clang  19.0.0git
Macros | Typedefs | Functions
CGStmtOpenMP.cpp File Reference
#include "CGCleanup.h"
#include "CGOpenMPRuntime.h"
#include "CodeGenFunction.h"
#include "CodeGenModule.h"
#include "TargetInfo.h"
#include "clang/AST/ASTContext.h"
#include "clang/AST/Attr.h"
#include "clang/AST/DeclOpenMP.h"
#include "clang/AST/OpenMPClause.h"
#include "clang/AST/Stmt.h"
#include "clang/AST/StmtOpenMP.h"
#include "clang/AST/StmtVisitor.h"
#include "clang/Basic/OpenMPKinds.h"
#include "clang/Basic/PrettyStackTrace.h"
#include "clang/Basic/SourceManager.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallSet.h"
#include "llvm/BinaryFormat/Dwarf.h"
#include "llvm/Frontend/OpenMP/OMPConstants.h"
#include "llvm/Frontend/OpenMP/OMPIRBuilder.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Constants.h"
#include "llvm/IR/DebugInfoMetadata.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Instructions.h"
#include "llvm/IR/IntrinsicInst.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Metadata.h"
#include "llvm/Support/AtomicOrdering.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
#include <optional>

Go to the source code of this file.


#define TTL_CODEGEN_TYPE   "target-teams-loop-codegen"


