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SemaOpenMP.cpp File Reference

This file implements semantic analysis for OpenMP directives and clauses. More...

#include "clang/Sema/SemaOpenMP.h"
#include "TreeTransform.h"
#include "clang/AST/ASTContext.h"
#include "clang/AST/ASTMutationListener.h"
#include "clang/AST/CXXInheritance.h"
#include "clang/AST/Decl.h"
#include "clang/AST/DeclCXX.h"
#include "clang/AST/DeclOpenMP.h"
#include "clang/AST/OpenMPClause.h"
#include "clang/AST/StmtCXX.h"
#include "clang/AST/StmtOpenMP.h"
#include "clang/AST/StmtVisitor.h"
#include "clang/AST/TypeOrdering.h"
#include "clang/Basic/DiagnosticSema.h"
#include "clang/Basic/OpenMPKinds.h"
#include "clang/Basic/PartialDiagnostic.h"
#include "clang/Basic/TargetInfo.h"
#include "clang/Sema/EnterExpressionEvaluationContext.h"
#include "clang/Sema/Initialization.h"
#include "clang/Sema/Lookup.h"
#include "clang/Sema/ParsedAttr.h"
#include "clang/Sema/Scope.h"
#include "clang/Sema/ScopeInfo.h"
#include "clang/Sema/Sema.h"
#include "clang/Sema/SemaInternal.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/IndexedMap.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/PointerEmbeddedInt.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallSet.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringExtras.h"
#include "llvm/Frontend/OpenMP/OMPAssume.h"
#include "llvm/Frontend/OpenMP/OMPConstants.h"
#include <optional>
#include <set>

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  Kind2Unsigned
class  GlobalDeclRefChecker
 This class visits every VarDecl that the initializer references and adds OMPDeclareTargetDeclAttr to each of them. More...


#define DSAStack   static_cast<DSAStackTy *>(VarDataSharingAttributesStack)


