clang  19.0.0git
Classes | Macros | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions
SemaExpr.cpp File Reference
#include "TreeTransform.h"
#include "UsedDeclVisitor.h"
#include "clang/AST/ASTConsumer.h"
#include "clang/AST/ASTContext.h"
#include "clang/AST/ASTLambda.h"
#include "clang/AST/ASTMutationListener.h"
#include "clang/AST/CXXInheritance.h"
#include "clang/AST/DeclObjC.h"
#include "clang/AST/DeclTemplate.h"
#include "clang/AST/EvaluatedExprVisitor.h"
#include "clang/AST/Expr.h"
#include "clang/AST/ExprCXX.h"
#include "clang/AST/ExprObjC.h"
#include "clang/AST/ExprOpenMP.h"
#include "clang/AST/OperationKinds.h"
#include "clang/AST/ParentMapContext.h"
#include "clang/AST/RecursiveASTVisitor.h"
#include "clang/AST/Type.h"
#include "clang/AST/TypeLoc.h"
#include "clang/Basic/Builtins.h"
#include "clang/Basic/DiagnosticSema.h"
#include "clang/Basic/PartialDiagnostic.h"
#include "clang/Basic/SourceManager.h"
#include "clang/Basic/Specifiers.h"
#include "clang/Basic/TargetInfo.h"
#include "clang/Basic/TypeTraits.h"
#include "clang/Lex/LiteralSupport.h"
#include "clang/Lex/Preprocessor.h"
#include "clang/Sema/AnalysisBasedWarnings.h"
#include "clang/Sema/DeclSpec.h"
#include "clang/Sema/DelayedDiagnostic.h"
#include "clang/Sema/Designator.h"
#include "clang/Sema/EnterExpressionEvaluationContext.h"
#include "clang/Sema/Initialization.h"
#include "clang/Sema/Lookup.h"
#include "clang/Sema/Overload.h"
#include "clang/Sema/ParsedTemplate.h"
#include "clang/Sema/Scope.h"
#include "clang/Sema/ScopeInfo.h"
#include "clang/Sema/SemaCUDA.h"
#include "clang/Sema/SemaFixItUtils.h"
#include "clang/Sema/SemaInternal.h"
#include "clang/Sema/SemaObjC.h"
#include "clang/Sema/SemaOpenMP.h"
#include "clang/Sema/SemaPseudoObject.h"
#include "clang/Sema/Template.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/STLForwardCompat.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringExtras.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Casting.h"
#include "llvm/Support/ConvertUTF.h"
#include "llvm/Support/SaveAndRestore.h"
#include "llvm/Support/TypeSize.h"
#include <optional>
#include "clang/AST/"
#include "clang/AST/"
#include "clang/Basic/OpenCLImageTypes.def"
#include "clang/Basic/OpenCLExtensionTypes.def"
#include "clang/Basic/AArch64SVEACLETypes.def"
#include "clang/Basic/PPCTypes.def"
#include "clang/Basic/RISCVVTypes.def"
#include "clang/Basic/WebAssemblyReferenceTypes.def"
#include "clang/AST/BuiltinTypes.def"

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struct  ImmediateCallVisitor
struct  EnsureImmediateInvocationInDefaultArgs


#define ABSTRACT_DECL(kind)
#define VALUE(type, base)
#define DECL(type, base)   case Decl::type:
#define TYPE(Class, Base)
#define ABSTRACT_TYPE(Class, Base)
#define NON_CANONICAL_TYPE(Class, Base)
#define DEPENDENT_TYPE(Class, Base)   case Type::Class:
#define IMAGE_TYPE(ImgType, Id, SingletonId, Access, Suffix)    case BuiltinType::Id:
#define IMAGE_TYPE(ImgType, Id, SingletonId, Access, Suffix)    case BuiltinType::Sampled##Id:
#define IMAGE_WRITE_TYPE(Type, Id, Ext)
#define IMAGE_READ_WRITE_TYPE(Type, Id, Ext)
#define EXT_OPAQUE_TYPE(ExtType, Id, Ext)    case BuiltinType::Id:
#define SVE_TYPE(Name, Id, SingletonId)    case BuiltinType::Id:
#define PPC_VECTOR_TYPE(Name, Id, Size)    case BuiltinType::Id:
#define RVV_TYPE(Name, Id, SingletonId)   case BuiltinType::Id:
#define WASM_TYPE(Name, Id, SingletonId)   case BuiltinType::Id:
#define BUILTIN_TYPE(ID, SINGLETON_ID)   case BuiltinType::ID:
#define IMAGE_TYPE(ImgType, Id, SingletonId, Access, Suffix)    case BuiltinType::Id:
#define IMAGE_TYPE(ImgType, Id, SingletonId, Access, Suffix)    case BuiltinType::Sampled##Id:
#define IMAGE_WRITE_TYPE(Type, Id, Ext)
#define IMAGE_READ_WRITE_TYPE(Type, Id, Ext)
#define EXT_OPAQUE_TYPE(ExtType, Id, Ext)    case BuiltinType::Id:
#define SVE_TYPE(Name, Id, SingletonId)    case BuiltinType::Id:
#define PPC_VECTOR_TYPE(Name, Id, Size)    case BuiltinType::Id:
#define RVV_TYPE(Name, Id, SingletonId)   case BuiltinType::Id:
#define WASM_TYPE(Name, Id, SingletonId)   case BuiltinType::Id:
#define BUILTIN_TYPE(Id, SingletonId)   case BuiltinType::Id:
#define PLACEHOLDER_TYPE(Id, SingletonId)


typedef ExprResult PerformCastFn(Sema &S, Expr *operand, QualType toType)


enum  NonConstCaptureKind { NCCK_None , NCCK_Block , NCCK_Lambda }
 Is the given expression (which must be 'const') a reference to a variable which was originally non-const, but which has become 'const' due to being captured within a block? More...
enum  {
  ConstFunction , ConstVariable , ConstMember , ConstMethod ,
  NestedConstMember , ConstUnknown
enum  OriginalExprKind { OEK_Variable , OEK_Member , OEK_LValue }