using EmittedClosureTy = std::pair< llvm::Function *, llvm::Value * >


static const VarDeclgetBaseDecl (const Expr *Ref)
static void emitCommonOMPTargetDirective (CodeGenFunction &CGF, const OMPExecutableDirective &S, const RegionCodeGenTy &CodeGen)
static Address castValueFromUintptr (CodeGenFunction &CGF, SourceLocation Loc, QualType DstType, StringRef Name, LValue AddrLV)
static QualType getCanonicalParamType (ASTContext &C, QualType T)
static llvm::Function * emitOutlinedFunctionPrologue (CodeGenFunction &CGF, FunctionArgList &Args, llvm::MapVector< const Decl *, std::pair< const VarDecl *, Address >> &LocalAddrs, llvm::DenseMap< const Decl *, std::pair< const Expr *, llvm::Value * >> &VLASizes, llvm::Value *&CXXThisValue, const FunctionOptions &FO)
static void emitPostUpdateForReductionClause (CodeGenFunction &CGF, const OMPExecutableDirective &D, const llvm::function_ref< llvm::Value *(CodeGenFunction &)> CondGen)
static void checkForLastprivateConditionalUpdate (CodeGenFunction &CGF, const OMPExecutableDirective &S)
static void emitCommonOMPParallelDirective (CodeGenFunction &CGF, const OMPExecutableDirective &S, OpenMPDirectiveKind InnermostKind, const RegionCodeGenTy &CodeGen, const CodeGenBoundParametersTy &CodeGenBoundParameters)
static bool isAllocatableDecl (const VarDecl *VD)
static void emitEmptyBoundParameters (CodeGenFunction &, const OMPExecutableDirective &, llvm::SmallVectorImpl< llvm::Value * > &)
static void emitOMPCopyinClause (CodeGenFunction &CGF, const OMPExecutableDirective &S)
static void emitBody (CodeGenFunction &CGF, const Stmt *S, const Stmt *NextLoop, int MaxLevel, int Level=0)
static EmittedClosureTy emitCapturedStmtFunc (CodeGenFunction &ParentCGF, const CapturedStmt *S)
 Emit a captured statement and return the function as well as its captured closure context. More...
static llvm::CallInst * emitCapturedStmtCall (CodeGenFunction &ParentCGF, EmittedClosureTy Cap, llvm::ArrayRef< llvm::Value * > Args)
 Emit a call to a previously captured closure. More...
static void emitAlignedClause (CodeGenFunction &CGF, const OMPExecutableDirective &D)
static void emitPreCond (CodeGenFunction &CGF, const OMPLoopDirective &S, const Expr *Cond, llvm::BasicBlock *TrueBlock, llvm::BasicBlock *FalseBlock, uint64_t TrueCount)
static void emitSimdlenSafelenClause (CodeGenFunction &CGF, const OMPExecutableDirective &D)
static void emitOMPLoopBodyWithStopPoint (CodeGenFunction &CGF, const OMPLoopDirective &S, CodeGenFunction::JumpDest LoopExit)
static LValue EmitOMPHelperVar (CodeGenFunction &CGF, const DeclRefExpr *Helper)
 Emit a helper variable and return corresponding lvalue. More...
static void emitCommonSimdLoop (CodeGenFunction &CGF, const OMPLoopDirective &S, const RegionCodeGenTy &SimdInitGen, const RegionCodeGenTy &BodyCodeGen)
static void emitOMPSimdRegion (CodeGenFunction &CGF, const OMPLoopDirective &S, PrePostActionTy &Action)
static bool isSupportedByOpenMPIRBuilder (const OMPSimdDirective &S)
static llvm::MapVector< llvm::Value *, llvm::Value * > GetAlignedMapping (const OMPSimdDirective &S, CodeGenFunction &CGF)
static void emitEmptyOrdered (CodeGenFunction &, SourceLocation Loc, const unsigned IVSize, const bool IVSigned)
static std::pair< LValue, LValueemitDistributeParallelForInnerBounds (CodeGenFunction &CGF, const OMPExecutableDirective &S)
static std::pair< llvm::Value *, llvm::Value * > emitDistributeParallelForDispatchBounds (CodeGenFunction &CGF, const OMPExecutableDirective &S, Address LB, Address UB)
 if the 'for' loop has a dispatch schedule (e.g. More...
static void emitDistributeParallelForDistributeInnerBoundParams (CodeGenFunction &CGF, const OMPExecutableDirective &S, llvm::SmallVectorImpl< llvm::Value * > &CapturedVars)
static void emitInnerParallelForWhenCombined (CodeGenFunction &CGF, const OMPLoopDirective &S, CodeGenFunction::JumpDest LoopExit)
static std::pair< LValue, LValueemitForLoopBounds (CodeGenFunction &CGF, const OMPExecutableDirective &S)
 The following two functions generate expressions for the loop lower and upper bounds in case of static and dynamic (dispatch) schedule of the associated 'for' or 'distribute' loop. More...
static std::pair< llvm::Value *, llvm::Value * > emitDispatchForLoopBounds (CodeGenFunction &CGF, const OMPExecutableDirective &S, Address LB, Address UB)
 When dealing with dispatch schedules (e.g. More...
static void emitScanBasedDirectiveDecls (CodeGenFunction &CGF, const OMPLoopDirective &S, llvm::function_ref< llvm::Value *(CodeGenFunction &)> NumIteratorsGen)
 Emits internal temp array declarations for the directive with inscan reductions. More...
static void emitScanBasedDirectiveFinals (CodeGenFunction &CGF, const OMPLoopDirective &S, llvm::function_ref< llvm::Value *(CodeGenFunction &)> NumIteratorsGen)
 Copies final inscan reductions values to the original variables. More...
static void emitScanBasedDirective (CodeGenFunction &CGF, const OMPLoopDirective &S, llvm::function_ref< llvm::Value *(CodeGenFunction &)> NumIteratorsGen, llvm::function_ref< void(CodeGenFunction &)> FirstGen, llvm::function_ref< void(CodeGenFunction &)> SecondGen)
 Emits the code for the directive with inscan reductions. More...
static bool emitWorksharingDirective (CodeGenFunction &CGF, const OMPLoopDirective &S, bool HasCancel)
