clang  19.0.0git
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //===- FixItRewriter.cpp - Fix-It Rewriter Diagnostic Client --------------===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
8 //
9 // This is a diagnostic client adaptor that performs rewrites as
10 // suggested by code modification hints attached to diagnostics. It
11 // then forwards any diagnostics to the adapted diagnostic client.
12 //
13 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
16 #include "clang/Basic/Diagnostic.h"
18 #include "clang/Basic/LLVM.h"
21 #include "clang/Edit/Commit.h"
26 #include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
27 #include "llvm/Support/FileSystem.h"
28 #include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
29 #include <cstdio>
30 #include <memory>
31 #include <string>
32 #include <system_error>
33 #include <utility>
35 using namespace clang;
38  const LangOptions &LangOpts,
39  FixItOptions *FixItOpts)
40  : Diags(Diags), Editor(SourceMgr, LangOpts), Rewrite(SourceMgr, LangOpts),
41  FixItOpts(FixItOpts) {
42  Owner = Diags.takeClient();
43  Client = Diags.getClient();
44  Diags.setClient(this, false);
45 }
48  Diags.setClient(Client, Owner.release() != nullptr);
49 }
51 bool FixItRewriter::WriteFixedFile(FileID ID, raw_ostream &OS) {
52  const RewriteBuffer *RewriteBuf = Rewrite.getRewriteBufferFor(ID);
53  if (!RewriteBuf) return true;
54  RewriteBuf->write(OS);
55  OS.flush();
56  return false;
57 }
59 namespace {
61 class RewritesReceiver : public edit::EditsReceiver {
64 public:
65  RewritesReceiver(Rewriter &Rewrite) : Rewrite(Rewrite) {}
67  void insert(SourceLocation loc, StringRef text) override {
68  Rewrite.InsertText(loc, text);
69  }
71  void replace(CharSourceRange range, StringRef text) override {
72  Rewrite.ReplaceText(range.getBegin(), Rewrite.getRangeSize(range), text);
73  }
74 };
76 } // namespace
79  std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> *RewrittenFiles) {
80  if (NumFailures > 0 && !FixItOpts->FixWhatYouCan) {
81  Diag(FullSourceLoc(), diag::warn_fixit_no_changes);
82  return true;
83  }
85  RewritesReceiver Rec(Rewrite);
86  Editor.applyRewrites(Rec);
88  if (FixItOpts->InPlace) {
89  // Overwriting open files on Windows is tricky, but the rewriter can do it
90  // for us.
91  Rewrite.overwriteChangedFiles();
92  return false;
93  }
95  for (iterator I = buffer_begin(), E = buffer_end(); I != E; ++I) {
96  OptionalFileEntryRef Entry =
97  Rewrite.getSourceMgr().getFileEntryRefForID(I->first);
98  int fd;
99  std::string Filename =
100  FixItOpts->RewriteFilename(std::string(Entry->getName()), fd);
101  std::error_code EC;
102  std::unique_ptr<llvm::raw_fd_ostream> OS;
103  if (fd != -1) {
104  OS.reset(new llvm::raw_fd_ostream(fd, /*shouldClose=*/true));
105  } else {
106  OS.reset(new llvm::raw_fd_ostream(Filename, EC, llvm::sys::fs::OF_None));
107  }
108  if (EC) {
109  Diags.Report(clang::diag::err_fe_unable_to_open_output) << Filename
110  << EC.message();
111  continue;
112  }
113  RewriteBuffer &RewriteBuf = I->second;
114  RewriteBuf.write(*OS);
115  OS->flush();
117  if (RewrittenFiles)
118  RewrittenFiles->push_back(
119  std::make_pair(std::string(Entry->getName()), Filename));
120  }
122  return false;
123 }
126  return Client ? Client->IncludeInDiagnosticCounts() : true;
127 }
130  const Diagnostic &Info) {
131  // Default implementation (Warnings/errors count).
132  DiagnosticConsumer::HandleDiagnostic(DiagLevel, Info);
134  if (!FixItOpts->Silent ||
135  DiagLevel >= DiagnosticsEngine::Error ||
136  (DiagLevel == DiagnosticsEngine::Note && !PrevDiagSilenced) ||
137  (DiagLevel > DiagnosticsEngine::Note && Info.getNumFixItHints())) {
138  Client->HandleDiagnostic(DiagLevel, Info);
139  PrevDiagSilenced = false;
140  } else {
141  PrevDiagSilenced = true;
142  }
144  // Skip over any diagnostics that are ignored or notes.