static const ExprcheckMapClauseExpressionBase (Sema &SemaRef, Expr *E, OMPClauseMappableExprCommon::MappableExprComponentList &CurComponents, OpenMPClauseKind CKind, OpenMPDirectiveKind DKind, bool NoDiagnose)
 Return the expression of the base of the mappable expression or null if it cannot be determined and do all the necessary checks to see if the expression is valid as a standalone mappable expression. More...
static const ExprgetExprAsWritten (const Expr *E)
static ExprgetExprAsWritten (Expr *E)
static const ValueDeclgetCanonicalDecl (const ValueDecl *D)
static ValueDeclgetCanonicalDecl (ValueDecl *D)
static VarDeclbuildVarDecl (Sema &SemaRef, SourceLocation Loc, QualType Type, StringRef Name, const AttrVec *Attrs=nullptr, DeclRefExpr *OrigRef=nullptr)
 Build a variable declaration for OpenMP loop iteration variable. More...
static DeclRefExprbuildDeclRefExpr (Sema &S, VarDecl *D, QualType Ty, SourceLocation Loc, bool RefersToCapture=false)
static bool isConstNotMutableType (Sema &SemaRef, QualType Type, bool AcceptIfMutable=true, bool *IsClassType=nullptr)
static bool rejectConstNotMutableType (Sema &SemaRef, const ValueDecl *D, QualType Type, OpenMPClauseKind CKind, SourceLocation ELoc, bool AcceptIfMutable=true, bool ListItemNotVar=false)
static bool isOpenMPDeviceDelayedContext (Sema &S)
static OpenMPDefaultmapClauseKind getVariableCategoryFromDecl (const LangOptions &LO, const ValueDecl *VD)
static OMPCapturedExprDeclbuildCaptureDecl (Sema &S, IdentifierInfo *Id, Expr *CaptureExpr, bool WithInit, DeclContext *CurContext, bool AsExpression)
static std::pair< ValueDecl *, boolgetPrivateItem (Sema &S, Expr *&RefExpr, SourceLocation &ELoc, SourceRange &ERange, bool AllowArraySection=false, StringRef DiagType="")
static void checkReductionClauses (Sema &S, DSAStackTy *Stack, ArrayRef< OMPClause * > Clauses)
 Check consistency of the reduction clauses. More...
static void checkAllocateClauses (Sema &S, DSAStackTy *Stack, ArrayRef< OMPClause * > Clauses)
static DeclRefExprbuildCapture (Sema &S, ValueDecl *D, Expr *CaptureExpr, bool WithInit)
static void reportOriginalDsa (Sema &SemaRef, const DSAStackTy *Stack, const ValueDecl *D, const DSAStackTy::DSAVarData &DVar, bool IsLoopIterVar=false)
static bool FinishOpenMPLinearClause (OMPLinearClause &Clause, DeclRefExpr *IV, Expr *NumIterations, Sema &SemaRef, Scope *S, DSAStackTy *Stack)
static OMPAllocateDeclAttr::AllocatorTypeTy getAllocatorKind (Sema &S, DSAStackTy *Stack, Expr *Allocator)
static bool checkPreviousOMPAllocateAttribute (Sema &S, DSAStackTy *Stack, Expr *RefExpr, VarDecl *VD, OMPAllocateDeclAttr::AllocatorTypeTy AllocatorKind, Expr *Allocator)
static void applyOMPAllocateAttribute (Sema &S, VarDecl *VD, OMPAllocateDeclAttr::AllocatorTypeTy AllocatorKind, Expr *Allocator, Expr *Alignment, SourceRange SR)
static OpenMPMapClauseKind getMapClauseKindFromModifier (OpenMPDefaultmapClauseModifier M, bool IsAggregateOrDeclareTarget)
static void handleDeclareVariantConstructTrait (DSAStackTy *Stack, OpenMPDirectiveKind DKind, bool ScopeEntry)
static ExprResult buildCapture (Sema &S, Expr *CaptureExpr, DeclRefExpr *&Ref, StringRef Name)
static bool checkOrderedOrderSpecified (Sema &S, const ArrayRef< OMPClause * > Clauses)
static bool checkCancelRegion (Sema &SemaRef, OpenMPDirectiveKind CurrentRegion, OpenMPDirectiveKind CancelRegion, SourceLocation StartLoc)
static bool checkNestingOfRegions (Sema &SemaRef, const DSAStackTy *Stack, OpenMPDirectiveKind CurrentRegion, const DeclarationNameInfo &CurrentName, OpenMPDirectiveKind CancelRegion, OpenMPBindClauseKind BindKind, SourceLocation StartLoc)
static bool checkIfClauses (Sema &S, OpenMPDirectiveKind Kind, ArrayRef< OMPClause * > Clauses, ArrayRef< OpenMPDirectiveKind > AllowedNameModifiers)
static VarDeclprecomputeExpr (Sema &Actions, SmallVectorImpl< Stmt * > &BodyStmts, Expr *E, StringRef Name)
static CapturedStmtbuildDistanceFunc (Sema &Actions, QualType LogicalTy, BinaryOperator::Opcode Rel, Expr *StartExpr, Expr *StopExpr, Expr *StepExpr)
 Create a closure that computes the number of iterations of a loop. More...
static CapturedStmtbuildLoopVarFunc (Sema &Actions, QualType LoopVarTy, QualType LogicalTy, DeclRefExpr *StartExpr, Expr *Step, bool Deref)
 Create a closure that computes the loop variable from the logical iteration number. More...
static ExprResult buildUserDefinedMapperRef (Sema &SemaRef, Scope *S, CXXScopeSpec &MapperIdScopeSpec, const DeclarationNameInfo &MapperId, QualType Type, Expr *UnresolvedMapper)
static void processImplicitMapsWithDefaultMappers (Sema &S, DSAStackTy *Stack, SmallVectorImpl< OMPClause * > &Clauses)
 Perform DFS through the structure/class data members trying to find member(s) with user-defined 'default' mapper and generate implicit map clauses for such members with the found 'default' mapper. More...
static bool teamsLoopCanBeParallelFor (Stmt *AStmt, Sema &SemaRef)
static void setPrototype (Sema &S, FunctionDecl *FD, FunctionDecl *FDWithProto, QualType NewType)
static bool checkOpenMPIterationSpace (OpenMPDirectiveKind DKind, Stmt *S, Sema &SemaRef, DSAStackTy &DSA, unsigned CurrentNestedLoopCount, unsigned NestedLoopCount, unsigned TotalNestedLoopCount, Expr *CollapseLoopCountExpr, Expr *OrderedLoopCountExpr, SemaOpenMP::VarsWithInheritedDSAType &VarsWithImplicitDSA, llvm::MutableArrayRef< LoopIterationSpace > ResultIterSpaces, llvm::MapVector< const Expr *, DeclRefExpr * > &Captures)
 Called on a for stmt to check and extract its iteration space for further processing (such as collapsing). More...
static ExprResult buildCounterInit (Sema &SemaRef, Scope *S, SourceLocation Loc, ExprResult VarRef, ExprResult Start, bool IsNonRectangularLB, llvm::MapVector< const Expr *, DeclRefExpr * > &Captures)
 Build 'VarRef = Start. More...
static ExprResult buildCounterUpdate (Sema &SemaRef, Scope *S, SourceLocation Loc, ExprResult VarRef, ExprResult Start, ExprResult Iter, ExprResult Step, bool Subtract, bool IsNonRectangularLB, llvm::MapVector< const Expr *, DeclRefExpr * > *Captures=nullptr)
 Build 'VarRef = Start + Iter * Step'. More...
static ExprResult widenIterationCount (unsigned Bits, Expr *E, Sema &SemaRef)
 Convert integer expression E to make it have at least Bits bits. More...
static bool fitsInto (unsigned Bits, bool Signed, const Expr *E, Sema &SemaRef)
 Check if the given expression E is a constant integer that fits into Bits bits. More...
static StmtbuildPreInits (ASTContext &Context, MutableArrayRef< Decl * > PreInits)
 Build preinits statement for the given declarations. More...
static void appendFlattendedStmtList (SmallVectorImpl< Stmt * > &TargetList, Stmt *Item)
 Append the Item or the content of a CompoundStmt to the list TargetList. More...
static StmtbuildPreInits (ASTContext &Context, const llvm::MapVector< const Expr *, DeclRefExpr * > &Captures)
 Build preinits statement for the given declarations. More...
static StmtbuildPreInits (ASTContext &Context, ArrayRef< Stmt * > PreInits)
 Build pre-init statement for the given statements. More...
static ExprbuildPostUpdate (Sema &S, ArrayRef< Expr * > PostUpdates)
 Build postupdate expression for the given list of postupdates expressions. More...
static unsigned checkOpenMPLoop (OpenMPDirectiveKind DKind, Expr *CollapseLoopCountExpr, Expr *OrderedLoopCountExpr, Stmt *AStmt, Sema &SemaRef, DSAStackTy &DSA, SemaOpenMP::VarsWithInheritedDSAType &VarsWithImplicitDSA, OMPLoopBasedDirective::HelperExprs &Built)
 Called on a for stmt to check itself and nested loops (if any). More...
static ExprgetCollapseNumberExpr (ArrayRef< OMPClause * > Clauses)
static ExprgetOrderedNumberExpr (ArrayRef< OMPClause * > Clauses)
static bool checkSimdlenSafelenSpecified (Sema &S, const ArrayRef< OMPClause * > Clauses)
static bool checkGenericLoopLastprivate (Sema &S, ArrayRef< OMPClause * > Clauses, OpenMPDirectiveKind K, DSAStackTy *Stack)
static ExprgetDirectCallExpr (Expr *E)
static bool checkMutuallyExclusiveClauses (Sema &S, ArrayRef< OMPClause * > Clauses, ArrayRef< OpenMPClauseKind > MutuallyExclusiveClauses)
 Find and diagnose mutually exclusive clause kinds. More...
static bool hasClauses (ArrayRef< OMPClause * > Clauses, const OpenMPClauseKind K)
 Check for existence of a map clause in the list of clauses. More...
template<typename... Params>
static bool hasClauses (ArrayRef< OMPClause * > Clauses, const OpenMPClauseKind K, const Params... ClauseTypes)
static bool isClauseMappable (ArrayRef< OMPClause * > Clauses)
 Check if the variables in the mapping clause are externally visible. More...
static bool checkReductionClauseWithNogroup (Sema &S, ArrayRef< OMPClause * > Clauses)
static void addLoopPreInits (ASTContext &Context, OMPLoopBasedDirective::HelperExprs &LoopHelper, Stmt *LoopStmt, ArrayRef< Stmt * > OriginalInit, SmallVectorImpl< Stmt * > &PreInits)
 Add preinit statements that need to be propageted from the selected loop. More...
static void collectLoopStmts (Stmt *AStmt, MutableArrayRef< Stmt * > LoopStmts)
 Collect the loop statements (ForStmt or CXXRangeForStmt) of the affected loop of a construct. More...
static OpenMPDirectiveKind getOpenMPCaptureRegionForClause (OpenMPDirectiveKind DKind, OpenMPClauseKind CKind, unsigned OpenMPVersion, OpenMPDirectiveKind NameModifier=OMPD_unknown)
static bool isNonNegativeIntegerValue (Expr *&ValExpr, Sema &SemaRef, OpenMPClauseKind CKind, bool StrictlyPositive, bool BuildCapture=false, OpenMPDirectiveKind DKind=OMPD_unknown, OpenMPDirectiveKind *CaptureRegion=nullptr, Stmt **HelperValStmt=nullptr)
static bool findOMPAllocatorHandleT (Sema &S, SourceLocation Loc, DSAStackTy *Stack)
 Tries to find omp_allocator_handle_t type. More...
static std::string getListOfPossibleValues (OpenMPClauseKind K, unsigned First, unsigned Last, ArrayRef< unsigned > Exclude=std::nullopt)
static bool checkScheduleModifiers (Sema &S, OpenMPScheduleClauseModifier M1, OpenMPScheduleClauseModifier M2, SourceLocation M1Loc, SourceLocation M2Loc)
static bool isValidInteropVariable (Sema &SemaRef, Expr *InteropVarExpr, SourceLocation VarLoc, OpenMPClauseKind Kind)
template<typename T , typename U >
static T filterLookupForUDReductionAndMapper (SmallVectorImpl< U > &Lookups, const llvm::function_ref< T(ValueDecl *)> Gen)
static NamedDeclfindAcceptableDecl (Sema &SemaRef, NamedDecl *D)
static void argumentDependentLookup (Sema &SemaRef, const DeclarationNameInfo &Id, SourceLocation Loc, QualType Ty, SmallVectorImpl< UnresolvedSet< 8 >> &Lookups)
static ExprResult buildDeclareReductionRef (Sema &SemaRef, SourceLocation Loc, SourceRange Range, Scope *S, CXXScopeSpec &ReductionIdScopeSpec, const DeclarationNameInfo &ReductionId, QualType Ty, CXXCastPath &BasePath, Expr *UnresolvedReduction)
static bool checkOMPArraySectionConstantForReduction (ASTContext &Context, const ArraySectionExpr *OASE, bool &SingleElement, SmallVectorImpl< llvm::APSInt > &ArraySizes)
static BinaryOperatorKind getRelatedCompoundReductionOp (BinaryOperatorKind BOK)
static bool actOnOMPReductionKindClause (Sema &S, DSAStackTy *Stack, OpenMPClauseKind ClauseKind, ArrayRef< Expr * > VarList, SourceLocation StartLoc, SourceLocation LParenLoc, SourceLocation ColonLoc, SourceLocation EndLoc, CXXScopeSpec &ReductionIdScopeSpec, const DeclarationNameInfo &ReductionId, ArrayRef< Expr * > UnresolvedReductions, ReductionData &RD)
static bool findOMPDependT (Sema &S, SourceLocation Loc, DSAStackTy *Stack, bool Diagnose=true)
 Tries to find omp_depend_t. type. More...
static DoacrossDataInfoTy ProcessOpenMPDoacrossClauseCommon (Sema &SemaRef, bool IsSource, ArrayRef< Expr * > VarList, DSAStackTy *Stack, SourceLocation EndLoc)
static bool checkTypeMappable (SourceLocation SL, SourceRange SR, Sema &SemaRef, DSAStackTy *Stack, QualType QTy, bool FullCheck=true)
static bool checkArrayExpressionDoesNotReferToWholeSize (Sema &SemaRef, const Expr *E, QualType BaseQTy)
 Return true if it can be proven that the provided array expression (array section or array subscript) does NOT specify the whole size of the array whose base type is BaseQTy. More...
static bool checkArrayExpressionDoesNotReferToUnitySize (Sema &SemaRef, const Expr *E, QualType BaseQTy)
static bool checkMapConflicts (Sema &SemaRef, DSAStackTy *DSAS, const ValueDecl *VD, const Expr *E, bool CurrentRegionOnly, OMPClauseMappableExprCommon::MappableExprComponentListRef CurComponents, OpenMPClauseKind CKind)
static void checkMappableExpressionList (Sema &SemaRef, DSAStackTy *DSAS, OpenMPClauseKind CKind, MappableVarListInfo &MVLI, SourceLocation StartLoc, CXXScopeSpec &MapperIdScopeSpec, DeclarationNameInfo MapperId, ArrayRef< Expr * > UnresolvedMappers, OpenMPMapClauseKind MapType=OMPC_MAP_unknown, ArrayRef< OpenMPMapModifierKind > Modifiers=std::nullopt, bool IsMapTypeImplicit=false, bool NoDiagnose=false)
static bool findOMPEventHandleT (Sema &S, SourceLocation Loc, DSAStackTy *Stack)
 Tries to find omp_event_handle_t type. More...
static void checkDeclInTargetContext (SourceLocation SL, SourceRange SR, Sema &SemaRef, Decl *D)
static bool checkValueDeclInTarget (SourceLocation SL, SourceRange SR, Sema &SemaRef, DSAStackTy *Stack, ValueDecl *VD)
static bool findOMPAlloctraitT (Sema &S, SourceLocation Loc, DSAStackTy *Stack)
 Tries to find omp_alloctrait_t type. More...