static bool isSupportedByOpenMPIRBuilder (const OMPForDirective &S)
static llvm::omp::ScheduleKind convertClauseKindToSchedKind (OpenMPScheduleClauseKind ScheduleClauseKind)
static LValue createSectionLVal (CodeGenFunction &CGF, QualType Ty, const Twine &Name, llvm::Value *Init=nullptr)
static void emitMaster (CodeGenFunction &CGF, const OMPExecutableDirective &S)
static void emitMasked (CodeGenFunction &CGF, const OMPExecutableDirective &S)
static void buildDependences (const OMPExecutableDirective &S, OMPTaskDataTy &Data)
static ImplicitParamDeclcreateImplicitFirstprivateForType (ASTContext &C, OMPTaskDataTy &Data, QualType Ty, CapturedDecl *CD, SourceLocation Loc)
bool isSupportedByOpenMPIRBuilder (const OMPTaskgroupDirective &T)
static llvm::Function * emitOutlinedOrderedFunction (CodeGenModule &CGM, const CapturedStmt *S, SourceLocation Loc)
template<typename T >
static void emitRestoreIP (CodeGenFunction &CGF, const T *C, llvm::OpenMPIRBuilder::InsertPointTy AllocaIP, llvm::OpenMPIRBuilder &OMPBuilder)
static llvm::Value * convertToScalarValue (CodeGenFunction &CGF, RValue Val, QualType SrcType, QualType DestType, SourceLocation Loc)
static CodeGenFunction::ComplexPairTy convertToComplexValue (CodeGenFunction &CGF, RValue Val, QualType SrcType, QualType DestType, SourceLocation Loc)
static void emitSimpleAtomicStore (CodeGenFunction &CGF, llvm::AtomicOrdering AO, LValue LVal, RValue RVal)
static RValue emitSimpleAtomicLoad (CodeGenFunction &CGF, llvm::AtomicOrdering AO, LValue LVal, SourceLocation Loc)
static void emitOMPAtomicReadExpr (CodeGenFunction &CGF, llvm::AtomicOrdering AO, const Expr *X, const Expr *V, SourceLocation Loc)
static void emitOMPAtomicWriteExpr (CodeGenFunction &CGF, llvm::AtomicOrdering AO, const Expr *X, const Expr *E, SourceLocation Loc)
static std::pair< bool, RValueemitOMPAtomicRMW (CodeGenFunction &CGF, LValue X, RValue Update, BinaryOperatorKind BO, llvm::AtomicOrdering AO, bool IsXLHSInRHSPart)
static void emitOMPAtomicUpdateExpr (CodeGenFunction &CGF, llvm::AtomicOrdering AO, const Expr *X, const Expr *E, const Expr *UE, bool IsXLHSInRHSPart, SourceLocation Loc)
static RValue convertToType (CodeGenFunction &CGF, RValue Value, QualType SourceType, QualType ResType, SourceLocation Loc)
static void emitOMPAtomicCaptureExpr (CodeGenFunction &CGF, llvm::AtomicOrdering AO, bool IsPostfixUpdate, const Expr *V, const Expr *X, const Expr *E, const Expr *UE, bool IsXLHSInRHSPart, SourceLocation Loc)
static void emitOMPAtomicCompareExpr (CodeGenFunction &CGF, llvm::AtomicOrdering AO, llvm::AtomicOrdering FailAO, const Expr *X, const Expr *V, const Expr *R, const Expr *E, const Expr *D, const Expr *CE, bool IsXBinopExpr, bool IsPostfixUpdate, bool IsFailOnly, SourceLocation Loc)
static void emitOMPAtomicExpr (CodeGenFunction &CGF, OpenMPClauseKind Kind, llvm::AtomicOrdering AO, llvm::AtomicOrdering FailAO, bool IsPostfixUpdate, const Expr *X, const Expr *V, const Expr *R, const Expr *E, const Expr *UE, const Expr *D, const Expr *CE, bool IsXLHSInRHSPart, bool IsFailOnly, SourceLocation Loc)
static void emitTargetRegion (CodeGenFunction &CGF, const OMPTargetDirective &S, PrePostActionTy &Action)
static void emitCommonOMPTeamsDirective (CodeGenFunction &CGF, const OMPExecutableDirective &S, OpenMPDirectiveKind InnermostKind, const RegionCodeGenTy &CodeGen)
static void emitTargetTeamsRegion (CodeGenFunction &CGF, PrePostActionTy &Action, const OMPTargetTeamsDirective &S)
static void emitTargetTeamsDistributeRegion (CodeGenFunction &CGF, PrePostActionTy &Action, const OMPTargetTeamsDistributeDirective &S)
static void emitTargetTeamsDistributeSimdRegion (CodeGenFunction &CGF, PrePostActionTy &Action, const OMPTargetTeamsDistributeSimdDirective &S)
static void emitTargetTeamsDistributeParallelForRegion (CodeGenFunction &CGF, const OMPTargetTeamsDistributeParallelForDirective &S, PrePostActionTy &Action)
static void emitTargetTeamsDistributeParallelForSimdRegion (CodeGenFunction &CGF, const OMPTargetTeamsDistributeParallelForSimdDirective &S, PrePostActionTy &Action)
static void emitTargetParallelRegion (CodeGenFunction &CGF, const OMPTargetParallelDirective &S, PrePostActionTy &Action)
static void emitTargetParallelForRegion (CodeGenFunction &CGF, const OMPTargetParallelForDirective &S, PrePostActionTy &Action)
static void emitTargetParallelForSimdRegion (CodeGenFunction &CGF, const OMPTargetParallelForSimdDirective &S, PrePostActionTy &Action)
static void mapParam (CodeGenFunction &CGF, const DeclRefExpr *Helper, const ImplicitParamDecl *PVD, CodeGenFunction::OMPPrivateScope &Privates)
 Emit a helper variable and return corresponding lvalue. More...
static void emitTargetTeamsLoopCodegenStatus (CodeGenFunction &CGF, std::string StatusMsg, const OMPExecutableDirective &D)
static void emitTargetTeamsGenericLoopRegionAsParallel (CodeGenFunction &CGF, PrePostActionTy &Action, const OMPTargetTeamsGenericLoopDirective &S)
static void emitTargetTeamsGenericLoopRegionAsDistribute (CodeGenFunction &CGF, PrePostActionTy &Action, const OMPTargetTeamsGenericLoopDirective &S)
static void emitTargetParallelGenericLoopRegion (CodeGenFunction &CGF, const OMPTargetParallelGenericLoopDirective &S, PrePostActionTy &Action)

