DPC++ Runtime
Runtime libraries for oneAPI DPC++
sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail Namespace Reference


struct  PropertyMetaInfo< sycl::detail::register_alloc_mode_key::value_t< Mode > >
struct  is_group_helper
struct  is_group_helper< group_with_scratchpad< Group, Extent > >
struct  PropertyMetaInfo< intel::experimental::read_hint_key::value_t< Cs... > >
struct  PropertyMetaInfo< intel::experimental::read_assertion_key::value_t< Cs... > >
struct  PropertyMetaInfo< intel::experimental::write_hint_key::value_t< Cs... > >
struct  PropertyMetaInfo< intel::experimental::fp_control_key::value_t< FPMode > >
struct  PropertyMetaInfo< register_map_key::value_t >
struct  PropertyMetaInfo< conduit_key::value_t >
struct  PropertyMetaInfo< stable_key::value_t >
struct  PropertyMetaInfo< buffer_location_key::value_t< N > >
struct  PropertyMetaInfo< awidth_key::value_t< W > >
struct  PropertyMetaInfo< dwidth_key::value_t< W > >
struct  PropertyMetaInfo< latency_key::value_t< N > >
struct  PropertyMetaInfo< maxburst_key::value_t< N > >
struct  PropertyMetaInfo< wait_request_key::value_t< Enable > >
struct  PropertyMetaInfo< read_write_mode_key::value_t< Mode > >
struct  checkValidFPGAPropertySet
struct  checkHasConduitAndRegisterMap
struct  HasCompileTimeEffect< intel::experimental::streaming_interface_key::value_t< option > >
struct  HasCompileTimeEffect< intel::experimental::register_map_interface_key::value_t< option > >
struct  PropertyMetaInfo< intel::experimental::streaming_interface_key::value_t< Stall_Free > >
struct  PropertyMetaInfo< intel::experimental::register_map_interface_key::value_t< Wait > >
struct  PropertyMetaInfo< intel::experimental::pipelined_key::value_t< Value > >
struct  PropertyMetaInfo< intel::experimental::fpga_cluster_key::value_t< ClusterType > >
struct  PropertyMetaInfo< intel::experimental::resource_key::value_t< Value > >
struct  PropertyMetaInfo< intel::experimental::num_banks_key::value_t< Value > >
struct  PropertyMetaInfo< intel::experimental::stride_size_key::value_t< Value > >
struct  PropertyMetaInfo< intel::experimental::word_size_key::value_t< Value > >
struct  PropertyMetaInfo< intel::experimental::bi_directional_ports_key::value_t< Value > >
struct  PropertyMetaInfo< intel::experimental::clock_2x_key::value_t< Value > >
struct  PropertyMetaInfo< intel::experimental::ram_stitching_key::value_t< Value > >
struct  PropertyMetaInfo< intel::experimental::max_private_copies_key::value_t< Value > >
struct  PropertyMetaInfo< intel::experimental::num_replicates_key::value_t< Value > >
struct  PropertyMetaInfo< sycl::ext::intel::experimental::grf_size_key::value_t< Size > >
struct  PropertyMetaInfo< sycl::ext::intel::experimental::grf_size_automatic_key::value_t >
struct  ConflictingProperties< sycl::ext::intel::experimental::grf_size_key, Properties >
struct  ConflictingProperties< sycl::ext::intel::experimental::grf_size_automatic_key, Properties >
struct  ConflictingProperties< sycl::detail::register_alloc_mode_key, Properties >
struct  is_vec
struct  is_vec< sycl::vec< T, N > >
class  image_mem_impl
struct  HasArrowOperator
struct  HasArrowOperator< T, std::void_t< decltype(std::declval< T >().operator->())> >
class  device_global_base
struct  PropertyMetaInfo< device_image_scope_key::value_t >
struct  PropertyMetaInfo< host_access_key::value_t< Access > >
struct  PropertyMetaInfo< init_mode_key::value_t< Trigger > >
struct  PropertyMetaInfo< implement_in_csr_key::value_t< Enable > >
struct  DeviceGlobalMetaInfoFilter
struct  DeviceGlobalMetaInfoFilter< host_access_key::value_t< Access >, Properties >
struct  HasSubscriptOperator
struct  is_ann_arg_impl
struct  is_ann_arg_impl< annotated_arg< T, P > >
struct  is_ann_arg_impl< const annotated_arg< T, P > >
struct  GetUnderlyingTImpl
struct  GetUnderlyingTImpl< annotated_arg< T, P > >
struct  is_ann_ref_impl
struct  is_ann_ref_impl< annotated_ref< T, P > >
struct  is_ann_ref_impl< const annotated_ref< T, P > >
struct  PropertyMetaInfo< usm_kind_key::value_t< Kind > >
struct  IsUsmKindDevice
struct  IsUsmKindDevice< detail::properties_t< Props... > >
struct  IsUsmKindHost
struct  IsUsmKindHost< detail::properties_t< Props... > >
struct  IsUsmKindShared
struct  IsUsmKindShared< detail::properties_t< Props... > >
struct  HasProperty
struct  HasProperty< PropKey, detail::properties_t< Props... > >
struct  GetPropertyValueFromPropList
struct  GetPropertyValueFromPropList< PropKey, ConstType, DefaultPropVal, detail::properties_t< Props... > >
struct  IsRuntimePropertyValid
struct  ValidAllocPropertyList
struct  ValidAllocPropertyList< T, empty_properties_t >
struct  ValidAllocPropertyList< T, detail::properties_t< Prop, Props... > >
struct  GetCompileTimeProperties
struct  GetCompileTimeProperties< empty_properties_t >
struct  GetCompileTimeProperties< detail::properties_t< Prop > >
struct  GetCompileTimeProperties< detail::properties_t< Prop, Props... > >
struct  GetAnnotatedPtrPropertiesWithUsmKind
struct  GetAnnotatedPtrPropertiesWithUsmKind< Kind, detail::properties_t< Props... > >
struct  CheckTAndPropLists
struct  CheckTAndPropLists< T, detail::properties_t< PropsA... >, detail::properties_t< PropsB... > >
struct  CheckTAndPropListsWithUsmKind
struct  CheckTAndPropListsWithUsmKind< Kind, T, detail::properties_t< PropsA... >, detail::properties_t< PropsB... > >
struct  DeducedProperties
struct  DeducedProperties< detail::properties_t< Args... > >
struct  PropertyMetaInfo< alignment_key::value_t< N > >
struct  ConditionAnyArchitectureBuilder
struct  ConditionAnyArchitectureBuilder< Arch, Archs... >
struct  ConditionAnyArchitectureBuilder< Arch >
struct  ConditionNotBuilder
struct  ConditionAndBuilder
struct  ConditionOrBuilder
class  if_architecture_is_helper
struct  is_range_or_nd_range
struct  is_range_or_nd_range< range< Dimensions > >
struct  is_range_or_nd_range< nd_range< Dimensions > >
struct  LaunchConfigAccess
struct  NoPropertyHasCompileTimeKernelEffect
struct  NoPropertyHasCompileTimeKernelEffect< properties_t< Ts... > >
class  modifiable_command_graph
class  executable_command_graph
class  dynamic_parameter_base
struct  naive_key
struct  has_difference_type
struct  has_difference_type< T, std::void_t< typename T::difference_type > >
struct  has_difference_type< T * >
struct  is_sorter_impl
struct  is_sorter_impl< Sorter, Group, Ptr, std::void_t< typename has_difference_type< Ptr >::type > >
struct  is_sorter
struct  is_key_value_sorter
struct  is_key_value_sorter< Sorter, Group, Key, Value, std::enable_if_t< std::is_same_v< std::invoke_result_t< Sorter, Group, Key, Value >, std::tuple< Key, Value > > &&sycl::is_group_v< Group > > >
struct  is_array_key_value_sorter
