename... Ts>
ReduTupleT< Ts... > makeReduTupleT (Ts... Elements)
size_t reduGetMaxWGSize (std::shared_ptr< queue_impl > Queue, size_t LocalMemBytesPerWorkItem)
size_t reduComputeWGSize (size_t NWorkItems, size_t MaxWGSize, size_t &NWorkGroups)
size_t reduGetPreferredWGSize (std::shared_ptr< queue_impl > &Queue, size_t LocalMemBytesPerWorkItem)
template<typename ReducerT >
auto getReducerAccess (ReducerT &Reducer)
void addCounterInit (handler &CGH, std::shared_ptr< sycl::detail::queue_impl > &Queue, std::shared_ptr< int > &Counter)
template<class BinaryOp , int Dims, size_t Extent, bool ExplicitIdentity, typename RedOutVar , typename... RestTy>
auto make_reduction (RedOutVar RedVar, RestTy &&...Rest)
template<typename KernelName , class Reduction >
void reduSaveFinalResultToUserMem (handler &CGH, Reduction &Redu)
 Copies the final reduction result kept in read-write accessor to user's USM memory. More...
size_t GreatestPowerOfTwo (size_t N)
 Computes the greatest power-of-two less than or equal to N. More...
template<typename FuncTy >
void doTreeReductionHelper (size_t WorkSize, size_t LID, FuncTy Func)
template<WorkSizeGuarantees WSGuarantee, int Dim, typename LocalRedsTy , typename BinOpTy , typename AccessFuncTy >
void doTreeReduction (size_t WorkSize, nd_item< Dim > NDIt, LocalRedsTy &LocalReds, BinOpTy &BOp, AccessFuncTy AccessFunc)
template<typename... LocalAccT, typename... BOPsT, size_t... Is>
void doTreeReductionOnTuple (size_t WorkSize, size_t LID, ReduTupleT< LocalAccT... > &LocalAccs, ReduTupleT< BOPsT... > &BOPs, std::index_sequence< Is... >)
template<bool IsOneWG, typename... Reductions, size_t... Is>
auto createReduOutAccs (size_t NWorkGroups, handler &CGH, std::tuple< Reductions... > &ReduTuple, std::index_sequence< Is... >)
 For the given 'Reductions' types pack and indices enumerating them this function either creates new temporary accessors for partial sums (if IsOneWG is false) or returns user's accessor/USM-pointer if (IsOneWG is true). More...
template<typename OutAccT , typename LocalAccT , typename BOPT , typename IdentityContainerT >
auto getLastCombine (OutAccT OutAcc, LocalAccT LocalAcc, BOPT BOP, IdentityContainerT IdentityContainer, bool IsInitializeToIdentity)
template<bool IsOneWG, typename... Reductions, typename... OutAccT, typename... LocalAccT, typename... BOPsT, typename... Ts, size_t... Is>
void writeReduSumsToOutAccs (size_t OutAccIndex, ReduTupleT< OutAccT... > OutAccs, ReduTupleT< LocalAccT... > LocalAccs, ReduTupleT< BOPsT... > BOPs, ReduTupleT< Ts... > IdentityVals, std::array< bool, sizeof...(Reductions)> IsInitializeToIdentity, std::index_sequence< Is... >)
constexpr std::index_sequence concat_sequences (std::index_sequence<>)
template<size_t I>
constexpr std::index_sequence< I > concat_sequences (std::index_sequence< I >)
template<size_t... Is, size_t... Js>
constexpr std::index_sequence< Is..., Js... > concat_sequences (std::index_sequence< Is... >, std::index_sequence< Js... >)
template<size_t... Is, size_t... Js, class... Rs>
constexpr auto concat_sequences (std::index_sequence< Is... >, std::index_sequence< Js... >, Rs...)
template<typename... T, typename FunctorT , size_t... Is, std::enable_if_t<(sizeof...(Is) > 0), int > Z = 0>
constexpr auto filterSequenceHelper (FunctorT, std::index_sequence< Is... >)
 For each index 'I' from the given indices pack 'Is' this function initially creates a number of short index_sequences, where each of such short index sequences is either empty (if the given Functor returns false for the type T[I]) or 1 element 'I' (otherwise). More...
template<typename... T, typename FunctorT , size_t... Is>
constexpr auto filterSequence (FunctorT F, std::index_sequence< Is... > Indices)
 For each index 'I' from the given indices pack 'Is' this function returns an index sequence consisting of only those 'I's for which the 'FunctorT' applied to 'T[I]' returns true. More...
template<typename ElementType , typename BOPT >
constexpr auto makeAdjustedBOP (BOPT &BOP)
template<typename... Reductions, typename... BOPsT, size_t... Is>
constexpr auto makeAdjustedBOPs (ReduTupleT< BOPsT... > &BOPsTuple, std::index_sequence< Is... >)
template<typename... Reductions, typename... BOPsT>
constexpr auto makeAdjustedBOPs (ReduTupleT< BOPsT... > &BOPsTuple)
template<bool IsOneWG, typename... Reductions, int Dims, typename... LocalAccT, typename... OutAccT, typename... ReducerT, typename... Ts, typename... BOPsT, size_t... Is>
void reduCGFuncImplScalar (nd_item< Dims > NDIt, ReduTupleT< LocalAccT... > LocalAccsTuple, ReduTupleT< OutAccT... > OutAccsTuple, std::tuple< ReducerT... > &ReducersTuple, ReduTupleT< Ts... > IdentitiesTuple, ReduTupleT< BOPsT... > BOPsTuple, std::array< bool, sizeof...(Reductions)> InitToIdentityProps, std::index_sequence< Is... > ReduIndices)
 All scalar reductions are processed together; there is one loop of log2(N) steps, and each reduction uses its own storage. More...
template<bool IsOneWG, typename Reduction , int Dims, typename LocalAccT , typename OutAccT , typename ReducerT , typename BOPT >
void reduCGFuncImplArrayHelper (nd_item< Dims > NDIt, LocalAccT LocalReds, OutAccT Out, ReducerT &Reducer, BOPT BOp, bool IsInitializeToIdentity)
 Each array reduction is processed separately. More...
template<bool IsOneWG, typename... Reductions, int Dims, typename... LocalAccT, typename... OutAccT, typename... ReducerT, typename... BOPsT, size_t... Is>
void reduCGFuncImplArray (nd_item< Dims > NDIt, ReduTupleT< LocalAccT... > LocalAccsTuple, ReduTupleT< OutAccT... > OutAccsTuple, std::tuple< ReducerT... > &ReducersTuple, ReduTupleT< BOPsT... > BOPsTuple, std::array< bool, sizeof...(Reductions)> InitToIdentityProps, std::index_sequence< Is... >)
template<typename KernelName , typename KernelType , int Dims, typename PropertiesT , typename... Reductions, size_t... Is>
void reduCGFuncMulti (handler &CGH, KernelType KernelFunc, const nd_range< Dims > &Range, PropertiesT Properties, std::tuple< Reductions... > &ReduTuple, std::index_sequence< Is... > ReduIndices)
template<typename... Reductions, size_t... Is>
void associateReduAccsWithHandler (handler &CGH, std::tuple< Reductions... > &ReduTuple, std::index_sequence< Is... >)
template<bool IsOneWG, typename... Reductions, int Dims, typename... LocalAccT, typename... InAccT, typename... OutAccT, typename... Ts, typename... BOPsT, size_t... Is>
void reduAuxCGFuncImplScalar (nd_item< Dims > NDIt, size_t LID, size_t GID, size_t RemainingWorkSize, ReduTupleT< LocalAccT... > LocalAccsTuple, ReduTupleT< InAccT... > InAccsTuple, ReduTupleT< OutAccT... > OutAccsTuple, ReduTupleT< Ts... > IdentitiesTuple, ReduTupleT< BOPsT... > BOPsTuple, std::array< bool, sizeof...(Reductions)> InitToIdentityProps, std::index_sequence< Is... > ReduIndices)
 All scalar reductions are processed together; there is one loop of log2(N) steps, and each reduction uses its own storage. More...
template<bool IsOneWG, typename Reduction , int Dims, typename LocalAccT , typename InAccT , typename OutAccT , typename T , typename BOPT >
void reduAuxCGFuncImplArrayHelper (nd_item< Dims > NDIt, size_t LID, size_t GID, size_t RemainingWorkSize, LocalAccT LocalReds, InAccT In, OutAccT Out, T IdentityContainer, BOPT BOp, bool IsInitializeToIdentity)
template<bool IsOneWG, typename... Reductions, int Dims, typename... LocalAccT, typename... InAccT, typename... OutAccT, typename... Ts, typename... BOPsT, size_t... Is>
void reduAuxCGFuncImplArray (nd_item< Dims > NDIt, size_t LID, size_t GID, size_t RemainingWorkSize, ReduTupleT< LocalAccT... > LocalAccsTuple, ReduTupleT< InAccT... > InAccsTuple, ReduTupleT< OutAccT... > OutAccsTuple, ReduTupleT< Ts... > IdentitiesTuple, ReduTupleT< BOPsT... > BOPsTuple, std::array< bool, sizeof...(Reductions)> InitToIdentityProps, std::index_sequence< Is... >)
template<typename KernelName , typename KernelType , typename... Reductions, size_t... Is>
size_t reduAuxCGFunc (handler &CGH, size_t NWorkItems, size_t MaxWGSize, std::tuple< Reductions... > &ReduTuple, std::index_sequence< Is... > ReduIndices)
template<typename Reduction >
size_t reduGetMemPerWorkItemHelper (Reduction &)
template<typename Reduction , typename... RestT>
size_t reduGetMemPerWorkItemHelper (Reduction &, RestT... Rest)
template<typename... ReductionT, size_t... Is>
size_t reduGetMemPerWorkItem (std::tuple< ReductionT... > &ReduTuple, std::index_sequence< Is... >)
template<typename TupleT , std::size_t... Is>
std::tuple< std::tuple_element_t< Is, TupleT >... > tuple_select_elements (TupleT Tuple, std::index_sequence< Is... >)
 Utility function: for the given tuple. More...
uint32_t reduGetMaxNumConcurrentWorkGroups (std::shared_ptr< queue_impl > Queue)
unsigned GetFlushBufOffset (const GlobalBufAccessorT &GlobalFlushBuf, unsigned WIOffset)
void SetFlushBufOffset (GlobalBufAccessorT &GlobalFlushBuf, unsigned WIOffset, unsigned Offset)
void write (GlobalBufAccessorT &GlobalFlushBuf, size_t FlushBufferSize, unsigned WIOffset, const char *Str, unsigned Len, unsigned Padding=0)
void reverseBuf (char *Buf, unsigned Len)
template<typename T >
std::make_unsigned_t< T > getAbsVal (const T Val, const int Base)
char digitToChar (const int Digit)
template<typename T >
std::enable_if_t< std::is_integral_v< T >, unsigned > integralToBase (T Val, int Base, char *Digits)
template<typename T >
std::enable_if_t< std::is_integral_v< T >, unsigned > ScalarToStr (const T &Val, char *Buf, unsigned Flags, int, int Precision=-1)
unsigned append (char *Dst, const char *Src)
unsigned F2I32 (float Val)
unsigned long long D2I64 (double Val)
template<typename T >
detail::enable_if_t< std::is_same< T, float >::value||std::is_same< T, double >::value, bool > isFastMathInf (T Val)
template<typename T >
detail::enable_if_t< std::is_same< T, float >::value||std::is_same< T, double >::value, bool > isFastMathNan (T Val)
template<typename T >
detail::enable_if_t< std::is_same< T, float >::value||std::is_same< T, double >::value, bool > isFastMathSignBit (T Val)
template<typename T >
detail::enable_if_t< std::is_same< T, float >::value||std::is_same< T, double >::value, unsigned > checkForInfNan (char *Buf, T Val)
template<typename T >
std::enable_if_t< std::is_same_v< T, half >, unsigned > checkForInfNan (char *Buf, T Val)
template<typename T >
std::enable_if_t< std::is_same_v< T, ext::oneapi::bfloat16 >, unsigned > checkForInfNan (char *Buf, T Val)
template<typename T >
EnableIfFP< T, unsigned > floatingPointToDecStr (T AbsVal, char *Digits, int Precision, bool IsSci)
template<typename T >
EnableIfFP< T, unsigned > ScalarToStr (const T &Val, char *Buf, unsigned Flags, int, int Precision=-1)
template<typename T >
std::enable_if_t< std::is_integral_v< T > > writeIntegral (GlobalBufAccessorT &GlobalFlushBuf, size_t FlushBufferSize, unsigned WIOffset, unsigned Flags, int Width, const T &Val)
template<typename T >
EnableIfFP< T > writeFloatingPoint (GlobalBufAccessorT &GlobalFlushBuf, size_t FlushBufferSize, unsigned WIOffset, unsigned Flags, int Width, int Precision, const T &Val)
bool updateOffset (GlobalOffsetAccessorT &GlobalOffset, GlobalBufAccessorT &GlobalBuf, unsigned Size, unsigned &Cur)
void flushBuffer (GlobalOffsetAccessorT &GlobalOffset, GlobalBufAccessorT &GlobalBuf, GlobalBufAccessorT &GlobalFlushBuf, unsigned WIOffset)
template<typename T , int VecLength>
std::enable_if_t<(VecLength==1), unsigned > VecToStr (const vec< T, VecLength > &Vec, char *VecStr, unsigned Flags, int Width, int Precision)
template<typename T , int VecLength>
std::enable_if_t<(VecLength==2||VecLength==4||VecLength==8||VecLength==16), unsigned > VecToStr (const vec< T, VecLength > &Vec, char *VecStr, unsigned Flags, int Width, int Precision)
template<typename T , int VecLength>
std::enable_if_t<(VecLength==3), unsigned > VecToStr (const vec< T, VecLength > &Vec, char *VecStr, unsigned Flags, int Width, int Precision)
template<typename T , int VecLength>
void writeVec (GlobalBufAccessorT &GlobalFlushBuf, size_t FlushBufferSize, unsigned WIOffset, unsigned Flags, int Width, int Precision, const vec< T, VecLength > &Vec)
template<int ArrayLength>
unsigned ArrayToStr (char *Buf, const array< ArrayLength > &Arr)
template<int ArrayLength>
void writeArray (GlobalBufAccessorT &GlobalFlushBuf, size_t FlushBufferSize, unsigned WIOffset, const array< ArrayLength > &Arr)
template<int Dimensions>
void writeItem (GlobalBufAccessorT &GlobalFlushBuf, size_t FlushBufferSize, unsigned WIOffset, const item< Dimensions > &Item)
template<int Dimensions>
void writeNDRange (GlobalBufAccessorT &GlobalFlushBuf, size_t FlushBufferSize, unsigned WIOffset, const nd_range< Dimensions > &ND_Range)
template<int Dimensions>
void writeNDItem (GlobalBufAccessorT &GlobalFlushBuf, size_t FlushBufferSize, unsigned WIOffset, const nd_item< Dimensions > &ND_Item)
template<int Dimensions>
void writeGroup (GlobalBufAccessorT &GlobalFlushBuf, size_t FlushBufferSize, unsigned WIOffset, const group< Dimensions > &Group)
template<int Dimensions>
unsigned ItemToStr (char *Buf, const item< Dimensions, false > &Item)
template<int Dimensions>
void writeHItem (GlobalBufAccessorT &GlobalFlushBuf, size_t FlushBufferSize, unsigned WIOffset, const h_item< Dimensions > &HItem)
template<typename CVT , access::address_space Space, access::decorated IsDecorated, typename T = std::remove_cv_t<CVT>>
multi_ptr< T, Space, IsDecorated > GetUnqualMultiPtr (const multi_ptr< CVT, Space, IsDecorated > &Mptr)
static const PluginPtrgetPlugin (backend Backend)
void constructorNotification (void *BufferObj, void *AccessorObj, sycl::access::target Target, sycl::access::mode Mode, const detail::code_location &CodeLoc)
AllowListParsedT parseAllowList (const std::string &AllowListRaw)
bool deviceIsAllowed (const DeviceDescT &DeviceDesc, const AllowListParsedT &AllowListParsed)
void applyAllowList (std::vector< ur_device_handle_t > &UrDevices, ur_platform_handle_t UrPlatform, const PluginPtr &Plugin)
template<class T >
backend getImplBackend (const T &Impl)
static void initValue (const char *Key, const char *Value)
void readConfig (bool ForceInitialization)
void dumpConfig ()
const std::array< std::pair< std::string, backend >, 7 > & getSyclBeMap ()
constexpr const char * getStrOrNullptr (const char *Str)
template<bool supportAcc = false>
const std::array< std::pair< std::string, info::device_type >, 6 > & getSyclDeviceTypeMap ()
uint32_t context_impl::get_info< info::context::reference_count > () const
platform context_impl::get_info< info::context::platform > () const
std::vector< sycl::devicecontext_impl::get_info< info::context::devices > () const
std::vector< sycl::memory_ordercontext_impl::get_info< info::context::atomic_memory_order_capabilities > () const
std::vector< sycl::memory_scopecontext_impl::get_info< info::context::atomic_memory_scope_capabilities > () const
std::vector< sycl::memory_ordercontext_impl::get_info< info::context::atomic_fence_order_capabilities > () const
std::vector< sycl::memory_scopecontext_impl::get_info< info::context::atomic_fence_scope_capabilities > () const
info::platform::version::return_type context_impl::get_backend_info< info::platform::version > () const
device select_device (DSelectorInvocableType DeviceSelectorInvocable, std::vector< device > &Devices)
info::device::version::return_type context_impl::get_backend_info< info::device::version > () const
info::device::backend_version::return_type context_impl::get_backend_info< info::device::backend_version > () const
template<typename T , typename Capabilities >
void GetCapabilitiesIntersectionSet (const std::vector< sycl::device > &Devices, std::vector< T > &CapabilityList)
template<typename Param >
Param::return_type get_context_info (ur_context_handle_t Ctx, const PluginPtr &Plugin)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &Out, const DeviceBinaryProperty &P)
std::vector< std::string_view > tokenize (const std::string_view &Filter, const std::string &Delim, bool ProhibitEmptyTokens=false)
static backend Parse_ODS_Backend (const std::string_view &BackendStr, const std::string_view &FullEntry)
static void Parse_ODS_Device (ods_target &Target, const std::string_view &DeviceStr)
info::platform::version::return_type device_impl::get_backend_info< info::platform::version > () const
info::device::version::return_type device_impl::get_backend_info< info::device::version > () const
info::device::backend_version::return_type device_impl::get_backend_info< info::device::backend_version > () const
std::vector< info::fp_configread_fp_bitfield (ur_device_fp_capability_flags_t bits)
std::vector< info::partition_affinity_domainread_domain_bitfield (ur_device_affinity_domain_flags_t bits)
std::vector< info::execution_capabilityread_execution_bitfield (ur_device_exec_capability_flag_t bits)
std::string affinityDomainToString (info::partition_affinity_domain AffinityDomain)
static bool is_sycl_partition_property (info::partition_property PP)
template<int Dimensions>
range< Dimensionsconstruct_range (size_t *values)=delete
range< 1 > construct_range< 1 > (size_t *values)
range< 2 > construct_range< 2 > (size_t *values)
range< 3 > construct_range< 3 > (size_t *values)
template<typename Param >
Param::return_type get_device_info (const DeviceImplPtr &Dev)
ext::intel::info::device::device_id::return_type get_device_info< ext::intel::info::device::device_id > (const DeviceImplPtr &Dev)
ext::intel::info::device::uuid::return_type get_device_info< ext::intel::info::device::uuid > (const DeviceImplPtr &Dev)
ext::intel::info::device::pci_address::return_type get_device_info< ext::intel::info::device::pci_address > (const DeviceImplPtr &Dev)
ext::intel::info::device::gpu_eu_simd_width::return_type get_device_info< ext::intel::info::device::gpu_eu_simd_width > (const DeviceImplPtr &Dev)
ext::intel::info::device::gpu_eu_count::return_type get_device_info< ext::intel::info::device::gpu_eu_count > (const DeviceImplPtr &Dev)
ext::intel::info::device::gpu_slices::return_type get_device_info< ext::intel::info::device::gpu_slices > (const DeviceImplPtr &Dev)
ext::intel::info::device::gpu_subslices_per_slice::return_type get_device_info< ext::intel::info::device::gpu_subslices_per_slice > (const DeviceImplPtr &Dev)
ext::intel::info::device::gpu_eu_count_per_subslice::return_type get_device_info< ext::intel::info::device::gpu_eu_count_per_subslice > (const DeviceImplPtr &Dev)
ext::intel::info::device::gpu_hw_threads_per_eu::return_type get_device_info< ext::intel::info::device::gpu_hw_threads_per_eu > (const DeviceImplPtr &Dev)
ext::intel::info::device::max_mem_bandwidth::return_type get_device_info< ext::intel::info::device::max_mem_bandwidth > (const DeviceImplPtr &Dev)
ext::intel::info::device::free_memory::return_type get_device_info< ext::intel::info::device::free_memory > (const DeviceImplPtr &Dev)
ext::intel::info::device::memory_clock_rate::return_type get_device_info< ext::intel::info::device::memory_clock_rate > (const DeviceImplPtr &Dev)
ext::intel::info::device::memory_bus_width::return_type get_device_info< ext::intel::info::device::memory_bus_width > (const DeviceImplPtr &Dev)
static uint64_t getTimestamp ()
uint64_t event_impl::get_profiling_info< info::event_profiling::command_submit > ()
uint64_t event_impl::get_profiling_info< info::event_profiling::command_start > ()
uint64_t event_impl::get_profiling_info< info::event_profiling::command_end > ()
uint32_t event_impl::get_info< info::event::reference_count > ()
info::event_command_status event_impl::get_info< info::event::command_execution_status > ()
info::platform::version::return_type event_impl::get_backend_info< info::platform::version > () const
info::device::version::return_type event_impl::get_backend_info< info::device::version > () const
info::device::backend_version::return_type event_impl::get_backend_info< info::device::backend_version > () const
template<typename Param >
Param::return_type get_event_profiling_info (ur_event_handle_t Event, const PluginPtr &Plugin)
template<typename Param >
Param::return_type get_event_info (ur_event_handle_t Event, const PluginPtr &Plugin)
void shutdown_win ()
void shutdown_early ()
void shutdown_late ()
static void enableOnCrashStackPrinting ()
 __attribute__ ((destructor(110))) static void syclUnload()
template<typename Param >
static bool checkImageValueRange (const std::vector< device > &Devices, const size_t Value)
template<typename T , typename... Args>
static bool checkAnyImpl (T)
template<typename ValT , typename VarT , typename... Args>
static bool checkAnyImpl (ValT Value, VarT Variant, Args... Arguments)
template<typename T , typename... Args>
static bool checkAny (const T Value, Args... Arguments)
uint8_t getImageNumberChannels (image_channel_order Order)
uint8_t getImageElementSize (uint8_t NumChannels, image_channel_type Type)
ur_image_channel_order_t convertChannelOrder (image_channel_order Order)
image_channel_order convertChannelOrder (ur_image_channel_order_t Order)
ur_image_channel_type_t convertChannelType (image_channel_type Type)
image_channel_type convertChannelType (ur_image_channel_type_t Type)
template<typename T >
static void getImageInfo (const ContextImplPtr Context, ur_image_info_t Info, T &Dest, ur_mem_handle_t InteropMemObject)
KernelArgMask createKernelArgMask (const ByteArray &Bytes)
static bool checkAllDevicesAreInContext (const std::vector< device > &Devices, const context &Context)
static bool checkAllDevicesHaveAspect (const std::vector< device > &Devices, aspect Aspect)
info::platform::version::return_type kernel_impl::get_backend_info< info::platform::version > () const
info::device::version::return_type kernel_impl::get_backend_info< info::device::version > () const
info::device::backend_version::return_type kernel_impl::get_backend_info< info::device::backend_version > () const
context kernel_impl::get_info< info::kernel::context > () const
ext::oneapi::experimental::info::kernel_queue_specific::max_num_work_group_sync::return_type kernel_impl::ext_oneapi_get_info< ext::oneapi::experimental::info::kernel_queue_specific::max_num_work_group_sync > (const queue &Queue) const
template<typename Param >
std::enable_if< std::is_same< typename Param::return_type, std::string >::value, std::string >::type get_kernel_info (ur_kernel_handle_t Kernel, const PluginPtr &Plugin)
template<typename Param >
std::enable_if< std::is_same< typename Param::return_type, uint32_t >::value, uint32_t >::type get_kernel_info (ur_kernel_handle_t Kernel, const PluginPtr &Plugin)
template<typename Param >
std::enable_if< IsSubGroupInfo< Param >::value >::type get_kernel_device_specific_info_helper (ur_kernel_handle_t Kernel, ur_device_handle_t Device, const PluginPtr &Plugin, void *Result, size_t Size)
template<typename Param >
std::enable_if< IsKernelInfo< Param >::value >::type get_kernel_device_specific_info_helper (ur_kernel_handle_t Kernel, [[maybe_unused]] ur_device_handle_t Device, const PluginPtr &Plugin, void *Result, size_t Size)
template<typename Param >
std::enable_if<!IsSubGroupInfo< Param >::value &&!IsKernelInfo< Param >::value >::type get_kernel_device_specific_info_helper (ur_kernel_handle_t Kernel, ur_device_handle_t Device, const PluginPtr &Plugin, void *Result, size_t Size)
template<typename Param >
std::enable_if< !std::is_same< typename Param::return_type, sycl::range< 3 > >::value, typename Param::return_type >::type get_kernel_device_specific_info (ur_kernel_handle_t Kernel, ur_device_handle_t Device, const PluginPtr &Plugin)
template<typename Param >
std::enable_if< std::is_same< typename Param::return_type, sycl::range< 3 > >::value, sycl::range< 3 > >::type get_kernel_device_specific_info (ur_kernel_handle_t Kernel, ur_device_handle_t Device, const PluginPtr &Plugin)
template<typename Param >
uint32_t get_kernel_device_specific_info_with_input (ur_kernel_handle_t Kernel, ur_device_handle_t Device, sycl::range< 3 >, const PluginPtr &Plugin)
void memBufferCreateHelper (const PluginPtr &Plugin, ur_context_handle_t Ctx, ur_mem_flags_t Flags, size_t Size, ur_mem_handle_t *RetMem, const ur_buffer_properties_t *Props=nullptr)
void memReleaseHelper (const PluginPtr &Plugin, ur_mem_handle_t Mem)
void memBufferMapHelper (const PluginPtr &Plugin, ur_queue_handle_t command_queue, ur_mem_handle_t buffer, bool blocking_map, ur_map_flags_t map_flags, size_t offset, size_t size, uint32_t num_events_in_wait_list, const ur_event_handle_t *event_wait_list, ur_event_handle_t *event, void **ret_map)
void memUnmapHelper (const PluginPtr &Plugin, ur_queue_handle_t command_queue, ur_mem_handle_t memobj, void *mapped_ptr, uint32_t num_events_in_wait_list, const ur_event_handle_t *event_wait_list, ur_event_handle_t *event)
uint64_t emitMemAllocBeginTrace (uintptr_t ObjHandle, size_t AllocSize, size_t GuardZone)
void emitMemAllocEndTrace (uintptr_t ObjHandle, uintptr_t AllocPtr, size_t AllocSize, size_t GuardZone, uint64_t CorrelationID)
uint64_t emitMemReleaseBeginTrace (uintptr_t ObjHandle, uintptr_t AllocPtr)
void emitMemReleaseEndTrace (uintptr_t ObjHandle, uintptr_t AllocPtr, uint64_t CorrelationID)
static void waitForEvents (const std::vector< EventImplPtr > &Events)
static ur_mem_flags_t getMemObjCreationFlags (void *UserPtr, bool HostPtrReadOnly)
void prepTermPositions (TermPositions &pos, int Dimensions, detail::SYCLMemObjI::MemObjType Type)
void copyH2D (SYCLMemObjI *SYCLMemObj, char *SrcMem, QueueImplPtr, unsigned int DimSrc, sycl::range< 3 > SrcSize, sycl::range< 3 > SrcAccessRange, sycl::id< 3 > SrcOffset, unsigned int SrcElemSize, ur_mem_handle_t DstMem, QueueImplPtr TgtQueue, unsigned int DimDst, sycl::range< 3 > DstSize, sycl::range< 3 > DstAccessRange, sycl::id< 3 > DstOffset, unsigned int DstElemSize, std::vector< ur_event_handle_t > DepEvents, ur_event_handle_t &OutEvent, const detail::EventImplPtr &OutEventImpl)
void copyD2H (SYCLMemObjI *SYCLMemObj, ur_mem_handle_t SrcMem, QueueImplPtr SrcQueue, unsigned int DimSrc, sycl::range< 3 > SrcSize, sycl::range< 3 > SrcAccessRange, sycl::id< 3 > SrcOffset, unsigned int SrcElemSize, char *DstMem, QueueImplPtr, unsigned int DimDst, sycl::range< 3 > DstSize, sycl::range< 3 > DstAccessRange, sycl::id< 3 > DstOffset, unsigned int DstElemSize, std::vector< ur_event_handle_t > DepEvents, ur_event_handle_t &OutEvent, const detail::EventImplPtr &OutEventImpl)
void copyD2D (SYCLMemObjI *SYCLMemObj, ur_mem_handle_t SrcMem, QueueImplPtr SrcQueue, unsigned int DimSrc, sycl::range< 3 > SrcSize, sycl::range< 3 > SrcAccessRange, sycl::id< 3 > SrcOffset, unsigned int SrcElemSize, ur_mem_handle_t DstMem, QueueImplPtr, unsigned int DimDst, sycl::range< 3 > DstSize, sycl::range< 3 >, sycl::id< 3 > DstOffset, unsigned int DstElemSize, std::vector< ur_event_handle_t > DepEvents, ur_event_handle_t &OutEvent, const detail::EventImplPtr &OutEventImpl)
static void copyH2H (SYCLMemObjI *, char *SrcMem, QueueImplPtr, unsigned int DimSrc, sycl::range< 3 > SrcSize, sycl::range< 3 > SrcAccessRange, sycl::id< 3 > SrcOffset, unsigned int SrcElemSize, char *DstMem, QueueImplPtr, unsigned int DimDst, sycl::range< 3 > DstSize, sycl::range< 3 > DstAccessRange, sycl::id< 3 > DstOffset, unsigned int DstElemSize, std::vector< ur_event_handle_t >, ur_event_handle_t &, const detail::EventImplPtr &)
static void memcpyToDeviceGlobalUSM (QueueImplPtr Queue, DeviceGlobalMapEntry *DeviceGlobalEntry, size_t NumBytes, size_t Offset, const void *Src, const std::vector< ur_event_handle_t > &DepEvents, ur_event_handle_t *OutEvent, const detail::EventImplPtr &OutEventImpl)
static void memcpyFromDeviceGlobalUSM (QueueImplPtr Queue, DeviceGlobalMapEntry *DeviceGlobalEntry, size_t NumBytes, size_t Offset, void *Dest, const std::vector< ur_event_handle_t > &DepEvents, ur_event_handle_t *OutEvent, const detail::EventImplPtr &OutEventImpl)
static ur_program_handle_t getOrBuildProgramForDeviceGlobal (QueueImplPtr Queue, DeviceGlobalMapEntry *DeviceGlobalEntry)
static void memcpyToDeviceGlobalDirect (QueueImplPtr Queue, DeviceGlobalMapEntry *DeviceGlobalEntry, size_t NumBytes, size_t Offset, const void *Src, const std::vector< ur_event_handle_t > &DepEvents, ur_event_handle_t *OutEvent)
static void memcpyFromDeviceGlobalDirect (QueueImplPtr Queue, DeviceGlobalMapEntry *DeviceGlobalEntry, size_t NumBytes, size_t Offset, void *Dest, const std::vector< ur_event_handle_t > &DepEvents, ur_event_handle_t *OutEvent)
static bool IsSupportedImageFormat (ur::DeviceBinaryType Format)
static std::vector< const RTDeviceBinaryImage * > getSortedImages (const std::vector< const RTDeviceBinaryImage * > &Imgs)
std::string getDirName (const char *Path)
ur_virtual_mem_access_flag_t AccessModeToVirtualAccessFlags (ext::oneapi::experimental::address_access_mode Mode)
static bool IsBannedPlatform (platform Platform)
static bool supportsAffinityDomain (const device &dev, info::partition_property partitionProp, info::partition_affinity_domain domain)
static bool supportsPartitionProperty (const device &dev, info::partition_property partitionProp)
static std::vector< deviceamendDeviceAndSubDevices (backend PlatformBackend, std::vector< device > &DeviceList, ods_target_list *OdsTargetList, const std::vector< int > &original_indices, PlatformImplPtr PlatformImpl)
info::platform::version::return_type platform_impl::get_backend_info< info::platform::version > () const
info::device::version::return_type platform_impl::get_backend_info< info::device::version > () const
info::device::backend_version::return_type platform_impl::get_backend_info< info::device::backend_version > () const
std::string get_platform_info_string_impl (ur_platform_handle_t Plt, const PluginPtr &Plugin, ur_platform_info_t UrCode)
template<typename Param >
std::enable_if< std::is_same< typename Param::return_type, std::string >::value, std::string >::type get_platform_info (ur_platform_handle_t Plt, const PluginPtr &Plugin)
template<typename Param >
std::enable_if< std::is_same< Param, info::platform::extensions >::value, std::vector< std::string > >::type get_platform_info (ur_platform_handle_t Plt, const PluginPtr &Plugin)
static constexpr char UseSpvEnv ("SYCL_USE_KERNEL_SPV")
static void enableITTAnnotationsIfNeeded (const ur_program_handle_t &Prog, const PluginPtr &Plugin)
 This function enables ITT annotations in SPIR-V module by setting a specialization constant if INTEL_LIBITTNOTIFY64 env variable is set. More...
static ur_program_handle_t createBinaryProgram (const ContextImplPtr Context, const device &Device, const unsigned char *Data, size_t DataLen, const std::vector< ur_program_metadata_t > Metadata)
static ur_program_handle_t createSpirvProgram (const ContextImplPtr Context, const unsigned char *Data, size_t DataLen)
static bool isDeviceBinaryTypeSupported (const context &C, ur::DeviceBinaryType Format)
static const char * getFormatStr (ur::DeviceBinaryType Format)
static void appendLinkOptionsFromImage (std::string &LinkOpts, const RTDeviceBinaryImage &Img)
static bool getUint32PropAsBool (const RTDeviceBinaryImage &Img, const char *PropName)
static std::string getUint32PropAsOptStr (const RTDeviceBinaryImage &Img, const char *PropName)
static void appendCompileOptionsForGRFSizeProperties (std::string &CompileOpts, const RTDeviceBinaryImage &Img, bool IsEsimdImage)
static void appendCompileOptionsFromImage (std::string &CompileOpts, const RTDeviceBinaryImage &Img, const std::vector< device > &Devs, const PluginPtr &)
static void appendCompileEnvironmentVariablesThatAppend (std::string &CompileOpts)
static void appendLinkEnvironmentVariablesThatAppend (std::string &LinkOpts)
static void applyOptionsFromImage (std::string &CompileOpts, std::string &LinkOpts, const RTDeviceBinaryImage &Img, const std::vector< device > &Devices, const PluginPtr &Plugin)
static void applyCompileOptionsFromEnvironment (std::string &CompileOpts)
static void applyLinkOptionsFromEnvironment (std::string &LinkOpts)
static void applyOptionsFromEnvironment (std::string &CompileOpts, std::string &LinkOpts)
static void emitBuiltProgramInfo (const ur_program_handle_t &Prog, const ContextImplPtr &Context)
 Emits information about built programs if the appropriate contitions are met, namely when SYCL_RT_WARNING_LEVEL is greater than or equal to 2. More...
static const char * getUrDeviceTarget (const char *URDeviceTarget)
static bool compatibleWithDevice (RTDeviceBinaryImage *BinImage, const device &Dev)
static void setSpecializationConstants (const std::shared_ptr< device_image_impl > &InputImpl, ur_program_handle_t Prog, const PluginPtr &Plugin)
static bool loadDeviceLib (const ContextImplPtr Context, const char *Name, ur_program_handle_t &Prog)
static const char * getDeviceLibFilename (DeviceLibExt Extension, bool Native)
static const char * getDeviceLibExtensionStr (DeviceLibExt Extension)
static ur_result_t doCompile (const PluginPtr &Plugin, ur_program_handle_t Program, uint32_t NumDevs, ur_device_handle_t *Devs, ur_context_handle_t Ctx, const char *Opts)
static ur_program_handle_t loadDeviceLibFallback (const ContextImplPtr Context, DeviceLibExt Extension, ur_device_handle_t Device, bool UseNativeLib)
void CheckJITCompilationForImage (const RTDeviceBinaryImage *const &Image, bool JITCompilationIsRequired)
template<typename StorageKey >
RTDeviceBinaryImagegetBinImageFromMultiMap (const std::unordered_multimap< StorageKey, RTDeviceBinaryImage * > &ImagesSet, const StorageKey &Key, const context &Context, const device &Device)
static bool isDeviceLibRequired (DeviceLibExt Ext, uint32_t DeviceLibReqMask)
static std::vector< ur_program_handle_t > getDeviceLibPrograms (const ContextImplPtr Context, const ur_device_handle_t &Device, uint32_t DeviceLibReqMask)
static bundle_state getBinImageState (const RTDeviceBinaryImage *BinImage)
bool doesDevSupportDeviceRequirements (const device &Dev, const RTDeviceBinaryImage &Img)
static std::string getAspectNameStr (sycl::aspect AspectNum)
template<typename T >
static std::enable_if_t< std::is_unsigned_v< T >, std::optional< T > > multiply_with_overflow_check (T x, T y)
std::optional< matrix_ext::matrix_typeconvertMatrixTypeStringMatrixTypeEnumValue (const std::string &MatrixTypeString)
bool isMatrixSupportedByHW (const std::string &MatrixTypeStrUser, size_t RowsUser, size_t ColsUser, matrix_ext::matrix_type MatrixTypeRuntime, size_t MaxRowsRuntime, size_t MaxColsRuntime, size_t RowsRuntime, size_t ColsRuntime)
std::optional< sycl::exceptioncheckDevSupportJointMatrix (const std::string &JointMatrixProStr, const std::vector< ext::oneapi::experimental::matrix::combination > &SupportedMatrixCombinations)
std::optional< sycl::exceptioncheckDevSupportJointMatrixMad (const std::string &JointMatrixProStr, const std::vector< ext::oneapi::experimental::matrix::combination > &SupportedMatrixCombinations)
std::optional< sycl::exceptioncheckDevSupportDeviceRequirements (const device &Dev, const RTDeviceBinaryImage &Img, const NDRDescT &NDRDesc)
static std::vector< ur_event_handle_t > getUrEvents (const std::vector< sycl::event > &DepEvents)
uint32_t queue_impl::get_info< info::queue::reference_count > () const
context queue_impl::get_info< info::queue::context > () const
device queue_impl::get_info< info::queue::device > () const
info::platform::version::return_type queue_impl::get_backend_info< info::platform::version > () const
info::device::version::return_type queue_impl::get_backend_info< info::device::version > () const
info::device::backend_version::return_type queue_impl::get_backend_info< info::device::backend_version > () const
static event prepareSYCLEventAssociatedWithQueue (const std::shared_ptr< detail::queue_impl > &QueueImpl)
static event createDiscardedEvent ()
void report (const code_location &CodeLoc)
uint32_t reduGetMaxNumConcurrentWorkGroups (std::shared_ptr< sycl::detail::queue_impl > Queue)
size_t reduGetMaxWGSize (std::shared_ptr< sycl::detail::queue_impl > Queue, size_t LocalMemBytesPerWorkItem)
static ContextImplPtr getContext (const QueueImplPtr &Queue)
static std::string demangleKernelName (std::string Name)
void applyFuncOnFilteredArgs (const KernelArgMask *EliminatedArgMask, std::vector< ArgDesc > &Args, std::function< void(detail::ArgDesc &Arg, int NextTrueIndex)> Func)
static std::string accessModeToString (access::mode Mode)
static void flushCrossQueueDeps (const std::vector< EventImplPtr > &EventImpls, const QueueImplPtr &Queue)
static std::string_view cgTypeToString (detail::CGType Type)
static void adjustNDRangePerKernel (NDRDescT &NDR, ur_kernel_handle_t Kernel, const device_impl &DeviceImpl)
void ReverseRangeDimensionsForKernel (NDRDescT &NDR)
ur_mem_flags_t AccessModeToUr (access::mode AccessorMode)
void SetArgBasedOnType (const PluginPtr &Plugin, ur_kernel_handle_t Kernel, const std::shared_ptr< device_image_impl > &DeviceImageImpl, const std::function< void *(Requirement *Req)> &getMemAllocationFunc, const sycl::context &Context, detail::ArgDesc &Arg, size_t NextTrueIndex)
static ur_result_t SetKernelParamsAndLaunch (const QueueImplPtr &Queue, std::vector< ArgDesc > &Args, const std::shared_ptr< device_image_impl > &DeviceImageImpl, ur_kernel_handle_t Kernel, NDRDescT &NDRDesc, std::vector< ur_event_handle_t > &RawEvents, const detail::EventImplPtr &OutEventImpl, const KernelArgMask *EliminatedArgMask, const std::function< void *(Requirement *Req)> &getMemAllocationFunc, bool IsCooperative, bool KernelUsesClusterLaunch, const RTDeviceBinaryImage *BinImage, const std::string &KernelName)
ur_result_t enqueueImpCommandBufferKernel (context Ctx, DeviceImplPtr DeviceImpl, ur_exp_command_buffer_handle_t CommandBuffer, const CGExecKernel &CommandGroup, std::vector< ur_exp_command_buffer_sync_point_t > &SyncPoints, ur_exp_command_buffer_sync_point_t *OutSyncPoint, ur_exp_command_buffer_command_handle_t *OutCommand, const std::function< void *(Requirement *Req)> &getMemAllocationFunc)
void enqueueImpKernel (const QueueImplPtr &Queue, NDRDescT &NDRDesc, std::vector< ArgDesc > &Args, const std::shared_ptr< detail::kernel_bundle_impl > &KernelBundleImplPtr, const std::shared_ptr< detail::kernel_impl > &MSyclKernel, const std::string &KernelName, std::vector< ur_event_handle_t > &RawEvents, const detail::EventImplPtr &OutEventImpl, const std::function< void *(Requirement *Req)> &getMemAllocationFunc, ur_kernel_cache_config_t KernelCacheConfig, const bool KernelIsCooperative, const bool KernelUsesClusterLaunch, const RTDeviceBinaryImage *BinImage)
ur_result_t enqueueReadWriteHostPipe (const QueueImplPtr &Queue, const std::string &PipeName, bool blocking, void *ptr, size_t size, std::vector< ur_event_handle_t > &RawEvents, const detail::EventImplPtr &OutEventImpl, bool read)
RTDeviceBinaryImageretrieveAMDGCNOrNVPTXKernelBinary (const DeviceImplPtr DeviceImpl, const std::string &KernelName)
static bool doOverlap (const Requirement *LHS, const Requirement *RHS)
 Checks whether two requirements overlap or not. More...
static bool IsSuitableSubReq (const Requirement *Req)
 Checks if current requirement is requirement for sub buffer. More...
static bool isOnSameContext (const ContextImplPtr Context, const QueueImplPtr &Queue)
static bool isAccessModeAllowed (access::mode Required, access::mode Current)
 Checks if the required access mode is allowed under the current one. More...
static access::mode combineAccessModes (access::mode A, access::mode B)
 Combines two access modes into a single one that allows both. More...
static bool markNodeAsVisited (Command *Cmd, std::vector< Command * > &Visited)
static void unmarkVisitedNodes (std::vector< Command * > &Visited)
static void handleVisitedNodes (std::vector< Command * > &Visited)
static void printDotRecursive (std::fstream &Stream, std::vector< Command * > &Visited, Command *Cmd)
static CommandinsertMapUnmapForLinkedCmds (AllocaCommandBase *AllocaCmdSrc, AllocaCommandBase *AllocaCmdDst, access::mode MapMode)
static bool checkHostUnifiedMemory (const ContextImplPtr &Ctx)
static bool isInteropHostTask (ExecCGCommand *Cmd)
static void combineAccessModesOfReqs (std::vector< Requirement * > &Reqs)
static bool isPartOfFusion (Command *Cmd, KernelFusionCommand *Fusion)
static bool checkForCircularDependency (Command *, bool, KernelFusionCommand *)
static bool createsCircularDependency (Command *Cmd, bool PredPartOfFusion, KernelFusionCommand *Fusion)
static CommandgetCommand (const EventImplPtr &Event)
static bool doOverlap (const Requirement *LHS, const Requirement *RHS)
static bool isHostAccessorCmd (Command *Cmd)
static void registerAuxiliaryResourcesNoLock (std::unordered_map< EventImplPtr, std::vector< std::shared_ptr< const void >>> &AuxiliaryResources, const EventImplPtr &Event, std::vector< std::shared_ptr< const void >> &&Resources)
bool CheckEventReadiness (const ContextImplPtr &Context, const EventImplPtr &SyclEventImplPtr)
void stableSerializeSpecConstRegistry (const SpecConstRegistryT &Reg, SerializedObj &Dst)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &Out, const spec_constant_impl &V)
std::vector< std::string > split_string (std::string_view str, char delimeter)
ur_mem_type_t getImageType (int Dimensions)
template<sycl::backend BE>
void * getPluginOpaqueData ([[maybe_unused]] void *OpaqueDataParam)
std::string queueDeviceToString (const queue_impl *const &Queue)
void force_type (info::device_type &t, const info::device_type &ft)
static int getDevicePreference (const device &Device)
static void traceDeviceSelection (const device &Device, int Score, bool Chosen)
ur_exp_image_copy_flags_t getUrImageCopyFlags (sycl::usm::alloc SrcPtrType, sycl::usm::alloc DstPtrType)