Macro Definition Documentation


#define TTL_CODEGEN_TYPE   "target-teams-loop-codegen"

Definition at line 44 of file CGStmtOpenMP.cpp.

Typedef Documentation

◆ EmittedClosureTy

using EmittedClosureTy = std::pair<llvm::Function *, llvm::Value *>

Definition at line 1972 of file CGStmtOpenMP.cpp.

Function Documentation

◆ buildDependences()

static void buildDependences ( const OMPExecutableDirective S,
OMPTaskDataTy Data 

Definition at line 4596 of file CGStmtOpenMP.cpp.

◆ castValueFromUintptr()

static Address castValueFromUintptr ( CodeGenFunction CGF,
SourceLocation  Loc,
QualType  DstType,
StringRef  Name,
LValue  AddrLV 

Definition at line 394 of file CGStmtOpenMP.cpp.

Referenced by emitOutlinedFunctionPrologue().

◆ checkForLastprivateConditionalUpdate()

static void checkForLastprivateConditionalUpdate ( CodeGenFunction CGF,
const OMPExecutableDirective S 

◆ convertClauseKindToSchedKind()

static llvm::omp::ScheduleKind convertClauseKindToSchedKind ( OpenMPScheduleClauseKind  ScheduleClauseKind)

Definition at line 3896 of file CGStmtOpenMP.cpp.

References clang::OMPC_SCHEDULE_unknown.

◆ convertToComplexValue()

static CodeGenFunction::ComplexPairTy convertToComplexValue ( CodeGenFunction CGF,
RValue  Val,
QualType  SrcType,
QualType  DestType,
SourceLocation  Loc 

◆ convertToScalarValue()

static llvm::Value* convertToScalarValue ( CodeGenFunction CGF,
RValue  Val,
QualType  SrcType,
QualType  DestType,
SourceLocation  Loc 

◆ convertToType()

static RValue convertToType ( CodeGenFunction CGF,
RValue  Value,
QualType  SourceType,
QualType  ResType,
SourceLocation  Loc 

◆ createImplicitFirstprivateForType()

static ImplicitParamDecl* createImplicitFirstprivateForType ( ASTContext C,
OMPTaskDataTy Data,
QualType  Ty,
CapturedDecl CD,
SourceLocation  Loc 

◆ createSectionLVal()

static LValue createSectionLVal ( CodeGenFunction CGF,
QualType  Ty,
const Twine &  Name,
llvm::Value *  Init = nullptr 

Definition at line 3989 of file CGStmtOpenMP.cpp.

◆ emitAlignedClause()

static void emitAlignedClause ( CodeGenFunction CGF,
const OMPExecutableDirective D 

◆ emitBody()

static void emitBody ( CodeGenFunction CGF,
const Stmt S,
const Stmt NextLoop,
int  MaxLevel,
int  Level = 0 

Definition at line 1865 of file CGStmtOpenMP.cpp.

Referenced by clang::CodeGen::CodeGenFunction::EmitOMPLoopBody().

◆ emitCapturedStmtCall()

static llvm::CallInst* emitCapturedStmtCall ( CodeGenFunction ParentCGF,
EmittedClosureTy  Cap,
llvm::ArrayRef< llvm::Value * >  Args 

Emit a call to a previously captured closure.

Definition at line 1990 of file CGStmtOpenMP.cpp.

References clang::CodeGen::CodeGenFunction::Builder.

◆ emitCapturedStmtFunc()

static EmittedClosureTy emitCapturedStmtFunc ( CodeGenFunction ParentCGF,
const CapturedStmt S 

Emit a captured statement and return the function as well as its captured closure context.

Definition at line 1976 of file CGStmtOpenMP.cpp.

◆ emitCommonOMPParallelDirective()

static void emitCommonOMPParallelDirective ( CodeGenFunction CGF,
const OMPExecutableDirective S,
OpenMPDirectiveKind  InnermostKind,
const RegionCodeGenTy CodeGen,
const CodeGenBoundParametersTy &  CodeGenBoundParameters 

Definition at line 1559 of file CGStmtOpenMP.cpp.

◆ emitCommonOMPTargetDirective()

static void emitCommonOMPTargetDirective ( CodeGenFunction CGF,
const OMPExecutableDirective S,
const RegionCodeGenTy CodeGen 

Definition at line 6635 of file CGStmtOpenMP.cpp.

◆ emitCommonOMPTeamsDirective()

static void emitCommonOMPTeamsDirective ( CodeGenFunction CGF,
const OMPExecutableDirective S,
OpenMPDirectiveKind  InnermostKind,
const RegionCodeGenTy CodeGen 

Definition at line 6758 of file CGStmtOpenMP.cpp.

◆ emitCommonSimdLoop()

static void emitCommonSimdLoop ( CodeGenFunction CGF,
const OMPLoopDirective S,
const RegionCodeGenTy SimdInitGen,
const RegionCodeGenTy BodyCodeGen 

Definition at line 2493 of file CGStmtOpenMP.cpp.

