clang  19.0.0git
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //===--- ARCMT.cpp - Migration to ARC mode --------------------------------===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
10 #include "Internals.h"
11 #include "clang/AST/ASTConsumer.h"
13 #include "clang/Frontend/ASTUnit.h"
17 #include "clang/Frontend/Utils.h"
18 #include "clang/Lex/Preprocessor.h"
23 #include "llvm/Support/MemoryBuffer.h"
24 #include "llvm/TargetParser/Triple.h"
25 #include <utility>
26 using namespace clang;
27 using namespace arcmt;
31  if (range.isInvalid())
32  return false;
34  bool cleared = false;
35  ListTy::iterator I = List.begin();
36  while (I != List.end()) {
37  FullSourceLoc diagLoc = I->getLocation();
38  if ((IDs.empty() || // empty means clear all diagnostics in the range.
39  llvm::is_contained(IDs, I->getID())) &&
40  !diagLoc.isBeforeInTranslationUnitThan(range.getBegin()) &&
41  (diagLoc == range.getEnd() ||
42  diagLoc.isBeforeInTranslationUnitThan(range.getEnd()))) {
43  cleared = true;
44  ListTy::iterator eraseS = I++;
45  if (eraseS->getLevel() != DiagnosticsEngine::Note)
46  while (I != List.end() && I->getLevel() == DiagnosticsEngine::Note)
47  ++I;
48  // Clear the diagnostic and any notes following it.
49  I = List.erase(eraseS, I);
50  continue;
51  }
53  ++I;
54  }
56  return cleared;
57 }
60  SourceRange range) const {
61  if (range.isInvalid())
62  return false;
64  ListTy::const_iterator I = List.begin();
65  while (I != List.end()) {
66  FullSourceLoc diagLoc = I->getLocation();
67  if ((IDs.empty() || // empty means any diagnostic in the range.
68  llvm::is_contained(IDs, I->getID())) &&
69  !diagLoc.isBeforeInTranslationUnitThan(range.getBegin()) &&
70  (diagLoc == range.getEnd() ||
71  diagLoc.isBeforeInTranslationUnitThan(range.getEnd()))) {
72  return true;
73  }
75  ++I;
76  }
78  return false;
79 }
82  for (ListTy::const_iterator I = List.begin(), E = List.end(); I != E; ++I)
83  Diags.Report(*I);
84 }
87  for (ListTy::const_iterator I = List.begin(), E = List.end(); I != E; ++I)
88  if (I->getLevel() >= DiagnosticsEngine::Error)
89  return true;
91  return false;
92 }
94 namespace {
96 class CaptureDiagnosticConsumer : public DiagnosticConsumer {
97  DiagnosticsEngine &Diags;
98  DiagnosticConsumer &DiagClient;
99  CapturedDiagList &CapturedDiags;
100  bool HasBegunSourceFile;
101 public:
102  CaptureDiagnosticConsumer(DiagnosticsEngine &diags,
103  DiagnosticConsumer &client,
104  CapturedDiagList &capturedDiags)
105  : Diags(diags), DiagClient(client), CapturedDiags(capturedDiags),
106  HasBegunSourceFile(false) { }
108  void BeginSourceFile(const LangOptions &Opts,
109  const Preprocessor *PP) override {
110  // Pass BeginSourceFile message onto DiagClient on first call.
111  // The corresponding EndSourceFile call will be made from an
112  // explicit call to FinishCapture.
113  if (!HasBegunSourceFile) {
114  DiagClient.BeginSourceFile(Opts, PP);
115  HasBegunSourceFile = true;
116  }
117  }
119  void FinishCapture() {
120  // Call EndSourceFile on DiagClient on completion of capture to
121  // enable VerifyDiagnosticConsumer to check diagnostics *after*
122  // it has received the diagnostic list.
123  if (HasBegunSourceFile) {
124  DiagClient.EndSourceFile();
125  HasBegunSourceFile = false;
126  }
127  }
129  ~CaptureDiagnosticConsumer() override {
130  assert(!HasBegunSourceFile && "FinishCapture not called!");
131  }
133  void HandleDiagnostic(DiagnosticsEngine::Level level,
134  const Diagnostic &Info) override {
136  level >= DiagnosticsEngine::Error || level == DiagnosticsEngine::Note) {
137  if (Info.getLocation().isValid())
138  CapturedDiags.push_back(StoredDiagnostic(level, Info));
139  return;
140  }
142  // Non-ARC warnings are ignored.
