ofIterable static method

LogicValue ofIterable(
  1. Iterable<LogicValue> it

Constructs a LogicValue from it.

The order of the created LogicValue will be such that the ith entry in it corresponds to the ith group of bits. That is, the 0th element of it will be the least significant chunk of bits of the returned LogicValue. Bits within each element of it are kept in the same order as they were originally.

For example:

var it = [LogicValue.zero, LogicValue.x, LogicValue.ofString('01xz')];
var lv = LogicValue.of(it);
print(lv); // This prints `6'b01xzx0`


static LogicValue ofIterable(Iterable<LogicValue> it) {
  var smallBuffer = LogicValue.empty;
  var fullResult = LogicValue.empty;

  // shift small chunks in together before shifting BigInt's, since
  // shifting BigInt's is expensive
  for (final lv in it) {
    final lvPlusSmall = lv.width + smallBuffer.width;
    if (lvPlusSmall <= INT_BITS) {
      smallBuffer = lv._concatenate(smallBuffer);
    } else {
      // only put 64-bit chunks onto `fullResult`, rest onto `smallBuffer`
      final upperBound =
          INT_BITS * (lvPlusSmall ~/ INT_BITS) - smallBuffer.width;
      fullResult = lv
          .getRange(0, upperBound)
      smallBuffer = lv.getRange(upperBound, lv.width);

    assert(smallBuffer.width <= INT_BITS,
        'Keep smallBuffer small to meet invariants and efficiency');

  // grab what's left
  return smallBuffer._concatenate(fullResult);