struct  is_array_key_value_sorter< Sorter, Group, Key, Value, Properties, ElementsPerWorkItem, std::enable_if_t< std::is_same_v< std::invoke_result_t< Sorter, Group, sycl::span< Key, ElementsPerWorkItem >, sycl::span< Value, ElementsPerWorkItem >, Properties >, void > &&sycl::is_group_v< Group > > >
struct  is_sort_group_helper
struct  is_sort_group_helper< GroupHelper, std::enable_if_t< sycl::is_group_v< decltype(std::declval< GroupHelper >().get_group())> &&std::is_same_v< decltype(std::declval< GroupHelper >().get_memory()), sycl::span< std::byte > > > >
struct  is_comparator
struct  is_comparator< Comp, T, std::enable_if_t< std::is_convertible_v< std::invoke_result_t< Comp, T, T >, bool > > >
struct  spmd2simd
struct  spmd2simd< uniform< T >, N >
struct  spmd2simd< std::tuple< T... >, N >
struct  spmd2simd< T, N, std::enable_if_t< std::is_arithmetic_v< T > > >
struct  spmd2simd< bool, N >
struct  simd2spmd
struct  simd2spmd< uniform< T > >
struct  simd2spmd< simd< T, N > >
struct  simd2spmd< std::tuple< T... > >
struct  simd2spmd< T, std::enable_if_t< std::is_arithmetic_v< T > > >
struct  simd2spmd< simd_mask< T, N > >
struct  simd2spmd< void >
struct  simd_size
struct  simd_size< simd< T, N > >
struct  is_uniform_type
struct  is_uniform_type< uniform< T > >
struct  is_simd_or_mask_type
struct  is_simd_or_mask_type< simd< T, N > >
struct  is_simd_or_mask_type< simd_mask< T, N > >
struct  all_uniform_types
struct  unwrap_uniform
struct  unwrap_uniform< uniform< T > >
struct  sg_size
struct  remove_ref_from_func_ptr_ref_type
struct  remove_ref_from_func_ptr_ref_type< Ret(*&)(Args...)>
struct  remove_ref_from_func_ptr_ref_type< Ret(__regcall *&)(Args...)>
struct  strip_regcall_from_function_ptr
struct  strip_regcall_from_function_ptr< Ret(*)(Args...)>
struct  strip_regcall_from_function_ptr< Ret(__regcall *)(Args...)>
struct  is_non_trivially_copyable_uniform
struct  is_non_trivially_copyable_uniform< void >
struct  IsCompileTimeProperty< prefetch_hint_key >
struct  PropertyMetaInfo< prefetch_hint_key::value_t< Level, Hint > >
struct  is_instance_of_tmpl_int
struct  is_instance_of_tmpl_int< T< N >, Tmpl >
struct  is_instance_of_tmpl_int_bool
struct  is_instance_of_tmpl_int_bool< T< N, X >, Tmpl >
struct  IsCompileTimeProperty< indirectly_callable_key >
struct  IsCompileTimeProperty< calls_indirectly_key >
struct  PropertyToKind< indirectly_callable_key >
struct  PropertyToKind< calls_indirectly_key >
struct  PropertyMetaInfo< indirectly_callable_key::value_t< Set > >
struct  PropertyMetaInfo< calls_indirectly_key::value_t< First, Rest... > >
struct  AllNonZero
struct  AllNonZero< X, Xs... >
struct  HasCompileTimeEffect< work_group_size_key::value_t< Dims... > >
struct  HasCompileTimeEffect< work_group_size_hint_key::value_t< Dims... > >
struct  HasCompileTimeEffect< sub_group_size_key::value_t< Size > >
struct  HasCompileTimeEffect< device_has_key::value_t< Aspects... > >
struct  PropertyMetaInfo< work_group_size_key::value_t< Dim0, Dims... > >
struct  PropertyMetaInfo< work_group_size_hint_key::value_t< Dim0, Dims... > >
struct  PropertyMetaInfo< sub_group_size_key::value_t< Size > >
struct  PropertyMetaInfo< device_has_key::value_t< Aspects... > >
struct  PropertyMetaInfo< nd_range_kernel_key::value_t< Dims > >
struct  PropertyMetaInfo< single_task_kernel_key::value_t >
struct  HasKernelPropertiesGetMethod
struct  HasKernelPropertiesGetMethod< T, std::void_t< decltype(std::declval< T >().get(std::declval< properties_tag >()))> >
struct  ContainsProperty
struct  ContainsProperty< PropT, std::tuple< T, Ts... > >
struct  ContainsProperty< PropT, std::tuple< PropT, Rest... > >
struct  ContainsProperty< PropT, std::tuple< property_value< PropT, PropValuesTs... >, Rest... > >
struct  FindCompileTimePropertyValueType
struct  FindCompileTimePropertyValueType< CTPropertyT, std::tuple< OtherProperty, Rest... > >
struct  FindCompileTimePropertyValueType< CTPropertyT, std::tuple< property_value< CTPropertyT, CTPropertyValueTs... >, Rest... > >
struct  RuntimePropertyStorage
struct  RuntimePropertyStorage< std::tuple< Ts... > >
struct  RuntimePropertyStorage< std::tuple< T, Ts... > >
struct  CountTypeInTuple
struct  CountTypeInTuple< T, std::tuple< TupleTs... > >
struct  CountContainedProps
struct  CountContainedProps< PropertyArgsT, std::tuple<> >
struct  CountContainedProps< PropertyArgsT, std::tuple< PropertyT, PropertyTs... > >
struct  ExtractProperties
struct  ExtractProperties< PropertyArgsT, std::tuple<> >
struct  ExtractProperties< PropertyArgsT, std::tuple< PropertyT, PropertiesTs... > >
struct  merged_properties
struct  merged_properties< properties_t< LHSPropertiesTs... >, properties_t< RHSPropertiesTs... > >
struct  ValueOrDefault
struct  all_props_are_keys_of
struct  all_props_are_keys_of< SyclT, ext::oneapi::experimental::empty_properties_t >
struct  all_props_are_keys_of< SyclT, ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::properties_t< PropT > >
struct  all_props_are_keys_of< SyclT, ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::properties_t< Props... > >
struct  property_key_base_tag
struct  compile_time_property_key_base_tag
struct  run_time_property_key
struct  compile_time_property_key
struct  PropertyToKind
struct  PropertyID
struct  IsRuntimeProperty
struct  IsCompileTimeProperty
struct  PropertyMetaInfo
struct  HasCompileTimeEffect
struct  IsTuple
struct  IsTuple< std::tuple< Ts... > >
struct  PrependTuple
struct  PrependTuple< T, std::tuple< Ts... > >
struct  HasValue
struct  HasValue< T, decltype((void) T::value, 0)>
struct  IsCompileTimePropertyValue
struct  IsProperty
struct  IsPropertyValue
struct  AllPropertyValues
struct  AllPropertyValues< std::tuple< Ts... > >
struct  AllPropertyValues< std::tuple< T, Ts... > >
struct  HeadSplit
struct  HeadSplit< std::tuple< T, Ts... >, true >
struct  HeadSplit< std::tuple< Ts... >, false >
struct  SelectNonVoid
struct  SelectNonVoid< LHS, void >
struct  SelectNonVoid< void, RHS >
struct  SortByPropertyId
struct  Sorted
struct  IsSorted
struct  IsSorted< std::tuple< Ts... > >
struct  IsSorted< std::tuple< T > >
struct  SingleNontypePropertyValueBase
struct  SingleNontypePropertyValueBase< T, std::enable_if_t< HasValue< T >::value > >
struct  PropertyValueBase
struct  PropertyValueBase< T >
struct  PropertyID< property_value< PropertyT, PropertyValueTs... > >
struct  IsCompileTimePropertyValue< property_value< PropertyT, PropertyValueTs... > >
class  node_impl
 Implementation of node class from SYCL_EXT_ONEAPI_GRAPH. More...
class  partition
class  graph_impl
 Implementation details of command_graph<modifiable>. More...
class  exec_graph_impl
 Class representing the implementation of command_graph<executable>. More...
class  dynamic_parameter_impl