◆ emitDispatchForLoopBounds()

static std::pair<llvm::Value *, llvm::Value *> emitDispatchForLoopBounds ( CodeGenFunction CGF,
const OMPExecutableDirective S,
Address  LB,
Address  UB 

When dealing with dispatch schedules (e.g.

dynamic, guided) we do not consider the lower and upper bound expressions generated by the worksharing loop support, but we use 0 and the iteration space size as constants

Definition at line 3545 of file CGStmtOpenMP.cpp.

◆ emitDistributeParallelForDispatchBounds()

static std::pair<llvm::Value *, llvm::Value *> emitDistributeParallelForDispatchBounds ( CodeGenFunction CGF,
const OMPExecutableDirective S,
Address  LB,
Address  UB 

if the 'for' loop has a dispatch schedule (e.g.

dynamic, guided) then we need to use the LB and UB expressions generated by the worksharing code generation support, whereas in non combined situations we would just emit 0 and the LastIteration expression This function is necessary due to the difference of the LB and UB types for the RT emission routines for 'for_static_init' and 'for_dispatch_init'

Definition at line 3157 of file CGStmtOpenMP.cpp.

◆ emitDistributeParallelForDistributeInnerBoundParams()

static void emitDistributeParallelForDistributeInnerBoundParams ( CodeGenFunction CGF,
const OMPExecutableDirective S,
llvm::SmallVectorImpl< llvm::Value * > &  CapturedVars 

Definition at line 3174 of file CGStmtOpenMP.cpp.

◆ emitDistributeParallelForInnerBounds()

static std::pair<LValue, LValue> emitDistributeParallelForInnerBounds ( CodeGenFunction CGF,
const OMPExecutableDirective S 

Definition at line 3114 of file CGStmtOpenMP.cpp.

◆ emitEmptyBoundParameters()

static void emitEmptyBoundParameters ( CodeGenFunction ,
const OMPExecutableDirective ,
llvm::SmallVectorImpl< llvm::Value * > &   

Definition at line 1613 of file CGStmtOpenMP.cpp.

◆ emitEmptyOrdered()

static void emitEmptyOrdered ( CodeGenFunction ,
SourceLocation  Loc,
const unsigned  IVSize,
const bool  IVSigned 

Definition at line 3049 of file CGStmtOpenMP.cpp.

◆ emitForLoopBounds()

static std::pair<LValue, LValue> emitForLoopBounds ( CodeGenFunction CGF,
const OMPExecutableDirective S 

The following two functions generate expressions for the loop lower and upper bounds in case of static and dynamic (dispatch) schedule of the associated 'for' or 'distribute' loop.

Definition at line 3531 of file CGStmtOpenMP.cpp.

◆ emitInnerParallelForWhenCombined()

static void emitInnerParallelForWhenCombined ( CodeGenFunction CGF,
const OMPLoopDirective S,
CodeGenFunction::JumpDest  LoopExit 

Definition at line 3192 of file CGStmtOpenMP.cpp.

◆ emitMasked()

static void emitMasked ( CodeGenFunction CGF,
const OMPExecutableDirective S 

Definition at line 4321 of file CGStmtOpenMP.cpp.

◆ emitMaster()

static void emitMaster ( CodeGenFunction CGF,
const OMPExecutableDirective S 

Definition at line 4285 of file CGStmtOpenMP.cpp.

◆ emitOMPAtomicCaptureExpr()

static void emitOMPAtomicCaptureExpr ( CodeGenFunction CGF,
llvm::AtomicOrdering  AO,
bool  IsPostfixUpdate,
const Expr V,
const Expr X,
const Expr E,
const Expr UE,
bool  IsXLHSInRHSPart,
SourceLocation  Loc 

◆ emitOMPAtomicCompareExpr()

static void emitOMPAtomicCompareExpr ( CodeGenFunction CGF,
llvm::AtomicOrdering  AO,
llvm::AtomicOrdering  FailAO,
const Expr X,
const Expr V,
const Expr R,
const Expr E,
const Expr D,
const Expr CE,
bool  IsXBinopExpr,
bool  IsPostfixUpdate,
bool  IsFailOnly,
SourceLocation  Loc 

◆ emitOMPAtomicExpr()

static void emitOMPAtomicExpr ( CodeGenFunction CGF,
OpenMPClauseKind  Kind,
llvm::AtomicOrdering  AO,
llvm::AtomicOrdering  FailAO,
bool  IsPostfixUpdate,
const Expr X,
const Expr V,
const Expr R,
const Expr E,
const Expr UE,
const Expr D,
const Expr CE,
bool  IsXLHSInRHSPart,
bool  IsFailOnly,
SourceLocation  Loc 

◆ emitOMPAtomicReadExpr()

static void emitOMPAtomicReadExpr ( CodeGenFunction CGF,
llvm::AtomicOrdering  AO,
const Expr X,
const Expr V,
SourceLocation  Loc 

◆ emitOMPAtomicRMW()

static std::pair<bool, RValue> emitOMPAtomicRMW ( CodeGenFunction CGF,
LValue  X,
RValue  Update,
BinaryOperatorKind  BO,
llvm::AtomicOrdering  AO,
bool  IsXLHSInRHSPart 