static void DiagnoseUnusedOfDecl (Sema &S, NamedDecl *D, SourceLocation Loc)
static bool hasAnyExplicitStorageClass (const FunctionDecl *D)
 Determine whether a FunctionDecl was ever declared with an explicit storage class. More...
static void diagnoseUseOfInternalDeclInInlineFunction (Sema &S, const NamedDecl *D, SourceLocation Loc)
 Check whether we're in an extern inline function and referring to a variable or function with internal linkage (C11 6.7.4p3). More...
static void CheckForNullPointerDereference (Sema &S, Expr *E)
static void DiagnoseDirectIsaAccess (Sema &S, const ObjCIvarRefExpr *OIRE, SourceLocation AssignLoc, const Expr *RHS)
static bool handleComplexIntegerToFloatConversion (Sema &S, ExprResult &IntExpr, ExprResult &ComplexExpr, QualType IntTy, QualType ComplexTy, bool SkipCast)
 Convert complex integers to complex floats and real integers to real floats as required for complex arithmetic. More...
static QualType handleComplexFloatConversion (Sema &S, ExprResult &Shorter, QualType ShorterType, QualType LongerType, bool PromotePrecision)
static QualType handleComplexConversion (Sema &S, ExprResult &LHS, ExprResult &RHS, QualType LHSType, QualType RHSType, bool IsCompAssign)
 Handle arithmetic conversion with complex types. More...
static QualType handleIntToFloatConversion (Sema &S, ExprResult &FloatExpr, ExprResult &IntExpr, QualType FloatTy, QualType IntTy, bool ConvertFloat, bool ConvertInt)
 Handle arithmetic conversion from integer to float. More...
static QualType handleFloatConversion (Sema &S, ExprResult &LHS, ExprResult &RHS, QualType LHSType, QualType RHSType, bool IsCompAssign)
 Handle arithmethic conversion with floating point types. More...
static bool unsupportedTypeConversion (const Sema &S, QualType LHSType, QualType RHSType)
 Diagnose attempts to convert between __float128, __ibm128 and long double if there is no support for such conversion. More...
template<PerformCastFn doLHSCast, PerformCastFn doRHSCast>
static QualType handleIntegerConversion (Sema &S, ExprResult &LHS, ExprResult &RHS, QualType LHSType, QualType RHSType, bool IsCompAssign)
 Handle integer arithmetic conversions. More...
static QualType handleComplexIntConversion (Sema &S, ExprResult &LHS, ExprResult &RHS, QualType LHSType, QualType RHSType, bool IsCompAssign)
 Handle conversions with GCC complex int extension. More...
static unsigned GetFixedPointRank (QualType Ty)
 Return the rank of a given fixed point or integer type. More...
static QualType handleFixedPointConversion (Sema &S, QualType LHSTy, QualType RHSTy)
 handleFixedPointConversion - Fixed point operations between fixed point types and integers or other fixed point types do not fall under usual arithmetic conversion since these conversions could result in loss of precsision (N1169 4.1.4). More...
static void checkEnumArithmeticConversions (Sema &S, Expr *LHS, Expr *RHS, SourceLocation Loc, Sema::ArithConvKind ACK)
 Check that the usual arithmetic conversions can be performed on this pair of expressions that might be of enumeration type. More...
static PredefinedIdentKind getPredefinedExprKind (tok::TokenKind Kind)
static DeclgetPredefinedExprDecl (DeclContext *DC)
 getPredefinedExprDecl - Returns Decl of a given DeclContext that can be used to determine the value of a PredefinedExpr. More...
static SourceLocation getUDSuffixLoc (Sema &S, SourceLocation TokLoc, unsigned Offset)
 getUDSuffixLoc - Create a SourceLocation for a ud-suffix, given the location of the token and the offset of the ud-suffix within it. More...
static ExprResult BuildCookedLiteralOperatorCall (Sema &S, Scope *Scope, IdentifierInfo *UDSuffix, SourceLocation UDSuffixLoc, ArrayRef< Expr * > Args, SourceLocation LitEndLoc)
 BuildCookedLiteralOperatorCall - A user-defined literal was found. More...
static bool isCapturingReferenceToHostVarInCUDADeviceLambda (const Sema &S, VarDecl *VD)
static void emitEmptyLookupTypoDiagnostic (const TypoCorrection &TC, Sema &SemaRef, const CXXScopeSpec &SS, DeclarationName Typo, SourceLocation TypoLoc, ArrayRef< Expr * > Args, unsigned DiagnosticID, unsigned DiagnosticSuggestID)
static ExprrecoverFromMSUnqualifiedLookup (Sema &S, ASTContext &Context, DeclarationNameInfo &NameInfo, SourceLocation TemplateKWLoc, const TemplateArgumentListInfo *TemplateArgs)
 In Microsoft mode, if we are inside a template class whose parent class has dependent base classes, and we can't resolve an unqualified identifier, then assume the identifier is a member of a dependent base class. More...
static bool CheckDeclInExpr (Sema &S, SourceLocation Loc, NamedDecl *D, bool AcceptInvalid)
 Diagnoses obvious problems with the use of the given declaration as an expression. More...
static bool ShouldLookupResultBeMultiVersionOverload (const LookupResult &R)
static void diagnoseUncapturableValueReferenceOrBinding (Sema &S, SourceLocation loc, ValueDecl *var)
static void ConvertUTF8ToWideString (unsigned CharByteWidth, StringRef Source, SmallString< 32 > &Target)
static ExprBuildFloatingLiteral (Sema &S, NumericLiteralParser &Literal, QualType Ty, SourceLocation Loc)
static bool CheckVecStepTraitOperandType (Sema &S, QualType T, SourceLocation Loc, SourceRange ArgRange)
static bool CheckVectorElementsTraitOperandType (Sema &S, QualType T, SourceLocation Loc, SourceRange ArgRange)
static bool CheckExtensionTraitOperandType (Sema &S, QualType T, SourceLocation Loc, SourceRange ArgRange, UnaryExprOrTypeTrait TraitKind)
static bool CheckObjCTraitOperandConstraints (Sema &S, QualType T, SourceLocation Loc, SourceRange ArgRange, UnaryExprOrTypeTrait TraitKind)
static void warnOnSizeofOnArrayDecay (Sema &S, SourceLocation Loc, QualType T, const Expr *E)
 Check whether E is a pointer from a decayed array type (the decayed pointer type is equal to T) and emit a warning if it is. More...
static bool CheckAlignOfExpr (Sema &S, Expr *E, UnaryExprOrTypeTrait ExprKind)
static void captureVariablyModifiedType (ASTContext &Context, QualType T, CapturingScopeInfo *CSI)
static QualType CheckRealImagOperand (Sema &S, ExprResult &V, SourceLocation Loc, bool IsReal)
static bool checkArithmeticOnObjCPointer (Sema &S, SourceLocation opLoc, Expr *op)
 Diagnose if arithmetic on the given ObjC pointer is illegal. More...
static bool isMSPropertySubscriptExpr (Sema &S, Expr *Base)
static QualType getDependentArraySubscriptType (Expr *LHS, Expr *RHS, const ASTContext &Ctx)
static TypoCorrection TryTypoCorrectionForCall (Sema &S, Expr *Fn, FunctionDecl *FDecl, ArrayRef< Expr * > Args)
static void DiagnoseCalleeStaticArrayParam (Sema &S, ParmVarDecl *PVD)
static ExprResult rebuildUnknownAnyFunction (Sema &S, Expr *fn)
 Given a function expression of unknown-any type, try to rebuild it to have a function type. More...
static bool isPlaceholderToRemoveAsArg (QualType type)
 Is the given type a placeholder that we need to lower out immediately during argument processing? More...
static FunctionDeclrewriteBuiltinFunctionDecl (Sema *Sema, ASTContext &Context, FunctionDecl *FDecl, MultiExprArg ArgExprs)
 If a builtin function has a pointer argument with no explicit address space, then it should be able to accept a pointer to any address space as input. More...
static void checkDirectCallValidity (Sema &S, const Expr *Fn, FunctionDecl *Callee, MultiExprArg ArgExprs)
static bool enclosingClassIsRelatedToClassInWhichMembersWereFound (const UnresolvedMemberExpr *const UME, Sema &S)
static void tryImplicitlyCaptureThisIfImplicitMemberFunctionAccessWithDependentArgs (Sema &S, const UnresolvedMemberExpr *const UME, SourceLocation CallLoc)
static void DiagnosedUnqualifiedCallsToStdFunctions (Sema &S, const CallExpr *Call)
static bool breakDownVectorType (QualType type, uint64_t &len, QualType &eltType)
static bool checkCondition (Sema &S, const Expr *Cond, SourceLocation QuestionLoc)
 Return false if the condition expression is valid, true otherwise. More...
static bool checkConditionalNullPointer (Sema &S, ExprResult &NullExpr, QualType PointerTy)
 Return false if the NullExpr can be promoted to PointerTy, true otherwise. More...
static QualType checkConditionalPointerCompatibility (Sema &S, ExprResult &LHS, ExprResult &RHS, SourceLocation Loc)
 Checks compatibility between two pointers and return the resulting type. More...
static QualType checkConditionalBlockPointerCompatibility (Sema &S, ExprResult &LHS, ExprResult &RHS, SourceLocation Loc)
 Return the resulting type when the operands are both block pointers. More...
static QualType checkConditionalObjectPointersCompatibility (Sema &S, ExprResult &LHS, ExprResult &RHS, SourceLocation Loc)
 Return the resulting type when the operands are both pointers. More...
static bool checkPointerIntegerMismatch (Sema &S, ExprResult &Int, Expr *PointerExpr, SourceLocation Loc, bool IsIntFirstExpr)
 Return false if the first expression is not an integer and the second expression is not a pointer, true otherwise. More...
static QualType OpenCLArithmeticConversions (Sema &S, ExprResult &LHS, ExprResult &RHS, SourceLocation QuestionLoc)
 Simple conversion between integer and floating point types. More...
static QualType OpenCLConvertScalarsToVectors (Sema &S, ExprResult &LHS, ExprResult &RHS, QualType CondTy, SourceLocation QuestionLoc)
 Convert scalar operands to a vector that matches the condition in length. More...
static bool checkOpenCLConditionVector (Sema &S, Expr *Cond, SourceLocation QuestionLoc)
 Return false if this is a valid OpenCL condition vector. More...
static bool checkVectorResult (Sema &S, QualType CondTy, QualType VecResTy, SourceLocation QuestionLoc)
 Return false if the vector condition type and the vector result type are compatible. More...
static QualType OpenCLCheckVectorConditional (Sema &S, ExprResult &Cond, ExprResult &LHS, ExprResult &RHS, SourceLocation QuestionLoc)
 Return the resulting type for the conditional operator in OpenCL (aka "ternary selection operator", OpenCL v1.1 s6.3.i) when the condition is a vector type. More...
static bool checkBlockType (Sema &S, const Expr *E)
 Return true if the Expr is block type. More...
static void SuggestParentheses (Sema &Self, SourceLocation Loc, const PartialDiagnostic &Note, SourceRange ParenRange)
 SuggestParentheses - Emit a note with a fixit hint that wraps ParenRange in parentheses. More...
static bool IsArithmeticOp (BinaryOperatorKind Opc)
static bool IsArithmeticBinaryExpr (const Expr *E, BinaryOperatorKind *Opcode, const Expr **RHSExprs)
 IsArithmeticBinaryExpr - Returns true if E is an arithmetic binary expression, either using a built-in or overloaded operator, and sets *OpCode to the opcode and *RHSExprs to the right-hand side expression. More...
static bool ExprLooksBoolean (const Expr *E)
 ExprLooksBoolean - Returns true if E looks boolean, i.e. More...
static void DiagnoseConditionalPrecedence (Sema &Self, SourceLocation OpLoc, Expr *Condition, const Expr *LHSExpr, const Expr *RHSExpr)
 DiagnoseConditionalPrecedence - Emit a warning when a conditional operator and binary operator are mixed in a way that suggests the programmer assumed the conditional operator has higher precedence, for example: "int x = a + someBinaryCondition ? 1 : 2". More...
static QualType computeConditionalNullability (QualType ResTy, bool IsBin, QualType LHSTy, QualType RHSTy, ASTContext &Ctx)
 Compute the nullability of a conditional expression. More...
static bool IsInvalidCmseNSCallConversion (Sema &S, QualType FromType, QualType ToType)
static Sema::AssignConvertType checkPointerTypesForAssignment (Sema &S, QualType LHSType, QualType RHSType, SourceLocation Loc)
static Sema::AssignConvertType checkBlockPointerTypesForAssignment (Sema &S, QualType LHSType, QualType RHSType)
 checkBlockPointerTypesForAssignment - This routine determines whether two block pointer types are compatible or whether a block and normal pointer are compatible. More...
static Sema::AssignConvertType checkObjCPointerTypesForAssignment (Sema &S, QualType LHSType, QualType RHSType)
 checkObjCPointerTypesForAssignment - Compares two objective-c pointer types for assignment compatibility. More...
static bool isVector (QualType QT, QualType ElementType)
 This helper function returns true if QT is a vector type that has element type ElementType. More...
static void ConstructTransparentUnion (Sema &S, ASTContext &C, ExprResult &EResult, QualType UnionType, FieldDecl *Field)
 Constructs a transparent union from an expression that is used to initialize the transparent union. More...
static bool tryVectorConvertAndSplat (Sema &S, ExprResult *scalar, QualType scalarTy, QualType vectorEltTy, QualType vectorTy, unsigned &DiagID)
 Try to convert a value of non-vector type to a vector type by converting the type to the element type of the vector and then performing a splat. More...
static ExprResult convertVector (Expr *E, QualType ElementType, Sema &S)
 Convert vector E to a vector with the same number of elements but different element type. More...
static bool canConvertIntToOtherIntTy (Sema &S, ExprResult *Int, QualType OtherIntTy)
 Test if a (constant) integer Int can be casted to another integer type IntTy without losing precision. More...
static bool canConvertIntTyToFloatTy (Sema &S, ExprResult *Int, QualType FloatTy)
 Test if a (constant) integer Int can be casted to floating point type FloatTy without losing precision. More...
static bool tryGCCVectorConvertAndSplat (Sema &S, ExprResult *Scalar, ExprResult *Vector)
 Attempt to convert and splat Scalar into a vector whose types matches Vector following GCC conversion rules. More...
static void checkArithmeticNull (Sema &S, ExprResult &LHS, ExprResult &RHS, SourceLocation Loc, bool IsCompare)
