clang  20.0.0git
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //===-- HTMLLogger.cpp ----------------------------------------------------===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
8 //
9 // This file implements the HTML logger. Given a directory dir/, we write
10 // dir/0.html for the first analysis, etc.
11 // These files contain a visualization that allows inspecting the CFG and the
12 // state of the analysis at each point.
13 // Static assets (HTMLLogger.js, HTMLLogger.css) and SVG graphs etc are embedded
14 // so each output file is self-contained.
15 //
16 // VIEWS
17 //
18 // The timeline and function view are always shown. These allow selecting basic
19 // blocks, statements within them, and processing iterations (BBs are visited
20 // multiple times when e.g. loops are involved).
21 // These are written directly into the HTML body.
22 //
23 // There are also listings of particular basic blocks, and dumps of the state
24 // at particular analysis points (i.e. BB2 iteration 3 statement 2).
25 // These are only shown when the relevant BB/analysis point is *selected*.
26 //
28 //
29 // The HTML proper is mostly static.
30 // The analysis data is in a JSON object HTMLLoggerData which is embedded as
31 // a <script> in the <head>.
32 // This gets rendered into DOM by a simple template processor which substitutes
33 // the data into <template> tags embedded in the HTML. (see inflate() in JS).
34 //
36 //
37 // This is the only real interactive mechanism.
38 //
39 // At any given time, there are several named selections, e.g.:
40 // bb: B2 (basic block 0 is selected)
41 // elt: B2.4 (statement 4 is selected)
42 // iter: B2:1 (iteration 1 of the basic block is selected)
43 // hover: B3 (hovering over basic block 3)
44 //
45 // The selection is updated by mouse events: hover by moving the mouse and
46 // others by clicking. Elements that are click targets generally have attributes
47 // (id or data-foo) that define what they should select.
48 // See watchSelection() in JS for the exact logic.
49 //
50 // When the "bb" selection is set to "B2":
51 // - sections <section data-selection="bb"> get shown
52 // - templates under such sections get re-rendered
53 // - elements with class/id "B2" get class "bb-select"
54 //
55 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
63 #include "clang/Lex/Lexer.h"
64 #include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
65 #include "llvm/ADT/ScopeExit.h"
66 #include "llvm/Support/Error.h"
67 #include "llvm/Support/FormatVariadic.h"
68 #include "llvm/Support/JSON.h"
69 #include "llvm/Support/Program.h"
70 #include "llvm/Support/ScopedPrinter.h"
71 #include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
72 // Defines assets: HTMLLogger_{html_js,css}
73 #include ""
75 namespace clang::dataflow {
76 namespace {
78 // Render a graphviz graph specification to SVG using the `dot` tool.
79 llvm::Expected<std::string> renderSVG(llvm::StringRef DotGraph);
81 using StreamFactory = std::function<std::unique_ptr<llvm::raw_ostream>()>;
83 // Recursively dumps Values/StorageLocations as JSON
84 class ModelDumper {
85 public:
86  ModelDumper(llvm::json::OStream &JOS, const Environment &Env)
87  : JOS(JOS), Env(Env) {}
89  void dump(Value &V) {
90  JOS.attribute("value_id", llvm::to_string(&V));
91  if (!Visited.insert(&V).second)
92  return;
94  JOS.attribute("kind", debugString(V.getKind()));
96  switch (V.getKind()) {
101  break;
103  JOS.attributeObject(
104  "pointee", [&] { dump(cast<PointerValue>(V).getPointeeLoc()); });
105  break;
106  }
108  for (const auto& Prop :
109  JOS.attributeObject(("p:" + Prop.first()).str(),
110  [&] { dump(*Prop.second); });
112  // Running the SAT solver is expensive, but knowing which booleans are
113  // guaranteed true/false here is valuable and hard to determine by hand.