template<typename T >
constexpr bool use_fast_math_v = use_fast_math<T>::value
template<typename T1 , typename T2 >
constexpr bool is_same_op_v = is_same_op<T1, T2>::value
template<typename... Ts>
constexpr bool check_all_same_op_type_v = CheckAllSameOpType<Ts...>()
template<size_t... Ns>
constexpr bool check_size_in_v = CheckSizeIn<Ns...>()
template<typename T , typename... Ts>
constexpr bool is_valid_elem_type_v = is_valid_elem_type<T, Ts...>::value
template<typename T >
constexpr access::decorated get_multi_ptr_decoration_v
template<typename T >
constexpr bool has_writeable_addr_space_v = has_writeable_addr_space<T>::value
template<typename T , int... Ns>
constexpr bool is_valid_size_v = is_valid_size<T, Ns...>::value
template<typename... Ts>
constexpr bool builtin_same_shape_v
template<typename... Ts>
constexpr bool builtin_same_or_swizzle_v
template<typename T >
constexpr bool is_svgenfloatf_v
template<typename T >
constexpr bool is_svgenfloatd_v
template<typename T >
constexpr bool is_half_v = is_contained_v<T, gtl::scalar_half_list>
template<typename T >
constexpr bool is_bfloat16_v
template<typename T >
constexpr bool is_half_or_bf16_v
template<typename T >
constexpr bool is_svgenfloath_v
template<typename T >
constexpr bool is_genfloat_v = is_contained_v<T, gtl::floating_list>
template<typename T >
constexpr bool is_sgenfloat_v
template<typename T >
constexpr bool is_vgenfloat_v
template<typename T >
constexpr bool is_svgenfloat_v
template<typename T >
constexpr bool is_mgenfloat_v
template<typename T >
constexpr bool is_gengeofloat_v = is_contained_v<T, gtl::geo_float_list>
template<typename T >
constexpr bool is_gengeodouble_v
template<typename T >
constexpr bool is_gengeomarrayfloat_v
template<typename T >
constexpr bool is_gengeomarray_v
template<typename T >
constexpr bool is_gengeohalf_v = is_contained_v<T, gtl::geo_half_list>
template<typename T >
constexpr bool is_vgengeofloat_v
template<typename T >
constexpr bool is_vgengeodouble_v
template<typename T >
constexpr bool is_vgengeohalf_v
template<typename T >
constexpr bool is_sgengeo_v = is_contained_v<T, gtl::scalar_geo_list>
template<typename T >
constexpr bool is_vgengeo_v = is_contained_v<T, gtl::vector_geo_list>
template<typename T >
constexpr bool is_gencrossfloat_v
template<typename T >
constexpr bool is_gencrossdouble_v
template<typename T >
constexpr bool is_gencrosshalf_v
template<typename T >
constexpr bool is_gencross_v
template<typename T >
constexpr bool is_gencrossmarray_v
template<typename T >
constexpr bool is_ugenint_v = is_contained_v<T, gtl::unsigned_int_list>
template<typename T >
constexpr bool is_intn_v
template<typename T >
constexpr bool is_genint_v = is_contained_v<T, gtl::signed_int_list>
template<typename T >
constexpr bool is_geninteger_v = is_contained_v<T, gtl::integer_list>
template<typename T >
constexpr bool is_igeninteger_v
template<typename T >
constexpr bool is_ugeninteger_v
template<typename T >
constexpr bool is_sgeninteger_v
template<typename T >
constexpr bool is_vgeninteger_v
template<typename T >
constexpr bool is_sigeninteger_v
template<typename T >
constexpr bool is_sugeninteger_v
template<typename T >
constexpr bool is_vigeninteger_v
template<typename T >
constexpr bool is_vugeninteger_v
template<typename T >
constexpr bool is_genbool_v = is_contained_v<T, gtl::bool_list>
template<typename T >
constexpr bool is_gentype_v = is_contained_v<T, gtl::basic_list>
template<typename T >
constexpr bool is_vgentype_v = is_contained_v<T, gtl::vector_basic_list>
template<typename T >
constexpr bool is_sgentype_v = is_contained_v<T, gtl::scalar_basic_list>
template<typename T >
constexpr bool is_igeninteger8bit_v
template<typename T >
constexpr bool is_igeninteger16bit_v
template<typename T >
constexpr bool is_igeninteger32bit_v
template<typename T >
constexpr bool is_igeninteger64bit_v
template<typename T >
constexpr bool is_ugeninteger8bit_v
template<typename T >
constexpr bool is_ugeninteger16bit_v
template<typename T >
constexpr bool is_ugeninteger32bit_v
template<typename T >
constexpr bool is_ugeninteger64bit_v
template<typename T >
constexpr bool is_genintptr_v
template<typename T , access::address_space AddressSpace, access::decorated IsDecorated>
constexpr bool is_genintptr_marray_v
template<typename T >
constexpr bool is_genfloatptr_v
template<typename T , access::address_space AddressSpace, access::decorated IsDecorated>
constexpr bool is_genfloatptr_marray_v
template<typename T >
constexpr bool is_byte_v = is_byte<T>::value
template<typename T , typename TypeList >
constexpr bool is_contained_v = is_contained<T, TypeList>::value
template<class T >
constexpr bool is_fixed_size_group_v = is_fixed_size_group<T>::value
template<typename T >
constexpr bool is_generic_group_v = is_generic_group<T>::value
template<typename T >
constexpr bool is_ext_vector_v = is_ext_vector<T>::value
template<typename T , int N, template< typename > class S>
constexpr bool is_gen_based_on_type_sizeof_v
template<typename T >
constexpr bool is_vec_v = is_vec<T>::value
template<typename T >
constexpr bool is_swizzle_v = is_swizzle<T>::value
template<typename T >
constexpr bool is_vec_or_swizzle_v = is_vec_v<T> || is_swizzle_v<T>
template<typename T >
constexpr bool is_marray_v = is_marray<T>::value
template<typename T >
constexpr bool is_scalar_arithmetic_v = is_scalar_arithmetic<T>::value
template<typename T >
constexpr bool is_boolean_v = is_boolean<T>::value
template<typename T >
constexpr bool is_pointer_v = is_pointer<T>::value
template<class T >
constexpr bool is_multi_ptr_v = is_multi_ptr<T>::value
template<class T >
constexpr bool is_non_legacy_multi_ptr_v
template<class T >
constexpr bool is_legacy_multi_ptr_v = is_legacy_multi_ptr<T>::value
template<typename T , typename SpaceList >
constexpr bool is_address_space_compliant_v
template<typename T0 , typename... Ts>
constexpr bool all_same_v = (... && std::is_same_v<T0, Ts>)
template<typename... Ts>
constexpr bool check_type_in_v = CheckTypeIn<Ts...>()
constexpr size_t MaxVecAlignment = 64
static constexpr int REJECT_DEVICE_SCORE = -1
static constexpr ext::oneapi::experimental::architecture min_intel_gpu_architecture
static constexpr ext::oneapi::experimental::architecture max_intel_gpu_architecture
static constexpr ext::oneapi::experimental::architecture min_nvidia_gpu_architecture
static constexpr ext::oneapi::experimental::architecture max_nvidia_gpu_architecture
static constexpr ext::oneapi::experimental::architecture min_amd_gpu_architecture
static constexpr ext::oneapi::experimental::architecture max_amd_gpu_architecture
static constexpr bool is_allowable_aot_mode
constexpr auto device_arch_compare_op_lt
constexpr auto device_arch_compare_op_le
constexpr auto device_arch_compare_op_gt
constexpr auto device_arch_compare_op_ge
constexpr UseToUseStringPair UseToUseStringMap []
template<typename F , typename SuggestedArgType >
decltype(member_ptr_helper(&F::operator())) argument_helper (int)
static constexpr FmtFlags Dec = 0x0001
static constexpr FmtFlags Hex = 0x0002
static constexpr FmtFlags Oct = 0x0004
static constexpr FmtFlags ShowBase = 0x0008
static constexpr FmtFlags ShowPos = 0x0010
static constexpr FmtFlags Fixed = 0x0020
static constexpr FmtFlags Scientific = 0x0040
static constexpr FmtFlags BaseField = Dec | Hex | Oct
static constexpr FmtFlags FloatField = Scientific | Fixed
constexpr size_t MAX_FLOATING_POINT_DIGITS = 24
constexpr size_t MAX_INTEGRAL_DIGITS = 23
constexpr const char * VEC_ELEMENT_DELIMITER = ", "
constexpr char VEC_OPEN_BRACE = '{'
constexpr char VEC_CLOSE_BRACE = '}'
constexpr size_t MAX_DIMENSIONS = 3
constexpr size_t MAX_ARRAY_SIZE
constexpr unsigned FLUSH_BUF_OFFSET_SIZE = 2
constexpr static access::address_space GlobalBufAS
constexpr static int GlobalBufDim = 1
constexpr static access::address_space GlobalOffsetAS
constexpr static int GlobalOffsetDim = 1
constexpr size_t MAX_ITEM_SIZE = 2 * MAX_ARRAY_SIZE + 20
constexpr char BackendNameKeyName [] = "BackendName"
constexpr char DeviceTypeKeyName [] = "DeviceType"
constexpr char DeviceVendorIdKeyName [] = "DeviceVendorId"
constexpr char DriverVersionKeyName [] = "DriverVersion"
constexpr char PlatformVersionKeyName [] = "PlatformVersion"
constexpr char DeviceNameKeyName [] = "DeviceName"
constexpr char PlatformNameKeyName [] = "PlatformName"
constexpr std::array< const char *, 7 > SupportedAllowListKeyNames
static thread_local detail::code_location GCodeLocTLS = {}
 CodeLocation information slot in thread local storage. More...
constexpr bool ConfigFromEnvEnabled = true
constexpr bool ConfigFromFileEnabled = true
constexpr bool ConfigFromCompileDefEnabled = true
constexpr int MAX_CONFIG_NAME = 256
constexpr int MAX_CONFIG_VALUE = 1024
constexpr std::pair< const char *, oneapi_exp_archNvidiaAmdGPUArchitectures []
constexpr std::pair< const int, oneapi_exp_archIntelGPUArchitectures []
constexpr std::pair< const int, oneapi_exp_archIntelCPUArchitectures []
static constexpr int DbgProgMgr = 0
static const std::map< DeviceLibExt, std::pair< const char *, const char * > > DeviceLibNames
static const std::map< DeviceLibExt, const char * > DeviceLibExtensionStrs
static constexpr uint32_t ITTSpecConstId = 0xFF747469
thread_local bool NestedCallsDetector = false
static constexpr size_t MaxNumQueues = 256
 Sets max number of queues supported by FPGA RT. More...
constexpr CUDAContextT DefaultContextType = CUDAContextT::custom
 Default context type created for CUDA backend. More...
constexpr const char * SYCL_STREAM_NAME = "sycl"
constexpr const char * SYCL_PICALL_STREAM_NAME = "sycl.pi"
constexpr const char * SYCL_PIDEBUGCALL_STREAM_NAME = "sycl.pi.debug"
constexpr const char * SYCL_BUFFER_STREAM_NAME
constexpr const char * SYCL_IMAGE_STREAM_NAME = "sycl.experimental.image"

Typedef Documentation

◆ __sycl_init_mem_for

template<class KernelName >
using sycl::_V1::detail::__sycl_init_mem_for = typedef std::conditional_t<std::is_same_v<KernelName, auto_name>, auto_name, reduction::InitMemKrn<KernelName> >

A helper to pass undefined (sycl::detail::auto_name) names unmodified.

We must do that to avoid name collisions.

Definition at line 828 of file reduction.hpp.

◆ __sycl_reduction_kernel

template<template< typename, reduction::strategy, typename... > class MainOrAux, class KernelName , reduction::strategy Strategy, class... Ts>
using sycl::_V1::detail::__sycl_reduction_kernel = typedef std::conditional_t<std::is_same_v<KernelName, auto_name>, auto_name, MainOrAux<KernelName, Strategy, Ts...> >

A helper to pass undefined (sycl::detail::auto_name) names unmodified.

We must do that to avoid name collisions.

Definition at line 1222 of file reduction.hpp.

◆ ABINeutralT_t

template<typename T >
using sycl::_V1::detail::ABINeutralT_t = typedef typename ABINeutralT<T>::type

Definition at line 85 of file util.hpp.

◆ AccessorImplPtr

Definition at line 514 of file accessor.hpp.

◆ address_space_list

template<access::address_space... Values>
using sycl::_V1::detail::address_space_list = typedef value_list<access::address_space, Values...>

Definition at line 62 of file type_list.hpp.

◆ AllowListParsedT

using sycl::_V1::detail::AllowListParsedT = typedef std::vector<DeviceDescT>

Definition at line 23 of file allowlist.hpp.

◆ bfloat16

◆ change_base_type_t

template<typename T , typename B >
using sycl::_V1::detail::change_base_type_t = typedef typename change_base_type<T, B>::type

Definition at line 216 of file type_traits.hpp.

◆ change_elements_t

template<typename NewElemT , typename T >
using sycl::_V1::detail::change_elements_t = typedef typename change_elements<NewElemT, T>::type

Definition at line 138 of file builtins_utils_vec.hpp.

◆ cl_unsigned

template<int Size>
using sycl::_V1::detail::cl_unsigned = typedef std::conditional_t< Size == 1, opencl::cl_uchar, std::conditional_t< Size == 2, opencl::cl_ushort, std::conditional_t<Size == 4, opencl::cl_uint, opencl::cl_ulong> >>

Definition at line 278 of file generic_type_traits.hpp.

◆ CommandPtr

using sycl::_V1::detail::CommandPtr = typedef std::unique_ptr<Command>

Definition at line 192 of file scheduler.hpp.

◆ const_if_const_AS

template<access::address_space AS, class DataT >
using sycl::_V1::detail::const_if_const_AS = typedef DataT

Definition at line 534 of file type_traits.hpp.

◆ ContextImplPtr

typedef std::shared_ptr< context_impl > sycl::_V1::detail::ContextImplPtr

Definition at line 32 of file event_impl.hpp.

◆ ConvertToOpenCLType_t

template<typename T >
using sycl::_V1::detail::ConvertToOpenCLType_t = typedef decltype(convertToOpenCLType(std::declval<T>()))

Definition at line 400 of file generic_type_traits.hpp.

◆ copy_cv_qualifiers_t

template<typename T , typename R >
using sycl::_V1::detail::copy_cv_qualifiers_t = typedef typename copy_cv_qualifiers<T, R>::type

Definition at line 126 of file type_traits.hpp.

◆ DeviceDescT

using sycl::_V1::detail::DeviceDescT = typedef std::map<std::string, std::string>

Definition at line 22 of file allowlist.hpp.

◆ DeviceImageImplPtr

using sycl::_V1::detail::DeviceImageImplPtr = typedef std::shared_ptr<device_image_impl>

Definition at line 93 of file kernel_bundle.hpp.

◆ DeviceImplPtr

Definition at line 67 of file program_manager.hpp.

◆ DevImgSelectorImpl

using sycl::_V1::detail::DevImgSelectorImpl = typedef std::function<bool(const detail::DeviceImageImplPtr &DevImgImpl)>

Definition at line 609 of file kernel_bundle.hpp.

◆ DSelectorInvocableType

using sycl::_V1::detail::DSelectorInvocableType = typedef std::function<int(const sycl::device &)>

Definition at line 110 of file device_selector.hpp.

◆ empty_type_list

Definition at line 24 of file type_list.hpp.

◆ EnableIfFP

template<class F , class T = void>
using sycl::_V1::detail::EnableIfFP = typedef typename std::enable_if_t< detail::check_type_in_v<F, float, double, half, ext::oneapi::bfloat16>, T>

Definition at line 88 of file stream.hpp.

◆ EnableIfImgAccDataT

template<typename DataT >
using sycl::_V1::detail::EnableIfImgAccDataT = typedef typename std::enable_if_t<is_validImageDataT<DataT>::value, DataT>

Definition at line 122 of file image.hpp.

◆ EnableIfOutputIteratorT

template<typename DataT >
using sycl::_V1::detail::EnableIfOutputIteratorT = typedef std::enable_if_t< !std::is_pointer_v<DataT> >

Definition at line 37 of file common.hpp.

◆ EnableIfOutputPointerT

template<typename DataT >
using sycl::_V1::detail::EnableIfOutputPointerT = typedef std::enable_if_t< std::is_pointer_v<DataT> >

Definition at line 33 of file common.hpp.

◆ EnableIfSwizzleVec

template<typename T >
using sycl::_V1::detail::EnableIfSwizzleVec = typedef typename std::enable_if_t<IsSwizzleOp<T>::value, typename IsSwizzleOp<T>::Type>

Definition at line 763 of file stream.hpp.

◆ EnableIfSYCL2020DeviceSelectorInvocable

template<typename DeviceSelector >
using sycl::_V1::detail::EnableIfSYCL2020DeviceSelectorInvocable = typedef std::enable_if_t< std::is_invocable_r_v<int, DeviceSelector &, const device &> && !std::is_base_of_v<ext::oneapi::filter_selector, DeviceSelector> && !std::is_base_of_v<device_selector, DeviceSelector> >

Definition at line 128 of file device_selector.hpp.

◆ EventImplPtr

typedef std::shared_ptr< event_impl > sycl::_V1::detail::EventImplPtr

Definition at line 183 of file handler.hpp.

◆ find_same_size_type_t

template<typename TypeList , typename T >
using sycl::_V1::detail::find_same_size_type_t = typedef find_type_t<TypeList, is_type_size_equal, T>

Definition at line 91 of file type_list.hpp.

◆ find_twice_as_large_type_t

template<typename TypeList , typename T >
using sycl::_V1::detail::find_twice_as_large_type_t = typedef find_type_t<TypeList, is_type_size_double_of, T>

Definition at line 94 of file type_list.hpp.

◆ find_type_t

template<typename TypeList , template< typename, typename > class Comp, typename T >
using sycl::_V1::detail::find_type_t = typedef typename find_type<TypeList, Comp, T>::type

Definition at line 88 of file type_list.hpp.

◆ FmtFlags

using sycl::_V1::detail::FmtFlags = typedef unsigned int

Definition at line 48 of file stream.hpp.

◆ FusionList

using sycl::_V1::detail::FusionList = typedef std::unique_ptr<KernelFusionCommand>

Definition at line 193 of file scheduler.hpp.

◆ FusionMap

using sycl::_V1::detail::FusionMap = typedef std::unordered_map<QueueIdT, FusionList>

Definition at line 194 of file scheduler.hpp.

◆ get_elem_type_t

template<typename T >
using sycl::_V1::detail::get_elem_type_t = typedef typename get_elem_type<T>::type

Definition at line 204 of file type_traits.hpp.

◆ get_fixed_sized_int_t

template<typename T >
using sycl::_V1::detail::get_fixed_sized_int_t = typedef typename get_fixed_sized_int<T>::type

Definition at line 114 of file builtins_utils_scalar.hpp.

◆ GlobalBufAccessorT

using sycl::_V1::detail::GlobalBufAccessorT = typedef accessor<char, 1, sycl::access::mode::read_write, sycl::access::target::device>

Definition at line 91 of file stream.hpp.

◆ GlobalBufPtrType

Definition at line 96 of file stream.hpp.

◆ GlobalOffsetAccessorT

using sycl::_V1::detail::GlobalOffsetAccessorT = typedef accessor<unsigned, 1, sycl::access::mode::atomic, sycl::access::target::device>

Definition at line 100 of file stream.hpp.

◆ GlobalOffsetPtrType

using sycl::_V1::detail::GlobalOffsetPtrType = typedef typename detail::DecoratedType<unsigned, GlobalBufAS>::type *

Definition at line 105 of file stream.hpp.

◆ image_allocator

Definition at line 40 of file image_impl.hpp.

◆ int64_t

using sycl::_V1::detail::int64_t = typedef conditional<sizeof(long) == 8, long, long long>::type

Definition at line 35 of file kernel_desc.hpp.

◆ int_constant

template<int V>
using sycl::_V1::detail::int_constant = typedef std::integral_constant<int, V>

Definition at line 128 of file type_traits.hpp.

◆ is_arithmetic_or_complex

template<typename T >
using sycl::_V1::detail::is_arithmetic_or_complex = typedef std::integral_constant<bool, sycl::detail::is_complex<T>::value || sycl::detail::is_arithmetic<T>::value>

Definition at line 126 of file group_algorithm.hpp.

◆ is_byte

template<typename T >
using sycl::_V1::detail::is_byte = typedef typename std::is_same<T, std::byte>

Definition at line 258 of file generic_type_traits.hpp.

◆ is_contained

template<typename T , typename TypeList >
using sycl::_V1::detail::is_contained = typedef boost::mp11::mp_set_contains<TypeList, std::remove_cv_t<T> >

Definition at line 31 of file type_list.hpp.

◆ is_empty_type_list

template<typename T >
using sycl::_V1::detail::is_empty_type_list = typedef std::is_same<T, empty_type_list>

Definition at line 27 of file type_list.hpp.

◆ is_float_to_float

template<typename T , typename R >
using sycl::_V1::detail::is_float_to_float = typedef std::bool_constant<detail::is_floating_point<T>::value && detail::is_floating_point<R>::value>

Definition at line 214 of file vector_convert.hpp.

◆ is_float_to_sint

template<typename T , typename R >
using sycl::_V1::detail::is_float_to_sint = typedef std::bool_constant<detail::is_floating_point<T>::value && std::is_integral_v<R> && !std::is_unsigned_v<R> >

Definition at line 209 of file vector_convert.hpp.