using cache_mode = sycl::ext::intel::experimental::cache_mode
template<class T >
using GetUnderlyingT = typename GetUnderlyingTImpl< std::remove_cv_t< std::remove_reference_t< T > >>::type
template<typename... Ts>
using contains_alignment = detail::ContainsProperty< alignment_key, std::tuple< Ts... > >
template<typename property_list , template< class... > typename filter>
using PropertiesFilter = sycl::detail::boost::mp11::mp_copy_if< property_list, filter >
template<typename... Props>
using annotation_filter = properties< PropertiesFilter< std::tuple< Props... >, propagateToPtrAnnotation > >
template<sycl::usm::alloc Kind, typename PropertyListT >
using MergeUsmKind = detail::merged_properties_t< PropertyListT, decltype(properties{usm_kind< Kind >})>
template<typename PropertyListT >
using HasAlign = HasProperty< alignment_key, PropertyListT >
template<typename PropertyListT >
using HasUsmKind = HasProperty< usm_kind_key, PropertyListT >
template<typename PropertyListT >
using HasBufferLocation = HasProperty< buffer_location_key, PropertyListT >
template<typename PropertyListT >
using GetAlignFromPropList = GetPropertyValueFromPropList< alignment_key, size_t, decltype(alignment< 0 >), PropertyListT >
template<typename PropertyListT >
using GetUsmKindFromPropList = GetPropertyValueFromPropList< usm_kind_key, sycl::usm::alloc, decltype(usm_kind< sycl::usm::alloc::unknown >), PropertyListT >
template<typename PropertyListT >
using GetBufferLocationFromPropList = GetPropertyValueFromPropList< buffer_location_key, int, decltype(sycl::ext::intel::experimental::buffer_location<-1 >), PropertyListT >
template<int N, class SimdCallable , class... SpmdArgs>
using SimdRetType = std::invoke_result_t< SimdCallable, typename spmd2simd< SpmdArgs, N >::type... >
template<int N, class SimdCallable , class... SpmdArgs>
using SpmdRetType = typename simd2spmd< SimdRetType< N, SimdCallable, SpmdArgs... > >::type
template<typename T >
using remove_ref_from_func_ptr_ref_type_t = typename remove_ref_from_func_ptr_ref_type< T >::type
template<typename T >
using strip_regcall_from_function_ptr_t = typename strip_regcall_from_function_ptr< T >::type
template<typename... PropertyValueTs>
using properties_t = properties< std::tuple< PropertyValueTs... > >
template<typename LHSPropertiesT , typename RHSPropertiesT >
using merged_properties_t = typename merged_properties< LHSPropertiesT, RHSPropertiesT >::type
template<typename... Ts>
using GetFirstType = typename std::tuple_element< 0, std::tuple< Ts... > >::type
using voidPtr = void *
using spirv_vec_t = std::vector< uint8_t >
using include_pairs_t = std::vector< std::pair< std::string, std::string > >
using include_pairs_view_t = std::vector< std::pair< sycl::detail::string_view, sycl::detail::string_view > >


enum class  UnsupportedGraphFeatures {
  sycl_reductions = 0 , sycl_specialization_constants = 1 , sycl_kernel_bundle = 2 , sycl_ext_oneapi_kernel_properties = 3 ,
  sycl_ext_oneapi_enqueue_barrier = 4 , sycl_ext_oneapi_memcpy2d = 5 , sycl_ext_oneapi_device_global = 6 , sycl_ext_oneapi_bindless_images = 7 ,
  sycl_ext_oneapi_experimental_cuda_cluster_launch = 8 , sycl_ext_codeplay_enqueue_native_command = 9
enum  PropKind : uint32_t {
  DeviceImageScope = 0 , HostAccess = 1 , InitMode = 2 , ImplementInCSR = 3 ,
  LatencyAnchorID = 4 , LatencyConstraint = 5 , WorkGroupSize = 6 , WorkGroupSizeHint = 7 ,
  SubGroupSize = 8 , DeviceHas = 9 , StreamingInterface = 10 , RegisterMapInterface = 11 ,
  Pipelined = 12 , RegisterMap = 13 , Conduit = 14 , Stable = 15 ,
  BufferLocation = 16 , AddrWidth = 17 , DataWidth = 18 , Latency = 19 ,
  RWMode = 20 , MaxBurst = 21 , WaitRequest = 22 , Alignment = 23 ,
  CacheConfig = 24 , BitsPerSymbol = 25 , FirstSymbolInHigherOrderBit = 26 , PipeProtocol = 27 ,
  ReadyLatency = 28 , UsesValid = 29 , UseRootSync = 30 , RegisterAllocMode = 31 ,
  GRFSize = 32 , GRFSizeAutomatic = 33 , Resource = 34 , NumBanks = 35 ,
  StrideSize = 36 , WordSize = 37 , BiDirectionalPorts = 38 , Clock2x = 39 ,
  RAMStitching = 40 , MaxPrivateCopies = 41 , NumReplicates = 42 , Datapath = 43 ,
  ESIMDL1CacheHint = 44 , ESIMDL2CacheHint = 45 , ESIMDL3CacheHint = 46 , UsmKind = 47 ,
  CacheControlReadHint = 48 , CacheControlReadAssertion = 49 , CacheControlWrite = 50 , BuildOptions = 51 ,
  BuildLog = 52 , FloatingPointControls = 53 , DataPlacement = 54 , ContiguousMemory = 55 ,
  FullGroup = 56 , Naive = 57 , WorkGroupProgress = 58 , SubGroupProgress = 59 ,
  WorkItemProgress = 60 , NDRangeKernel = 61 , SingleTaskKernel = 62 , IndirectlyCallable = 63 ,
  CallsIndirectly = 64 , InputDataPlacement = 65 , OutputDataPlacement = 66 , IncludeFiles = 67 ,
  RegisteredKernelNames = 68 , ClusterLaunch = 69 , FPGACluster = 70 , Balanced = 71 ,
  InvocationCapacity = 72 , ResponseCapacity = 73 , PropKindSize = 74