◆ emitOMPAtomicUpdateExpr()

static void emitOMPAtomicUpdateExpr ( CodeGenFunction CGF,
llvm::AtomicOrdering  AO,
const Expr X,
const Expr E,
const Expr UE,
bool  IsXLHSInRHSPart,
SourceLocation  Loc 

◆ emitOMPAtomicWriteExpr()

static void emitOMPAtomicWriteExpr ( CodeGenFunction CGF,
llvm::AtomicOrdering  AO,
const Expr X,
const Expr E,
SourceLocation  Loc 

◆ emitOMPCopyinClause()

static void emitOMPCopyinClause ( CodeGenFunction CGF,
const OMPExecutableDirective S 

Definition at line 1617 of file CGStmtOpenMP.cpp.

◆ EmitOMPHelperVar()

static LValue EmitOMPHelperVar ( CodeGenFunction CGF,
const DeclRefExpr Helper 

Emit a helper variable and return corresponding lvalue.

Definition at line 2486 of file CGStmtOpenMP.cpp.

References clang::CodeGen::CodeGenFunction::EmitLValue(), clang::CodeGen::CodeGenFunction::EmitVarDecl(), and clang::DeclRefExpr::getDecl().

◆ emitOMPLoopBodyWithStopPoint()

static void emitOMPLoopBodyWithStopPoint ( CodeGenFunction CGF,
const OMPLoopDirective S,
CodeGenFunction::JumpDest  LoopExit 

Definition at line 2478 of file CGStmtOpenMP.cpp.

◆ emitOMPSimdRegion()

static void emitOMPSimdRegion ( CodeGenFunction CGF,
const OMPLoopDirective S,
PrePostActionTy Action 

◆ emitOutlinedFunctionPrologue()

static llvm::Function* emitOutlinedFunctionPrologue ( CodeGenFunction CGF,
FunctionArgList Args,
llvm::MapVector< const Decl *, std::pair< const VarDecl *, Address >> &  LocalAddrs,
llvm::DenseMap< const Decl *, std::pair< const Expr *, llvm::Value * >> &  VLASizes,
llvm::Value *&  CXXThisValue,
const FunctionOptions &  FO 

Definition at line 448 of file CGStmtOpenMP.cpp.

References clang::CodeGen::CodeGenTypes::arrangeBuiltinFunctionDeclaration(), clang::Type::castAs(), castValueFromUintptr(), clang::CodeGen::CodeGenFunction::CGM, clang::ImplicitParamDecl::Create(), clang::ParmVarDecl::Create(), clang::FunctionDecl::Create(), clang::CodeGen::Decl, clang::CodeGen::CodeGenFunction::EmitLoadOfPointer(), clang::CodeGen::CodeGenFunction::EmitLoadOfReference(), clang::CodeGen::CodeGenFunction::EmitLoadOfScalar(), clang::RecordDecl::fields(), clang::IdentifierTable::get(), clang::CodeGen::LValue::getAddress(), clang::CodeGen::CodeGenFunction::GetAddrOfLocalVar(), clang::DeclaratorDecl::getBeginLoc(), clang::Stmt::getBeginLoc(), clang::CapturedDecl::getBody(), getCanonicalParamType(), clang::CodeGen::CodeGenModule::getCodeGenOpts(), clang::CodeGen::CodeGenModule::getContext(), clang::CapturedDecl::getContextParamPosition(), clang::ASTContext::getDeclAlign(), clang::CodeGen::CodeGenTypes::GetFunctionType(), clang::ASTContext::getFunctionType(), clang::NamedDecl::getIdentifier(), clang::Decl::getLocation(), clang::CodeGen::CodeGenModule::getModule(), clang::CodeGen::CodeGenModule::getOpenMPRuntime(), clang::CodeGen::CGOpenMPRuntime::getParameterAddress(), clang::VariableArrayType::getSizeExpr(), clang::VarDecl::getTLSKind(), clang::ASTContext::getTranslationUnitDecl(), clang::ASTContext::getTrivialTypeSourceInfo(), clang::ValueDecl::getType(), clang::CodeGen::Address::getType(), clang::CodeGen::LValue::getType(), clang::CodeGen::CodeGenModule::getTypes(), clang::ASTContext::getUIntPtrType(), clang::Decl::hasBody(), clang::ASTContext::Idents, clang::CodeGen::Address::invalid(), clang::Type::isAnyPointerType(), clang::Type::isLValueReferenceType(), clang::CapturedDecl::isNothrow(), clang::Type::isPointerType(), clang::Type::isVariablyModifiedType(), clang::CodeGen::CodeGenFunction::MakeAddrLValue(), clang::Other, clang::CapturedDecl::param_begin(), clang::CapturedDecl::param_end(), clang::SC_None, clang::SC_Static, clang::CodeGen::CodeGenModule::SetInternalFunctionAttributes(), clang::CodeGen::CodeGenFunction::StartFunction(), clang::ThreadPrivateVar, clang::VarDecl::TLS_None, clang::CodeGen::CGOpenMPRuntime::translateParameter(), clang::ASTContext::VoidTy, and clang::CodeGen::Address::withAlignment().

