Example Custom Stroking Shader

Example of using the shader-chaining interface to create a custom strok shader that applies an animated wave effect entirely within the shader.

Using the symbols documented in GLSL Built in Shaders, the implementation of the custom shader and data is given by

/* The data for the custom shader is a set of numbers followed
* by a fastuidraw::PainterStrokeParams object.
class ExampleItemData:public fastuidraw::PainterItemShaderData
/* This function is what FastUIDraw calls to pack data for
* the shader to read. In this example we pack first the data
* to implement the wavy effect followed by the the data of
* a fastuidraw::PainterStrokeParams object.
float sum(0.0f);
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
sum += fastuidraw::t_abs(m_cos_coeffs[i]);
sum += fastuidraw::t_abs(m_sin_coeffs[i]);
dst[0] = fastuidraw::pack_vec4(m_cos_coeffs);
dst[1] = fastuidraw::pack_vec4(m_sin_coeffs);
dst[2].x() = fastuidraw::pack_float(m_domain_coeff);
dst[2].y() = fastuidraw::pack_float(1.0f / sum);
dst[2].z() = fastuidraw::pack_float(m_phase);
dst[2].w() = fastuidraw::pack_float(m_stroke_params.width());
/* This function is what FastUIDraw calls to know what is the
* size of the data to pack.
unsigned int
data_size(void) const override
return 3 + m_stroke_params.data_size();
/* The numbers to control the wavy effect */
float m_domain_coeff, m_phase;
/* the values specifying to the base-shader how to stroke */
/* We want to create a PainterItemShaderGLSL that has a dependee
* a PainterItemShaderGLSL that does the actual stroking. However,
* an item-shader can (but does not need to) have a coverage shader
* that is called first to draw to an auxiliary coverage buffer that
* the actual item shaders uses for a coverage value for shader-based
* anti-aliasing.
* Rather than duplicating the code, we will use template function to
* do the shader generation. However, the ctor of PainterItemShaderGLSL
* and PainterItemCoverageShaderGLSL are different in their argument
* lists, so we rely on C++ function overloading to call the ctor via
* a function between, call_ctor.
call_ctor(bool uses_discard,
unsigned int num_subshaders)
/* The first argument to PainterItemShaderGLSL is if the the item shader
* uses dicard. The GL/GLES backends of FastUIDraw seperate the item
* shaders that use and don't use discard from each other into seperate
* GL programs. This is done because shaders that have discard stop a
* GPU from performing a variety of optimiations (the biggest ones being
* early-depth-test and hierarchical occlusion.
unsigned int num_subshaders)
bool apply_wavy_effect)
return apply_wavy_effect || sh->uses_discard();
return false;
/* This beast of a function is used to generate the custom item and coverage shaders
* that apply a wavy effect to stroking. The stroking shaders of FastUIDraw's GL/GLES
* backends operate as follows:
* - the non-anti-aliased shader does not have a PainterItemCoverageShader. Thus
* the fragment shader of the non-anti-aliased shader is the one that performs
* any possible stroking computation.
* - the anti-aliased shader has a coverage shader. The coverage shader is the
* shader that performs the diffucult computation (in the case of arc-stroking
* or dashed stroking) of if a fragment is covered and if so, what it the coverage.
* The item shader simply reads from the coverage buffer and emits the value.
* Hence, in the anti-aliased case, the item shader does NOT apply the wavy effect,
* but the coverage shader does. However, both read from the shader data and we
* placed teh wavy effect values before the stroking parameters, thus we still
* need a custom shader to place the shader data read location at the correct
* location for the base shader to read.
template<typename T>
create_custom_shader(const fastuidraw::reference_counted_ptr<T> &stroking_shader,
bool add_wavy_effect)
using namespace fastuidraw;
using namespace fastuidraw::glsl;
/* Add the dependency of the base stroking shader and refer to as
* stroke_shader in the custom item shader.
typename T::DependencyList deps;
deps.add_shader("stroke_shader", stroking_shader);
/* The custom vertex shader is essentially just a pass through to
* the vertex shader of the stroking shader, except that is needs
* to adjust the shader_data_block to where the stroking parameters
* start.
* The signature for the vertex-shaders for PainterItemShaderGLSL and
* PainterItemCoverageShaderGLSL is different in the argument list.