143  Diags.setLastDiagnosticIgnored(true);
144  }
145 };
147 } // end anonymous namespace
149 static bool HasARCRuntime(CompilerInvocation &origCI) {
150  // This duplicates some functionality from Darwin::AddDeploymentTarget
151  // but this function is well defined, so keep it decoupled from the driver
152  // and avoid unrelated complications.
153  llvm::Triple triple(origCI.getTargetOpts().Triple);
155  if (triple.isiOS())
156  return triple.getOSMajorVersion() >= 5;
158  if (triple.isWatchOS())
159  return true;
161  if (triple.getOS() == llvm::Triple::Darwin)
162  return triple.getOSMajorVersion() >= 11;
164  if (triple.getOS() == llvm::Triple::MacOSX) {
165  return triple.getOSVersion() >= VersionTuple(10, 7);
166  }
168  return false;
169 }
171 static CompilerInvocation *
173  const PCHContainerReader &PCHContainerRdr) {
174  std::unique_ptr<CompilerInvocation> CInvok;
175  CInvok.reset(new CompilerInvocation(origCI));
176  PreprocessorOptions &PPOpts = CInvok->getPreprocessorOpts();
177  if (!PPOpts.ImplicitPCHInclude.empty()) {
178  // We can't use a PCH because it was likely built in non-ARC mode and we
179  // want to parse in ARC. Include the original header.
180  FileManager FileMgr(origCI.getFileSystemOpts());
183  new DiagnosticsEngine(DiagID, &origCI.getDiagnosticOpts(),
184  new IgnoringDiagConsumer()));
185  std::string OriginalFile = ASTReader::getOriginalSourceFile(
186  PPOpts.ImplicitPCHInclude, FileMgr, PCHContainerRdr, *Diags);
187  if (!OriginalFile.empty())
188  PPOpts.Includes.insert(PPOpts.Includes.begin(), OriginalFile);
189  PPOpts.ImplicitPCHInclude.clear();
190  }
191  std::string define = std::string(getARCMTMacroName());
192  define += '=';
193  CInvok->getPreprocessorOpts().addMacroDef(define);
194  CInvok->getLangOpts().ObjCAutoRefCount = true;
195  CInvok->getLangOpts().setGC(LangOptions::NonGC);
196  CInvok->getDiagnosticOpts().ErrorLimit = 0;
197  CInvok->getDiagnosticOpts().PedanticErrors = 0;
199  // Ignore -Werror flags when migrating.
200  std::vector<std::string> WarnOpts;
201  for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator
202  I = CInvok->getDiagnosticOpts().Warnings.begin(),
203  E = CInvok->getDiagnosticOpts().Warnings.end(); I != E; ++I) {
204  if (!StringRef(*I).starts_with("error"))
205  WarnOpts.push_back(*I);
206  }
207  WarnOpts.push_back("error=arc-unsafe-retained-assign");
208  CInvok->getDiagnosticOpts().Warnings = std::move(WarnOpts);
210  CInvok->getLangOpts().ObjCWeakRuntime = HasARCRuntime(origCI);
211  CInvok->getLangOpts().ObjCWeak = CInvok->getLangOpts().ObjCWeakRuntime;
213  return CInvok.release();
214 }
216 static void emitPremigrationErrors(const CapturedDiagList &arcDiags,
217  DiagnosticOptions *diagOpts,
218  Preprocessor &PP) {
219  TextDiagnosticPrinter printer(llvm::errs(), diagOpts);
222  new DiagnosticsEngine(DiagID, diagOpts, &printer,
223  /*ShouldOwnClient=*/false));
224  Diags->setSourceManager(&PP.getSourceManager());
226  printer.BeginSourceFile(PP.getLangOpts(), &PP);
227  arcDiags.reportDiagnostics(*Diags);
228  printer.EndSourceFile();
229 }
231 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
232 // checkForManualIssues.
233 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
236  CompilerInvocation &origCI, const FrontendInputFile &Input,
237  std::shared_ptr<PCHContainerOperations> PCHContainerOps,
238  DiagnosticConsumer *DiagClient, bool emitPremigrationARCErrors,
239  StringRef plistOut) {
240  if (!origCI.getLangOpts().ObjC)
241  return false;
243  LangOptions::GCMode OrigGCMode = origCI.getLangOpts().getGC();
244  bool NoNSAllocReallocError = origCI.getMigratorOpts().NoNSAllocReallocError;
245  bool NoFinalizeRemoval = origCI.getMigratorOpts().NoFinalizeRemoval;
247  std::vector<TransformFn> transforms = arcmt::getAllTransformations(OrigGCMode,
248  NoFinalizeRemoval);
249  assert(!transforms.empty());
251  std::unique_ptr<CompilerInvocation> CInvok;
252  CInvok.reset(
253  createInvocationForMigration(origCI, PCHContainerOps->getRawReader()));
254  CInvok->getFrontendOpts().Inputs.clear();
255  CInvok->getFrontendOpts().Inputs.push_back(Input);
257  CapturedDiagList capturedDiags;
259  assert(DiagClient);
262  new DiagnosticsEngine(DiagID, &origCI.getDiagnosticOpts(),
263  DiagClient, /*ShouldOwnClient=*/false));
265  // Filter of all diagnostics.