114  if (auto *B = llvm::dyn_cast<BoolValue>(&V)) {
115  JOS.attribute("formula", llvm::to_string(B->formula()));
116  JOS.attribute("truth", Env.proves(B->formula()) ? "true"
117  : Env.proves(Env.arena().makeNot(B->formula()))
118  ? "false"
119  : "unknown");
120  }
121  }
122  void dump(const StorageLocation &L) {
123  JOS.attribute("location", llvm::to_string(&L));
124  if (!Visited.insert(&L).second)
125  return;
127  JOS.attribute("type", L.getType().getAsString());
128  if (!L.getType()->isRecordType())
129  if (auto *V = Env.getValue(L))
130  dump(*V);
132  if (auto *RLoc = dyn_cast<RecordStorageLocation>(&L)) {
133  for (const auto &Child : RLoc->children())
134  JOS.attributeObject("f:" + Child.first->getNameAsString(), [&] {
135  if (Child.second)
136  if (Value *Val = Env.getValue(*Child.second))
137  dump(*Val);
138  });
140  for (const auto &SyntheticField : RLoc->synthetic_fields())
141  JOS.attributeObject(("sf:" + SyntheticField.first()).str(),
142  [&] { dump(*SyntheticField.second); });
143  }
144  }
146  llvm::DenseSet<const void*> Visited;
147  llvm::json::OStream &JOS;
148  const Environment &Env;
149 };
151 class HTMLLogger : public Logger {
152  struct Iteration {
153  const CFGBlock *Block;
154  unsigned Iter;
155  bool PostVisit;
156  bool Converged;
157  };
159  StreamFactory Streams;
160  std::unique_ptr<llvm::raw_ostream> OS;
161  std::string JSON;
162  llvm::raw_string_ostream JStringStream{JSON};
163  llvm::json::OStream JOS{JStringStream, /*Indent=*/2};
165  const AdornedCFG *ACFG;
166  // Timeline of iterations of CFG block visitation.
167  std::vector<Iteration> Iters;
168  // Indexes in `Iters` of the iterations for each block.
169  llvm::DenseMap<const CFGBlock *, llvm::SmallVector<size_t>> BlockIters;
170  // For a given block ID, did the block converge (on the last iteration)?
171  llvm::BitVector BlockConverged;
172  // The messages logged in the current context but not yet written.
173  std::string ContextLogs;
174  // The number of elements we have visited within the current CFG block.
175  unsigned ElementIndex;
177 public:
178  explicit HTMLLogger(StreamFactory Streams) : Streams(std::move(Streams)) {}
179  void beginAnalysis(const AdornedCFG &ACFG,
180  TypeErasedDataflowAnalysis &A) override {
181  OS = Streams();
182  this->ACFG = &ACFG;
183  *OS << llvm::StringRef(HTMLLogger_html).split("<?INJECT?>").first;
185  BlockConverged.resize(ACFG.getCFG().getNumBlockIDs());
187  const auto &D = ACFG.getDecl();
188  const auto &SM = A.getASTContext().getSourceManager();
189  *OS << "<title>";
190  if (const auto *ND = dyn_cast<NamedDecl>(&D))
191  *OS << ND->getNameAsString() << " at ";
192  *OS << SM.getFilename(D.getLocation()) << ":"
193  << SM.getSpellingLineNumber(D.getLocation());
194  *OS << "</title>\n";
196  *OS << "<style>" << HTMLLogger_css << "</style>\n";
197  *OS << "<script>" << HTMLLogger_js << "</script>\n";
199  writeCode();
200  JOS.objectBegin();
201  JOS.attributeBegin("states");
202  JOS.objectBegin();
203  }
204  // Between beginAnalysis() and endAnalysis() we write all the states for
205  // particular analysis points into the `timeline` array.
206  void endAnalysis() override {
207  JOS.objectEnd();
208  JOS.attributeEnd();
210  JOS.attributeArray("timeline", [&] {
211  for (const auto &E : Iters) {
212  JOS.object([&] {
213  JOS.attribute("block", blockID(E.Block->getBlockID()));
214  JOS.attribute("iter", E.Iter);
215  JOS.attribute("post_visit", E.PostVisit);
216  JOS.attribute("converged", E.Converged);
217  });
218  }
219  });
220  JOS.attributeObject("cfg", [&] {
221  for (const auto &E : BlockIters)
222  writeBlock(*E.first, E.second);
223  });
225  JOS.objectEnd();
227  writeCFG();
229  *OS << "<script>var HTMLLoggerData = \n";
230  *OS << JSON;
231  *OS << ";\n</script>\n";
232  *OS << llvm::StringRef(HTMLLogger_html).split("<?INJECT?>").second;
233  }
235  void enterBlock(const CFGBlock &B, bool PostVisit) override {
236  llvm::SmallVector<size_t> &BIter = BlockIters[&B];
237  unsigned IterNum = BIter.size() + 1;
238  BIter.push_back(Iters.size());
239  Iters.push_back({&B, IterNum, PostVisit, /*Converged=*/false});
240  if (!PostVisit)
241  BlockConverged[B.getBlockID()] = false;
242  ElementIndex = 0;
243  }
244  void enterElement(const CFGElement &E) override {
245  ++ElementIndex;
246  }
248  static std::string blockID(unsigned Block) {
249  return llvm::formatv("B{0}", Block);
250  }
251  static std::string eltID(unsigned Block, unsigned Element) {
252  return llvm::formatv("B{0}.{1}", Block, Element);
253  }
254  static std::string iterID(unsigned Block, unsigned Iter) {
255  return llvm::formatv("B{0}:{1}", Block, Iter);
256  }
257  static std::string elementIterID(unsigned Block, unsigned Iter,
258  unsigned Element) {
259  return llvm::formatv("B{0}:{1}_B{0}.{2}", Block, Iter, Element);
260  }
262  // Write the analysis state associated with a particular analysis point.