◆ emitOutlinedOrderedFunction()

static llvm::Function* emitOutlinedOrderedFunction ( CodeGenModule CGM,
const CapturedStmt S,
SourceLocation  Loc 

Definition at line 5868 of file CGStmtOpenMP.cpp.

◆ emitPostUpdateForReductionClause()

static void emitPostUpdateForReductionClause ( CodeGenFunction CGF,
const OMPExecutableDirective D,
const llvm::function_ref< llvm::Value *(CodeGenFunction &)>  CondGen 

◆ emitPreCond()

static void emitPreCond ( CodeGenFunction CGF,
const OMPLoopDirective S,
const Expr Cond,
llvm::BasicBlock *  TrueBlock,
llvm::BasicBlock *  FalseBlock,
uint64_t  TrueCount 

Definition at line 2317 of file CGStmtOpenMP.cpp.

◆ emitRestoreIP()

template<typename T >
static void emitRestoreIP ( CodeGenFunction CGF,
const T *  C,
llvm::OpenMPIRBuilder::InsertPointTy  AllocaIP,
llvm::OpenMPIRBuilder &  OMPBuilder 

◆ emitScanBasedDirective()

static void emitScanBasedDirective ( CodeGenFunction CGF,
const OMPLoopDirective S,
llvm::function_ref< llvm::Value *(CodeGenFunction &)>  NumIteratorsGen,
llvm::function_ref< void(CodeGenFunction &)>  FirstGen,
llvm::function_ref< void(CodeGenFunction &)>  SecondGen 

Emits the code for the directive with inscan reductions.

The code is the following:

#pragma omp ...
for (i: 0..<num_iters>) {
<input phase>;
buffer[i] = red;
#pragma omp master // in parallel region
for (int k = 0; k != ceil(log2(num_iters)); ++k)
for (size cnt = last_iter; cnt >= pow(2, k); --k)
buffer[i] op= buffer[i-pow(2,k)];
#pragma omp barrier // in parallel region
#pragma omp ...
for (0..<num_iters>) {
red = InclusiveScan ? buffer[i] : buffer[i-1];
<scan phase>;
#define log2(__x)
Definition: tgmath.h:970
#define pow(__x, __y)
Definition: tgmath.h:490
#define ceil(__x)
Definition: tgmath.h:601

Definition at line 3678 of file CGStmtOpenMP.cpp.

◆ emitScanBasedDirectiveDecls()

static void emitScanBasedDirectiveDecls ( CodeGenFunction CGF,
const OMPLoopDirective S,
llvm::function_ref< llvm::Value *(CodeGenFunction &)>  NumIteratorsGen 

Emits internal temp array declarations for the directive with inscan reductions.

The code is the following:

size num_iters = <num_iters>;
<type> buffer[num_iters];
const internal::VariadicAllOfMatcher< Type > type
Matches Types in the clang AST.

Definition at line 3562 of file CGStmtOpenMP.cpp.

◆ emitScanBasedDirectiveFinals()

static void emitScanBasedDirectiveFinals ( CodeGenFunction CGF,
const OMPLoopDirective S,
llvm::function_ref< llvm::Value *(CodeGenFunction &)>  NumIteratorsGen 

Copies final inscan reductions values to the original variables.

The code is the following:

<orig_var> = buffer[num_iters-1];

Definition at line 3614 of file CGStmtOpenMP.cpp.

◆ emitSimdlenSafelenClause()

static void emitSimdlenSafelenClause ( CodeGenFunction CGF,
const OMPExecutableDirective D 

◆ emitSimpleAtomicLoad()

static RValue emitSimpleAtomicLoad ( CodeGenFunction CGF,
llvm::AtomicOrdering  AO,
LValue  LVal,
SourceLocation  Loc 

◆ emitSimpleAtomicStore()

static void emitSimpleAtomicStore ( CodeGenFunction CGF,
llvm::AtomicOrdering  AO,
LValue  LVal,
RValue  RVal 

◆ emitTargetParallelForRegion()

static void emitTargetParallelForRegion ( CodeGenFunction CGF,
const OMPTargetParallelForDirective S,
PrePostActionTy Action 

Definition at line 7554 of file CGStmtOpenMP.cpp.

◆ emitTargetParallelForSimdRegion()

static void emitTargetParallelForSimdRegion ( CodeGenFunction CGF,
const OMPTargetParallelForSimdDirective S,
PrePostActionTy Action 

Definition at line 7595 of file CGStmtOpenMP.cpp.