145  if (DiagLevel <= DiagnosticsEngine::Note)
146  return;
147  // Skip over errors if we are only fixing warnings.
148  if (DiagLevel >= DiagnosticsEngine::Error && FixItOpts->FixOnlyWarnings) {
149  ++NumFailures;
150  return;
151  }
153  // Make sure that we can perform all of the modifications we
154  // in this diagnostic.
155  edit::Commit commit(Editor);
156  for (unsigned Idx = 0, Last = Info.getNumFixItHints();
157  Idx < Last; ++Idx) {
158  const FixItHint &Hint = Info.getFixItHint(Idx);
160  if (Hint.CodeToInsert.empty()) {
161  if (Hint.InsertFromRange.isValid())
162  commit.insertFromRange(Hint.RemoveRange.getBegin(),
163  Hint.InsertFromRange, /*afterToken=*/false,
165  else
166  commit.remove(Hint.RemoveRange);
167  } else {
168  if (Hint.RemoveRange.isTokenRange() ||
169  Hint.RemoveRange.getBegin() != Hint.RemoveRange.getEnd())
170  commit.replace(Hint.RemoveRange, Hint.CodeToInsert);
171  else
172  commit.insert(Hint.RemoveRange.getBegin(), Hint.CodeToInsert,
173  /*afterToken=*/false, Hint.BeforePreviousInsertions);
174  }
175  }
176  bool CanRewrite = Info.getNumFixItHints() > 0 && commit.isCommitable();
178  if (!CanRewrite) {
179  if (Info.getNumFixItHints() > 0)
180  Diag(Info.getLocation(), diag::note_fixit_in_macro);
182  // If this was an error, refuse to perform any rewriting.
183  if (DiagLevel >= DiagnosticsEngine::Error) {
184  if (++NumFailures == 1)
185  Diag(Info.getLocation(), diag::note_fixit_unfixed_error);
186  }
187  return;
188  }
190  if (!Editor.commit(commit)) {
191  ++NumFailures;
192  Diag(Info.getLocation(), diag::note_fixit_failed);
193  return;
194  }
196  Diag(Info.getLocation(), diag::note_fixit_applied);
197 }
199 /// Emit a diagnostic via the adapted diagnostic client.
200 void FixItRewriter::Diag(SourceLocation Loc, unsigned DiagID) {
201  // When producing this diagnostic, we temporarily bypass ourselves,
202  // clear out any current diagnostic, and let the downstream client
203  // format the diagnostic.
204  Diags.setClient(Client, false);
205  Diags.Clear();
206  Diags.Report(Loc, DiagID);
207  Diags.setClient(this, false);
208 }
210 FixItOptions::~FixItOptions() = default;
static char ID
Definition: Arena.cpp:183
Defines the Diagnostic-related interfaces.
Defines the clang::FileManager interface and associated types.
StringRef Filename
Definition: Format.cpp:2976
Forward-declares and imports various common LLVM datatypes that clang wants to use unqualified.
SourceLocation Loc
Definition: SemaObjC.cpp:755
Defines the clang::SourceLocation class and associated facilities.
Defines the SourceManager interface.
Represents a character-granular source range.
bool isTokenRange() const
Return true if the end of this range specifies the start of the last token.
SourceLocation getEnd() const
SourceLocation getBegin() const
virtual void HandleDiagnostic(DiagnosticsEngine::Level DiagLevel, const Diagnostic &Info)
Handle this diagnostic, reporting it to the user or capturing it to a log as needed.
Definition: Diagnostic.cpp:560
virtual bool IncludeInDiagnosticCounts() const
Indicates whether the diagnostics handled by this DiagnosticConsumer should be included in the number...
A little helper class (which is basically a smart pointer that forwards info from DiagnosticsEngine) ...
Definition: Diagnostic.h:1577
unsigned getNumFixItHints() const
Definition: Diagnostic.h:1672
const FixItHint & getFixItHint(unsigned Idx) const
Definition: Diagnostic.h:1676
const SourceLocation & getLocation() const
Definition: Diagnostic.h:1588
Concrete class used by the front-end to report problems and issues.
Definition: Diagnostic.h:193
DiagnosticBuilder Report(SourceLocation Loc, unsigned DiagID)
Issue the message to the client.
Definition: Diagnostic.h:1553
void setClient(DiagnosticConsumer *client, bool ShouldOwnClient=true)
Set the diagnostic client associated with this diagnostic object.
Definition: Diagnostic.cpp:96
void Clear()
Clear out the current diagnostic.