263  // FIXME: this dump is fairly opaque. We should show:
264  // - values associated with the current Stmt
265  // - values associated with its children
266  // - meaningful names for values
267  // - which boolean values are implied true/false by the flow condition
268  void recordState(TypeErasedDataflowAnalysisState &State) override {
269  unsigned Block = Iters.back().Block->getBlockID();
270  unsigned Iter = Iters.back().Iter;
271  bool PostVisit = Iters.back().PostVisit;
272  JOS.attributeObject(elementIterID(Block, Iter, ElementIndex), [&] {
273  JOS.attribute("block", blockID(Block));
274  JOS.attribute("iter", Iter);
275  JOS.attribute("post_visit", PostVisit);
276  JOS.attribute("element", ElementIndex);
278  // If this state immediately follows an Expr, show its built-in model.
279  if (ElementIndex > 0) {
280  auto S =
281  Iters.back().Block->Elements[ElementIndex - 1].getAs<CFGStmt>();
282  if (const Expr *E = S ? llvm::dyn_cast<Expr>(S->getStmt()) : nullptr) {
283  if (E->isPRValue()) {
284  if (!E->getType()->isRecordType())
285  if (auto *V = State.Env.getValue(*E))
286  JOS.attributeObject(
287  "value", [&] { ModelDumper(JOS, State.Env).dump(*V); });
288  } else {
289  if (auto *Loc = State.Env.getStorageLocation(*E))
290  JOS.attributeObject(
291  "value", [&] { ModelDumper(JOS, State.Env).dump(*Loc); });
292  }
293  }
294  }
295  if (!ContextLogs.empty()) {
296  JOS.attribute("logs", ContextLogs);
297  ContextLogs.clear();
298  }
299  {
300  std::string BuiltinLattice;
301  llvm::raw_string_ostream BuiltinLatticeS(BuiltinLattice);
302  State.Env.dump(BuiltinLatticeS);
303  JOS.attribute("builtinLattice", BuiltinLattice);
304  }
305  });
306  }
307  void blockConverged() override {
308  Iters.back().Converged = true;
309  BlockConverged[Iters.back().Block->getBlockID()] = true;
310  }
312  void logText(llvm::StringRef S) override {
313  ContextLogs.append(S.begin(), S.end());
314  ContextLogs.push_back('\n');
315  }
317 private:
318  // Write the CFG block details.
319  // Currently this is just the list of elements in execution order.
320  // FIXME: an AST dump would be a useful view, too.
321  void writeBlock(const CFGBlock &B, llvm::ArrayRef<size_t> ItersForB) {
322  JOS.attributeObject(blockID(B.getBlockID()), [&] {
323  JOS.attributeArray("iters", [&] {
324  for (size_t IterIdx : ItersForB) {
325  const Iteration &Iter = Iters[IterIdx];
326  JOS.object([&] {
327  JOS.attribute("iter", Iter.Iter);
328  JOS.attribute("post_visit", Iter.PostVisit);
329  JOS.attribute("converged", Iter.Converged);
330  });
331  }
332  });
333  JOS.attributeArray("elements", [&] {
334  for (const auto &Elt : B.Elements) {
335  std::string Dump;
336  llvm::raw_string_ostream DumpS(Dump);
337  Elt.dumpToStream(DumpS);
338  JOS.value(Dump);
339  }
340  });
341  });
342  }
344  // Write the code of function being examined.