static void DiagnoseDivisionSizeofPointerOrArray (Sema &S, Expr *LHS, Expr *RHS, SourceLocation Loc)
static void DiagnoseBadDivideOrRemainderValues (Sema &S, ExprResult &LHS, ExprResult &RHS, SourceLocation Loc, bool IsDiv)
static void diagnoseArithmeticOnTwoVoidPointers (Sema &S, SourceLocation Loc, Expr *LHSExpr, Expr *RHSExpr)
 Diagnose invalid arithmetic on two void pointers. More...
static void diagnoseArithmeticOnVoidPointer (Sema &S, SourceLocation Loc, Expr *Pointer)
 Diagnose invalid arithmetic on a void pointer. More...
static void diagnoseArithmeticOnNullPointer (Sema &S, SourceLocation Loc, Expr *Pointer, bool IsGNUIdiom)
 Diagnose invalid arithmetic on a null pointer. More...
static void diagnoseSubtractionOnNullPointer (Sema &S, SourceLocation Loc, Expr *Pointer, bool BothNull)
 Diagnose invalid subraction on a null pointer. More...
static void diagnoseArithmeticOnTwoFunctionPointers (Sema &S, SourceLocation Loc, Expr *LHS, Expr *RHS)
 Diagnose invalid arithmetic on two function pointers. More...
static void diagnoseArithmeticOnFunctionPointer (Sema &S, SourceLocation Loc, Expr *Pointer)
 Diagnose invalid arithmetic on a function pointer. More...
static bool checkArithmeticIncompletePointerType (Sema &S, SourceLocation Loc, Expr *Operand)
 Emit error if Operand is incomplete pointer type. More...
static bool checkArithmeticOpPointerOperand (Sema &S, SourceLocation Loc, Expr *Operand)
 Check the validity of an arithmetic pointer operand. More...
static bool checkArithmeticBinOpPointerOperands (Sema &S, SourceLocation Loc, Expr *LHSExpr, Expr *RHSExpr)
 Check the validity of a binary arithmetic operation w.r.t. More...
static void diagnoseStringPlusInt (Sema &Self, SourceLocation OpLoc, Expr *LHSExpr, Expr *RHSExpr)
 diagnoseStringPlusInt - Emit a warning when adding an integer to a string literal. More...
static void diagnoseStringPlusChar (Sema &Self, SourceLocation OpLoc, Expr *LHSExpr, Expr *RHSExpr)
 Emit a warning when adding a char literal to a string. More...
static void diagnosePointerIncompatibility (Sema &S, SourceLocation Loc, Expr *LHSExpr, Expr *RHSExpr)
 Emit error when two pointers are incompatible. More...
static bool isScopedEnumerationType (QualType T)
static void DiagnoseBadShiftValues (Sema &S, ExprResult &LHS, ExprResult &RHS, SourceLocation Loc, BinaryOperatorKind Opc, QualType LHSType)
static QualType checkVectorShift (Sema &S, ExprResult &LHS, ExprResult &RHS, SourceLocation Loc, bool IsCompAssign)
 Return the resulting type when a vector is shifted by a scalar or vector shift amount. More...
static QualType checkSizelessVectorShift (Sema &S, ExprResult &LHS, ExprResult &RHS, SourceLocation Loc, bool IsCompAssign)
static void diagnoseDistinctPointerComparison (Sema &S, SourceLocation Loc, ExprResult &LHS, ExprResult &RHS, bool IsError)
 Diagnose bad pointer comparisons. More...
static bool convertPointersToCompositeType (Sema &S, SourceLocation Loc, ExprResult &LHS, ExprResult &RHS)
 Returns false if the pointers are converted to a composite type, true otherwise. More...
static void diagnoseFunctionPointerToVoidComparison (Sema &S, SourceLocation Loc, ExprResult &LHS, ExprResult &RHS, bool IsError)
static bool isObjCObjectLiteral (ExprResult &E)
static bool hasIsEqualMethod (Sema &S, const Expr *LHS, const Expr *RHS)
static void diagnoseObjCLiteralComparison (Sema &S, SourceLocation Loc, ExprResult &LHS, ExprResult &RHS, BinaryOperator::Opcode Opc)
static void diagnoseLogicalNotOnLHSofCheck (Sema &S, ExprResult &LHS, ExprResult &RHS, SourceLocation Loc, BinaryOperatorKind Opc)
 Warns on !x < y, !x & y where !(x < y), !(x & y) was probably intended. More...
static bool checkForArray (const Expr *E)
static void diagnoseTautologicalComparison (Sema &S, SourceLocation Loc, Expr *LHS, Expr *RHS, BinaryOperatorKind Opc)
 Diagnose some forms of syntactically-obvious tautological comparison. More...
static ImplicitConversionKind castKindToImplicitConversionKind (CastKind CK)
static bool checkThreeWayNarrowingConversion (Sema &S, QualType ToType, Expr *E, QualType FromType, SourceLocation Loc)
static QualType checkArithmeticOrEnumeralThreeWayCompare (Sema &S, ExprResult &LHS, ExprResult &RHS, SourceLocation Loc)
static QualType checkArithmeticOrEnumeralCompare (Sema &S, ExprResult &LHS, ExprResult &RHS, SourceLocation Loc, BinaryOperatorKind Opc)
static void diagnoseXorMisusedAsPow (Sema &S, const ExprResult &XorLHS, const ExprResult &XorRHS, const SourceLocation Loc)
static bool isLegalBoolVectorBinaryOp (BinaryOperatorKind Opc)
static bool IsReadonlyMessage (Expr *E, Sema &S)
static NonConstCaptureKind isReferenceToNonConstCapture (Sema &S, Expr *E)
static bool IsTypeModifiable (QualType Ty, bool IsDereference)
static void DiagnoseConstAssignment (Sema &S, const Expr *E, SourceLocation Loc)
 Emit the "read-only variable not assignable" error and print notes to give more information about why the variable is not assignable, such as pointing to the declaration of a const variable, showing that a method is const, or that the function is returning a const reference. More...
static void DiagnoseRecursiveConstFields (Sema &S, const ValueDecl *VD, const RecordType *Ty, SourceLocation Loc, SourceRange Range, OriginalExprKind OEK, bool &DiagnosticEmitted)
static void DiagnoseRecursiveConstFields (Sema &S, const Expr *E, SourceLocation Loc)
 Emit an error for the case where a record we are trying to assign to has a const-qualified field somewhere in its hierarchy. More...
static bool CheckForModifiableLvalue (Expr *E, SourceLocation Loc, Sema &S)
 CheckForModifiableLvalue - Verify that E is a modifiable lvalue. More...
static void CheckIdentityFieldAssignment (Expr *LHSExpr, Expr *RHSExpr, SourceLocation Loc, Sema &Sema)
static bool IgnoreCommaOperand (const Expr *E, const ASTContext &Context)
static QualType CheckCommaOperands (Sema &S, ExprResult &LHS, ExprResult &RHS, SourceLocation Loc)
static QualType CheckIncrementDecrementOperand (Sema &S, Expr *Op, ExprValueKind &VK, ExprObjectKind &OK, SourceLocation OpLoc, bool IsInc, bool IsPrefix)
 CheckIncrementDecrementOperand - unlike most "Check" methods, this routine doesn't need to call UsualUnaryConversions or UsualArithmeticConversions. More...
static ValueDeclgetPrimaryDecl (Expr *E)
 getPrimaryDecl - Helper function for CheckAddressOfOperand(). More...
static void diagnoseAddressOfInvalidType (Sema &S, SourceLocation Loc, Expr *E, unsigned Type)
 Diagnose invalid operand for address of operations. More...
static void RecordModifiableNonNullParam (Sema &S, const Expr *Exp)
static QualType CheckIndirectionOperand (Sema &S, Expr *Op, ExprValueKind &VK, SourceLocation OpLoc, bool IsAfterAmp=false)
 CheckIndirectionOperand - Type check unary indirection (prefix '*'). More...
static UnaryOperatorKind ConvertTokenKindToUnaryOpcode (tok::TokenKind Kind)
static void DiagnoseSelfAssignment (Sema &S, Expr *LHSExpr, Expr *RHSExpr, SourceLocation OpLoc, bool IsBuiltin)
 DiagnoseSelfAssignment - Emits a warning if a value is assigned to itself. More...
static void checkObjCPointerIntrospection (Sema &S, ExprResult &L, ExprResult &R, SourceLocation OpLoc)
 Check if a bitwise-& is performed on an Objective-C pointer. More...
static NamedDeclgetDeclFromExpr (Expr *E)
static ExprResult convertHalfVecBinOp (Sema &S, ExprResult LHS, ExprResult RHS, BinaryOperatorKind Opc, QualType ResultTy, ExprValueKind VK, ExprObjectKind OK, bool IsCompAssign, SourceLocation OpLoc, FPOptionsOverride FPFeatures)
static std::pair< ExprResult, ExprResultCorrectDelayedTyposInBinOp (Sema &S, BinaryOperatorKind Opc, Expr *LHSExpr, Expr *RHSExpr)
static bool needsConversionOfHalfVec (bool OpRequiresConversion, ASTContext &Ctx, Expr *E0, Expr *E1=nullptr)
 Returns true if conversion between vectors of halfs and vectors of floats is needed. More...
static void DiagnoseBitwisePrecedence (Sema &Self, BinaryOperatorKind Opc, SourceLocation OpLoc, Expr *LHSExpr, Expr *RHSExpr)
 DiagnoseBitwisePrecedence - Emit a warning when bitwise and comparison operators are mixed in a way that suggests that the programmer forgot that comparison operators have higher precedence. More...
static void EmitDiagnosticForLogicalAndInLogicalOr (Sema &Self, SourceLocation OpLoc, BinaryOperator *Bop)
 It accepts a '&&' expr that is inside a '||' one. More...
static void DiagnoseLogicalAndInLogicalOrLHS (Sema &S, SourceLocation OpLoc, Expr *LHSExpr, Expr *RHSExpr)
 Look for '&&' in the left hand of a '||' expr. More...
static void DiagnoseLogicalAndInLogicalOrRHS (Sema &S, SourceLocation OpLoc, Expr *LHSExpr, Expr *RHSExpr)
 Look for '&&' in the right hand of a '||' expr. More...
static void DiagnoseBitwiseOpInBitwiseOp (Sema &S, BinaryOperatorKind Opc, SourceLocation OpLoc, Expr *SubExpr)
 Look for bitwise op in the left or right hand of a bitwise op with lower precedence and emit a diagnostic together with a fixit hint that wraps the '&' expression in parentheses. More...
static void DiagnoseAdditionInShift (Sema &S, SourceLocation OpLoc, Expr *SubExpr, StringRef Shift)
static void DiagnoseShiftCompare (Sema &S, SourceLocation OpLoc, Expr *LHSExpr, Expr *RHSExpr)
static void DiagnoseBinOpPrecedence (Sema &Self, BinaryOperatorKind Opc, SourceLocation OpLoc, Expr *LHSExpr, Expr *RHSExpr)
 DiagnoseBinOpPrecedence - Emit warnings for expressions with tricky precedence. More...
static ExprResult BuildOverloadedBinOp (Sema &S, Scope *Sc, SourceLocation OpLoc, BinaryOperatorKind Opc, Expr *LHS, Expr *RHS)
 Build an overloaded binary operator expression in the given scope. More...
static bool isOverflowingIntegerType (ASTContext &Ctx, QualType T)
static CXXRecordDeclLookupStdSourceLocationImpl (Sema &S, SourceLocation Loc)
static bool maybeDiagnoseAssignmentToFunction (Sema &S, QualType DstType, const Expr *SrcExpr)
static void EvaluateAndDiagnoseImmediateInvocation (Sema &SemaRef, Sema::ImmediateInvocationCandidate Candidate)
static void RemoveNestedImmediateInvocation (Sema &SemaRef, Sema::ExpressionEvaluationContextRecord &Rec, SmallVector< Sema::ImmediateInvocationCandidate, 4 >::reverse_iterator It)
static void HandleImmediateInvocations (Sema &SemaRef, Sema::ExpressionEvaluationContextRecord &Rec)
static bool isPotentiallyConstantEvaluatedContext (Sema &SemaRef)
 Are we in a context that is potentially constant evaluated per C++20 [expr.const]p12? More...
static bool funcHasParameterSizeMangling (Sema &S, FunctionDecl *FD)
 Return true if this function has a calling convention that requires mangling in the size of the parameter pack. More...
static void CheckCompleteParameterTypesForMangler (Sema &S, FunctionDecl *FD, SourceLocation Loc)
 Require that all of the parameter types of function be complete. More...
static OdrUseContext isOdrUseContext (Sema &SemaRef)
 Are we within a context in which references to resolved functions or to variables result in odr-use? More...
static bool isImplicitlyDefinableConstexprFunction (FunctionDecl *Func)
static void MarkVarDeclODRUsed (ValueDecl *V, SourceLocation Loc, Sema &SemaRef, const unsigned *const FunctionScopeIndexToStopAt=nullptr)
 Directly mark a variable odr-used. More...
static bool isVariableAlreadyCapturedInScopeInfo (CapturingScopeInfo *CSI, ValueDecl *Var, bool &SubCapturesAreNested, QualType &CaptureType, QualType &DeclRefType)
static DeclContextgetParentOfCapturingContextOrNull (DeclContext *DC, ValueDecl *Var, SourceLocation Loc, const bool Diagnose, Sema &S)
static bool isVariableCapturable (CapturingScopeInfo *CSI, ValueDecl *Var, SourceLocation Loc, const bool Diagnose, Sema &S)
static bool captureInBlock (BlockScopeInfo *BSI, ValueDecl *Var, SourceLocation Loc, const bool BuildAndDiagnose, QualType &CaptureType, QualType &DeclRefType, const bool Nested, Sema &S, bool Invalid)
static bool captureInCapturedRegion (CapturedRegionScopeInfo *RSI, ValueDecl *Var, SourceLocation Loc, const bool BuildAndDiagnose, QualType &CaptureType, QualType &DeclRefType, const bool RefersToCapturedVariable, Sema::TryCaptureKind Kind, bool IsTopScope, Sema &S, bool Invalid)
 Capture the given variable in the captured region. More...
static bool captureInLambda (LambdaScopeInfo *LSI, ValueDecl *Var, SourceLocation Loc, const bool BuildAndDiagnose, QualType &CaptureType, QualType &DeclRefType, const bool RefersToCapturedVariable, const Sema::TryCaptureKind Kind, SourceLocation EllipsisLoc, const bool IsTopScope, Sema &S, bool Invalid)
 Capture the given variable in the lambda. More...
static bool canCaptureVariableByCopy (ValueDecl *Var, const ASTContext &Context)
static void buildLambdaCaptureFixit (Sema &Sema, LambdaScopeInfo *LSI, ValueDecl *Var)
 Create up to 4 fix-its for explicit reference and value capture of Var or default capture. More...
static ExprResult rebuildPotentialResultsAsNonOdrUsed (Sema &S, Expr *E, NonOdrUseReason NOUR)
 Walk the set of potential results of an expression and mark them all as non-odr-uses if they satisfy the side-conditions of the NonOdrUseReason. More...
static void DoMarkPotentialCapture (Sema &SemaRef, SourceLocation Loc, ValueDecl *Var, Expr *E)
static void DoMarkVarDeclReferenced (Sema &SemaRef, SourceLocation Loc, VarDecl *Var, Expr *E, llvm::DenseMap< const VarDecl *, int > &RefsMinusAssignments)
static void DoMarkBindingDeclReferenced (Sema &SemaRef, SourceLocation Loc, BindingDecl *BD, Expr *E)
static void FixDependencyOfIdExpressionsInLambdaWithDependentObjectParameter (Sema &SemaRef, ValueDecl *D, Expr *E)
static void MarkExprReferenced (Sema &SemaRef, SourceLocation Loc, Decl *D, Expr *E, bool MightBeOdrUse, llvm::DenseMap< const VarDecl *, int > &RefsMinusAssignments)
static ExprResult diagnoseUnknownAnyExpr (Sema &S, Expr *E)