◆ is_float_to_uint

template<typename T , typename R >
using sycl::_V1::detail::is_float_to_uint = typedef std::bool_constant<detail::is_floating_point<T>::value && std::is_unsigned_v<R> >

Definition at line 204 of file vector_convert.hpp.

◆ is_geninteger

template<typename T >
using sycl::_V1::detail::is_geninteger = typedef std::bool_constant<is_geninteger_v<T> >

Definition at line 144 of file generic_type_traits.hpp.

◆ is_igeninteger

template<typename T >
using sycl::_V1::detail::is_igeninteger = typedef std::bool_constant<is_igeninteger_v<T> >

Definition at line 151 of file generic_type_traits.hpp.

◆ is_int_to_float

template<typename T , typename R >
using sycl::_V1::detail::is_int_to_float = typedef std::bool_constant<std::is_integral_v<T> && detail::is_floating_point<R>::value>

Definition at line 200 of file vector_convert.hpp.

◆ is_multiplies

template<typename T , typename BinaryOperation >
using sycl::_V1::detail::is_multiplies = typedef std::integral_constant< bool, std::is_same_v<BinaryOperation, sycl::multiplies<std::remove_const_t<T> >> || std::is_same_v<BinaryOperation, sycl::multiplies<std::add_const_t<T> >> || std::is_same_v<BinaryOperation, sycl::multiplies<void> >>

Definition at line 110 of file group_algorithm.hpp.

◆ is_one_of_spaces

template<access::address_space AddressSpace, typename ValueList >
using sycl::_V1::detail::is_one_of_spaces = typedef is_contained_value<access::address_space, AddressSpace, ValueList>

Definition at line 65 of file type_list.hpp.

◆ is_plus

template<typename T , typename BinaryOperation >
using sycl::_V1::detail::is_plus = typedef std::integral_constant< bool, std::is_same_v<BinaryOperation, sycl::plus<std::remove_const_t<T> >> || std::is_same_v<BinaryOperation, sycl::plus<std::add_const_t<T> >> || std::is_same_v<BinaryOperation, sycl::plus<void> >>

Definition at line 102 of file group_algorithm.hpp.

◆ is_plus_or_multiplies_if_complex

template<typename T , typename BinaryOperation >
using sycl::_V1::detail::is_plus_or_multiplies_if_complex = typedef std::integral_constant< bool, (is_complex<T>::value ? (is_plus<T, BinaryOperation>::value || is_multiplies<T, BinaryOperation>::value) : std::true_type::value)>

Definition at line 138 of file group_algorithm.hpp.

◆ is_sint_to_float

template<typename T , typename R >
using sycl::_V1::detail::is_sint_to_float = typedef std::bool_constant<std::is_integral_v<T> && !std::is_unsigned_v<T> && detail::is_floating_point<R>::value>

Definition at line 190 of file vector_convert.hpp.

◆ is_sint_to_from_uint

template<typename T , typename R >
using sycl::_V1::detail::is_sint_to_from_uint = typedef std::bool_constant< (detail::is_sigeninteger_v<T> && detail::is_sugeninteger_v<R>) || (detail::is_sugeninteger_v<T> && detail::is_sigeninteger_v<R>)>

Definition at line 185 of file vector_convert.hpp.

◆ is_sint_to_sint

template<typename T , typename R >
using sycl::_V1::detail::is_sint_to_sint = typedef std::bool_constant<is_sigeninteger_v<T> && is_sigeninteger_v<R> >

Definition at line 177 of file vector_convert.hpp.

◆ is_ugeninteger

template<typename T >
using sycl::_V1::detail::is_ugeninteger = typedef std::bool_constant<is_ugeninteger_v<T> >

Definition at line 158 of file generic_type_traits.hpp.

◆ is_uint_to_float

template<typename T , typename R >
using sycl::_V1::detail::is_uint_to_float = typedef std::bool_constant<std::is_unsigned_v<T> && detail::is_floating_point<R>::value>

Definition at line 195 of file vector_convert.hpp.

◆ is_uint_to_uint

template<typename T , typename R >
using sycl::_V1::detail::is_uint_to_uint = typedef std::bool_constant<is_sugeninteger_v<T> && is_sugeninteger_v<R> >

Definition at line 181 of file vector_convert.hpp.

◆ is_validImageDataT

Definition at line 117 of file image.hpp.

◆ IsBitAND

template<typename T , class BinaryOperation >
using sycl::_V1::detail::IsBitAND = typedef std::bool_constant<std::is_same_v<BinaryOperation, sycl::bit_and<T> > || std::is_same_v<BinaryOperation, sycl::bit_and<void> >>

Definition at line 49 of file known_identity.hpp.

◆ IsBitOR

template<typename T , class BinaryOperation >
using sycl::_V1::detail::IsBitOR = typedef std::bool_constant<std::is_same_v<BinaryOperation, sycl::bit_or<T> > || std::is_same_v<BinaryOperation, sycl::bit_or<void> >>

Definition at line 54 of file known_identity.hpp.

◆ IsBitXOR

template<typename T , class BinaryOperation >
using sycl::_V1::detail::IsBitXOR = typedef std::bool_constant<std::is_same_v<BinaryOperation, sycl::bit_xor<T> > || std::is_same_v<BinaryOperation, sycl::bit_xor<void> >>

Definition at line 59 of file known_identity.hpp.

◆ IsFalseIdentityOp

template<typename T , class BinaryOperation >
using sycl::_V1::detail::IsFalseIdentityOp = typedef std::bool_constant<IsLogicalOR<T, BinaryOperation>::value>

Definition at line 119 of file known_identity.hpp.

◆ IsKnownIdentityOp

template<typename T , class BinaryOperation >
using sycl::_V1::detail::IsKnownIdentityOp = typedef std::bool_constant<IsZeroIdentityOp<T, BinaryOperation>::value || IsOneIdentityOp<T, BinaryOperation>::value || IsOnesIdentityOp<T, BinaryOperation>::value || IsMinimumIdentityOp<T, BinaryOperation>::value || IsMaximumIdentityOp<T, BinaryOperation>::value || IsFalseIdentityOp<T, BinaryOperation>::value || IsTrueIdentityOp<T, BinaryOperation>::value>

Definition at line 128 of file known_identity.hpp.

◆ IsLogicalAND

template<typename T , class BinaryOperation >
using sycl::_V1::detail::IsLogicalAND = typedef std::bool_constant< std::is_same_v<BinaryOperation, std::logical_and<T> > || std::is_same_v<BinaryOperation, std::logical_and<void> > || std::is_same_v<BinaryOperation, sycl::logical_and<T> > || std::is_same_v<BinaryOperation, sycl::logical_and<void> >>

Definition at line 64 of file known_identity.hpp.

◆ IsLogicalOR

template<typename T , class BinaryOperation >
using sycl::_V1::detail::IsLogicalOR = typedef std::bool_constant<std::is_same_v<BinaryOperation, std::logical_or<T> > || std::is_same_v<BinaryOperation, std::logical_or<void> > || std::is_same_v<BinaryOperation, sycl::logical_or<T> > || std::is_same_v<BinaryOperation, sycl::logical_or<void> >>

Definition at line 71 of file known_identity.hpp.

◆ IsMaximum

template<typename T , class BinaryOperation >
using sycl::_V1::detail::IsMaximum = typedef std::bool_constant<std::is_same_v<BinaryOperation, sycl::maximum<T> > || std::is_same_v<BinaryOperation, sycl::maximum<void> >>

Definition at line 44 of file known_identity.hpp.

◆ IsMaximumIdentityOp

template<typename T , class BinaryOperation >
using sycl::_V1::detail::IsMaximumIdentityOp = typedef std::bool_constant<( is_genbool_v<T> || is_geninteger_v<T> || is_genfloat_v<T>)&&IsMaximum<T, BinaryOperation>::value>

Definition at line 113 of file known_identity.hpp.

◆ IsMinimum

template<typename T , class BinaryOperation >
using sycl::_V1::detail::IsMinimum = typedef std::bool_constant<std::is_same_v<BinaryOperation, sycl::minimum<T> > || std::is_same_v<BinaryOperation, sycl::minimum<void> >>

Definition at line 39 of file known_identity.hpp.

◆ IsMinimumIdentityOp

template<typename T , class BinaryOperation >
using sycl::_V1::detail::IsMinimumIdentityOp = typedef std::bool_constant<( is_genbool_v<T> || is_geninteger_v<T> || is_genfloat_v<T>)&&IsMinimum<T, BinaryOperation>::value>

Definition at line 107 of file known_identity.hpp.

◆ IsMultiplies

template<typename T , class BinaryOperation >
using sycl::_V1::detail::IsMultiplies = typedef std::bool_constant<std::is_same_v<BinaryOperation, sycl::multiplies<T> > || std::is_same_v<BinaryOperation, sycl::multiplies<void> >>

Definition at line 34 of file known_identity.hpp.

◆ IsOneIdentityOp

template<typename T , class BinaryOperation >
using sycl::_V1::detail::IsOneIdentityOp = typedef std::bool_constant<( is_genbool_v<T> || is_geninteger_v<T> || is_genfloat_v<T>)&&IsMultiplies<T, BinaryOperation>::value>

Definition at line 95 of file known_identity.hpp.

◆ IsOnesIdentityOp

template<typename T , class BinaryOperation >
using sycl::_V1::detail::IsOnesIdentityOp = typedef std::bool_constant<( is_genbool_v<T> || is_geninteger_v<T>)&&IsBitAND<T, BinaryOperation>::value>

Definition at line 101 of file known_identity.hpp.

◆ IsPlus

template<typename T , class BinaryOperation >
using sycl::_V1::detail::IsPlus = typedef std::bool_constant<std::is_same_v<BinaryOperation, sycl::plus<T> > || std::is_same_v<BinaryOperation, sycl::plus<void> >>

Definition at line 29 of file known_identity.hpp.

◆ IsPropertyListT

template<typename T >
using sycl::_V1::detail::IsPropertyListT = typedef typename std::is_base_of<PropertyListBase, T>

Definition at line 263 of file accessor.hpp.

◆ IsReduOptForAtomic64Op

template<typename T , class BinaryOperation >
using sycl::_V1::detail::IsReduOptForAtomic64Op = typedef std::bool_constant<(IsPlus<T, BinaryOperation>::value || IsMinimum<T, BinaryOperation>::value || IsMaximum<T, BinaryOperation>::value) && is_sgenfloat_v<T> && sizeof(T) == 8>

Definition at line 114 of file reduction.hpp.

◆ IsReduOptForFastAtomicFetch

template<typename T , class BinaryOperation >
using sycl::_V1::detail::IsReduOptForFastAtomicFetch = typedef std::bool_constant<((is_sgenfloat_v<T> && sizeof(T) == 4) || is_sgeninteger_v<T>) && IsValidAtomicType<T>::value && (IsPlus<T, BinaryOperation>::value || IsMinimum<T, BinaryOperation>::value || IsMaximum<T, BinaryOperation>::value || IsBitOR<T, BinaryOperation>::value || IsBitXOR<T, BinaryOperation>::value || IsBitAND<T, BinaryOperation>::value)>

Definition at line 90 of file reduction.hpp.

◆ IsReduOptForFastReduce

template<typename T , class BinaryOperation >
using sycl::_V1::detail::IsReduOptForFastReduce = typedef std::bool_constant<((is_sgeninteger_v<T> && (sizeof(T) == 4 || sizeof(T) == 8)) || is_sgenfloat_v<T>) && (IsPlus<T, BinaryOperation>::value || IsMinimum<T, BinaryOperation>::value || IsMaximum<T, BinaryOperation>::value)>

Definition at line 130 of file reduction.hpp.

◆ IsRunTimePropertyListT

template<typename T >
using sycl::_V1::detail::IsRunTimePropertyListT = typedef typename std::is_same<ext::oneapi::accessor_property_list<>, T>

Definition at line 266 of file accessor.hpp.

◆ IsTrueIdentityOp

template<typename T , class BinaryOperation >
using sycl::_V1::detail::IsTrueIdentityOp = typedef std::bool_constant<IsLogicalAND<T, BinaryOperation>::value>

Definition at line 124 of file known_identity.hpp.

◆ IsValidCoordType

template<typename T >
using sycl::_V1::detail::IsValidCoordType = typedef typename is_contained< T, boost::mp11::mp_unique<type_list<opencl::cl_int, opencl::cl_float, std::int32_t, float> >>::type

Definition at line 38 of file image_accessor_util.hpp.

◆ IsValidDefaultOrder

template<memory_order Order>
using sycl::_V1::detail::IsValidDefaultOrder = typedef std::bool_constant<Order == memory_order::relaxed || Order == memory_order::acq_rel || Order == memory_order::seq_cst>

Definition at line 52 of file atomic_ref.hpp.

◆ IsZeroIdentityOp

template<typename T , class BinaryOperation >
using sycl::_V1::detail::IsZeroIdentityOp = typedef std::bool_constant< ((is_genbool_v<T> || is_geninteger_v<T>)&&(IsPlus<T, BinaryOperation>::value || IsBitOR<T, BinaryOperation>::value || IsBitXOR<T, BinaryOperation>::value)) || (is_genfloat_v<T> && IsPlus<T, BinaryOperation>::value) || (isComplex<T>::value && IsPlus<T, BinaryOperation>::value)>

Definition at line 85 of file known_identity.hpp.

◆ iterator_category_t

template<typename T >
using sycl::_V1::detail::iterator_category_t = typedef typename std::iterator_traits<T>::iterator_category

Definition at line 23 of file stl_type_traits.hpp.

◆ iterator_pointer_t

template<typename T >
using sycl::_V1::detail::iterator_pointer_t = typedef typename std::iterator_traits<T>::pointer

Definition at line 29 of file stl_type_traits.hpp.

◆ iterator_to_const_type_t

template<typename T >
using sycl::_V1::detail::iterator_to_const_type_t = typedef std::is_const<std::remove_pointer_t<iterator_pointer_t<T> >>

Definition at line 32 of file stl_type_traits.hpp.

◆ iterator_value_type_t

template<typename T >
using sycl::_V1::detail::iterator_value_type_t = typedef typename std::iterator_traits<T>::value_type

Definition at line 26 of file stl_type_traits.hpp.

◆ KernelArgMask

using sycl::_V1::detail::KernelArgMask = typedef std::vector<bool>

Definition at line 16 of file kernel_arg_mask.hpp.

◆ KernelBundleImplPtr

Definition at line 161 of file kernel_bundle.hpp.

◆ lambda_arg_type

template<typename F , typename SuggestedArgType >
using sycl::_V1::detail::lambda_arg_type = typedef decltype(argument_helper<F, SuggestedArgType>(0))

Definition at line 210 of file handler.hpp.

◆ LocalAccessorImplPtr

Definition at line 570 of file accessor.hpp.

◆ LockGuard

using sycl::_V1::detail::LockGuard = typedef std::lock_guard<SpinLock>

Definition at line 36 of file global_handler.cpp.

◆ make_floating_point_t

Definition at line 268 of file generic_type_traits.hpp.

◆ make_larger_t

template<typename T >
using sycl::_V1::detail::make_larger_t = typedef typename make_larger<T>::type

Definition at line 525 of file type_traits.hpp.

◆ make_signed_t

template<typename T >
using sycl::_V1::detail::make_signed_t = typedef typename make_signed<T>::type

Definition at line 245 of file type_traits.hpp.

◆ make_singed_integer_t

Definition at line 271 of file generic_type_traits.hpp.

◆ make_type_t

template<typename T , typename TL >
using sycl::_V1::detail::make_type_t = typedef typename make_type_impl<T, TL>::type

Definition at line 480 of file type_traits.hpp.

◆ make_unsigned_t

template<typename T >
using sycl::_V1::detail::make_unsigned_t = typedef typename make_unsigned<T>::type

Definition at line 266 of file type_traits.hpp.

◆ make_unsinged_integer_t

Definition at line 274 of file generic_type_traits.hpp.

◆ marray_element_t

template<class T >
using sycl::_V1::detail::marray_element_t = typedef typename T::value_type

Definition at line 154 of file type_traits.hpp.

◆ memory_order

Definition at line 38 of file atomic.hpp.

◆ memory_scope

Definition at line 31 of file atomic_ref.hpp.

◆ native_op_list

◆ oneapi_exp_arch

◆ output_iterator_requirements

template<typename T >
using sycl::_V1::detail::output_iterator_requirements = typedef std::void_t<iterator_category_t<T>, decltype(*std::declval<T>() = std::declval<iterator_value_type_t<T> >())>

Definition at line 38 of file stl_type_traits.hpp.

◆ PlatformImplPtr

Definition at line 31 of file context_impl.hpp.

◆ PluginPtr

typedef std::shared_ptr< plugin > sycl::_V1::detail::PluginPtr

Definition at line 60 of file ur.hpp.

◆ QueueIdT

using sycl::_V1::detail::QueueIdT = typedef std::hash<std::shared_ptr<detail::queue_impl> >::result_type

Definition at line 191 of file scheduler.hpp.

◆ QueueImplPtr

Definition at line 45 of file helpers.hpp.

◆ ReduTupleT

template<typename... Ts>
using sycl::_V1::detail::ReduTupleT = typedef sycl::detail::tuple<Ts...>

Definition at line 146 of file reduction.hpp.

◆ rel_t

template<typename T >
using sycl::_V1::detail::rel_t = typedef detail::select_cl_scalar_integral_signed_t<T>

Definition at line 656 of file vector.hpp.

◆ remove_pointer_t

template<typename T >
using sycl::_V1::detail::remove_pointer_t = typedef typename remove_pointer<T>::type

Definition at line 446 of file type_traits.hpp.

◆ Requirement

Definition at line 186 of file accessor_impl.hpp.

◆ same_size_signed_int_t

template<typename T >
using sycl::_V1::detail::same_size_signed_int_t = typedef typename same_size_signed_int<T>::type

Definition at line 94 of file builtins_utils_scalar.hpp.

◆ same_size_unsigned_int_t

template<typename T >
using sycl::_V1::detail::same_size_unsigned_int_t = typedef typename same_size_unsigned_int<T>::type

Definition at line 105 of file builtins_utils_scalar.hpp.

◆ SampledImageAccessorImplPtr

◆ select_apply_cl_scalar_t

template<typename T , typename T8 , typename T16 , typename T32 , typename T64 >
using sycl::_V1::detail::select_apply_cl_scalar_t = typedef std::conditional_t< sizeof(T) == 1, T8, std::conditional_t<sizeof(T) == 2, T16, std::conditional_t<sizeof(T) == 4, T32, T64> >>

Definition at line 287 of file generic_type_traits.hpp.

◆ select_cl_scalar_complex_or_T_t

template<typename T >
using sycl::_V1::detail::select_cl_scalar_complex_or_T_t = typedef typename select_cl_scalar_complex_or_T<T>::type

Definition at line 313 of file generic_type_traits.hpp.

◆ select_cl_scalar_integral_signed_t

template<typename T >
using sycl::_V1::detail::select_cl_scalar_integral_signed_t = typedef select_apply_cl_scalar_t<T, sycl::opencl::cl_char, sycl::opencl::cl_short, sycl::opencl::cl_int, sycl::opencl::cl_long>

Definition at line 294 of file generic_type_traits.hpp.

◆ select_cl_scalar_integral_unsigned_t

template<typename T >
using sycl::_V1::detail::select_cl_scalar_integral_unsigned_t = typedef select_apply_cl_scalar_t<T, sycl::opencl::cl_uchar, sycl::opencl::cl_ushort, sycl::opencl::cl_uint, sycl::opencl::cl_ulong>

Definition at line 299 of file generic_type_traits.hpp.

◆ select_scalar_by_size_t

template<size_t Size, typename T8 , typename T16 , typename T32 , typename T64 >
using sycl::_V1::detail::select_scalar_by_size_t = typedef std::conditional_t< Size == 1, T8, std::conditional_t< Size == 2, T16, std::conditional_t<Size == 4, T32, std::conditional_t<Size == 8, T64, void> >> >

Definition at line 39 of file builtins_utils_scalar.hpp.

◆ SerializedObj

using sycl::_V1::detail::SerializedObj = typedef std::vector<unsigned char>

Definition at line 69 of file util.hpp.

◆ simplify_if_swizzle_t

template<typename T >
using sycl::_V1::detail::simplify_if_swizzle_t = typedef typename simplify_if_swizzle<T>::type

Definition at line 123 of file builtins_utils_scalar.hpp.

◆ SpecConstRegistryT

using sycl::_V1::detail::SpecConstRegistryT = typedef std::map<std::string, spec_constant_impl>

Definition at line 43 of file spec_constant_impl.hpp.

◆ StreamImplPtr

Definition at line 52 of file commands.hpp.

◆ sycl_memory_object_allocator

template<typename DataT >
using sycl::_V1::detail::sycl_memory_object_allocator = typedef aligned_allocator<DataT>

Definition at line 22 of file sycl_mem_obj_allocator.hpp.

◆ tail_t

template<typename T >
using sycl::_V1::detail::tail_t = typedef typename T::tail

Definition at line 49 of file type_list.hpp.

◆ tl_append

template<class... L>
using sycl::_V1::detail::tl_append = typedef boost::mp11::mp_append<L...>

Definition at line 37 of file type_list.hpp.

◆ tuple_element_t

template<std::size_t I, class T >
using sycl::_V1::detail::tuple_element_t = typedef typename tuple_element<I, T>::type

Definition at line 55 of file tuple.hpp.

◆ type_list

template<class... T>
using sycl::_V1::detail::type_list = typedef boost::mp11::mp_list<T...>

Definition at line 22 of file type_list.hpp.

◆ UnsampledImageAccessorImplPtr

◆ UseToUseStringPair

Definition at line 44 of file matrix-unified-utils.hpp.

◆ uuid_type

using sycl::_V1::detail::uuid_type = typedef std::array<unsigned char, 16>

Definition at line 121 of file type_traits.hpp.

◆ vector_element_impl_t

template<typename T >
using sycl::_V1::detail::vector_element_impl_t = typedef typename vector_element_impl<T>::type

Definition at line 141 of file type_traits.hpp.

◆ vector_element_t

template<class T >
using sycl::_V1::detail::vector_element_t = typedef typename vector_element<T>::type

Definition at line 152 of file type_traits.hpp.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ backend_errc

enum sycl::_V1::detail::backend_errc : unsigned int

Definition at line 66 of file backend.hpp.

◆ BlockingT


Definition at line 61 of file commands.hpp.

◆ CGType

enum sycl::_V1::detail::CGType : unsigned int

Type of the command group.

NOTE: Changing the values of any of these enumerators is an API-break.


Definition at line 42 of file cg_types.hpp.

◆ ConfigID


Definition at line 52 of file config.hpp.

◆ CUDAContextT

enum sycl::_V1::detail::CUDAContextT : char

Possible CUDA context types supported by UR CUDA backend TODO: Implement this as a property once there is an extension document.


Definition at line 64 of file queue_impl.hpp.

◆ DataLessPropKind


Definition at line 24 of file property_helper.hpp.

◆ DeviceLibExt

enum sycl::_V1::detail::DeviceLibExt : std::uint32_t

Definition at line 73 of file program_manager.hpp.

◆ HandlerSubmissionState

enum sycl::_V1::detail::HandlerSubmissionState : std::uint8_t

Definition at line 26 of file handler_impl.hpp.

◆ kernel_param_kind_t


Definition at line 38 of file kernel_desc.hpp.

◆ PropWithDataKind


Definition at line 59 of file property_helper.hpp.

◆ QueueOrder


Definition at line 69 of file queue_impl.hpp.

◆ register_alloc_mode_enum


Definition at line 20 of file kernel_properties.hpp.

◆ WorkSizeGuarantees


Definition at line 1430 of file reduction.hpp.

Function Documentation

◆ __attribute__()

sycl::_V1::detail::__attribute__ ( (destructor(110))  )

Definition at line 396 of file global_handler.cpp.

References shutdown_late().


template<typename T >
struct sycl::_V1::detail::__SYCL2020_DEPRECATED ( "This type isn't device copyable in SYCL 2020"  )


template<register_alloc_mode_enum Mode>
constexpr register_alloc_mode_key::value_t<Mode> register_alloc_mode sycl::_V1::detail::__SYCL_DEPRECATED ( "register_alloc_mode is  deprecated,
" "use sycl::ext::intel::experimental::grf_size or " "sycl::ext::intel::experimental::grf_size_automatic"   

◆ accessModeFromConstness()

template<typename DataT >
constexpr access::mode sycl::_V1::detail::accessModeFromConstness ( )

Definition at line 384 of file accessor.hpp.

References sycl::_V1::access::read, and sycl::_V1::access::read_write.

◆ accessModeToString()

◆ AccessModeToUr()

ur_mem_flags_t sycl::_V1::detail::AccessModeToUr ( access::mode  AccessorMode)

◆ AccessModeToVirtualAccessFlags()

◆ addCounterInit()

void sycl::_V1::detail::addCounterInit ( handler CGH,
std::shared_ptr< sycl::detail::queue_impl > &  Queue,
std::shared_ptr< int > &  Counter 

◆ addHostAccessorAndWait()

◆ addHostSampledImageAccessorAndWait()

void sycl::_V1::detail::addHostSampledImageAccessorAndWait ( SampledImageAccessorImplHost Req)

Definition at line 46 of file accessor_impl.cpp.

References addHostAccessorAndWait().

◆ addHostUnsampledImageAccessorAndWait()

void sycl::_V1::detail::addHostUnsampledImageAccessorAndWait ( UnsampledImageAccessorImplHost Req)

Definition at line 42 of file accessor_impl.cpp.

References addHostAccessorAndWait().

◆ adjustNDRangePerKernel()

◆ affinityDomainToString()

std::string sycl::_V1::detail::affinityDomainToString ( info::partition_affinity_domain  AffinityDomain)

◆ allowable_aot_mode()

template<ext::oneapi::experimental::architecture... Archs>
constexpr static bool sycl::_V1::detail::allowable_aot_mode ( )

Definition at line 659 of file device_architecture.hpp.

References is_allowable_aot_mode.

◆ amendDeviceAndSubDevices()

static std::vector<device> sycl::_V1::detail::amendDeviceAndSubDevices ( backend  PlatformBackend,
std::vector< device > &  DeviceList,
ods_target_list OdsTargetList,
const std::vector< int > &  original_indices,
PlatformImplPtr  PlatformImpl 

◆ append()

unsigned sycl::_V1::detail::append ( char *  Dst,
const char *  Src 

◆ appendCompileEnvironmentVariablesThatAppend()

static void sycl::_V1::detail::appendCompileEnvironmentVariablesThatAppend ( std::string &  CompileOpts)

◆ appendCompileOptionsForGRFSizeProperties()

static void sycl::_V1::detail::appendCompileOptionsForGRFSizeProperties ( std::string &  CompileOpts,
const RTDeviceBinaryImage Img,
bool  IsEsimdImage 

◆ appendCompileOptionsFromImage()

◆ appendLinkEnvironmentVariablesThatAppend()

static void sycl::_V1::detail::appendLinkEnvironmentVariablesThatAppend ( std::string &  LinkOpts)

◆ appendLinkOptionsFromImage()

static void sycl::_V1::detail::appendLinkOptionsFromImage ( std::string &  LinkOpts,
const RTDeviceBinaryImage Img 

◆ applyAllowList()

◆ applyCompileOptionsFromEnvironment()

static void sycl::_V1::detail::applyCompileOptionsFromEnvironment ( std::string &  CompileOpts)

◆ applyFuncOnFilteredArgs()

void sycl::_V1::detail::applyFuncOnFilteredArgs ( const KernelArgMask EliminatedArgMask,
std::vector< ArgDesc > &  Args,
std::function< void(detail::ArgDesc &Arg, int NextTrueIndex)>  Func 

◆ applyLinkOptionsFromEnvironment()

static void sycl::_V1::detail::applyLinkOptionsFromEnvironment ( std::string &  LinkOpts)

◆ applyOptionsFromEnvironment()

◆ applyOptionsFromImage()

static void sycl::_V1::detail::applyOptionsFromImage ( std::string &  CompileOpts,
std::string &  LinkOpts,
const RTDeviceBinaryImage Img,
const std::vector< device > &  Devices,
const PluginPtr Plugin 

◆ argument_helper()

template<typename F , typename SuggestedArgType >
SuggestedArgType sycl::_V1::detail::argument_helper (   ...)

◆ ArrayToStr()

template<int ArrayLength>
unsigned sycl::_V1::detail::ArrayToStr ( char *  Buf,
const array< ArrayLength > &  Arr 

◆ associateReduAccsWithHandler()

template<typename... Reductions, size_t... Is>
void sycl::_V1::detail::associateReduAccsWithHandler ( handler CGH,
std::tuple< Reductions... > &  ReduTuple,
std::index_sequence< Is... >   

Definition at line 2389 of file reduction.hpp.

Referenced by reduAuxCGFunc().

◆ associateWithHandler() [1/3]

void sycl::_V1::detail::associateWithHandler ( handler CGH,
AccessorBaseHost Acc,
access::target  Target 

Definition at line 17 of file handler_proxy.cpp.

Referenced by sycl::_V1::handler::require().

◆ associateWithHandler() [2/3]

void sycl::_V1::detail::associateWithHandler ( handler CGH,
SampledImageAccessorBaseHost Acc,
image_target  Target 

Definition at line 27 of file handler_proxy.cpp.

◆ associateWithHandler() [3/3]

void sycl::_V1::detail::associateWithHandler ( handler CGH,
UnsampledImageAccessorBaseHost Acc,
image_target  Target 

Definition at line 22 of file handler_proxy.cpp.

◆ build_impl()

std::shared_ptr< detail::kernel_bundle_impl > sycl::_V1::detail::build_impl ( const kernel_bundle< bundle_state::input > &  InputBundle,
const std::vector< device > &  Devs,
const property_list PropList 

Definition at line 269 of file kernel_bundle.cpp.

◆ builtin_default_host_impl()

template<typename FuncTy , typename... Ts>
auto sycl::_V1::detail::builtin_default_host_impl ( FuncTy  F,
const Ts &...  x 

Definition at line 141 of file builtins.hpp.

References builtin_marray_impl().

◆ builtin_delegate_to_scalar()

template<typename FuncTy , typename... Ts>
auto sycl::_V1::detail::builtin_delegate_to_scalar ( FuncTy  F,
const Ts &...  x 

Definition at line 156 of file builtins.hpp.

References sycl::_V1::r.

◆ builtin_marray_impl()

template<typename FuncTy , typename... Ts>
auto sycl::_V1::detail::builtin_marray_impl ( FuncTy  F,
const Ts &...  x 

Definition at line 119 of file builtins.hpp.

References to_vec2().

Referenced by builtin_default_host_impl().

◆ cast_AS()

◆ cast_if_host_half() [1/2]

float sycl::_V1::detail::cast_if_host_half ( half_impl::half  val)

Definition at line 535 of file half_type.hpp.

◆ cast_if_host_half() [2/2]

template<typename T >
T sycl::_V1::detail::cast_if_host_half ( val)

Definition at line 533 of file half_type.hpp.

◆ cgTypeToString()

◆ check_kernel_lambda_takes_args()

template<typename F , typename... Args>
static constexpr bool sycl::_V1::detail::check_kernel_lambda_takes_args ( )

Definition at line 93 of file cg_types.hpp.

◆ checkAllDevicesAreInContext()

static bool sycl::_V1::detail::checkAllDevicesAreInContext ( const std::vector< device > &  Devices,
const context Context 

◆ checkAllDevicesHaveAspect()

static bool sycl::_V1::detail::checkAllDevicesHaveAspect ( const std::vector< device > &  Devices,
aspect  Aspect 

Definition at line 43 of file kernel_bundle_impl.hpp.

References all_of().

Referenced by has_kernel_bundle_impl().

◆ CheckAllSameOpType()

template<typename T , typename... Ts>
constexpr bool sycl::_V1::detail::CheckAllSameOpType ( )

Definition at line 67 of file builtins_utils_scalar.hpp.

◆ checkAny()

template<typename T , typename... Args>
static bool sycl::_V1::detail::checkAny ( const T  Value,
Args...  Arguments 

Definition at line 44 of file image_impl.cpp.

References checkAnyImpl().

◆ checkAnyImpl() [1/2]

template<typename T , typename... Args>
static bool sycl::_V1::detail::checkAnyImpl ( )

Definition at line 34 of file image_impl.cpp.

Referenced by checkAny(), and checkAnyImpl().

◆ checkAnyImpl() [2/2]

template<typename ValT , typename VarT , typename... Args>
static bool sycl::_V1::detail::checkAnyImpl ( ValT  Value,
VarT  Variant,
Args...  Arguments 

Definition at line 39 of file image_impl.cpp.

References checkAnyImpl().

◆ checkDevSupportDeviceRequirements()

◆ checkDevSupportJointMatrix()

std::optional<sycl::exception> sycl::_V1::detail::checkDevSupportJointMatrix ( const std::string &  JointMatrixProStr,
const std::vector< ext::oneapi::experimental::matrix::combination > &  SupportedMatrixCombinations 

◆ checkDevSupportJointMatrixMad()

std::optional<sycl::exception> sycl::_V1::detail::checkDevSupportJointMatrixMad ( const std::string &  JointMatrixProStr,
const std::vector< ext::oneapi::experimental::matrix::combination > &  SupportedMatrixCombinations 

◆ CheckEventReadiness()

bool sycl::_V1::detail::CheckEventReadiness ( const ContextImplPtr Context,
const EventImplPtr SyclEventImplPtr 

Definition at line 713 of file scheduler.cpp.