266  CaptureDiagnosticConsumer errRec(*Diags, *DiagClient, capturedDiags);
267  Diags->setClient(&errRec, /*ShouldOwnClient=*/false);
269  std::unique_ptr<ASTUnit> Unit(ASTUnit::LoadFromCompilerInvocationAction(
270  std::move(CInvok), PCHContainerOps, Diags));
271  if (!Unit) {
272  errRec.FinishCapture();
273  return true;
274  }
276  // Don't filter diagnostics anymore.
277  Diags->setClient(DiagClient, /*ShouldOwnClient=*/false);
279  ASTContext &Ctx = Unit->getASTContext();
281  if (Diags->hasFatalErrorOccurred()) {
282  Diags->Reset();
283  DiagClient->BeginSourceFile(Ctx.getLangOpts(), &Unit->getPreprocessor());
284  capturedDiags.reportDiagnostics(*Diags);
285  DiagClient->EndSourceFile();
286  errRec.FinishCapture();
287  return true;
288  }
290  if (emitPremigrationARCErrors)
291  emitPremigrationErrors(capturedDiags, &origCI.getDiagnosticOpts(),
292  Unit->getPreprocessor());
293  if (!plistOut.empty()) {
296  I = capturedDiags.begin(), E = capturedDiags.end(); I != E; ++I)
297  arcDiags.push_back(*I);
298  writeARCDiagsToPlist(std::string(plistOut), arcDiags,
299  Ctx.getSourceManager(), Ctx.getLangOpts());
300  }
302  // After parsing of source files ended, we want to reuse the
303  // diagnostics objects to emit further diagnostics.
304  // We call BeginSourceFile because DiagnosticConsumer requires that
305  // diagnostics with source range information are emitted only in between
306  // BeginSourceFile() and EndSourceFile().
307  DiagClient->BeginSourceFile(Ctx.getLangOpts(), &Unit->getPreprocessor());
309  // No macros will be added since we are just checking and we won't modify
310  // source code.
311  std::vector<SourceLocation> ARCMTMacroLocs;
313  TransformActions testAct(*Diags, capturedDiags, Ctx, Unit->getPreprocessor());
314  MigrationPass pass(Ctx, OrigGCMode, Unit->getSema(), testAct, capturedDiags,
315  ARCMTMacroLocs);
316  pass.setNoFinalizeRemoval(NoFinalizeRemoval);
317  if (!NoNSAllocReallocError)
318  Diags->setSeverity(diag::warn_arcmt_nsalloc_realloc, diag::Severity::Error,
319  SourceLocation());
321  for (unsigned i=0, e = transforms.size(); i != e; ++i)
322  transforms[i](pass);
324  capturedDiags.reportDiagnostics(*Diags);
326  DiagClient->EndSourceFile();
327  errRec.FinishCapture();
329  return capturedDiags.hasErrors() || testAct.hasReportedErrors();
330 }
332 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
333 // applyTransformations.
334 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
336 static bool
338  std::shared_ptr<PCHContainerOperations> PCHContainerOps,
339  DiagnosticConsumer *DiagClient, StringRef outputDir,
340  bool emitPremigrationARCErrors, StringRef plistOut) {
341  if (!origCI.getLangOpts().ObjC)
342  return false;
344  LangOptions::GCMode OrigGCMode = origCI.getLangOpts().getGC();
346  // Make sure checking is successful first.