static constexpr int countL (int levels, int mask)
template<int countL1, int countL2, int countL3, int countL4>
static constexpr void checkUnique ()
template<cache_mode M>
static constexpr int checkReadHint ()
template<cache_mode M>
static constexpr int checkReadAssertion ()
template<cache_mode M>
static constexpr int checkWriteHint ()
template<typename CoordT >
constexpr size_t coord_size ()
template<typename DataT >
constexpr auto convert_color (DataT Color)
template<typename CoordT >
constexpr void assert_unsampled_coords ()
template<typename CoordT >
constexpr bool are_floating_coords ()
template<typename CoordT >
constexpr bool are_integer_coords ()
template<typename CoordT >
constexpr void assert_coords_type ()
template<typename CoordT >
constexpr void assert_sample_coords ()
template<typename CoordT >
constexpr void assert_fetch_coords ()
template<typename DataT >
constexpr bool is_data_size_valid ()
template<typename DataT >
constexpr bool is_recognized_standard_type ()
image_channel_order get_image_default_channel_order (unsigned int num_channels)
template<size_t N>
uint32_t to_uint32_t (sycl::marray< bfloat16, N > x, size_t start)
template<typename PropertiesT >
constexpr std::size_t getClusterDim ()
template<typename T , typename... Condition>
void call_if_on_device_conditionally (T fn, Condition...)
template<typename T , int... Is>
void call_if_on_device_conditionally_helper (T fn, std::integer_sequence< int, Is... >)
template<typename CommandGroupFunc >
void submit_impl (queue &Q, CommandGroupFunc &&CGF, const sycl::detail::code_location &CodeLoc)
const char * UnsupportedFeatureToString (UnsupportedGraphFeatures Feature)
template<typename Properties >
constexpr bool isInputBlocked (Properties properties)
template<typename Properties >
constexpr bool isOutputBlocked (Properties properties)
template<auto SgSize, typename SimdRet >
constexpr void verify_return_type_matches_sg_size ()
template<class SimdCallable , class... SpmdArgs>
static constexpr int get_sg_size ()
template<int N, class Callable , class... T>
__DPCPP_SYCL_EXTERNAL __regcall detail::SimdRetType< N, Callable, T... > simd_obj_call_helper (const void *obj_ptr, typename detail::spmd2simd< T, N >::type... simd_args)
template<int N, class Callable , class... T>
__DPCPP_SYCL_EXTERNAL __regcall detail::SimdRetType< N, Callable, T... > simd_func_call_helper (Callable f, typename detail::spmd2simd< T, N >::type... simd_args)
template<typename Ret , typename... Args>
constexpr bool has_ref_arg (Ret(*)(Args...))
template<typename Ret , typename... Args>
constexpr bool has_ref_ret (Ret(*)(Args...))
template<typename Ret , typename... Args>
constexpr bool has_non_uniform_struct_ret (Ret(*)(Args...))
template<typename Ret , typename... Args>
constexpr bool has_non_trivially_copyable_uniform_ret (Ret(*)(Args...))
template<class Callable >
constexpr void verify_callable ()
template<class... Ts>
constexpr void verify_no_uniform_non_trivially_copyable_args ()
template<class... Ts>
constexpr void verify_no_non_uniform_struct_args ()
template<class Callable , class... Ts>
constexpr void verify_valid_args_and_ret ()
template<typename T , typename Properties >
void prefetch_impl (T *ptr, size_t bytes, Properties properties)
template<typename Group , typename T , typename Properties >
void joint_prefetch_impl (Group g, T *ptr, size_t bytes, Properties properties)
template<typename GroupHelper , typename T , typename BinaryOperation >
reduce_over_group_impl (GroupHelper group_helper, T x, size_t num_elements, BinaryOperation binary_op)
template<typename CTPropertyT , bool HasProperty, typename PropertiesT = void>
static constexpr std::enable_if_t< HasProperty, typename FindCompileTimePropertyValueType< CTPropertyT, PropertiesT >::type > get_property ()
template<typename CTPropertyT , bool HasProperty, typename PropertiesT = void>
static constexpr std::enable_if_t<!HasProperty, void > get_property ()
template<typename SyclT >
constexpr bool check_all_props_are_keys_of ()
template<typename SyclT , typename FirstProp , typename... RestProps>
constexpr bool check_all_props_are_keys_of ()
bool is_source_kernel_bundle_supported (backend BE, source_language Language)
kernel_bundle< bundle_state::ext_oneapi_sourcemake_kernel_bundle_from_source (const context &SyclContext, source_language Language, sycl::detail::string_view Source, std::vector< std::pair< sycl::detail::string_view, sycl::detail::string_view >> IncludePairsVec)
kernel_bundle< bundle_state::ext_oneapi_sourcemake_kernel_bundle_from_source (const context &SyclContext, source_language Language, const std::string &Source, std::vector< std::pair< std::string, std::string >> IncludePairsVec)
kernel_bundle< bundle_state::ext_oneapi_sourcemake_kernel_bundle_from_source (const context &SyclContext, source_language Language, const std::vector< std::byte > &Bytes, std::vector< std::pair< sycl::detail::string_view, sycl::detail::string_view >> IncludePairsVec)
kernel_bundle< bundle_state::ext_oneapi_sourcemake_kernel_bundle_from_source (const context &SyclContext, source_language Language, const std::vector< std::byte > &Bytes, std::vector< std::pair< std::string, std::string >> IncludePairsVec)
kernel_bundle< bundle_state::executablebuild_from_source (kernel_bundle< bundle_state::ext_oneapi_source > &SourceKB, const std::vector< device > &Devices, const std::vector< sycl::detail::string_view > &BuildOptions, sycl::detail::string *LogPtr, const std::vector< sycl::detail::string_view > &RegisteredKernelNames)
kernel_bundle< bundle_state::executablebuild_from_source (kernel_bundle< bundle_state::ext_oneapi_source > &SourceKB, const std::vector< device > &Devices, const std::vector< std::string > &BuildOptions, std::string *LogPtr, const std::vector< std::string > &RegisteredKernelNames)
node_type getNodeTypeFromCG (sycl::detail::CGType CGType)
void checkOclocLibrary (void *OclocLibrary)
void * loadOclocLibrary ()
bool OpenCLC_Compilation_Available ()
void SetupLibrary (voidPtr &oclocInvokeHandle, voidPtr &oclocFreeOutputHandle, std::error_code the_errc)
std::string IPVersionsToString (const std::vector< uint32_t > IPVersionVec)
spirv_vec_t OpenCLC_to_SPIRV (const std::string &Source, const std::vector< uint32_t > &IPVersionVec, const std::vector< std::string > &UserArgs, std::string *LogPtr)
std::string InvokeOclocQuery (uint32_t IPVersion, const char *identifier)
bool OpenCLC_Feature_Available (const std::string &Feature, uint32_t IPVersion)
bool OpenCLC_Supports_Version (const ext::oneapi::experimental::cl_version &Version, uint32_t IPVersion)
bool OpenCLC_Supports_Extension (const std::string &Name, ext::oneapi::experimental::cl_version *VersionPtr, uint32_t IPVersion)
std::string OpenCLC_Profile (uint32_t IPVersion)
std::string generateSemiUniqueId ()
std::filesystem::path prepareWS (const std::string &Id)
void deleteWS (const std::filesystem::path &ParentDir)
std::string userArgsAsString (const std::vector< std::string > &UserArguments)
void outputPreamble (std::ofstream &Os, const std::filesystem::path &FilePath, const std::string &Id, const std::vector< std::string > &UserArgs)
std::filesystem::path outputCpp (const std::filesystem::path &ParentDir, const std::string &Id, std::string RawCodeString, const std::vector< std::string > &UserArgs, const std::vector< std::string > &RegisteredKernelNames)
void outputIncludeFiles (const std::filesystem::path &Dirpath, include_pairs_t IncludePairs)
std::string getCompilerName ()
std::filesystem::path getCompilerPath ()
int invokeCommand (const std::string &command, std::string &output)
std::string invokeCompiler (const std::filesystem::path &FPath, const std::filesystem::path &DPath, const std::string &Id, const std::vector< std::string > &UserArgs, std::string *LogPtr)
std::filesystem::path findSpv (const std::filesystem::path &ParentDir, const std::string &Id, std::string &CompileLog)
spirv_vec_t loadSpvFromFile (const std::filesystem::path &FileName)
spirv_vec_t SYCL_to_SPIRV (const std::string &SYCLSource, include_pairs_t IncludePairs, const std::vector< std::string > &UserArgs, std::string *LogPtr, const std::vector< std::string > &RegisteredKernelNames)
bool SYCL_Compilation_Available ()
source_kb make_kernel_bundle_from_source (const context &SyclContext, source_language Language, sycl::detail::string_view SourceView, include_pairs_view_t IncludePairViews)
source_kb make_kernel_bundle_from_source (const context &SyclContext, source_language Language, const std::vector< std::byte > &Bytes, include_pairs_view_t IncludePairs)
exe_kb build_from_source (source_kb &SourceKB, const std::vector< device > &Devices, const std::vector< sycl::detail::string_view > &BuildOptions, sycl::detail::string *LogView, const std::vector< sycl::detail::string_view > &RegisteredKernelNames)