Detailed Description

This file implements semantic analysis for OpenMP directives and clauses.

Definition in file SemaOpenMP.cpp.

Macro Definition Documentation

◆ DSAStack

#define DSAStack   static_cast<DSAStackTy *>(VarDataSharingAttributesStack)

Definition at line 2027 of file SemaOpenMP.cpp.

Function Documentation

◆ actOnOMPReductionKindClause()

static bool actOnOMPReductionKindClause ( Sema S,
DSAStackTy *  Stack,
OpenMPClauseKind  ClauseKind,
ArrayRef< Expr * >  VarList,
SourceLocation  StartLoc,
SourceLocation  LParenLoc,
SourceLocation  ColonLoc,
SourceLocation  EndLoc,
CXXScopeSpec ReductionIdScopeSpec,
const DeclarationNameInfo ReductionId,
ArrayRef< Expr * >  UnresolvedReductions,
ReductionData &  RD 

◆ addLoopPreInits()

static void addLoopPreInits ( ASTContext Context,
OMPLoopBasedDirective::HelperExprs LoopHelper,
Stmt LoopStmt,
ArrayRef< Stmt * >  OriginalInit,
SmallVectorImpl< Stmt * > &  PreInits 

Add preinit statements that need to be propageted from the selected loop.

Definition at line 15147 of file SemaOpenMP.cpp.

◆ appendFlattendedStmtList()

static void appendFlattendedStmtList ( SmallVectorImpl< Stmt * > &  TargetList,
Stmt Item 

Append the Item or the content of a CompoundStmt to the list TargetList.

A CompoundStmt is used as container in case multiple statements need to be stored in lieu of using an explicit list. Flattening is necessary because contained DeclStmts need to be visible after the execution of the list. Used for OpenMP pre-init declarations/statements.

Definition at line 9827 of file SemaOpenMP.cpp.

Referenced by checkOpenMPLoop().

◆ applyOMPAllocateAttribute()

static void applyOMPAllocateAttribute ( Sema S,
VarDecl VD,
OMPAllocateDeclAttr::AllocatorTypeTy  AllocatorKind,
Expr Allocator,
Expr Alignment,
SourceRange  SR 

Definition at line 3391 of file SemaOpenMP.cpp.

◆ argumentDependentLookup()

static void argumentDependentLookup ( Sema SemaRef,
const DeclarationNameInfo Id,
SourceLocation  Loc,
QualType  Ty,
SmallVectorImpl< UnresolvedSet< 8 >> &  Lookups 

◆ buildCapture() [1/2]

static ExprResult buildCapture ( Sema S,
Expr CaptureExpr,
DeclRefExpr *&  Ref,
StringRef  Name 

Definition at line 4718 of file SemaOpenMP.cpp.