347  CompilerInvocation CInvokForCheck(origCI);
348  if (arcmt::checkForManualIssues(CInvokForCheck, Input, PCHContainerOps,
349  DiagClient, emitPremigrationARCErrors,
350  plistOut))
351  return true;
353  CompilerInvocation CInvok(origCI);
354  CInvok.getFrontendOpts().Inputs.clear();
355  CInvok.getFrontendOpts().Inputs.push_back(Input);
357  MigrationProcess migration(CInvok, PCHContainerOps, DiagClient, outputDir);
358  bool NoFinalizeRemoval = origCI.getMigratorOpts().NoFinalizeRemoval;
360  std::vector<TransformFn> transforms = arcmt::getAllTransformations(OrigGCMode,
361  NoFinalizeRemoval);
362  assert(!transforms.empty());
364  for (unsigned i=0, e = transforms.size(); i != e; ++i) {
365  bool err = migration.applyTransform(transforms[i]);
366  if (err) return true;
367  }
371  new DiagnosticsEngine(DiagID, &origCI.getDiagnosticOpts(),
372  DiagClient, /*ShouldOwnClient=*/false));
374  if (outputDir.empty()) {
375  origCI.getLangOpts().ObjCAutoRefCount = true;
376  return migration.getRemapper().overwriteOriginal(*Diags);
377  } else {
378  return migration.getRemapper().flushToDisk(outputDir, *Diags);
379  }
380 }
383  CompilerInvocation &origCI, const FrontendInputFile &Input,
384  std::shared_ptr<PCHContainerOperations> PCHContainerOps,
385  DiagnosticConsumer *DiagClient) {
386  return applyTransforms(origCI, Input, PCHContainerOps, DiagClient,
387  StringRef(), false, StringRef());
388 }
391  CompilerInvocation &origCI, const FrontendInputFile &Input,
392  std::shared_ptr<PCHContainerOperations> PCHContainerOps,
393  DiagnosticConsumer *DiagClient, StringRef outputDir,
394  bool emitPremigrationARCErrors, StringRef plistOut) {
395  assert(!outputDir.empty() && "Expected output directory path");
396  return applyTransforms(origCI, Input, PCHContainerOps, DiagClient, outputDir,
397  emitPremigrationARCErrors, plistOut);
398 }
400 bool arcmt::getFileRemappings(std::vector<std::pair<std::string,std::string> > &
401  remap,
402  StringRef outputDir,
403  DiagnosticConsumer *DiagClient) {
404  assert(!outputDir.empty());
408  new DiagnosticsEngine(DiagID, new DiagnosticOptions,
409  DiagClient, /*ShouldOwnClient=*/false));
411  FileRemapper remapper;
412  bool err = remapper.initFromDisk(outputDir, *Diags,
413  /*ignoreIfFilesChanged=*/true);
414  if (err)
415  return true;
417  remapper.forEachMapping(
418  [&](StringRef From, StringRef To) {
419  remap.push_back(std::make_pair(From.str(), To.str()));
420  },
421  [](StringRef, const llvm::MemoryBufferRef &) {});
423  return false;
424 }
427 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
428 // CollectTransformActions.
429 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
431 namespace {
433 class ARCMTMacroTrackerPPCallbacks : public PPCallbacks {
434  std::vector<SourceLocation> &ARCMTMacroLocs;
436 public:
437  ARCMTMacroTrackerPPCallbacks(std::vector<SourceLocation> &ARCMTMacroLocs)
438  : ARCMTMacroLocs(ARCMTMacroLocs) { }
440  void MacroExpands(const Token &MacroNameTok, const MacroDefinition &MD,
441  SourceRange Range, const MacroArgs *Args) override {
442  if (MacroNameTok.getIdentifierInfo()->getName() == getARCMTMacroName())
443  ARCMTMacroLocs.push_back(MacroNameTok.getLocation());
444  }
445 };
447 class ARCMTMacroTrackerAction : public ASTFrontendAction {
448  std::vector<SourceLocation> &ARCMTMacroLocs;
450 public:
451  ARCMTMacroTrackerAction(std::vector<SourceLocation> &ARCMTMacroLocs)
452  : ARCMTMacroLocs(ARCMTMacroLocs) { }
454  std::unique_ptr<ASTConsumer> CreateASTConsumer(CompilerInstance &CI,
455  StringRef InFile) override {
457  std::make_unique<ARCMTMacroTrackerPPCallbacks>(ARCMTMacroLocs));
458  return std::make_unique<ASTConsumer>();
459  }
460 };
462 class RewritesApplicator : public TransformActions::RewriteReceiver {
463  Rewriter &rewriter;
466 public:
467  RewritesApplicator(Rewriter &rewriter, ASTContext &ctx,
469  : rewriter(rewriter), Listener(listener) {
470  if (Listener)
471  Listener->start(ctx);
472  }
473  ~RewritesApplicator() override {
474  if (Listener)
475  Listener->finish();
476  }
478  void insert(SourceLocation loc, StringRef text) override {
479  bool err = rewriter.InsertText(loc, text, /*InsertAfter=*/true,
480  /*indentNewLines=*/true);
481  if (!err && Listener)
482  Listener->insert(loc, text);
483  }
485  void remove(CharSourceRange range) override {
486  Rewriter::RewriteOptions removeOpts;
487  removeOpts.IncludeInsertsAtBeginOfRange = false;
488  removeOpts.IncludeInsertsAtEndOfRange = false;
489  removeOpts.RemoveLineIfEmpty = true;
491  bool err = rewriter.RemoveText(range, removeOpts);
492  if (!err && Listener)
493  Listener->remove(range);
494  }
496  void increaseIndentation(CharSourceRange range,
497  SourceLocation parentIndent) override {
498  rewriter.IncreaseIndentation(range, parentIndent);
499  }
500 };
502 } // end anonymous namespace.