◆ checkForCircularDependency()

static bool sycl::_V1::detail::checkForCircularDependency ( Command Cmd,
bool  IsPartOfFusion,
KernelFusionCommand Fusion 

◆ checkForInfNan() [1/3]

template<typename T >
detail::enable_if_t< std::is_same<T, float>::value || std::is_same<T, double>::value, unsigned> sycl::_V1::detail::checkForInfNan ( char *  Buf,

◆ checkForInfNan() [2/3]

template<typename T >
std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<T, half>, unsigned> sycl::_V1::detail::checkForInfNan ( char *  Buf,

Definition at line 332 of file stream.hpp.

References append().

◆ checkForInfNan() [3/3]

template<typename T >
std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<T, ext::oneapi::bfloat16>, unsigned> sycl::_V1::detail::checkForInfNan ( char *  Buf,

Definition at line 352 of file stream.hpp.

References append().

◆ checkHostUnifiedMemory()

static bool sycl::_V1::detail::checkHostUnifiedMemory ( const ContextImplPtr Ctx)

Definition at line 679 of file graph_builder.cpp.

◆ checkImageValueRange()

template<typename Param >
static bool sycl::_V1::detail::checkImageValueRange ( const std::vector< device > &  Devices,
const size_t  Value 

Definition at line 26 of file image_impl.cpp.

References all_of().

◆ CheckJITCompilationForImage()

◆ CheckSizeIn()

template<size_t N, size_t... Ns>
constexpr bool sycl::_V1::detail::CheckSizeIn ( )

Definition at line 46 of file builtins_utils_scalar.hpp.

◆ CheckTypeIn()

template<typename T , typename... Ts>
constexpr bool sycl::_V1::detail::CheckTypeIn ( )

Definition at line 566 of file type_traits.hpp.

◆ checkValueRange() [1/3]

template<int Dims>
void sycl::_V1::detail::checkValueRange ( const range< Dims > &  R,
const id< Dims > &  O 

Definition at line 301 of file handler.hpp.

◆ checkValueRange() [2/3]

template<int Dims, typename T >
std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<T, range<Dims> > || std::is_same_v<T, id<Dims> > > sycl::_V1::detail::checkValueRange ( const T &  V)

Definition at line 282 of file handler.hpp.

◆ checkValueRange() [3/3]

template<int Dims, typename T >
std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<T, nd_range<Dims> > > sycl::_V1::detail::checkValueRange ( const T &  V)

Definition at line 319 of file handler.hpp.

◆ codeLocationCallback()

◆ codeToString()

◆ combineAccessModes()

static access::mode sycl::_V1::detail::combineAccessModes ( access::mode  A,
access::mode  B 

Combines two access modes into a single one that allows both.

Definition at line 83 of file graph_builder.cpp.

References sycl::_V1::access::discard_read_write, sycl::_V1::access::discard_write, sycl::_V1::access::read_write, and sycl::_V1::access::write.

Referenced by combineAccessModesOfReqs().

◆ combineAccessModesOfReqs()

static void sycl::_V1::detail::combineAccessModesOfReqs ( std::vector< Requirement * > &  Reqs)

◆ compatibleWithDevice()

◆ compile_impl()

std::shared_ptr< detail::kernel_bundle_impl > sycl::_V1::detail::compile_impl ( const kernel_bundle< bundle_state::input > &  InputBundle,
const std::vector< device > &  Devs,
const property_list PropList 

Definition at line 255 of file kernel_bundle.cpp.

◆ concat_sequences() [1/4]

template<size_t I>
constexpr std::index_sequence<I> sycl::_V1::detail::concat_sequences ( std::index_sequence< I >  )

Definition at line 2100 of file reduction.hpp.

◆ concat_sequences() [2/4]

template<size_t... Is, size_t... Js>
constexpr std::index_sequence<Is..., Js...> sycl::_V1::detail::concat_sequences ( std::index_sequence< Is... >  ,
std::index_sequence< Js... >   

Definition at line 2107 of file reduction.hpp.

◆ concat_sequences() [3/4]

template<size_t... Is, size_t... Js, class... Rs>
constexpr auto sycl::_V1::detail::concat_sequences ( std::index_sequence< Is... >  ,
std::index_sequence< Js... >  ,

Definition at line 2113 of file reduction.hpp.

References concat_sequences().

◆ concat_sequences() [4/4]

constexpr std::index_sequence sycl::_V1::detail::concat_sequences ( std::index_sequence<>  )

Definition at line 2094 of file reduction.hpp.

Referenced by concat_sequences(), and filterSequenceHelper().

◆ ConcatArrays() [1/2]

template<typename T , std::size_t N1, std::size_t N2>
constexpr std::array<T, N1 + N2> sycl::_V1::detail::ConcatArrays ( const std::array< T, N1 > &  A1,
const std::array< T, N2 > &  A2 

Definition at line 322 of file common.hpp.

References ConcatArrays().

◆ ConcatArrays() [2/2]

template<typename T , std::size_t... Is1, std::size_t... Is2>
constexpr std::array<T, sizeof...(Is1) + sizeof...(Is2)> sycl::_V1::detail::ConcatArrays ( const std::array< T, sizeof...(Is1)> &  A1,
const std::array< T, sizeof...(Is2)> &  A2,
std::index_sequence< Is1... >  ,
std::index_sequence< Is2... >   

◆ construct_range()

template<int Dimensions>
range<Dimensions> sycl::_V1::detail::construct_range ( size_t *  values)

◆ construct_range< 1 >()

range<1> sycl::_V1::detail::construct_range< 1 > ( size_t *  values)

Definition at line 546 of file device_info.hpp.

◆ construct_range< 2 >()

range<2> sycl::_V1::detail::construct_range< 2 > ( size_t *  values)

Definition at line 546 of file device_info.hpp.

◆ construct_range< 3 >()

range<3> sycl::_V1::detail::construct_range< 3 > ( size_t *  values)

Definition at line 546 of file device_info.hpp.

◆ constructorNotification() [1/2]

void sycl::_V1::detail::constructorNotification ( void *  BufferObj,
void *  AccessorObj,
access::target  Target,
access::mode  Mode,
const code_location CodeLoc 

◆ constructorNotification() [2/2]

void sycl::_V1::detail::constructorNotification ( void *  BufferObj,
void *  AccessorObj,
sycl::access::target  Target,
sycl::access::mode  Mode,
const detail::code_location CodeLoc 

◆ context_impl::get_backend_info< info::device::backend_version >()

info::device::backend_version::return_type sycl::_V1::detail::context_impl::get_backend_info< info::device::backend_version > ( ) const

◆ context_impl::get_backend_info< info::device::version >()

info::device::version::return_type sycl::_V1::detail::context_impl::get_backend_info< info::device::version > ( ) const

◆ context_impl::get_backend_info< info::platform::version >()

info::platform::version::return_type sycl::_V1::detail::context_impl::get_backend_info< info::platform::version > ( ) const

Definition at line 222 of file context_impl.cpp.

References sycl::_V1::backend_mismatch, and sycl::_V1::opencl.

◆ context_impl::get_info< info::context::atomic_fence_order_capabilities >()

std::vector<sycl::memory_order> sycl::_V1::detail::context_impl::get_info< info::context::atomic_fence_order_capabilities > ( ) const

Definition at line 154 of file context_impl.cpp.

◆ context_impl::get_info< info::context::atomic_fence_scope_capabilities >()

std::vector<sycl::memory_scope> sycl::_V1::detail::context_impl::get_info< info::context::atomic_fence_scope_capabilities > ( ) const

Definition at line 154 of file context_impl.cpp.

◆ context_impl::get_info< info::context::atomic_memory_order_capabilities >()

std::vector<sycl::memory_order> sycl::_V1::detail::context_impl::get_info< info::context::atomic_memory_order_capabilities > ( ) const

Definition at line 154 of file context_impl.cpp.

◆ context_impl::get_info< info::context::atomic_memory_scope_capabilities >()

std::vector<sycl::memory_scope> sycl::_V1::detail::context_impl::get_info< info::context::atomic_memory_scope_capabilities > ( ) const

Definition at line 154 of file context_impl.cpp.

◆ context_impl::get_info< info::context::devices >()

std::vector<sycl::device> sycl::_V1::detail::context_impl::get_info< info::context::devices > ( ) const

Definition at line 154 of file context_impl.cpp.

◆ context_impl::get_info< info::context::platform >()

platform sycl::_V1::detail::context_impl::get_info< info::context::platform > ( ) const

Definition at line 154 of file context_impl.cpp.

◆ context_impl::get_info< info::context::reference_count >()

uint32_t sycl::_V1::detail::context_impl::get_info< info::context::reference_count > ( ) const

Definition at line 150 of file context_impl.cpp.

References getPlugin().

◆ convert_from_abi_neutral()

template<typename ParamT >
auto sycl::_V1::detail::convert_from_abi_neutral ( ParamT &&  Info)

◆ convert_to_abi_neutral()

template<typename ParamT >
auto sycl::_V1::detail::convert_to_abi_neutral ( ParamT &&  Info)

Definition at line 58 of file platform.hpp.

◆ convertChannelOrder() [1/2]

◆ convertChannelOrder() [2/2]

◆ convertChannelType() [1/2]

◆ convertChannelType() [2/2]

◆ ConvertFromBF16()

template<typename ToT , typename NativeFromT , typename NativeToT , sycl::rounding_mode RoundingMode, int VecSize>
NativeToT sycl::_V1::detail::ConvertFromBF16 ( NativeFromT  val)

Definition at line 753 of file vector_convert.hpp.

◆ ConvertFromBF16Scalar()

template<typename NativeToT , sycl::rounding_mode RoundingMode>
NativeToT sycl::_V1::detail::ConvertFromBF16Scalar ( bfloat16  val)

Definition at line 295 of file vector_convert.hpp.

◆ convertFromOpenCLTypeFor()

template<typename To , typename From >
auto sycl::_V1::detail::convertFromOpenCLTypeFor ( From &&  x)

Definition at line 402 of file generic_type_traits.hpp.

References convertToOpenCLType().

◆ ConvertFToS()

template<typename From , typename To , int VecSize, typename Enable = std::enable_if_t<VecSize == 1>, sycl::rounding_mode roundingMode>
To sycl::_V1::detail::ConvertFToS ( From  Value)

◆ ConvertFToU()

template<typename From , typename To , int VecSize, typename Enable = std::enable_if_t<VecSize == 1>, sycl::rounding_mode roundingMode>
To sycl::_V1::detail::ConvertFToU ( From  Value)

Definition at line 290 of file vector_convert.hpp.

◆ convertImpl()

template<typename FromT , typename ToT , sycl::rounding_mode RoundingMode, int VecSize, typename NativeFromT , typename NativeToT >
NativeToT sycl::_V1::detail::convertImpl ( NativeFromT  Value)

Entry point helper for all kinds of converts between scalars and vectors, it dispatches to a right function depending on source and destination types.

Template Parameters
FromTscalar user-visible type to convert from, used to detect conversion kind. It is expected to be DataT template argument of a vector we are trying to convert from
ToTscalar user-visible type to convert to, used to detect conversion kind. It is expected to be DataT template argument of a vector we are trying to convert to
NativeFromTscalar or vector internal type corresponding to FromT, which is used to hold vector data. It is expected to be vec<FromT, VecSize>::vector_t of a vector we are trying to convert from if VecSize > 1, or result of detail::ConvertToOpenCLType_t<FromT>
NativeToTscalar or vector internal type corresponding to ToT, which is used to hold vector data. It is expected to be vec<ToT, VecSize>::vector_t of a vector we are trying to convert from if VecSize > 1, or result of detail::ConvertToOpenCLType_t<ToT>
Each pair of types FromT, ToT and NativeFromT, NativeToT can't contain the same type, because there are no no-op convert instructions in SPIR-V.

Definition at line 820 of file vector_convert.hpp.

◆ ConvertImpl()

template<typename FromT , typename ToT , sycl::rounding_mode RoundingMode, int VecSize, typename NativeFromT , typename NativeToT >
auto sycl::_V1::detail::ConvertImpl ( std::byte  val)

Definition at line 867 of file vector_convert.hpp.

◆ convertMatrixTypeStringMatrixTypeEnumValue()

std::optional<matrix_ext::matrix_type> sycl::_V1::detail::convertMatrixTypeStringMatrixTypeEnumValue ( const std::string &  MatrixTypeString)

Definition at line 2763 of file program_manager.cpp.

Referenced by checkDevSupportJointMatrixMad(), and isMatrixSupportedByHW().

◆ convertMatrixUseEnumToString()

constexpr const char* sycl::_V1::detail::convertMatrixUseEnumToString ( ext::oneapi::experimental::matrix::use  Use)

Definition at line 54 of file matrix-unified-utils.hpp.

References UseToUseStringMap.

◆ convertMatrixUseStringToEnum()

constexpr std::optional<ext::oneapi::experimental::matrix::use> sycl::_V1::detail::convertMatrixUseStringToEnum ( const char *  UseString)

Definition at line 63 of file matrix-unified-utils.hpp.

References UseToUseStringMap.

Referenced by checkDevSupportJointMatrix().

◆ convertReadData() [1/4]

◆ convertReadData() [2/4]

◆ convertReadData() [3/4]

template<typename ChannelType >
void sycl::_V1::detail::convertReadData ( const vec< ChannelType, 4 >  PixelData,
const image_channel_type  ImageChannelType,
int4 &  RetData 

◆ convertReadData() [4/4]

template<typename ChannelType >
void sycl::_V1::detail::convertReadData ( const vec< ChannelType, 4 >  PixelData,
const image_channel_type  ImageChannelType,
uint4 &  RetData 

◆ ConvertSToF()

template<typename From , typename To , int VecSize, typename Enable = std::enable_if_t<VecSize == 1>>
To sycl::_V1::detail::ConvertSToF ( From  Value)

Definition at line 235 of file vector_convert.hpp.

◆ convertToArrayOfN()

template<int NewDim, int DefaultValue, template< int > class T, int OldDim>
static T<NewDim> sycl::_V1::detail::convertToArrayOfN ( T< OldDim >  OldObj)

◆ ConvertToBF16()

template<typename FromT , typename NativeFromT , typename NativeToT , sycl::rounding_mode RoundingMode, int VecSize>
NativeToT sycl::_V1::detail::ConvertToBF16 ( NativeFromT  val)

Definition at line 776 of file vector_convert.hpp.

References sycl::automatic, and sycl::rte.

◆ ConvertToBF16Scalar()

template<typename NativeFromT , sycl::rounding_mode RoundingMode>
bfloat16 sycl::_V1::detail::ConvertToBF16Scalar ( NativeFromT  val)

Definition at line 308 of file vector_convert.hpp.

◆ convertToFloat4() [1/3]

template<typename T >
std::enable_if_t<IsValidCoordType<T>::value, float4> sycl::_V1::detail::convertToFloat4 ( Coords)

Definition at line 68 of file image_accessor_util.hpp.

Referenced by imageReadSamplerHostImpl().

◆ convertToFloat4() [2/3]

template<typename T >
std::enable_if_t<IsValidCoordType<T>::value, float4> sycl::_V1::detail::convertToFloat4 ( vec< T, 2 >  Coords)

Definition at line 74 of file image_accessor_util.hpp.

◆ convertToFloat4() [3/3]

template<typename T >
std::enable_if_t<IsValidCoordType<T>::value, float4> sycl::_V1::detail::convertToFloat4 ( vec< T, 4 >  Coords)

Definition at line 81 of file image_accessor_util.hpp.

◆ convertToOpenCLType()

◆ convertTypeToMatrixTypeString()

template<typename T >
constexpr const char* sycl::_V1::detail::convertTypeToMatrixTypeString ( )

Definition at line 51 of file query-types.hpp.

◆ convertTypeToMatrixTypeString< double >()

constexpr const char* sycl::_V1::detail::convertTypeToMatrixTypeString< double > ( )

Definition at line 70 of file query-types.hpp.

◆ convertTypeToMatrixTypeString< float >()

constexpr const char* sycl::_V1::detail::convertTypeToMatrixTypeString< float > ( )

Definition at line 67 of file query-types.hpp.

◆ convertTypeToMatrixTypeString< int16_t >()

constexpr const char* sycl::_V1::detail::convertTypeToMatrixTypeString< int16_t > ( )

Definition at line 76 of file query-types.hpp.

◆ convertTypeToMatrixTypeString< int32_t >()

constexpr const char* sycl::_V1::detail::convertTypeToMatrixTypeString< int32_t > ( )

Definition at line 79 of file query-types.hpp.

◆ convertTypeToMatrixTypeString< int64_t >()

constexpr const char* sycl::_V1::detail::convertTypeToMatrixTypeString< int64_t > ( )

Definition at line 82 of file query-types.hpp.

◆ convertTypeToMatrixTypeString< int8_t >()

constexpr const char* sycl::_V1::detail::convertTypeToMatrixTypeString< int8_t > ( )

Definition at line 73 of file query-types.hpp.

◆ convertTypeToMatrixTypeString< sycl::ext::oneapi::bfloat16 >()

constexpr const char* sycl::_V1::detail::convertTypeToMatrixTypeString< sycl::ext::oneapi::bfloat16 > ( )

Definition at line 55 of file query-types.hpp.

◆ convertTypeToMatrixTypeString< sycl::ext::oneapi::experimental::matrix::precision::tf32 >()

Definition at line 63 of file query-types.hpp.

◆ convertTypeToMatrixTypeString< sycl::half >()

constexpr const char* sycl::_V1::detail::convertTypeToMatrixTypeString< sycl::half > ( )

Definition at line 59 of file query-types.hpp.

◆ convertTypeToMatrixTypeString< uint16_t >()

constexpr const char* sycl::_V1::detail::convertTypeToMatrixTypeString< uint16_t > ( )

Definition at line 88 of file query-types.hpp.

◆ convertTypeToMatrixTypeString< uint32_t >()

constexpr const char* sycl::_V1::detail::convertTypeToMatrixTypeString< uint32_t > ( )

Definition at line 91 of file query-types.hpp.

◆ convertTypeToMatrixTypeString< uint64_t >()

constexpr const char* sycl::_V1::detail::convertTypeToMatrixTypeString< uint64_t > ( )

Definition at line 94 of file query-types.hpp.

◆ convertTypeToMatrixTypeString< uint8_t >()

constexpr const char* sycl::_V1::detail::convertTypeToMatrixTypeString< uint8_t > ( )

Definition at line 85 of file query-types.hpp.

◆ convertUrBackend()

◆ ConvertUToF()

template<typename From , typename To , int VecSize, typename Enable = std::enable_if_t<VecSize == 1>>
To sycl::_V1::detail::ConvertUToF ( From  Value)

Definition at line 241 of file vector_convert.hpp.

◆ convertWriteData() [1/4]

◆ convertWriteData() [2/4]

◆ convertWriteData() [3/4]

template<typename ChannelType >
vec<ChannelType, 4> sycl::_V1::detail::convertWriteData ( const int4  WriteData,
const image_channel_type  ImageChannelType 

◆ convertWriteData() [4/4]

template<typename ChannelType >
vec<ChannelType, 4> sycl::_V1::detail::convertWriteData ( const uint4  WriteData,
const image_channel_type  ImageChannelType 

◆ copyD2D()

void sycl::_V1::detail::copyD2D ( SYCLMemObjI SYCLMemObj,
ur_mem_handle_t  SrcMem,
QueueImplPtr  SrcQueue,
unsigned int  DimSrc,
sycl::range< 3 >  SrcSize,
sycl::range< 3 >  SrcAccessRange,
sycl::id< 3 >  SrcOffset,
unsigned int  SrcElemSize,
ur_mem_handle_t  DstMem,
QueueImplPtr  ,
unsigned int  DimDst,
sycl::range< 3 >  DstSize,
sycl::range< 3 >  ,
sycl::id< 3 >  DstOffset,
unsigned int  DstElemSize,
std::vector< ur_event_handle_t >  DepEvents,
ur_event_handle_t &  OutEvent,
const detail::EventImplPtr OutEventImpl 

◆ copyD2H()

void sycl::_V1::detail::copyD2H ( SYCLMemObjI SYCLMemObj,
ur_mem_handle_t  SrcMem,
QueueImplPtr  SrcQueue,
unsigned int  DimSrc,
sycl::range< 3 >  SrcSize,
sycl::range< 3 >  SrcAccessRange,
sycl::id< 3 >  SrcOffset,
unsigned int  SrcElemSize,
char *  DstMem,
QueueImplPtr  ,
unsigned int  DimDst,
sycl::range< 3 >  DstSize,
sycl::range< 3 >  DstAccessRange,
sycl::id< 3 >  DstOffset,
unsigned int  DstElemSize,
std::vector< ur_event_handle_t >  DepEvents,
ur_event_handle_t &  OutEvent,
const detail::EventImplPtr OutEventImpl 

◆ copyH2D()

void sycl::_V1::detail::copyH2D ( SYCLMemObjI SYCLMemObj,
char *  SrcMem,
QueueImplPtr  ,
unsigned int  DimSrc,
sycl::range< 3 >  SrcSize,
sycl::range< 3 >  SrcAccessRange,
sycl::id< 3 >  SrcOffset,
unsigned int  SrcElemSize,
ur_mem_handle_t  DstMem,
QueueImplPtr  TgtQueue,
unsigned int  DimDst,
sycl::range< 3 >  DstSize,
sycl::range< 3 >  DstAccessRange,
sycl::id< 3 >  DstOffset,
unsigned int  DstElemSize,
std::vector< ur_event_handle_t >  DepEvents,
ur_event_handle_t &  OutEvent,
const detail::EventImplPtr OutEventImpl 

◆ copyH2H()

static void sycl::_V1::detail::copyH2H ( SYCLMemObjI ,
char *  SrcMem,
QueueImplPtr  ,
unsigned int  DimSrc,
sycl::range< 3 >  SrcSize,
sycl::range< 3 >  SrcAccessRange,
sycl::id< 3 >  SrcOffset,
unsigned int  SrcElemSize,
char *  DstMem,
QueueImplPtr  ,
unsigned int  DimDst,
sycl::range< 3 >  DstSize,
sycl::range< 3 >  DstAccessRange,
sycl::id< 3 >  DstOffset,
unsigned int  DstElemSize,
std::vector< ur_event_handle_t >  ,
ur_event_handle_t &  ,
const detail::EventImplPtr  

Definition at line 731 of file memory_manager.cpp.

Referenced by sycl::_V1::detail::MemoryManager::copy().

◆ createBinaryProgram()

static ur_program_handle_t sycl::_V1::detail::createBinaryProgram ( const ContextImplPtr  Context,
const device Device,
const unsigned char *  Data,
size_t  DataLen,
const std::vector< ur_program_metadata_t >  Metadata 

◆ createDiscardedEvent()

◆ createKernelArgMask()

KernelArgMask sycl::_V1::detail::createKernelArgMask ( const ByteArray Bytes)

Definition at line 17 of file kernel_arg_mask.hpp.

Referenced by sycl::_V1::detail::ProgramManager::addImages().

◆ createReduOutAccs()

template<bool IsOneWG, typename... Reductions, size_t... Is>
auto sycl::_V1::detail::createReduOutAccs ( size_t  NWorkGroups,
handler CGH,
std::tuple< Reductions... > &  ReduTuple,
std::index_sequence< Is... >   

For the given 'Reductions' types pack and indices enumerating them this function either creates new temporary accessors for partial sums (if IsOneWG is false) or returns user's accessor/USM-pointer if (IsOneWG is true).

Definition at line 2045 of file reduction.hpp.

References makeReduTupleT().

◆ createsCircularDependency()

static bool sycl::_V1::detail::createsCircularDependency ( Command Cmd,
bool  PredPartOfFusion,
KernelFusionCommand Fusion 

Definition at line 1482 of file graph_builder.cpp.

References checkForCircularDependency(), and isPartOfFusion().

Referenced by checkForCircularDependency().

◆ createSpirvProgram()

static ur_program_handle_t sycl::_V1::detail::createSpirvProgram ( const ContextImplPtr  Context,
const unsigned char *  Data,
size_t  DataLen 

◆ createSyclObjFromImpl()

template<class T >
T sycl::_V1::detail::createSyclObjFromImpl ( decltype(T::impl)  ImplObj)

◆ D2I64()

unsigned long long sycl::_V1::detail::D2I64 ( double  Val)

Definition at line 259 of file stream.hpp.

Referenced by isFastMathInf(), isFastMathNan(), and isFastMathSignBit().

◆ declptr()

template<typename T >
T* sycl::_V1::detail::declptr ( )

◆ deduceAccessMode()

template<typename MayBeTag1 , typename MayBeTag2 >
constexpr access::mode sycl::_V1::detail::deduceAccessMode ( )

◆ deduceAccessTarget()

template<typename MayBeTag1 , typename MayBeTag2 >
constexpr access::target sycl::_V1::detail::deduceAccessTarget ( access::target  defaultTarget)

◆ defaultAsyncHandler()

void sycl::_V1::detail::defaultAsyncHandler ( exception_list  Exceptions)

Definition at line 58 of file exception_list.hpp.

References std::cerr.

◆ demangleKernelName()

static std::string sycl::_V1::detail::demangleKernelName ( std::string  Name)

◆ device_architecture_comparison_aot()

template<ext::oneapi::experimental::architecture Arch, typename Compare >
constexpr static bool sycl::_V1::detail::device_architecture_comparison_aot ( Compare  comp)

◆ device_architecture_is()

template<ext::oneapi::experimental::architecture... Archs>
constexpr static bool sycl::_V1::detail::device_architecture_is ( )

Definition at line 666 of file device_architecture.hpp.

References is_aot_for_architecture().

◆ device_architecture_is_in_categories()

template<ext::oneapi::experimental::arch_category... Categories>
constexpr static bool sycl::_V1::detail::device_architecture_is_in_categories ( )

Definition at line 715 of file device_architecture.hpp.

◆ device_architecture_is_in_category_aot()

template<ext::oneapi::experimental::arch_category Category>
constexpr static bool sycl::_V1::detail::device_architecture_is_in_category_aot ( )

◆ device_impl::get_backend_info< info::device::backend_version >()

info::device::backend_version::return_type sycl::_V1::detail::device_impl::get_backend_info< info::device::backend_version > ( ) const

◆ device_impl::get_backend_info< info::device::version >()

info::device::version::return_type sycl::_V1::detail::device_impl::get_backend_info< info::device::version > ( ) const

Definition at line 139 of file device_impl.cpp.

References sycl::_V1::backend_mismatch, and sycl::_V1::opencl.

◆ device_impl::get_backend_info< info::platform::version >()

info::platform::version::return_type sycl::_V1::detail::device_impl::get_backend_info< info::platform::version > ( ) const

Definition at line 128 of file device_impl.cpp.

References sycl::_V1::backend_mismatch, and sycl::_V1::opencl.

◆ deviceIsAllowed()

bool sycl::_V1::detail::deviceIsAllowed ( const DeviceDescT DeviceDesc,
const AllowListParsedT AllowListParsed 

◆ digitToChar()

char sycl::_V1::detail::digitToChar ( const int  Digit)

Definition at line 170 of file stream.hpp.

Referenced by floatingPointToDecStr(), and integralToBase().

◆ doCompile()

static ur_result_t sycl::_V1::detail::doCompile ( const PluginPtr Plugin,
ur_program_handle_t  Program,
uint32_t  NumDevs,
ur_device_handle_t *  Devs,
ur_context_handle_t  Ctx,
const char *  Opts 

◆ doesDevSupportDeviceRequirements()

bool sycl::_V1::detail::doesDevSupportDeviceRequirements ( const device Dev,
const RTDeviceBinaryImage Img 

Definition at line 2720 of file program_manager.cpp.

References checkDevSupportDeviceRequirements().

◆ doOverlap() [1/2]

static bool sycl::_V1::detail::doOverlap ( const Requirement LHS,
const Requirement RHS 

Checks whether two requirements overlap or not.

This information can be used to prove that executing two kernels that work on different parts of the memory object in parallel is legal.

Definition at line 45 of file graph_builder.cpp.

References sycl::_V1::detail::AccessorImplHost::MAccessRange, sycl::_V1::detail::AccessorImplHost::MElemSize, sycl::_V1::detail::AccessorImplHost::MOffsetInBytes, and sycl::_V1::range< Dimensions >::size().

◆ doOverlap() [2/2]

◆ doTreeReduction()

template<WorkSizeGuarantees WSGuarantee, int Dim, typename LocalRedsTy , typename BinOpTy , typename AccessFuncTy >
void sycl::_V1::detail::doTreeReduction ( size_t  WorkSize,
nd_item< Dim >  NDIt,
LocalRedsTy &  LocalReds,
BinOpTy &  BOp,
AccessFuncTy  AccessFunc 

◆ doTreeReductionHelper()

template<typename FuncTy >
void sycl::_V1::detail::doTreeReductionHelper ( size_t  WorkSize,
size_t  LID,
FuncTy  Func 

Definition at line 1400 of file reduction.hpp.

References GreatestPowerOfTwo(), and workGroupBarrier().

Referenced by doTreeReduction(), and doTreeReductionOnTuple().

◆ doTreeReductionOnTuple()

template<typename... LocalAccT, typename... BOPsT, size_t... Is>
void sycl::_V1::detail::doTreeReductionOnTuple ( size_t  WorkSize,
size_t  LID,
ReduTupleT< LocalAccT... > &  LocalAccs,
ReduTupleT< BOPsT... > &  BOPs,
std::index_sequence< Is... >   

Definition at line 1469 of file reduction.hpp.

References doTreeReductionHelper().

Referenced by reduAuxCGFuncImplScalar(), and reduCGFuncImplScalar().

◆ dumpConfig()

void sycl::_V1::detail::dumpConfig ( )

Definition at line 153 of file config.cpp.

◆ emitBuiltProgramInfo()

static void sycl::_V1::detail::emitBuiltProgramInfo ( const ur_program_handle_t &  Prog,
const ContextImplPtr Context 

Emits information about built programs if the appropriate contitions are met, namely when SYCL_RT_WARNING_LEVEL is greater than or equal to 2.

Definition at line 521 of file program_manager.cpp.

References std::clog, and sycl::_V1::detail::ProgramManager::getProgramBuildLog().

Referenced by sycl::_V1::detail::ProgramManager::build(), and sycl::_V1::detail::ProgramManager::getBuiltURProgram().

◆ emitMemAllocBeginTrace()

uint64_t sycl::_V1::detail::emitMemAllocBeginTrace ( uintptr_t  ObjHandle,
size_t  AllocSize,
size_t  GuardZone 

Definition at line 43 of file memory_manager.cpp.

Referenced by memBufferCreateHelper(), and memBufferMapHelper().

◆ emitMemAllocEndTrace()

void sycl::_V1::detail::emitMemAllocEndTrace ( uintptr_t  ObjHandle,
uintptr_t  AllocPtr,
size_t  AllocSize,
size_t  GuardZone,
uint64_t  CorrelationID 

Definition at line 64 of file memory_manager.cpp.

Referenced by memBufferCreateHelper(), and memBufferMapHelper().

◆ emitMemReleaseBeginTrace()

uint64_t sycl::_V1::detail::emitMemReleaseBeginTrace ( uintptr_t  ObjHandle,
uintptr_t  AllocPtr 

Definition at line 84 of file memory_manager.cpp.

Referenced by memReleaseHelper(), and memUnmapHelper().

◆ emitMemReleaseEndTrace()

void sycl::_V1::detail::emitMemReleaseEndTrace ( uintptr_t  ObjHandle,
uintptr_t  AllocPtr,
uint64_t  CorrelationID 

Definition at line 103 of file memory_manager.cpp.

Referenced by memReleaseHelper(), and memUnmapHelper().

◆ enable_ext_oneapi_default_context()

void sycl::_V1::detail::enable_ext_oneapi_default_context ( bool  Val)

Allows to enable/disable "Default Context" extension.

This API is in detail:: namespace because it's never supposed to be called by end-user. It's necessary for internal use of oneAPI components

ValIndicates if extension should be enabled/disabled

Definition at line 149 of file platform.cpp.

◆ enableITTAnnotationsIfNeeded()

static void sycl::_V1::detail::enableITTAnnotationsIfNeeded ( const ur_program_handle_t &  Prog,
const PluginPtr Plugin 

This function enables ITT annotations in SPIR-V module by setting a specialization constant if INTEL_LIBITTNOTIFY64 env variable is set.

Definition at line 60 of file program_manager.cpp.

References ITTSpecConstId.

Referenced by sycl::_V1::detail::ProgramManager::getBuiltURProgram(), and setSpecializationConstants().

◆ enableOnCrashStackPrinting()

static void sycl::_V1::detail::enableOnCrashStackPrinting ( )

◆ enqueueImpCommandBufferKernel()

ur_result_t sycl::_V1::detail::enqueueImpCommandBufferKernel ( context  Ctx,
DeviceImplPtr  DeviceImpl,
ur_exp_command_buffer_handle_t  CommandBuffer,
const CGExecKernel CommandGroup,
std::vector< ur_exp_command_buffer_sync_point_t > &  SyncPoints,
ur_exp_command_buffer_sync_point_t *  OutSyncPoint,
ur_exp_command_buffer_command_handle_t *  OutCommand,
const std::function< void *(Requirement *Req)> &  getMemAllocationFunc 

◆ enqueueImpKernel()

void sycl::_V1::detail::enqueueImpKernel ( const QueueImplPtr Queue,
std::vector< ArgDesc > &  Args,
const std::shared_ptr< detail::kernel_bundle_impl > &  KernelBundleImplPtr,
const std::shared_ptr< detail::kernel_impl > &  MSyclKernel,
const std::string &  KernelName,
std::vector< ur_event_handle_t > &  RawEvents,
const detail::EventImplPtr OutEventImpl,
const std::function< void *(Requirement *Req)> &  getMemAllocationFunc,
ur_kernel_cache_config_t  KernelCacheConfig,
const bool  KernelIsCooperative,
const bool  KernelUsesClusterLaunch,
const RTDeviceBinaryImage BinImage 

◆ enqueueReadWriteHostPipe()

ur_result_t sycl::_V1::detail::enqueueReadWriteHostPipe ( const QueueImplPtr Queue,
const std::string &  PipeName,
bool  blocking,
void *  ptr,
size_t  size,
std::vector< ur_event_handle_t > &  RawEvents,
const detail::EventImplPtr OutEventImpl,
bool  read 

◆ event_impl::get_backend_info< info::device::backend_version >()

info::device::backend_version::return_type sycl::_V1::detail::event_impl::get_backend_info< info::device::backend_version > ( ) const

◆ event_impl::get_backend_info< info::device::version >()

info::device::version::return_type sycl::_V1::detail::event_impl::get_backend_info< info::device::version > ( ) const

Definition at line 419 of file event_impl.cpp.