◆ emitTargetParallelGenericLoopRegion()

static void emitTargetParallelGenericLoopRegion ( CodeGenFunction CGF,
const OMPTargetParallelGenericLoopDirective S,
PrePostActionTy Action 

Definition at line 8072 of file CGStmtOpenMP.cpp.

◆ emitTargetParallelRegion()

static void emitTargetParallelRegion ( CodeGenFunction CGF,
const OMPTargetParallelDirective S,
PrePostActionTy Action 

Definition at line 7507 of file CGStmtOpenMP.cpp.

◆ emitTargetRegion()

static void emitTargetRegion ( CodeGenFunction CGF,
const OMPTargetDirective S,
PrePostActionTy Action 

Definition at line 6723 of file CGStmtOpenMP.cpp.

◆ emitTargetTeamsDistributeParallelForRegion()

static void emitTargetTeamsDistributeParallelForRegion ( CodeGenFunction CGF,
const OMPTargetTeamsDistributeParallelForDirective S,
PrePostActionTy Action 

Definition at line 7100 of file CGStmtOpenMP.cpp.

◆ emitTargetTeamsDistributeParallelForSimdRegion()

static void emitTargetTeamsDistributeParallelForSimdRegion ( CodeGenFunction CGF,
const OMPTargetTeamsDistributeParallelForSimdDirective S,
PrePostActionTy Action 

Definition at line 7151 of file CGStmtOpenMP.cpp.

◆ emitTargetTeamsDistributeRegion()

static void emitTargetTeamsDistributeRegion ( CodeGenFunction CGF,
PrePostActionTy Action,
const OMPTargetTeamsDistributeDirective S 

Definition at line 6847 of file CGStmtOpenMP.cpp.

◆ emitTargetTeamsDistributeSimdRegion()

static void emitTargetTeamsDistributeSimdRegion ( CodeGenFunction CGF,
PrePostActionTy Action,
const OMPTargetTeamsDistributeSimdDirective S 

Definition at line 6892 of file CGStmtOpenMP.cpp.

◆ emitTargetTeamsGenericLoopRegionAsDistribute()

static void emitTargetTeamsGenericLoopRegionAsDistribute ( CodeGenFunction CGF,
PrePostActionTy Action,
const OMPTargetTeamsGenericLoopDirective S 

Definition at line 8014 of file CGStmtOpenMP.cpp.

◆ emitTargetTeamsGenericLoopRegionAsParallel()

static void emitTargetTeamsGenericLoopRegionAsParallel ( CodeGenFunction CGF,
PrePostActionTy Action,
const OMPTargetTeamsGenericLoopDirective S 

Definition at line 7983 of file CGStmtOpenMP.cpp.

◆ emitTargetTeamsLoopCodegenStatus()

static void emitTargetTeamsLoopCodegenStatus ( CodeGenFunction CGF,
std::string  StatusMsg,
const OMPExecutableDirective D 

◆ emitTargetTeamsRegion()

static void emitTargetTeamsRegion ( CodeGenFunction CGF,
PrePostActionTy Action,
const OMPTargetTeamsDirective S 

Definition at line 6802 of file CGStmtOpenMP.cpp.

◆ emitWorksharingDirective()

static bool emitWorksharingDirective ( CodeGenFunction CGF,
const OMPLoopDirective S,
bool  HasCancel 

Definition at line 3819 of file CGStmtOpenMP.cpp.

◆ GetAlignedMapping()

static llvm::MapVector<llvm::Value *, llvm::Value *> GetAlignedMapping ( const OMPSimdDirective S,
CodeGenFunction CGF 

Definition at line 2657 of file CGStmtOpenMP.cpp.

◆ getBaseDecl()

static const VarDecl * getBaseDecl ( const Expr Ref)

◆ getCanonicalParamType()

static QualType getCanonicalParamType ( ASTContext C,
QualType  T 

◆ isAllocatableDecl()

static bool isAllocatableDecl ( const VarDecl VD)

◆ isSupportedByOpenMPIRBuilder() [1/3]

static bool isSupportedByOpenMPIRBuilder ( const OMPForDirective S)

Definition at line 3865 of file CGStmtOpenMP.cpp.

◆ isSupportedByOpenMPIRBuilder() [2/3]

static bool isSupportedByOpenMPIRBuilder ( const OMPSimdDirective S)

Definition at line 2625 of file CGStmtOpenMP.cpp.

◆ isSupportedByOpenMPIRBuilder() [3/3]

bool isSupportedByOpenMPIRBuilder ( const OMPTaskgroupDirective T)

Definition at line 5340 of file CGStmtOpenMP.cpp.

References clang::T.

◆ mapParam()

static void mapParam ( CodeGenFunction CGF,
const DeclRefExpr Helper,
const ImplicitParamDecl PVD,
CodeGenFunction::OMPPrivateScope Privates 