◆ buildCapture() [2/2]

static DeclRefExpr * buildCapture ( Sema S,
ValueDecl D,
Expr CaptureExpr,
bool  WithInit 

◆ buildCaptureDecl()

static OMPCapturedExprDecl * buildCaptureDecl ( Sema S,
IdentifierInfo Id,
Expr CaptureExpr,
bool  WithInit,
DeclContext CurContext,
bool  AsExpression 

Definition at line 4674 of file SemaOpenMP.cpp.

Referenced by clang::SemaOpenMP::isOpenMPCapturedDecl().

◆ buildCounterInit()

static ExprResult buildCounterInit ( Sema SemaRef,
Scope S,
SourceLocation  Loc,
ExprResult  VarRef,
ExprResult  Start,
bool  IsNonRectangularLB,
llvm::MapVector< const Expr *, DeclRefExpr * > &  Captures 

Build 'VarRef = Start.

Definition at line 9684 of file SemaOpenMP.cpp.

◆ buildCounterUpdate()

static ExprResult buildCounterUpdate ( Sema SemaRef,
Scope S,
SourceLocation  Loc,
ExprResult  VarRef,
ExprResult  Start,
ExprResult  Iter,
ExprResult  Step,
bool  Subtract,
bool  IsNonRectangularLB,
llvm::MapVector< const Expr *, DeclRefExpr * > *  Captures = nullptr 

Build 'VarRef = Start + Iter * Step'.

Definition at line 9708 of file SemaOpenMP.cpp.

◆ buildDeclareReductionRef()

static ExprResult buildDeclareReductionRef ( Sema SemaRef,
SourceLocation  Loc,
SourceRange  Range,
Scope S,
CXXScopeSpec ReductionIdScopeSpec,
const DeclarationNameInfo ReductionId,
QualType  Ty,
CXXCastPath BasePath,
Expr UnresolvedReduction 

Definition at line 19488 of file SemaOpenMP.cpp.

◆ buildDeclRefExpr()

static DeclRefExpr* buildDeclRefExpr ( Sema S,
VarDecl D,
QualType  Ty,
SourceLocation  Loc,
bool  RefersToCapture = false 

◆ buildDistanceFunc()

static CapturedStmt* buildDistanceFunc ( Sema Actions,
QualType  LogicalTy,
BinaryOperator::Opcode  Rel,
Expr StartExpr,
Expr StopExpr,
Expr StepExpr 

Create a closure that computes the number of iterations of a loop.

ActionsThe Sema object.
LogicalTyType for the logical iteration number.
RelComparison operator of the loop condition.
StartExprValue of the loop counter at the first iteration.
StopExprExpression the loop counter is compared against in the loop condition.
StepExprAmount of increment after each iteration.
Closure (CapturedStmt) of the distance calculation.

Definition at line 5659 of file SemaOpenMP.cpp.

References clang::Sema::ActOnCapturedRegionEnd(), clang::Sema::ActOnCapturedRegionStart(), clang::Sema::ActOnCompoundStmt(), clang::Sema::ActOnConditionalOp(), clang::AssertSuccess(), clang::Sema::BuildBinOp(), clang::Sema::BuildCStyleCastExpr(), buildDeclRefExpr(), clang::Sema::BuildDeclRefExpr(), clang::Sema::BuildUnaryOp(), clang::CR_Default, clang::IntegerLiteral::Create(), clang::Sema::CurContext, clang::Sema::getASTContext(), clang::Sema::getCurScope(), clang::ASTContext::getIntWidth(), clang::ASTContext::getLValueReferenceType(), clang::CapturedDecl::getParam(), clang::ASTContext::getTrivialTypeSourceInfo(), clang::ValueDecl::getType(), precomputeExpr(), Range, and clang::VK_LValue.

Referenced by clang::SemaOpenMP::ActOnOpenMPCanonicalLoop().

◆ buildLoopVarFunc()

static CapturedStmt* buildLoopVarFunc ( Sema Actions,
QualType  LoopVarTy,
QualType  LogicalTy,
DeclRefExpr StartExpr,
Expr Step,
bool  Deref 

Create a closure that computes the loop variable from the logical iteration number.

ActionsThe Sema object.
LoopVarTyType for the loop variable used for result value.
LogicalTyType for the logical iteration number.
StartExprValue of the loop counter at the first iteration.
StepAmount of increment after each iteration.
DerefWhether the loop variable is a dereference of the loop counter variable.
Closure (CapturedStmt) of the loop value calculation.

Definition at line 5807 of file SemaOpenMP.cpp.

References clang::Sema::ActOnCapturedRegionEnd(), clang::Sema::ActOnCapturedRegionStart(), clang::AssertSuccess(), clang::Sema::BuildBinOp(), clang::Sema::BuildDeclRefExpr(), clang::Sema::BuildUnaryOp(), clang::CR_Default, clang::Sema::CurContext, clang::Sema::getASTContext(), clang::Sema::getCurScope(), clang::DeclRefExpr::getDecl(), clang::ASTContext::getLValueReferenceType(), clang::Sema::TryCapture_ExplicitByVal, clang::Sema::tryCaptureVariable(), and clang::VK_LValue.

Referenced by clang::SemaOpenMP::ActOnOpenMPCanonicalLoop().

◆ buildPostUpdate()

static Expr* buildPostUpdate ( Sema S,
ArrayRef< Expr * >  PostUpdates 

◆ buildPreInits() [1/3]

static Stmt* buildPreInits ( ASTContext Context,
ArrayRef< Stmt * >  PreInits 

Build pre-init statement for the given statements.

Definition at line 9853 of file SemaOpenMP.cpp.

◆ buildPreInits() [2/3]

static Stmt* buildPreInits ( ASTContext Context,
const llvm::MapVector< const Expr *, DeclRefExpr * > &  Captures 

Build preinits statement for the given declarations.

Definition at line 9841 of file SemaOpenMP.cpp.

◆ buildPreInits() [3/3]

static Stmt* buildPreInits ( ASTContext Context,
MutableArrayRef< Decl * >  PreInits 

◆ buildUserDefinedMapperRef()

static ExprResult buildUserDefinedMapperRef ( Sema SemaRef,
Scope S,
CXXScopeSpec MapperIdScopeSpec,
const DeclarationNameInfo MapperId,
QualType  Type,
Expr UnresolvedMapper 

Definition at line 22351 of file SemaOpenMP.cpp.

Referenced by checkMappableExpressionList().

◆ buildVarDecl()

static VarDecl* buildVarDecl ( Sema SemaRef,
SourceLocation  Loc,
QualType  Type,
StringRef  Name,
const AttrVec Attrs = nullptr,
DeclRefExpr OrigRef = nullptr 

◆ checkAllocateClauses()

static void checkAllocateClauses ( Sema S,
DSAStackTy *  Stack,
ArrayRef< OMPClause * >  Clauses 

Definition at line 5500 of file SemaOpenMP.cpp.