References sycl::_V1::backend_mismatch, and sycl::_V1::opencl.

◆ event_impl::get_backend_info< info::platform::version >()

info::platform::version::return_type sycl::_V1::detail::event_impl::get_backend_info< info::platform::version > ( ) const

Definition at line 398 of file event_impl.cpp.

References sycl::_V1::backend_mismatch, and sycl::_V1::opencl.

◆ event_impl::get_info< info::event::command_execution_status >()

info::event_command_status sycl::_V1::detail::event_impl::get_info< info::event::command_execution_status > ( )

◆ event_impl::get_info< info::event::reference_count >()

uint32_t sycl::_V1::detail::event_impl::get_info< info::event::reference_count > ( )

Definition at line 368 of file event_impl.cpp.

References getPlugin().

◆ event_impl::get_profiling_info< info::event_profiling::command_end >()

uint64_t sycl::_V1::detail::event_impl::get_profiling_info< info::event_profiling::command_end > ( )

Definition at line 342 of file event_impl.cpp.

References codeToString(), and getPlugin().

◆ event_impl::get_profiling_info< info::event_profiling::command_start >()

uint64_t sycl::_V1::detail::event_impl::get_profiling_info< info::event_profiling::command_start > ( )

Definition at line 314 of file event_impl.cpp.

References codeToString(), and getPlugin().

◆ event_impl::get_profiling_info< info::event_profiling::command_submit >()

uint64_t sycl::_V1::detail::event_impl::get_profiling_info< info::event_profiling::command_submit > ( )

Definition at line 279 of file event_impl.cpp.

References getPlugin().

◆ ExtractMask()

sycl::vec<unsigned, 4> sycl::_V1::detail::ExtractMask ( ext::oneapi::sub_group_mask  Mask)

◆ F2I32()

unsigned sycl::_V1::detail::F2I32 ( float  Val)

Definition at line 250 of file stream.hpp.

Referenced by isFastMathInf(), isFastMathNan(), and isFastMathSignBit().

◆ FConvert()

template<typename From , typename To , int VecSize, typename Enable = std::enable_if_t<VecSize == 1>, sycl::rounding_mode RM>
To sycl::_V1::detail::FConvert ( From  Value)

Definition at line 248 of file vector_convert.hpp.

◆ fill_aspect_vector() [1/2]

template<typename FirstT , typename... OtherTs>
void sycl::_V1::detail::fill_aspect_vector ( std::vector< aspect > &  V,
FirstT  F,
OtherTs...  O 

Definition at line 118 of file device_selector.hpp.

References fill_aspect_vector().

◆ fill_aspect_vector() [2/2]

template<typename LastT >
void sycl::_V1::detail::fill_aspect_vector ( std::vector< aspect > &  V,
LastT  L 

Definition at line 113 of file device_selector.hpp.

Referenced by fill_aspect_vector().

◆ filterSequence()

template<typename... T, typename FunctorT , size_t... Is>
constexpr auto sycl::_V1::detail::filterSequence ( FunctorT  F,
std::index_sequence< Is... >  Indices 

For each index 'I' from the given indices pack 'Is' this function returns an index sequence consisting of only those 'I's for which the 'FunctorT' applied to 'T[I]' returns true.

Definition at line 2158 of file reduction.hpp.

References filterSequenceHelper().

Referenced by reduAuxCGFunc(), and reduCGFuncMulti().

◆ filterSequenceHelper()

template<typename... T, typename FunctorT , size_t... Is, std::enable_if_t<(sizeof...(Is) > 0), int > Z = 0>
constexpr auto sycl::_V1::detail::filterSequenceHelper ( FunctorT  ,
std::index_sequence< Is... >   

For each index 'I' from the given indices pack 'Is' this function initially creates a number of short index_sequences, where each of such short index sequences is either empty (if the given Functor returns false for the type T[I]) or 1 element 'I' (otherwise).

After that this function concatenates those short sequences into one and returns the result sequence.

Definition at line 2142 of file reduction.hpp.

References concat_sequences().

Referenced by filterSequence().

◆ find_device_intersection()

std::vector< sycl::device > sycl::_V1::detail::find_device_intersection ( const std::vector< kernel_bundle< bundle_state::object >> &  ObjectBundles)

Definition at line 277 of file kernel_bundle.cpp.

References sycl::_V1::device::get_devices().

◆ find_matching_descendent_device()

std::optional<sycl::device> sycl::_V1::detail::find_matching_descendent_device ( sycl::device  d,
const backend_input_t< backend::ext_oneapi_level_zero, device > &  BackendObject 

◆ float2Half()

__SYCL_CONSTEXPR_HALF uint16_t sycl::_V1::detail::float2Half ( const float &  Val)

Definition at line 55 of file half_type.hpp.

References __builtin_expect.

◆ floatingPointToDecStr()

template<typename T >
EnableIfFP<T, unsigned> sycl::_V1::detail::floatingPointToDecStr ( AbsVal,
char *  Digits,
int  Precision,
bool  IsSci 

Definition at line 370 of file stream.hpp.

References digitToChar(), and MAX_FLOATING_POINT_DIGITS.

Referenced by ScalarToStr().

◆ flushBuffer()

void sycl::_V1::detail::flushBuffer ( GlobalOffsetAccessorT GlobalOffset,
GlobalBufAccessorT GlobalBuf,
GlobalBufAccessorT GlobalFlushBuf,
unsigned  WIOffset 

◆ flushCrossQueueDeps()

static void sycl::_V1::detail::flushCrossQueueDeps ( const std::vector< EventImplPtr > &  EventImpls,
const QueueImplPtr Queue 

Definition at line 311 of file commands.cpp.

Referenced by sycl::_V1::detail::Command::waitForEvents().

◆ for_each()

template<typename Group , typename Ptr , class Function >
Function sycl::_V1::detail::for_each ( Group  g,
Ptr  first,
Ptr  last,
Function  f 

◆ force_type()

void sycl::_V1::detail::force_type ( info::device_type t,
const info::device_type ft 

◆ FormatChannelOrder()

◆ FormatChannelType()

◆ get_backend_name_no_vendor()

std::string_view sycl::_V1::detail::get_backend_name_no_vendor ( backend  Backend)

◆ get_category_max_architecture()

◆ get_category_min_architecture()

◆ get_context_info()

template<typename Param >
Param::return_type sycl::_V1::detail::get_context_info ( ur_context_handle_t  Ctx,
const PluginPtr Plugin 

Definition at line 21 of file context_info.hpp.

◆ get_current_architecture_aot()

constexpr static std::optional<ext::oneapi::experimental::architecture> sycl::_V1::detail::get_current_architecture_aot ( )

◆ get_device_architecture_category()

◆ get_device_info()

template<typename Param >
Param::return_type sycl::_V1::detail::get_device_info ( const DeviceImplPtr Dev)

◆ get_device_info< ext::intel::info::device::device_id >()

ext::intel::info::device::device_id::return_type sycl::_V1::detail::get_device_info< ext::intel::info::device::device_id > ( const DeviceImplPtr Dev)

◆ get_device_info< ext::intel::info::device::free_memory >()

ext::intel::info::device::free_memory::return_type sycl::_V1::detail::get_device_info< ext::intel::info::device::free_memory > ( const DeviceImplPtr Dev)

◆ get_device_info< ext::intel::info::device::gpu_eu_count >()

ext::intel::info::device::gpu_eu_count::return_type sycl::_V1::detail::get_device_info< ext::intel::info::device::gpu_eu_count > ( const DeviceImplPtr Dev)

◆ get_device_info< ext::intel::info::device::gpu_eu_count_per_subslice >()

ext::intel::info::device::gpu_eu_count_per_subslice::return_type sycl::_V1::detail::get_device_info< ext::intel::info::device::gpu_eu_count_per_subslice > ( const DeviceImplPtr Dev)

◆ get_device_info< ext::intel::info::device::gpu_eu_simd_width >()

ext::intel::info::device::gpu_eu_simd_width::return_type sycl::_V1::detail::get_device_info< ext::intel::info::device::gpu_eu_simd_width > ( const DeviceImplPtr Dev)

◆ get_device_info< ext::intel::info::device::gpu_hw_threads_per_eu >()

ext::intel::info::device::gpu_hw_threads_per_eu::return_type sycl::_V1::detail::get_device_info< ext::intel::info::device::gpu_hw_threads_per_eu > ( const DeviceImplPtr Dev)

◆ get_device_info< ext::intel::info::device::gpu_slices >()

ext::intel::info::device::gpu_slices::return_type sycl::_V1::detail::get_device_info< ext::intel::info::device::gpu_slices > ( const DeviceImplPtr Dev)

◆ get_device_info< ext::intel::info::device::gpu_subslices_per_slice >()

ext::intel::info::device::gpu_subslices_per_slice::return_type sycl::_V1::detail::get_device_info< ext::intel::info::device::gpu_subslices_per_slice > ( const DeviceImplPtr Dev)

◆ get_device_info< ext::intel::info::device::max_mem_bandwidth >()

ext::intel::info::device::max_mem_bandwidth::return_type sycl::_V1::detail::get_device_info< ext::intel::info::device::max_mem_bandwidth > ( const DeviceImplPtr Dev)

◆ get_device_info< ext::intel::info::device::memory_bus_width >()

ext::intel::info::device::memory_bus_width::return_type sycl::_V1::detail::get_device_info< ext::intel::info::device::memory_bus_width > ( const DeviceImplPtr Dev)

◆ get_device_info< ext::intel::info::device::memory_clock_rate >()

ext::intel::info::device::memory_clock_rate::return_type sycl::_V1::detail::get_device_info< ext::intel::info::device::memory_clock_rate > ( const DeviceImplPtr Dev)

◆ get_device_info< ext::intel::info::device::pci_address >()

ext::intel::info::device::pci_address::return_type sycl::_V1::detail::get_device_info< ext::intel::info::device::pci_address > ( const DeviceImplPtr Dev)

◆ get_device_info< ext::intel::info::device::uuid >()

ext::intel::info::device::uuid::return_type sycl::_V1::detail::get_device_info< ext::intel::info::device::uuid > ( const DeviceImplPtr Dev)

◆ get_empty_interop_kernel_bundle()

template<bundle_state State>
kernel_bundle<State> sycl::_V1::detail::get_empty_interop_kernel_bundle ( const context Ctx)

make_kernel may need an empty interop kernel bundle.

This function supplies this.

Definition at line 627 of file kernel_bundle.hpp.

References sycl::_V1::context::get_devices(), and get_empty_interop_kernel_bundle_impl().

◆ get_empty_interop_kernel_bundle_impl()

detail::KernelBundleImplPtr sycl::_V1::detail::get_empty_interop_kernel_bundle_impl ( const context Ctx,
const std::vector< device > &  Devs 

Definition at line 171 of file kernel_bundle.cpp.

Referenced by get_empty_interop_kernel_bundle().

◆ get_event_info()

template<typename Param >
Param::return_type sycl::_V1::detail::get_event_info ( ur_event_handle_t  Event,
const PluginPtr Plugin 

Definition at line 34 of file event_info.hpp.

◆ get_event_profiling_info()

template<typename Param >
Param::return_type sycl::_V1::detail::get_event_profiling_info ( ur_event_handle_t  Event,
const PluginPtr Plugin 

Definition at line 22 of file event_info.hpp.

◆ get_kernel_bundle_impl() [1/3]

detail::KernelBundleImplPtr sycl::_V1::detail::get_kernel_bundle_impl ( const context Ctx,
const std::vector< device > &  Devs,
bundle_state  State 

Definition at line 150 of file kernel_bundle.cpp.

◆ get_kernel_bundle_impl() [2/3]

detail::KernelBundleImplPtr sycl::_V1::detail::get_kernel_bundle_impl ( const context Ctx,
const std::vector< device > &  Devs,
bundle_state  State,
const DevImgSelectorImpl Selector 

Definition at line 164 of file kernel_bundle.cpp.

◆ get_kernel_bundle_impl() [3/3]

detail::KernelBundleImplPtr sycl::_V1::detail::get_kernel_bundle_impl ( const context Ctx,
const std::vector< device > &  Devs,
const std::vector< kernel_id > &  KernelIDs,
bundle_state  State 

Definition at line 156 of file kernel_bundle.cpp.

◆ get_kernel_device_specific_info() [1/2]

template<typename Param >
std::enable_if< !std::is_same<typename Param::return_type, sycl::range<3> >::value, typename Param::return_type>::type sycl::_V1::detail::get_kernel_device_specific_info ( ur_kernel_handle_t  Kernel,
ur_device_handle_t  Device,
const PluginPtr Plugin 

Definition at line 97 of file kernel_info.hpp.

References Kernel.

Referenced by adjustNDRangePerKernel().

◆ get_kernel_device_specific_info() [2/2]

template<typename Param >
std::enable_if< std::is_same<typename Param::return_type, sycl::range<3> >::value, sycl::range<3> >::type sycl::_V1::detail::get_kernel_device_specific_info ( ur_kernel_handle_t  Kernel,
ur_device_handle_t  Device,
const PluginPtr Plugin 

Definition at line 113 of file kernel_info.hpp.

References Kernel.

◆ get_kernel_device_specific_info_helper() [1/3]

template<typename Param >
std::enable_if<IsKernelInfo<Param>::value>::type sycl::_V1::detail::get_kernel_device_specific_info_helper ( ur_kernel_handle_t  Kernel,
[[maybe_unused] ] ur_device_handle_t  Device,
const PluginPtr Plugin,
void *  Result,
size_t  Size 

Definition at line 71 of file kernel_info.hpp.

References Kernel.

◆ get_kernel_device_specific_info_helper() [2/3]

template<typename Param >
std::enable_if<IsSubGroupInfo<Param>::value>::type sycl::_V1::detail::get_kernel_device_specific_info_helper ( ur_kernel_handle_t  Kernel,
ur_device_handle_t  Device,
const PluginPtr Plugin,
void *  Result,
size_t  Size 

Definition at line 61 of file kernel_info.hpp.

References Kernel.

◆ get_kernel_device_specific_info_helper() [3/3]

template<typename Param >
std::enable_if<!IsSubGroupInfo<Param>::value && !IsKernelInfo<Param>::value>::type sycl::_V1::detail::get_kernel_device_specific_info_helper ( ur_kernel_handle_t  Kernel,
ur_device_handle_t  Device,
const PluginPtr Plugin,
void *  Result,
size_t  Size 

◆ get_kernel_device_specific_info_with_input()

template<typename Param >
uint32_t sycl::_V1::detail::get_kernel_device_specific_info_with_input ( ur_kernel_handle_t  Kernel,
ur_device_handle_t  Device,
sycl::range< 3 >  ,
const PluginPtr Plugin 

Definition at line 129 of file kernel_info.hpp.

References Kernel.

◆ get_kernel_id_impl()

kernel_id sycl::_V1::detail::get_kernel_id_impl ( string_view  KernelName)

Definition at line 144 of file kernel_bundle.cpp.

References sycl::_V1::detail::string_view::data().

◆ get_kernel_info() [1/2]

template<typename Param >
std::enable_if< std::is_same<typename Param::return_type, std::string>::value, std::string>::type sycl::_V1::detail::get_kernel_info ( ur_kernel_handle_t  Kernel,
const PluginPtr Plugin 

Definition at line 28 of file kernel_info.hpp.

References Kernel.

◆ get_kernel_info() [2/2]

template<typename Param >
std::enable_if< std::is_same<typename Param::return_type, uint32_t>::value, uint32_t>::type sycl::_V1::detail::get_kernel_info ( ur_kernel_handle_t  Kernel,
const PluginPtr Plugin 

Definition at line 49 of file kernel_info.hpp.

References Kernel.

◆ get_local_linear_id()

template<typename Group >
auto sycl::_V1::detail::get_local_linear_id ( Group  g)

Definition at line 72 of file group_algorithm.hpp.

Referenced by for_each().

◆ get_local_linear_range()

template<typename Group >
auto sycl::_V1::detail::get_local_linear_range ( Group  g)

Definition at line 63 of file group_algorithm.hpp.

Referenced by for_each().

◆ get_native_buffer()

template<backend BackendName, typename DataT , int Dimensions, typename Allocator >
auto sycl::_V1::detail::get_native_buffer ( const buffer< DataT, Dimensions, Allocator, void > &  Obj) -> backend_return_t< BackendName, buffer< DataT, Dimensions, Allocator, void >>

◆ get_or_store()

template<typename T >
T sycl::_V1::detail::get_or_store ( const T *  obj)

Definition at line 57 of file helpers.hpp.

References sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::obj.

◆ get_platform_info() [1/2]

template<typename Param >
std::enable_if< std::is_same<typename Param::return_type, std::string>::value, std::string>::type sycl::_V1::detail::get_platform_info ( ur_platform_handle_t  Plt,
const PluginPtr Plugin 

Definition at line 42 of file platform_info.hpp.

References get_platform_info_string_impl().

◆ get_platform_info() [2/2]

template<typename Param >
std::enable_if<std::is_same<Param, info::platform::extensions>::value, std::vector<std::string> >::type sycl::_V1::detail::get_platform_info ( ur_platform_handle_t  Plt,
const PluginPtr Plugin 

Definition at line 52 of file platform_info.hpp.

References get_platform_info_string_impl(), and split_string().

◆ get_platform_info_string_impl()

std::string sycl::_V1::detail::get_platform_info_string_impl ( ur_platform_handle_t  Plt,
const PluginPtr Plugin,
ur_platform_info_t  UrCode 

◆ get_spec_constant_symbolic_ID()

template<auto & SpecName>
const char * sycl::_V1::detail::get_spec_constant_symbolic_ID ( )

Definition at line 19 of file spec_const_integration.hpp.

◆ get_spec_constant_symbolic_ID_impl()

template<auto & SpecName>
const char* sycl::_V1::detail::get_spec_constant_symbolic_ID_impl ( )

◆ get_tuple_tail()

template<typename T , typename... Ts>
std::tuple<Ts...> sycl::_V1::detail::get_tuple_tail ( const std::tuple< T, Ts... > &  Tuple)

Definition at line 30 of file tuple.hpp.

References get_tuple_tail_impl().

Referenced by sycl::_V1::detail::tuple< T, Ts... >::operator=().

◆ get_tuple_tail_impl()

template<typename T , typename... Ts, std::size_t... Is>
std::tuple<Ts...> sycl::_V1::detail::get_tuple_tail_impl ( const std::tuple< T, Ts... > &  Tuple,
const std::index_sequence< Is... > &   

Definition at line 24 of file tuple.hpp.

Referenced by get_tuple_tail().

◆ get_ur_error()

int32_t sycl::_V1::detail::get_ur_error ( const exception e)

Definition at line 156 of file exception.hpp.

Referenced by sycl::_V1::detail::KernelProgramCache::getOrBuild().

◆ getAbsVal()

template<typename T >
std::make_unsigned_t<T> sycl::_V1::detail::getAbsVal ( const T  Val,
const int  Base 

Definition at line 166 of file stream.hpp.

Referenced by ScalarToStr().

◆ getAspectNameStr()

static std::string sycl::_V1::detail::getAspectNameStr ( sycl::aspect  AspectNum)

◆ getBinImageFromMultiMap()

template<typename StorageKey >
RTDeviceBinaryImage* sycl::_V1::detail::getBinImageFromMultiMap ( const std::unordered_multimap< StorageKey, RTDeviceBinaryImage * > &  ImagesSet,
const StorageKey &  Key,
const context Context,
const device Device 

◆ getBinImageState()

◆ getBorderColor()

float4 sycl::_V1::detail::getBorderColor ( const image_channel_order  ImgChannelOrder)

Definition at line 172 of file image_accessor_util.cpp.

References sycl::_V1::luminance, sycl::_V1::r, sycl::_V1::rg, and sycl::_V1::rgb.

Referenced by getColor().

◆ GetCapabilitiesIntersectionSet()

template<typename T , typename Capabilities >
void sycl::_V1::detail::GetCapabilitiesIntersectionSet ( const std::vector< sycl::device > &  Devices,
std::vector< T > &  CapabilityList 

Definition at line 311 of file context_impl.hpp.

References sycl::_V1::device::get_info().

◆ getColor()

template<typename DataT >
DataT sycl::_V1::detail::getColor ( const int4  PixelCoord,
const addressing_mode  SmplAddrMode,
const range< 3 >  ImgRange,
const id< 3 >  ImgPitch,
const image_channel_type  ImgChannelType,
const image_channel_order  ImgChannelOrder,
void *  BasePtr,
const uint8_t  ElementSize 

Definition at line 896 of file image_accessor_util.hpp.

References getBorderColor(), and isOutOfRange().

◆ getCommand()

static Command* sycl::_V1::detail::getCommand ( const EventImplPtr Event)

◆ getContext()

static ContextImplPtr sycl::_V1::detail::getContext ( const QueueImplPtr Queue)

◆ getDecorated()

template<typename DecorT , typename T , access::address_space Space, access::decorated IsDecorated>
DecorT* sycl::_V1::detail::getDecorated ( multi_ptr< T, Space, IsDecorated >  ptr)

Definition at line 24 of file utils.hpp.

◆ getDelinearizedId() [1/3]

id<1> sycl::_V1::detail::getDelinearizedId ( const range< 1 > &  ,
size_t  Index 

Definition at line 313 of file id.hpp.

Referenced by reduction_parallel_for().

◆ getDelinearizedId() [2/3]

id<2> sycl::_V1::detail::getDelinearizedId ( const range< 2 > &  Range,
size_t  Index 

Definition at line 317 of file id.hpp.

◆ getDelinearizedId() [3/3]

id<3> sycl::_V1::detail::getDelinearizedId ( const range< 3 > &  Range,
size_t  Index 

Definition at line 323 of file id.hpp.

◆ getDeviceComparisonLambda()

auto sycl::_V1::detail::getDeviceComparisonLambda ( )

◆ getDeviceFromHandler()

◆ getDeviceLibExtensionStr()

static const char* sycl::_V1::detail::getDeviceLibExtensionStr ( DeviceLibExt  Extension)

◆ getDeviceLibFilename()

static const char* sycl::_V1::detail::getDeviceLibFilename ( DeviceLibExt  Extension,
bool  Native 

◆ getDeviceLibPrograms()

static std::vector<ur_program_handle_t> sycl::_V1::detail::getDeviceLibPrograms ( const ContextImplPtr  Context,
const ur_device_handle_t &  Device,
uint32_t  DeviceLibReqMask 

◆ getDevicePreference()

static int sycl::_V1::detail::getDevicePreference ( const device Device)

Definition at line 34 of file device_selector.cpp.

References sycl::_V1::ext_oneapi_level_zero, and getSyclObjImpl().

Referenced by select_device().

◆ getDirName()

std::string sycl::_V1::detail::getDirName ( const char *  Path)

◆ GetFlushBufOffset()

unsigned sycl::_V1::detail::GetFlushBufOffset ( const GlobalBufAccessorT GlobalFlushBuf,
unsigned  WIOffset 

Definition at line 113 of file stream.hpp.

Referenced by flushBuffer(), and write().

◆ getFormatStr()

◆ getImageElementSize()

◆ getImageInfo()

template<typename T >
static void sycl::_V1::detail::getImageInfo ( const ContextImplPtr  Context,
ur_image_info_t  Info,
T &  Dest,
ur_mem_handle_t  InteropMemObject 

Definition at line 262 of file image_impl.cpp.

◆ getImageNumberChannels()

◆ getImageOffset() [1/3]

template<typename T >
std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral_v<T>, size_t> sycl::_V1::detail::getImageOffset ( const T &  Coords,
const id< 3 >  ,
const uint8_t  ElementSize 

Definition at line 91 of file image_accessor_util.hpp.

Referenced by imageWriteHostImpl(), and ReadPixelData().

◆ getImageOffset() [2/3]

template<typename T >
std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral_v<T>, size_t> sycl::_V1::detail::getImageOffset ( const vec< T, 2 > &  Coords,
const id< 3 >  ImgPitch,
const uint8_t  ElementSize 

Definition at line 97 of file image_accessor_util.hpp.

◆ getImageOffset() [3/3]

template<typename T >
std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral_v<T>, size_t> sycl::_V1::detail::getImageOffset ( const vec< T, 4 > &  Coords,
const id< 3 >  ImgPitch,
const uint8_t  ElementSize 

Definition at line 104 of file image_accessor_util.hpp.

◆ getImageType()

ur_mem_type_t sycl::_V1::detail::getImageType ( int  Dimensions)

Definition at line 63 of file sycl_mem_obj_t.cpp.

References sycl::_V1::Dimensions.

Referenced by sycl::_V1::detail::SYCLMemObjT::SYCLMemObjT().

◆ getImplBackend()

template<class T >
backend sycl::_V1::detail::getImplBackend ( const T &  Impl)

◆ getLastCombine()

template<typename OutAccT , typename LocalAccT , typename BOPT , typename IdentityContainerT >
auto sycl::_V1::detail::getLastCombine ( OutAccT  OutAcc,
LocalAccT  LocalAcc,
IdentityContainerT  IdentityContainer,
bool  IsInitializeToIdentity 

Definition at line 2057 of file reduction.hpp.

Referenced by writeReduSumsToOutAccs().

◆ getLinearIndex()

template<int Dims, template< int > class T, template< int > class U>
size_t sycl::_V1::detail::getLinearIndex ( const T< Dims > &  Index,
const U< Dims > &  Range 

◆ getLoadOrder()

constexpr memory_order sycl::_V1::detail::getLoadOrder ( memory_order  order)

Definition at line 73 of file atomic_ref.hpp.

References sycl::_V1::__consume_unsupported, sycl::_V1::acq_rel, sycl::_V1::acquire, sycl::_V1::relaxed, sycl::_V1::release, and sycl::_V1::seq_cst.

Referenced by sycl::_V1::detail::atomic_ref_impl< T *, IsAspectAtomic64AttrUsed, DefaultOrder, DefaultScope, AddressSpace >::fetch_add(), sycl::_V1::detail::atomic_ref_impl< T, IsAspectAtomic64AttrUsed, DefaultOrder, DefaultScope, AddressSpace, typename std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< T > > >::fetch_add(), sycl::_V1::detail::atomic_ref_impl< T, IsAspectAtomic64AttrUsed, DefaultOrder, DefaultScope, AddressSpace, typename std::enable_if_t< std::is_integral_v< T > > >::fetch_max(), sycl::_V1::detail::atomic_ref_impl< T, IsAspectAtomic64AttrUsed, DefaultOrder, DefaultScope, AddressSpace, typename std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< T > > >::fetch_max(), sycl::_V1::detail::atomic_ref_impl< T, IsAspectAtomic64AttrUsed, DefaultOrder, DefaultScope, AddressSpace, typename std::enable_if_t< std::is_integral_v< T > > >::fetch_min(), sycl::_V1::detail::atomic_ref_impl< T, IsAspectAtomic64AttrUsed, DefaultOrder, DefaultScope, AddressSpace, typename std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< T > > >::fetch_min(), sycl::_V1::detail::atomic_ref_impl< T *, IsAspectAtomic64AttrUsed, DefaultOrder, DefaultScope, AddressSpace >::fetch_sub(), and sycl::_V1::detail::atomic_ref_impl< T, IsAspectAtomic64AttrUsed, DefaultOrder, DefaultScope, AddressSpace, typename std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< T > > >::fetch_sub().

◆ GetMask()

template<typename NonUniformGroup >
ext::oneapi::sub_group_mask sycl::_V1::detail::GetMask ( NonUniformGroup  Group)

Definition at line 44 of file non_uniform_groups.hpp.

Referenced by IdToMaskPosition().

◆ getMemObjCreationFlags()

static ur_mem_flags_t sycl::_V1::detail::getMemObjCreationFlags ( void *  UserPtr,
bool  HostPtrReadOnly 

◆ getNextPowerOfTwo()

constexpr size_t sycl::_V1::detail::getNextPowerOfTwo ( size_t  Var)

Definition at line 280 of file common.hpp.

References getNextPowerOfTwoHelper().

Referenced by sycl::_V1::detail::image_impl::image_impl().

◆ getNextPowerOfTwoHelper()

constexpr size_t sycl::_V1::detail::getNextPowerOfTwoHelper ( size_t  Var,
size_t  Offset 

Definition at line 273 of file common.hpp.

Referenced by getNextPowerOfTwo().

◆ getOffsetForId()

template<int Dimensions>
size_t sycl::_V1::detail::getOffsetForId ( range< Dimensions Range,
id< Dimensions Id,
id< Dimensions Offset 

Definition at line 305 of file id.hpp.

References sycl::_V1::Dimensions.

◆ getOrBuildProgramForDeviceGlobal()

◆ getPixelCoordLinearFiltMode()

int8 sycl::_V1::detail::getPixelCoordLinearFiltMode ( float4  Coorduvw,
const addressing_mode  SmplAddrMode,
const range< 3 >  ImgRange,
float4 &  Retabc 

◆ getPixelCoordNearestFiltMode()

int4 sycl::_V1::detail::getPixelCoordNearestFiltMode ( float4  Coorduvw,
const addressing_mode  SmplAddrMode,
const range< 3 >  ImgRange 

◆ getPlugin()

◆ getPluginOpaqueData() [1/2]

template<sycl::backend BE>
void* sycl::_V1::detail::getPluginOpaqueData ( [[maybe_unused] ] void *  OpaqueDataParam)

Definition at line 66 of file ur.cpp.

References sycl::_V1::feature_not_supported, and sycl::_V1::make_error_code().

◆ getPluginOpaqueData() [2/2]

template<sycl::backend BE>
void* sycl::_V1::detail::getPluginOpaqueData ( void *  opaquedata_arg)

◆ getReducerAccess()

◆ getSortedImages()

static std::vector<const RTDeviceBinaryImage *> sycl::_V1::detail::getSortedImages ( const std::vector< const RTDeviceBinaryImage * > &  Imgs)

◆ getSPIRVMemorySemanticsMask() [1/2]

constexpr uint32_t sycl::_V1::detail::getSPIRVMemorySemanticsMask ( const access::fence_space  AccessSpace,
const __spv::MemorySemanticsMask  LocalScopeMask = __spv::MemorySemanticsMask::WorkgroupMemory 

◆ getSPIRVMemorySemanticsMask() [2/2]

constexpr __spv::MemorySemanticsMask::Flag sycl::_V1::detail::getSPIRVMemorySemanticsMask ( memory_order  )

◆ getStdMemoryOrder() [1/2]

std::memory_order sycl::_V1::detail::getStdMemoryOrder ( __spv::MemorySemanticsMask::Flag  )

Definition at line 82 of file atomic.hpp.

Referenced by __spirv_AtomicAnd(), __spirv_AtomicExchange(), __spirv_AtomicIAdd(), __spirv_AtomicISub(), __spirv_AtomicLoad(), __spirv_AtomicMax(), __spirv_AtomicMin(), __spirv_AtomicOr(), __spirv_AtomicStore(), __spirv_AtomicXor(), sycl::_V1::detail::atomic_ref_base< T, DefaultOrder, DefaultScope, AddressSpace >::compare_exchange_strong(), sycl::_V1::detail::atomic_ref_base< T, DefaultOrder, DefaultScope, AddressSpace >::compare_exchange_weak(), sycl::_V1::detail::atomic_ref_base< T, DefaultOrder, DefaultScope, AddressSpace >::exchange(), sycl::_V1::detail::atomic_ref_impl< T, IsAspectAtomic64AttrUsed, DefaultOrder, DefaultScope, AddressSpace, typename std::enable_if_t< std::is_integral_v< T > > >::fetch_add(), sycl::_V1::detail::atomic_ref_impl< T, IsAspectAtomic64AttrUsed, DefaultOrder, DefaultScope, AddressSpace, typename std::enable_if_t< std::is_integral_v< T > > >::fetch_and(), sycl::_V1::detail::atomic_ref_impl< T, IsAspectAtomic64AttrUsed, DefaultOrder, DefaultScope, AddressSpace, typename std::enable_if_t< std::is_integral_v< T > > >::fetch_or(), sycl::_V1::detail::atomic_ref_impl< T, IsAspectAtomic64AttrUsed, DefaultOrder, DefaultScope, AddressSpace, typename std::enable_if_t< std::is_integral_v< T > > >::fetch_sub(), sycl::_V1::detail::atomic_ref_impl< T, IsAspectAtomic64AttrUsed, DefaultOrder, DefaultScope, AddressSpace, typename std::enable_if_t< std::is_integral_v< T > > >::fetch_xor(), sycl::_V1::detail::atomic_ref_base< T, DefaultOrder, DefaultScope, AddressSpace >::load(), and sycl::_V1::detail::atomic_ref_base< T, DefaultOrder, DefaultScope, AddressSpace >::store().

◆ getStdMemoryOrder() [2/2]

◆ getStrOrNullptr()

constexpr const char* sycl::_V1::detail::getStrOrNullptr ( const char *  Str)

Definition at line 61 of file config.hpp.