504 /// Anchor for VTable.
508  CompilerInvocation &CI,
509  std::shared_ptr<PCHContainerOperations> PCHContainerOps,
510  DiagnosticConsumer *diagClient, StringRef outputDir)
511  : OrigCI(CI), PCHContainerOps(std::move(PCHContainerOps)),
512  DiagClient(diagClient), HadARCErrors(false) {
513  if (!outputDir.empty()) {
516  new DiagnosticsEngine(DiagID, &CI.getDiagnosticOpts(),
517  DiagClient, /*ShouldOwnClient=*/false));
518  Remapper.initFromDisk(outputDir, *Diags, /*ignoreIfFilesChanged=*/true);
519  }
520 }
523  RewriteListener *listener) {
524  std::unique_ptr<CompilerInvocation> CInvok;
525  CInvok.reset(
526  createInvocationForMigration(OrigCI, PCHContainerOps->getRawReader()));
527  CInvok->getDiagnosticOpts().IgnoreWarnings = true;
529  Remapper.applyMappings(CInvok->getPreprocessorOpts());
531  CapturedDiagList capturedDiags;
532  std::vector<SourceLocation> ARCMTMacroLocs;
534  assert(DiagClient);
537  new DiagnosticsEngine(DiagID, new DiagnosticOptions,
538  DiagClient, /*ShouldOwnClient=*/false));
540  // Filter of all diagnostics.
541  CaptureDiagnosticConsumer errRec(*Diags, *DiagClient, capturedDiags);
542  Diags->setClient(&errRec, /*ShouldOwnClient=*/false);
544  std::unique_ptr<ARCMTMacroTrackerAction> ASTAction;
545  ASTAction.reset(new ARCMTMacroTrackerAction(ARCMTMacroLocs));
547  std::unique_ptr<ASTUnit> Unit(ASTUnit::LoadFromCompilerInvocationAction(
548  std::move(CInvok), PCHContainerOps, Diags, ASTAction.get()));
549  if (!Unit) {
550  errRec.FinishCapture();
551  return true;
552  }
553  Unit->setOwnsRemappedFileBuffers(false); // FileRemapper manages that.
555  HadARCErrors = HadARCErrors || capturedDiags.hasErrors();
557  // Don't filter diagnostics anymore.
558  Diags->setClient(DiagClient, /*ShouldOwnClient=*/false);
560  ASTContext &Ctx = Unit->getASTContext();
562  if (Diags->hasFatalErrorOccurred()) {
563  Diags->Reset();
564  DiagClient->BeginSourceFile(Ctx.getLangOpts(), &Unit->getPreprocessor());
565  capturedDiags.reportDiagnostics(*Diags);
566  DiagClient->EndSourceFile();
567  errRec.FinishCapture();
568  return true;
569  }
571  // After parsing of source files ended, we want to reuse the
572  // diagnostics objects to emit further diagnostics.
573  // We call BeginSourceFile because DiagnosticConsumer requires that
574  // diagnostics with source range information are emitted only in between
575  // BeginSourceFile() and EndSourceFile().