Referenced by clang::SemaOpenMP::EndOpenMPDSABlock().

◆ checkArrayExpressionDoesNotReferToUnitySize()

static bool checkArrayExpressionDoesNotReferToUnitySize ( Sema SemaRef,
const Expr E,
QualType  BaseQTy 

◆ checkArrayExpressionDoesNotReferToWholeSize()

static bool checkArrayExpressionDoesNotReferToWholeSize ( Sema SemaRef,
const Expr E,
QualType  BaseQTy 

Return true if it can be proven that the provided array expression (array section or array subscript) does NOT specify the whole size of the array whose base type is BaseQTy.

Definition at line 21632 of file SemaOpenMP.cpp.

References clang::Expr::EvaluateAsInt(), clang::Sema::getASTContext(), clang::QualType::getTypePtr(), and clang::Type::isPointerType().

Referenced by checkMapConflicts().

◆ checkCancelRegion()

static bool checkCancelRegion ( Sema SemaRef,
OpenMPDirectiveKind  CurrentRegion,
OpenMPDirectiveKind  CancelRegion,
SourceLocation  StartLoc 

◆ checkDeclInTargetContext()

static void checkDeclInTargetContext ( SourceLocation  SL,
SourceRange  SR,
Sema SemaRef,
Decl D 

◆ checkGenericLoopLastprivate()

static bool checkGenericLoopLastprivate ( Sema S,
ArrayRef< OMPClause * >  Clauses,
OpenMPDirectiveKind  K,
DSAStackTy *  Stack 

◆ checkIfClauses()

static bool checkIfClauses ( Sema S,
OpenMPDirectiveKind  Kind,
ArrayRef< OMPClause * >  Clauses,
ArrayRef< OpenMPDirectiveKind AllowedNameModifiers 

Definition at line 5334 of file SemaOpenMP.cpp.

◆ checkMapClauseExpressionBase()

static const Expr* checkMapClauseExpressionBase ( Sema SemaRef,
Expr E,
OMPClauseMappableExprCommon::MappableExprComponentList CurComponents,
OpenMPClauseKind  CKind,
OpenMPDirectiveKind  DKind,
bool  NoDiagnose 

Return the expression of the base of the mappable expression or null if it cannot be determined and do all the necessary checks to see if the expression is valid as a standalone mappable expression.

In the process, record all the components of the expression.

Definition at line 22072 of file SemaOpenMP.cpp.

References clang::SemaBase::Diag(), clang::Expr::getExprLoc(), clang::Sema::getLangOpts(), clang::ArraySectionExpr::getLength(), clang::Stmt::getSourceRange(), and clang::Expr::IgnoreParens().

Referenced by checkMappableExpressionList().

◆ checkMapConflicts()

static bool checkMapConflicts ( Sema SemaRef,
DSAStackTy *  DSAS,
const ValueDecl VD,
const Expr E,
bool  CurrentRegionOnly,
OMPClauseMappableExprCommon::MappableExprComponentListRef  CurComponents,
OpenMPClauseKind  CKind 

◆ checkMappableExpressionList()

static void checkMappableExpressionList ( Sema SemaRef,
DSAStackTy *  DSAS,
OpenMPClauseKind  CKind,
MappableVarListInfo &  MVLI,
SourceLocation  StartLoc,
CXXScopeSpec MapperIdScopeSpec,
DeclarationNameInfo  MapperId,
ArrayRef< Expr * >  UnresolvedMappers,
OpenMPMapClauseKind  MapType = OMPC_MAP_unknown,
ArrayRef< OpenMPMapModifierKind Modifiers = std::nullopt,
bool  IsMapTypeImplicit = false,
bool  NoDiagnose = false 

Definition at line 22492 of file SemaOpenMP.cpp.

References buildUserDefinedMapperRef(), checkMapClauseExpressionBase(), checkMapConflicts(), checkTypeMappable(), clang::Expr::containsUnexpandedParameterPack(), clang::ASTContext::DeclarationNames, clang::SemaBase::Diag(), clang::ActionResult< PtrTy, Compress >::get(), clang::IdentifierTable::get(), clang::Type::getAsArrayTypeUnsafe(), clang::OMPClauseMappableExprCommon::MappableComponent::getAssociatedDeclaration(), clang::Sema::getASTContext(), clang::ArraySectionExpr::getBase(), clang::ArraySectionExpr::getBaseOriginalType(), clang::QualType::getCanonicalType(), clang::Sema::getCurScope(), clang::Expr::getExprLoc(), clang::Sema::getLangOpts(), clang::DeclarationNameInfo::getName(), clang::getOpenMPSimpleClauseTypeName(), clang::Type::getPointeeType(), clang::Stmt::getSourceRange(), clang::Expr::getType(), clang::ASTContext::Idents, clang::Expr::IgnoreParenCasts(), clang::Expr::IgnoreParenLValueCasts(), clang::Expr::IgnoreParens(), clang::Decl::isCanonicalDecl(), clang::DeclarationName::isEmpty(), clang::Expr::isInstantiationDependent(), clang::ActionResult< PtrTy, Compress >::isInvalid(), clang::Expr::isLValue(), clang::isOpenMPPrivate(), clang::isOpenMPTargetExecutionDirective(), clang::Expr::isTypeDependent(), clang::SourceLocation::isValid(), clang::Expr::isValueDependent(), clang::Sema::LangOpts, reportOriginalDsa(), clang::DeclarationNameInfo::setLoc(), and clang::DeclarationNameInfo::setName().

Referenced by clang::SemaOpenMP::ActOnOpenMPFromClause(), clang::SemaOpenMP::ActOnOpenMPMapClause(), and clang::SemaOpenMP::ActOnOpenMPToClause().

◆ checkMutuallyExclusiveClauses()

static bool checkMutuallyExclusiveClauses ( Sema S,
ArrayRef< OMPClause * >  Clauses,
ArrayRef< OpenMPClauseKind MutuallyExclusiveClauses 

◆ checkNestingOfRegions()

static bool checkNestingOfRegions ( Sema SemaRef,
const DSAStackTy *  Stack,
OpenMPDirectiveKind  CurrentRegion,
const DeclarationNameInfo CurrentName,
OpenMPDirectiveKind  CancelRegion,
OpenMPBindClauseKind  BindKind,
SourceLocation  StartLoc 

Definition at line 5031 of file SemaOpenMP.cpp.

Referenced by clang::SemaOpenMP::ActOnOpenMPExecutableDirective().

◆ checkOMPArraySectionConstantForReduction()

static bool checkOMPArraySectionConstantForReduction ( ASTContext Context,
const ArraySectionExpr OASE,
bool SingleElement,
SmallVectorImpl< llvm::APSInt > &  ArraySizes 

Definition at line 19700 of file SemaOpenMP.cpp.