Macro Definition Documentation


#define ABSTRACT_DECL (   kind)


#define ABSTRACT_TYPE (   Class,


#define BUILTIN_TYPE (   ID,
)    case BuiltinType::ID:


#define BUILTIN_TYPE (   Id,
)    case BuiltinType::Id:


#define DECL (   type,
)    case Decl::type:


#define DEPENDENT_TYPE (   Class,
)    case Type::Class:


#define EXT_OPAQUE_TYPE (   ExtType,
)     case BuiltinType::Id:


#define EXT_OPAQUE_TYPE (   ExtType,
)     case BuiltinType::Id:


#define IMAGE_READ_WRITE_TYPE (   Type,


#define IMAGE_READ_WRITE_TYPE (   Type,

◆ IMAGE_TYPE [1/4]

#define IMAGE_TYPE (   ImgType,
)     case BuiltinType::Id:

◆ IMAGE_TYPE [2/4]

#define IMAGE_TYPE (   ImgType,
)     case BuiltinType::Sampled##Id:

◆ IMAGE_TYPE [3/4]

#define IMAGE_TYPE (   ImgType,
)     case BuiltinType::Id:

◆ IMAGE_TYPE [4/4]

#define IMAGE_TYPE (   ImgType,
)     case BuiltinType::Sampled##Id:


#define IMAGE_WRITE_TYPE (   Type,


#define IMAGE_WRITE_TYPE (   Type,


#define NON_CANONICAL_TYPE (   Class,






#define PLACEHOLDER_TYPE (   Id,


#define PPC_VECTOR_TYPE (   Name,
)     case BuiltinType::Id:


#define PPC_VECTOR_TYPE (   Name,
)     case BuiltinType::Id:

◆ RVV_TYPE [1/2]

#define RVV_TYPE (   Name,
)    case BuiltinType::Id:

◆ RVV_TYPE [2/2]

#define RVV_TYPE (   Name,
)    case BuiltinType::Id:

◆ SVE_TYPE [1/2]

#define SVE_TYPE (   Name,
)     case BuiltinType::Id:

◆ SVE_TYPE [2/2]

#define SVE_TYPE (   Name,
)     case BuiltinType::Id:


#define TYPE (   Class,


#define VALUE (   type,

◆ WASM_TYPE [1/2]

#define WASM_TYPE (   Name,
)    case BuiltinType::Id:

◆ WASM_TYPE [2/2]

#define WASM_TYPE (   Name,
)    case BuiltinType::Id:

Typedef Documentation

◆ PerformCastFn

typedef ExprResult PerformCastFn(Sema &S, Expr *operand, QualType toType)

Definition at line 1367 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

Definition at line 13349 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

◆ NonConstCaptureKind

Is the given expression (which must be 'const') a reference to a variable which was originally non-const, but which has become 'const' due to being captured within a block?


Definition at line 13303 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

◆ OriginalExprKind


Definition at line 13481 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

Function Documentation

◆ breakDownVectorType()

static bool breakDownVectorType ( QualType  type,
uint64_t &  len,
QualType eltType 

◆ BuildCookedLiteralOperatorCall()

static ExprResult BuildCookedLiteralOperatorCall ( Sema S,
Scope Scope,
IdentifierInfo UDSuffix,
SourceLocation  UDSuffixLoc,
ArrayRef< Expr * >  Args,
SourceLocation  LitEndLoc 

BuildCookedLiteralOperatorCall - A user-defined literal was found.

Look up the corresponding cooked (non-raw) literal operator, and build a call to it.

Definition at line 2015 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

◆ BuildFloatingLiteral()

static Expr* BuildFloatingLiteral ( Sema S,
NumericLiteralParser Literal,
QualType  Ty,
SourceLocation  Loc 

Definition at line 3723 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

◆ buildLambdaCaptureFixit()

static void buildLambdaCaptureFixit ( Sema Sema,
LambdaScopeInfo LSI,
ValueDecl Var 

◆ BuildOverloadedBinOp()

static ExprResult BuildOverloadedBinOp ( Sema S,
Scope Sc,
SourceLocation  OpLoc,
BinaryOperatorKind  Opc,
Expr LHS,
Expr RHS 

Build an overloaded binary operator expression in the given scope.

Definition at line 15259 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

◆ canCaptureVariableByCopy()

static bool canCaptureVariableByCopy ( ValueDecl Var,
const ASTContext Context 

Definition at line 18733 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

Referenced by buildLambdaCaptureFixit().

◆ canConvertIntToOtherIntTy()

static bool canConvertIntToOtherIntTy ( Sema S,
ExprResult Int,
QualType  OtherIntTy 

Test if a (constant) integer Int can be casted to another integer type IntTy without losing precision.

Definition at line 10081 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

◆ canConvertIntTyToFloatTy()

static bool canConvertIntTyToFloatTy ( Sema S,
ExprResult Int,
QualType  FloatTy 

Test if a (constant) integer Int can be casted to floating point type FloatTy without losing precision.

Definition at line 10119 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

◆ captureInBlock()

static bool captureInBlock ( BlockScopeInfo BSI,
ValueDecl Var,
SourceLocation  Loc,
const bool  BuildAndDiagnose,
QualType CaptureType,
QualType DeclRefType,
const bool  Nested,
Sema S,
bool  Invalid 

Definition at line 18523 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

◆ captureInCapturedRegion()

static bool captureInCapturedRegion ( CapturedRegionScopeInfo RSI,
ValueDecl Var,
SourceLocation  Loc,
const bool  BuildAndDiagnose,
QualType CaptureType,
QualType DeclRefType,
const bool  RefersToCapturedVariable,
Sema::TryCaptureKind  Kind,
bool  IsTopScope,
Sema S,
bool  Invalid 

Capture the given variable in the captured region.

Definition at line 18591 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

◆ captureInLambda()

static bool captureInLambda ( LambdaScopeInfo LSI,
ValueDecl Var,
SourceLocation  Loc,
const bool  BuildAndDiagnose,
QualType CaptureType,
QualType DeclRefType,
const bool  RefersToCapturedVariable,
const Sema::TryCaptureKind  Kind,
SourceLocation  EllipsisLoc,
const bool  IsTopScope,
Sema S,
bool  Invalid 

Capture the given variable in the lambda.

Definition at line 18631 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

◆ captureVariablyModifiedType()

static void captureVariablyModifiedType ( ASTContext Context,
QualType  T,
CapturingScopeInfo CSI 

Definition at line 4503 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

◆ castKindToImplicitConversionKind()

static ImplicitConversionKind castKindToImplicitConversionKind ( CastKind  CK)

◆ CheckAlignOfExpr()

static bool CheckAlignOfExpr ( Sema S,
Expr E,
UnaryExprOrTypeTrait  ExprKind 

Definition at line 4437 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

Referenced by clang::Sema::CreateUnaryExprOrTypeTraitExpr().

◆ checkArithmeticBinOpPointerOperands()

static bool checkArithmeticBinOpPointerOperands ( Sema S,
SourceLocation  Loc,
Expr LHSExpr,
Expr RHSExpr 

Check the validity of a binary arithmetic operation w.r.t.

pointer operands.

This routine will diagnose any invalid arithmetic on pointer operands much like

See also
checkArithmeticOpPointerOperand. However, it has special logic for emitting a single diagnostic even for operations where both LHS and RHS are (potentially problematic) pointers.
True when the operand is valid to use (even if as an extension).

Definition at line 10893 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

◆ checkArithmeticIncompletePointerType()

static bool checkArithmeticIncompletePointerType ( Sema S,
SourceLocation  Loc,
Expr Operand 

Emit error if Operand is incomplete pointer type.

True if pointer has incomplete type

Definition at line 10839 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

◆ checkArithmeticNull()

static void checkArithmeticNull ( Sema S,
ExprResult LHS,
ExprResult RHS,
SourceLocation  Loc,
bool  IsCompare 

◆ checkArithmeticOnObjCPointer()

static bool checkArithmeticOnObjCPointer ( Sema S,
SourceLocation  opLoc,
Expr op 

Diagnose if arithmetic on the given ObjC pointer is illegal.

true on error

Definition at line 4894 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

Referenced by clang::Sema::CheckSubtractionOperands().

◆ checkArithmeticOpPointerOperand()

static bool checkArithmeticOpPointerOperand ( Sema S,
SourceLocation  Loc,
Expr Operand 

Check the validity of an arithmetic pointer operand.

If the operand has pointer type, this code will check for pointer types which are invalid in arithmetic operations. These will be diagnosed appropriately, including whether or not the use is supported as an extension.

True when the operand is valid to use (even if as an extension).

Definition at line 10861 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

◆ checkArithmeticOrEnumeralCompare()

static QualType checkArithmeticOrEnumeralCompare ( Sema S,
ExprResult LHS,
ExprResult RHS,
SourceLocation  Loc,
BinaryOperatorKind  Opc 

Definition at line 12161 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

Referenced by clang::Sema::CheckCompareOperands().

◆ checkArithmeticOrEnumeralThreeWayCompare()

static QualType checkArithmeticOrEnumeralThreeWayCompare ( Sema S,
ExprResult LHS,
ExprResult RHS,
SourceLocation  Loc 

Definition at line 12079 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

◆ checkBlockPointerTypesForAssignment()

static Sema::AssignConvertType checkBlockPointerTypesForAssignment ( Sema S,
QualType  LHSType,
QualType  RHSType 

checkBlockPointerTypesForAssignment - This routine determines whether two block pointer types are compatible or whether a block and normal pointer are compatible.

It is more restrict than comparing two function pointer

Definition at line 9186 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

◆ checkBlockType()

static bool checkBlockType ( Sema S,
const Expr E 

Return true if the Expr is block type.

Definition at line 8502 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

◆ CheckCommaOperands()

static QualType CheckCommaOperands ( Sema S,
ExprResult LHS,
ExprResult RHS,
SourceLocation  Loc 

Definition at line 13934 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

Referenced by clang::Sema::CreateBuiltinBinOp().

◆ CheckCompleteParameterTypesForMangler()

static void CheckCompleteParameterTypesForMangler ( Sema S,
FunctionDecl FD,
SourceLocation  Loc 

Require that all of the parameter types of function be complete.

Normally, parameter types are only required to be complete when a function is called or defined, but to mangle functions with certain calling conventions, the mangler needs to know the size of the parameter list. In this situation, MSVC doesn't emit an error or instantiate templates. Instead, MSVC mangles the function as _foo@0, i.e. zero bytes of parameters, which will usually result in a linker error. Clang doesn't implement this behavior, and instead attempts to error at compile time.