576  DiagClient->BeginSourceFile(Ctx.getLangOpts(), &Unit->getPreprocessor());
578  Rewriter rewriter(Ctx.getSourceManager(), Ctx.getLangOpts());
579  TransformActions TA(*Diags, capturedDiags, Ctx, Unit->getPreprocessor());
580  MigrationPass pass(Ctx, OrigCI.getLangOpts().getGC(),
581  Unit->getSema(), TA, capturedDiags, ARCMTMacroLocs);
583  trans(pass);
585  {
586  RewritesApplicator applicator(rewriter, Ctx, listener);
587  TA.applyRewrites(applicator);
588  }
590  DiagClient->EndSourceFile();
591  errRec.FinishCapture();
593  if (DiagClient->getNumErrors())
594  return true;
597  I = rewriter.buffer_begin(), E = rewriter.buffer_end(); I != E; ++I) {
598  FileID FID = I->first;
599  RewriteBuffer &buf = I->second;
600  OptionalFileEntryRef file =
602  assert(file);
603  std::string newFname = std::string(file->getName());
604  newFname += "-trans";
605  SmallString<512> newText;
606  llvm::raw_svector_ostream vecOS(newText);
607  buf.write(vecOS);
608  std::unique_ptr<llvm::MemoryBuffer> memBuf(
609  llvm::MemoryBuffer::getMemBufferCopy(newText.str(), newFname));
610  SmallString<64> filePath(file->getName());
611  Unit->getFileManager().FixupRelativePath(filePath);
612  Remapper.remap(filePath.str(), std::move(memBuf));
613  }
615  return false;
616 }
static void emitPremigrationErrors(const CapturedDiagList &arcDiags, DiagnosticOptions *diagOpts, Preprocessor &PP)
Definition: ARCMT.cpp:216
static bool applyTransforms(CompilerInvocation &origCI, const FrontendInputFile &Input, std::shared_ptr< PCHContainerOperations > PCHContainerOps, DiagnosticConsumer *DiagClient, StringRef outputDir, bool emitPremigrationARCErrors, StringRef plistOut)
Definition: ARCMT.cpp:337
static bool HasARCRuntime(CompilerInvocation &origCI)
Definition: ARCMT.cpp:149
static CompilerInvocation * createInvocationForMigration(CompilerInvocation &origCI, const PCHContainerReader &PCHContainerRdr)
Definition: ARCMT.cpp:172
Defines the clang::FrontendAction interface and various convenience abstract classes (clang::ASTFront...
Defines the clang::Preprocessor interface.
Holds long-lived AST nodes (such as types and decls) that can be referred to throughout the semantic ...
Definition: ASTContext.h:185
SourceManager & getSourceManager()
Definition: ASTContext.h:708
const LangOptions & getLangOpts() const
Definition: ASTContext.h:778
Abstract base class to use for AST consumer-based frontend actions.
StringRef getOriginalSourceFile()
Retrieve the name of the original source file name for the primary module file.
Definition: ASTReader.h:1781
static ASTUnit * LoadFromCompilerInvocationAction(std::shared_ptr< CompilerInvocation > CI, std::shared_ptr< PCHContainerOperations > PCHContainerOps, IntrusiveRefCntPtr< DiagnosticsEngine > Diags, FrontendAction *Action=nullptr, ASTUnit *Unit=nullptr, bool Persistent=true, StringRef ResourceFilesPath=StringRef(), bool OnlyLocalDecls=false, CaptureDiagsKind CaptureDiagnostics=CaptureDiagsKind::None, unsigned PrecompilePreambleAfterNParses=0, bool CacheCodeCompletionResults=false, bool UserFilesAreVolatile=false, std::unique_ptr< ASTUnit > *ErrAST=nullptr)
Create an ASTUnit from a source file, via a CompilerInvocation object, by invoking the optionally pro...
Definition: ASTUnit.cpp:1550
Represents a character-granular source range.
CompilerInstance - Helper class for managing a single instance of the Clang compiler.
Preprocessor & getPreprocessor() const
Return the current preprocessor.
Helper class for holding the data necessary to invoke the compiler.
MigratorOptions & getMigratorOpts()
DiagnosticOptions & getDiagnosticOpts()
FileSystemOptions & getFileSystemOpts()
TargetOptions & getTargetOpts()
LangOptions & getLangOpts()
Mutable getters.
FrontendOptions & getFrontendOpts()
Abstract interface, implemented by clients of the front-end, which formats and prints fully processed...
Definition: Diagnostic.h:1751
virtual void EndSourceFile()
Callback to inform the diagnostic client that processing of a source file has ended.
Definition: Diagnostic.h:1783
unsigned getNumErrors() const
Definition: Diagnostic.h:1760
virtual void BeginSourceFile(const LangOptions &LangOpts, const Preprocessor *PP=nullptr)
Callback to inform the diagnostic client that processing of a source file is beginning.
Definition: Diagnostic.h:1775
Used for handling and querying diagnostic IDs.
static bool isARCDiagnostic(unsigned DiagID)
Return true if a given diagnostic falls into an ARC diagnostic category.
Options for controlling the compiler diagnostics engine.
A little helper class (which is basically a smart pointer that forwards info from DiagnosticsEngine) ...
Definition: Diagnostic.h:1577
unsigned getID() const
Definition: Diagnostic.h:1587
const SourceLocation & getLocation() const
Definition: Diagnostic.h:1588
Concrete class used by the front-end to report problems and issues.