345  // We want to overlay the code with <span>s that mark which BB particular
346  // tokens are associated with, and even which BB element (so that clicking
347  // can select the right element).
348  void writeCode() {
349  const auto &AST = ACFG->getDecl().getASTContext();
350  bool Invalid = false;
352  // Extract the source code from the original file.
353  // Pretty-printing from the AST would probably be nicer (no macros or
354  // indentation to worry about), but we need the boundaries of particular
355  // AST nodes and the printer doesn't provide this.
357  CharSourceRange::getTokenRange(ACFG->getDecl().getSourceRange()),
358  AST.getSourceManager(), AST.getLangOpts());
359  if (Range.isInvalid())
360  return;
361  llvm::StringRef Code = clang::Lexer::getSourceText(
362  Range, AST.getSourceManager(), AST.getLangOpts(), &Invalid);
363  if (Invalid)
364  return;
366  // TokenInfo stores the BB and set of elements that a token is part of.
367  struct TokenInfo {
368  enum : unsigned { Missing = static_cast<unsigned>(-1) };
370  // The basic block this is part of.
371  // This is the BB of the stmt with the smallest containing range.
372  unsigned BB = Missing;
373  unsigned BBPriority = 0;
374  // The most specific stmt this is part of (smallest range).
375  unsigned Elt = Missing;
376  unsigned EltPriority = 0;
377  // All stmts this is part of.
378  SmallVector<unsigned> Elts;
380  // Mark this token as being part of BB.Elt.
381  // RangeLen is the character length of the element's range, used to
382  // distinguish inner vs outer statements.
383  // For example in `a==0`, token "a" is part of the stmts "a" and "a==0".
384  // However "a" has a smaller range, so is more specific. Clicking on the
385  // token "a" should select the stmt "a".
386  void assign(unsigned BB, unsigned Elt, unsigned RangeLen) {
387  // A worse BB (larger range) => ignore.
388  if (this->BB != Missing && BB != this->BB && BBPriority <= RangeLen)
389  return;
390  if (BB != this->BB) {
391  this->BB = BB;
392  Elts.clear();
393  BBPriority = RangeLen;
394  }
395  BBPriority = std::min(BBPriority, RangeLen);
396  Elts.push_back(Elt);
397  if (this->Elt == Missing || EltPriority > RangeLen)
398  this->Elt = Elt;
399  }
400  bool operator==(const TokenInfo &Other) const {
401  return std::tie(BB, Elt, Elts) ==
402  std::tie(Other.BB, Other.Elt, Other.Elts);
403  }
404  // Write the attributes for the <span> on this token.
405  void write(llvm::raw_ostream &OS) const {
406  OS << "class='c";
407  if (BB != Missing)
408  OS << " " << blockID(BB);
409  for (unsigned Elt : Elts)
410  OS << " " << eltID(BB, Elt);
411  OS << "'";
413  if (Elt != Missing)
414  OS << " data-elt='" << eltID(BB, Elt) << "'";
415  if (BB != Missing)
416  OS << " data-bb='" << blockID(BB) << "'";
417  }
418  };
420  // Construct one TokenInfo per character in a flat array.
421  // This is inefficient (chars in a token all have the same info) but simple.
422  std::vector<TokenInfo> State(Code.size());
423  for (const auto *Block : ACFG->getCFG()) {
424  unsigned EltIndex = 0;
425  for (const auto& Elt : *Block) {
426  ++EltIndex;
427  if (const auto S = Elt.getAs<CFGStmt>()) {
428  auto EltRange = clang::Lexer::makeFileCharRange(
429  CharSourceRange::getTokenRange(S->getStmt()->getSourceRange()),
430  AST.getSourceManager(), AST.getLangOpts());
431  if (EltRange.isInvalid())
432  continue;
433  if (EltRange.getBegin() < Range.getBegin() ||
434  EltRange.getEnd() >= Range.getEnd() ||
435  EltRange.getEnd() < Range.getBegin() ||
436  EltRange.getEnd() >= Range.getEnd())
437  continue;
438  unsigned Off = EltRange.getBegin().getRawEncoding() -
439  Range.getBegin().getRawEncoding();
440  unsigned Len = EltRange.getEnd().getRawEncoding() -
441  EltRange.getBegin().getRawEncoding();
442  for (unsigned I = 0; I < Len; ++I)
443  State[Off + I].assign(Block->getBlockID(), EltIndex, Len);
444  }
445  }
446  }
448  // Finally, write the code with the correct <span>s.