◆ getSyclBeMap()

const std::array< std::pair< std::string, backend >, 7 > & sycl::_V1::detail::getSyclBeMap ( )

◆ getSyclDeviceTypeMap()

template<bool supportAcc = false>
const std::array<std::pair<std::string, info::device_type>, 6>& sycl::_V1::detail::getSyclDeviceTypeMap ( )

◆ getSyclObjImpl()

template<class Obj >
decltype(Obj::impl) const& sycl::_V1::detail::getSyclObjImpl ( const Obj &  SyclObject)

Definition at line 31 of file impl_utils.hpp.

Referenced by sycl::_V1::detail::kernel_bundle_impl::add_kernel(), addCounterInit(), sycl::_V1::detail::context_impl::addDeviceGlobalInitializer(), sycl::_V1::detail::queue_impl::addEvent(), sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::modifiable_command_graph::addGraphLeafDependencies(), sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::modifiable_command_graph::addImpl(), sycl::_V1::detail::usm::alignedAlloc(), sycl::_V1::detail::usm::alignedAllocHost(), sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::alloc_image_mem(), appendCompileOptionsFromImage(), sycl::_V1::detail::ProgramManager::bringSYCLDeviceImagesToState(), sycl::_V1::detail::ProgramManager::build(), sycl::_V1::detail::kernel_bundle_impl::build_from_source(), sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::build_from_source(), compatibleWithDevice(), sycl::_V1::detail::ProgramManager::compile(), sycl::_V1::context::context(), sycl::_V1::detail::context_impl::context_impl(), sycl::_V1::detail::pi::contextSetExtendedDeleter(), sycl::_V1::handler::copy(), sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::create_image(), createBinaryProgram(), sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::exec_graph_impl::createCommandBuffers(), sycl::_V1::detail::ProgramManager::createURProgram(), sycl::_V1::handler::depends_on(), sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::destroy_image_handle(), sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::modifiable_command_graph::end_recording(), enqueueImpCommandBufferKernel(), enqueueImpKernel(), enqueueReadWriteHostPipe(), sycl::_V1::handler::ext_oneapi_barrier(), sycl::_V1::platform::ext_oneapi_get_default_context(), sycl::_V1::detail::kernel_bundle_impl::ext_oneapi_get_kernel(), sycl::_V1::handler::ext_oneapi_graph(), sycl::_V1::detail::OwnerLessBase< SyclObjT >::ext_oneapi_owner_before(), sycl::_V1::queue::ext_oneapi_submit_barrier(), sycl::_V1::detail::queue_impl::finalizeHandler(), sycl::_V1::detail::context_impl::findMatchingDeviceImpl(), sycl::_V1::detail::usm::free(), sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::free_image_mem(), sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::free_virtual_mem(), sycl::_V1::ext::codeplay::experimental::fusion_wrapper::fusion_wrapper(), sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::get_access_mode(), sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::get_image_channel_type(), sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::get_image_num_channels(), sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::get_image_range(), sycl::_V1::detail::kernel_impl::get_info(), sycl::_V1::detail::kernel_bundle_impl::get_kernel(), sycl::_V1::detail::kernel_bundle_impl::get_kernel_ids(), sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::get_mem_granularity(), sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::get_mip_level_mem_handle(), sycl::_V1::interop_handle::get_native_mem(), sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::node::get_node_from_event(), sycl::_V1::detail::platform_impl::get_platforms(), sycl::_V1::detail::device_image_impl::get_spec_const_buffer_ref(), sycl::_V1::detail::kernel_bundle_impl::get_specialization_constant_raw_value(), getBinImageFromMultiMap(), sycl::_V1::detail::ProgramManager::getBuiltURProgram(), sycl::_V1::detail::queue_impl::getDefaultOrNew(), getDeviceFromHandler(), sycl::_V1::detail::ProgramManager::getDeviceImage(), getDevicePreference(), sycl::_V1::detail::device_image_impl::getNative(), getOrBuildProgramForDeviceGlobal(), sycl::_V1::detail::ProgramManager::getOrCreateKernel(), sycl::_V1::detail::ProgramManager::getOrCreateMaterializedKernel(), sycl::_V1::detail::sampler_impl::getOrCreateSampler(), sycl::_V1::detail::ProgramManager::getOrCreateURProgram(), sycl::_V1::detail::Scheduler::GraphBuilder::getOrInsertMemObjRecord(), sycl::_V1::detail::context_impl::getProgramForDevImgs(), getUrEvents(), getValueFromDynamicParameter(), sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::detail::weak_object_base< SYCLObjT >::GetWeakImpl(), sycl::_V1::opencl::has_extension(), sycl::_V1::detail::device_image_impl::has_kernel(), has_kernel_bundle_impl(), sycl::_V1::detail::context_impl::hasDevice(), sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::import_external_memory< resource_fd >(), sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::import_external_memory< resource_win32_handle >(), sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::import_external_semaphore(), sycl::_V1::detail::event_impl::initContextIfNeeded(), IsBannedPlatform(), isDeviceBinaryTypeSupported(), sycl::_V1::detail::context_impl::isDeviceValid(), sycl::_V1::detail::kernel_bundle_impl::kernel_bundle_impl(), sycl::_V1::detail::ProgramManager::link(), make_context(), sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::level_zero::detail::make_device(), sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::modifiable_command_graph::make_edge(), make_event(), make_kernel(), make_kernel_bundle(), make_queue(), sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::map_external_image_memory(), sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::mem_advise(), sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::memcpy(), sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::memset(), sycl::_V1::detail::DispatchHostTask::operator()(), std::hash< sycl::accessor< DataT, Dimensions, AccessMode, AccessTarget, IsPlaceholder > >::operator()(), std::hash< sycl::host_accessor< DataT, Dimensions, AccessMode > >::operator()(), std::hash< sycl::local_accessor< DataT, Dimensions > >::operator()(), std::hash< sycl::unsampled_image_accessor< DataT, Dimensions, AccessMode, AccessTarget > >::operator()(), std::hash< sycl::host_unsampled_image_accessor< DataT, Dimensions, AccessMode > >::operator()(), std::hash< sycl::sampled_image_accessor< DataT, Dimensions, AccessTarget > >::operator()(), std::hash< sycl::host_sampled_image_accessor< DataT, Dimensions > >::operator()(), sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::detail::filter_selector_impl::operator()(), std::hash< sycl::buffer< T, dimensions, AllocatorT > >::operator()(), std::hash< sycl::context >::operator()(), std::hash< sycl::device >::operator()(), std::hash< sycl::device_image< State > >::operator()(), std::hash< sycl::event >::operator()(), std::hash< sycl::ext::oneapi::experimental::image_mem >::operator()(), std::hash< sycl::ext::oneapi::experimental::physical_mem >::operator()(), std::hash< sycl::image< Dimensions, AllocatorT > >::operator()(), std::hash< sycl::kernel >::operator()(), std::hash< sycl::kernel_bundle< State > >::operator()(), std::hash< sycl::kernel_id >::operator()(), std::hash< sycl::platform >::operator()(), std::hash< sycl::queue >::operator()(), std::hash< sycl::sampled_image< Dimensions, AllocatorT > >::operator()(), std::hash< sycl::sampler >::operator()(), std::hash< sycl::stream >::operator()(), std::hash< sycl::unsampled_image< Dimensions, AllocatorT > >::operator()(), sycl::_V1::detail::LessByHash< T >::operator()(), sycl::_V1::handler::parallel_for(), sycl::_V1::handler::parallel_for_work_group(), sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::pitched_alloc_device(), prepareSYCLEventAssociatedWithQueue(), sycl::_V1::detail::PersistentDeviceCodeCache::putItemToDisc(), sycl::_V1::queue::queue(), sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::release_external_memory(), sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::release_external_semaphore(), sycl::_V1::detail::DeviceGlobalMapEntry::removeAssociatedResources(), sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::reserve_virtual_mem(), retrieveKernelBinary(), sycl::_V1::detail::sampler_impl::sampler_impl(), sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::set_access_mode(), sycl::_V1::detail::kernel_bundle_impl::set_specialization_constant_raw_value(), SetArgBasedOnType(), sycl::_V1::handler::single_task(), sycl::_V1::detail::queue_impl::submit_impl(), sycl::_V1::detail::queue_impl::submitMemOpHelper(), sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::unmap(), sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::executable_command_graph::update(), sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::exec_graph_impl::update(), sycl::_V1::handler::update_host(), sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::node_impl::updateAccessor(), sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::exec_graph_impl::updateImpl(), sycl::_V1::handler::use_kernel_bundle(), sycl::_V1::ext::intel::experimental::pipe_base::wait_non_blocking(), waitEvents(), sycl::_V1::detail::device_image_impl::~device_image_impl(), sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::exec_graph_impl::~exec_graph_impl(), and sycl::_V1::detail::sampler_impl::~sampler_impl().

◆ getTimestamp()

◆ getUint32PropAsBool()

static bool sycl::_V1::detail::getUint32PropAsBool ( const RTDeviceBinaryImage Img,
const char *  PropName 

◆ getUint32PropAsOptStr()

static std::string sycl::_V1::detail::getUint32PropAsOptStr ( const RTDeviceBinaryImage Img,
const char *  PropName 

◆ GetUnqualMultiPtr()

template<typename CVT , access::address_space Space, access::decorated IsDecorated, typename T = std::remove_cv_t<CVT>>
multi_ptr<T, Space, IsDecorated> sycl::_V1::detail::GetUnqualMultiPtr ( const multi_ptr< CVT, Space, IsDecorated > &  Mptr)

Definition at line 114 of file sub_group.hpp.

Referenced by sycl::_V1::sub_group::load().

◆ getUrDeviceTarget()

◆ getUrEvents()

static std::vector<ur_event_handle_t> sycl::_V1::detail::getUrEvents ( const std::vector< sycl::event > &  DepEvents)

Definition at line 48 of file queue_impl.cpp.

References getSyclObjImpl().

Referenced by sycl::_V1::detail::queue_impl::submitMemOpHelper().

◆ getUrImageCopyFlags()

ur_exp_image_copy_flags_t sycl::_V1::detail::getUrImageCopyFlags ( sycl::usm::alloc  SrcPtrType,
sycl::usm::alloc  DstPtrType 

Definition at line 49 of file handler.cpp.

References sycl::_V1::invalid, and sycl::_V1::make_error_code().

Referenced by sycl::_V1::handler::ext_oneapi_copy().

◆ getValueFromDynamicParameter()

void * sycl::_V1::detail::getValueFromDynamicParameter ( ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::dynamic_parameter_base DynamicParamBase)

Definition at line 77 of file handler.cpp.

References getSyclObjImpl().

Referenced by sycl::_V1::handler::require().

◆ GetZeroDimAccessRange()

template<typename BufferT >
sycl::range<1> sycl::_V1::detail::GetZeroDimAccessRange ( BufferT  Buffer)

Definition at line 285 of file accessor.hpp.

◆ GreatestPowerOfTwo()

size_t sycl::_V1::detail::GreatestPowerOfTwo ( size_t  N)

Computes the greatest power-of-two less than or equal to N.

Definition at line 1389 of file reduction.hpp.

Referenced by doTreeReductionHelper().

◆ half2Float()

__SYCL_CONSTEXPR_HALF float sycl::_V1::detail::half2Float ( const uint16_t &  Val)

Definition at line 107 of file half_type.hpp.

References __builtin_expect.

Referenced by sycl::_V1::detail::half_impl::half::operator float().

◆ handleVisitedNodes()

static void sycl::_V1::detail::handleVisitedNodes ( std::vector< Command * > &  Visited)

◆ has_kernel_bundle_impl() [1/2]

bool sycl::_V1::detail::has_kernel_bundle_impl ( const context Ctx,
const std::vector< device > &  Devs,
bundle_state  State 

◆ has_kernel_bundle_impl() [2/2]

bool sycl::_V1::detail::has_kernel_bundle_impl ( const context Ctx,
const std::vector< device > &  Devs,
const std::vector< kernel_id > &  kernelIds,
bundle_state  State 

Definition at line 205 of file kernel_bundle.cpp.

References all_of(), checkAllDevicesAreInContext(), and getSyclObjImpl().

◆ identity_for_ga_op() [1/3]

template<typename T , class BinaryOperation >
constexpr std::enable_if_t< (is_complex<T>::value && is_plus<T, BinaryOperation>::value), T> sycl::_V1::detail::identity_for_ga_op ( )

Definition at line 171 of file group_algorithm.hpp.

◆ identity_for_ga_op() [2/3]

template<typename T , class BinaryOperation >
constexpr std::enable_if_t< (is_complex<T>::value && is_multiplies<T, BinaryOperation>::value), T> sycl::_V1::detail::identity_for_ga_op ( )

Definition at line 178 of file group_algorithm.hpp.

◆ identity_for_ga_op() [3/3]

template<typename T , class BinaryOperation >
constexpr std::enable_if_t<!is_complex<T>::value, T> sycl::_V1::detail::identity_for_ga_op ( )

Definition at line 183 of file group_algorithm.hpp.

◆ IdToMaskPosition()

template<typename NonUniformGroup >
uint32_t sycl::_V1::detail::IdToMaskPosition ( NonUniformGroup  Group,
uint32_t  Id 

Definition at line 49 of file non_uniform_groups.hpp.

References ExtractMask(), and GetMask().

◆ imageReadSamplerHostImpl() [1/3]

template<typename CoordT , typename DataT >
DataT sycl::_V1::detail::imageReadSamplerHostImpl ( const CoordT &  Coords,
const image_sampler Smpl,
range< 3 >  ImgRange,
id< 3 >  ImgPitch,
image_channel_type  ImgChannelType,
image_channel_order  ImgChannelOrder,
void *  BasePtr,
uint8_t  ElementSize 

◆ imageReadSamplerHostImpl() [2/3]

template<typename CoordT , typename DataT >
DataT sycl::_V1::detail::imageReadSamplerHostImpl ( const CoordT &  Coords,
const sampler &  Smpl,
range< 3 >  ImgRange,
id< 3 >  ImgPitch,
image_channel_type  ImgChannelType,
image_channel_order  ImgChannelOrder,
void *  BasePtr,
uint8_t  ElementSize 

Definition at line 1115 of file image_accessor_util.hpp.

◆ imageReadSamplerHostImpl() [3/3]

template<typename CoordT , typename DataT >
DataT sycl::_V1::detail::imageReadSamplerHostImpl ( const CoordT &  Coords,
coordinate_normalization_mode  SmplNormMode,
addressing_mode  SmplAddrMode,
filtering_mode  SmplFiltMode,
range< 3 >  ImgRange,
id< 3 >  ImgPitch,
image_channel_type  ImgChannelType,
image_channel_order  ImgChannelOrder,
void *  BasePtr,
uint8_t  ElementSize 

◆ imageWriteHostImpl()

◆ initValue()

static void sycl::_V1::detail::initValue ( const char *  Key,
const char *  Value 

Definition at line 41 of file config.cpp.

Referenced by readConfig().

◆ insertMapUnmapForLinkedCmds()

◆ integralToBase()

template<typename T >
std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral_v<T>, unsigned> sycl::_V1::detail::integralToBase ( Val,
int  Base,
char *  Digits 

Definition at line 180 of file stream.hpp.

References digitToChar().

Referenced by ScalarToStr().

◆ is_aot_for_architecture()

constexpr static bool sycl::_V1::detail::is_aot_for_architecture ( ext::oneapi::experimental::architecture  arch)

Definition at line 648 of file device_architecture.hpp.

References get_current_architecture_aot().

Referenced by device_architecture_is().

◆ is_power_of_two()

constexpr bool sycl::_V1::detail::is_power_of_two ( int  x)

Definition at line 253 of file helpers.hpp.

◆ is_sycl_partition_property()

◆ isAccessModeAllowed()

static bool sycl::_V1::detail::isAccessModeAllowed ( access::mode  Required,
access::mode  Current 

◆ IsBannedPlatform()

static bool sycl::_V1::detail::IsBannedPlatform ( platform  Platform)

◆ isDeviceBinaryTypeSupported()

◆ isDeviceGlobalUsedInKernel()

bool sycl::_V1::detail::isDeviceGlobalUsedInKernel ( const void *  DeviceGlobalPtr)

◆ isDeviceLibRequired()

static bool sycl::_V1::detail::isDeviceLibRequired ( DeviceLibExt  Ext,
uint32_t  DeviceLibReqMask 

Definition at line 1376 of file program_manager.cpp.

References cl_intel_devicelib_assert.

Referenced by getDeviceLibPrograms().

◆ isFastMathInf()

template<typename T >
detail::enable_if_t< std::is_same<T, float>::value || std::is_same<T, double>::value, bool> sycl::_V1::detail::isFastMathInf ( Val)

Definition at line 271 of file stream.hpp.

References D2I64(), and F2I32().

Referenced by checkForInfNan().

◆ isFastMathNan()

template<typename T >
detail::enable_if_t< std::is_same<T, float>::value || std::is_same<T, double>::value, bool> sycl::_V1::detail::isFastMathNan ( Val)

Definition at line 284 of file stream.hpp.

References D2I64(), and F2I32().

Referenced by checkForInfNan().

◆ isFastMathSignBit()

template<typename T >
detail::enable_if_t< std::is_same<T, float>::value || std::is_same<T, double>::value, bool> sycl::_V1::detail::isFastMathSignBit ( Val)

Definition at line 297 of file stream.hpp.

References D2I64(), and F2I32().

Referenced by checkForInfNan().

◆ isHostAccessorCmd()

◆ isInteropHostTask()

◆ isKernelLambdaCallableWithKernelHandlerImpl()

template<typename KernelType , typename LambdaArgType , typename std::enable_if_t< std::is_same_v< LambdaArgType, void >> * = nullptr>
constexpr bool sycl::_V1::detail::isKernelLambdaCallableWithKernelHandlerImpl ( )

Definition at line 105 of file cg_types.hpp.

◆ isMatrixSupportedByHW()

bool sycl::_V1::detail::isMatrixSupportedByHW ( const std::string &  MatrixTypeStrUser,
size_t  RowsUser,
size_t  ColsUser,
matrix_ext::matrix_type  MatrixTypeRuntime,
size_t  MaxRowsRuntime,
size_t  MaxColsRuntime,
size_t  RowsRuntime,
size_t  ColsRuntime 

◆ isOnSameContext()

◆ isOutOfRange()

bool sycl::_V1::detail::isOutOfRange ( const int4  PixelCoord,
const addressing_mode  SmplAddrMode,
const range< 3 >  ImgRange 

Definition at line 154 of file image_accessor_util.cpp.

References sycl::_V1::clamp, and sycl::_V1::none.

Referenced by getColor().

◆ isPartOfFusion()

static bool sycl::_V1::detail::isPartOfFusion ( Command Cmd,
KernelFusionCommand Fusion 

◆ IsSuitableSubReq()

static bool sycl::_V1::detail::IsSuitableSubReq ( const Requirement Req)

Checks if current requirement is requirement for sub buffer.

Definition at line 53 of file graph_builder.cpp.

References sycl::_V1::detail::AccessorImplHost::MIsSubBuffer.

Referenced by sycl::_V1::detail::Scheduler::GraphBuilder::findAllocaForReq().

◆ IsSupportedImageFormat()

static bool sycl::_V1::detail::IsSupportedImageFormat ( ur::DeviceBinaryType  Format)

◆ isTargetHostAccess()

constexpr bool sycl::_V1::detail::isTargetHostAccess ( access::target  T)

Definition at line 98 of file access.hpp.

References sycl::_V1::access::host_image.

◆ ItemToStr()

template<int Dimensions>
unsigned sycl::_V1::detail::ItemToStr ( char *  Buf,
const item< Dimensions, false > &  Item 

◆ join_impl()

std::shared_ptr< detail::kernel_bundle_impl > sycl::_V1::detail::join_impl ( const std::vector< detail::KernelBundleImplPtr > &  Bundles,
bundle_state  State 

Definition at line 177 of file kernel_bundle.cpp.

◆ joint_matrix_layout_to_spv()

◆ kernel_impl::ext_oneapi_get_info< ext::oneapi::experimental::info::kernel_queue_specific::max_num_work_group_sync >()

ext::oneapi::experimental::info::kernel_queue_specific:: max_num_work_group_sync::return_type sycl::_V1::detail::kernel_impl::ext_oneapi_get_info< ext::oneapi::experimental::info::kernel_queue_specific::max_num_work_group_sync > ( const queue Queue) const

Definition at line 220 of file kernel_impl.hpp.

References getPlugin().

◆ kernel_impl::get_backend_info< info::device::backend_version >()

info::device::backend_version::return_type sycl::_V1::detail::kernel_impl::get_backend_info< info::device::backend_version > ( ) const

◆ kernel_impl::get_backend_info< info::device::version >()

info::device::version::return_type sycl::_V1::detail::kernel_impl::get_backend_info< info::device::version > ( ) const

◆ kernel_impl::get_backend_info< info::platform::version >()

info::platform::version::return_type sycl::_V1::detail::kernel_impl::get_backend_info< info::platform::version > ( ) const

Definition at line 110 of file kernel_impl.cpp.

References sycl::_V1::backend_mismatch, and sycl::_V1::opencl.

◆ kernel_impl::get_info< info::kernel::context >()

context sycl::_V1::detail::kernel_impl::get_info< info::kernel::context > ( ) const

Definition at line 186 of file kernel_impl.hpp.

◆ linear_id_to_id() [1/4]

id<1> sycl::_V1::detail::linear_id_to_id ( range< 1 >  ,
size_t  linear_id 

Definition at line 45 of file group_algorithm.hpp.

◆ linear_id_to_id() [2/4]

id<2> sycl::_V1::detail::linear_id_to_id ( range< 2 >  r,
size_t  linear_id 

Definition at line 48 of file group_algorithm.hpp.

References sycl::_V1::r.

◆ linear_id_to_id() [3/4]

id<3> sycl::_V1::detail::linear_id_to_id ( range< 3 >  r,
size_t  linear_id 

Definition at line 54 of file group_algorithm.hpp.

References sycl::_V1::r.

◆ linear_id_to_id() [4/4]

template<int Dimensions>
id<Dimensions> sycl::_V1::detail::linear_id_to_id ( range< Dimensions ,
size_t  linear_id 

◆ link_impl()

std::shared_ptr< detail::kernel_bundle_impl > sycl::_V1::detail::link_impl ( const std::vector< kernel_bundle< bundle_state::object >> &  ObjectBundles,
const std::vector< device > &  Devs,
const property_list PropList 

Definition at line 262 of file kernel_bundle.cpp.

◆ loadDeviceLib()

static bool sycl::_V1::detail::loadDeviceLib ( const ContextImplPtr  Context,
const char *  Name,
ur_program_handle_t &  Prog 

◆ loadDeviceLibFallback()

static ur_program_handle_t sycl::_V1::detail::loadDeviceLibFallback ( const ContextImplPtr  Context,
DeviceLibExt  Extension,
ur_device_handle_t  Device,
bool  UseNativeLib 

◆ loop()

template<size_t count, class F >
void sycl::_V1::detail::loop ( F &&  f)

Definition at line 250 of file helpers.hpp.

References loop_impl().

◆ loop_impl()

template<size_t... Inds, class F >
void sycl::_V1::detail::loop_impl ( std::integer_sequence< size_t, Inds... >  ,
F &&  f 

Definition at line 246 of file helpers.hpp.

Referenced by loop().

◆ make_buffer_helper()

template<typename T , int Dimensions, typename AllocatorT >
buffer<T, Dimensions, AllocatorT, void> sycl::_V1::detail::make_buffer_helper ( ur_native_handle_t  Handle,
const context Ctx,
const event Evt,
bool  OwnNativeHandle = true 

Definition at line 70 of file buffer.hpp.

◆ make_context()

context sycl::_V1::detail::make_context ( ur_native_handle_t  NativeHandle,
const async_handler Handler,
backend  Backend,
bool  KeepOwnership,
const std::vector< device > &  DeviceList = {} 

Definition at line 94 of file backend.cpp.

References getPlugin(), and getSyclObjImpl().

◆ make_device()

device sycl::_V1::detail::make_device ( ur_native_handle_t  NativeHandle,
backend  Backend 

Definition at line 82 of file backend.cpp.

References getPlugin().

◆ make_event() [1/2]

event sycl::_V1::detail::make_event ( ur_native_handle_t  NativeHandle,
const context TargetContext,
backend  Backend 

Definition at line 161 of file backend.cpp.

◆ make_event() [2/2]

event sycl::_V1::detail::make_event ( ur_native_handle_t  NativeHandle,
const context TargetContext,
bool  KeepOwnership,
backend  Backend 

Definition at line 166 of file backend.cpp.

References getPlugin(), getSyclObjImpl(), and sycl::_V1::opencl.

◆ make_kernel() [1/2]

kernel sycl::_V1::detail::make_kernel ( const context TargetContext,
const kernel_bundle< bundle_state::executable > &  KernelBundle,
ur_native_handle_t  NativeKernelHandle,
bool  KeepOwnership,
backend  Backend 

◆ make_kernel() [2/2]

kernel sycl::_V1::detail::make_kernel ( ur_native_handle_t  NativeHandle,
const context TargetContext,
backend  Backend 

Definition at line 354 of file backend.cpp.

◆ make_kernel_bundle() [1/2]

std::shared_ptr< detail::kernel_bundle_impl > sycl::_V1::detail::make_kernel_bundle ( ur_native_handle_t  NativeHandle,
const context TargetContext,
bool  KeepOwnership,
bundle_state  State,
backend  Backend 

◆ make_kernel_bundle() [2/2]

std::shared_ptr< detail::kernel_bundle_impl > sycl::_V1::detail::make_kernel_bundle ( ur_native_handle_t  NativeHandle,
const context TargetContext,
bundle_state  State,
backend  Backend 

Definition at line 303 of file backend.cpp.

◆ make_platform()

platform sycl::_V1::detail::make_platform ( ur_native_handle_t  NativeHandle,
backend  Backend 

◆ make_queue()

queue sycl::_V1::detail::make_queue ( ur_native_handle_t  NativeHandle,
int32_t  nativeHandleDesc,
const context TargetContext,
const device TargetDevice,
bool  KeepOwnership,
const property_list PropList,
const async_handler Handler,
backend  Backend 

◆ make_reduction()

template<class BinaryOp , int Dims, size_t Extent, bool ExplicitIdentity, typename RedOutVar , typename... RestTy>
auto sycl::_V1::detail::make_reduction ( RedOutVar  RedVar,
RestTy &&...  Rest 

Definition at line 1163 of file reduction.hpp.

◆ make_tuple()

◆ makeAdjustedBOP()

template<typename ElementType , typename BOPT >
constexpr auto sycl::_V1::detail::makeAdjustedBOP ( BOPT &  BOP)

Definition at line 2177 of file reduction.hpp.

Referenced by makeAdjustedBOPs().

◆ makeAdjustedBOPs() [1/2]

template<typename... Reductions, typename... BOPsT>
constexpr auto sycl::_V1::detail::makeAdjustedBOPs ( ReduTupleT< BOPsT... > &  BOPsTuple)

Definition at line 2193 of file reduction.hpp.

References makeAdjustedBOPs().

◆ makeAdjustedBOPs() [2/2]

template<typename... Reductions, typename... BOPsT, size_t... Is>
constexpr auto sycl::_V1::detail::makeAdjustedBOPs ( ReduTupleT< BOPsT... > &  BOPsTuple,
std::index_sequence< Is... >   

◆ makeReduTupleT()

template<typename... Ts>
ReduTupleT<Ts...> sycl::_V1::detail::makeReduTupleT ( Ts...  Elements)

Definition at line 147 of file reduction.hpp.

References make_tuple().

Referenced by createReduOutAccs(), makeAdjustedBOPs(), reduAuxCGFunc(), and reduCGFuncMulti().

◆ markBufferAsInternal()

void sycl::_V1::detail::markBufferAsInternal ( const std::shared_ptr< buffer_impl > &  BufImpl)

Definition at line 33 of file helpers.cpp.

◆ markNodeAsVisited()

static bool sycl::_V1::detail::markNodeAsVisited ( Command Cmd,
std::vector< Command * > &  Visited 

◆ max_v()

template<typename T >
static constexpr T sycl::_V1::detail::max_v ( )

Definition at line 458 of file generic_type_traits.hpp.

◆ member_ptr_helper() [1/2]

template<typename RetType , typename Func , typename Arg >
static Arg sycl::_V1::detail::member_ptr_helper ( RetType(Func::*)(Arg) const  )

◆ member_ptr_helper() [2/2]

template<typename RetType , typename Func , typename Arg1 , typename Arg2 >
static Arg1 sycl::_V1::detail::member_ptr_helper ( RetType(Func::*)(Arg1, Arg2) const  )

◆ memBufferCreateHelper()

void sycl::_V1::detail::memBufferCreateHelper ( const PluginPtr Plugin,
ur_context_handle_t  Ctx,
ur_mem_flags_t  Flags,
size_t  Size,
ur_mem_handle_t *  RetMem,
const ur_buffer_properties_t *  Props = nullptr 

◆ memBufferMapHelper()

void sycl::_V1::detail::memBufferMapHelper ( const PluginPtr Plugin,
ur_queue_handle_t  command_queue,
ur_mem_handle_t  buffer,
bool  blocking_map,
ur_map_flags_t  map_flags,
size_t  offset,
size_t  size,
uint32_t  num_events_in_wait_list,
const ur_event_handle_t *  event_wait_list,
ur_event_handle_t *  event,
void **  ret_map 

◆ memcpy()

void sycl::_V1::detail::memcpy ( void *  Dst,
const void *  Src,
size_t  Size 

Definition at line 16 of file memcpy.hpp.

◆ memcpyFromDeviceGlobalDirect()

static void sycl::_V1::detail::memcpyFromDeviceGlobalDirect ( QueueImplPtr  Queue,
DeviceGlobalMapEntry DeviceGlobalEntry,
size_t  NumBytes,
size_t  Offset,
void *  Dest,
const std::vector< ur_event_handle_t > &  DepEvents,
ur_event_handle_t *  OutEvent 

◆ memcpyFromDeviceGlobalUSM()

static void sycl::_V1::detail::memcpyFromDeviceGlobalUSM ( QueueImplPtr  Queue,
DeviceGlobalMapEntry DeviceGlobalEntry,
size_t  NumBytes,
size_t  Offset,
void *  Dest,
const std::vector< ur_event_handle_t > &  DepEvents,
ur_event_handle_t *  OutEvent,
const detail::EventImplPtr OutEventImpl 

◆ memcpyToDeviceGlobalDirect()

static void sycl::_V1::detail::memcpyToDeviceGlobalDirect ( QueueImplPtr  Queue,
DeviceGlobalMapEntry DeviceGlobalEntry,
size_t  NumBytes,
size_t  Offset,
const void *  Src,
const std::vector< ur_event_handle_t > &  DepEvents,
ur_event_handle_t *  OutEvent 

◆ memcpyToDeviceGlobalUSM()

static void sycl::_V1::detail::memcpyToDeviceGlobalUSM ( QueueImplPtr  Queue,
DeviceGlobalMapEntry DeviceGlobalEntry,
size_t  NumBytes,
size_t  Offset,
const void *  Src,
const std::vector< ur_event_handle_t > &  DepEvents,
ur_event_handle_t *  OutEvent,
const detail::EventImplPtr OutEventImpl 

◆ memReleaseHelper()

void sycl::_V1::detail::memReleaseHelper ( const PluginPtr Plugin,
ur_mem_handle_t  Mem 

◆ memUnmapHelper()

void sycl::_V1::detail::memUnmapHelper ( const PluginPtr Plugin,
ur_queue_handle_t  command_queue,
ur_mem_handle_t  memobj,
void *  mapped_ptr,
uint32_t  num_events_in_wait_list,
const ur_event_handle_t *  event_wait_list,
ur_event_handle_t *  event 

◆ min_v()

template<typename T >
static constexpr T sycl::_V1::detail::min_v ( )

Definition at line 462 of file generic_type_traits.hpp.

◆ modeNeedsOldData()

constexpr bool sycl::_V1::detail::modeNeedsOldData ( access::mode  m)

◆ modeWritesNewData()

constexpr bool sycl::_V1::detail::modeWritesNewData ( access::mode  m)

Definition at line 107 of file access.hpp.

References sycl::_V1::access::read.

◆ msbIsSet()

template<typename T >
constexpr bool sycl::_V1::detail::msbIsSet ( const T  x)

◆ msbMask()

template<typename T >
constexpr T sycl::_V1::detail::msbMask ( )

Definition at line 423 of file generic_type_traits.hpp.

Referenced by msbIsSet().

◆ multiply_with_overflow_check() [1/2]

template<typename T >
static std::enable_if_t<std::is_unsigned_v<T>, bool> sycl::_V1::detail::multiply_with_overflow_check ( T &  dst,

Definition at line 418 of file handler.hpp.

Referenced by range_size_fits_in_size_t().

◆ multiply_with_overflow_check() [2/2]

template<typename T >
static std::enable_if_t<std::is_unsigned_v<T>, std::optional<T> > sycl::_V1::detail::multiply_with_overflow_check ( x,

Definition at line 2748 of file program_manager.cpp.

References sycl::_V1::x, and sycl::_V1::y.

Referenced by checkDevSupportDeviceRequirements().

◆ operator<<() [1/4]

template<typename T >
std::ostream& sycl::_V1::detail::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
std::optional< T > const &  opt 

Definition at line 27 of file device_filter.hpp.