Definition: Diagnostic.h:193
DiagnosticBuilder Report(SourceLocation Loc, unsigned DiagID)
Issue the message to the client.
Definition: Diagnostic.h:1553
void setLastDiagnosticIgnored(bool Ignored)
Pretend that the last diagnostic issued was ignored, so any subsequent notes will be suppressed,...
Definition: Diagnostic.h:767
The level of the diagnostic, after it has been through mapping.
Definition: Diagnostic.h:196
StringRef getName() const
The name of this FileEntry.
Definition: FileEntry.h:61
An opaque identifier used by SourceManager which refers to a source file (MemoryBuffer) along with it...
Implements support for file system lookup, file system caching, and directory search management.
Definition: FileManager.h:53
An input file for the front end.
SmallVector< FrontendInputFile, 0 > Inputs
The input files and their types.
A SourceLocation and its associated SourceManager.
bool isBeforeInTranslationUnitThan(SourceLocation Loc) const
Determines the order of 2 source locations in the translation unit.
StringRef getName() const
Return the actual identifier string.
A diagnostic client that ignores all diagnostics.
Definition: Diagnostic.h:1806
Keeps track of the various options that can be enabled, which controls the dialect of C or C++ that i...
Definition: LangOptions.h:482
MacroArgs - An instance of this class captures information about the formal arguments specified to a ...
Definition: MacroArgs.h:30
A description of the current definition of a macro.
Definition: MacroInfo.h:590
This abstract interface provides operations for unwrapping containers for serialized ASTs (precompile...
This interface provides a way to observe the actions of the preprocessor as it does its thing.
Definition: PPCallbacks.h:35
PreprocessorOptions - This class is used for passing the various options used in preprocessor initial...
std::vector< std::string > Includes
std::string ImplicitPCHInclude
The implicit PCH included at the start of the translation unit, or empty.
Engages in a tight little dance with the lexer to efficiently preprocess tokens.
Definition: Preprocessor.h:128
SourceManager & getSourceManager() const
void addPPCallbacks(std::unique_ptr< PPCallbacks > C)
const LangOptions & getLangOpts() const
RewriteBuffer - As code is rewritten, SourceBuffer's from the original input with modifications get a...
Definition: RewriteBuffer.h:25
raw_ostream & write(raw_ostream &Stream) const
Write to Stream the result of applying all changes to the original buffer.
Definition: Rewriter.cpp:33
Rewriter - This is the main interface to the rewrite buffers.
Definition: Rewriter.h:32
bool InsertText(SourceLocation Loc, StringRef Str, bool InsertAfter=true, bool indentNewLines=false)
InsertText - Insert the specified string at the specified location in the original buffer.
Definition: Rewriter.cpp:252
bool RemoveText(SourceLocation Start, unsigned Length, RewriteOptions opts=RewriteOptions())
RemoveText - Remove the specified text region.
Definition: Rewriter.cpp:305
buffer_iterator buffer_end()
Definition: Rewriter.h:206
buffer_iterator buffer_begin()
Definition: Rewriter.h:205
std::map< FileID, RewriteBuffer >::iterator buffer_iterator
Definition: Rewriter.h:65
bool IncreaseIndentation(CharSourceRange range, SourceLocation parentIndent)
Increase indentation for the lines between the given source range.
Definition: Rewriter.cpp:341
Encodes a location in the source.
bool isValid() const
Return true if this is a valid SourceLocation object.
OptionalFileEntryRef getFileEntryRefForID(FileID FID) const
Returns the FileEntryRef for the provided FileID.
A trivial tuple used to represent a source range.
Represents a diagnostic in a form that can be retained until its corresponding source manager is dest...
Definition: Diagnostic.h:1701
std::string Triple
The name of the target triple to compile for.
Definition: TargetOptions.h:29
void BeginSourceFile(const LangOptions &LO, const Preprocessor *PP) override
Callback to inform the diagnostic client that processing of a source file is beginning.
void EndSourceFile() override
Callback to inform the diagnostic client that processing of a source file has ended.
Token - This structure provides full information about a lexed token.
Definition: Token.h:36
SourceLocation getLocation() const
Return a source location identifier for the specified offset in the current file.