* FastUIDraw will define the symbol FASTUIDRAW_RENDER_TO_COLOR_BUFFER
* for non-coverage shaders. This way, an application can share more
* shader code internally more easily and we take advantage of that
* here.
const char *custom_vert_shader =
"fastuidraw_gl_vert_main(in uint sub_shader,\n"
" in uvec4 in_attrib0,\n"
" in uvec4 in_attrib1,\n"
" in uvec4 in_attrib2,\n"
" inout uint shader_data_block,\n"
" out int z_add,\n"
" out vec2 out_brush_p,\n"
" #endif\n"
" out vec3 out_clip_p)\n"
" shader_data_block += 3u;\n"
" stroke_shader(sub_shader, in_attrib0, in_attrib1, in_attrib2,\n"
" shader_data_block,\n"
" z_add, out_brush_p,\n"
" #endif\n"
" out_clip_p);\n"
/* This is the fragment shader that applies to wave-effect to the stroking.
* Similair to the vertex shader, the signatures for the fragment shader
* for PainterItemShaderGLSL and PainterItemCoverageShaderGLSL are different
* (the former returning a vec4 color value and the latter just a scalar float
* coverage value). Again, we test for the symbol FASTUIDRAW_RENDER_TO_COLOR_BUFFER
* to know if we are doing a PainterItemShaderGLSL or PainterItemCoverageShaderGLSL.
const char *custom_wavy_frag_shader =
"#define return_type vec4\n"
"#define return_type float\n"
"fastuidraw_gl_frag_main(in uint sub_shader,\n"
" inout uint shader_data_block)\n"
" vec4 cos_coeffs, sin_coeffs;\n"
" uvec4 tmp;\n"
" float coeff, inverse_sum, phase, width;\n"
" return_type return_value;\n"
" cos_coeffs = uintBitsToFloat(fastuidraw_fetch_data(shader_data_block));\n"
" sin_coeffs = uintBitsToFloat(fastuidraw_fetch_data(shader_data_block + 1u));\n"
" tmp = fastuidraw_fetch_data(shader_data_block + 2u);\n"
" coeff = uintBitsToFloat(tmp.x);\n"
" inverse_sum = uintBitsToFloat(tmp.y);\n"
" phase = uintBitsToFloat(tmp.z);\n"
" width = uintBitsToFloat(tmp.w);\n"
" shader_data_block += 3u;\n"
" return_value = stroke_shader(sub_shader, shader_data_block);\n"
// use the symbols fastuidraw_stroking_relative_distance_from_center
// and fastuidraw_stroking_distance to know where and how far the fragment
// is from the path and how far along it is on the path
" float a, r;\n"
" vec4 cos_tuple, sin_tuple;\n"
" r = coeff * stroke_shader::fastuidraw_stroking_distance + phase;\n"
" cos_tuple = vec4(cos(r), cos(2.0 * r), cos(3.0 * r), cos(4.0 * r));\n"
" sin_tuple = vec4(sin(r), sin(2.0 * r), sin(3.0 * r), sin(4.0 * r));\n"
" a = inverse_sum * (dot(cos_coeffs, cos_tuple) + dot(sin_coeffs, sin_tuple));\n"
" a = abs(a);\n"
" if (a < stroke_shader::fastuidraw_stroking_relative_distance_from_center)\n"
" float q, dd;\n"
// we want a coverage value so that if a < stroke_shader::fastuidraw_stroking_relative_distance_from_center
// then we get zero, but we want to apply some anti-aliasing as well.
" q = max(a - stroke_shader::fastuidraw_stroking_relative_distance_from_center, 0.0);\n"
" dd = max(q, stroke_shader::fastuidraw_stroking_relative_distance_from_center_fwidth);\n"
" return_value *= q / dd;\n"
" return return_value;\n"
"#undef return_type\n";
/* This shader string is used if the fragment shader does not apply the wavy effect
* and just needs to pass down to the stroking shader's fragment shader. As for the
* vertex shader case, its main purpose then is to just update the location of
* the shader data to where the stroking parameters start.
const char *custom_pass_through_frag_shader =
"fastuidraw_gl_frag_main(in uint sub_shader,\n"
" inout uint shader_data_block)\n"
" shader_data_block += 3u;"
" return stroke_shader(sub_shader, shader_data_block);\n"
const char *custom_frag_shader;
custom_frag_shader = (add_wavy_effect) ?
return call_ctor(uses_discard(stroking_shader, add_wavy_effect),
ShaderSource().add_source(custom_vert_shader, ShaderSource::from_string),
ShaderSource().add_source(custom_frag_shader, ShaderSource::from_string),
/* The next block of code is essentially ugly boilerplate code to handle
* the that item shaders of a fastuidraw::PainterStrokeShader are realized
* as sub-shaders of a parent shader and we wish to follow the that
* structure.
template<typename T>
class CustomShaderGenerator:fastuidraw::noncopyable
typedef std::map<shader_ref, shader_ref> shader_map;
fetch_generate_custom_shader(const shader_ref &src, bool add_wavy_effect)
typename shader_map::iterator iter;
shader_ref return_value;
iter = m_shaders.find(src);
if (iter != m_shaders.end())
return_value = iter->second;
return_value = create_custom_shader<T>(src, add_wavy_effect);
m_shaders[src] = return_value;
return return_value;
shader_map m_shaders;
/* Finally, the code that generates the item shader from a base shader.