449  unsigned Line =
450  AST.getSourceManager().getSpellingLineNumber(Range.getBegin());
451  *OS << "<template data-copy='code'>\n";
452  *OS << "<code class='filename'>";
453  llvm::printHTMLEscaped(
454  llvm::sys::path::filename(
455  AST.getSourceManager().getFilename(Range.getBegin())),
456  *OS);
457  *OS << "</code>";
458  *OS << "<code class='line' data-line='" << Line++ << "'>";
459  for (unsigned I = 0; I < Code.size(); ++I) {
460  // Don't actually write a <span> around each character, only break spans
461  // when the TokenInfo changes.
462  bool NeedOpen = I == 0 || !(State[I] == State[I-1]);
463  bool NeedClose = I + 1 == Code.size() || !(State[I] == State[I + 1]);
464  if (NeedOpen) {
465  *OS << "<span ";
466  State[I].write(*OS);
467  *OS << ">";
468  }
469  if (Code[I] == '\n')
470  *OS << "</code>\n<code class='line' data-line='" << Line++ << "'>";
471  else
472  llvm::printHTMLEscaped(Code.substr(I, 1), *OS);
473  if (NeedClose) *OS << "</span>";
474  }
475  *OS << "</code>\n";
476  *OS << "</template>";
477  }
479  // Write the CFG diagram, a graph of basic blocks.
480  // Laying out graphs is hard, so we construct a graphviz description and shell
481  // out to `dot` to turn it into an SVG.
482  void writeCFG() {
483  *OS << "<template data-copy='cfg'>\n";
484  if (auto SVG = renderSVG(buildCFGDot(ACFG->getCFG())))
485  *OS << *SVG;
486  else
487  *OS << "Can't draw CFG: " << toString(SVG.takeError());
488  *OS << "</template>\n";
489  }
491  // Produce a graphviz description of a CFG.
492  std::string buildCFGDot(const clang::CFG &CFG) {
493  std::string Graph;
494  llvm::raw_string_ostream GraphS(Graph);
495  // Graphviz likes to add unhelpful tooltips everywhere, " " suppresses.
496  GraphS << R"(digraph {
497  tooltip=" "
498  node[class=bb, shape=square, fontname="sans-serif", tooltip=" "]
499  edge[tooltip = " "]
500 )";
501  for (unsigned I = 0; I < CFG.getNumBlockIDs(); ++I) {
502  std::string Name = blockID(I);
503  // Rightwards arrow, vertical line
504  const char *ConvergenceMarker = (const char *)u8"\\n\u2192\u007c";
505  if (BlockConverged[I])
506  Name += ConvergenceMarker;
507  GraphS << " " << blockID(I) << " [id=" << blockID(I) << " label=\""
508  << Name << "\"]\n";
509  }
510  for (const auto *Block : CFG) {
511  for (const auto &Succ : Block->succs()) {
512  if (Succ.getReachableBlock())
513  GraphS << " " << blockID(Block->getBlockID()) << " -> "
514  << blockID(Succ.getReachableBlock()->getBlockID()) << "\n";
515  }
516  }
517  GraphS << "}\n";
518  return Graph;
519  }
520 };
522 // Nothing interesting here, just subprocess/temp-file plumbing.
523 llvm::Expected<std::string> renderSVG(llvm::StringRef DotGraph) {
524  std::string DotPath;
525  if (const auto *FromEnv = ::getenv("GRAPHVIZ_DOT"))
526  DotPath = FromEnv;
527  else {
528  auto FromPath = llvm::sys::findProgramByName("dot");
529  if (!FromPath)
530  return llvm::createStringError(FromPath.getError(),
531  "'dot' not found on PATH");
532  DotPath = FromPath.get();
533  }
535  // Create input and output files for `dot` subprocess.
536  // (We create the output file as empty, to reserve the temp filename).