Definition at line 17903 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

◆ checkCondition()

static bool checkCondition ( Sema S,
const Expr Cond,
SourceLocation  QuestionLoc 

Return false if the condition expression is valid, true otherwise.

Definition at line 8067 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

◆ checkConditionalBlockPointerCompatibility()

static QualType checkConditionalBlockPointerCompatibility ( Sema S,
ExprResult LHS,
ExprResult RHS,
SourceLocation  Loc 

Return the resulting type when the operands are both block pointers.

Definition at line 8232 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

◆ checkConditionalNullPointer()

static bool checkConditionalNullPointer ( Sema S,
ExprResult NullExpr,
QualType  PointerTy 

Return false if the NullExpr can be promoted to PointerTy, true otherwise.

Definition at line 8088 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

◆ checkConditionalObjectPointersCompatibility()

static QualType checkConditionalObjectPointersCompatibility ( Sema S,
ExprResult LHS,
ExprResult RHS,
SourceLocation  Loc 

Return the resulting type when the operands are both pointers.

Definition at line 8258 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

◆ checkConditionalPointerCompatibility()

static QualType checkConditionalPointerCompatibility ( Sema S,
ExprResult LHS,
ExprResult RHS,
SourceLocation  Loc 

Checks compatibility between two pointers and return the resulting type.

Definition at line 8101 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

◆ CheckDeclInExpr()

static bool CheckDeclInExpr ( Sema S,
SourceLocation  Loc,
NamedDecl D,
bool  AcceptInvalid 

Diagnoses obvious problems with the use of the given declaration as an expression.

This is only actually called for lookups that were not overloaded, and it doesn't promise that the declaration will in fact be used.

Definition at line 3269 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

Referenced by clang::Sema::BuildDeclarationNameExpr().

◆ checkDirectCallValidity()

static void checkDirectCallValidity ( Sema S,
const Expr Fn,
FunctionDecl Callee,
MultiExprArg  ArgExprs 

Definition at line 6375 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

◆ checkEnumArithmeticConversions()

static void checkEnumArithmeticConversions ( Sema S,
Expr LHS,
Expr RHS,
SourceLocation  Loc,
Sema::ArithConvKind  ACK 

Check that the usual arithmetic conversions can be performed on this pair of expressions that might be of enumeration type.

Definition at line 1567 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

Referenced by clang::Sema::UsualArithmeticConversions().

◆ CheckExtensionTraitOperandType()

static bool CheckExtensionTraitOperandType ( Sema S,
QualType  T,
SourceLocation  Loc,
SourceRange  ArgRange,
UnaryExprOrTypeTrait  TraitKind 

Definition at line 4259 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

◆ checkForArray()

static bool checkForArray ( const Expr E)

◆ CheckForModifiableLvalue()

static bool CheckForModifiableLvalue ( Expr E,
SourceLocation  Loc,
Sema S 

CheckForModifiableLvalue - Verify that E is a modifiable lvalue.

If not, emit an error and return true. If so, return false.

Definition at line 13551 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

Referenced by clang::Sema::CheckAssignmentOperands().

◆ CheckForNullPointerDereference()

static void CheckForNullPointerDereference ( Sema S,
Expr E 

Definition at line 639 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

◆ CheckIdentityFieldAssignment()

static void CheckIdentityFieldAssignment ( Expr LHSExpr,
Expr RHSExpr,
SourceLocation  Loc,
Sema Sema 

◆ CheckIncrementDecrementOperand()

static QualType CheckIncrementDecrementOperand ( Sema S,
Expr Op,
ExprValueKind VK,
ExprObjectKind OK,
SourceLocation  OpLoc,
bool  IsInc,
bool  IsPrefix 

CheckIncrementDecrementOperand - unlike most "Check" methods, this routine doesn't need to call UsualUnaryConversions or UsualArithmeticConversions.

Definition at line 13970 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

◆ CheckIndirectionOperand()

static QualType CheckIndirectionOperand ( Sema S,
Expr Op,
ExprValueKind VK,
SourceLocation  OpLoc,
bool  IsAfterAmp = false 

CheckIndirectionOperand - Type check unary indirection (prefix '*').

Definition at line 14422 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

◆ checkObjCPointerIntrospection()

static void checkObjCPointerIntrospection ( Sema S,
ExprResult L,
ExprResult R,
SourceLocation  OpLoc 

Check if a bitwise-& is performed on an Objective-C pointer.

This is usually indicative of introspection within the Objective-C pointer.

Definition at line 14620 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

Referenced by clang::Sema::CreateBuiltinBinOp().

◆ checkObjCPointerTypesForAssignment()

static Sema::AssignConvertType checkObjCPointerTypesForAssignment ( Sema S,
QualType  LHSType,
QualType  RHSType 

checkObjCPointerTypesForAssignment - Compares two objective-c pointer types for assignment compatibility.

Definition at line 9237 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

◆ CheckObjCTraitOperandConstraints()

static bool CheckObjCTraitOperandConstraints ( Sema S,
QualType  T,
SourceLocation  Loc,
SourceRange  ArgRange,
UnaryExprOrTypeTrait  TraitKind 

Definition at line 4289 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

◆ checkOpenCLConditionVector()

static bool checkOpenCLConditionVector ( Sema S,
Expr Cond,
SourceLocation  QuestionLoc 

Return false if this is a valid OpenCL condition vector.

Definition at line 8416 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

◆ checkPointerIntegerMismatch()

static bool checkPointerIntegerMismatch ( Sema S,
ExprResult Int,
Expr PointerExpr,
SourceLocation  Loc,
bool  IsIntFirstExpr 

Return false if the first expression is not an integer and the second expression is not a pointer, true otherwise.

Definition at line 8297 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

◆ checkPointerTypesForAssignment()

static Sema::AssignConvertType checkPointerTypesForAssignment ( Sema S,
QualType  LHSType,
QualType  RHSType,
SourceLocation  Loc 

Definition at line 9034 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

◆ CheckRealImagOperand()

static QualType CheckRealImagOperand ( Sema S,
ExprResult V,
SourceLocation  Loc,
bool  IsReal 

Definition at line 4837 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

◆ checkSizelessVectorShift()

static QualType checkSizelessVectorShift ( Sema S,
ExprResult LHS,
ExprResult RHS,
SourceLocation  Loc,
bool  IsCompAssign 

Definition at line 11493 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

◆ checkThreeWayNarrowingConversion()

static bool checkThreeWayNarrowingConversion ( Sema S,
QualType  ToType,
Expr E,
QualType  FromType,
SourceLocation  Loc 

Definition at line 12036 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

◆ CheckVecStepTraitOperandType()

static bool CheckVecStepTraitOperandType ( Sema S,
QualType  T,
SourceLocation  Loc,
SourceRange  ArgRange 

Definition at line 4229 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

◆ CheckVectorElementsTraitOperandType()

static bool CheckVectorElementsTraitOperandType ( Sema S,
QualType  T,
SourceLocation  Loc,
SourceRange  ArgRange 

Definition at line 4247 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

◆ checkVectorResult()

static bool checkVectorResult ( Sema S,
QualType  CondTy,
QualType  VecResTy,
SourceLocation  QuestionLoc 

Return false if the vector condition type and the vector result type are compatible.

OpenCL v1.1 s6.11.6 requires that both vector types have the same number of elements, and their element types have the same number of bits.

Definition at line 8436 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

◆ checkVectorShift()

static QualType checkVectorShift ( Sema S,
ExprResult LHS,
ExprResult RHS,
SourceLocation  Loc,
bool  IsCompAssign 

Return the resulting type when a vector is shifted by a scalar or vector shift amount.

Definition at line 11399 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

◆ computeConditionalNullability()

static QualType computeConditionalNullability ( QualType  ResTy,
bool  IsBin,
QualType  LHSTy,
QualType  RHSTy,
ASTContext Ctx 

◆ ConstructTransparentUnion()

static void ConstructTransparentUnion ( Sema S,
ASTContext C,
ExprResult EResult,
QualType  UnionType,
FieldDecl Field 

Constructs a transparent union from an expression that is used to initialize the transparent union.

Definition at line 9674 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

◆ convertHalfVecBinOp()

static ExprResult convertHalfVecBinOp ( Sema S,
ExprResult  LHS,
ExprResult  RHS,
BinaryOperatorKind  Opc,
QualType  ResultTy,
ExprValueKind  VK,
ExprObjectKind  OK,
bool  IsCompAssign,
SourceLocation  OpLoc,
FPOptionsOverride  FPFeatures 

Definition at line 14676 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

◆ convertPointersToCompositeType()

static bool convertPointersToCompositeType ( Sema S,
SourceLocation  Loc,
ExprResult LHS,
ExprResult RHS 

Returns false if the pointers are converted to a composite type, true otherwise.

Definition at line 11660 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

◆ ConvertTokenKindToUnaryOpcode()

static UnaryOperatorKind ConvertTokenKindToUnaryOpcode ( tok::TokenKind  Kind)

Definition at line 14522 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

◆ ConvertUTF8ToWideString()

static void ConvertUTF8ToWideString ( unsigned  CharByteWidth,
StringRef  Source,
SmallString< 32 > &  Target 

Definition at line 3593 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

◆ convertVector()

static ExprResult convertVector ( Expr E,
QualType  ElementType,
Sema S 

Convert vector E to a vector with the same number of elements but different element type.

Definition at line 10060 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

◆ CorrectDelayedTyposInBinOp()

static std::pair<ExprResult, ExprResult> CorrectDelayedTyposInBinOp ( Sema S,
BinaryOperatorKind  Opc,
Expr LHSExpr,
Expr RHSExpr 

Definition at line 14709 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

Referenced by clang::Sema::CreateBuiltinBinOp().

◆ DiagnoseAdditionInShift()

static void DiagnoseAdditionInShift ( Sema S,
SourceLocation  OpLoc,
Expr SubExpr,
StringRef  Shift 

Definition at line 15155 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

Referenced by DiagnoseBinOpPrecedence().

◆ diagnoseAddressOfInvalidType()

static void diagnoseAddressOfInvalidType ( Sema S,
SourceLocation  Loc,
Expr E,
unsigned  Type 

Diagnose invalid operand for address of operations.

TypeThe type of operand which cannot have its address taken.

Definition at line 14131 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

◆ diagnoseArithmeticOnFunctionPointer()

static void diagnoseArithmeticOnFunctionPointer ( Sema S,
SourceLocation  Loc,
Expr Pointer 

Diagnose invalid arithmetic on a function pointer.

Definition at line 10825 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

◆ diagnoseArithmeticOnNullPointer()

static void diagnoseArithmeticOnNullPointer ( Sema S,
SourceLocation  Loc,
Expr Pointer,
bool  IsGNUIdiom 

Diagnose invalid arithmetic on a null pointer.

If IsGNUIdiom is true, the operation is using the 'p = (i8*)nullptr + n' idiom, which we recognize as a GNU extension.

Definition at line 10780 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

◆ diagnoseArithmeticOnTwoFunctionPointers()

static void diagnoseArithmeticOnTwoFunctionPointers ( Sema S,
SourceLocation  Loc,
Expr LHS,
Expr RHS 

Diagnose invalid arithmetic on two function pointers.

Definition at line 10809 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

◆ diagnoseArithmeticOnTwoVoidPointers()

static void diagnoseArithmeticOnTwoVoidPointers ( Sema S,
SourceLocation  Loc,
Expr LHSExpr,
Expr RHSExpr 

Diagnose invalid arithmetic on two void pointers.

Definition at line 10757 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

◆ diagnoseArithmeticOnVoidPointer()

static void diagnoseArithmeticOnVoidPointer ( Sema S,
SourceLocation  Loc,
Expr Pointer 

Diagnose invalid arithmetic on a void pointer.