* The arguments item_shaders and cvg_shaders are for re-using parent
* shaders if the passed source shader, src, is a sub-shader.
generate_item_shader(CustomShaderGenerator<fastuidraw::glsl::PainterItemShaderGLSL> &item_shaders,
CustomShaderGenerator<fastuidraw::glsl::PainterItemCoverageShaderGLSL> &cvg_shaders,
using namespace fastuidraw;
using namespace glsl;
/* Get the actual item shader that implements the code. If a shader
* is realized as a sub-shader, then parent() will be a non-null
* reference to the shader that implements the code (which then for
* the GL and GLES backends is then a PainterItemShaderGLSL).
if (src->parent())
src_glsl = src->parent().dynamic_cast_ptr<PainterItemShaderGLSL>();
/* Check if the item-shader uses a coverage shader, if it does, then
* it is the coverage shader that implements the wavy-effect.
src_cvg = src->coverage_shader();
if (src_cvg)
if (src_cvg->parent())
src_cvg_glsl = src_cvg->parent().dynamic_cast_ptr<PainterItemCoverageShaderGLSL>();
/* the coverage shader does the pixel coverage */
use_cvg = cvg_shaders.fetch_generate_custom_shader(src_cvg_glsl, true);
use = item_shaders.fetch_generate_custom_shader(src_glsl, false);
/* use correct sub-shader from use_cvg */
use_cvg = FASTUIDRAWnew PainterItemCoverageShader(use_cvg, src_cvg->sub_shader());
/* Fragment's item shader does the pixel computation */
use = item_shaders.fetch_generate_custom_shader(src_glsl, true);
return FASTUIDRAWnew PainterItemShader(use, src->sub_shader(), use_cvg);
/* A PainterStrokeShader consists of 4 items shaders. There is a stroking
* methods of how to stroke (see Painter::stroking_method_t) and if shader
* based anti-aliasing is appled (see PainterStrokeShader::shader_type_t).
* This function is just a conveniance function to make typing less awful.
CustomShaderGenerator<fastuidraw::glsl::PainterItemShaderGLSL> &item_shaders,
CustomShaderGenerator<fastuidraw::glsl::PainterItemCoverageShaderGLSL> &cvg_shaders,
src_shader = src.shader(tp, sh);
new_shader = generate_item_shader(item_shaders, cvg_shaders, src_shader);
dst.shader(tp, sh, new_shader);
/* Attached to a PainterStrokeShader is also a StrokingDataSelectorBase
* that FastUIDraw uses to realize how much the path geometry is inflated
* on stroking. These objects use the -packed- data of the PainterItemShaderData
* to compute this. Since the stroking data starts after the wavy-effect data,
* we need to have a StrokingDataSelectorBase that takes this into account
* before passing the data to the "real" StrokingDataSelectorBase object.
class CustomStrokingDataSelector:public fastuidraw::StrokingDataSelectorBase
float path_magnification,
float curve_flatness) const override
return m_base->compute_thresh(data.sub_array(3),
fastuidraw::c_array<float> out_values) const override
m_base->stroking_distances(data.sub_array(3), out_values);
arc_stroking_possible(fastuidraw::c_array<const fastuidraw::uvec4 > data) const override
return m_base->arc_stroking_possible(data.sub_array(3));
data_compatible(fastuidraw::c_array<const fastuidraw::uvec4 > data) const override
return m_base->data_compatible(data.sub_array(3));
/* Finally, the actual function that generates the custom PainterStrokeShader.
* This function needs to assign each of the 4 different shaders of its return
* value correct, set the StrokingDataSelectorBase that matches with the shader
* data and also set meta-data that FastUIDraw uses.
generate_stroke_shader(const fastuidraw::PainterStrokeShader &src)
using namespace fastuidraw;
using namespace fastuidraw::glsl;
CustomShaderGenerator<PainterItemShaderGLSL> item_shaders;
CustomShaderGenerator<PainterItemCoverageShaderGLSL> cvg_shaders;
PainterStrokeShader return_value;
set_shader(return_value, item_shaders, cvg_shaders,
src, Painter::stroking_method_linear,
set_shader(return_value, item_shaders, cvg_shaders,
src, Painter::stroking_method_arc,
set_shader(return_value, item_shaders, cvg_shaders,
src, Painter::stroking_method_linear,
set_shader(return_value, item_shaders, cvg_shaders,
src, Painter::stroking_method_arc,
/* The meta-data, PainterStrokeShader::fastest_anti_aliased_stroking_method() and
* PainterStrokeShader::fastest_non_anti_aliased_stroking_method() is used by
* FastUIDraw to select what stroking method to use when passed the value
* PainterEnum::stroking_method_fastest.