537  llvm::SmallString<256> Input, Output;
538  int InputFD;
539  if (auto EC = llvm::sys::fs::createTemporaryFile("analysis", ".dot", InputFD,
540  Input))
541  return llvm::createStringError(EC, "failed to create `dot` temp input");
542  llvm::raw_fd_ostream(InputFD, /*shouldClose=*/true) << DotGraph;
543  auto DeleteInput =
544  llvm::make_scope_exit([&] { llvm::sys::fs::remove(Input); });
545  if (auto EC = llvm::sys::fs::createTemporaryFile("analysis", ".svg", Output))
546  return llvm::createStringError(EC, "failed to create `dot` temp output");
547  auto DeleteOutput =
548  llvm::make_scope_exit([&] { llvm::sys::fs::remove(Output); });
550  std::vector<std::optional<llvm::StringRef>> Redirects = {
551  Input, Output,
552  /*stderr=*/std::nullopt};
553  std::string ErrMsg;
554  int Code = llvm::sys::ExecuteAndWait(
555  DotPath, {"dot", "-Tsvg"}, /*Env=*/std::nullopt, Redirects,
556  /*SecondsToWait=*/0, /*MemoryLimit=*/0, &ErrMsg);
557  if (!ErrMsg.empty())
558  return llvm::createStringError(llvm::inconvertibleErrorCode(),
559  "'dot' failed: " + ErrMsg);
560  if (Code != 0)
561  return llvm::createStringError(llvm::inconvertibleErrorCode(),
562  "'dot' failed (" + llvm::Twine(Code) + ")");
564  auto Buf = llvm::MemoryBuffer::getFile(Output);
565  if (!Buf)
566  return llvm::createStringError(Buf.getError(), "Can't read `dot` output");
568  // Output has <?xml> prefix we don't want. Skip to <svg> tag.
569  llvm::StringRef Result = Buf.get()->getBuffer();
570  auto Pos = Result.find("<svg");
571  if (Pos == llvm::StringRef::npos)
572  return llvm::createStringError(llvm::inconvertibleErrorCode(),
573  "Can't find <svg> tag in `dot` output");
574  return Result.substr(Pos).str();
575 }
577 } // namespace
579 std::unique_ptr<Logger>
580 Logger::html(std::function<std::unique_ptr<llvm::raw_ostream>()> Streams) {
581  return std::make_unique<HTMLLogger>(std::move(Streams));
582 }
584 } // namespace clang::dataflow
#define V(N, I)
Definition: ASTContext.h:3346
#define SM(sm)
Definition: Cuda.cpp:83
const Decl * D
Expr * E
static void dump(llvm::raw_ostream &OS, StringRef FunctionName, ArrayRef< CounterExpression > Expressions, ArrayRef< CounterMappingRegion > Regions)
const CFGBlock * Block
Definition: HTMLLogger.cpp:153
const Environment & Env
Definition: HTMLLogger.cpp:148
bool Converged
Definition: HTMLLogger.cpp:156
llvm::json::OStream & JOS
Definition: HTMLLogger.cpp:147
llvm::DenseSet< const void * > Visited
Definition: HTMLLogger.cpp:146
unsigned Iter
Definition: HTMLLogger.cpp:154
bool PostVisit
Definition: HTMLLogger.cpp:155
llvm::raw_ostream & OS
Definition: Logger.cpp:24
SourceRange Range
Definition: SemaObjC.cpp:758
Defines the SourceManager interface.
const AdornedCFG & ACFG
Contains the CFG being analyzed.
LineState State
const AnnotatedLine * Line
__DEVICE__ int min(int __a, int __b)
Represents a source-level, intra-procedural CFG that represents the control-flow of a Stmt.
Definition: CFG.h:1214
unsigned getNumBlockIDs() const
Returns the total number of BlockIDs allocated (which start at 0).
Definition: CFG.h:1402
static StringRef getSourceText(CharSourceRange Range, const SourceManager &SM, const LangOptions &LangOpts, bool *Invalid=nullptr)
Returns a string for the source that the range encompasses.
Definition: Lexer.cpp:1024
static CharSourceRange makeFileCharRange(CharSourceRange Range, const SourceManager &SM, const LangOptions &LangOpts)
Accepts a range and returns a character range with file locations.
Definition: Lexer.cpp:955
Dataflow Directional Tag Classes.
Definition: AdornedCFG.h:29
llvm::StringRef debugString(Value::Kind Kind)
Returns a string representation of a value kind.
std::string toString(const til::SExpr *E)
ASTEdit remove(RangeSelector S)
Removes the source selected by S.
if(T->getSizeExpr()) TRY_TO(TraverseStmt(const_cast< Expr * >(T -> getSizeExpr())))
bool operator==(const CallGraphNode::CallRecord &LHS, const CallGraphNode::CallRecord &RHS)
Definition: CallGraph.h:223
@ Other
Other implicit parameter.