static constexpr int L1BIT = 1
static constexpr int L2BIT = 2
static constexpr int L3BIT = 4
static constexpr int L4BIT = 8
template<typename T >
constexpr bool is_vec_v = is_vec<T>::value
template<class T >
constexpr bool is_ann_arg_v
template<class T >
constexpr bool is_ann_ref_v
static constexpr int ConditionAspect = -1
static constexpr int ConditionArchitecture = -2
static constexpr int ConditionNot = -3
static constexpr int ConditionAnd = -4
static constexpr int ConditionOr = -5
template<typename RangeT >
constexpr bool is_range_or_nd_range_v = is_range_or_nd_range<RangeT>::value
constexpr naive_key::value_t naive
template<class Callable >
static constexpr bool is_function_ptr_or_ref_v
template<typename T >
constexpr bool is_non_trivially_copyable_uniform_v
template<access::address_space AS>
constexpr bool check_prefetch_AS
template<access_mode mode>
constexpr bool check_prefetch_acc_mode
template<class T , template< int > class Tmpl>
static constexpr bool is_instance_of_tmpl_int_v
template<class T , template< int, bool > class Tmpl>
static constexpr bool is_instance_of_tmpl_int_bool_v
static void * OclocLibrary = nullptr

Typedef Documentation

◆ annotation_filter

Definition at line 64 of file annotated_ptr.hpp.

◆ cache_mode

◆ contains_alignment

Definition at line 54 of file annotated_ptr.hpp.

◆ GetAlignFromPropList

template<typename PropertyListT >
using sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::GetAlignFromPropList = typedef GetPropertyValueFromPropList<alignment_key, size_t, decltype(alignment<0>), PropertyListT>

Definition at line 69 of file alloc_util.hpp.

◆ GetBufferLocationFromPropList

template<typename PropertyListT >
using sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::GetBufferLocationFromPropList = typedef GetPropertyValueFromPropList< buffer_location_key, int, decltype(sycl::ext::intel::experimental::buffer_location<-1>), PropertyListT>

Definition at line 82 of file alloc_util.hpp.

◆ GetFirstType

template<typename... Ts>
using sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::GetFirstType = typedef typename std::tuple_element<0, std::tuple<Ts...> >::type

Definition at line 42 of file property_utils.hpp.

◆ GetUnderlyingT

template<class T >
using sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::GetUnderlyingT = typedef typename GetUnderlyingTImpl< std::remove_cv_t<std::remove_reference_t<T> >>::type

Definition at line 58 of file annotated_arg.hpp.

◆ GetUsmKindFromPropList

template<typename PropertyListT >
using sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::GetUsmKindFromPropList = typedef GetPropertyValueFromPropList<usm_kind_key, sycl::usm::alloc, decltype(usm_kind<sycl::usm::alloc::unknown>), PropertyListT>

Definition at line 75 of file alloc_util.hpp.

◆ HasAlign

template<typename PropertyListT >
using sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::HasAlign = typedef HasProperty<alignment_key, PropertyListT>

Definition at line 42 of file alloc_util.hpp.

◆ HasBufferLocation

template<typename PropertyListT >
using sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::HasBufferLocation = typedef HasProperty<buffer_location_key, PropertyListT>

Definition at line 46 of file alloc_util.hpp.

◆ HasUsmKind

template<typename PropertyListT >
using sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::HasUsmKind = typedef HasProperty<usm_kind_key, PropertyListT>

Definition at line 44 of file alloc_util.hpp.

◆ include_pairs_t

typedef std::vector< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::include_pairs_t

Definition at line 25 of file kernel_compiler_sycl.hpp.

◆ include_pairs_view_t

using sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::include_pairs_view_t = typedef std::vector< std::pair<sycl::detail::string_view, sycl::detail::string_view> >

Definition at line 393 of file kernel_bundle.cpp.

◆ merged_properties_t

template<typename LHSPropertiesT , typename RHSPropertiesT >
using sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::merged_properties_t = typedef typename merged_properties<LHSPropertiesT, RHSPropertiesT>::type

Definition at line 266 of file properties.hpp.

◆ MergeUsmKind

template<sycl::usm::alloc Kind, typename PropertyListT >
using sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::MergeUsmKind = typedef detail::merged_properties_t<PropertyListT, decltype(properties{usm_kind<Kind>})>

Definition at line 30 of file alloc_util.hpp.

◆ properties_t

template<typename... PropertyValueTs>
class __SYCL_SPECIAL_CLASS sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::properties_t< Props... >
Initial value:
properties< std::tuple< PropertyValueTs... > > properties_t
Definition: properties.hpp:254
detail::properties_t< Props... > property_list_t

Definition at line 254 of file properties.hpp.

◆ PropertiesFilter

template<typename property_list , template< class... > typename filter>
using sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::PropertiesFilter = typedef sycl::detail::boost::mp11::mp_copy_if<property_list, filter>

Definition at line 59 of file annotated_ptr.hpp.

◆ remove_ref_from_func_ptr_ref_type_t

Definition at line 324 of file invoke_simd.hpp.