.stroking_data_selector(FASTUIDRAWnew CustomStrokingDataSelector(src.stroking_data_selector()))
return return_value;

The implementation of using the custom stroking is given by

class ExampleCustomPathShading:public Initialization
ExampleCustomPathShading(DemoRunner *runner, int argc, char **argv);
draw_frame(void) override;
handle_event(const SDL_Event &ev) override;
fastuidraw::Rect m_path_bounds;
ExampleCustomPathShading(DemoRunner *runner, int argc, char **argv):
Initialization(runner, argc, argv)
/* In this example we build a complicated path using the
* operator<< overloads that fastuidraw::Path defines.
<< fastuidraw::vec2( 644, 134 )
<< fastuidraw::vec2( 544, 367 )
<< fastuidraw::vec2( 644, 367 )
<< fastuidraw::vec2( 744, 134 )
<< fastuidraw::vec2( 300, 0 )
<< fastuidraw::vec2( 500, 100 )
<< fastuidraw::vec2( 90, 120 )
<< fastuidraw::vec2( -40, 160 )
<< fastuidraw::vec2( 59, -209 )
<< fastuidraw::vec2( 519, -209 )
<< fastuidraw::vec2( 519, 9 )
<< fastuidraw::vec2( 344, 134 )
<< fastuidraw::vec2( 244, 367 )
<< fastuidraw::vec2( 344, 367 )
<< fastuidraw::vec2( 444, 134 )
<< fastuidraw::vec2( 544, 134 )
<< fastuidraw::vec2( 444, 367 )
<< fastuidraw::vec2( -100, 300 )
<< fastuidraw::vec2( 60, 500 )
<< fastuidraw::vec2( 200, 570 )
/* Get the approximate bounding box for the path. This approximate
* bounding box computation is a cheap function returning cached
* values.
m_stroke_shader = generate_stroke_shader(m_painter_engine_gl->default_shaders().stroke_shader());
fastuidraw::vec2 translate, scale, window_dims(window_dimensions());
fastuidraw::PainterSurface::Viewport vwp(0, 0, window_dims.x(), window_dims.y());
float stroke_width, border;
m_painter->begin(m_surface_gl, fastuidraw::Painter::y_increases_downwards);
/* Set the translate and scale so that the path is stretched across
* the entire window, but have some border around the path so that
* all of the stroking is visible.
stroke_width = 8.0f;
border = 3.0f * stroke_width;
scale = window_dims / (m_path_bounds.size() + fastuidraw::vec2(2.0f * border));
translate = -m_path_bounds.m_min_point + fastuidraw::vec2(border);
m_painter->shear(scale.x(), scale.y());
ExampleItemData data;
uint32_t ms;
float fc, fs, fc2, fs2;
ms = SDL_GetTicks() % 4000;
data.m_phase = static_cast<float>(ms) / 2000.0f * FASTUIDRAW_PI;
fc = fastuidraw::t_cos(data.m_phase);
fs = fastuidraw::t_sin(data.m_phase);
fc2 = fastuidraw::t_cos(2.0f * data.m_phase);
fs2 = fastuidraw::t_sin(2.0f * data.m_phase);
data.m_domain_coeff = 10.0f * FASTUIDRAW_PI / (m_path_bounds.width() + m_path_bounds.height());
data.m_cos_coeffs = fastuidraw::vec4(+8.0f * fc,
-4.0f * fs,
+2.0f * fs2,
-1.0f * fc2);
data.m_sin_coeffs = fastuidraw::vec4(+1.3f * fs,
-2.0f * fc,
+4.0f * fs2,
-8.0f * fc2);
brush.color(1.0f, 0.6f, 0.0f, 0.8f);
fastuidraw::PainterData(&brush, &data),
fastuidraw_glBindFramebuffer(GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER, 0);
handle_event(const SDL_Event &ev)
switch (ev.type)
switch (ev.key.keysym.sym)
main(int argc, char **argv)
DemoRunner demo;
return demo.main<ExampleCustomPathShading>(argc, argv);