Definition: Token.h:132
IdentifierInfo * getIdentifierInfo() const
Definition: Token.h:187
bool clearDiagnostic(ArrayRef< unsigned > IDs, SourceRange range)
Definition: ARCMT.cpp:29
void push_back(const StoredDiagnostic &diag)
Definition: Internals.h:31
bool hasDiagnostic(ArrayRef< unsigned > IDs, SourceRange range) const
Definition: ARCMT.cpp:59
iterator begin() const
Definition: Internals.h:41
ListTy::const_iterator iterator
Definition: Internals.h:40
void reportDiagnostics(DiagnosticsEngine &diags) const
Definition: ARCMT.cpp:81
void forEachMapping(llvm::function_ref< void(StringRef, StringRef)> CaptureFile, llvm::function_ref< void(StringRef, const llvm::MemoryBufferRef &)> CaptureBuffer) const
Iterate through all the mappings.
bool flushToDisk(StringRef outputDir, DiagnosticsEngine &Diag)
void remap(StringRef filePath, std::unique_ptr< llvm::MemoryBuffer > memBuf)
void applyMappings(PreprocessorOptions &PPOpts) const
bool initFromDisk(StringRef outputDir, DiagnosticsEngine &Diag, bool ignoreIfFilesChanged)
bool overwriteOriginal(DiagnosticsEngine &Diag, StringRef outputDir=StringRef())
void setNoFinalizeRemoval(bool val)
Definition: Internals.h:167
virtual void start(ASTContext &Ctx)
Definition: ARCMT.h:114
virtual void remove(CharSourceRange range)
Definition: ARCMT.h:118
virtual ~RewriteListener()
Anchor for VTable.
Definition: ARCMT.cpp:505
virtual void insert(SourceLocation loc, StringRef text)
Definition: ARCMT.h:117
FileRemapper & getRemapper()
Definition: ARCMT.h:123
MigrationProcess(CompilerInvocation &CI, std::shared_ptr< PCHContainerOperations > PCHContainerOps, DiagnosticConsumer *diagClient, StringRef outputDir=StringRef())
Definition: ARCMT.cpp:507
bool applyTransform(TransformFn trans, RewriteListener *listener=nullptr)
Definition: ARCMT.cpp:522
void applyRewrites(RewriteReceiver &receiver)
bool getFileRemappings(std::vector< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > &remap, StringRef outputDir, DiagnosticConsumer *DiagClient)
Get the set of file remappings from the outputDir path that migrateWithTemporaryFiles produced.
Definition: ARCMT.cpp:400
static StringRef getARCMTMacroName()
Definition: Internals.h:172
std::vector< TransformFn > getAllTransformations(LangOptions::GCMode OrigGCMode, bool NoFinalizeRemoval)
Definition: Transforms.cpp:582
void writeARCDiagsToPlist(const std::string &outPath, ArrayRef< StoredDiagnostic > diags, SourceManager &SM, const LangOptions &LangOpts)
bool migrateWithTemporaryFiles(CompilerInvocation &origCI, const FrontendInputFile &Input, std::shared_ptr< PCHContainerOperations > PCHContainerOps, DiagnosticConsumer *DiagClient, StringRef outputDir, bool emitPremigrationARCErrors, StringRef plistOut)
Applies automatic modifications and produces temporary files and metadata into the outputDir path.
Definition: ARCMT.cpp:390
void(* TransformFn)(MigrationPass &pass)
Definition: ARCMT.h:91
bool applyTransformations(CompilerInvocation &origCI, const FrontendInputFile &Input, std::shared_ptr< PCHContainerOperations > PCHContainerOps, DiagnosticConsumer *DiagClient)
Works similar to checkForManualIssues but instead of checking, it applies automatic modifications to ...
Definition: ARCMT.cpp:382
bool checkForManualIssues(CompilerInvocation &CI, const FrontendInputFile &Input, std::shared_ptr< PCHContainerOperations > PCHContainerOps, DiagnosticConsumer *DiagClient, bool emitPremigrationARCErrors=false, StringRef plistOut=StringRef())
Creates an AST with the provided CompilerInvocation but with these changes: -if a PCH/PTH is set,...
Definition: ARCMT.cpp:235
@ Error
Present this diagnostic as an error.
RangeSelector range(RangeSelector Begin, RangeSelector End)
DEPRECATED. Use enclose.
Definition: RangeSelector.h:41
ASTEdit remove(RangeSelector S)
Removes the source selected by S.
The JSON file list parser is used to communicate input to InstallAPI.
Definition: Format.h:5433
#define false
Definition: stdbool.h:26
bool IncludeInsertsAtBeginOfRange
Given a source range, true to include previous inserts at the beginning of the range as part of the r...
Definition: Rewriter.h:41
bool IncludeInsertsAtEndOfRange
Given a source range, true to include previous inserts at the end of the range as part of the range i...
Definition: Rewriter.h:45
bool RemoveLineIfEmpty
If true and removing some text leaves a blank line also remove the empty line (false by default).
Definition: Rewriter.h:60