◆ checkOpenMPIterationSpace()

static bool checkOpenMPIterationSpace ( OpenMPDirectiveKind  DKind,
Stmt S,
Sema SemaRef,
DSAStackTy &  DSA,
unsigned  CurrentNestedLoopCount,
unsigned  NestedLoopCount,
unsigned  TotalNestedLoopCount,
Expr CollapseLoopCountExpr,
Expr OrderedLoopCountExpr,
SemaOpenMP::VarsWithInheritedDSAType VarsWithImplicitDSA,
llvm::MutableArrayRef< LoopIterationSpace >  ResultIterSpaces,
llvm::MapVector< const Expr *, DeclRefExpr * > &  Captures 

Called on a for stmt to check and extract its iteration space for further processing (such as collapsing).

Definition at line 9466 of file SemaOpenMP.cpp.

Referenced by checkOpenMPLoop().

◆ checkOpenMPLoop()

static unsigned checkOpenMPLoop ( OpenMPDirectiveKind  DKind,
Expr CollapseLoopCountExpr,
Expr OrderedLoopCountExpr,
Stmt AStmt,
Sema SemaRef,
DSAStackTy &  DSA,
SemaOpenMP::VarsWithInheritedDSAType VarsWithImplicitDSA,
OMPLoopBasedDirective::HelperExprs Built 

Called on a for stmt to check itself and nested loops (if any).

Returns 0 if one of the collapsed stmts is not canonical for loop, number of collapsed loops otherwise.

Definition at line 9887 of file SemaOpenMP.cpp.

References appendFlattendedStmtList(), checkOpenMPIterationSpace(), clang::OMPLoopBasedDirective::HelperExprs::clear(), clang::SemaBase::Diag(), clang::OMPLoopBasedDirective::doForAllLoops(), clang::Expr::EvaluateAsInt(), clang::Sema::getASTContext(), clang::Expr::getExprLoc(), clang::APValue::getInt(), clang::Stmt::getSourceRange(), clang::Stmt::IgnoreContainers(), clang::isOpenMPLoopTransformationDirective(), clang::Expr::isValueDependent(), clang::Sema::LangOpts, max(), and clang::Expr::EvalResult::Val.

Referenced by clang::SemaOpenMP::ActOnOpenMPDistributeDirective(), clang::SemaOpenMP::ActOnOpenMPDistributeParallelForDirective(), clang::SemaOpenMP::ActOnOpenMPDistributeParallelForSimdDirective(), clang::SemaOpenMP::ActOnOpenMPDistributeSimdDirective(), clang::SemaOpenMP::ActOnOpenMPForDirective(), clang::SemaOpenMP::ActOnOpenMPForSimdDirective(), clang::SemaOpenMP::ActOnOpenMPGenericLoopDirective(), clang::SemaOpenMP::ActOnOpenMPMaskedTaskLoopDirective(), clang::SemaOpenMP::ActOnOpenMPMaskedTaskLoopSimdDirective(), clang::SemaOpenMP::ActOnOpenMPMasterTaskLoopDirective(), clang::SemaOpenMP::ActOnOpenMPMasterTaskLoopSimdDirective(), clang::SemaOpenMP::ActOnOpenMPParallelForDirective(), clang::SemaOpenMP::ActOnOpenMPParallelForSimdDirective(), clang::SemaOpenMP::ActOnOpenMPParallelGenericLoopDirective(), clang::SemaOpenMP::ActOnOpenMPParallelMaskedTaskLoopDirective(), clang::SemaOpenMP::ActOnOpenMPParallelMaskedTaskLoopSimdDirective(), clang::SemaOpenMP::ActOnOpenMPParallelMasterTaskLoopDirective(), clang::SemaOpenMP::ActOnOpenMPParallelMasterTaskLoopSimdDirective(), clang::SemaOpenMP::ActOnOpenMPSimdDirective(), clang::SemaOpenMP::ActOnOpenMPTargetParallelForDirective(), clang::SemaOpenMP::ActOnOpenMPTargetParallelForSimdDirective(), clang::SemaOpenMP::ActOnOpenMPTargetParallelGenericLoopDirective(), clang::SemaOpenMP::ActOnOpenMPTargetSimdDirective(), clang::SemaOpenMP::ActOnOpenMPTargetTeamsDistributeDirective(), clang::SemaOpenMP::ActOnOpenMPTargetTeamsDistributeParallelForDirective(), clang::SemaOpenMP::ActOnOpenMPTargetTeamsDistributeParallelForSimdDirective(), clang::SemaOpenMP::ActOnOpenMPTargetTeamsDistributeSimdDirective(), clang::SemaOpenMP::ActOnOpenMPTargetTeamsGenericLoopDirective(), clang::SemaOpenMP::ActOnOpenMPTaskLoopDirective(), clang::SemaOpenMP::ActOnOpenMPTaskLoopSimdDirective(), clang::SemaOpenMP::ActOnOpenMPTeamsDistributeDirective(), clang::SemaOpenMP::ActOnOpenMPTeamsDistributeParallelForDirective(), clang::SemaOpenMP::ActOnOpenMPTeamsDistributeParallelForSimdDirective(), clang::SemaOpenMP::ActOnOpenMPTeamsDistributeSimdDirective(), and clang::SemaOpenMP::ActOnOpenMPTeamsGenericLoopDirective().

◆ checkOrderedOrderSpecified()

static bool checkOrderedOrderSpecified ( Sema S,
const ArrayRef< OMPClause * >  Clauses 

Definition at line 4808 of file SemaOpenMP.cpp.

◆ checkPreviousOMPAllocateAttribute()

static bool checkPreviousOMPAllocateAttribute ( Sema S,
DSAStackTy *  Stack,
Expr RefExpr,
VarDecl VD,
OMPAllocateDeclAttr::AllocatorTypeTy  AllocatorKind,
Expr Allocator 

Definition at line 3340 of file SemaOpenMP.cpp.

◆ checkReductionClauses()

static void checkReductionClauses ( Sema S,
DSAStackTy *  Stack,
ArrayRef< OMPClause * >  Clauses 

Check consistency of the reduction clauses.

Definition at line 2809 of file SemaOpenMP.cpp.

Referenced by clang::SemaOpenMP::EndOpenMPDSABlock().

◆ checkReductionClauseWithNogroup()

static bool checkReductionClauseWithNogroup ( Sema S,
ArrayRef< OMPClause * >  Clauses 

◆ checkScheduleModifiers()

static bool checkScheduleModifiers ( Sema S,
OpenMPScheduleClauseModifier  M1,
OpenMPScheduleClauseModifier  M2,
SourceLocation  M1Loc,
SourceLocation  M2Loc 

Definition at line 17783 of file SemaOpenMP.cpp.

Referenced by clang::SemaOpenMP::ActOnOpenMPScheduleClause().

◆ checkSimdlenSafelenSpecified()

static bool checkSimdlenSafelenSpecified ( Sema S,
const ArrayRef< OMPClause * >  Clauses 

◆ checkTypeMappable()

static bool checkTypeMappable ( SourceLocation  SL,
SourceRange  SR,
Sema SemaRef,
DSAStackTy *  Stack,
QualType  QTy,
bool  FullCheck = true 

Definition at line 21618 of file SemaOpenMP.cpp.