Definition at line 10767 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

◆ DiagnoseBadDivideOrRemainderValues()

static void DiagnoseBadDivideOrRemainderValues ( Sema S,
ExprResult LHS,
ExprResult RHS,
SourceLocation  Loc,
bool  IsDiv 

◆ DiagnoseBadShiftValues()

static void DiagnoseBadShiftValues ( Sema S,
ExprResult LHS,
ExprResult RHS,
SourceLocation  Loc,
BinaryOperatorKind  Opc,
QualType  LHSType 

Definition at line 11298 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

◆ DiagnoseBinOpPrecedence()

static void DiagnoseBinOpPrecedence ( Sema Self,
BinaryOperatorKind  Opc,
SourceLocation  OpLoc,
Expr LHSExpr,
Expr RHSExpr 

◆ DiagnoseBitwiseOpInBitwiseOp()

static void DiagnoseBitwiseOpInBitwiseOp ( Sema S,
BinaryOperatorKind  Opc,
SourceLocation  OpLoc,
Expr SubExpr 

Look for bitwise op in the left or right hand of a bitwise op with lower precedence and emit a diagnostic together with a fixit hint that wraps the '&' expression in parentheses.

Definition at line 15140 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

Referenced by DiagnoseBinOpPrecedence().

◆ DiagnoseBitwisePrecedence()

static void DiagnoseBitwisePrecedence ( Sema Self,
BinaryOperatorKind  Opc,
SourceLocation  OpLoc,
Expr LHSExpr,
Expr RHSExpr 

DiagnoseBitwisePrecedence - Emit a warning when bitwise and comparison operators are mixed in a way that suggests that the programmer forgot that comparison operators have higher precedence.

The most typical example of such code is "flags & 0x0020 != 0", which is equivalent to "flags & 1".

Definition at line 15049 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

References clang::Stmt::getBeginLoc(), clang::Stmt::getEndLoc(), clang::BinaryOperator::getLHS(), clang::BinaryOperator::getOpcodeStr(), clang::BinaryOperator::getRHS(), clang::BinaryOperator::isBitwiseOp(), clang::BinaryOperator::isComparisonOp(), and SuggestParentheses().

Referenced by DiagnoseBinOpPrecedence().

◆ DiagnoseCalleeStaticArrayParam()

static void DiagnoseCalleeStaticArrayParam ( Sema S,
ParmVarDecl PVD 

Definition at line 6133 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

◆ DiagnoseConditionalPrecedence()

static void DiagnoseConditionalPrecedence ( Sema Self,
SourceLocation  OpLoc,
Expr Condition,
const Expr LHSExpr,
const Expr RHSExpr 

DiagnoseConditionalPrecedence - Emit a warning when a conditional operator and binary operator are mixed in a way that suggests the programmer assumed the conditional operator has higher precedence, for example: "int x = a + someBinaryCondition ? 1 : 2".

Definition at line 8804 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

References clang::Condition, ExprLooksBoolean(), clang::Stmt::getBeginLoc(), clang::Stmt::getEndLoc(), clang::BinaryOperator::getOpcodeStr(), IsArithmeticBinaryExpr(), clang::BinaryOperator::isBitwiseOp(), and SuggestParentheses().

◆ DiagnoseConstAssignment()

static void DiagnoseConstAssignment ( Sema S,
const Expr E,
SourceLocation  Loc 

Emit the "read-only variable not assignable" error and print notes to give more information about why the variable is not assignable, such as pointing to the declaration of a const variable, showing that a method is const, or that the function is returning a const reference.

Definition at line 13362 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

◆ DiagnoseDirectIsaAccess()

static void DiagnoseDirectIsaAccess ( Sema S,
const ObjCIvarRefExpr OIRE,
SourceLocation  AssignLoc,
const Expr RHS 

Definition at line 664 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

◆ diagnoseDistinctPointerComparison()

static void diagnoseDistinctPointerComparison ( Sema S,
SourceLocation  Loc,
ExprResult LHS,
ExprResult RHS,
bool  IsError 

Diagnose bad pointer comparisons.

Definition at line 11649 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

◆ DiagnoseDivisionSizeofPointerOrArray()

static void DiagnoseDivisionSizeofPointerOrArray ( Sema S,
Expr LHS,
Expr RHS,
SourceLocation  Loc 

Definition at line 10619 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

Referenced by clang::Sema::CheckMultiplyDivideOperands().

◆ DiagnosedUnqualifiedCallsToStdFunctions()

static void DiagnosedUnqualifiedCallsToStdFunctions ( Sema S,
const CallExpr Call 

Definition at line 6485 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

◆ diagnoseFunctionPointerToVoidComparison()

static void diagnoseFunctionPointerToVoidComparison ( Sema S,
SourceLocation  Loc,
ExprResult LHS,
ExprResult RHS,
bool  IsError 

Definition at line 11689 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

◆ DiagnoseLogicalAndInLogicalOrLHS()

static void DiagnoseLogicalAndInLogicalOrLHS ( Sema S,
SourceLocation  OpLoc,
Expr LHSExpr,
Expr RHSExpr 

Look for '&&' in the left hand of a '||' expr.

Definition at line 15104 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

Referenced by DiagnoseBinOpPrecedence().

◆ DiagnoseLogicalAndInLogicalOrRHS()

static void DiagnoseLogicalAndInLogicalOrRHS ( Sema S,
SourceLocation  OpLoc,
Expr LHSExpr,
Expr RHSExpr 

Look for '&&' in the right hand of a '||' expr.

Definition at line 15125 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

Referenced by DiagnoseBinOpPrecedence().

◆ diagnoseLogicalNotOnLHSofCheck()

static void diagnoseLogicalNotOnLHSofCheck ( Sema S,
ExprResult LHS,
ExprResult RHS,
SourceLocation  Loc,
BinaryOperatorKind  Opc 

Warns on !x < y, !x & y where !(x < y), !(x & y) was probably intended.

Definition at line 11809 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

Referenced by clang::Sema::CheckBitwiseOperands(), and clang::Sema::CheckCompareOperands().

◆ diagnoseObjCLiteralComparison()

static void diagnoseObjCLiteralComparison ( Sema S,
SourceLocation  Loc,
ExprResult LHS,
ExprResult RHS,
BinaryOperator::Opcode  Opc 

Definition at line 11759 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

◆ diagnosePointerIncompatibility()

static void diagnosePointerIncompatibility ( Sema S,
SourceLocation  Loc,
Expr LHSExpr,
Expr RHSExpr 

Emit error when two pointers are incompatible.

Definition at line 11027 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

◆ DiagnoseRecursiveConstFields() [1/2]

static void DiagnoseRecursiveConstFields ( Sema S,
const Expr E,
SourceLocation  Loc 

Emit an error for the case where a record we are trying to assign to has a const-qualified field somewhere in its hierarchy.

Definition at line 13528 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

◆ DiagnoseRecursiveConstFields() [2/2]

static void DiagnoseRecursiveConstFields ( Sema S,
const ValueDecl VD,
const RecordType Ty,
SourceLocation  Loc,
SourceRange  Range,
OriginalExprKind  OEK,
bool DiagnosticEmitted 

Definition at line 13487 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

◆ DiagnoseSelfAssignment()

static void DiagnoseSelfAssignment ( Sema S,
Expr LHSExpr,
Expr RHSExpr,
SourceLocation  OpLoc,
bool  IsBuiltin 

DiagnoseSelfAssignment - Emits a warning if a value is assigned to itself.

This warning suppressed in the event of macro expansions.

Definition at line 14578 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

Referenced by clang::Sema::CreateBuiltinBinOp().

◆ DiagnoseShiftCompare()

static void DiagnoseShiftCompare ( Sema S,
SourceLocation  OpLoc,
Expr LHSExpr,
Expr RHSExpr 

Definition at line 15169 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

Referenced by DiagnoseBinOpPrecedence().

◆ diagnoseStringPlusChar()

static void diagnoseStringPlusChar ( Sema Self,
SourceLocation  OpLoc,
Expr LHSExpr,
Expr RHSExpr 

◆ diagnoseStringPlusInt()

static void diagnoseStringPlusInt ( Sema Self,
SourceLocation  OpLoc,
Expr LHSExpr,
Expr RHSExpr 

◆ diagnoseSubtractionOnNullPointer()

static void diagnoseSubtractionOnNullPointer ( Sema S,
SourceLocation  Loc,
Expr Pointer,
bool  BothNull 

Diagnose invalid subraction on a null pointer.

Definition at line 10792 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

◆ diagnoseTautologicalComparison()

static void diagnoseTautologicalComparison ( Sema S,
SourceLocation  Loc,
Expr LHS,
Expr RHS,
BinaryOperatorKind  Opc 

Diagnose some forms of syntactically-obvious tautological comparison.

Definition at line 11865 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

Referenced by clang::Sema::CheckCompareOperands(), and clang::Sema::CheckSizelessVectorCompareOperands().

◆ diagnoseUncapturableValueReferenceOrBinding()

void diagnoseUncapturableValueReferenceOrBinding ( Sema S,
SourceLocation  loc,
ValueDecl var 

Definition at line 18350 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

◆ diagnoseUnknownAnyExpr()

static ExprResult diagnoseUnknownAnyExpr ( Sema S,
Expr E 

Definition at line 20822 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

◆ DiagnoseUnusedOfDecl()

static void DiagnoseUnusedOfDecl ( Sema S,
NamedDecl D,
SourceLocation  Loc 

Definition at line 107 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

◆ diagnoseUseOfInternalDeclInInlineFunction()

static void diagnoseUseOfInternalDeclInInlineFunction ( Sema S,
const NamedDecl D,
SourceLocation  Loc 

Check whether we're in an extern inline function and referring to a variable or function with internal linkage (C11 6.7.4p3).

This is only a warning because we used to silently accept this code, but in many cases it will not behave correctly. This is not enabled in C++ mode because the restriction language is a bit weaker (C++11 [basic.def.odr]p6) and so while there may still be user mistakes, most of the time we can't prove that there are errors.

Definition at line 162 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

◆ diagnoseXorMisusedAsPow()

static void diagnoseXorMisusedAsPow ( Sema S,
const ExprResult XorLHS,
const ExprResult XorRHS,
const SourceLocation  Loc 

Definition at line 12869 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

Referenced by clang::Sema::CheckBitwiseOperands().

◆ DoMarkBindingDeclReferenced()

static void DoMarkBindingDeclReferenced ( Sema SemaRef,
SourceLocation  Loc,
BindingDecl BD,
Expr E 

◆ DoMarkPotentialCapture()

static void DoMarkPotentialCapture ( Sema SemaRef,
SourceLocation  Loc,
ValueDecl Var,
Expr E 

◆ DoMarkVarDeclReferenced()

static void DoMarkVarDeclReferenced ( Sema SemaRef,
SourceLocation  Loc,
VarDecl Var,
Expr E,
llvm::DenseMap< const VarDecl *, int > &  RefsMinusAssignments 

◆ EmitDiagnosticForLogicalAndInLogicalOr()

static void EmitDiagnosticForLogicalAndInLogicalOr ( Sema Self,
SourceLocation  OpLoc,
BinaryOperator Bop 

It accepts a '&&' expr that is inside a '||' one.

Emit a diagnostic together with a fixit hint that wraps the '&&' expression in parentheses.

Definition at line 15092 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

References clang::BinaryOperator::getOpcode(), clang::BinaryOperator::getOpcodeStr(), clang::BinaryOperator::getOperatorLoc(), clang::Stmt::getSourceRange(), and SuggestParentheses().