◆ operator<<() [2/4]

std::ostream & sycl::_V1::detail::operator<< ( std::ostream &  Out,
const DeviceBinaryProperty P 

Definition at line 20 of file device_binary_image.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [3/4]

std::ostream & sycl::_V1::detail::operator<< ( std::ostream &  Out,
const ods_target Target 

Definition at line 274 of file device_filter.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [4/4]

std::ostream & sycl::_V1::detail::operator<< ( std::ostream &  Out,
const spec_constant_impl V 

◆ Parse_ODS_Backend()

static backend sycl::_V1::detail::Parse_ODS_Backend ( const std::string_view &  BackendStr,
const std::string_view &  FullEntry 

Definition at line 61 of file device_filter.cpp.

References getSyclBeMap(), and sycl::_V1::invalid.

Referenced by Parse_ONEAPI_DEVICE_SELECTOR().

◆ Parse_ODS_Device()


std::vector< ods_target > sycl::_V1::detail::Parse_ONEAPI_DEVICE_SELECTOR ( const std::string &  envStr)

◆ parseAllowList()

◆ platform_impl::get_backend_info< info::device::backend_version >()

info::device::backend_version::return_type sycl::_V1::detail::platform_impl::get_backend_info< info::device::backend_version > ( ) const

◆ platform_impl::get_backend_info< info::device::version >()

info::device::version::return_type sycl::_V1::detail::platform_impl::get_backend_info< info::device::version > ( ) const

◆ platform_impl::get_backend_info< info::platform::version >()

info::platform::version::return_type sycl::_V1::detail::platform_impl::get_backend_info< info::platform::version > ( ) const

Definition at line 562 of file platform_impl.cpp.

References sycl::_V1::backend_mismatch, and sycl::_V1::opencl.

◆ prepareSYCLEventAssociatedWithQueue()

static event sycl::_V1::detail::prepareSYCLEventAssociatedWithQueue ( const std::shared_ptr< detail::queue_impl > &  QueueImpl)

Definition at line 110 of file queue_impl.cpp.

References getSyclObjImpl().

Referenced by sycl::_V1::detail::queue_impl::submitMemOpHelper().

◆ prepTermPositions()

◆ printDotRecursive()

static void sycl::_V1::detail::printDotRecursive ( std::fstream &  Stream,
std::vector< Command * > &  Visited,
Command Cmd 

◆ processFloatDataToPixel()

template<typename ChannelType >
vec<ChannelType, 4> sycl::_V1::detail::processFloatDataToPixel ( float4  WriteData,
float  MulFactor 

Definition at line 543 of file image_accessor_util.hpp.

References sycl::rte.

◆ queue_impl::get_backend_info< info::device::backend_version >()

info::device::backend_version::return_type sycl::_V1::detail::queue_impl::get_backend_info< info::device::backend_version > ( ) const

Definition at line 97 of file queue_impl.cpp.

References sycl::_V1::backend_mismatch, and sycl::_V1::ext_oneapi_level_zero.

◆ queue_impl::get_backend_info< info::device::version >()

info::device::version::return_type sycl::_V1::detail::queue_impl::get_backend_info< info::device::version > ( ) const

◆ queue_impl::get_backend_info< info::platform::version >()

info::platform::version::return_type sycl::_V1::detail::queue_impl::get_backend_info< info::platform::version > ( ) const

◆ queue_impl::get_info< info::queue::context >()

context sycl::_V1::detail::queue_impl::get_info< info::queue::context > ( ) const

Definition at line 66 of file queue_impl.cpp.

◆ queue_impl::get_info< info::queue::device >()

device sycl::_V1::detail::queue_impl::get_info< info::queue::device > ( ) const

Definition at line 70 of file queue_impl.cpp.

References syclcompat::get_device().

◆ queue_impl::get_info< info::queue::reference_count >()

uint32_t sycl::_V1::detail::queue_impl::get_info< info::queue::reference_count > ( ) const

Definition at line 59 of file queue_impl.cpp.

References getPlugin().

◆ queueDeviceToString()

◆ range_size_fits_in_size_t()

template<int Dims>
bool sycl::_V1::detail::range_size_fits_in_size_t ( const range< Dims > &  r)

Definition at line 423 of file handler.hpp.

References multiply_with_overflow_check(), and sycl::_V1::r.

◆ rangeToArray() [1/3]

std::array<size_t, 3> sycl::_V1::detail::rangeToArray ( const range< 1 > &  r)

Definition at line 240 of file range.hpp.

References sycl::_V1::r.

◆ rangeToArray() [2/3]

std::array<size_t, 3> sycl::_V1::detail::rangeToArray ( const range< 2 > &  r)

Definition at line 237 of file range.hpp.

References sycl::_V1::r.

◆ rangeToArray() [3/3]

std::array<size_t, 3> sycl::_V1::detail::rangeToArray ( const range< 3 > &  r)

◆ read_domain_bitfield()

◆ read_execution_bitfield()

std::vector<info::execution_capability> sycl::_V1::detail::read_execution_bitfield ( ur_device_exec_capability_flag_t  bits)

◆ read_fp_bitfield()

◆ readConfig()

void sycl::_V1::detail::readConfig ( bool  ForceInitialization)

◆ readMemoryOrderBitfield()

◆ readMemoryScopeBitfield()

◆ readPixel()

◆ ReadPixelData()

template<typename DataT >
DataT sycl::_V1::detail::ReadPixelData ( const int4  PixelCoord,
const id< 3 >  ImgPitch,
const image_channel_type  ImageChannelType,
const image_channel_order  ImageChannelOrder,
void *  BasePtr,
const uint8_t  ElementSize 

◆ ReadPixelDataLinearFiltMode()

template<typename DataT >
DataT sycl::_V1::detail::ReadPixelDataLinearFiltMode ( const int8  CoordValues,
const float4  abc,
const addressing_mode  SmplAddrMode,
const range< 3 >  ImgRange,
id< 3 >  ImgPitch,
const image_channel_type  ImgChannelType,
const image_channel_order  ImgChannelOrder,
void *  BasePtr,
const uint8_t  ElementSize 

Definition at line 918 of file image_accessor_util.hpp.

◆ reduAuxCGFunc()

template<typename KernelName , typename KernelType , typename... Reductions, size_t... Is>
size_t sycl::_V1::detail::reduAuxCGFunc ( handler CGH,
size_t  NWorkItems,
size_t  MaxWGSize,
std::tuple< Reductions... > &  ReduTuple,
std::index_sequence< Is... >  ReduIndices 

◆ reduAuxCGFuncImplArray()

template<bool IsOneWG, typename... Reductions, int Dims, typename... LocalAccT, typename... InAccT, typename... OutAccT, typename... Ts, typename... BOPsT, size_t... Is>
void sycl::_V1::detail::reduAuxCGFuncImplArray ( nd_item< Dims >  NDIt,
size_t  LID,
size_t  GID,
size_t  RemainingWorkSize,
ReduTupleT< LocalAccT... >  LocalAccsTuple,
ReduTupleT< InAccT... >  InAccsTuple,
ReduTupleT< OutAccT... >  OutAccsTuple,
ReduTupleT< Ts... >  IdentitiesTuple,
ReduTupleT< BOPsT... >  BOPsTuple,
std::array< bool, sizeof...(Reductions)>  InitToIdentityProps,
std::index_sequence< Is... >   

Definition at line 2482 of file reduction.hpp.

References reduAuxCGFuncImplArrayHelper().

Referenced by reduAuxCGFunc().

◆ reduAuxCGFuncImplArrayHelper()

template<bool IsOneWG, typename Reduction , int Dims, typename LocalAccT , typename InAccT , typename OutAccT , typename T , typename BOPT >
void sycl::_V1::detail::reduAuxCGFuncImplArrayHelper ( nd_item< Dims >  NDIt,
size_t  LID,
size_t  GID,
size_t  RemainingWorkSize,
LocalAccT  LocalReds,
InAccT  In,
OutAccT  Out,
bool  IsInitializeToIdentity 

◆ reduAuxCGFuncImplScalar()

template<bool IsOneWG, typename... Reductions, int Dims, typename... LocalAccT, typename... InAccT, typename... OutAccT, typename... Ts, typename... BOPsT, size_t... Is>
void sycl::_V1::detail::reduAuxCGFuncImplScalar ( nd_item< Dims >  NDIt,
size_t  LID,
size_t  GID,
size_t  RemainingWorkSize,
ReduTupleT< LocalAccT... >  LocalAccsTuple,
ReduTupleT< InAccT... >  InAccsTuple,
ReduTupleT< OutAccT... >  OutAccsTuple,
ReduTupleT< Ts... >  IdentitiesTuple,
ReduTupleT< BOPsT... >  BOPsTuple,
std::array< bool, sizeof...(Reductions)>  InitToIdentityProps,
std::index_sequence< Is... >  ReduIndices 

All scalar reductions are processed together; there is one loop of log2(N) steps, and each reduction uses its own storage.

Definition at line 2404 of file reduction.hpp.

References doTreeReductionOnTuple(), sycl::_V1::nd_item< Dimensions >::get_group_linear_id(), makeAdjustedBOPs(), and writeReduSumsToOutAccs().

Referenced by reduAuxCGFunc().

◆ reduCGFuncImplArray()

template<bool IsOneWG, typename... Reductions, int Dims, typename... LocalAccT, typename... OutAccT, typename... ReducerT, typename... BOPsT, size_t... Is>
void sycl::_V1::detail::reduCGFuncImplArray ( nd_item< Dims >  NDIt,
ReduTupleT< LocalAccT... >  LocalAccsTuple,
ReduTupleT< OutAccT... >  OutAccsTuple,
std::tuple< ReducerT... > &  ReducersTuple,
ReduTupleT< BOPsT... >  BOPsTuple,
std::array< bool, sizeof...(Reductions)>  InitToIdentityProps,
std::index_sequence< Is... >   

Definition at line 2285 of file reduction.hpp.

Referenced by reduCGFuncMulti().

◆ reduCGFuncImplArrayHelper()

template<bool IsOneWG, typename Reduction , int Dims, typename LocalAccT , typename OutAccT , typename ReducerT , typename BOPT >
void sycl::_V1::detail::reduCGFuncImplArrayHelper ( nd_item< Dims >  NDIt,
LocalAccT  LocalReds,
OutAccT  Out,
ReducerT &  Reducer,
bool  IsInitializeToIdentity 

◆ reduCGFuncImplScalar()

template<bool IsOneWG, typename... Reductions, int Dims, typename... LocalAccT, typename... OutAccT, typename... ReducerT, typename... Ts, typename... BOPsT, size_t... Is>
void sycl::_V1::detail::reduCGFuncImplScalar ( nd_item< Dims >  NDIt,
ReduTupleT< LocalAccT... >  LocalAccsTuple,
ReduTupleT< OutAccT... >  OutAccsTuple,
std::tuple< ReducerT... > &  ReducersTuple,
ReduTupleT< Ts... >  IdentitiesTuple,
ReduTupleT< BOPsT... >  BOPsTuple,
std::array< bool, sizeof...(Reductions)>  InitToIdentityProps,
std::index_sequence< Is... >  ReduIndices 

◆ reduCGFuncMulti()

template<typename KernelName , typename KernelType , int Dims, typename PropertiesT , typename... Reductions, size_t... Is>
void sycl::_V1::detail::reduCGFuncMulti ( handler CGH,
KernelType  KernelFunc,
const nd_range< Dims > &  Range,
PropertiesT  Properties,
std::tuple< Reductions... > &  ReduTuple,
std::index_sequence< Is... >  ReduIndices 

◆ reduComputeWGSize()

size_t sycl::_V1::detail::reduComputeWGSize ( size_t  NWorkItems,
size_t  MaxWGSize,
size_t &  NWorkGroups 

◆ reduction_parallel_for() [1/2]

template<typename KernelName , reduction::strategy Strategy = reduction::strategy::auto_select, int Dims, typename PropertiesT , typename... RestT>
void sycl::_V1::detail::reduction_parallel_for ( handler CGH,
nd_range< Dims >  NDRange,
PropertiesT  Properties,
RestT...  Rest 

Definition at line 2706 of file reduction.hpp.

◆ reduction_parallel_for() [2/2]

template<typename KernelName , reduction::strategy Strategy = reduction::strategy::auto_select, int Dims, typename PropertiesT , typename... RestT>
void sycl::_V1::detail::reduction_parallel_for ( handler CGH,
range< Dims >  NDRange,
PropertiesT  Properties,
RestT...  Rest 

◆ reduGetMaxNumConcurrentWorkGroups() [1/2]

uint32_t sycl::_V1::detail::reduGetMaxNumConcurrentWorkGroups ( std::shared_ptr< queue_impl Queue)

Referenced by reduction_parallel_for().

◆ reduGetMaxNumConcurrentWorkGroups() [2/2]

uint32_t sycl::_V1::detail::reduGetMaxNumConcurrentWorkGroups ( std::shared_ptr< sycl::detail::queue_impl >  Queue)

Definition at line 54 of file reduction.cpp.

References sycl::_V1::device::get_info(), and sycl::_V1::device::is_gpu().

◆ reduGetMaxWGSize() [1/2]

◆ reduGetMaxWGSize() [2/2]

size_t sycl::_V1::detail::reduGetMaxWGSize ( std::shared_ptr< sycl::detail::queue_impl >  Queue,
size_t  LocalMemBytesPerWorkItem 

Definition at line 76 of file reduction.cpp.

References sycl::_V1::device::get_info().

◆ reduGetMemPerWorkItem()

template<typename... ReductionT, size_t... Is>
size_t sycl::_V1::detail::reduGetMemPerWorkItem ( std::tuple< ReductionT... > &  ReduTuple,
std::index_sequence< Is... >   

◆ reduGetMemPerWorkItemHelper() [1/2]

template<typename Reduction >
size_t sycl::_V1::detail::reduGetMemPerWorkItemHelper ( Reduction &  )

Definition at line 2578 of file reduction.hpp.

Referenced by reduGetMemPerWorkItem(), and reduGetMemPerWorkItemHelper().

◆ reduGetMemPerWorkItemHelper() [2/2]

template<typename Reduction , typename... RestT>
size_t sycl::_V1::detail::reduGetMemPerWorkItemHelper ( Reduction &  ,
RestT...  Rest 

Definition at line 2583 of file reduction.hpp.

References reduGetMemPerWorkItemHelper().

◆ reduGetPreferredWGSize()

size_t sycl::_V1::detail::reduGetPreferredWGSize ( std::shared_ptr< queue_impl > &  Queue,
size_t  LocalMemBytesPerWorkItem 

◆ reduSaveFinalResultToUserMem()

template<typename KernelName , class Reduction >
void sycl::_V1::detail::reduSaveFinalResultToUserMem ( handler CGH,
Reduction &  Redu 

Copies the final reduction result kept in read-write accessor to user's USM memory.

Definition at line 1189 of file reduction.hpp.

References sycl::_V1::handler::single_task().

◆ registerAuxiliaryResourcesNoLock()

static void sycl::_V1::detail::registerAuxiliaryResourcesNoLock ( std::unordered_map< EventImplPtr, std::vector< std::shared_ptr< const void >>> &  AuxiliaryResources,
const EventImplPtr Event,
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< const void >> &&  Resources 

◆ removeDuplicateDevices()

const std::vector< device > sycl::_V1::detail::removeDuplicateDevices ( const std::vector< device > &  Devs)

◆ RepeatValue()

template<size_t N, typename T >
static constexpr std::array<T, N> sycl::_V1::detail::RepeatValue ( const T &  Arg)

Definition at line 361 of file common.hpp.

References RepeatValueHelper().

◆ RepeatValueHelper()

template<typename T , size_t... Is>
static constexpr std::array<T, sizeof...(Is)> sycl::_V1::detail::RepeatValueHelper ( const T &  Arg,
std::index_sequence< Is... >   

Definition at line 356 of file common.hpp.

Referenced by RepeatValue().

◆ report()

◆ retrieveAMDGCNOrNVPTXKernelBinary()

RTDeviceBinaryImage* sycl::_V1::detail::retrieveAMDGCNOrNVPTXKernelBinary ( const DeviceImplPtr  DeviceImpl,
const std::string &  KernelName 

◆ retrieveKernelBinary()

◆ reverseBuf()

void sycl::_V1::detail::reverseBuf ( char *  Buf,
unsigned  Len 

Definition at line 153 of file stream.hpp.

Referenced by ScalarToStr().

◆ ReverseRangeDimensionsForKernel()

◆ runKernelWithArg() [1/2]

template<typename ArgType , typename KernelType >
std::enable_if_t< KernelLambdaHasKernelHandlerArgT<KernelType, ArgType>::value> sycl::_V1::detail::runKernelWithArg ( KernelType  KernelName,
ArgType  Arg 

Definition at line 142 of file cg_types.hpp.

◆ runKernelWithArg() [2/2]

template<typename ArgType , typename KernelType >
std::enable_if_t< !KernelLambdaHasKernelHandlerArgT<KernelType, ArgType>::value> sycl::_V1::detail::runKernelWithArg ( KernelType  KernelName,
ArgType  Arg 

Definition at line 150 of file cg_types.hpp.

◆ runKernelWithoutArg() [1/2]

template<typename KernelType >
std::enable_if_t<KernelLambdaHasKernelHandlerArgT<KernelType>::value> sycl::_V1::detail::runKernelWithoutArg ( KernelType  KernelName)

Definition at line 128 of file cg_types.hpp.

◆ runKernelWithoutArg() [2/2]

template<typename KernelType >
std::enable_if_t<!KernelLambdaHasKernelHandlerArgT<KernelType>::value> sycl::_V1::detail::runKernelWithoutArg ( KernelType  KernelName)

Definition at line 135 of file cg_types.hpp.

◆ sampledImageConstructorNotification()

void sycl::_V1::detail::sampledImageConstructorNotification ( void *  ImageObj,
void *  AccessorObj,
const std::optional< image_target > &  Target,
const void *  Type,
uint32_t  ElemSize,
const code_location CodeLoc 

◆ ScalarToStr() [1/2]

template<typename T >
std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral_v<T>, unsigned> sycl::_V1::detail::ScalarToStr ( const T &  Val,
char *  Buf,
unsigned  Flags,
int  ,
int  Precision = -1 

◆ ScalarToStr() [2/2]

template<typename T >
EnableIfFP<T, unsigned> sycl::_V1::detail::ScalarToStr ( const T &  Val,
char *  Buf,
unsigned  Flags,
int  ,
int  Precision = -1 

Definition at line 484 of file stream.hpp.

References checkForInfNan(), floatingPointToDecStr(), Scientific, and ShowPos.

◆ SConvert()

template<typename From , typename To , int VecSize, typename Enable = std::enable_if_t<VecSize == 1>>
To sycl::_V1::detail::SConvert ( From  Value)

Definition at line 223 of file vector_convert.hpp.

◆ select_device() [1/3]

◆ select_device() [2/3]

device sycl::_V1::detail::select_device ( const DSelectorInvocableType DeviceSelectorInvocable,
const context SyclContext 

◆ select_device() [3/3]

◆ set_ur_error()

◆ SetArgBasedOnType()

void sycl::_V1::detail::SetArgBasedOnType ( const PluginPtr Plugin,
ur_kernel_handle_t  Kernel,
const std::shared_ptr< device_image_impl > &  DeviceImageImpl,
const std::function< void *(Requirement *Req)> &  getMemAllocationFunc,
const sycl::context Context,
detail::ArgDesc Arg,
size_t  NextTrueIndex 

◆ SetFlushBufOffset()

void sycl::_V1::detail::SetFlushBufOffset ( GlobalBufAccessorT GlobalFlushBuf,
unsigned  WIOffset,
unsigned  Offset 

Definition at line 125 of file stream.hpp.

Referenced by flushBuffer(), and write().

◆ SetKernelParamsAndLaunch()

static ur_result_t sycl::_V1::detail::SetKernelParamsAndLaunch ( const QueueImplPtr Queue,
std::vector< ArgDesc > &  Args,
const std::shared_ptr< device_image_impl > &  DeviceImageImpl,
ur_kernel_handle_t  Kernel,
std::vector< ur_event_handle_t > &  RawEvents,
const detail::EventImplPtr OutEventImpl,
const KernelArgMask EliminatedArgMask,
const std::function< void *(Requirement *Req)> &  getMemAllocationFunc,
bool  IsCooperative,
bool  KernelUsesClusterLaunch,
const RTDeviceBinaryImage BinImage,
const std::string &  KernelName 

◆ setSpecializationConstants()

static void sycl::_V1::detail::setSpecializationConstants ( const std::shared_ptr< device_image_impl > &  InputImpl,
ur_program_handle_t  Prog,
const PluginPtr Plugin 

◆ shutdown_early()

void sycl::_V1::detail::shutdown_early ( )

◆ shutdown_late()

void sycl::_V1::detail::shutdown_late ( )

Definition at line 330 of file global_handler.cpp.

Referenced by __attribute__().

◆ shutdown_win()

void sycl::_V1::detail::shutdown_win ( )

◆ split_string()

◆ stableSerializeSpecConstRegistry()

void sycl::_V1::detail::stableSerializeSpecConstRegistry ( const SpecConstRegistryT Reg,
SerializedObj Dst 

◆ stringifyErrorCode()

const char * sycl::_V1::detail::stringifyErrorCode ( int32_t  error)

Definition at line 70 of file exception.cpp.

References _UR_ERRC.

Referenced by codeToString().

◆ supportsAffinityDomain()

static bool sycl::_V1::detail::supportsAffinityDomain ( const device dev,
info::partition_property  partitionProp,
info::partition_affinity_domain  domain 

◆ supportsPartitionProperty()

static bool sycl::_V1::detail::supportsPartitionProperty ( const device dev,
info::partition_property  partitionProp 

Definition at line 309 of file platform_impl.cpp.

References sycl::_V1::device::get_info().

Referenced by amendDeviceAndSubDevices().

◆ tie()

◆ to_marray()

template<class T , int N>
marray<T, N> sycl::_V1::detail::to_marray ( vec< T, N >  X)

Definition at line 150 of file builtins_utils_vec.hpp.

◆ to_vec()

template<class T , size_t N>
vec<T, N> sycl::_V1::detail::to_vec ( marray< T, N >  X)

Definition at line 144 of file builtins_utils_vec.hpp.

◆ to_vec2()

template<class T , size_t N>
vec<T, 2> sycl::_V1::detail::to_vec2 ( marray< T, N >  X,
size_t  Start 

◆ tokenize()

std::vector<std::string_view> sycl::_V1::detail::tokenize ( const std::string_view &  Filter,
const std::string &  Delim,
bool  ProhibitEmptyTokens = false 

Definition at line 22 of file device_filter.cpp.

References sycl::_V1::invalid.

Referenced by Parse_ODS_Device(), and Parse_ONEAPI_DEVICE_SELECTOR().

◆ traceDeviceSelection()

static void sycl::_V1::detail::traceDeviceSelection ( const device Device,
int  Score,
bool  Chosen 

◆ tuple_select_elements()

template<typename TupleT , std::size_t... Is>
std::tuple<std::tuple_element_t<Is, TupleT>...> sycl::_V1::detail::tuple_select_elements ( TupleT  Tuple,
std::index_sequence< Is... >   

Utility function: for the given tuple.

Tuplethe function returns a new tuple consisting of only elements indexed by the index sequence.

Definition at line 2598 of file reduction.hpp.

Referenced by reduction_parallel_for(), and sycl::_V1::detail::NDRangeReduction< reduction::strategy::multi >::run().

◆ UConvert()

template<typename From , typename To , int VecSize, typename Enable = std::enable_if_t<VecSize == 1>>
To sycl::_V1::detail::UConvert ( From  Value)

Definition at line 229 of file vector_convert.hpp.

◆ unmarkVisitedNodes()

static void sycl::_V1::detail::unmarkVisitedNodes ( std::vector< Command * > &  Visited)

Definition at line 138 of file graph_builder.cpp.

◆ UnnormalizeCoordinates() [1/3]

template<typename T >
std::enable_if_t<IsValidCoordType<T>::value, T> sycl::_V1::detail::UnnormalizeCoordinates ( const T &  Coords,
const range< 3 > &  Range 

Definition at line 46 of file image_accessor_util.hpp.

Referenced by imageReadSamplerHostImpl().

◆ UnnormalizeCoordinates() [2/3]

template<typename T >
std::enable_if_t<IsValidCoordType<T>::value, vec<T, 2> > sycl::_V1::detail::UnnormalizeCoordinates ( const vec< T, 2 > &  Coords,
const range< 3 > &  Range 

Definition at line 52 of file image_accessor_util.hpp.

◆ UnnormalizeCoordinates() [3/3]

template<typename T >
std::enable_if_t<IsValidCoordType<T>::value, vec<T, 4> > sycl::_V1::detail::UnnormalizeCoordinates ( const vec< T, 4 > &  Coords,
const range< 3 > &  Range 

Definition at line 58 of file image_accessor_util.hpp.

◆ unsampledImageConstructorNotification()

void sycl::_V1::detail::unsampledImageConstructorNotification ( void *  ImageObj,
void *  AccessorObj,
const std::optional< image_target > &  Target,
access::mode  Mode,
const void *  Type,
uint32_t  ElemSize,
const code_location CodeLoc 

◆ updateOffset()

bool sycl::_V1::detail::updateOffset ( GlobalOffsetAccessorT GlobalOffset,
GlobalBufAccessorT GlobalBuf,
unsigned  Size,
unsigned &  Cur 

Definition at line 536 of file stream.hpp.

Referenced by flushBuffer().

◆ UseSpvEnv()

static constexpr char sycl::_V1::detail::UseSpvEnv ( "SYCL_USE_KERNEL_SPV"  )

◆ VecToStr() [1/3]

template<typename T , int VecLength>
std::enable_if_t<(VecLength == 1), unsigned> sycl::_V1::detail::VecToStr ( const vec< T, VecLength > &  Vec,
char *  VecStr,
unsigned  Flags,
int  Width,
int  Precision 

Definition at line 571 of file stream.hpp.

References ScalarToStr().

Referenced by VecToStr().

◆ VecToStr() [2/3]

template<typename T , int VecLength>
std::enable_if_t<(VecLength == 2 || VecLength == 4 || VecLength == 8 || VecLength == 16), unsigned> sycl::_V1::detail::VecToStr ( const vec< T, VecLength > &  Vec,
char *  VecStr,
unsigned  Flags,
int  Width,
int  Precision 

Definition at line 580 of file stream.hpp.

References append(), VEC_ELEMENT_DELIMITER, and VecToStr().

◆ VecToStr() [3/3]

template<typename T , int VecLength>
std::enable_if_t<(VecLength == 3), unsigned> sycl::_V1::detail::VecToStr ( const vec< T, VecLength > &  Vec,
char *  VecStr,
unsigned  Flags,
int  Width,
int  Precision 

Definition at line 592 of file stream.hpp.

References append(), and VEC_ELEMENT_DELIMITER.

◆ waitEvents()

void sycl::_V1::detail::waitEvents ( std::vector< sycl::event DepEvents)

Definition at line 27 of file helpers.cpp.

References getSyclObjImpl().

◆ waitForEvents()

static void sycl::_V1::detail::waitForEvents ( const std::vector< EventImplPtr > &  Events)

◆ workGroupBarrier()

◆ write()

void sycl::_V1::detail::write ( GlobalBufAccessorT GlobalFlushBuf,
size_t  FlushBufferSize,
unsigned  WIOffset,
const char *  Str,
unsigned  Len,
unsigned  Padding = 0 

◆ writeArray()

template<int ArrayLength>
void sycl::_V1::detail::writeArray ( GlobalBufAccessorT GlobalFlushBuf,
size_t  FlushBufferSize,
unsigned  WIOffset,
const array< ArrayLength > &  Arr 

Definition at line 630 of file stream.hpp.

References ArrayToStr(), MAX_ARRAY_SIZE, and write().

◆ writeFloatingPoint()

template<typename T >
EnableIfFP<T> sycl::_V1::detail::writeFloatingPoint ( GlobalBufAccessorT GlobalFlushBuf,
size_t  FlushBufferSize,
unsigned  WIOffset,
unsigned  Flags,
int  Width,
int  Precision,
const T &  Val 

Definition at line 522 of file stream.hpp.

References MAX_FLOATING_POINT_DIGITS, ScalarToStr(), and write().

◆ writeGroup()

template<int Dimensions>
void sycl::_V1::detail::writeGroup ( GlobalBufAccessorT GlobalFlushBuf,
size_t  FlushBufferSize,
unsigned  WIOffset,
const group< Dimensions > &  Group 

Definition at line 694 of file stream.hpp.

References append(), ArrayToStr(), MAX_ARRAY_SIZE, and write().

◆ writeHItem()

template<int Dimensions>
void sycl::_V1::detail::writeHItem ( GlobalBufAccessorT GlobalFlushBuf,
size_t  FlushBufferSize,
unsigned  WIOffset,
const h_item< Dimensions > &  HItem 

◆ writeIntegral()

template<typename T >
std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral_v<T> > sycl::_V1::detail::writeIntegral ( GlobalBufAccessorT GlobalFlushBuf,
size_t  FlushBufferSize,
unsigned  WIOffset,
unsigned  Flags,
int  Width,
const T &  Val 

Definition at line 510 of file stream.hpp.

References MAX_INTEGRAL_DIGITS, ScalarToStr(), and write().

◆ writeItem()

template<int Dimensions>
void sycl::_V1::detail::writeItem ( GlobalBufAccessorT GlobalFlushBuf,
size_t  FlushBufferSize,
unsigned  WIOffset,
const item< Dimensions > &  Item 

◆ writeNDItem()

template<int Dimensions>
void sycl::_V1::detail::writeNDItem ( GlobalBufAccessorT GlobalFlushBuf,
size_t  FlushBufferSize,
unsigned  WIOffset,
const nd_item< Dimensions > &  ND_Item 

◆ writeNDRange()

template<int Dimensions>
void sycl::_V1::detail::writeNDRange ( GlobalBufAccessorT GlobalFlushBuf,
size_t  FlushBufferSize,
unsigned  WIOffset,
const nd_range< Dimensions > &  ND_Range 

◆ writePixel()

◆ writeReduSumsToOutAccs()

template<bool IsOneWG, typename... Reductions, typename... OutAccT, typename... LocalAccT, typename... BOPsT, typename... Ts, size_t... Is>
void sycl::_V1::detail::writeReduSumsToOutAccs ( size_t  OutAccIndex,
ReduTupleT< OutAccT... >  OutAccs,
ReduTupleT< LocalAccT... >  LocalAccs,
ReduTupleT< BOPsT... >  BOPs,
ReduTupleT< Ts... >  IdentityVals,
std::array< bool, sizeof...(Reductions)>  IsInitializeToIdentity,
std::index_sequence< Is... >   

Definition at line 2072 of file reduction.hpp.

References getLastCombine().

Referenced by reduAuxCGFuncImplScalar(), and reduCGFuncImplScalar().

◆ writeVec()

template<typename T , int VecLength>
void sycl::_V1::detail::writeVec ( GlobalBufAccessorT GlobalFlushBuf,
size_t  FlushBufferSize,
unsigned  WIOffset,
unsigned  Flags,
int  Width,
int  Precision,
const vec< T, VecLength > &  Vec 

Definition at line 601 of file stream.hpp.

References MAX_FLOATING_POINT_DIGITS, and write().

Variable Documentation

◆ all_same_v

template<typename T0 , typename... Ts>
constexpr bool sycl::_V1::detail::all_same_v = (... && std::is_same_v<T0, Ts>)

Definition at line 551 of file type_traits.hpp.

◆ argument_helper

template<typename F , typename SuggestedArgType >
decltype(member_ptr_helper(&F::operator())) sycl::_V1::detail::argument_helper(int) ( int  )

Definition at line 204 of file handler.hpp.

◆ BackendNameKeyName

constexpr char sycl::_V1::detail::BackendNameKeyName[] = "BackendName"

Definition at line 22 of file allowlist.cpp.

Referenced by applyAllowList(), deviceIsAllowed(), and parseAllowList().

◆ BaseField

constexpr FmtFlags sycl::_V1::detail::BaseField = Dec | Hex | Oct

Definition at line 63 of file stream.hpp.

Referenced by ScalarToStr().

◆ builtin_same_or_swizzle_v

template<typename... Ts>
constexpr bool sycl::_V1::detail::builtin_same_or_swizzle_v
Initial value:
builtin_same_shape_v<Ts...> && all_same_v<simplify_if_swizzle_t<Ts>...>
constexpr bool builtin_same_shape_v
Definition: builtins.hpp:72

Definition at line 79 of file builtins.hpp.

◆ builtin_same_shape_v

template<typename... Ts>
constexpr bool sycl::_V1::detail::builtin_same_shape_v
Initial value:
((... && is_scalar_arithmetic_v<Ts>) || (... && is_marray_v<Ts>) ||
(... && is_vec_or_swizzle_v<Ts>)) &&
(... && (num_elements<Ts>::value ==
num_elements<typename first_type<Ts...>::type>::value))

Definition at line 72 of file builtins.hpp.

◆ check_all_same_op_type_v

template<typename... Ts>
constexpr bool sycl::_V1::detail::check_all_same_op_type_v = CheckAllSameOpType<Ts...>()

Definition at line 80 of file builtins_utils_scalar.hpp.

◆ check_size_in_v

template<size_t... Ns>
constexpr bool sycl::_V1::detail::check_size_in_v = CheckSizeIn<Ns...>()

Definition at line 83 of file builtins_utils_scalar.hpp.

◆ check_type_in_v

template<typename... Ts>
constexpr bool sycl::_V1::detail::check_type_in_v = CheckTypeIn<Ts...>()

Definition at line 578 of file type_traits.hpp.

◆ ConfigFromCompileDefEnabled

constexpr bool sycl::_V1::detail::ConfigFromCompileDefEnabled = true

Definition at line 45 of file config.hpp.

◆ ConfigFromEnvEnabled

constexpr bool sycl::_V1::detail::ConfigFromEnvEnabled = true

Definition at line 33 of file config.hpp.