Referenced by checkMappableExpressionList().

◆ checkValueDeclInTarget()

static bool checkValueDeclInTarget ( SourceLocation  SL,
SourceRange  SR,
Sema SemaRef,
DSAStackTy *  Stack,
ValueDecl VD 

◆ collectLoopStmts()

static void collectLoopStmts ( Stmt AStmt,
MutableArrayRef< Stmt * >  LoopStmts 

Collect the loop statements (ForStmt or CXXRangeForStmt) of the affected loop of a construct.

Definition at line 15189 of file SemaOpenMP.cpp.

References clang::OMPLoopBasedDirective::doForAllLoops().

◆ filterLookupForUDReductionAndMapper()

template<typename T , typename U >
static T filterLookupForUDReductionAndMapper ( SmallVectorImpl< U > &  Lookups,
const llvm::function_ref< T(ValueDecl *)>  Gen 

Definition at line 19402 of file SemaOpenMP.cpp.

References clang::Set, and clang::T.

◆ findAcceptableDecl()

static NamedDecl* findAcceptableDecl ( Sema SemaRef,
NamedDecl D 

Definition at line 19413 of file SemaOpenMP.cpp.

References clang::LookupResult::isVisible(), and clang::Decl::redecls().

Referenced by argumentDependentLookup().

◆ findOMPAllocatorHandleT()

static bool findOMPAllocatorHandleT ( Sema S,
SourceLocation  Loc,
DSAStackTy *  Stack 

Tries to find omp_allocator_handle_t type.

Definition at line 17104 of file SemaOpenMP.cpp.

Referenced by clang::SemaOpenMP::ActOnOpenMPAllocatorClause().

◆ findOMPAlloctraitT()

static bool findOMPAlloctraitT ( Sema S,
SourceLocation  Loc,
DSAStackTy *  Stack 

Tries to find omp_alloctrait_t type.

Definition at line 24534 of file SemaOpenMP.cpp.

◆ findOMPDependT()

static bool findOMPDependT ( Sema S,
SourceLocation  Loc,
DSAStackTy *  Stack,
bool  Diagnose = true 

Tries to find omp_depend_t. type.

Definition at line 21194 of file SemaOpenMP.cpp.

Referenced by clang::SemaOpenMP::ActOnOpenMPDependClause(), and clang::SemaOpenMP::ActOnOpenMPDepobjClause().

◆ findOMPEventHandleT()

static bool findOMPEventHandleT ( Sema S,
SourceLocation  Loc,
DSAStackTy *  Stack 

Tries to find omp_event_handle_t type.

Definition at line 23436 of file SemaOpenMP.cpp.

Referenced by clang::SemaOpenMP::ActOnOpenMPDetachClause().

◆ FinishOpenMPLinearClause()

static bool FinishOpenMPLinearClause ( OMPLinearClause Clause,
DeclRefExpr IV,
Expr NumIterations,
Sema SemaRef,
Scope S,
DSAStackTy *  Stack 

◆ fitsInto()

static bool fitsInto ( unsigned  Bits,
bool  Signed,
const Expr E,
Sema SemaRef 

Check if the given expression E is a constant integer that fits into Bits bits.

Definition at line 9800 of file SemaOpenMP.cpp.

References clang::Sema::Context, clang::Expr::getIntegerConstantExpr(), and clang::Signed.

◆ getAllocatorKind()

static OMPAllocateDeclAttr::AllocatorTypeTy getAllocatorKind ( Sema S,
DSAStackTy *  Stack,
Expr Allocator 

Definition at line 3315 of file SemaOpenMP.cpp.

◆ getCanonicalDecl() [1/2]

static const ValueDecl* getCanonicalDecl ( const ValueDecl D)

◆ getCanonicalDecl() [2/2]

static ValueDecl* getCanonicalDecl ( ValueDecl D)

Definition at line 1289 of file SemaOpenMP.cpp.

References getCanonicalDecl().

◆ getCollapseNumberExpr()

static Expr* getCollapseNumberExpr ( ArrayRef< OMPClause * >  Clauses)

Definition at line 10585 of file SemaOpenMP.cpp.

Referenced by clang::SemaOpenMP::ActOnOpenMPDistributeDirective(), clang::SemaOpenMP::ActOnOpenMPDistributeParallelForDirective(), clang::SemaOpenMP::ActOnOpenMPDistributeParallelForSimdDirective(), clang::SemaOpenMP::ActOnOpenMPDistributeSimdDirective(), clang::SemaOpenMP::ActOnOpenMPForDirective(), clang::SemaOpenMP::ActOnOpenMPForSimdDirective(), clang::SemaOpenMP::ActOnOpenMPGenericLoopDirective(), clang::SemaOpenMP::ActOnOpenMPMaskedTaskLoopDirective(), clang::SemaOpenMP::ActOnOpenMPMaskedTaskLoopSimdDirective(), clang::SemaOpenMP::ActOnOpenMPMasterTaskLoopDirective(), clang::SemaOpenMP::ActOnOpenMPMasterTaskLoopSimdDirective(), clang::SemaOpenMP::ActOnOpenMPParallelForDirective(), clang::SemaOpenMP::ActOnOpenMPParallelForSimdDirective(), clang::SemaOpenMP::ActOnOpenMPParallelGenericLoopDirective(), clang::SemaOpenMP::ActOnOpenMPParallelMaskedTaskLoopDirective(), clang::SemaOpenMP::ActOnOpenMPParallelMaskedTaskLoopSimdDirective(), clang::SemaOpenMP::ActOnOpenMPParallelMasterTaskLoopDirective(), clang::SemaOpenMP::ActOnOpenMPParallelMasterTaskLoopSimdDirective(), clang::SemaOpenMP::ActOnOpenMPSimdDirective(), clang::SemaOpenMP::ActOnOpenMPTargetParallelForDirective(), clang::SemaOpenMP::ActOnOpenMPTargetParallelForSimdDirective(), clang::SemaOpenMP::ActOnOpenMPTargetParallelGenericLoopDirective(), clang::SemaOpenMP::ActOnOpenMPTargetSimdDirective(), clang::SemaOpenMP::ActOnOpenMPTargetTeamsDistributeDirective(), clang::SemaOpenMP::ActOnOpenMPTargetTeamsDistributeParallelForDirective(), clang::SemaOpenMP::ActOnOpenMPTargetTeamsDistributeParallelForSimdDirective(), clang::SemaOpenMP::ActOnOpenMPTargetTeamsDistributeSimdDirective(), clang::SemaOpenMP::ActOnOpenMPTargetTeamsGenericLoopDirective(), clang::SemaOpenMP::ActOnOpenMPTaskLoopDirective(), clang::SemaOpenMP::ActOnOpenMPTaskLoopSimdDirective(), clang::SemaOpenMP::ActOnOpenMPTeamsDistributeDirective(), clang::SemaOpenMP::ActOnOpenMPTeamsDistributeParallelForDirective(), clang::SemaOpenMP::ActOnOpenMPTeamsDistributeParallelForSimdDirective(), clang::SemaOpenMP::ActOnOpenMPTeamsDistributeSimdDirective(), and clang::SemaOpenMP::ActOnOpenMPTeamsGenericLoopDirective().