◆ emitEmptyLookupTypoDiagnostic()

static void emitEmptyLookupTypoDiagnostic ( const TypoCorrection TC,
Sema SemaRef,
const CXXScopeSpec SS,
DeclarationName  Typo,
SourceLocation  TypoLoc,
ArrayRef< Expr * >  Args,
unsigned  DiagnosticID,
unsigned  DiagnosticSuggestID 

Definition at line 2444 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

◆ enclosingClassIsRelatedToClassInWhichMembersWereFound()

static bool enclosingClassIsRelatedToClassInWhichMembersWereFound ( const UnresolvedMemberExpr *const  UME,
Sema S 

Definition at line 6402 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

◆ EvaluateAndDiagnoseImmediateInvocation()

static void EvaluateAndDiagnoseImmediateInvocation ( Sema SemaRef,
Sema::ImmediateInvocationCandidate  Candidate 

◆ ExprLooksBoolean()

static bool ExprLooksBoolean ( const Expr E)

ExprLooksBoolean - Returns true if E looks boolean, i.e.

it has boolean type or is a logical expression such as (x==y) which has int type, but is commonly interpreted as boolean.

Definition at line 8783 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

References clang::Expr::getType(), clang::Expr::IgnoreParenImpCasts(), clang::Type::isBooleanType(), and clang::Type::isPointerType().

Referenced by DiagnoseConditionalPrecedence().

◆ FixDependencyOfIdExpressionsInLambdaWithDependentObjectParameter()

static void FixDependencyOfIdExpressionsInLambdaWithDependentObjectParameter ( Sema SemaRef,
ValueDecl D,
Expr E 

◆ funcHasParameterSizeMangling()

static bool funcHasParameterSizeMangling ( Sema S,
FunctionDecl FD 

Return true if this function has a calling convention that requires mangling in the size of the parameter pack.

Definition at line 17869 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

◆ getDeclFromExpr()

static NamedDecl* getDeclFromExpr ( Expr E)

Definition at line 14661 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

◆ getDependentArraySubscriptType()

static QualType getDependentArraySubscriptType ( Expr LHS,
Expr RHS,
const ASTContext Ctx 

◆ GetFixedPointRank()

static unsigned GetFixedPointRank ( QualType  Ty)

Return the rank of a given fixed point or integer type.

The value itself doesn't matter, but the values must be increasing with proper increasing rank as described in N1169 4.1.1.

Definition at line 1481 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

References clang::Type::getAs().

◆ getParentOfCapturingContextOrNull()

static DeclContext* getParentOfCapturingContextOrNull ( DeclContext DC,
ValueDecl Var,
SourceLocation  Loc,
const bool  Diagnose,
Sema S 

Definition at line 18424 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

◆ getPredefinedExprDecl()

static Decl* getPredefinedExprDecl ( DeclContext DC)

getPredefinedExprDecl - Returns Decl of a given DeclContext that can be used to determine the value of a PredefinedExpr.

This can be either a block, lambda, captured statement, function, otherwise a nullptr.

Definition at line 1999 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

References clang::DeclContext::getParent().

Referenced by clang::Sema::BuildPredefinedExpr(), and clang::Sema::ExpandFunctionLocalPredefinedMacros().

◆ getPredefinedExprKind()

static PredefinedIdentKind getPredefinedExprKind ( tok::TokenKind  Kind)

◆ getPrimaryDecl()

static ValueDecl* getPrimaryDecl ( Expr E)

getPrimaryDecl - Helper function for CheckAddressOfOperand().

This routine allows us to typecheck complex/recursive expressions where the declaration is needed for type checking. We only need to handle cases when the expression references a function designator or is an lvalue. Here are some examples:

  • &(x) => x
  • &*****f => f for f a function designator.
  • &s.xx => s
  • &s.zz[1].yy -> s, if zz is an array
  • *(x + 1) -> x, if x is an array
  • &"123"[2] -> 0
  • & real x -> x

FIXME: We don't recurse to the RHS of a comma, nor handle pointers to members.

Definition at line 14071 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

References clang::format::getBase(), clang::UnaryOperator::getOpcode(), clang::Stmt::getStmtClass(), and clang::UnaryOperator::getSubExpr().

◆ getUDSuffixLoc()

static SourceLocation getUDSuffixLoc ( Sema S,
SourceLocation  TokLoc,
unsigned  Offset 

getUDSuffixLoc - Create a SourceLocation for a ud-suffix, given the location of the token and the offset of the ud-suffix within it.

Definition at line 2007 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

◆ handleComplexConversion()

static QualType handleComplexConversion ( Sema S,
ExprResult LHS,
ExprResult RHS,
QualType  LHSType,
QualType  RHSType,
bool  IsCompAssign 

Handle arithmetic conversion with complex types.

Helper function of UsualArithmeticConversions()

Definition at line 1237 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

◆ handleComplexFloatConversion()

static QualType handleComplexFloatConversion ( Sema S,
ExprResult Shorter,
QualType  ShorterType,
QualType  LongerType,
bool  PromotePrecision 

Definition at line 1214 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

◆ handleComplexIntConversion()

static QualType handleComplexIntConversion ( Sema S,
ExprResult LHS,
ExprResult RHS,
QualType  LHSType,
QualType  RHSType,
bool  IsCompAssign 

Handle conversions with GCC complex int extension.

Helper function of UsualArithmeticConversions()

Definition at line 1435 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

◆ handleComplexIntegerToFloatConversion()

static bool handleComplexIntegerToFloatConversion ( Sema S,
ExprResult IntExpr,
ExprResult ComplexExpr,
QualType  IntTy,
QualType  ComplexTy,
bool  SkipCast 

Convert complex integers to complex floats and real integers to real floats as required for complex arithmetic.

Helper function of UsualArithmeticConversions()

false if the integer expression is an integer type and is successfully converted to the (complex) float type.

Definition at line 1186 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

◆ handleFixedPointConversion()

static QualType handleFixedPointConversion ( Sema S,
QualType  LHSTy,
QualType  RHSTy 

handleFixedPointConversion - Fixed point operations between fixed point types and integers or other fixed point types do not fall under usual arithmetic conversion since these conversions could result in loss of precsision (N1169 4.1.4).

These operations should be calculated with the full precision of their result type (N1169

Definition at line 1528 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

◆ handleFloatConversion()

static QualType handleFloatConversion ( Sema S,
ExprResult LHS,
ExprResult RHS,
QualType  LHSType,
QualType  RHSType,
bool  IsCompAssign 

Handle arithmethic conversion with floating point types.

Helper function of UsualArithmeticConversions()

Definition at line 1292 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

◆ HandleImmediateInvocations()

static void HandleImmediateInvocations ( Sema SemaRef,
Sema::ExpressionEvaluationContextRecord Rec 

When we have more than 1 ImmediateInvocationCandidates or previously failed immediate invocations, we need to check for nested ImmediateInvocationCandidates in order to avoid duplicate diagnostics. Otherwise we only need to remove ReferenceToConsteval in the immediate invocation.

Prevent sema calls during the tree transform from adding pointers that are already in the sets.

Prevent diagnostic during tree transfrom as they are duplicates

Definition at line 17651 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

References clang::Sema::FailedImmediateInvocations, clang::Sema::ExpressionEvaluationContextRecord::ImmediateInvocationCandidates, clang::Sema::ExpressionEvaluationContextRecord::isImmediateFunctionContext(), clang::Sema::RebuildingImmediateInvocation, clang::Sema::ExpressionEvaluationContextRecord::ReferenceToConsteval, and RemoveNestedImmediateInvocation().

Referenced by clang::Sema::PopExpressionEvaluationContext().

◆ handleIntegerConversion()

template<PerformCastFn doLHSCast, PerformCastFn doRHSCast>
static QualType handleIntegerConversion ( Sema S,
ExprResult LHS,
ExprResult RHS,
QualType  LHSType,
QualType  RHSType,
bool  IsCompAssign 

Handle integer arithmetic conversions.

Helper function of UsualArithmeticConversions()

Definition at line 1385 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

◆ handleIntToFloatConversion()

static QualType handleIntToFloatConversion ( Sema S,
ExprResult FloatExpr,
ExprResult IntExpr,
QualType  FloatTy,
QualType  IntTy,
bool  ConvertFloat,
bool  ConvertInt 

Handle arithmetic conversion from integer to float.

Helper function of UsualArithmeticConversions()

Definition at line 1261 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

◆ hasAnyExplicitStorageClass()

static bool hasAnyExplicitStorageClass ( const FunctionDecl D)

Determine whether a FunctionDecl was ever declared with an explicit storage class.

Definition at line 146 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

References clang::Redeclarable< decl_type >::redecls(), and clang::SC_None.

Referenced by clang::Sema::MaybeSuggestAddingStaticToDecl().

◆ hasIsEqualMethod()

static bool hasIsEqualMethod ( Sema S,
const Expr LHS,
const Expr RHS 

Definition at line 11712 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

◆ IgnoreCommaOperand()

static bool IgnoreCommaOperand ( const Expr E,
const ASTContext Context 

Definition at line 13862 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

Referenced by clang::Sema::DiagnoseCommaOperator().

◆ IsArithmeticBinaryExpr()

static bool IsArithmeticBinaryExpr ( const Expr E,
BinaryOperatorKind Opcode,
const Expr **  RHSExprs 

IsArithmeticBinaryExpr - Returns true if E is an arithmetic binary expression, either using a built-in or overloaded operator, and sets *OpCode to the opcode and *RHSExprs to the right-hand side expression.

Definition at line 8738 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

References clang::BinaryOperator::getOverloadedOpcode(), clang::Expr::IgnoreConversionOperatorSingleStep(), clang::Expr::IgnoreImpCasts(), and IsArithmeticOp().

Referenced by DiagnoseConditionalPrecedence().

◆ IsArithmeticOp()

static bool IsArithmeticOp ( BinaryOperatorKind  Opc)

◆ isCapturingReferenceToHostVarInCUDADeviceLambda()

static bool isCapturingReferenceToHostVarInCUDADeviceLambda ( const Sema S,
VarDecl VD 

Definition at line 2298 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

Referenced by clang::Sema::getNonOdrUseReasonInCurrentContext().

◆ isImplicitlyDefinableConstexprFunction()

static bool isImplicitlyDefinableConstexprFunction ( FunctionDecl Func)

Definition at line 17989 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

References clang::Func.

Referenced by clang::Sema::MarkFunctionReferenced().

◆ IsInvalidCmseNSCallConversion()

static bool IsInvalidCmseNSCallConversion ( Sema S,
QualType  FromType,
QualType  ToType 

Definition at line 9013 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

◆ isLegalBoolVectorBinaryOp()

static bool isLegalBoolVectorBinaryOp ( BinaryOperatorKind  Opc)

Definition at line 13099 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

Referenced by clang::Sema::CheckBitwiseOperands().

◆ isMSPropertySubscriptExpr()

static bool isMSPropertySubscriptExpr ( Sema S,
Expr Base 

Definition at line 4908 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

◆ isObjCObjectLiteral()

static bool isObjCObjectLiteral ( ExprResult E)

◆ isOdrUseContext()

static OdrUseContext isOdrUseContext ( Sema SemaRef)

◆ isOverflowingIntegerType()

static bool isOverflowingIntegerType ( ASTContext Ctx,
QualType  T 

◆ isPlaceholderToRemoveAsArg()

static bool isPlaceholderToRemoveAsArg ( QualType  type)

Is the given type a placeholder that we need to lower out immediately during argument processing?

Definition at line 6209 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

References clang::BuiltinType::getKind(), and clang::ast_matchers::type.

Referenced by clang::Sema::CheckArgsForPlaceholders().

◆ isPotentiallyConstantEvaluatedContext()

static bool isPotentiallyConstantEvaluatedContext ( Sema SemaRef)

◆ IsReadonlyMessage()

static bool IsReadonlyMessage ( Expr E,
Sema S 

Definition at line 13290 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

◆ isReferenceToNonConstCapture()

static NonConstCaptureKind isReferenceToNonConstCapture ( Sema S,
Expr E 

Definition at line 13304 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

◆ isScopedEnumerationType()

static bool isScopedEnumerationType ( QualType  T)

Definition at line 11292 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

References clang::Type::getAs(), and clang::T.