◆ SimdRetType

template<int N, class SimdCallable , class... SpmdArgs>
using sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::SimdRetType = typedef std::invoke_result_t<SimdCallable, typename spmd2simd<SpmdArgs, N>::type...>

Definition at line 221 of file invoke_simd.hpp.

◆ spirv_vec_t

Definition at line 22 of file kernel_compiler_opencl.hpp.

◆ SpmdRetType

template<int N, class SimdCallable , class... SpmdArgs>
using sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::SpmdRetType = typedef typename simd2spmd<SimdRetType<N, SimdCallable, SpmdArgs...> >::type

Definition at line 227 of file invoke_simd.hpp.

◆ strip_regcall_from_function_ptr_t

Definition at line 340 of file invoke_simd.hpp.

◆ voidPtr

Definition at line 97 of file kernel_compiler_opencl.cpp.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ PropKind


Definition at line 140 of file property.hpp.

◆ UnsupportedGraphFeatures


Definition at line 48 of file graph.hpp.

Function Documentation

◆ are_floating_coords()

template<typename CoordT >
constexpr bool sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::are_floating_coords ( )

Definition at line 634 of file bindless_images.hpp.

◆ are_integer_coords()

template<typename CoordT >
constexpr bool sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::are_integer_coords ( )

Definition at line 642 of file bindless_images.hpp.

◆ assert_coords_type()

template<typename CoordT >
constexpr void sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::assert_coords_type ( )

Definition at line 650 of file bindless_images.hpp.

◆ assert_fetch_coords()

template<typename CoordT >
constexpr void sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::assert_fetch_coords ( )

Definition at line 669 of file bindless_images.hpp.

◆ assert_sample_coords()

template<typename CoordT >
constexpr void sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::assert_sample_coords ( )

Definition at line 657 of file bindless_images.hpp.

◆ assert_unsampled_coords()

template<typename CoordT >
constexpr void sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::assert_unsampled_coords ( )

Definition at line 623 of file bindless_images.hpp.

◆ build_from_source() [1/3]

kernel_bundle<bundle_state::executable> sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::build_from_source ( kernel_bundle< bundle_state::ext_oneapi_source > &  SourceKB,
const std::vector< device > &  Devices,
const std::vector< std::string > &  BuildOptions,
std::string *  LogPtr,
const std::vector< std::string > &  RegisteredKernelNames 

Definition at line 1030 of file kernel_bundle.hpp.

References build_from_source(), BuildOptions, and RegisteredKernelNames.

◆ build_from_source() [2/3]

kernel_bundle<bundle_state::executable> sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::build_from_source ( kernel_bundle< bundle_state::ext_oneapi_source > &  SourceKB,
const std::vector< device > &  Devices,
const std::vector< sycl::detail::string_view > &  BuildOptions,
sycl::detail::string *  LogPtr,
const std::vector< sycl::detail::string_view > &  RegisteredKernelNames 

Referenced by build_from_source().

◆ build_from_source() [3/3]

exe_kb sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::build_from_source ( source_kb SourceKB,
const std::vector< device > &  Devices,
const std::vector< sycl::detail::string_view > &  BuildOptions,
sycl::detail::string *  LogView,
const std::vector< sycl::detail::string_view > &  RegisteredKernelNames 

◆ call_if_on_device_conditionally()

template<typename T , typename... Condition>
void sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::call_if_on_device_conditionally ( fn,

Definition at line 924 of file device_architecture.hpp.

Referenced by call_if_on_device_conditionally_helper().

◆ call_if_on_device_conditionally_helper()

template<typename T , int... Is>
void sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::call_if_on_device_conditionally_helper ( fn,
std::integer_sequence< int, Is... >   

◆ check_all_props_are_keys_of() [1/2]

template<typename SyclT >
constexpr bool sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::check_all_props_are_keys_of ( )

Definition at line 287 of file properties.hpp.

Referenced by check_all_props_are_keys_of().

◆ check_all_props_are_keys_of() [2/2]

template<typename SyclT , typename FirstProp , typename... RestProps>
constexpr bool sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::check_all_props_are_keys_of ( )

Definition at line 292 of file properties.hpp.

References check_all_props_are_keys_of().

◆ checkOclocLibrary()

void sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::checkOclocLibrary ( void *  OclocLibrary)

◆ checkReadAssertion()

template<cache_mode M>
static constexpr int sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::checkReadAssertion ( )

◆ checkReadHint()

template<cache_mode M>
static constexpr int sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::checkReadHint ( )

Definition at line 157 of file cache_control_properties.hpp.

◆ checkUnique()

template<int countL1, int countL2, int countL3, int countL4>
static constexpr void sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::checkUnique ( )

Definition at line 148 of file cache_control_properties.hpp.

◆ checkWriteHint()

template<cache_mode M>
static constexpr int sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::checkWriteHint ( )

Definition at line 172 of file cache_control_properties.hpp.

◆ convert_color()

template<typename DataT >
constexpr auto sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::convert_color ( DataT  Color)

◆ coord_size()

template<typename CoordT >
constexpr size_t sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::coord_size ( )

Definition at line 593 of file bindless_images.hpp.

◆ countL()

static constexpr int sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::countL ( int  levels,
int  mask 

Definition at line 143 of file cache_control_properties.hpp.

◆ deleteWS()

void sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::deleteWS ( const std::filesystem::path &  ParentDir)

Definition at line 98 of file kernel_compiler_sycl.cpp.

References sycl::_V1::build.

Referenced by SYCL_to_SPIRV().

◆ findSpv()

std::filesystem::path sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::findSpv ( const std::filesystem::path &  ParentDir,
const std::string &  Id,
std::string &  CompileLog 

Definition at line 256 of file kernel_compiler_sycl.cpp.

References sycl::_V1::build.

Referenced by SYCL_to_SPIRV().

◆ generateSemiUniqueId()

std::string sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::generateSemiUniqueId ( )

Definition at line 61 of file kernel_compiler_sycl.cpp.

Referenced by SYCL_Compilation_Available(), and SYCL_to_SPIRV().

◆ get_image_default_channel_order()

image_channel_order sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::get_image_default_channel_order ( unsigned int  num_channels)

◆ get_property() [1/2]

template<typename CTPropertyT , bool HasProperty, typename PropertiesT = void>
static constexpr std::enable_if_t< HasProperty, typename FindCompileTimePropertyValueType<CTPropertyT, PropertiesT>::type> sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::get_property ( )

Definition at line 63 of file properties.hpp.

◆ get_property() [2/2]

template<typename CTPropertyT , bool HasProperty, typename PropertiesT = void>
static constexpr std::enable_if_t<!HasProperty, void> sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::get_property ( )

Definition at line 68 of file properties.hpp.

◆ get_sg_size()

template<class SimdCallable , class... SpmdArgs>
static constexpr int sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::get_sg_size ( )

◆ getClusterDim()

template<typename PropertiesT >
constexpr std::size_t sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::getClusterDim ( )

◆ getCompilerName()

std::string sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::getCompilerName ( )

Definition at line 174 of file kernel_compiler_sycl.cpp.

Referenced by getCompilerPath().

◆ getCompilerPath()

std::filesystem::path sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::getCompilerPath ( )

Definition at line 185 of file kernel_compiler_sycl.cpp.

References getCompilerName().