◆ getDirectCallExpr()

static Expr* getDirectCallExpr ( Expr E)

◆ getExprAsWritten() [1/2]

static const Expr* getExprAsWritten ( const Expr E)

Definition at line 1253 of file SemaOpenMP.cpp.

References clang::Expr::IgnoreParens().

Referenced by getCanonicalDecl(), and getExprAsWritten().

◆ getExprAsWritten() [2/2]

static Expr* getExprAsWritten ( Expr E)

Definition at line 1268 of file SemaOpenMP.cpp.

References getExprAsWritten().

◆ getListOfPossibleValues()

static std::string getListOfPossibleValues ( OpenMPClauseKind  K,
unsigned  First,
unsigned  Last,
ArrayRef< unsigned Exclude = std::nullopt 

◆ getMapClauseKindFromModifier()

static OpenMPMapClauseKind getMapClauseKindFromModifier ( OpenMPDefaultmapClauseModifier  M,
bool  IsAggregateOrDeclareTarget 

◆ getOpenMPCaptureRegionForClause()

static OpenMPDirectiveKind getOpenMPCaptureRegionForClause ( OpenMPDirectiveKind  DKind,
OpenMPClauseKind  CKind,
unsigned  OpenMPVersion,
OpenMPDirectiveKind  NameModifier = OMPD_unknown 

◆ getOrderedNumberExpr()

static Expr* getOrderedNumberExpr ( ArrayRef< OMPClause * >  Clauses)

◆ getPrivateItem()

static std::pair< ValueDecl *, bool > getPrivateItem ( Sema S,
Expr *&  RefExpr,
SourceLocation ELoc,
SourceRange ERange,
bool  AllowArraySection = false,
StringRef  DiagType = "" 

◆ getRelatedCompoundReductionOp()

static BinaryOperatorKind getRelatedCompoundReductionOp ( BinaryOperatorKind  BOK)

Definition at line 19767 of file SemaOpenMP.cpp.

◆ getVariableCategoryFromDecl()

static OpenMPDefaultmapClauseKind getVariableCategoryFromDecl ( const LangOptions LO,
const ValueDecl VD 

◆ handleDeclareVariantConstructTrait()

static void handleDeclareVariantConstructTrait ( DSAStackTy *  Stack,
OpenMPDirectiveKind  DKind,
bool  ScopeEntry 

Definition at line 4197 of file SemaOpenMP.cpp.

◆ hasClauses() [1/2]

static bool hasClauses ( ArrayRef< OMPClause * >  Clauses,
const OpenMPClauseKind  K 

◆ hasClauses() [2/2]

template<typename... Params>
static bool hasClauses ( ArrayRef< OMPClause * >  Clauses,
const OpenMPClauseKind  K,
const Params...  ClauseTypes 

Definition at line 13561 of file SemaOpenMP.cpp.

References hasClauses().

◆ isClauseMappable()

static bool isClauseMappable ( ArrayRef< OMPClause * >  Clauses)

Check if the variables in the mapping clause are externally visible.

Definition at line 13567 of file SemaOpenMP.cpp.

Referenced by clang::SemaOpenMP::ActOnOpenMPTargetUpdateDirective().

◆ isConstNotMutableType()

static bool isConstNotMutableType ( Sema SemaRef,
QualType  Type,
bool  AcceptIfMutable = true,
bool IsClassType = nullptr 

Definition at line 1706 of file SemaOpenMP.cpp.

Referenced by isValidInteropVariable().

◆ isNonNegativeIntegerValue()

static bool isNonNegativeIntegerValue ( Expr *&  ValExpr,
Sema SemaRef,
OpenMPClauseKind  CKind,
bool  StrictlyPositive,
bool  BuildCapture = false,
OpenMPDirectiveKind  DKind = OMPD_unknown,
OpenMPDirectiveKind CaptureRegion = nullptr,
Stmt **  HelperValStmt = nullptr 

◆ isOpenMPDeviceDelayedContext()

static bool isOpenMPDeviceDelayedContext ( Sema S)

Definition at line 2035 of file SemaOpenMP.cpp.

Referenced by clang::SemaOpenMP::diagIfOpenMPDeviceCode().

◆ isValidInteropVariable()

static bool isValidInteropVariable ( Sema SemaRef,
Expr InteropVarExpr,
SourceLocation  VarLoc,
OpenMPClauseKind  Kind 

◆ precomputeExpr()

static VarDecl* precomputeExpr ( Sema Actions,
SmallVectorImpl< Stmt * > &  BodyStmts,
Expr E,
StringRef  Name 

Definition at line 5636 of file SemaOpenMP.cpp.

Referenced by buildDistanceFunc().

◆ processImplicitMapsWithDefaultMappers()

static void processImplicitMapsWithDefaultMappers ( Sema S,
DSAStackTy *  Stack,
SmallVectorImpl< OMPClause * > &  Clauses 

Perform DFS through the structure/class data members trying to find member(s) with user-defined 'default' mapper and generate implicit map clauses for such members with the found 'default' mapper.

Definition at line 6042 of file SemaOpenMP.cpp.

◆ ProcessOpenMPDoacrossClauseCommon()

static DoacrossDataInfoTy ProcessOpenMPDoacrossClauseCommon ( Sema SemaRef,
bool  IsSource,
ArrayRef< Expr * >  VarList,
DSAStackTy *  Stack,
SourceLocation  EndLoc 

◆ rejectConstNotMutableType()

static bool rejectConstNotMutableType ( Sema SemaRef,
const ValueDecl D,
QualType  Type,
OpenMPClauseKind  CKind,
SourceLocation  ELoc,
bool  AcceptIfMutable = true,
bool  ListItemNotVar = false 

◆ reportOriginalDsa()

static void reportOriginalDsa ( Sema SemaRef,
const DSAStackTy *  Stack,
const ValueDecl D,
const DSAStackTy::DSAVarData &  DVar,
bool  IsLoopIterVar = false 

◆ setPrototype()

static void setPrototype ( Sema S,
FunctionDecl FD,
FunctionDecl FDWithProto,
QualType  NewType 

Definition at line 7350 of file SemaOpenMP.cpp.

◆ teamsLoopCanBeParallelFor()

static bool teamsLoopCanBeParallelFor ( Stmt AStmt,
Sema SemaRef 

◆ widenIterationCount()

static ExprResult widenIterationCount ( unsigned  Bits,
Expr E,
Sema SemaRef 

Convert integer expression E to make it have at least Bits bits.

Definition at line 9784 of file SemaOpenMP.cpp.

References clang::Sema::AA_Converting, clang::Sema::Context, clang::ExprError(), clang::Expr::getType(), and clang::Sema::PerformImplicitConversion().