◆ ConfigFromFileEnabled

constexpr bool sycl::_V1::detail::ConfigFromFileEnabled = true

Definition at line 39 of file config.hpp.

◆ DbgProgMgr

◆ Dec

constexpr FmtFlags sycl::_V1::detail::Dec = 0x0001

Definition at line 52 of file stream.hpp.

Referenced by ScalarToStr().

◆ DefaultContextType

constexpr CUDAContextT sycl::_V1::detail::DefaultContextType = CUDAContextT::custom

Default context type created for CUDA backend.

Definition at line 67 of file queue_impl.hpp.

◆ device_arch_compare_op_ge

◆ device_arch_compare_op_gt

constexpr auto sycl::_V1::detail::device_arch_compare_op_gt

◆ device_arch_compare_op_le

◆ device_arch_compare_op_lt

constexpr auto sycl::_V1::detail::device_arch_compare_op_lt

◆ DeviceLibExtensionStrs

const std::map<DeviceLibExt, const char *> sycl::_V1::detail::DeviceLibExtensionStrs
Initial value:
= {
{DeviceLibExt::cl_intel_devicelib_assert, "cl_intel_devicelib_assert"},
{DeviceLibExt::cl_intel_devicelib_math, "cl_intel_devicelib_math"},
{DeviceLibExt::cl_intel_devicelib_complex, "cl_intel_devicelib_complex"},
{DeviceLibExt::cl_intel_devicelib_cstring, "cl_intel_devicelib_cstring"},
{DeviceLibExt::cl_intel_devicelib_imf, "cl_intel_devicelib_imf"},
{DeviceLibExt::cl_intel_devicelib_imf_fp64, "cl_intel_devicelib_imf_fp64"},
{DeviceLibExt::cl_intel_devicelib_imf_bf16, "cl_intel_devicelib_imf_bf16"},

Definition at line 1114 of file program_manager.cpp.

Referenced by getDeviceLibExtensionStr().

◆ DeviceLibNames

const std::map<DeviceLibExt, std::pair<const char *, const char *> > sycl::_V1::detail::DeviceLibNames
Initial value:
= {
{nullptr, "libsycl-fallback-cassert.spv"}},
{nullptr, "libsycl-fallback-cmath.spv"}},
{nullptr, "libsycl-fallback-cmath-fp64.spv"}},
{nullptr, "libsycl-fallback-complex.spv"}},
{nullptr, "libsycl-fallback-complex-fp64.spv"}},
{nullptr, "libsycl-fallback-cstring.spv"}},
{nullptr, "libsycl-fallback-imf.spv"}},
{nullptr, "libsycl-fallback-imf-fp64.spv"}},
{nullptr, "libsycl-fallback-imf-bf16.spv"}},
{"libsycl-native-bfloat16.spv", "libsycl-fallback-bfloat16.spv"}}}

Definition at line 1078 of file program_manager.cpp.

Referenced by getDeviceLibFilename().

◆ DeviceNameKeyName

constexpr char sycl::_V1::detail::DeviceNameKeyName[] = "DeviceName"

Definition at line 27 of file allowlist.cpp.

Referenced by applyAllowList(), deviceIsAllowed(), and parseAllowList().

◆ DeviceTypeKeyName

constexpr char sycl::_V1::detail::DeviceTypeKeyName[] = "DeviceType"

Definition at line 23 of file allowlist.cpp.

Referenced by applyAllowList(), deviceIsAllowed(), and parseAllowList().

◆ DeviceVendorIdKeyName

constexpr char sycl::_V1::detail::DeviceVendorIdKeyName[] = "DeviceVendorId"

Definition at line 24 of file allowlist.cpp.

Referenced by applyAllowList(), deviceIsAllowed(), and parseAllowList().

◆ DriverVersionKeyName

constexpr char sycl::_V1::detail::DriverVersionKeyName[] = "DriverVersion"

Definition at line 25 of file allowlist.cpp.

Referenced by applyAllowList(), deviceIsAllowed(), and parseAllowList().

◆ Fixed

constexpr FmtFlags sycl::_V1::detail::Fixed = 0x0020

Definition at line 57 of file stream.hpp.

◆ FloatField

constexpr FmtFlags sycl::_V1::detail::FloatField = Scientific | Fixed

Definition at line 68 of file stream.hpp.


constexpr unsigned sycl::_V1::detail::FLUSH_BUF_OFFSET_SIZE = 2

◆ GCodeLocTLS

thread_local detail::code_location sycl::_V1::detail::GCodeLocTLS = {}

CodeLocation information slot in thread local storage.

This structure is maintained by the SYCL runtime to manage the propagation of the code_location data down the stack without breaking ABI compatibility. This is used by the tls_code_loc_t class that is the prescribed way to propagate the code location information

Definition at line 21 of file common.cpp.

Referenced by codeLocationCallback(), sycl::_V1::detail::tls_code_loc_t::query(), sycl::_V1::detail::tls_code_loc_t::tls_code_loc_t(), and sycl::_V1::detail::tls_code_loc_t::~tls_code_loc_t().

◆ get_multi_ptr_decoration_v

template<typename T >
constexpr access::decorated sycl::_V1::detail::get_multi_ptr_decoration_v
Initial value:

Definition at line 142 of file builtins_utils_scalar.hpp.

◆ GlobalBufAS

constexpr static access::address_space sycl::_V1::detail::GlobalBufAS
Initial value:

Definition at line 94 of file stream.hpp.

◆ GlobalBufDim

constexpr static int sycl::_V1::detail::GlobalBufDim = 1

Definition at line 98 of file stream.hpp.

◆ GlobalOffsetAS

constexpr static access::address_space sycl::_V1::detail::GlobalOffsetAS
Initial value:

Definition at line 103 of file stream.hpp.

◆ GlobalOffsetDim

constexpr static int sycl::_V1::detail::GlobalOffsetDim = 1

Definition at line 107 of file stream.hpp.

◆ has_writeable_addr_space_v

template<typename T >
constexpr bool sycl::_V1::detail::has_writeable_addr_space_v = has_writeable_addr_space<T>::value

Definition at line 157 of file builtins_utils_scalar.hpp.

◆ Hex

constexpr FmtFlags sycl::_V1::detail::Hex = 0x0002

Definition at line 53 of file stream.hpp.

Referenced by ScalarToStr().

◆ IntelCPUArchitectures

constexpr std::pair<const int, oneapi_exp_arch> sycl::_V1::detail::IntelCPUArchitectures[]
Initial value:
= {
{8, oneapi_exp_arch::intel_cpu_spr},
{9, oneapi_exp_arch::intel_cpu_gnr},

Definition at line 680 of file device_info.hpp.

Referenced by sycl::_V1::detail::get_device_info_impl< ext::oneapi::experimental::architecture, ext::oneapi::experimental::info::device::architecture >::get().

◆ IntelGPUArchitectures

constexpr std::pair<const int, oneapi_exp_arch> sycl::_V1::detail::IntelGPUArchitectures[]

◆ is_address_space_compliant_v

template<typename T , typename SpaceList >
constexpr bool sycl::_V1::detail::is_address_space_compliant_v
Initial value:
is_address_space_compliant<T, SpaceList>::value

Definition at line 466 of file type_traits.hpp.

◆ is_allowable_aot_mode

constexpr bool sycl::_V1::detail::is_allowable_aot_mode

Definition at line 317 of file device_architecture.hpp.

Referenced by allowable_aot_mode().

◆ is_bfloat16_v

template<typename T >
constexpr bool sycl::_V1::detail::is_bfloat16_v
Initial value:
is_contained_v<T, gtl::scalar_bfloat16_list>

Definition at line 44 of file generic_type_traits.hpp.

◆ is_boolean_v

template<typename T >
constexpr bool sycl::_V1::detail::is_boolean_v = is_boolean<T>::value

Definition at line 374 of file type_traits.hpp.

◆ is_byte_v

template<typename T >
constexpr bool sycl::_V1::detail::is_byte_v = is_byte<T>::value

Definition at line 265 of file generic_type_traits.hpp.

◆ is_contained_v

template<typename T , typename TypeList >
constexpr bool sycl::_V1::detail::is_contained_v = is_contained<T, TypeList>::value

Definition at line 34 of file type_list.hpp.

◆ is_ext_vector_v

template<typename T >
constexpr bool sycl::_V1::detail::is_ext_vector_v = is_ext_vector<T>::value

Definition at line 194 of file type_traits.hpp.

◆ is_fixed_size_group_v

template<class T >
constexpr bool sycl::_V1::detail::is_fixed_size_group_v = is_fixed_size_group<T>::value

Definition at line 26 of file type_traits.hpp.

◆ is_gen_based_on_type_sizeof_v

template<typename T , int N, template< typename > class S>
constexpr bool sycl::_V1::detail::is_gen_based_on_type_sizeof_v
Initial value:
S<T>::value && (sizeof(vector_element_t<T>) == N)

Definition at line 285 of file type_traits.hpp.

◆ is_genbool_v

template<typename T >
constexpr bool sycl::_V1::detail::is_genbool_v = is_contained_v<T, gtl::bool_list>

Definition at line 185 of file generic_type_traits.hpp.

◆ is_gencross_v

template<typename T >
constexpr bool sycl::_V1::detail::is_gencross_v
Initial value:
is_contained_v<T, gtl::cross_floating_list>

Definition at line 123 of file generic_type_traits.hpp.

◆ is_gencrossdouble_v

template<typename T >
constexpr bool sycl::_V1::detail::is_gencrossdouble_v
Initial value:
is_contained_v<T, gtl::cross_double_list>

Definition at line 115 of file generic_type_traits.hpp.

◆ is_gencrossfloat_v

template<typename T >
constexpr bool sycl::_V1::detail::is_gencrossfloat_v
Initial value:
is_contained_v<T, gtl::cross_float_list>

Definition at line 111 of file generic_type_traits.hpp.

◆ is_gencrosshalf_v

template<typename T >
constexpr bool sycl::_V1::detail::is_gencrosshalf_v
Initial value:
is_contained_v<T, gtl::cross_half_list>

Definition at line 119 of file generic_type_traits.hpp.

◆ is_gencrossmarray_v

template<typename T >
constexpr bool sycl::_V1::detail::is_gencrossmarray_v
Initial value:
is_contained_v<T, gtl::cross_marray_list>

Definition at line 127 of file generic_type_traits.hpp.

◆ is_generic_group_v

template<typename T >
constexpr bool sycl::_V1::detail::is_generic_group_v = is_generic_group<T>::value

Definition at line 92 of file type_traits.hpp.

◆ is_genfloat_v

template<typename T >
constexpr bool sycl::_V1::detail::is_genfloat_v = is_contained_v<T, gtl::floating_list>

Definition at line 56 of file generic_type_traits.hpp.

◆ is_genfloatptr_marray_v

template<typename T , access::address_space AddressSpace, access::decorated IsDecorated>
constexpr bool sycl::_V1::detail::is_genfloatptr_marray_v
Initial value:
is_mgenfloat_v<T> &&
is_address_space_compliant_v<multi_ptr<T, AddressSpace, IsDecorated>,
(IsDecorated == access::decorated::yes ||
IsDecorated == access::decorated::no)
address_space_list< access::address_space::local_space, access::address_space::global_space, access::address_space::private_space, access::address_space::generic_space, access::address_space::ext_intel_global_device_space, access::address_space::ext_intel_global_host_space > nonconst_address_space_list

Definition at line 250 of file generic_type_traits.hpp.

◆ is_genfloatptr_v

template<typename T >
constexpr bool sycl::_V1::detail::is_genfloatptr_v
Initial value:
is_pointer_v<T> && is_genfloat_v<remove_pointer_t<T>> &&
is_address_space_compliant_v<T, gvl::nonconst_address_space_list>

Definition at line 244 of file generic_type_traits.hpp.

◆ is_gengeodouble_v

template<typename T >
constexpr bool sycl::_V1::detail::is_gengeodouble_v
Initial value:
is_contained_v<T, gtl::geo_double_list>

Definition at line 78 of file generic_type_traits.hpp.

◆ is_gengeofloat_v

template<typename T >
constexpr bool sycl::_V1::detail::is_gengeofloat_v = is_contained_v<T, gtl::geo_float_list>

Definition at line 75 of file generic_type_traits.hpp.

◆ is_gengeohalf_v

template<typename T >
constexpr bool sycl::_V1::detail::is_gengeohalf_v = is_contained_v<T, gtl::geo_half_list>

Definition at line 90 of file generic_type_traits.hpp.

◆ is_gengeomarray_v

template<typename T >
constexpr bool sycl::_V1::detail::is_gengeomarray_v
Initial value:
is_contained_v<T, gtl::marray_geo_list>

Definition at line 86 of file generic_type_traits.hpp.

◆ is_gengeomarrayfloat_v

template<typename T >
constexpr bool sycl::_V1::detail::is_gengeomarrayfloat_v
Initial value:
is_contained_v<T, gtl::marray_geo_float_list>

Definition at line 82 of file generic_type_traits.hpp.

◆ is_genint_v

template<typename T >
constexpr bool sycl::_V1::detail::is_genint_v = is_contained_v<T, gtl::signed_int_list>

Definition at line 138 of file generic_type_traits.hpp.

◆ is_geninteger_v

template<typename T >
constexpr bool sycl::_V1::detail::is_geninteger_v = is_contained_v<T, gtl::integer_list>

Definition at line 141 of file generic_type_traits.hpp.

◆ is_genintptr_marray_v

template<typename T , access::address_space AddressSpace, access::decorated IsDecorated>
constexpr bool sycl::_V1::detail::is_genintptr_marray_v
Initial value:
std::is_same_v<T, sycl::marray<marray_element_t<T>, T::size()>> &&
is_genint_v<marray_element_t<remove_pointer_t<T>>> &&
is_address_space_compliant_v<multi_ptr<T, AddressSpace, IsDecorated>,
(IsDecorated == access::decorated::yes ||
IsDecorated == access::decorated::no)

Definition at line 235 of file generic_type_traits.hpp.

◆ is_genintptr_v

template<typename T >
constexpr bool sycl::_V1::detail::is_genintptr_v
Initial value:
is_pointer_v<T> && is_genint_v<remove_pointer_t<T>> &&
is_address_space_compliant_v<T, gvl::nonconst_address_space_list>

Definition at line 229 of file generic_type_traits.hpp.

◆ is_gentype_v

template<typename T >
constexpr bool sycl::_V1::detail::is_gentype_v = is_contained_v<T, gtl::basic_list>

Definition at line 188 of file generic_type_traits.hpp.

◆ is_half_or_bf16_v

template<typename T >
constexpr bool sycl::_V1::detail::is_half_or_bf16_v
Initial value:
is_contained_v<T, gtl::half_bfloat16_list>

Definition at line 48 of file generic_type_traits.hpp.

◆ is_half_v

template<typename T >
constexpr bool sycl::_V1::detail::is_half_v = is_contained_v<T, gtl::scalar_half_list>

Definition at line 41 of file generic_type_traits.hpp.

◆ is_igeninteger16bit_v

template<typename T >
constexpr bool sycl::_V1::detail::is_igeninteger16bit_v
Initial value:
is_gen_based_on_type_sizeof_v<T, 2, is_igeninteger>

Definition at line 201 of file generic_type_traits.hpp.

◆ is_igeninteger32bit_v

template<typename T >
constexpr bool sycl::_V1::detail::is_igeninteger32bit_v
Initial value:
is_gen_based_on_type_sizeof_v<T, 4, is_igeninteger>

Definition at line 205 of file generic_type_traits.hpp.

◆ is_igeninteger64bit_v

template<typename T >
constexpr bool sycl::_V1::detail::is_igeninteger64bit_v
Initial value:
is_gen_based_on_type_sizeof_v<T, 8, is_igeninteger>

Definition at line 209 of file generic_type_traits.hpp.

◆ is_igeninteger8bit_v

template<typename T >
constexpr bool sycl::_V1::detail::is_igeninteger8bit_v
Initial value:
is_gen_based_on_type_sizeof_v<T, 1, is_igeninteger>

Definition at line 197 of file generic_type_traits.hpp.

◆ is_igeninteger_v

template<typename T >
constexpr bool sycl::_V1::detail::is_igeninteger_v
Initial value:
is_contained_v<T, gtl::signed_integer_list>

Definition at line 147 of file generic_type_traits.hpp.

◆ is_intn_v

template<typename T >
constexpr bool sycl::_V1::detail::is_intn_v
Initial value:
is_contained_v<T, gtl::vector_signed_int_list>

Definition at line 134 of file generic_type_traits.hpp.

◆ is_legacy_multi_ptr_v

template<class T >
constexpr bool sycl::_V1::detail::is_legacy_multi_ptr_v = is_legacy_multi_ptr<T>::value

Definition at line 426 of file type_traits.hpp.

◆ is_marray_v

template<typename T >
constexpr bool sycl::_V1::detail::is_marray_v = is_marray<T>::value

Definition at line 320 of file type_traits.hpp.

◆ is_mgenfloat_v

template<typename T >
constexpr bool sycl::_V1::detail::is_mgenfloat_v
Initial value:
is_marray_v<T> && is_svgenfloat_v<get_elem_type_t<T>>

Definition at line 71 of file generic_type_traits.hpp.

◆ is_multi_ptr_v

template<class T >
constexpr bool sycl::_V1::detail::is_multi_ptr_v = is_multi_ptr<T>::value

Definition at line 400 of file type_traits.hpp.

◆ is_non_legacy_multi_ptr_v

template<class T >
constexpr bool sycl::_V1::detail::is_non_legacy_multi_ptr_v
Initial value:

Definition at line 414 of file type_traits.hpp.

◆ is_pointer_v

template<typename T >
constexpr bool sycl::_V1::detail::is_pointer_v = is_pointer<T>::value

Definition at line 389 of file type_traits.hpp.

◆ is_same_op_v

template<typename T1 , typename T2 >
constexpr bool sycl::_V1::detail::is_same_op_v = is_same_op<T1, T2>::value

Definition at line 62 of file builtins_utils_scalar.hpp.

◆ is_scalar_arithmetic_v

template<typename T >
constexpr bool sycl::_V1::detail::is_scalar_arithmetic_v = is_scalar_arithmetic<T>::value

Definition at line 348 of file type_traits.hpp.

◆ is_sgenfloat_v

template<typename T >
constexpr bool sycl::_V1::detail::is_sgenfloat_v
Initial value:
is_contained_v<T, gtl::scalar_floating_list>

Definition at line 59 of file generic_type_traits.hpp.

◆ is_sgengeo_v

template<typename T >
constexpr bool sycl::_V1::detail::is_sgengeo_v = is_contained_v<T, gtl::scalar_geo_list>

Definition at line 105 of file generic_type_traits.hpp.

◆ is_sgeninteger_v

template<typename T >
constexpr bool sycl::_V1::detail::is_sgeninteger_v
Initial value:
is_contained_v<T, gtl::scalar_integer_list>

Definition at line 161 of file generic_type_traits.hpp.

◆ is_sgentype_v

template<typename T >
constexpr bool sycl::_V1::detail::is_sgentype_v = is_contained_v<T, gtl::scalar_basic_list>

Definition at line 194 of file generic_type_traits.hpp.

◆ is_sigeninteger_v

template<typename T >
constexpr bool sycl::_V1::detail::is_sigeninteger_v
Initial value:
is_contained_v<T, gtl::scalar_signed_integer_list>

Definition at line 169 of file generic_type_traits.hpp.

◆ is_sugeninteger_v

template<typename T >
constexpr bool sycl::_V1::detail::is_sugeninteger_v
Initial value:
is_contained_v<T, gtl::scalar_unsigned_integer_list>

Definition at line 173 of file generic_type_traits.hpp.

◆ is_svgenfloat_v

template<typename T >
constexpr bool sycl::_V1::detail::is_svgenfloat_v
Initial value:
is_contained_v<T, gtl::scalar_vector_floating_list>

Definition at line 67 of file generic_type_traits.hpp.

◆ is_svgenfloatd_v

template<typename T >
constexpr bool sycl::_V1::detail::is_svgenfloatd_v
Initial value:
is_contained_v<T, gtl::scalar_vector_double_list>

Definition at line 37 of file generic_type_traits.hpp.

◆ is_svgenfloatf_v

template<typename T >
constexpr bool sycl::_V1::detail::is_svgenfloatf_v
Initial value:
is_contained_v<T, gtl::scalar_vector_float_list>

Definition at line 33 of file generic_type_traits.hpp.

◆ is_svgenfloath_v

template<typename T >
constexpr bool sycl::_V1::detail::is_svgenfloath_v
Initial value:
is_contained_v<T, gtl::scalar_vector_half_list>

Definition at line 52 of file generic_type_traits.hpp.

◆ is_swizzle_v

template<typename T >
constexpr bool sycl::_V1::detail::is_swizzle_v = is_swizzle<T>::value

Definition at line 308 of file type_traits.hpp.

◆ is_ugenint_v

template<typename T >
constexpr bool sycl::_V1::detail::is_ugenint_v = is_contained_v<T, gtl::unsigned_int_list>

Definition at line 131 of file generic_type_traits.hpp.

◆ is_ugeninteger16bit_v

template<typename T >
constexpr bool sycl::_V1::detail::is_ugeninteger16bit_v
Initial value:
is_gen_based_on_type_sizeof_v<T, 2, is_ugeninteger>

Definition at line 217 of file generic_type_traits.hpp.

◆ is_ugeninteger32bit_v

template<typename T >
constexpr bool sycl::_V1::detail::is_ugeninteger32bit_v
Initial value:
is_gen_based_on_type_sizeof_v<T, 4, is_ugeninteger>

Definition at line 221 of file generic_type_traits.hpp.

◆ is_ugeninteger64bit_v

template<typename T >
constexpr bool sycl::_V1::detail::is_ugeninteger64bit_v
Initial value:
is_gen_based_on_type_sizeof_v<T, 8, is_ugeninteger>

Definition at line 225 of file generic_type_traits.hpp.

◆ is_ugeninteger8bit_v

template<typename T >
constexpr bool sycl::_V1::detail::is_ugeninteger8bit_v
Initial value:
is_gen_based_on_type_sizeof_v<T, 1, is_ugeninteger>

Definition at line 213 of file generic_type_traits.hpp.

◆ is_ugeninteger_v

template<typename T >
constexpr bool sycl::_V1::detail::is_ugeninteger_v
Initial value:
is_contained_v<T, gtl::unsigned_integer_list>

Definition at line 154 of file generic_type_traits.hpp.

◆ is_valid_elem_type_v

template<typename T , typename... Ts>
constexpr bool sycl::_V1::detail::is_valid_elem_type_v = is_valid_elem_type<T, Ts...>::value

Definition at line 130 of file builtins_utils_scalar.hpp.

◆ is_valid_size_v

template<typename T , int... Ns>
constexpr bool sycl::_V1::detail::is_valid_size_v = is_valid_size<T, Ns...>::value

Definition at line 63 of file builtins_utils_vec.hpp.

◆ is_vec_or_swizzle_v

template<typename T >
constexpr bool sycl::_V1::detail::is_vec_or_swizzle_v = is_vec_v<T> || is_swizzle_v<T>

Definition at line 313 of file type_traits.hpp.

◆ is_vec_v

template<typename T >
constexpr bool sycl::_V1::detail::is_vec_v = is_vec<T>::value

Definition at line 291 of file type_traits.hpp.

◆ is_vgenfloat_v

template<typename T >
constexpr bool sycl::_V1::detail::is_vgenfloat_v
Initial value:
is_contained_v<T, gtl::vector_floating_list>

Definition at line 63 of file generic_type_traits.hpp.

◆ is_vgengeo_v

template<typename T >
constexpr bool sycl::_V1::detail::is_vgengeo_v = is_contained_v<T, gtl::vector_geo_list>

Definition at line 108 of file generic_type_traits.hpp.

◆ is_vgengeodouble_v

template<typename T >
constexpr bool sycl::_V1::detail::is_vgengeodouble_v
Initial value:
is_contained_v<T, gtl::vector_geo_double_list>

Definition at line 97 of file generic_type_traits.hpp.

◆ is_vgengeofloat_v

template<typename T >
constexpr bool sycl::_V1::detail::is_vgengeofloat_v
Initial value:
is_contained_v<T, gtl::vector_geo_float_list>

Definition at line 93 of file generic_type_traits.hpp.

◆ is_vgengeohalf_v

template<typename T >
constexpr bool sycl::_V1::detail::is_vgengeohalf_v
Initial value:
is_contained_v<T, gtl::vector_geo_half_list>

Definition at line 101 of file generic_type_traits.hpp.

◆ is_vgeninteger_v

template<typename T >
constexpr bool sycl::_V1::detail::is_vgeninteger_v
Initial value:
is_contained_v<T, gtl::vector_integer_list>

Definition at line 165 of file generic_type_traits.hpp.

◆ is_vgentype_v

template<typename T >
constexpr bool sycl::_V1::detail::is_vgentype_v = is_contained_v<T, gtl::vector_basic_list>

Definition at line 191 of file generic_type_traits.hpp.

◆ is_vigeninteger_v

template<typename T >
constexpr bool sycl::_V1::detail::is_vigeninteger_v
Initial value:
is_contained_v<T, gtl::vector_signed_integer_list>

Definition at line 177 of file generic_type_traits.hpp.

◆ is_vugeninteger_v

template<typename T >
constexpr bool sycl::_V1::detail::is_vugeninteger_v
Initial value:
is_contained_v<T, gtl::vector_unsigned_integer_list>

Definition at line 181 of file generic_type_traits.hpp.

◆ ITTSpecConstId

constexpr uint32_t sycl::_V1::detail::ITTSpecConstId = 0xFF747469

Definition at line 62 of file program_manager.hpp.

Referenced by enableITTAnnotationsIfNeeded().

◆ max_amd_gpu_architecture

constexpr ext::oneapi::experimental::architecture sycl::_V1::detail::max_amd_gpu_architecture
Initial value:

Definition at line 68 of file device_architecture.hpp.

Referenced by get_category_max_architecture(), and get_device_architecture_category().


constexpr size_t sycl::_V1::detail::MAX_ARRAY_SIZE
Initial value:
constexpr size_t MAX_DIMENSIONS
Definition: stream.hpp:76
constexpr size_t MAX_INTEGRAL_DIGITS
Definition: stream.hpp:71

Definition at line 80 of file stream.hpp.

Referenced by writeArray(), writeGroup(), writeItem(), writeNDItem(), and writeNDRange().


constexpr int sycl::_V1::detail::MAX_CONFIG_NAME = 256

Definition at line 48 of file config.hpp.

Referenced by readConfig().


constexpr int sycl::_V1::detail::MAX_CONFIG_VALUE = 1024

Definition at line 49 of file config.hpp.

Referenced by readConfig().


constexpr size_t sycl::_V1::detail::MAX_DIMENSIONS = 3

Definition at line 76 of file stream.hpp.


constexpr size_t sycl::_V1::detail::MAX_FLOATING_POINT_DIGITS = 24

Definition at line 70 of file stream.hpp.

Referenced by floatingPointToDecStr(), writeFloatingPoint(), and writeVec().


constexpr size_t sycl::_V1::detail::MAX_INTEGRAL_DIGITS = 23

Definition at line 71 of file stream.hpp.

Referenced by writeIntegral().

◆ max_intel_gpu_architecture

constexpr ext::oneapi::experimental::architecture sycl::_V1::detail::max_intel_gpu_architecture
Initial value:

Definition at line 54 of file device_architecture.hpp.

Referenced by get_category_max_architecture(), and get_device_architecture_category().


constexpr size_t sycl::_V1::detail::MAX_ITEM_SIZE = 2 * MAX_ARRAY_SIZE + 20

Definition at line 716 of file stream.hpp.

Referenced by writeHItem().

◆ max_nvidia_gpu_architecture

constexpr ext::oneapi::experimental::architecture sycl::_V1::detail::max_nvidia_gpu_architecture
Initial value:

Definition at line 61 of file device_architecture.hpp.

Referenced by get_category_max_architecture(), and get_device_architecture_category().

◆ MaxNumQueues

constexpr size_t sycl::_V1::detail::MaxNumQueues = 256

Sets max number of queues supported by FPGA RT.

Definition at line 60 of file queue_impl.hpp.

Referenced by sycl::_V1::detail::queue_impl::getExclusiveUrQueueHandleRef().

◆ MaxVecAlignment

constexpr size_t sycl::_V1::detail::MaxVecAlignment = 64

Definition at line 21 of file vector_traits.hpp.

◆ min_amd_gpu_architecture

constexpr ext::oneapi::experimental::architecture sycl::_V1::detail::min_amd_gpu_architecture
Initial value:

Definition at line 65 of file device_architecture.hpp.

Referenced by get_category_min_architecture(), and get_device_architecture_category().

◆ min_intel_gpu_architecture

constexpr ext::oneapi::experimental::architecture sycl::_V1::detail::min_intel_gpu_architecture
Initial value:

Definition at line 51 of file device_architecture.hpp.

Referenced by get_category_min_architecture(), and get_device_architecture_category().

◆ min_nvidia_gpu_architecture

constexpr ext::oneapi::experimental::architecture sycl::_V1::detail::min_nvidia_gpu_architecture
Initial value:

Definition at line 58 of file device_architecture.hpp.

Referenced by get_category_min_architecture(), and get_device_architecture_category().

◆ NestedCallsDetector

thread_local bool sycl::_V1::detail::NestedCallsDetector = false

◆ NvidiaAmdGPUArchitectures

constexpr std::pair<const char *, oneapi_exp_arch> sycl::_V1::detail::NvidiaAmdGPUArchitectures[]

◆ Oct

constexpr FmtFlags sycl::_V1::detail::Oct = 0x0004

Definition at line 54 of file stream.hpp.

Referenced by ScalarToStr().

◆ PlatformNameKeyName

constexpr char sycl::_V1::detail::PlatformNameKeyName[] = "PlatformName"

Definition at line 28 of file allowlist.cpp.

Referenced by applyAllowList(), deviceIsAllowed(), and parseAllowList().

◆ PlatformVersionKeyName

constexpr char sycl::_V1::detail::PlatformVersionKeyName[] = "PlatformVersion"

Definition at line 26 of file allowlist.cpp.

Referenced by applyAllowList(), deviceIsAllowed(), and parseAllowList().


constexpr int sycl::_V1::detail::REJECT_DEVICE_SCORE = -1

Definition at line 108 of file device_selector.hpp.

Referenced by select_device().

◆ Scientific

constexpr FmtFlags sycl::_V1::detail::Scientific = 0x0040

Definition at line 58 of file stream.hpp.

Referenced by ScalarToStr().

◆ ShowBase

constexpr FmtFlags sycl::_V1::detail::ShowBase = 0x0008

Definition at line 55 of file stream.hpp.

Referenced by ScalarToStr().

◆ ShowPos

constexpr FmtFlags sycl::_V1::detail::ShowPos = 0x0010

Definition at line 56 of file stream.hpp.

Referenced by ScalarToStr().

◆ SupportedAllowListKeyNames

constexpr std::array<const char *, 7> sycl::_V1::detail::SupportedAllowListKeyNames
Initial value:
constexpr char DeviceNameKeyName[]
Definition: allowlist.cpp:27
constexpr char BackendNameKeyName[]
Definition: allowlist.cpp:22
constexpr char DeviceVendorIdKeyName[]
Definition: allowlist.cpp:24
constexpr char PlatformVersionKeyName[]
Definition: allowlist.cpp:26
constexpr char DeviceTypeKeyName[]
Definition: allowlist.cpp:23
constexpr char DriverVersionKeyName[]
Definition: allowlist.cpp:25
constexpr char PlatformNameKeyName[]
Definition: allowlist.cpp:28

Definition at line 30 of file allowlist.cpp.

Referenced by deviceIsAllowed(), and parseAllowList().


constexpr const char* sycl::_V1::detail::SYCL_BUFFER_STREAM_NAME
Initial value:

Definition at line 60 of file xpti_registry.hpp.

Referenced by sycl::_V1::detail::XPTIRegistry::initializeFrameworkOnce().


constexpr const char* sycl::_V1::detail::SYCL_IMAGE_STREAM_NAME = "sycl.experimental.image"


constexpr auto sycl::_V1::detail::SYCL_MEM_ALLOC_STREAM_NAME


constexpr const char* sycl::_V1::detail::SYCL_PICALL_STREAM_NAME = "sycl.pi"

Definition at line 31 of file xpti_registry.hpp.


constexpr const char* sycl::_V1::detail::SYCL_PIDEBUGCALL_STREAM_NAME = "sycl.pi.debug"

Definition at line 34 of file xpti_registry.hpp.


◆ use_fast_math_v

template<typename T >
constexpr bool sycl::_V1::detail::use_fast_math_v = use_fast_math<T>::value

Definition at line 35 of file builtins_utils_scalar.hpp.

◆ UseToUseStringMap

constexpr UseToUseStringPair sycl::_V1::detail::UseToUseStringMap[]
Initial value:
= {
{ext::oneapi::experimental::matrix::use::accumulator, "use::accumulator"},

Definition at line 47 of file matrix-unified-utils.hpp.

Referenced by convertMatrixUseEnumToString(), and convertMatrixUseStringToEnum().


constexpr char sycl::_V1::detail::VEC_CLOSE_BRACE = '}'

Definition at line 74 of file stream.hpp.

Referenced by ArrayToStr().


constexpr const char* sycl::_V1::detail::VEC_ELEMENT_DELIMITER = ", "

Definition at line 72 of file stream.hpp.

Referenced by ArrayToStr(), and VecToStr().


constexpr char sycl::_V1::detail::VEC_OPEN_BRACE = '{'

Definition at line 73 of file stream.hpp.

Referenced by ArrayToStr().