◆ IsTypeModifiable()

static bool IsTypeModifiable ( QualType  Ty,
bool  IsDereference 

◆ isVariableAlreadyCapturedInScopeInfo()

static bool isVariableAlreadyCapturedInScopeInfo ( CapturingScopeInfo CSI,
ValueDecl Var,
bool SubCapturesAreNested,
QualType CaptureType,
QualType DeclRefType 

◆ isVariableCapturable()

static bool isVariableCapturable ( CapturingScopeInfo CSI,
ValueDecl Var,
SourceLocation  Loc,
const bool  Diagnose,
Sema S 

Definition at line 18443 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

◆ isVector()

static bool isVector ( QualType  QT,
QualType  ElementType 

This helper function returns true if QT is a vector type that has element type ElementType.

Definition at line 9286 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

References clang::Type::getAs().

Referenced by clang::Sema::CreateBuiltinBinOp().

◆ LookupStdSourceLocationImpl()

static CXXRecordDecl* LookupStdSourceLocationImpl ( Sema S,
SourceLocation  Loc 

Definition at line 16641 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

◆ MarkExprReferenced()

static void MarkExprReferenced ( Sema SemaRef,
SourceLocation  Loc,
Decl D,
Expr E,
bool  MightBeOdrUse,
llvm::DenseMap< const VarDecl *, int > &  RefsMinusAssignments 

◆ MarkVarDeclODRUsed()

static void MarkVarDeclODRUsed ( ValueDecl V,
SourceLocation  Loc,
Sema SemaRef,
const unsigned *const  FunctionScopeIndexToStopAt = nullptr 

Directly mark a variable odr-used.

Given a choice, prefer to use MarkVariableReferenced since it does additional checks and then calls MarkVarDeclODRUsed. If the variable must be captured:

  • if FunctionScopeIndexToStopAt is null, capture it in the CurContext
  • else capture it in the DeclContext that maps to the *FunctionScopeIndexToStopAt on the FunctionScopeInfo stack.

Definition at line 18274 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

References clang::Sema::Context, clang::Sema::CUDA(), clang::ASTContext::CUDADeviceVarODRUsedByHost, clang::ASTContext::CUDAExternalDeviceDeclODRUsedByHost, clang::Sema::CurContext, clang::SemaCUDA::CVT_Device, clang::SemaCUDA::CVT_Host, clang::VarDecl::DeclarationOnly, clang::Device, clang::Sema::getASTContext(), clang::VarDecl::getCanonicalDecl(), clang::ASTContext::GetGVALinkageForFunction(), clang::Decl::getLocation(), clang::ValueDecl::getType(), clang::Global, clang::GVA_StrongExternal, clang::Decl::hasAttr(), clang::VarDecl::hasDefinition(), clang::VarDecl::hasExternalStorage(), clang::VarDecl::hasGlobalStorage(), clang::VarDecl::hasInit(), clang::Host, clang::HostDevice, clang::SemaCUDA::IdentifyTarget(), clang::QualType::isConstQualified(), clang::NamedDecl::isExternallyVisible(), clang::Sema::isExternalWithNoLinkageType(), clang::VarDecl::isInline(), clang::SourceLocation::isInvalid(), clang::VarDecl::isStaticDataMember(), clang::Sema::LangOpts, Loc, clang::Sema::OpenMP(), clang::Sema::targetDiag(), clang::Sema::TryCapture_Implicit, clang::SemaOpenMP::tryCaptureOpenMPLambdas(), clang::Sema::tryCaptureVariable(), clang::Sema::UndefinedButUsed, and V.

Referenced by clang::Sema::CleanupVarDeclMarking(), DoMarkVarDeclReferenced(), and clang::Sema::MarkCaptureUsedInEnclosingContext().

◆ maybeDiagnoseAssignmentToFunction()

static bool maybeDiagnoseAssignmentToFunction ( Sema S,
QualType  DstType,
const Expr SrcExpr 

Definition at line 16749 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

◆ needsConversionOfHalfVec()

static bool needsConversionOfHalfVec ( bool  OpRequiresConversion,
ASTContext Ctx,
Expr E0,
Expr E1 = nullptr 

◆ OpenCLArithmeticConversions()

static QualType OpenCLArithmeticConversions ( Sema S,
ExprResult LHS,
ExprResult RHS,
SourceLocation  QuestionLoc 

Simple conversion between integer and floating point types.

Used when handling the OpenCL conditional operator where the condition is a vector while the other operands are scalar.

OpenCL v1.1 s6.3.i and s6.11.6 together require that the scalar types are either integer or floating type. Between the two operands, the type with the higher rank is defined as the "result type". The other operand needs to be promoted to the same type. No other type promotion is allowed. We cannot use UsualArithmeticConversions() for this purpose, since it always promotes promotable types.

Definition at line 8327 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

◆ OpenCLCheckVectorConditional()

static QualType OpenCLCheckVectorConditional ( Sema S,
ExprResult Cond,
ExprResult LHS,
ExprResult RHS,
SourceLocation  QuestionLoc 

Return the resulting type for the conditional operator in OpenCL (aka "ternary selection operator", OpenCL v1.1 s6.3.i) when the condition is a vector type.

Definition at line 8464 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

◆ OpenCLConvertScalarsToVectors()

static QualType OpenCLConvertScalarsToVectors ( Sema S,
ExprResult LHS,
ExprResult RHS,
QualType  CondTy,
SourceLocation  QuestionLoc 

Convert scalar operands to a vector that matches the condition in length.

Used when handling the OpenCL conditional operator where the condition is a vector while the other operands are scalar.

We first compute the "result type" for the scalar operands according to OpenCL v1.1 s6.3.i. Both operands are then converted into a vector of that type where the length matches the condition vector type. s6.11.6 requires that the element types of the result and the condition must have the same number of bits.

Definition at line 8382 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

◆ rebuildPotentialResultsAsNonOdrUsed()

static ExprResult rebuildPotentialResultsAsNonOdrUsed ( Sema S,
Expr E,
NonOdrUseReason  NOUR 

Walk the set of potential results of an expression and mark them all as non-odr-uses if they satisfy the side-conditions of the NonOdrUseReason.

A new expression if we found any potential results, ExprEmpty() if not, and ExprError() if we diagnosed an error.

Definition at line 19185 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

Referenced by clang::Sema::CheckLValueToRValueConversionOperand().

◆ rebuildUnknownAnyFunction()

static ExprResult rebuildUnknownAnyFunction ( Sema S,
Expr fn 

Given a function expression of unknown-any type, try to rebuild it to have a function type.

Definition at line 20427 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

◆ RecordModifiableNonNullParam()

static void RecordModifiableNonNullParam ( Sema S,
const Expr Exp 

Definition at line 14404 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

Referenced by clang::Sema::CreateBuiltinBinOp().

◆ recoverFromMSUnqualifiedLookup()

static Expr* recoverFromMSUnqualifiedLookup ( Sema S,
ASTContext Context,
DeclarationNameInfo NameInfo,
SourceLocation  TemplateKWLoc,
const TemplateArgumentListInfo TemplateArgs 

In Microsoft mode, if we are inside a template class whose parent class has dependent base classes, and we can't resolve an unqualified identifier, then assume the identifier is a member of a dependent base class.

We can only recover successfully in static methods, instance methods, and other contexts where 'this' is available. This doesn't precisely match MSVC's instantiation model, but it's close enough.

Definition at line 2722 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

◆ RemoveNestedImmediateInvocation()

static void RemoveNestedImmediateInvocation ( Sema SemaRef,
Sema::ExpressionEvaluationContextRecord Rec,
SmallVector< Sema::ImmediateInvocationCandidate, 4 >::reverse_iterator  It 

Base::TransfromCXXOperatorCallExpr doesn't traverse the callee so we need to remove its DeclRefExpr from the DRSet.

Base::TransformUserDefinedLiteral doesn't preserve the UserDefinedLiteral node.

Base::TransformInitializer skips ConstantExpr so we need to visit them here.

ConstantExpr are the first layer of implicit node to be removed so if Init isn't a ConstantExpr, no ConstantExpr will be skipped.

CXXConstructExpr with a single argument are getting skipped by TreeTransform in some situtation because they could be implicit. This can only occur for the top-level CXXConstructExpr because it is used nowhere in the expression being transformed therefore will not be rebuilt. Setting AllowSkippingFirstCXXConstructExpr to false will prevent from skipping the first CXXConstructExpr.

Definition at line 17554 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

Referenced by HandleImmediateInvocations().

◆ rewriteBuiltinFunctionDecl()

static FunctionDecl* rewriteBuiltinFunctionDecl ( Sema Sema,
ASTContext Context,
FunctionDecl FDecl,
MultiExprArg  ArgExprs 

If a builtin function has a pointer argument with no explicit address space, then it should be able to accept a pointer to any address space as input.

In order to do this, we need to replace the standard builtin declaration with one that uses the same address space as the call.

nullptr If this builtin is not a candidate for a rewrite i.e. it does not contain any pointer arguments without an address space qualifer. Otherwise the rewritten FunctionDecl is returned. TODO: Handle pointer return types.

Definition at line 6302 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

◆ ShouldLookupResultBeMultiVersionOverload()

static bool ShouldLookupResultBeMultiVersionOverload ( const LookupResult R)

◆ SuggestParentheses()

static void SuggestParentheses ( Sema Self,
SourceLocation  Loc,
const PartialDiagnostic Note,
SourceRange  ParenRange 

◆ tryGCCVectorConvertAndSplat()

static bool tryGCCVectorConvertAndSplat ( Sema S,
ExprResult Scalar,
ExprResult Vector 

Attempt to convert and splat Scalar into a vector whose types matches Vector following GCC conversion rules.

The rule is that implicit conversion can occur when Scalar can be casted to match Vector's element type without causing truncation of Scalar.

Definition at line 10163 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

◆ tryImplicitlyCaptureThisIfImplicitMemberFunctionAccessWithDependentArgs()

static void tryImplicitlyCaptureThisIfImplicitMemberFunctionAccessWithDependentArgs ( Sema S,
const UnresolvedMemberExpr *const  UME,
SourceLocation  CallLoc 

Definition at line 6444 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

◆ TryTypoCorrectionForCall()

static TypoCorrection TryTypoCorrectionForCall ( Sema S,
Expr Fn,
FunctionDecl FDecl,
ArrayRef< Expr * >  Args 

Definition at line 5846 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

◆ tryVectorConvertAndSplat()

static bool tryVectorConvertAndSplat ( Sema S,
ExprResult scalar,
QualType  scalarTy,
QualType  vectorEltTy,
QualType  vectorTy,
unsigned DiagID 

Try to convert a value of non-vector type to a vector type by converting the type to the element type of the vector and then performing a splat.

If the language is OpenCL, we only use conversions that promote scalar rank; for C, Obj-C, and C++ we allow any real scalar conversion except for float->int.

OpenCL V2.0 6.2.6.p2: An error shall occur if any scalar operand type has greater rank than the type of the vector element.

scalar- if non-null, actually perform the conversions
true if the operation fails (but without diagnosing the failure)

Definition at line 10013 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

◆ unsupportedTypeConversion()

static bool unsupportedTypeConversion ( const Sema S,
QualType  LHSType,
QualType  RHSType 

Diagnose attempts to convert between __float128, __ibm128 and long double if there is no support for such conversion.

Helper function of UsualArithmeticConversions().

Definition at line 1342 of file SemaExpr.cpp.

◆ warnOnSizeofOnArrayDecay()

static void warnOnSizeofOnArrayDecay ( Sema S,
SourceLocation  Loc,
QualType  T,
const Expr E 

Check whether E is a pointer from a decayed array type (the decayed pointer type is equal to T) and emit a warning if it is.

Definition at line 4307 of file SemaExpr.cpp.