Referenced by invokeCompiler(), and SYCL_Compilation_Available().

◆ getNodeTypeFromCG()

◆ has_non_trivially_copyable_uniform_ret()

template<typename Ret , typename... Args>
constexpr bool sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::has_non_trivially_copyable_uniform_ret ( Ret(*)(Args...)  )

Definition at line 374 of file invoke_simd.hpp.

Referenced by verify_callable().

◆ has_non_uniform_struct_ret()

template<typename Ret , typename... Args>
constexpr bool sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::has_non_uniform_struct_ret ( Ret(*)(Args...)  )

Definition at line 368 of file invoke_simd.hpp.

Referenced by verify_callable().

◆ has_ref_arg()

template<typename Ret , typename... Args>
constexpr bool sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::has_ref_arg ( Ret(*)(Args...)  )

Definition at line 358 of file invoke_simd.hpp.

Referenced by verify_callable().

◆ has_ref_ret()

template<typename Ret , typename... Args>
constexpr bool sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::has_ref_ret ( Ret(*)(Args...)  )

Definition at line 363 of file invoke_simd.hpp.

Referenced by verify_callable().

◆ invokeCommand()

int sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::invokeCommand ( const std::string &  command,
std::string &  output 

Definition at line 193 of file kernel_compiler_sycl.cpp.

Referenced by invokeCompiler().

◆ invokeCompiler()

std::string sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::invokeCompiler ( const std::filesystem::path &  FPath,
const std::filesystem::path &  DPath,
const std::string &  Id,
const std::vector< std::string > &  UserArgs,
std::string *  LogPtr 

◆ InvokeOclocQuery()

std::string sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::InvokeOclocQuery ( uint32_t  IPVersion,
const char *  identifier 

◆ IPVersionsToString()

std::string sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::IPVersionsToString ( const std::vector< uint32_t >  IPVersionVec)

Definition at line 117 of file kernel_compiler_opencl.cpp.

Referenced by InvokeOclocQuery(), and OpenCLC_to_SPIRV().

◆ is_data_size_valid()

template<typename DataT >
constexpr bool sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::is_data_size_valid ( )

Definition at line 680 of file bindless_images.hpp.

◆ is_recognized_standard_type()

template<typename DataT >
constexpr bool sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::is_recognized_standard_type ( )

Definition at line 685 of file bindless_images.hpp.

◆ is_source_kernel_bundle_supported()

bool sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::is_source_kernel_bundle_supported ( backend  BE,
source_language  Language 

◆ isInputBlocked()

◆ isOutputBlocked()

◆ joint_prefetch_impl()

template<typename Group , typename T , typename Properties >
void sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::joint_prefetch_impl ( Group  g,
T *  ptr,
size_t  bytes,
Properties  properties 

Definition at line 94 of file prefetch.hpp.

References prefetch_impl().

◆ loadOclocLibrary()

void* sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::loadOclocLibrary ( )

◆ loadSpvFromFile()

spirv_vec_t sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::loadSpvFromFile ( const std::filesystem::path &  FileName)

Definition at line 272 of file kernel_compiler_sycl.cpp.

Referenced by SYCL_to_SPIRV().

◆ make_kernel_bundle_from_source() [1/6]

kernel_bundle<bundle_state::ext_oneapi_source> sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::make_kernel_bundle_from_source ( const context SyclContext,
source_language  Language,
const std::string &  Source,
std::vector< std::pair< std::string, std::string >>  IncludePairsVec 

Definition at line 981 of file kernel_bundle.hpp.

References make_kernel_bundle_from_source().

◆ make_kernel_bundle_from_source() [2/6]

source_kb sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::make_kernel_bundle_from_source ( const context SyclContext,
source_language  Language,
const std::vector< std::byte > &  Bytes,
include_pairs_view_t  IncludePairs 

◆ make_kernel_bundle_from_source() [3/6]

kernel_bundle<bundle_state::ext_oneapi_source> sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::make_kernel_bundle_from_source ( const context SyclContext,
source_language  Language,
const std::vector< std::byte > &  Bytes,
std::vector< std::pair< std::string, std::string >>  IncludePairsVec 

Definition at line 1006 of file kernel_bundle.hpp.

References make_kernel_bundle_from_source().

◆ make_kernel_bundle_from_source() [4/6]

kernel_bundle<bundle_state::ext_oneapi_source> sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::make_kernel_bundle_from_source ( const context SyclContext,
source_language  Language,
const std::vector< std::byte > &  Bytes,
std::vector< std::pair< sycl::detail::string_view, sycl::detail::string_view >>  IncludePairsVec 

◆ make_kernel_bundle_from_source() [5/6]

kernel_bundle<bundle_state::ext_oneapi_source> sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::make_kernel_bundle_from_source ( const context SyclContext,
source_language  Language,
sycl::detail::string_view  Source,
std::vector< std::pair< sycl::detail::string_view, sycl::detail::string_view >>  IncludePairsVec 

◆ make_kernel_bundle_from_source() [6/6]

source_kb sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::make_kernel_bundle_from_source ( const context SyclContext,
source_language  Language,
sycl::detail::string_view  SourceView,
include_pairs_view_t  IncludePairViews 

◆ OpenCLC_Compilation_Available()

bool sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::OpenCLC_Compilation_Available ( )

Definition at line 83 of file kernel_compiler_opencl.cpp.

References loadOclocLibrary(), and OclocLibrary.

Referenced by is_source_kernel_bundle_supported().

◆ OpenCLC_Feature_Available()

bool sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::OpenCLC_Feature_Available ( const std::string &  Feature,
uint32_t  IPVersion 

Definition at line 282 of file kernel_compiler_opencl.cpp.

References InvokeOclocQuery().

◆ OpenCLC_Profile()

std::string sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::OpenCLC_Profile ( uint32_t  IPVersion)

Definition at line 367 of file kernel_compiler_opencl.cpp.

References InvokeOclocQuery().

Referenced by sycl::_V1::device::ext_oneapi_cl_profile().

◆ OpenCLC_Supports_Extension()

◆ OpenCLC_Supports_Version()

◆ OpenCLC_to_SPIRV()

spirv_vec_t sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::OpenCLC_to_SPIRV ( const std::string &  Source,
const std::vector< uint32_t > &  IPVersionVec,
const std::vector< std::string > &  UserArgs,
std::string *  LogPtr 

◆ outputCpp()

std::filesystem::path sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::outputCpp ( const std::filesystem::path &  ParentDir,
const std::string &  Id,
std::string  RawCodeString,
const std::vector< std::string > &  UserArgs,
const std::vector< std::string > &  RegisteredKernelNames 

Definition at line 128 of file kernel_compiler_sycl.cpp.

References sycl::_V1::build, outputPreamble(), and RegisteredKernelNames.

Referenced by SYCL_to_SPIRV().

◆ outputIncludeFiles()

void sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::outputIncludeFiles ( const std::filesystem::path &  Dirpath,
include_pairs_t  IncludePairs 

Definition at line 155 of file kernel_compiler_sycl.cpp.

References sycl::_V1::build.

Referenced by SYCL_to_SPIRV().

◆ outputPreamble()

void sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::outputPreamble ( std::ofstream &  Os,
const std::filesystem::path &  FilePath,
const std::string &  Id,
const std::vector< std::string > &  UserArgs 

Definition at line 116 of file kernel_compiler_sycl.cpp.

