Modules are similar to modules in SystemVerilog. They have inputs and outputs and logic that connects them. There are a handful of rules that must be followed when implementing a module.

  1. Inputs and inOuts (from input, addInput, inOut or addInOut methods, or their array equivalents) return internal copies of ports that should be used inside a Module. Signals should not be consumed directly from outside a Module. Internal module logic should consume the internal versions. Logic outside the Module can drive to (or receive from, in the case of inOut) that Module only through the external copies, i.e. arguments passed to addInput, addInOut, etc.
  2. Outputs (from output or addOutput, or their array equivalents) are the only way logic outside of a Module can consume signals from that Module. There are no internal vs. external versions of outputs, so they may be consumed inside of Modules as well.
  3. All logic must be defined before the call to Logic should not be further defined after build.

The reasons for these rules have to do with how ROHD is able to determine which logic and Modules exist within a given Module and how ROHD builds connectivity. If these rules are not followed, generated outputs (including waveforms and SystemVerilog) may be unpredictable.

You should strive to build logic within the constructor of your Module (directly or via method calls within the constructor). This way any code can utilize your Module immediately after creating it. Be careful to consume the registered inputs and drive the registered outputs of your module, and not the “raw” external arguments passed to the constructor.

It is legal to put logic within an override of the build function, but that forces users of your module to always call build before it will be functionally usable for simple simulation. If you put logic in build(), ensure you put the call to at the end of the method.

Note that the build() method returns a Future<void>, not just void. This is because the build() method is permitted to consume real wall clock time in some cases, for example for setting up cosimulation with another simulator. Make sure the build completes before the simulation begins.

It is not necessary to put all logic directly within a class that extends Module. You can put synthesizable logic in other functions and classes, as long as the logic eventually connects to an input or output of a module if you hope to convert it to SystemVerilog. Except where there is a desire for the debug hierarchy, waveforms, SystemVerilog generated, etc. to have equivalent module hierarchy, it is not necessary to use submodules within modules instead of plain classes or functions.

The Module base class has an optional String argument name which is an instance name.

Modules have the below basic structure:

// class must extend Module to be a Module
class MyModule extends Module {
    // constructor
    MyModule(Logic in1) {
        // add inputs in the constructor, passing in the Logic it is connected to
        // it's a good idea to re-set the input parameters, 
        // so you don't accidentally use the wrong one
        in1 = addInput('in1', in1);

        // add outputs in the constructor as well
        // you can capture the output variable to a local variable for use
        var out = addOutput('out');

        // now you can define your logic
        // this example is just a passthrough from 'in1' to 'out'
        out <= in1;

All gates or functionality apart from assign statements in ROHD are implemented using Modules.

Inputs, outputs, widths, and getters

The default width of an input and output is 1. You can control the width of ports using the width argument of addInput() and addOutput(). You may choose to set them to a static number, based on some other variable, or even dynamically based on the width of input parameters. These functions also return the input/output signal.

It can be convenient to use dart getters for signal names so that accessing inputs and outputs of a module doesn’t require calling input() and output() every time. It also makes it easier to consume your module.

Below are some examples of inputs and outputs in a Module.

class MyModule extends Module {

    MyModule(Logic a, Logic b, Logic c, {int xWidth=5}) {
        // 'a' should always be width 4, throw an exception if its wrong
        if(a.width != 4) throw Exception('Width of a must be 4!');
        addInput('a', a, width: 4);

        // allow 'b' to always be any width, based on what's passed in
        addInput('b', b, width: b.width);

        // default width is 1, so 'c' is 1 bit
        // addInput returns the value of input('c'), if you want it
        var c_input = addInput('c', c)

        // set the width of 'x' based on the constructor argument
        addOutput('x', width: xWidth);

        // you can dynamically set the output width based on an input width, 
        // as well addOutput returns the value of output('y'), if you want it
        var y_output = addOutput('y', width: b.width);

    // A verbose getter of the value of input 'a'
    Logic get a {
      return input('a');
    // Dart shorthand makes getters less verbose, 
    // but the functionality is the same as above
    Logic get b => input('b');
    Logic get x => output('x');
    Logic get y => output('y');

    // it is not necessary to have all signals accessible through getters, 
    // here we omit 'c'