Definition: Diagnostic.h:988
The level of the diagnostic, after it has been through mapping.
Definition: Diagnostic.h:196
std::unique_ptr< DiagnosticConsumer > takeClient()
Return the current diagnostic client along with ownership of that client.
Definition: Diagnostic.h:586
DiagnosticConsumer * getClient()
Definition: Diagnostic.h:578
StringRef getName() const
The name of this FileEntry.
Definition: FileEntry.h:61
An opaque identifier used by SourceManager which refers to a source file (MemoryBuffer) along with it...
Annotates a diagnostic with some code that should be inserted, removed, or replaced to fix the proble...
Definition: Diagnostic.h:72
bool BeforePreviousInsertions
Definition: Diagnostic.h:86
CharSourceRange RemoveRange
Code that should be replaced to correct the error.
Definition: Diagnostic.h:76
CharSourceRange InsertFromRange
Code in the specific range that should be inserted in the insertion location.
Definition: Diagnostic.h:80
std::string CodeToInsert
The actual code to insert at the insertion location, as a string.
Definition: Diagnostic.h:84
virtual ~FixItOptions()
bool FixOnlyWarnings
Whether to only fix warnings and not errors.
Definition: FixItRewriter.h:54
bool FixWhatYouCan
Whether to abort fixing a file when not all errors could be fixed.
Definition: FixItRewriter.h:51
virtual std::string RewriteFilename(const std::string &Filename, int &fd)=0
This file is about to be rewritten.
bool Silent
If true, only pass the diagnostic to the actual diagnostic consumer if it is an error or a fixit was ...
Definition: FixItRewriter.h:59
bool InPlace
True if files should be updated in place.
Definition: FixItRewriter.h:48
Rewriter::buffer_iterator iterator
void Diag(SourceLocation Loc, unsigned DiagID)
Emit a diagnostic via the adapted diagnostic client.
bool WriteFixedFile(FileID ID, raw_ostream &OS)
Write a single modified source file.
void HandleDiagnostic(DiagnosticsEngine::Level DiagLevel, const Diagnostic &Info) override
HandleDiagnostic - Handle this diagnostic, reporting it to the user or capturing it to a log as neede...
FixItRewriter(DiagnosticsEngine &Diags, SourceManager &SourceMgr, const LangOptions &LangOpts, FixItOptions *FixItOpts)
Initialize a new fix-it rewriter.
bool WriteFixedFiles(std::vector< std::pair< std::string, std::string >> *RewrittenFiles=nullptr)
Write the modified source files.
~FixItRewriter() override
Destroy the fix-it rewriter.
bool IncludeInDiagnosticCounts() const override
IncludeInDiagnosticCounts - This method (whose default implementation returns true) indicates whether...
A SourceLocation and its associated SourceManager.
Keeps track of the various options that can be enabled, which controls the dialect of C or C++ that i...
Definition: LangOptions.h:482
RewriteBuffer - As code is rewritten, SourceBuffer's from the original input with modifications get a...
Definition: RewriteBuffer.h:25
raw_ostream & write(raw_ostream &Stream) const
Write to Stream the result of applying all changes to the original buffer.
Definition: Rewriter.cpp:33
Rewriter - This is the main interface to the rewrite buffers.
Definition: Rewriter.h:32
const RewriteBuffer * getRewriteBufferFor(FileID FID) const
getRewriteBufferFor - Return the rewrite buffer for the specified FileID.
Definition: Rewriter.h:198
Encodes a location in the source.
This class handles loading and caching of source files into memory.
bool insertFromRange(SourceLocation loc, CharSourceRange range, bool afterToken=false, bool beforePreviousInsertions=false)
Definition: Commit.cpp:64
bool insert(SourceLocation loc, StringRef text, bool afterToken=false, bool beforePreviousInsertions=false)
Definition: Commit.cpp:48
bool isCommitable() const
Definition: Commit.h:68
bool remove(CharSourceRange range)
Definition: Commit.cpp:91
bool replace(CharSourceRange range, StringRef text)
Definition: Commit.cpp:116
void applyRewrites(EditsReceiver &receiver, bool adjustRemovals=true)
bool commit(const Commit &commit)
RangeSelector range(RangeSelector Begin, RangeSelector End)
DEPRECATED. Use enclose.
Definition: RangeSelector.h:41
The JSON file list parser is used to communicate input to InstallAPI.
@ Rewrite
We are substituting template parameters for (typically) other template parameters in order to rewrite...