References userArgsAsString().

Referenced by outputCpp().

◆ prefetch_impl()

template<typename T , typename Properties >
void sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::prefetch_impl ( T *  ptr,
size_t  bytes,
Properties  properties 

◆ prepareWS()

std::filesystem::path sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::prepareWS ( const std::string &  Id)

Definition at line 80 of file kernel_compiler_sycl.cpp.

References sycl::_V1::build.

Referenced by SYCL_to_SPIRV().

◆ reduce_over_group_impl()

template<typename GroupHelper , typename T , typename BinaryOperation >
T sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::reduce_over_group_impl ( GroupHelper  group_helper,
size_t  num_elements,
BinaryOperation  binary_op 

◆ SetupLibrary()

void sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::SetupLibrary ( voidPtr oclocInvokeHandle,
voidPtr oclocFreeOutputHandle,
std::error_code  the_errc 

◆ simd_func_call_helper()

template<int N, class Callable , class... T>
__DPCPP_SYCL_EXTERNAL __regcall detail:: SimdRetType<N, Callable, T...> sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::simd_func_call_helper ( Callable  f,
typename detail::spmd2simd< T, N >::type...  simd_args 

◆ simd_obj_call_helper()

template<int N, class Callable , class... T>
__DPCPP_SYCL_EXTERNAL __regcall detail:: SimdRetType<N, Callable, T...> sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::simd_obj_call_helper ( const void *  obj_ptr,
typename detail::spmd2simd< T, N >::type...  simd_args 

◆ submit_impl()

template<typename CommandGroupFunc >
void sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::submit_impl ( queue Q,
CommandGroupFunc &&  CGF,
const sycl::detail::code_location &  CodeLoc 

Definition at line 92 of file enqueue_functions.hpp.

Referenced by sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::submit().

◆ SYCL_Compilation_Available()

bool sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::SYCL_Compilation_Available ( )


spirv_vec_t sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::SYCL_to_SPIRV ( const std::string &  SYCLSource,
include_pairs_t  IncludePairs,
const std::vector< std::string > &  UserArgs,
std::string *  LogPtr,
const std::vector< std::string > &  RegisteredKernelNames 

◆ to_uint32_t()

template<size_t N>
uint32_t sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::to_uint32_t ( sycl::marray< bfloat16, N >  x,
size_t  start 

◆ UnsupportedFeatureToString()

const char* sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::UnsupportedFeatureToString ( UnsupportedGraphFeatures  Feature)

Definition at line 62 of file graph.hpp.

◆ userArgsAsString()

std::string sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::userArgsAsString ( const std::vector< std::string > &  UserArguments)

Definition at line 108 of file kernel_compiler_sycl.cpp.

Referenced by invokeCompiler(), and outputPreamble().

◆ verify_callable()

template<class Callable >
constexpr void sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::verify_callable ( )

◆ verify_no_non_uniform_struct_args()

template<class... Ts>
constexpr void sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::verify_no_non_uniform_struct_args ( )

Definition at line 422 of file invoke_simd.hpp.

Referenced by verify_valid_args_and_ret().

◆ verify_no_uniform_non_trivially_copyable_args()

template<class... Ts>
constexpr void sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::verify_no_uniform_non_trivially_copyable_args ( )

Definition at line 413 of file invoke_simd.hpp.

Referenced by verify_valid_args_and_ret().

◆ verify_return_type_matches_sg_size()

template<auto SgSize, typename SimdRet >
constexpr void sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::verify_return_type_matches_sg_size ( )

◆ verify_valid_args_and_ret()

template<class Callable , class... Ts>
constexpr void sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::verify_valid_args_and_ret ( )

Variable Documentation

◆ check_prefetch_acc_mode

template<access_mode mode>
constexpr bool sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::check_prefetch_acc_mode
Initial value:
mode == access_mode::read || mode == access_mode::read_write
constexpr mode_tag_t< access_mode::read_write > read_write
Definition: access.hpp:85

Definition at line 68 of file prefetch.hpp.

◆ check_prefetch_AS

template<access::address_space AS>
constexpr bool sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::check_prefetch_AS
Initial value:
AS == access::address_space::global_space ||
AS == access::address_space::generic_space

Definition at line 63 of file prefetch.hpp.

◆ ConditionAnd

constexpr int sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::ConditionAnd = -4

Definition at line 958 of file device_architecture.hpp.

◆ ConditionArchitecture

constexpr int sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::ConditionArchitecture = -2

Definition at line 956 of file device_architecture.hpp.

◆ ConditionAspect

constexpr int sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::ConditionAspect = -1

Definition at line 955 of file device_architecture.hpp.

◆ ConditionNot

constexpr int sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::ConditionNot = -3

Definition at line 957 of file device_architecture.hpp.

◆ ConditionOr

constexpr int sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::ConditionOr = -5

Definition at line 959 of file device_architecture.hpp.

◆ is_ann_arg_v

template<class T >
constexpr bool sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::is_ann_arg_v
Initial value:

Definition at line 50 of file annotated_arg.hpp.

◆ is_ann_ref_v

template<class T >
constexpr bool sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::is_ann_ref_v
Initial value:

Definition at line 50 of file annotated_ptr.hpp.

◆ is_function_ptr_or_ref_v

template<class Callable >
constexpr bool sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::is_function_ptr_or_ref_v
Initial value:

Definition at line 302 of file invoke_simd.hpp.

◆ is_instance_of_tmpl_int_bool_v

template<class T , template< int, bool > class Tmpl>
constexpr bool sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::is_instance_of_tmpl_int_bool_v
Initial value:
is_instance_of_tmpl_int_bool<T, Tmpl>::value

Definition at line 54 of file uniform.hpp.

◆ is_instance_of_tmpl_int_v

template<class T , template< int > class Tmpl>
constexpr bool sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::is_instance_of_tmpl_int_v
Initial value:
is_instance_of_tmpl_int<T, Tmpl>::value

Definition at line 43 of file uniform.hpp.

◆ is_non_trivially_copyable_uniform_v

template<typename T >
constexpr bool sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::is_non_trivially_copyable_uniform_v
Initial value:

Definition at line 354 of file invoke_simd.hpp.

◆ is_range_or_nd_range_v

template<typename RangeT >
constexpr bool sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::is_range_or_nd_range_v = is_range_or_nd_range<RangeT>::value

Definition at line 34 of file enqueue_functions.hpp.

◆ is_vec_v

template<typename T >
constexpr bool sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::is_vec_v = is_vec<T>::value

Definition at line 590 of file bindless_images.hpp.


constexpr int sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::L1BIT = 1

Definition at line 138 of file cache_control_properties.hpp.


constexpr int sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::L2BIT = 2

Definition at line 139 of file cache_control_properties.hpp.


constexpr int sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::L3BIT = 4

Definition at line 140 of file cache_control_properties.hpp.


constexpr int sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::L4BIT = 8

Definition at line 141 of file cache_control_properties.hpp.

◆ naive

constexpr naive_key::value_t sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::naive

Definition at line 60 of file group_load_store.hpp.

◆ OclocLibrary

void* sycl::_V1::ext::oneapi::experimental::detail::OclocLibrary = nullptr